Owner’s manual
to the console to maintain good,
strong, reliable readings. Wearing
the transmitter immediately against
bare skin assures you of proper
operation. If you wish, you may wear
the transmitter over a shirt. To do so,
moisten the areas of the shirt that the
electrodes will rest upon.
The transmitter is automatically activated
when it detects activity from the user’s
heart. Additionally, it automatically
deactivates when it does not receive any
activity. Although the transmitter is water
resistant, moisture can have the effect
of creating false signals, so you should
take precautions to completely dry the
transmitter after use to prolong battery
life (estimated transmitter battery life
is 2500 hours). If your chest strap has
a replaceable battery the replacement
battery is Panasonic CR2032.
Do not use this trainer for Target Heart
Rate unless a steady, solid Actual Heart
Rate value is being displayed. High,
wild, random numbers being displayed
indicate a problem.
1. Areas to look at for interference,
which may cause erratic heart rate:
2. Microwave ovens, TVs, small appli-
ances, etc.Fluorescent lights.
3. Some household security systems.
4. Perimeter fence for a pet.
5. Some people have problems with the
transmitter picking up a signal from
their skin. If you have problems try
wearing the transmitter upside down.
Normally the transmitter will be orien-
ted so the logo is right side up.
6. The antenna that picks up your heart
rate is very sensitive. If there is an
outside noise source, turning the
whole machine 90 degrees may
de-tune the interference.
7. If you continue to experience pro-
blems contact your dealer.
Working out with this device is excellent
aerobic exercise, the principle being that
the exercise should be suitably light,
but of long duration. Aerobic exercise
is based on improving the body’s
maximum oxygen upteke, which in turn
improves endurance and fitness. The
ability of the body to burn fat as a fuel is
directly dependent on its oxygen-uptake
capacity. Aerobic exercise should be
above all pleasant. You should work up a
light sweat but you should not get out of
breath during the workout.
You should exercise at least three times
a week, 30 minutes at a time, to reach
a basic fitness level Maintaining this
level requires a few exercise sessions
each week. Once the basic condition
has been reached, it is easily improved,
simply by increasing the number of
exercise sessions. You should start
slowly at a low pedalling speed and low
resistance, because for an overweight
person strenuous exercise may subject
the heart and circulatory system to
excessive strain. As fitness improves,
resistance and pedalling speed can be
increased gradually.
The equipment requires very little
maintenance. Check, however, from
time-to-time that all screws and nuts are
• After exercising, clean the equipment
with a soft, absorbent cloth.
Do not use solvents.
• Never remove the equipment’s
protective casing.
The electromagnetic brake forms a
magnetic field that
may damage the mechanism of a watch,
or the magnetic identification strip on a
credit or cash card, should they come
into immediate contact with the magnets.