Instructions p. 4/12
Instructions for use
The well-being at sauna-bathing in the rst place depends on the temperature and
humidity situation prevailing in the sauna. Though, people trained for sauna are
able to take easily temperatures ranging from 110 up to 120 degrees Centigrade,
in general, a temperature of 80 to 90 °C is considered to be the optimum one.
An equally decisive impact on the well-being, however, has the level of moisture.
The sauna-air must not be extremely dry but even not too wet.
Suspension device: As there are fairly vast dierences in temperature it is
somewhat problematic to choose the right place to mount the suspension ar-
rangement. We do recommend to mount the sauna-hygrometer on a level with
the head of the person sitting on the topmost bench. In most cases, this will be
in a 20 to 30 cm distance from the ceiling of the sauna itself.
Normal humidity: Account must be taken to the fact that the increase of tem-
perature causes a decrease of the relative air-humidity. Thus, the normal humidity
in the sauna is also dependent on the very temperature.
60 degrees Centigrade: 15-30 per cent air-humidity
80 degrees Centigrade: 8-15 per cent air-humidity
100 degrees Centigrade: 3-8 per cent air-humidity
After a dash of water the humidity content will raise immediately, and, will drop
gradually, afterwards. The change of humidity depends on the volume of evapo-
rated water, on the temperature prevailing and on the size of the sauna room.
Humidity changes are indicated by our sauna-hygrometer, instantaneously.
Supervision of measuring accuracy: Sauna-hygrometer and thermometer are
adjusted in such a manner to have optimum accuracy with the conditions in the
sauna of 0 to 20 per cent humidity and 80 to 100 degrees Centigrade. Testing
can be carried out at normal temperatures (around 20 °C).
Inspection respectively verication seem to be advisable in cases when the
indicated values deviate strongly from the a. m. normal values.
For comparison purposes we recommend the use of aspiration-psychrometers
or hair-hygrometers which, however, have to be regenerated, beforehand. In
any case the sauna-hygrometer should never be regenerated at a humidity level
being too high. The most reliable measurements for the purpose of comparison
can be obtained at a relative humidity below 50 per cent.