_e Manufacluren
• Electrolux Home producte, 172 Old E]loree I_ad, Orangeburg, SC 29115, USA
Herby declaree that the machinery described belo,_,
• Category......................RoteryMower- GuaranteedSoundF_wer
• Make................................ Companion Level.................................100d8 (A)
• Type ...................................... 278041 • MeasuredSoundPower
• Sedal Number ..............(Model Ptete) Level...................................99 dB (A)
• Type of cuttingdevice.... Fixedb_ades • Testedby:...............EHP Orangedu_g
• Wldthofcut ............................. 92cm • Not_fledBody...........................SNCH
11,Routede Luxembourg
Complies with the pmvielons • 9&'37/EC
and current amendments of the • 89/3361EEC
following European directives:
• 2000/14/EC: #e13"2000/
Conformity Assessment
procedure, Annex VIII
Done at: Electrofox Horne Products Narne of slgnatocy:
Orangebu_, SC, 29115, USA _ _/0_" M_ Gary B_ankenship
Technical documentation m_dntalned by:. Name of signatory:
Electro_ux Home Products Mr. Scott Kendall
Orarlgeburg, SC, 29115 USA /_._._._ _/'j_ // Product Certiflca-
Signature: ._'<:_"_" T -_'_4"_'_ tlon Manager
Der Horstelk_.
• Eiectrolux Home Products, 172 Old EIIores Road, Olangel_Jn3, SC 29115, USA
Htermlt erkl_rt, dass die unten beschdebene Maschine,
• Kategode .................... Rotalionm0her • Garantierter
• Ausf0hnJng ...................... Companion Schalleistungspegel .......... 100 dB (A)
• Typ ........................................ 278041 • Gemessener
• Seriennummer ......... (Modellplakette) Schalleistungspegel ............ 99 dB (A)
• TypSchneldwerkzeug.Balkenmesser • Geprgffdumh:.........EHPOrangeburg
• Schnittbrelte ............................ 92 cm • Zugeiessene Institution............ SNCH
11, Route de Luxembourg
L-5230 Sandweile r/TUVR heinland
MRden Bestlmmungen und
den derzeltlgen Erg0nzungen
der folgenden Europ_ischen
Direktiven konform ist:
• 98/37/EC • 2000/14/EC: #e13"2000/
• 89/336/EEC 14"2G0(Y14"0051*00
Kenformit_ tsbewertungsvero
fahren; Annex Viii
Abgegeben In: Electrolux Home Products Name des Unt rzeichnenden:
Orangeburg, SC, 29115 USA .._ re._ Gary Blankenship
Datum:Apr. 20,2004 Unterschrlft: = .o_L_:_0_ Generalmanager
Technteche Dokumentstion aktualieiert dutch: Name des Umerzeiehnenden:
Electrotux Home Products Mr.Scott Kendall
Orangeburg, SC, 29115 USA _ _ Manager for Pro=
U ntersch dft: _--_Z-,_/uc=e rtifizleru ng
Le fabdcant:
• ElectroJux Home Products, 172 Old EIIoree Road, Orangeburg, SC 29115, USA
Ddclare par te prd_ente que te mechinede d6crlte ci-dessous:
• Catdgode ............... Tondeuse rotafive • Niveau de puissance
• Marque ............................ Companion acoustique garantie .......... 100 dB (A)
• Modble ................................... 278041 * Niveau de puissance
• Num0ro de s_rie (Plaque du rnod01e) acoustique mesur0 ............. 99 dB (A)
• Diopositifdecoupa ........... Lamefixes • Testdpar ................. EHPOrangeburg
• Largeur de coupe .................... 92 cm • Organisme notifie .................... SNCH
11, Route de Luxembourg
L-5230 Sandweile r/TUVR heinland
• 98/37/EC
• 89/336/EEC
Eat conforme aux provisions
et aux rdvieions actuelles
des directives europdennes
Compldt6 le: Electrolux Home Products
• 2000/14/EC: #e13"2000/
Procedure d'_valuatfon
de la conformit6; Annex VIII
Nora du signateire:
Orangeburg, SC, 29115, USA ,_ ._::_e_._M r. Gary Blankenship
Date: Apr. 20, 2004 Signature: _--._ 0_ _ Directeur Gdn6ral
Documentation technique maintenue pan Nom du slgnatalre:
Electrolux Home Products Mr, Scott Kendall
Orangeburg, SC, 29115 USA i_il_cteur de certlfi-
Signature_ -p_z_d_ _ation des produits
El Fabdcante:
• Electr0_ux Home Products, 172 Old EIIoree Road, Orangeburg, SC 29115, USA
Pot e_e medlo declare que el equlpo ducdto a €ontlnuacl6n;
Categorfa .............. Segadom RotaUva • Garantizado a un ntv_
Marca .............................. Companion da sonido de..................... 100 dB (A)
Tipo ...................................... 278041 • Nive4de patencte
Ndrnero de Sede. (Placa del modelo) acde,ca medida .................. 99 dB (A)
Dispositivo del Corte...._.Cuchifla fije • Examinado por .__..EHP Orangeburg
Anchure del Corte ................... 97 cm • Cuerpo notiflcado .................... SNCH
11. Route de Luxemboun_
L-5230 Sa ndweiter,'TUV Rheinland
:umpte con tea dlsposiclones • 98/37/EC
enmtenda$ vlgentes de tea • 89/336/EEC
slgulenm dlrectlvas europNs:
• 2000/14/EC: #a13"2000/
Procedtmk_lto de Valorack_
de Conformided; Annex VIII
He_ho en: Electrolux Home Products Nombm de ta persona que flrma:
Orangeburg, SC, 29115, USA _ --_ Mr. Gary Blankenship
Fecha: Apr. 20, 2004 Rrma: _o_, Gemnt_ G<meml
Documentation technique malntenue par. Nombm de te pal_ona que flrma:
EI6ctrolux Home Products Mr. Scott Kendall
O_angeburg, SC, 29115 USA /--/_ =_'_/2 f! Gereltte de CerU-
Rrma: J_J_ _ flca¢16n de Productos
De Fabrlkent:
Electroiex Home products, 172 Old Elloree Road, Orangeburg, SC 29115, USA
Verldaart hierblJ dat het hieronder beschreven epparaat:
Categone ....................... Cirkelmaaier • Gewaad0orgd
Uitvoering ........................ Companion geluidsver mogensniveau .. 100 dB (A)
Type ...................................... 278041 • Gemeten
Sedenummer ................. (Modelplaat) geluldsvar mogennivea u...... 99 dB (A)
Soort maaimechanisme ......Vast rues * Getest door ............. EHP Orangeburg
Maaibreecite ............................ 92 cm • Aangemelde Instentld .............. SNCH
11, Route de Luxembourg
L-5230 Sandweile r/TUVRheinland
Voldoet aan de bepallngen en • 98/37/EC
huidige amendmenten van de • 89/336/EEC
volgende Europese rtchtlijnen:
• 2000/14/EC: #e13"2000/
op ConformReit; Annex VIII
Gemaakt op: E]ectrolux Home Products Naam van ondergetekende:
Orangeburg, SC, 29115, USA Mr. Gary Blankenship
Datum: Apr. 20, 2004 Handt ekening:,_ o_'1 -_e_-'_ Algemeen dll_Cteur
Technische docgmentatie onderhouden door: Naam van ondergetekende:
Electrolux Home Products Mr. Scott Kendall
Orangeburg, SC, 29115 USA Direct(mr
Handtekening:_ productcerUfk_te
II Produttore:
Electrotux Home Products, 172 Old EIIoree Road, Orangeburg, SC 29115, USA
Con la presente dlchiara che i macchinad qui dl seguilo riportatl:
Categorld ........................... Tosaerba rotativo • Livello di potenza
Marca ......................................... Companion acustica garantito 100 dB (A)
Tipo .................................................. 278041 - LJvellodi potenza
Numero di matdco_a.. (piastrlda del modeflo) acusUca misurata ._.. 99 dB (A)
Dispositivoditeglio ............................... Lame • provatode....EHPOrangeburg
Larghezzaditaglio .............................. 92cm - Entequalificats .............. SNCH
:onforme alte disposLzloni • 98/37/EC
• modiflche attuali delte • 89/336/EEC
seguenti dimtttve Eumpee:
11, Route de Luxembourg
L-5230 Sandweiter/TUV Rheinldnd
• 2000/14/EC: #e13"2000/
Procedure di valutazione
della conformite; Annex VIII
Emesso a: Electrolux Home Products Nome del flrmatario:
Orangeburg, SC. 29115, USA _ _ M_ Gary Blankenshlp
Data: Apr. 20, 2004 Firma: .r_.o-'_ _::_p Direttore generate
Documentazione tecnlca aggternata da: Nome del firmatade:
Electrolux Home Products Mr. Scott Kendall
Orangedurg, SC, 29115 USA __ Responsabite della cerl-
Fir ma: ._z_--_ __o_,.,f_*- -_J= tic=one dei prodoffi
192623 4.20.04 MH COMPRNION Printed in U.S.A.