Yamaha XF6 Handleiding

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How to Use This Manual
The MOTIF XF Reference Manual (in PDF format) is equipped with special features that are exclusive to electronic files, such
as the Link function and the Search function which lets you jump to the desired page by clicking the page number of the
specific term.
n The MOTIF XF lets you select one of eight different color types (page 220). This manual uses the screen shots which are shown by setting the
Color parameter to “Yellow” in the Utility mode. This is the most universal color visibility, allowing the manual to be easily viewed by many
people having different types of color recognition.
This function built into the viewer software is very useful if
you want to know the meaning of unfamiliar terms. When
using Adobe Reader to read this manual, enter a specific
word in the search box, then press the <Enter> key of your
computer keyboard to call up the relevant section in this
n Make sure to check and download the latest version of the
Adobe Reader from the following site.
When using Adobe Reader, click these buttons in the
toolbar to return to the previous page view or go to the next
page view.
This function is very useful if you want to return to the
previous page view after jumping to a linked page.
n If the previous page view/next page view buttons are not
shown in the toolbar, hold the <Alt> key and press <>/<>
keys to move to the previous/next page view.
n For more information on these and other functions in the
software, refer to the owner’s manual of the software.
The Function Tree of the MOTIF XF is shown on the next
page. Use this Function Tree to find desired pages.
For example, if you make edits on the display shown below
and you want to read explanations of the display, check the
five points numbered here.
“VOICE” indicates the MOTIF XF is in the Voice mode. Refer to
the Voice mode section of the Function Tree.
“Edit-Elm 1” indicates that this display lets you edit the
Element parameters of the Normal Voice.
Here, you can confirm the current Voice Type, Normal Voice or
Drum Voice.
These indicate that the [F3] Filter button then the [SF1] Type
button have been pressed.
Applying the five points above to the Function Tree as
shown below lets you easily find the desired page.
Search Function
Previous Page View/Next Page View
Using the Function Tree
Click here to jump.
Reference Manual
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Function Tree
Voice mode
*Available on certain displays.
Voice Play mode
Play Page #
[SF6] INFO* 50
[F1] Play 48
[F2] Porta 50
[F3] EG/EQ 51
[F4] Arpeggio 52
[F6] Effect 64
Voice Edit mode (Normal Voice)
Edit-Common ***** (Normal Voice name) Page #
[VOICE] Normal Voice
selection [EDIT]
[F1] General [SF1] Name 55
[SF2] Play Mode 55
[SF3] Other 57
[F2] ARP Main 58
[F3] ARP Other 59
[F4] Ctrl Set 61
[F5] Com LFO [SF1] Wave 62
[SF2] Set 63
[SF3] User 64
[F6] Effect [SF1] Connect 64
[SF2] Ins A 66
[SF3] Ins B
[SF4] Reverb
[SF5] Chorus
Edit-Elm ***** (Normal Voice name) Page #
[VOICE] Normal Voice
selection [EDIT]
Element selection
[F1] Oscillator 69
[F2] Pitch [SF1] Tune 71
[SF2] PEG 72
[F3] Filter [SF1] Type 74
[SF2] FEG 76
[SF3] Scale 78
[F4] Amplitude [SF1] Level/Pan 79
[SF2] AEG 80
[SF3] Scale 81
[F5] Elm LFO 82
[F6] EQ 83
Voice Edit mode (Drum Voice)
Edit-Common ***** (Drum Voice name) Page #
[VOICE] Drum Voice
selection [EDIT]
[F1] General [SF1] Name 85
[SF2] Play Mode 85
[SF3] Other 85
[F2] ARP Main 85
[F3] ARP Other 85
[F4] Ctrl Set 86
[F6] Effect [SF1] Connect 86
[SF2] Ins A 86
[SF3] Ins B
[SF4] Reverb
[SF5] Chorus
Edit-Key ***** (Drum Voice name) Page #
[VOICE] Drum Voice
selection [EDIT]
Drum Key selection
[F1] Oscillator 87
[F3] Filter 89
[F4] Amplitude 89
[F6] EQ 90
Voice Job mode
Voice Job
Page #
[JOB] [F1] Init 91
[F2] Recall 92
[F3] Copy 92
[F4] Bulk 92
Voice Store mode
Voice Store
Page #
Function Tree
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Performance mode
*Available on certain displays.
Song mode
*Available on certain displays.
Performance Play mode
Play Page #
[SF6] INFO* 96
[F1] Play 95
[F2] Voice 97
[F3] EG 97
[F4] Arpeggio 98
[F6] Effect 107
Performance Record mode
Record Page #
[F1] Setup 98
Performance Edit mode
Edit-Common Page #
[F1] General [SF1] Name 102
[SF2] Porta 103
[SF3] Part EQ 103
[SF4] Other 104
[F2] Level/MEF [SF1] Level 104
[SF2] Master FX 104
[SF3] Master EQ 105
[F4] Audio In [SF1] Output 106
[SF2] Connect 106
[SF3] Ins A 107
[SF3] Ins B
[F5] Effect [SF1] Connect 107
[SF2] Ins Switch 108
[SF3] Reverb 108
[SF4] Chorus
Edit-Part Page #
Part selection
[F1] Voice [SF1] Voice 109
[SF2] Output 110
[SF3] Other 111
[F2] ARP Main 112
[F3] ARP Other 114
[F4] EG 115
[F5] EQ 116
[F6] Rcv Switch 116
Performance Job mode
Performance Job
Page #
[F1] Init 117
[F2] Recall 117
[F3] Copy 118
[F4] Bulk 118
Performance Store mode
Performance Store
Page #
[STORE] 101
Song Play mode
Play Page #
[SF6] INFO* 142
[F1] Track View 139
[F2] Play FX 141
[F3] Track [SF1] Out 142
[SF2] Loop 143
[F4] Chain 143
Song Record mode
Record Page #
[SONG] [ ] (Record)
[F1] Setup 145
[F2] Arpeggio 147
Song Edit mode
Edit Page #
Song Job mode
Song Job
Page #
[F1] Undo/Redo 154
[F2] Note 01 Quantize 154
02 Modify Velocity 155
03 Modify Gate Time 156
04 Crescendo 156
05 Transpose 156
06 Glide 157
07 Create Roll 157
08 Sort Chord 158
09 Separate Chord 158
[F3] Event 01 Shift Clock 158
02 Copy Event 159
03 Erase Event 159
04 Extract Event 159
05 Create Continuous
06 Thin Out 160
07 Modify Control Data 161
08 Beat Stretch 161
[F4] Measure 01 Create Measure 161
02 Delete Measure 162
Function Tree
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Pattern mode
*Available on certain displays.
[F5] Track 01 Copy Track 162
02 Exchange Track 163
03 Mix Track 163
04 Clear Track 163
05 Normalize Play Effect 163
06 Divide Drum Track 163
07 Put Track to Arpeggio 164
08 Copy Phrase 164
[F6] Song 01 Copy Song 165
02 Split Song to Pattern 165
03 Clear Song 165
Song Store mode
Song Store
Page #
Pattern Play mode
Play Page #
[SF6] INFO* 169
[F1] Play 168
[F2] Play FX 169
[F3] Track 169
[F4] Patch 170
[F5] Chain 171
[F6] Remix 175
Pattern Chain Record mode
Chain Record Page #
[PATTERN] [F5] Chain [ ] (Record)
Pattern Chain Edit mode
Chain Record Page #
[PATTERN] [F5] Chain
[SF1] View Filter 173
[SF2] Copy 173
[SF3] Song 174
[SF4] Insert 174
[SF5] Delete 174
Pattern Record mode
Record Page #
[F1] Setup 178
[F2] Arpeggio 147
Song Job mode
Song Job
Page #
Pattern Edit mode
Edit Page #
Pattern Job mode
Pattern Job
Page #
[F1] Undo/Redo 154
[F2] Note 01 Quantize 154
02 Modify Velocity 155
03 Modify Gate Time 156
04 Crescendo 156
05 Transpose 156
06 Glide 157
07 Create Roll 157
08 Sort Chord 158
09 Separate Chord 158
[F3] Event 01 Shift Clock 158
02 Copy Event 159
03 Erase Event 159
04 Extract Event 159
05 Create Continuous
06 Thin Out 160
07 Modify Control Data 161
08 Beat Stretch 161
[F4] Phrase 01 Copy Phrase 182
02 Exchange Phrase 183
03 Mix Phrase 183
04 Append Phrase 183
05 Split Phrase 184
06 Get Phrase from Song 184
07 Put Phrase to Song 184
08 Clear Phrase 185
[F5] Track 01 Copy Track 185
02 Exchange Track 185
03 Mix Track 185
04 Clear Track 185
05 Normalize Play Effect 186
06 Divide Drum Track 186
07 Put Track to Arpeggio 186
[F6] Pattern 01 Copy Pattern 186
02 Append Pattern 186
03 Split Pattern 187
04 Clear Pattern 187
Pattern Store mode
Pattern Store
Page #
Function Tree
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Mixing mode
Mixing Play mode
Mix Play Page #
[F1] Part 1-16 190
[F2] Audio 191
[F5] Effect 193
[F6] Vce Edit 198
Mixing Edit mode
Edit-Common Page #
[F1] General 192
[F2] Master FX [SF2] Master FX 193
[SF3] Master EQ 193
[F4] Audio In [SF1] Output 193
[SF2] Connect 193
[SF3] Ins A 193
[SF4] Ins B
[F5] Effect [SF1] Connect 193
[SF2] Ins Switch 193
[SF3] Reverb 193
[SF4] Chorus
Edit-Part Page #
[F1] Voice [SF1] Voice 194
[SF2] Output 194
[SF3] Other 194
[F2] ARP Main 194
[F3] ARP Other 194
[F4] EG 194
[F5] EQ 195
[F6] Rcv Switch 195
Mixing Voice Edit mode (Normal Voice)
Edit-Common Page #
[MIXING] Normal Voice
selection [F6] Vce Edit
[F1] General [SF1] Name 55
[SF2] Play Mode 55
[SF3] Other 57
[F2] ARP Main 58
[F3] ARP Other 59
[F4] Ctrl Set 61
[F5] Com LFO [SF1] Wave 62
[SF2] Set 63
[SF3] User 64
[F5] Effect [SF1] Connect 64
[SF2] Ins A 66
[SF3] Ins B
Edit-Elm Page #
[MIXING] Normal Voice
selection [F6] Vce Edit
Element selection
[F1] Oscillator 69
[F2] Pitch [SF1] Tune 71
[SF2] PEG 72
[F3] Filter [SF1] Type 74
[SF2] FEG 76
[SF3] Scale 78
[F4] Amplitude [SF1] Level/Pan 79
[SF2] AEG 80
[SF3] Scale 81
[F5] Elm LFO 82
[F6] EQ 83
Mixing Voice Edit mode (Drum Voice)
Edit-Common Page #
[MIXING] Drum Voice
selection [F6] Vce Edit
[F1] General [SF1] Name 85
[SF2] Play Mode 85
[SF3] Other 85
[F4] Ctrl Set 86
[F6] Effect [SF1] Connect 86
[SF2] Ins A 86
[SF3] Ins B
Edit-Key Page #
[MIXING] Drum Voice
selection [F6] Vce Edit
Drum Key selection
[F1] Oscillator 87
[F3] Filter 89
[F4] Amplitude 89
[F6] EQ 90
Mixing Voice Job mode
Mix Voice Job
Page #
[MIXING] [F6] Vce Edit
[F2] Recall 200
[F3] Copy 200
[F4] Delete 200
Mixing Voice Store mode
Mix Voice Store
Page #
[SONG] / [PATTERN] [MIXING] [F6] Vce Edit
Mixing Job mode
Mix Job
Page #
[F1] Init 195
[F2] Recall 196
[F3] Copy [SF1] Part 196
[SF2] Voice 196
[SF3] Perf 197
[F4] Bulk 197
[F5] Template [SF1] Mix 197
[SF2] Perf 197
Function Tree
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Sampling mode
*Available on certain displays.
**The Sampling start/stop operation actually differs depending on the
*Available on certain displays.
**The Sampling start/stop operation actually differs depending on the
***Available when “slice+seq” is selected before the Sampling operation.
Master mode
*Available on certain displays.
Sampling mode
Select Page #
Sampling Record mode (Voice/Performance)
Record Page #
[SF6] INFO* 123
[F6] Standby 124
Sampling start** 125
Sampling stop** 125
Sampling Record mode (Song/Pattern)
Record Page #
[SF6] INFO* 123
[F6] Standby 205
[F6] Start** 206
[F6] Stop** 206
[ENTER] (Record Trim display)***
[F6] Slice (Record Slice display)***
Sampling Edit mode
Edit Page #
[F1] Trim 127
[F2] Param 128
Sampling Job mode
Sample Job
Page #
[F1] KeyBank 01 Copy 130
02 Delete 131
03 Move 131
04 Normalize 131
05 Time Stretch 132
06 Convert Pitch 132
07 Fade In/Out 132
08 Half Sampling
09 Stereo to Mono 133
10 Loop-Remix 133
11 Slice 134
[F2] Waveform 01 Copy 134
02 Delete 135
03 Extract 135
04 Transpose 135
05 Rename 135
[F3] Other 01 Optimize Memory 135
02 Delete All 135
03 Copy to Flash Memory 135
Master Play mode
Play Page #
[SF6] INFO* 214
Master Edit mode
Edit-Common Page #
[F1] Name 214
[F2] Other 214
Edit-Zone Page #
Zone selection
[F1] Transmit 215
[F2] Note 215
[F3] Tx Switch [SF1] Program 215
[SF2] Control 216
[F4] Preset 216
[F5] Knob/Slider 217
Master Job mode
Master Job
Page #
[F1] Init 217
[F4] Bulk 218
Master Store mode
Master Store
Page #
Sampling Job mode
Sample Job
Page #
Function Tree
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Utility mode
*Available on certain displays.
File mode
Utility mode
Page #
[SF6] INFO* 219
[F1] Play [SF1] Play 219
[SF2] Screen 220
[SF3] Network 221
[SF4] Auto Load 223
[F2] I/O 223
[F3] Voice [SF1] Master FX 224
[SF2] Master EQ 224
[SF3] Arpeggio 225
[SF4] Tuning 225
[F4] Voice Audio [SF1] Output 226
[SF2] Connect 227
[SF3] Ins A 227
[SF4] Ins B
[F5] Control [SF1] Remote 228
[SF2] MIDI 228
[SF3] Control 230
[F6] Flash 231
Sequencer Setup mode
Sequencer Setup
Page #
[F1] Click 231
[F2] MIDI Filter 232
[F3] Quick 232
[F4] Other 233
Utility Job mode
Utility Job
Page #
Utility Store mode
Utility Store
Page #
File mode
Page #
[F1] File [SF1] Save 241
[SF2] Load 242
[SF3] Rename 238
[SF4] Delete 238
[SF5] New Dir 238
[F2] Mount 239
[F3] Format 240
[F4] Audio [SF1] Rec 248
[SF2] Play
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
Basic Section
Basic Structure
The Seven Functional Blocks
The MOTIF XF system consists of 7 main functional blocks: Tone Generator, Sampling, Audio Input, Sequencer, Arpeggio,
Controller, and Effect.
Controller block
(page 21)
Arpeggio block
(page 15)
Arpeggio Playback x 4
Preset Arpeggio
User Arpeggio
Sequencer block
(page 12)
16 track MIDI Sequencer
Songs and Patterns
Tone Generator
(page 9)
AWM2 Tone Generator
16 Parts
Voices and Performances
Song Mixing
Pattern Mixing
Sampling block (page 21)
Samples, Waveforms
Effect block (page 22)
System Effects
Insertion Effect x 8
Element EQ
Part EQ x 16
Master Effect
Master EQ
Audio Input block
(page 12)
A/D Input, IEEE1394
External MIDI device
Microphone, guitar,
audio equipment, etc.
Computer with
Powered speakers, etc.
Audio signal flow
MIDI messages flow
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Tone Generator Block
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
Tone Generator Block
The tone generator block is what actually produces sound in response to the MIDI messages received from the Sequencer
block, the Controller block, the Arpeggio block and from the external MIDI instrument via the MIDI IN connector or the USB
connector. The structure of the tone generator block differs depending on the mode.
Tone Generator block in the Voice
In this mode, the tone generator block receives MIDI data
over a single channel. This status is referred to as a “single
timbre” tone generator. A Voice is played from the
keyboard, using a single part.
Keep in mind that song data on an external sequencer
consisting of multiple MIDI channels will not play back
properly in this mode. If you are using an external MIDI
sequencer or computer to play the instrument, make sure
to use the Song mode or Pattern mode.
A program that contains the sonic elements for generating
a specific musical instrument sound is referred to as a
“Voice.” Internally, there are two Voice Types: Normal
Voices and Drum Voices. Normal Voices are mainly pitched
musical instrument type sounds that can be played over
the range of the keyboard. Drum Voices are mainly
percussion/drum sounds that are assigned to individual
notes on the keyboard.
n For instructions on editing a Normal Voice, see page 53. For
instructions on editing a Drum Voice, see page 84.
Normal Voice
This is a Voice which is played conventionally from the
keyboard, with standard pitches sounding for each key. A
Normal Voice consists of up to eight Elements. Depending
on the settings in the Voice Edit mode, these Elements are
sounded simultaneously, or the different Elements are
sounded according to the note range, velocity range and
the XA (Expanded Articulation) settings.
The illustration below is an example of a Normal Voice.
Since the six Elements here are distributed across both the
note range of the keyboard and the velocity range, a
different Element sounds depending on which note you
play and how strongly you play it. In the note distribution,
Elements 1 and 2 sound in the lower range of the
keyboard, Elements 3 and 4 sound in the middle range,
and Elements 5 and 6 sound in the higher range. In the
velocity distribution, Elements 1, 3 and 5 sound when
playing the keyboard softly, while Elements 2, 4 and 6
sound when playing it strongly. In a practical example of
this in use, a piano Voice could be composed of six
different samples. Elements 1, 3 and 5 would be the
sounds of the piano played softly, over the respective note
ranges, while Elements 2, 4 and 6 would be strongly
played sounds, for each respective note range. Actually,
the MOTIF XF is even more flexible than this, since it allows
up to eight independent Elements.
Drum Voice (Drum Kit)
Drum Voices are mainly percussion/drum sounds that are
assigned to individual notes on the keyboard. A collection
of assigned percussion/drum waves or Normal Voices is
known as a Drum Kit.
Expanded Articulation (XA) is a specially designed tone
generation system that provides greater performance
flexibility and acoustic realism. It allows you to more
effectively recreate realistic sound and natural
performance techniques—such as legato and staccato—
and provides other unique modes for random and alternate
sound changes as you play.
Realistic legato performance
Conventional synthesizers recreate a legato effect by
continuing the volume envelope of a previous note on to
the next one, in the mono mode. However, this results in an
unnatural sound different from that of an actual acoustic
instrument. The MOTIF XF more accurately reproduces a
legato effect by allowing specific Elements to be sounded
when playing legato and other Elements to be played
Part structure in the Voice mode
Normal Voices & Drum Voices
Expanded Articulation (XA)
Element 1
Element 2
Element 3
Element 4
Element 5
Element 6
Key 1 Key 5 Key 10 Key 18 Key 21 Key 73
C1 C6
drum sounds
(different for
each key)
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
Tone Generator Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
normally (with the XA Control parameter settings “normal”
and “legato”).
Authentic note release sound
Conventional synthesizers are not good at realizing the
sound produced when the note of the acoustic instrument
is released. The MOTIF XF realizes the sound produced
when the note of the acoustic instrument is released, by
setting the XA Control parameter of a certain Element to
“key off sound.”
Subtle sound variations for each note played
Conventional synthesizers attempt to reproduce this by
randomly changing the pitch and/or filter. However, this
produces an electronic effect and is different from the real
sound changes on an acoustic instrument. The MOTIF XF
more accurately reproduces these subtle sound variations
by using the XA Control parameter settings, “wave cycle”
and “wave random.”
Switching among different sounds to recreate
the natural performance on an acoustic
Acoustic instruments have their own unique
characteristics—even specific, unique sounds that are
produced only at certain times in a performance. These
include the flutter tonguing on a flute or playing high
harmonics on an acoustic guitar. The MOTIF XF recreates
these by allowing you to switch between the sounds while
you play—using the ASSIGNABLE FUNCTION buttons and
the XA Control parameter settings, “AF 1 on,” “AF 2 on”
and “all AF off.”
New sounds and new styles of playing
The highly versatile functions above can be applied
effectively not only to acoustic sounds but also to
synthesizer and electronic Voices as well. The XA feature
opens up enormous potential for realizing authentic
sounds, performing expressively and coming up with
creative new styles of playing.
To create sounds such as those described above using
Expanded Articulation, refer to page 70.
Elements and Drum Keys are the smallest “building blocks”
in the MOTIF XF that comprise a Voice; in fact, only one
Element or one Drum Key could be used to create a Voice.
These small sound units can be built, enhanced and
processed by a variety of traditional synthesizer
parameters, such as Oscillator, Pitch Filter, Amplitude, and
LFO (shown below).
This unit outputs the wave which determines the basic
pitch. You can assign the waveform (or basic sound
material) to each Element of a Normal Voice or each Key of
a Drum Voice. In the case of a Normal Voice, you can set
the note range for the Element (the range of notes on the
keyboard over which the Element will sound) as well as the
velocity response (the range of note velocities within which
the Element will sound). In addition, the XA related
parameters can be set in this unit.
Oscillator related parameters can be set in the Oscillator
display (pages 69 and 87).
This unit controls the pitch of the sound (wave) output from
the Oscillator. In the case of a Normal Voice, you can
detune separate Elements, apply Pitch Scaling and so on.
Also, by setting the PEG (Pitch Envelope Generator), you
can control how the pitch changes over time.
Pitch related parameters can be set in the Pitch display
(page 71) and Pitch EG display (page 72) of the Voice Edit
mode. Note that Pitch related parameters of a Drum Voice
can be set in the Oscillator display.
This unit modifies the tone of the sound output from Pitch
by cutting the output of a specific frequency portion of the
sound. Also, by setting the FEG (Filter Envelope
Generator), you can control how the Cutoff Frequency of
the Filter changes over time.
Filter related parameters can be set in the Filter display
(pages 74 and 89), Filter EG display (page 76) and Filter
Scale display (page 78) of the Voice Edit mode.
This unit controls the output level (amplitude) of the sound
output from the Filter block. The signals are then sent at
this level to the Effect block. Also, by setting the AEG
(Amplitude Envelope Generator), you can control how the
volume changes over time.
Elements and Drum Keys
Low Frequency
Controls the
pitch of the
Pitch EG
Changes the
tonal quality of
the sound
output from the
PITCH unit.
Filter EG
Controls the out-
put level (ampli-
tude) of the sound
output from the
FILTER unit. The
signals are then
sent at this level to
the Effect block.
Amplitude EG
Tone Generator Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
Amplitude related parameters can be set in the Amplitude
display (pages 79 and 89), Amplitude EG display
(page 80) and Amplitude Scale display (page 81) of the
Voice Edit mode.
LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator)
As its name suggests, the LFO produces a wave of a low
frequency. These waves can be used to vary the pitch, filter
or amplitude of each Element to create effects such as
vibrato, wah and tremolo. LFO can be set independently
for each Element; it can also be set globally for all
LFO related parameters can be set in the Common LFO
display (page 62) and the Element LFO display (page 82)
of the Voice Edit mode.
Normal Voice
Drum Voice (Drum Kit)
Tone Generator block in the
Performance Mode
In this mode, the tone generator block receives MIDI data
over a single channel. This status is referred to as a “single
timbre” tone generator. This mode lets you play a
Performance (which multiple Voices (Parts) are
combined—in a layer, or in other configurations) using the
Keep in mind that song data on an external sequencer
consisting of multiple MIDI channels will not play back
properly in this mode. If you are using an external MIDI
sequencer or computer to play the instrument, make sure
to use the Song mode or Pattern mode.
A program in which multiple Voices (Parts) are combined in
a layer, or in other configurations is referred to as a
“Performance.” Each Performance can contain up to four
different Parts (Voices). Each Performance can be created
by editing parameters unique to each part and parameters
common to all the Parts.
Four User Banks are provided. Each Bank contains 128
Performances. Accordingly, a total of 512 User
Performances are provided.
Tone Generator block in the Song
mode/Pattern mode
In these modes, multiple Parts are provided and different
Voices and different melodies or phrases can be played
back for each Part. Because these modes let you set the
MIDI channel for each part of the tone generator block, you
can use an external MIDI sequencer as well as the
sequencer block of the instrument to play the sounds. The
sequence data of each track plays the corresponding
Parts (those having the same MIDI channel assignment) in
the tone generator block.
A program in which multiple Voices are assigned to Parts
for multi-timbral play in the Song and Pattern modes is
referred to as a “Mixing.” Each Mixing can contain up to 16
parts. Each Mixing can be created by editing parameters
unique to each Part and parameters common to all the
Parts in the Mixing mode (page 192).
A Mixing program is provided for each Song or Pattern.
Selecting a different Song/Pattern calls up the different
Mixing program.
Song mode
64 Mixing settings (one Mixing for each Song)
Pattern mode
64 Mixing settings (one Mixing for each Pattern)
Memory structure of Voice
Preset Banks 1 – 8 1024 Normal Voices
(128 Voices for each Bank)
GM Bank 128 Voices
User Banks 1 – 4 512 Normal Voices
(128 Voices for each Bank)
(By default, User Bank 1 includes the
original ones while User Banks 2 – 4
include the ones picked up from the Preset
Preset Drum Bank 32 Voices
GM Drum Bank 1 Voice
User Drum Bank 64 Voices
(By default, the original ones are assigned
to No. 1 – 8 while the ones picked up from
the Preset Voices are assigned to No. 9 –
Part structure in the Performance mode
Memory structure of Performance
Part structure of the tone generator
block in the Song mode/Pattern mode
About Mixing
Memory structure of Mixing
Sampling Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
Sampling Block
The Sampling Block lets you bring your own recorded sounds—your voice, an instrument, rhythms, special sound effects,
etc.—into the system of this synthesizer, and play those sounds just like any other voices. These sounds, the audio data can
be captured from the A/D Input and IEEE1394 connector (available when the optional FW16E is installed) with up to 16 bit
and 44.1 kHz quality.
Keep in mind that the data created by the Sampling operation differs depending on the mode from which you entered the
Sampling mode: Voice/Performance or Song/Pattern. See pages 119 and 201 respectively.
Audio Input block
This block handles the audio signal input from the A/D Input and the IEEE1394 connector (available when the optional
FW16E is installed). Various parameters such as volume, pan, and effect can be set for the audio signal and the sound is
output together with other Voices. The Insertion Effect as well as the System Effects can be applied to the audio signal input
via the A/D INPUT connector.
The Audio Input related parameters can be set in the following display.
The gain of the audio signal from the A/D INPUT connector can be adjusted via the Gain knob on the rear panel.
Sequencer Block
This block lets you create Songs and Patterns by recording and editing your performances as MIDI data (from the controller
block), then playing it back with the tone generator block.
Sequencer block in the Song mode
A Song is made by the MIDI sequence data created by
recording your keyboard performance to each track. A
Song on this synthesizer is effectively the same as a Song
on a MIDI sequencer, and playback automatically stops at
the end of the recorded data.
A Song consists of 16 separate tracks, a Scene track, and
a Tempo track.
Sequence tracks 1 – 16
Record your keyboard performance to these tracks using
Realtime recording (page 144) and edit the recorded data
in the Song Edit mode (page 150).
Maximum Polyphony
Maximum polyphony refers to the highest number of notes that can be sounded simultaneously from the internal tone
generator of the instrument. The maximum polyphony of this synthesizer is 128. When the internal tone generator block
receives a number of notes exceeding the maximum polyphony, previously played notes are cut off. Keep in mind this may be
especially noticeable with Voices not having decay. Furthermore, the maximum polyphony applies to the number of Voice
Elements used, not the number of Voices. When Normal Voices that include up to eight Elements are used, the maximum
number of simultaneous notes may be less than 128.
Mode Display Page
Voice mode [F4] Voice Audio display in the Utility mode 226
Performance mode [F4] Audio In display in the Performance Edit mode 106
Song/Pattern mode [F4] Audio In display in the Mixing Edit mode 193
What is a Song?
Song Track Structure
Sequencer Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
Scene track
This track lets you record Scene change settings, such as
the status of track mute and solo. These can be set in the
Song Play display (page 136) and recalled during Song
playback. During Song playback, the track mute and solo
settings change automatically according to the settings
you’ve recorded to the Scene track. You can record this
track with using Realtime recording (page 144) and edit
the recorded data in the Song Edit mode (page 150).
Tempo track
This track lets you record Tempo change settings. During
Song playback, the Tempo changes automatically
according to the settings you’ve recorded to this track. You
can record this track with using Realtime recording
(page 144) and edit the recorded data in the Song Edit
mode (page 150).
This function allows Songs to be “chained” together for
automatic sequential playback. For instructions on using
this, see page 143.
Sequencer Block in the Pattern mode
In the MOTIF XF, the term “Pattern” refers to a relatively
short musical or rhythmic phrase—1 to 256 measures—
which is used for looped playback. Therefore, once Pattern
playback starts, it continues until you press the [J] (Stop)
Patterns are more than just a single phrase—they include
16 variations called “Sections.” These Sections can be
changed during playback and used as rhythmic/backing
variations for the various parts of a Song. For example, you
could use one Section for the verse, another for the chorus,
and a third for the bridge. The Pattern related settings such
as tempo and Mixing do not change even when the Section
is switched, keeping the overall playback consistent in feel
and rhythm through the changes.
For instructions on selecting a Pattern and Section, see
page 166.
Pattern Chain allows you to string several different Sections
(within a single Pattern) together to make a single,
complete Song. You can have the MOTIF XF automatically
change Sections by creating a Pattern Chain beforehand,
recording Pattern playback with Section changes from the
Pattern Chain display. You can also use this feature when
creating Songs based on a certain Pattern, since the
created Pattern Chain can be converted into a Song in the
Pattern Chain Edit (page 174). One Pattern Chain can be
created for each Pattern.
This is the basic MIDI sequence data in a track—and the
smallest unit—used in creating a Pattern. “Phrase” is a
short musical/rhythmic passage for a single instrument,
such as a rhythm pattern for the rhythm part, a bass line for
the bass part, or a chord backing for the guitar part. This
synthesizer features memory space for 256 of your own
original User Phrases.
n The MOTIF XF provides no Preset Phrases.
A Pattern consists of 16 separate tracks, a Scene track,
and a Tempo track (just as in a Song). See page 12.
A Pattern consists of 16 tracks to which the Phrase can be
assigned. MIDI data cannot be directly recorded to each
track in the Pattern mode. Recording is done to an empty
user phrase. The newly created phrase is automatically
assigned to the recording track.
Song Chain
What is a Pattern?
Song 01 Song 22 Song 15
Pattern Chain
Pattern Track Structure
Pattern Tracks and Phrases
Section A Section B Section C
Track 1
Track 2
Track 16
Phrase 001
Phrase 002
Phrase 003
Phrase 001
Phrase 002
Phrase 003
MIDI data
MIDI data
MIDI data
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
Sequencer Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Sequencer Block applied to both
the Song and Pattern
Depending on the recording method, the Song/Pattern
tracks (1 – 16) of this synthesizer are divided into two
groups: MIDI tracks and Audio tracks.
MIDI tracks are created by recording your keyboard
performance in the Song Record mode/Pattern Record
mode. MIDI sequence data is recorded to the MIDI track
and the Normal Voice or Drum Voice is assigned to the
Mixing part corresponding to the track.
Audio tracks are created by recording audio signal from
the external equipment or microphone via the A/D Input
jack in the Sampling Record mode. Actually, audio data is
not recorded directly to a track but rather is sampled via
the Sampling operation. The recorded audio signal is
stored as a Sample Voice to a Song/Pattern. The stored
Sample Voice will automatically be assigned to the Mixing
Part corresponding to the specified track, and the MIDI
data for triggering the Sample Voice is recorded to the
specified track. During playback, the MIDI data of the track
triggers the Sample Voice. As a result, the track effectively
functions as an Audio recorded track.
The Play Effect lets you change the rhythmic “feel” of the
Pattern playback by changing the timing and velocity of the
notes temporarily and on playback only, leaving the original
data intact. This feature can be set in the Play FX display of
the Song Play mode and Pattern Play mode. See pages
141 and 169 respectively. If you find a setting you like, you
can convert it to actual MIDI data by using the Song Job
(page 153) or Pattern Job (page 181).
Sequencer Block applied to the
Performance mode
You can record your keyboard performance in the
Performance mode to the Song or Pattern. You can record
knob operations, controller operations and Arpeggio
playback as well as your keyboard playing to the specified
track as MIDI events. Arpeggio playback data for Parts 1 –
4 of the Performance will be recorded to the tracks 1 – 4 of
the Song/Pattern respectively. Your keyboard performance
and controller/knob operations (common to Parts 1 – 4) will
be recorded to tracks 1 – 4 separately.
n In Performance Recording, the following knob operations can
be recorded.
When TONE 1 is turned on: CUTOFF, RESONANCE,
When TONE 2 is turned on: PAN, REVERB and CHORUS
Other knob operations and the Slider operation cannot be
n For instructions on recording a Performance, see page 98.
MIDI tracks and Audio tracks
Sequence data
(Song, Pattern)
Sequencer block
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 16
Tone Generator block
MIDI data
Audio data
Sample Voice
Sample Voice
Audio data
MIDI data for triggering the Sample Voice
Audio data is recorded to a Sample Voice which is to be assigned to a
Song/Pattern, and note on/off events for triggering the recorded audio
signal are recorded to Track 3.
Part 1: Voice 1
Part 2: Voice 2
Part 3: Sample Voice
Part 16: Voice 16
Play Effect (Play FX)
Performance Recording
Track 1
Track 2
Track 16
Changing the timing and
velocity of the notes
Changing the timing and
velocity of the notes
Changing the timing and
velocity of the notes
Play Effect (Play FX)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Arpeggio Block
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
Arpeggio Block
This block lets you automatically trigger musical and rhythmic phrases using the current Voice by simply pressing a note or
notes on the keyboard. The Arpeggio sequence also changes in response to the actual notes or chords you play, giving you
a wide variety of inspiring musical phrases and ideas—both in composing and performing.
Four Arpeggio types can be played back at the same time even in the Song mode and Pattern mode.
Arpeggio Category
The Arpeggio types are divided into 16 categories
(excepting “NoAsg”) as listed below.
Category List
n Categories named “GtMG” and “BaMG” include Arpeggio
types appropriate for using with a Mega Voice.
Arpeggio Sub Category
The Arpeggio categories are divided into sub categories
as listed below. Because the sub categories are listed
based on the music genre, it is easy to find the sub
category appropriate for your desired music style.
Sub Category List
n Arpeggio types belonging to the Sub Categories marked with
an asterisk (*) contain some velocity ranges, to each of which
a different phrase is assigned. When a type of these
categories is selected in the Voice mode, it is a good idea to
set the Velocity Limit of each Element to the same range as
Velocity ranges of each Arpeggio type
2Z_*****: 1 – 90, 91 – 127
4Z_*****: 1 – 70, 71 – 90, 91 – 110, 111 – 127
8Z_*****: 1 – 16, 17 – 32, 33 – 48, 49 – 64, 65 – 80, 81 – 96, 97
– 108, 109 – 127
PadL_*****: 1 – 1, 2 – 2, 3 – 127
PadH_*****: 1 – 112, 113 – 120, 121 – 127
ApKb Acoustic Piano & Keyboard
Organ Organ
GtPl Guitar / Plucked
GtMG Guitar for “Mega Voice”
Bass Bass
BaMG Bass for “Mega Voice”
Strng Strings
Brass Brass
RdPp Reed / Pipe
Lead Synth Lead
PdMe Synth Pad / Musical Effect
CPrc Chromatic Percussion
DrPc Drum / Percussion
Seq Synth Seq
Hybrd Hybrid Seq
Cntr Control
NoAsg No Assignment
Mega Voices and Mega Voice Arpeggios
Normal Voices use velocity switching to make the sound
quality and/or level of a Voice change according to how
strongly or softly you play the keyboard. This makes
these Voices respond naturally. However Mega Voices
have a very complex structure with many different layers
that is not suitable for playing manually. Mega Voices
were developed specifically to be played by Mega Voice
arpeggios to produce incredibly realistic results. You
should always use Mega Voices with Mega Voice
Arpeggios (included in “GtMG” and “BaMG” category).
See the Voice with ARP parameter on page 147 for more
Rock Rock
PopRk PopRk
Balad Ballad
HipHp Hip Hop
R&B-M R&B Modern
R&B-C R&B Classic
Funk Funk
Tekno Techno / Trance
House House / Dance Pop
D&B D&B / Breakbeats
Chill Chillout / Ambient
Jazz Jazz / Swing
Latin Latin
World World
Genrl General
Comb Combination
Zone Zone Velocity*
Z.Pad Zone Velocity for Pad*
Filtr Filter
Exprs Expression
Pan Pan
Mod Modulation
Pbend Pitch Bend
Asign Assign 1/2
--- No Assignment
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
Arpeggio Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Arpeggio Type Name
The Arpeggio Types are named according to certain rules
and abbreviations. Once you understand these rules and
abbreviations, you’ll find it easy to browse through and
select the desired Arpeggio Types.
Arpeggio type with “_ES” at the end of the
type name (example: HipHop1_ES)
These Arpeggio types use the same multi track Arpeggio
architecture as the MOTIF ES. This ES type of arpeggio has
the following benefits:
These arpeggios can create complex notes and chords
even when triggered by one note.
The arpeggio closely follows the notes played on the
keyboard (but the area where the arpeggio is assigned)
allowing a good deal of harmonic freedom and the
possibility to “solo” using these arpeggios.
For details, see page 18.
Arpeggio type with “_XS” at the end of the
type name (example: Rock1_XS)
These Arpeggios use a newly developed chord recognition
technology to determine what notes should be played back
by the Arpeggio. This XS type of arpeggio has the following
The arpeggios respond only to any area on the keyboard
where an XS type of arpeggio is assigned. Other areas of
the keyboard do not effect the chord recognition. This
allows very natural keyboard playing across the entire
keyboard with arpeggio generated bass and backing
The arpeggio will always play harmonically correct parts.
These are especially useful for bass and chordal backing
See page 18 for more details.
n Combining these two kinds of Arpeggios types (named
“***_ES” and “***_XS”) in performances when creating Songs
and Patterns allows tremendous interactivity and creative
Arpeggio type with a normal name (example:
In addition to the above types, there are three playback
types: the Arpeggios created for use of Normal Voices and
played back using only the played notes and their octave
notes (page 18), the Arpeggios created for use of Drum
Voices (page 18), and Arpeggios containing mainly non-
note events (page 18).
Arpeggio type with “_AF1,” “_AF2,” or
“_AF1&AF2” (example: Electro Pop AF1)
When this Type is triggered, the ASSIGNABLE FUNCTION
[1] button, [2] button, or both buttons will be turned on
during playback.
How to use the Arpeggio Type List
The Arpeggio Type list in the Data List contains the
following columns.
n Note that this list is for illustration purposes only. For a
complete listing of the Arpeggio Types, refer to the Data List.
Indicates an Arpeggio Category.
Sub Category
Indicates an Arpeggio Sub Category.
ARP No. (Arpeggio Number)
ARP Name
Indicates the Arpeggio Name.
Time Signature
Indicates the time signature or meter of the Arpeggio type.
Indicates the data length (amount of measures) of the
Arpeggio type. When the Loop parameter
is set to “off,”
the Arpeggio plays back for this length and stops.
Original Tempo
Indicates the appropriate tempo value of the Arpeggio
type. Note that this tempo is not set automatically when
selecting an Arpeggio type.
The circle indicates that the Arpeggio uses the Accent
Phrase feature (page 17).
Random SFX
The circle indicates that the Arpeggio uses the SFX feature
(page 17).
Voice Type
Indicates the voice type appropriate for the Arpeggio Type.
When the Voice With Arpeggio parameter
is set to “on” in
the Song/Pattern Record mode, the voice of this type is
automatically selected.
*1 The Loop parameter can be set in the Arpeggio Other display
of Voice Common Edit (page 59), Performance Part Edit
(page 114) and Mixing Part Edit (page 194).
*2 The Voice with Arpeggio parameter can be set in the Arpeggio
display (page 147) of the Song/Pattern Record display.
ARP Name
Tem po
Voice Type
ApKb Rock 1 70sRockB 4 / 4 2 130 Acoustic Piano
ApKb Rock 2 70sRockC 4 / 4 1 130 :
ApKb Rock 3 70sRockD 4 / 4 2 130
ApKb Rock 4 70sRockE 4 / 4 4 130
ApKb Rock 5 70sRockF 4 / 4 2 130
ApKb Rock 6 70sRockG 4 / 4 1 130
ApKb Rock 7 70sRockH 4 / 4 1 130
Arpeggio Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
Arpeggio related settings
There are several methods for triggering and stopping the
Arpeggio playback. In addition, you can set whether or not
SFX sounds and special Accent Phrases are triggered
along with the normal sequence data. This section covers
the Arpeggio related parameters which can be set in the
Voice, Performance and Mixing modes.
The following three settings are available for turning the
Arpeggio playback on/off.
n For the displays including the Hold and Trigger mode
parameter, refer to “Arpeggio setting display” below.
When the ARP FX lamp is turned on by pressing the
[SELECTED PART CONTROL] button a few times, you can
use the knobs to control Arpeggio playback. Try this out
and listen for the changes in the sound. For details, see
page 46.
Accent Phrases are composed of sequence data included
in some Arpeggio types, sounding only when you play
notes at a velocity higher (stronger) than that specified in
the Accent Velocity Threshold parameter. If it is hard to play
at velocities necessary to trigger the Accent Phrase, set the
Accent Velocity Threshold parameter to a lower value.
n For the displays including the Accent Velocity Threshold
parameter, refer to “Arpeggio setting display” below.
n For information on Arpeggio types that use this function, refer
to the Arpeggio Type List in the Data List.
Some Arpeggio types feature a Random SFX function
which will trigger special sounds (such as guitar fret
noises) when the note is released. The following
parameters affecting Random SFX are provided.
n For the displays that include Random SFX, Random SFX
Velocity Offset and Random SFX Key On Control, refer to
“Arpeggio setting display” below.
n For information on Arpeggio types that use this function, refer
to the Arpeggio Type List in the Data List.
Turning Arpeggio playback on/off
To play the Arpeggio only when
the note is pressed:
Set the Hold parameter to “off”
and the Trigger mode to “gate.”
To continue the Arpeggio even if
the note is released:
Set the Hold parameter to “on.”
To toggle the Arpeggio playback
on/off whenever the note is
Set the Trigger mode to “toggle.”
The Hold parameter can be set to
either “on” or “off.”
Using the knobs to control Arpeggios
Accent Phrase
Press this button a few times
so that the lamp lights.
Arpeggio functions
controlled via the knobs
Random SFX
For turning the Random SFX on/
Random SFX parameter
For setting the volume of the SFX
Random SFX Velocity Offset
For determining whether or not
the volume of the SFX sound is
controlled by velocity:
Random SFX Key On Control
Arpeggio setting displays
Mode Display Page
Voice mode Arpeggio Main display of Voice
Common Edit
Arpeggio Other display of Voice
Common Edit
Performance mode Arpeggio Main display of
Performance Part Edit
Arpeggio Other display of
Performance Part Edit
Song mode/Pattern
mode (for playback)
Arpeggio Main display of Mixing
Part Edit
Arpeggio Other display of Mixing
Part Edit
Song Record mode Arpeggio display of Song
Pattern Record mode Arpeggio display of Pattern
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
Arpeggio Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Arpeggio playback types
The Arpeggio playback features four main playback types
as described below.
Arpeggio types (belonging to the categories except for the
DrPC and Cntr) created for use of Normal Voices have the
following three playback types.
Playback only of the played notes
The Arpeggio is played back using only the played note
and its octave notes.
Playback of a programmed sequence
according to the played notes
These Arpeggio types have the several sequences each of
which is suited for a certain chord type. Even if you press
only one note, the Arpeggio is played back using the
programmed sequence—meaning that notes other than
the ones you play may be sounded. Pressing another note
triggers the transposed sequence regarding the pressed
note as a root note. Adding notes to those already held
changes the sequence accordingly. An Arpeggio with such
a playback type has “_ES” at the end of the type name.
Playback of a programmed sequence
according to the played chord type
These Arpeggio types created for use with Normal Voices
are played back to match the chord type determined by
detecting the notes you play on the keyboard. An Arpeggio
with such a playback type has “_XS” at the end of the type
n When the Key Mode parameter is set to “sort” or “sort+direct,”
the same sequence is played back no matter what order you
play the notes. When the Key Mode parameter is set to “thru”
or “thru+direct,” a different sequence is played back
depending on the order you play the notes.
n Since these types are programmed for Normal Voices, using
them with Drum Voices may not give musically appropriate
These arpeggio types are programmed specifically for use
with Drum Voices, giving you instant access to various
rhythm patterns. Three different playback types are
Playback of a drum pattern
Pressing any note(s) will trigger the same rhythm pattern.
Playback of a drum pattern, plus additional
played notes (assigned drum instruments)
Pressing any note will trigger the same rhythm pattern.
Adding notes to the one already held produces additional
sounds (assigned drum instruments) for the drum pattern.
Playback only of the played notes (assigned
drum instruments)
Playing a note or notes will trigger a rhythm pattern using
only the notes played (assigned drum instruments). Keep
in mind that even if you play the same notes, the triggered
rhythm pattern differs depending on the order of the notes
played. This gives you access to different rhythm patterns
using the same instruments simply by changing the order
in which you play the notes when the Key Mode parameter
is set to “thru” or “thru+direct.”
n The three playback types above are not distinguished by
category name or type name. You’ll have to actually play the
types and hear the difference.
n Since these types are programmed for Drum Voices, using
them with Normal Voices may not give musically appropriate
These arpeggio types are programmed primarily with
Control Change and Pitch Bend data. They are used to
change the tone or pitch of the sound, rather than play
specific notes. In fact, some types contain no note data at
all. When using a type of this category, set the Key Mode
parameter to “direct,” “thru+direct,” or “sort+direct.”
n The Key Mode parameter can be set in the Arpeggio Main
display of Voice Common Edit (page 58), Performance Part
Edit (page 112) and Mixing Part Edit (page 194).
Arpeggio Types for Normal Voices
Arpeggio Types for Drum Voices
(Category: DrPc)
Arpeggio Types containing mainly non-
note events (Category: Cntr)
Arpeggio Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
Tips for Arpeggio playback
Try out the Arpeggio playback assigned to the preset Voice.
1 In the Voice Play mode, make sure that the
[ARPEGGIO ON/OFF] button is lit, then play
any note to trigger Arpeggio playback.
2 Try playing different notes and chords on the
keyboard and listen to the Arpeggio play.
Arpeggio playback responds in different ways,
depending on the order of the notes you play and, of
course, the selected Arpeggio Type. Also, try hitting the
notes strongly and listen for the Accent Phrase feature.
3 Try out various Arpeggio types by pressing the
[SF1] – [SF5] buttons.
n If the 8th note icon is not shown at the right of ARP1 –
ARP5 (meaning that Arpeggio Type is set to off in the
corresponding display), the Arpeggio Type does not
change even if you press the corresponding [SF1] ARP1 –
[SF5] ARP5 button.
4 Use the knobs to control Arpeggio playback
after pressing the [SELECTED PART
CONTROL] button a few times (the ARP FX
lamp lights).
Now that you’ve listened to the Arpeggio Types assigned to
the preset Voice, go on and try out some of the other
Arpeggio Types available.
5 During Arpeggio playback, press the [F4]
button to call up the Arpeggio display, then
select an Arpeggio type.
For best results, you should select a Category and Sub
Category containing Arpeggio Types that most closely
match the currently selected Voice. Once you find an
Arpeggio Type that fits, keep it in the display settings
and store the Voice (below).
6 Store the Arpeggio settings as a User Voice.
For detailed instructions on storing a Voice, see
page 54.
Call up some of the Performances in User Banks 1 – 4, and
play some of the Arpeggios assigned by default to the
Performances. In the Performance mode, each of four
Arpeggio types is assigned to each of four Parts. This
means up to four Arpeggio types can be played back
simultaneously. Let’s play the Performance making full use
of this function.
1 Make sure that the [ARPEGGIO ON/OFF]
button is lit, then play any note to trigger
Arpeggio playback.
Steps 2 – 4 are same as in “Arpeggio playback in the Voice
mode” above. Once you’ve tried out the Arpeggio Types
assigned to the Performance, go on and try some of the
other Arpeggio Types available.
5 During Arpeggio playback, press the [F4]
button to call up the Arpeggio display then
select an Arpeggio type for each Part.
For best results, you should select a Category and Sub
Category containing Arpeggio Types that most closely
match the Voice for the Part. Once you find an Arpeggio
Type that fits, keep it in the display settings and store
the Performance (below).
6 Store the Arpeggio settings as a User
For detailed instructions on storing a Performance, see
page 101.
You can record your keyboard performance to a Song/
Pattern in the Performance Record mode. Keep in mind
that any Arpeggio playback you trigger in the Performance
mode can be recorded to the Song or Pattern as well. For
details about the Performance recording, see page 98.
n The Arpeggio playback data is recorded to the Song or
Pattern track as MIDI sequence data. Note that pressing the
note only triggers the Arpeggio playback. The Song or Pattern
data will not trigger the Arpeggio playback.
Arpeggio playback in the Voice Play mode
Arpeggio playback/recording in the
Performance mode
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
Arpeggio Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Arpeggios are also useful for creating Phrases, which can
be used as the basic building blocks in making a Pattern.
Create User Phrases as desired then assign them to the
desired track in the Patch display (page 170).
This section shows how to record a Arpeggio playback to a
Pattern track.
1 Select an Arpeggio type in the Arpeggio
display (page 178) of the Pattern Record mode.
When the Arpeggio With Voice Switch parameter is set
to “on,” the Voice appropriate for this Arpeggio type is
automatically selected.
2 Record playback of the selected Arpeggio to
the Pattern track.
Record different Arpeggios to other tracks by repeating
steps 1 – 2. It is a good idea to assign a name to the
created Phrase in the Pattern Patch display (page 170) for
future recall.
3 Create Pattern data by assigning the created
Phrases to the Section in the Pattern Patch
display (page 170).
For example, create a Section A for the intro, a Section
B for the verse, a Section C for the chorus, and a
Section D for the ending—and you have the basic
blocks to build an original Song.
4 Create the Pattern Chain data by programming
the playback order of the Sections.
Pattern Chain allows you to string several different
Patterns together to make a single Song. For details,
see page 171.
5 Convert the Pattern Chain data to Song data.
For details, see page 174.
Creating an original Arpeggio type
In addition using the preset Arpeggios, you can also create
your own original Arpeggio data. The procedure is as
1 Record the MIDI sequence data to a Song or
Up to four tracks can be used in creating an Arpeggio.
Up to 16 unique note numbers can be recorded to the
Arpeggio track. If more than 16 different note numbers
have been recorded to the MIDI sequence data, the
Convert operation automatically reduces the notes in
excess of the limit. Because of this, be careful to record
only up to 16 different notes when you create an
2 Convert the recorded MIDI sequence data to
Arpeggio data.
Use the “Put Track to Arpeggio” Job in the Song Job
mode (page 164) or the Pattern Job mode (page 186).
After setting the related parameters, press the [ENTER]
button to execute the Job.
The created Arpeggio types can be selected from the User
bank in the Arpeggio display.
Arpeggio playback/recording in the
Pattern mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Controller Block
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
Controller Block
This block consists of the keyboard, Pitch Bend and Modulation Wheels, Ribbon Controller, Knobs, Sliders and so on. The
keyboard itself doesn’t generate sounds, but instead generates/transmits note on/off, velocity and other information (MIDI
messages) to the synthesizer’s tone generator block when you play notes. The controllers also generate/transmit MIDI
messages. The synthesizer’s tone generator block produces the sound according to the MIDI messages transmitted from
the keyboard and controllers.
The keyboard transmits the note on/off messages to the
Tone Generator Block (for sounding) and Sequencer Block
(for recording). The keyboard is also used for triggering
Arpeggio playback. You can change the note range of the
keyboard in octaves by using the OCTAVE [UP] and
[DOWN] buttons, transpose the notes in the Play display
(page 219) of the Utility mode, and set how the actual
velocity is generated according to the strength with which
you play notes in the same display.
Pitch Bend wheel
Use the Pitch Bend wheel to bend notes up (roll the wheel
away from you) or down (roll the wheel toward you) while
playing the keyboard. This wheel is self-centering and will
automatically return to normal pitch when released. Try out
the Pitch Bend wheel while pressing a note on the
Each preset Voice has its own default Pitch Bend Range
setting. The Pitch Bend Range setting for each Voice can
be changed in the Play Mode display (page 55) of the
Voice Edit mode. From this display you can also reverse
the Pitch Bend function—so that moving the wheel up
lowers the pitch, and moving it down raises the pitch.
Functions other than Pitch Bend can be assigned to the
Pitch Bend wheel in the Controller Set display (page 61) of
the Voice Edit mode.
Modulation wheel
Even though the Modulation wheel is conventionally used
to apply vibrato to the sound, many of the preset Voices
have other functions and effects assigned to the wheel.
The more you move this wheel up, the greater the effect
that is applied to the sound. Try out the Modulation wheel
with various preset Voices while playing the keyboard. To
avoid accidentally applying effects to the current Voice,
make sure the Modulation wheel is set to minimum before
you start playing. Various functions can be assigned to the
Modulation wheel in the Controller Set display (page 61) of
the Voice Edit mode.
Ribbon Controller
The Ribbon Controller is touch sensitive, and is controlled
by running your finger laterally across the surface. Various
functions are assigned to each preset Voice. Try out the
Ribbon Controller with various preset Voices while playing
the keyboard. Various functions can be assigned to the
Ribbon Controller in the Controller Set display (page 61) of
the Voice Edit mode. You can also determine whether the
Ribbon Controller value returns to the center, or stays at the
point where you released your finger in the General Other
display (page 57) of the Voice Common Edit mode.
Assignable Function Buttons
According to the XA (Expanded Articulation) Control
settings in the Oscillator display (page 69) of the Voice
Element Edit mode, you can call up the specific Element of
the current Voice by pressing each of these buttons during
your keyboard performance. You can select how the on/off
status of these buttons is switched by using the Assignable
Function 1 Mode and Assignable Function 2 Mode
parameters in the General Other display (page 57) of the
Voice Common Edit mode. Furthermore, you can assign
various functions (other than calling up specific Elements)
to these buttons.
Pitch Up
Pitch Down
Effect Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
Knobs and Sliders
These eight knobs let you change various aspects of the
Voice’s sound in real time—while you play. The eight sliders
let you adjust the volume of the Voice Elements,
Performance Parts and Mixing Parts.
For more information about how to use the knobs and
sliders in the respective modes, see page 46 (Voice
mode), page 94 (Performance mode), and page 138
(Song/Pattern mode).
Effect Block
This block applies effects to the output of the tone generator block, and audio input block, processing and enhancing the
sound. Effects let you change the sound of the created Voice as desired.
Effect structure
System Effects are applied to the overall sound—a Voice,
an entire Performance, a Song, etc. With System Effects,
the sound of each Part is sent to the effect according to the
effect Send Level for each Part. The processed sound
(referred to as “wet”) is sent back to the mixer, according to
the Return Level, and output—after being mixed with the
unprocessed “dry” sound. This arrangement lets you
prepare an optimum balance of the effect sound and the
original sound of the Parts.
Insertion Effects can be applied individually to each Part.
Insertion Effects are mainly used to directly process a
single Part. The depth of the effect is adjusted by setting
the dry/wet balance. Since an Insertion Effect can only be
applied to one particular Part, it should be used for sounds
you want to drastically change or for sounds that use an
effect unintended for other sounds. You can also set the
balance so that only the effect sound is heard, by setting
Wet to 100%. This synthesizer features eight sets of
Insertion Effects (one set has A and B units). They can be
applied to all Parts of the Performance, and applied to
eight Parts (maximum) of the Song/Pattern. Another
important Insertion Effect is the Vocoder, which can be
applied only to one Part.
n In the Voice mode, the Vocoder Effect can be applied to each
of the Voices. In the Mixing (Song/Pattern) and Performance
mode, the Vocoder Effect can be applied only to Part 1. The
Vocoder Effect does not work even if you assign the Voice (to
which the Vocoder is applied in the Voice mode) to the other
parts (Part 2 or higher).
This block applies effects to the final stereo output signal of
the entire sound.
The Element EQ is applied to each element of the Normal
Voice and each key of the Drum Voice. You can specify
which shape is used among six types, such as shelving
and peaking.
This 3-band parametric EQ is applied to each part of the
Performance/Song Mixing/Pattern Mixing. The high band
and low band are the shelving type. The middle band is the
peaking type.
Master EQ is applied to the final (post-effect), overall sound
of the instrument. In this EQ, all five bands can be set to
peaking, or the lowest and highest bands can also be set
to shelving.
n The Peaking Type (an Equalizer shape), lets you attenuate/
boost the signal at the specified Frequency setting. The
Shelving type (another Equalizer shape), lets you attenuate/
boost the signal at frequencies above or below the specified
System Effects—Reverb and Chorus
Insertion Effect
Master Effect
Element EQ
Part EQ
Master EQ
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Effect Block
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
Effect connection in each mode
Sets the Element EQ parameters applied to
each Element (for a Normal Voice) and each
key (for a Drum Voice).
The Element EQ parameters can be set in the EQ
display (pages 83 and 90) of the Voice Edit mode.
Determines which Insertion Effect, A or B, is
applied to each Element (or to each key when a
Drum Voice is selected).
The Insertion Effect can also be bypassed. This can be
set in the Connect display (page 64) of the Voice
Common Edit or the Oscillator display (page 69) of the
Voice Element Edit (or Key Edit).
n These two display types are linked and feature the same
settings, only in different formats.
Determines the Insertion A/B connection from
the following four types: parallel, A F B, B F A,
and Vocoder.
This block also selects the Effect Types of Insertion A
and B respectively and sets the related parameters.
These can be set in the Connect display (page 64) and
the Insertion A/B display (page 66) of Voice Common
Determines the Send Level/Return Level to/
from the Reverb/Chorus and the signal level
sent from the Chorus to the Reverb.
This block also selects the Effect Types of Reverb and
Chorus respectively and sets the related parameters.
These can be set in the Connect display (page 64) and
the Reverb display/Chorus display (page 66) of Voice
Common Edit.
Selects the Master Effect type and sets the
Effect parameters in the Master Effect display
(page 224) of the Utility mode.
Sets the Master EQ parameters in the Master
EQ display (page 224) of the Utility mode.
In the Voice mode
Element or Drum Key
Element EQ
Element 1 – 8
Drum Key C0 – C6
AD Part (set in the Utility mode)
Insertion A
Insertion B
Send Level
Return Level
Chorus To
Master Effect
Master EQ
In the Performance mode
Part EQ
Part 1 – 4
AD Part
Insertion A/B
Chorus To
Master Effect
Master EQ
Effect Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
Sets the Part EQ parameters applied to each
part in the EQ display (page 103) of
Performance Part Edit.
Determines the Send Level/Return Level to/
from the Reverb/Chorus and the signal level
sent from the Chorus to the Reverb.
This block also selects the Effect Types of Reverb and
Chorus respectively and sets the related parameters.
These can be set in the Connect display (page 107)
and the Reverb display/Chorus display (page 108) of
Performance Common Edit.
Selects the Master Effect type and sets the
Effect parameters in the Master Effect display
(page 104) of Performance Common Edit.
Sets the Master EQ parameters in the Master
EQ display (page 105) of Performance
Common Edit.
n The Effect settings of in the Voice mode illustrated on
page 23 are available also in the Performance mode.
Sets the Part EQ parameters applied to each
part in the EQ display (page 195) of Mixing Part
Selects the eight Parts to which the Insertion
Effect is applied from Parts 1 – 16 and the AD
This can be set in the Insertion Effect Switch display
(page 193) of the Mixing Edit.
Determines the Send Level/Return Level to/
from the Reverb/Chorus and the signal level
sent from the Chorus to the Reverb.
This block also selects the Effect Types of Reverb and
Chorus respectively and sets the related parameters.
These can be set in the Connect display (page 193)
and the Reverb display/Chorus display (page 193) of
Mixing Common Edit.
Selects the Master Effect type and sets the
Effect parameters in the Master Effect display
(page 193) of Mixing Common Edit.
Sets the Master EQ parameters in the Master
EQ display (page 193) of Mixing Common Edit.
n The Effect settings of in the Voice mode illustrated on
page 23 are available for up to eight parts for which the
Insertion Effect is turned on.
Effect Category and Type
This section explains the Effect categories and their types.
The Effect Type list described below for each category
contains the columns: Rev (Reverb), Cho (Chorus), Ins
(Insertion) and Mas (Master Effect). The checkmarks
indicated in these columns means the Effect Type is
available for each block. These Effect types (with the
checkmarks indicated in each list) can be selected from
the panel controls.
Also called “reverberation,” this refers to the sound energy
remaining in a room or closed space after the original
sound stops. Similar to yet different from echo, reverb is the
indirect, diffuse sound of reflections from the walls and
ceiling that accompany the direct sound. The
characteristics of this indirect sound depends on the size
of the room or space and the materials and furnishings in
the room.
Mixing mode
Part EQ
Part 1 – 16
AD Part
Insertion A/B
Chorus To
Master Effect
Master EQ
Effect Type Rev Cho Ins Description
REV-X HALL Reverb emulating the
acoustics of a concert hall
using the REV-X technology.
R3 HALL Reverb emulating the
acoustics of a concert hall
using the algorithm derived
from the Yamaha ProR3.
Effect Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
An effect (or device) that delays an audio signal for
ambient or rhythmic effects.
Depending on the particular chorus type and parameters,
this can make a voice sound “larger,” as if several identical
instruments were playing in unison, or it can give a voice
greater warmth and depth.
This effect creates a swirling, metallic sound.
Cyclically modulates the phase to add modulation to the
Tremolo & Rotary
The tremolo effect cyclically modulates the volume.
The Rotary Speaker effect simulates the characteristic
vibrato effect of a rotary speaker.
This type can be used mainly for guitar, adding distortion
with an edge to the sound.
SPX HALL Reverb emulating the
acoustics of a concert hall
derived from the Yamaha
REV-X ROOM Reverb emulating the
acoustics of a room using
the REV-X technology.
R3 ROOM Reverb emulating the
acoustics of a room using
the algorithm derived from
the Yamaha ProR3.
SPX ROOM Reverb emulating the
acoustics of a room derived
from the Yamaha SPX1000.
R3 PLATE Reverb emulating a metal
plate using the algorithm
derived from the Yamaha
SPX STAGE Reverb appropriate for a
solo instrument derived from
the Yamaha SPX1000.
Reverb which lets you set
the space size by specifying
the width, height, and depth.
Effect Type Rev Ins Mas Description
CROSS DELAY  The feedback of the two
delayed sounds is crossed.
 Cross delay synchronized
with the tempo of Song/
 Mono delay synchronized
with the tempo of Song/
 Stereo delay synchronized
with the tempo of Song/
Delay with delay time
controllable in real time.
DELAY LR  Produces two delayed
sounds: L and R.
DELAY LCR  Produces three delayed
sounds: L, R and C (center).
Produces two delayed
sounds in stereo: L and R.
Effect Type Cho Ins Description
G CHORUS A Chorus Effect that produces a
richer and more complex
modulation than normal chorus.
2 MODULATOR A Chorus Effect consisting of the
pitch modulation and the amplitude
SPX CHORUS An effect which uses a 3-phase
LFO to add modulation and
spaciousness to the sound.
Effect Type Rev Cho Ins Description
SYMPHONIC A multi-stage version of SPX
CHORUS modulation.
Chorus effect without modulation,
created by adding a slightly pitch-
shifted sound.
Effect Type Cho Ins Description
VCM FLANGER Flanger with VCM technology
producing a vintage sound.
Conventional type of flanger.
Tempo-synchronized flanger.
Dynamically controlled flanger.
Effect Type Cho Ins Description
Mono phaser with VCM technology
producing a vintage sound.
Stereo phaser with VCM technology
producing a vintage sound.
Tempo-synchronized phaser.
Dynamically controlled phase
Effect Type Ins Description
AUTO PAN An effect which cyclically moves the sound
left/right and front/back.
TREMOLO An effect which cyclically modulates the
Simulation of a rotary speaker
Effect Type Ins Mas Description
A simulation of a guitar amp.
A simulation of a guitar amp.
Since a Compressor is included in
the first stage, steady distortion can
be produced regardless of
changes in input level.
Compressor, Distortion and Delay
are connected in series.
Effect Type Cho Ins Description
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
Effect Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Compressor is an effect commonly used to limit and
compress the dynamics (softness/loudness) of an audio
signal. When used with gain to boost the overall level, this
creates a more powerful, more consistently high-level
sound. Compression can be used to increase sustain for
electric guitar, smooth out the volume of a vocal, or bring a
drum kit or rhythm pattern further up-front in the mix.
This Effect cyclically modulates the tone brightness (cutoff
frequency of a filter). Auto Wah modulates the tone via
LFO, Touch Wah modulates the tone via volume (note on
velocity) and Pedal Wah modulates the tone the pedal
This Effect intentionally degrades the audio quality of the
input signal via several methods such as lowering the
sampling frequency.
This Effect changes the tonal characteristics radically by
using a filter and modulation.
The Vocoder effect does not belong to any category.
When you want to use this effect, set the INSERTION
CONNECT parameter in the Effect Connect display
(page 66) to “ins L.”
This category includes the other effect types.
VCM is a technology that authentically models the
elements in analog circuitry (such as resistors and
capacitors). Effect types using the VCM technology
produce the uniquely warm characteristics of vintage
processing gear.
VCM Compressor 376
This effect emulates the characteristics of analog
compressors, used as standard effects in recording
studios. It frames and thickens the sound, and is suitable
for drum and bass sounds.
VCM Equalizer 501
This effect emulates the characteristics of analog
equalizers used in the 1970s, recreating a warm, high-
quality flanger effect.
Effect Type Ins Mas Description
Compressor with VCM technology.
Conventional type of compressor.
3-band type compressor.
Effect Type Ins Description
VCM AUTO WAH Modulates the tone via the LFO.
VCM TOUCH WAH Modulates the tone via the volume
(note on velocity).
VCM PEDAL WAH Modulates the tone via the pedal
control. For best results, assign the
Pedal Control parameter of this
Effect type to the Foot Controller in
the Controller Set display, then use
the Foot Controller to control this
effect in real time.
Effect Type Ins Mas Description
LO-FI Degrades the audio quality of the
input signal to get a lo-fi sound.
NOISY Adds the noise to the current
Simulates the noise of an analog
Effect Type Ins Mas Description
An effect that modifies the pitch by
applying amplitude modulation to
the frequency of the input.
Dynamically controlled Ring
Dynamically controlled filter
AUTO SYNTH Processes the input signal into a
synthesizer-type sound.
ISOLATOR Controls the level of a specified
frequency band of the input signal.
SLICE Slices the AEG of the Voice sound.
Adds a unique feeling of
modulation similar to ring
Effect Type Ins Description
VOCODER This effect extracts characteristics from the
microphone sound and applies it to the
Voice played from the keyboard. This
creates a distinctive, “robot voice” effect
which is generated when you play the
keyboard and sing or speak into the
microphone at the same time.
Effect Type Cho Ins Description
VCM EQ 501 Vintage 5-band parametric EQ with
VCM technology.
Changes the pitch of the input
This effect isolates only the early
reflection components of the
Adds new harmonics to the input
signal to make the sound stand out.
Adds a vowel sound to the input
Simulates the resonance produced
when the damper pedal of the
piano is pressed.
VCM (Virtual Circuitry Modeling)
Effect Type Ins Mas Description
Effect Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
VCM Flanger
These effects emulate the characteristics of analog flanger
used in the 1970s, recreating a warm, high-quality flanger
VCM Phaser Mono, VCM Phaser Stereo
This effect emulates the characteristics of analog phasers
used in the 1970s, recreating a warm, high-quality phaser
VCM Auto Wah, VCM Touch Wah, VCM Pedal
These effects emulate the characteristics of analog Wah
used in the 1970s, recreating a warm, high-quality wah-
wah effect.
REV-X is a reverb algorithm developed by Yamaha. It
provides a high-density, richly reverberant sound quality,
with smooth attenuation, spread and depth that work
together to enhance the original sound.
The MOTIF XF features two types of REV-X effects: REV-X
Hall and REV-X Room.
Effect Parameters
Each of the Effect Types has parameters determining how
the Effect is applied to the sound. A variety of sounds can
be obtained from a single effect type by setting these
parameters. For information about the Effect parameters,
see below.
Preset settings for parameters of each effect type are
provided as templates and can be selected in the Effect
Type selection display. To get a desired effect sound, try
first selecting one of the Presets close to your imagined
sound, then change the parameters as necessary.
n Some parameters below may appear in different effect types
with the same name, but actually have different functions
depending on the particular effect type. For these parameters,
two or three types of explanations are given.
Preset settings for Effect parameters
Preset settings can be selected here.
Effect Parameters
Parameter name Descriptions
AEG Phase Offsets the phase of the AEG.
AM Depth Determines the depth of the amplitude modulation.
AM Inverse R Determines the phase of the amplitude modulation for the R
AM Speed Determines the amplitude modulation speed.
AM Wave Selects the wave for modulating the amplitude.
AMP Type Selects the amplifier type to be simulated.
Analog Feel Adds the characteristics of an analog flanger to the sound.
Attack Determines the amount of time that elapses between the playing
of a key and the start of the compressor effect.
Attack Offset Determines the amount of time that elapses between the playing
of a key and the start of the wah effect.
Attack Time Determines the attack time of the envelope follower.
Bit Assign Determines how the Word Length is applied to the sound.
Determines the minimum value of the wah filter.
BPF1–10 Gain Determines each output gain of BPFs 1 – 10 of the Vocoder
Click Density Determines the frequency at which the click sounds.
Click Level Determines the click level.
Determines the fixed phase modulation.
Common Release This is a parameter of “Multi Band Comp.” This parameter
determines the amount of time that elapses between the
releasing of a note and the end of the effect.
Compress Determines the minimum input level at which the compressor
effect is applied.
Control Type This is a parameter of “Control Delay.” When set to “Normal,” the
delay effect is always applied to the sound. When set to
“Scratch,” the delay effect is not applied if both the Delay Time
and Delay Time Offset are set to “0.”
Damper Control When the half-damper compatible FC3 footswitch is connected
to the SUSTAIN jack, the Damper Control parameter is controlled
by the FC3 over a range of 0 – 127, allowing for partial damper
effects, such as is available on an actual grand piano.
Decay Controls how the reverb sound decays.
Delay Level C Determines the level of the delayed sound for the center channel.
Delay Mix Determines the level of the delayed mixed sound when multiple
effects are applied.
Delay Offset Determines the offset value of the delay modulation.
Delay Time Determines the delay of the sound in note value or absolute time.
Delay Time C, L, R Determines the delay time for each channel: center, left and right.
Delay Time L>R Determines the amount of time between the moment the sound is
input from the L channel and the moment the sound is output to
the R channel.
Delay Time Ofst R Determines the delay time for the R channel as offset.
Delay Time R>L Determines the amount of time between the moment the sound is
input from the R channel and the moment the sound is output to
the L channel.
Delay Transition
Determines the speed (rate) at which the delay time is changed
from the current value to the specified new value.
Density Determines the density of the reverberations or reflections.
Depth When “Space Simulator” is selected, this parameter determines
the depth of the simulated room.
When “VCM Flanger” is selected, this parameter determines the
amplitude of the LFO wave which controls the cyclic change of
the delay modulation.
When “Phaser Type” is selected, this parameter determines the
amplitude of the LFO wave which controls the cyclic change of
the phase modulation.
Detune Determines the amount of pitch to be detuned.
Device Selects the device for changing how to distort the sound.
Diffusion Determines the spread of the selected effect.
Direction Determines the direction of the modulation controlled by the
envelope follower.
Divide Freq High Determines the high frequency for dividing the entire sound into
three bands.
Divide Freq Low Determines the low frequency for dividing the entire sound into
three bands.
Divide Min Level Determines the minimum level of the portions extracted via the
slice effect.
Divide Type Determines how the sound (wave) is sliced by the note length.
Drive When one of the distortion, noisy and slice effects is selected,
this parameter determines the extent to which the sound is
When one of the misc effects is selected, this parameter
determines the extent to which the enhancer or talking modulator
is applied.
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
Effect Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Drive Horn Determines the depth of the modulation generated via the
rotation of the horn.
Drive Rotor Determines the depth of the modulation generated via the
rotation of the rotor.
Dry Level Determines the level of the dry sound (to which the effect is not
Dry LPF Cutoff
Determines the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter applied to
the dry sound.
Dry Mix Level Determines the level of the dry sound (to which the effect is not
Dry Send to Noise Determines the level of the dry signal sent to the noise effect.
Dry/Wet Balance Determines the balance of the dry sound and effect sound.
Dyna Level Offset Determines the offset value added to the output from the
envelope follower.
Dyna Threshold
Determines the minimum level at which the envelope follower
Edge Sets the curve that determines how the sound is distorted.
Emphasis Determines the change of the characteristics in high frequencies.
EQ Frequency Determines the center frequency for each band of the EQ.
EQ Gain Determines the level gain of the EQ center frequency for each
EQ High
Determines the center frequency of the high EQ band that is
EQ High Gain Determines the amount of boost or attenuation applied to the
high EQ band.
EQ Low
Determines the center frequency of the low EQ band that is
EQ Low Gain Determines the amount of boost or attenuation applied to the low
EQ band.
EQ Mid Frequency Determines the center frequency of the middle EQ band that is
EQ Mid Gain Determines the amount of boost or attenuation applied to the
middle EQ band.
EQ Mid Width Determines the width of the middle EQ band.
EQ Width Determines the width of the EQ band.
ER/Rev Balance Determines the level balance of the early reflection and reverb
F/R Depth This parameter of “Auto Pan” (available when PAN Direction is
set to “L turn” and “R turn”) determines the depth of the F/R
(front/rear) pan.
FB Hi Damp Ofst R Determines the amount of decay in high frequencies for the R
channel as offset.
FB Level Ofst R Determines the feedback level for the R channel as offset.
Feedback Determines the level of the sound signal output from the effect
block and returned to its own input.
Feedback High
Determines how the high frequencies of the feedback sound
Feedback Level When one of the reverb and early reflection effects is selected,
this parameter determines the feedback level of the initial delay.
When one of the delay, chorus, flanger, comp distortion delay,
and TEC effects is selected, this parameter determines the
feedback level output from the delay and returned to the input.
When “Tempo Phaser” or “Dynamic Phaser” is selected, this
parameter determines the feedback level output from the phaser
and returned to the input.
Feedback Level 1,
Determines the feedback level of the delayed sound in each of
the 1st and 2nd series.
Feedback Time Determines the delay time of the feedback.
Feedback Time 1,
2, L, R
Determines the time of the feedback delay 1, 2, L and R.
Filter Type When “Lo-Fi” is selected, this parameter selects the tonal
characteristic type.
When “Dynamic Filter” is selected, this parameter determines the
filter type.
Fine 1, 2 Determines the pitch finely for each of the 1st series and 2nd
Formant Offset This parameter of the Vocoder adds the offset value to the cutoff
frequency of BPF for the Inst input.
Formant Shift This parameter of the Vocoder shifts the cutoff frequency of the
BPF for Inst input.
Gate Switch When set to “off,” the output from the HPF and the Noise
Generator is passed through the gate. When set to “on,” the
output from the HPF and the Noise Generator passes through the
gate only if the audio signal is input to the Inst.
Gate Time Determines the gate time of the sliced portion.
Height Determines the height of the simulated room.
Hi Resonance Adjusts the resonance of the high frequencies.
High Attack Determines the amount of time from the moment a note is
pressed to the moment the compressor is applied to the high
High Gain Determines the output gain for the high frequencies.
High Level Determines the level of the high frequencies.
High Mute Switches the mute status of the high frequencies.
High Ratio When “REV-X Hall” or “REV-X Room” is selected, this parameter
determines the ratio of the high frequencies.
When “Multi Band Comp” is selected, this parameter determines
the ratio of the compressor for the high frequencies.
Parameter name Descriptions
High Threshold Determines the minimum input level at which the effect is applied
to the high frequencies.
Horn Speed Fast Determines the speed of the horn when the slow/fast switch is set
to “fast.”
Horn Speed SLow Determines the speed of the horn when the slow/fast switch is set
to “slow.
HPF Freq Determines the Cutoff frequency for the High Pass Filter applied
to the microphone sound.
HPF Output Level Determines how much the output from high pass filter is mixed
with the output from the Vocoder.
Initial Delay Determines the amount of time that elapses between the direct,
original sound and the initial reflections.
Initial Delay 1, 2 Determines the delay time until the initial reflection for each of the
1st series and 2nd series.
Initial Delay Lch,
Determines the amount of time that elapses between the direct,
original sound and the initial reflections (echoes) that follow it for
each of R and L channels.
Input Level Determines the input level of the signal to which the compressor
is applied.
Input Mode Selects mono or stereo configuration for the input sound.
Input Select Selects an input channel.
Inst Input Level Determines the level of the instrument sound to which the
Vocoder is applied.
L/R Depth Determines the depth of the L/R pan effect.
L/R Diffusion Determines the spread of the sound.
Lag Determines the lagging time additionally applied to the delayed
sound specified via a note length.
LFO Depth When one of “SPX Chorus,” “Symphonic,” “Classic Flanger,” and
“Ring Modulator” is selected, this parameter determines the
depth of the modulation.
When “Tempo Phase” is selected, this parameter determines the
frequency of the phase modulation.
LFO Phase
Determines the L/R phase difference of the modulated wave.
LFO Phase Reset Determines how to reset the initial phase of the LFO.
LFO Speed When any of the chorus effects, flanger effects, tremolo and ring
modulator is selected, this parameter determines the frequency
of the modulation.
When “Tempo Phaser” or “Tempo Franger” is selected, this
parameter determines the modulation speed via a note type.
When “Auto Pan” is selected, this parameter determines the
frequency of the Auto Pan.
LFO Wave When any of the flanger effects and “Ring Modulator,” this
parameter selects the wave for modulation.
When “Auto Pan” is selected, this parameter determines the
panning curve.
When “VCM Auto Wah” is selected, this parameter selects the
wave, sine or square.
Liveness Determines the decay characteristic of Early Reflection.
Low Attack Determines the amount of time from the moment a note is
pressed to the moment the compressor is applied to the low
Low Gain Determines the output gain for the low frequencies.
Low Level Determines the output level for the low frequencies.
Low Mute Determines whether the low frequency band is off or on.
Low Ratio When “REV-X Hall” or “REV-X Room” is selected, this parameter
determines the ratio of the low frequencies.
When “Multi Band Comp” is selected, this parameter determines
the ratio of the compressor for the low frequencies.
Low Threshold Determines the minimum input level at which the effect is applied
to the low frequencies.
LPF Resonance Determines the resonance of the low pass filter for the input
Manual When “VCM Flanger” is selected, this parameter determines the
offset value of the delay modulation.
Manual When “VCM Phaser mono” or “VCM Phaser stereo” is selected,
this parameter determines the offset value of the phase
Meter Changes the meter.
Mic Gate
Determines the threshold level of the noise gate for the
microphone sound.
Mic Level Determines the input level of the microphone sound.
Mic L-R Angle Determines the L/R angle of the microphone.
Mid Attack Determines the amount of time from the moment a note is
pressed to the moment the compressor is applied to the mid
Mid Gain Determines the output gain for the mid frequencies.
Mid Level Determines the output level for the mid frequencies.
Mid Mute Switches the mute status of the mid frequencies.
Mid Ratio Determines the ratio of the compressor for the mid frequencies.
Mid Threshold Determines the minimum input level at which the effect is applied
for the mid frequencies.
Mix Determines the volume of the effect sound.
Mix Level Determines the level of the effect sound mixed to the dry sound.
Mod Depth Determines the depth of the modulation.
Mod Depth Ofst R Determines the depth of the modulation for R channel as offset.
Parameter name Descriptions
Effect Block
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
*1 The Bottom parameter is available only when the value is less than that of the Top
*2 The Color parameter may not be effective depending on the values of the Mode and
Stage parameters.
*3 The Top parameter is available only when the value is more than that of the Bottom
Mod Feedback Determines the feedback level to the modulation.
Mod Gain Determines the gain of the modulation.
Mod LPF Cutoff
Determines the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter applied to
the modulated sound.
Determines the resonance of the low pass filter for the modulated
Mod Mix Balance When “Noisy” is selected, this parameter determines the mix
balance of the modulated element.
When “Tech Modulation” is selected, this parameter determines
the volume of the modulated sound.
Mod Speed Determines the modulation speed.
Mod Wave Type Selects the wave type for modulation.
Mode Determines the phaser type, or more specifically, the factor for
forming the phaser effect.
Modulation Phase Determines the L/R phase difference of the modulated wave.
Move Speed Determines how long it takes to move the sound from the current
status to the sound specified via the Vowel parameter.
Noise Input Level Determines the noise level which is to be input.
Noise Level Determines the noise level.
Noise LPF Cutoff
Determines the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter applied to
the noise.
Noise LPF Q Determines the resonance of the low pass filter applied to the
Noise Mod Depth Determines the depth of the noise modulation.
Noise Mod Speed Determines the speed of the noise modulation.
Noise Tone Determines the characteristics of the noise.
On/Off Switch Turns the isolator on or off.
OSC Frequency
Determines the frequency at which the sine wave modulates the
amplitude of the input wave.
OSC Frequency
Determines the frequency finely at which the sine wave
modulates the amplitude of the input wave.
Output Determines the level of the signal output from the effect block.
Output Gain Determines the gain of the signal output from the effect block.
Output Level Determines the level of the signal output from the effect block.
Output Level 1, 2 Determines the level of the signal output from the 1st block and
2nd block respectively.
Over Drive Determines the degree and character of the distortion effect.
Pan 1, 2 Determines the pan for each of the 1st series and 2nd series.
Pan AEG Min
This parameter of the Slice effect determines the minimum level
of the AEG applied to the panned sound.
Pan AEG Type This parameter of the Slice effect determines the type of the AEG
applied to the panned sound.
Pan Depth Determines the depth of the pan effect.
Pan Direction Determines the direction toward which the stereo pan position of
the sound moves.
Pan Type Determines the pan type.
Pedal Control When “VCM Pedal Wah” is selected, this parameter determines
the cutoff frequency of the wah filter. For best results, assign the
this parameter to the Foot Controller in the Controller Set display,
then use the Foot Controller to control this parameter.
Pedal Response Determines how the sound responds to the change of the
damper control.
Phase Shift Offset Determines the offset value of the phase modulation.
Pitch 1, 2 Determines the pitch in semitones for each of the 1st series and
2nd series.
PM Depth Determines the depth of the pitch modulation.
Pre Mod HPF
Cutoff Frequency
Determines the Cutoff frequency of the High Pass Filter before
the modulation.
Pre-LPF Cutoff
Determines the Cutoff frequency of the Low Pass Filter before the
Determines the Resonance of the Low Pass Filter for the input
Presence This parameter of the guitar amp effect controls high frequencies.
Ratio Determines the ratio of the compressor.
Release Determines the amount of time that elapses between the
releasing of a key and the end of the compressor effect.
Release Curve Determines the release curve of the envelope follower.
Release Time Determines the release time of the envelope follower.
Resonance Determines the resonance of the filter.
Resonance Offset Determines the resonance as offset.
Reverb Delay Determines the delay time from the early reflections until the
Reverb Time Determines the reverb time.
Room Size Determines the size of the room in which the instrument sounds.
Rotor Speed Fast Determines the speed of the rotor when the slow/fast switch is set
to “fast.”
Rotor Speed Slow Determines the speed of the rotor when the slow/fast switch is set
to “slow.”
Determines the volume balance of the horn and rotor.
Sampling Freq.
Controls the sampling frequency.
Parameter name Descriptions
Sensitivity When one of “Dynamic Flanger,” “Dynamic Phaser,” and the TEC
effects is selected, this parameter determines the sensitivity of
the modulation applied to the input change.
When one of the VCM Touch Wah effects is selected, this
parameter determines the sensitivity of the wah filters change
applied to the input change.
Slow-Fast Time of
Determines how long it takes for the rotation speed of the horn to
change from the current speed (slow or fast) to the other one
(fast or slow) when the rotation speed is switched.
Slow-Fast Time of
Determines how long it takes for the rotation speed of the rotor to
change from the current speed (slow or fast) to the other one
(fast or slow) when the rotation speed is switched.
Space Type Selects the type of space simulation.
Speaker Type Selects the type of speaker simulation.
Speed When “VCM Flanger” is selected, this parameter determines the
frequency of the LFO wave which controls the cyclic change of
the delay modulation.
When any of the phaser types is selected, this parameter
determines the frequency of the LFO wave which controls the
cyclic change of the phase modulation.
When “VCM Auto Wah” is selected, this parameter determines
the speed of the LFO.
Speed Control Switches the rotary speed.
Spread Determines the spread of the sound.
Stage Determines the step number of the phase shifter.
Threshold Determines the minimum input level at which the effect is
To p
Determines the maximum value of the wah filter.
Type When “VCM Flanger” is selected, this parameter determines the
flanger type.
When any of the wah effects is selected, this parameter
determines the type of the Auto Wah.
When “Early Reflection” is selected, this parameter determines
the type of the reflection sound.
Vocoder Attack Determines the attack time of the Vocoder sound.
Vocoder Release Determines the release time of the Vocoder sound.
Vowel Selects a vowel type.
Wall Vary Determines the wall status of the simulated room. Higher settings
produces more diffuse reflections.
Width Determines the width of the simulated room.
Word Length Determines the degree of sound roughness.
Parameter name Descriptions
About MIDI
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
About MIDI
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a standard which allows electronic musical instruments to communicate with
each other, by sending and receiving compatible Note, Control Change, Program Change and various other types of MIDI
data, or messages.
This synthesizer can control other MIDI devices by transmitting note related data and various types of controller data. It can
also be controlled by incoming MIDI messages which automatically determine the tone generator mode, select MIDI
channels, voices and effects, change parameter values, and of course play the voices specified for the various Parts.
MIDI channels
MIDI performance data is assigned to one of sixteen MIDI
channels. Using these channels, 1 – 16, the performance
data for sixteen different instrument parts can be
simultaneously sent over one MIDI cable.
Think of the MIDI channels as TV channels. Each TV station
transmits its broadcasts over a specific channel.
Your home TV set receives many different programs
simultaneously from several TV stations and you select the
appropriate channel to watch the desired program.
MIDI operates on the same basic principle.
The transmitting instrument sends MIDI data on a specific
MIDI channel (MIDI Transmit Channel) via a single MIDI
cable to the receiving instrument. If the receiving
instrument’s MIDI channel (MIDI Receive Channel)
matches the Transmit Channel, the receiving instrument will
sound according to the data sent by the transmitting
For information on how to set the MIDI transmit channel
and the MIDI receive channel, see page 228.
MIDI messages transmitted/
recognized by this synthesizer
The messages transmitted/received by the MOTIF XF are
shown in the MIDI Data Format and MIDI Implementation
Chart in the separate Data List. The MOTIF XF tone
generator block (indicated “synth. part” in the Data List)
and sequencer block (indicated “seq. part” in the Data
List) handle different MIDI messages. The MIDI messages
which the sequencer block can receive can be recorded to
tracks of a Song/Pattern. On the other hand, the MIDI
messages which the tone generator can receive can affect
the MOTIF XF sound.
This section covers MIDI events, the data format by which
the MIDI messages generated by your keyboard
performance are recorded to a track of a Song/Pattern.
Theses events described below can be edited or inserted
in the displays of the Song Edit/Pattern Edit modes.
These are the events that define notes, making up the
largest portion of all performance data. The note name (C -
2 – G8) defines the pitch. The gate time specifies the
length of the note in beats and clocks. Velocity (1 – 127) is
“how hard” the note is played. The bar graph to the right is
a graphic representation of the value.
Pitch Bend
Weather Report
MIDI Receive channel 2
MIDI Transmit channel 2
MIDI cable
MIDI events handled by the MOTIF XF
Note name
Gate time
Bar graph
of velocity
Data value
Bar graph of
the data value
About MIDI
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
Pitch bend events are generated by pitch bend wheel
operation and define continuous changes in pitch. The
value (-8192 – +0000 – +8191) is a numerical
representation of pitch bend wheel position. The bar graph
to the right is a graphic representation of the value.
Program Change (PC)
Program change events select Voices. The Bank Select
MSB and LSB parameters are actually included in the
Control Change category, below, but since in the MOTIF XF
these three events are used to select Voices, they are
grouped and described here. Bank Select MSB and LSB
select the Voice Bank. The program number selects a
Voice from the Voice category and bank specified by the
MSB and LSB. For a list of the Voices, see the separate
Data List. When you specify a program change as a
number in the range of 0 – 127, specify a number that is
one less than the program number listed in the Voice List.
For example, to specify program number 128, you would
actually enter program change 127.
Control Change (CC)
Control Change events control Voice and effect
parameters. Control Change events are generated when a
controller such as a modulation wheel or foot controller is
The Control number (000 – 127) specifies the controller
(function), such as volume or pan. The value (000 – 127)
specifies the “position” of the controller assigned to the
selected control number. The bar graph to the right is a
graphic representation of the data value.
Some of the more important control numbers and
controllers are listed below.
n When “---” is shown at the column of the Controller (Function),
the Control number can be handled by the sequencer block
and cannot be handled by the tone generator block.
Modulation Wheel (Control Number 001)
The MIDI data produced when a modulation wheel is
operated. No modulation is applied when the value is “0, and
“127” produces maximum modulation.
Portamento Time (Control Number 005)
This MIDI message controls the portamento effect. No
portamento is produced when the value is “0,” and “127”
produces maximum portamento time. Portamento is only
produced when Portamento (Control Number 065) is ON.
Data Entry MSB (Control Number 006)
Data Entry LSB (Control Number 038)
These parameters specify the value of RPN MSB, RPN LSB
(page 32), NRPN MSB, and NRPN LSB events. The value is
represented by two control change data numbers—the MSB
and the LSB.
Volume (Control Number 007)
Sets the volume for each individual Part. No sound is
produced when the value is “0,” and “127” produces
maximum volume.
Pan (Control Number 010)
Sets the pan position for each individual Part. The sound is
panned fully left when the value is “0” and fully right when the
value is “127.” The displayed values are -64 – +63.
Expression (Control Number 011)
Sets the expression for each individual Part. No sound is
produced when the value is “0,” and “127” produces
maximum volume. This parameter produces volume variations
during playback.
Sustain (Hold 1) (Control Number 064)
This MIDI message represents sustain pedal ON/OFF
operations. Notes playing when the pedal is pressed will be
sustained. When the value is “0” – “63” sustain is OFF, and
when the data is “64” – “127” sustain is ON.
Portamento (Control Number 065)
This MIDI message turns portamento ON or OFF. When the
value is “0” – “63” portamento is OFF, and when the data is
“64” – “127” portamento is ON. The length (degree) of the
portamento effect is controlled by Portamento Time (Control
Number 005).
Sostenuto Pedal (Control Number 066)
This MIDI message represents sostenuto pedal ON/OFF
operations. When the value is “0” – “63” sostenuto is OFF, and
when the data is “64” – “127” sostenuto is ON.
Harmonic Content (Control Change 071)
Adjusts the resonance of the filter assigned to a Voice. The
resonance is adjusted by using the data range of 0 – 127 as
an offset value with a display range of -64 – +63 which is
added to the Voice data.
Release Time (Control Change 072)
Adjusts the release time of the Voice AEG. The release time is
adjusted by using the data range of 0 – 127 as an offset value
with a display range of -64 – +63 which is added to the Voice
Attack Time (Control Change 073)
Adjusts the attack time of the Voice AEG. The attack time is
adjusted by using the data range of 0 – 127 as an offset value
with a display range of -64 – +63 which is added to the Voice
Brightness (Control Change 074)
Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the filter assigned to a Voice.
The cutoff is adjusted by using the data range of 0 – 127 as an
offset value with a display range of -64 – +63 which is added
to the Voice data.
Bank Select MSB
Bank Select LSB
Program number
Voice name
Data value
Bar graph of
the data value
Control number
Controller (function)
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
About MIDI
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Decay Time (Control Change 075)
Adjusts the decay time of the Voice AEG. The decay time is
adjusted by using the data range of 0 – 127 as an offset value
with a display range of -64 – +63 which is added to the Voice
Effect Send Level 1 (Reverb Effect) (Control Number 091)
Specifies the reverb effect send level.
Effect Send Level 3 (Chorus Effect) (Control Number 093)
Specifies the delay/chorus effect send level.
Effect Send Level 4 (Variation Effect) (Control Number 094)
Specifies the variation effect send level.
n This MIDI event cannot be handled by the tone generator
block, although it can be recorded to a Song/Pattern track.
Data Increment (Control Number 096)
Data Decrement (Control Number 097)
These MIDI messages increment or decrement by one the
value of pitch bend sensitivity, fine tune, or coarse tune
settings made using RPN (page 33).
NRPN MSB (Non-Registered Parameter Number MSB)
(Control Number 099)
NRPN LSB (Non-Registered Parameter Number LSB)
(Control Number 098)
Used primarily as offset values for vibrato, filter, EG and other
settings. Data Entry is used to set the parameter value after
specifying the parameter using the NRPN MSB and LSB. Once
an NRPN is specified, the following data entry message
received on the same channel is processed as the value of
that NRPN. Prevent operational errors by transmitting an RPN
Null message (7FH, 7FH) after using these messages to
perform a control operation. Refer to “NRPN” for information
about the parameter (page 33).
n This MIDI event cannot be handled by the tone generator
block, although it can be recorded to a Song/Pattern track.
RPN MSB (Registered Parameter Number MSB)
(Control Number 101)
RPN LSB (Registered Parameter Number LSB)
(Control Number 100)
Used primarily as offset values for pitch bend sensitivity,
tuning, and other part settings. Data Entry (page 31) is used to
set the parameter value after specifying the parameter using
the RPN MSB and RPN LSB. Once an RPN is specified, the
following data entry message received on the same channel is
processed as the value of that RPN. Prevent operational errors
by transmitting an Null message (7FH, 7FH) after using these
messages to perform a control operation. Refer to “RPN” for
information about the parameter.
All Sound Off (Control Number 120)
Turns all currently sounding notes off for all Parts.
Reset All Controllers (Control Number 121)
Resets all controllers to their initial values. The following
parameters are affected: Pitch Bend, Channel Pressure,
Polyphonic Key Pressure, Modulation, Expression, Hold 1,
Portamento, Sostenuto, Soft Pedal, Portamento Control, RPN*,
NRPN* (*The RPN and NRPN are specified as having no
number, and no internal data is changed). The following data
is not affected: Program Change, Bank Select MSB and LSB,
Volume, Pan, Dry Send Level, Effect Send Level 1, 3, and 4,
Pitch Sensitivity, Fine Tuning, Coarse Tuning.
Omni Mode Off (Control Number 124)
Performs the same operation as when an All Notes Off
message is received. The receive channel is set to 1.
Omni Mode On (Control Number 125)
Performs the same operation as when an All Notes Off
message is received. Only the receive channel is set to Omni
Mono (Control Number 126)
Performs the same operation as when an All Sound Off
message is received. If the 3rd byte parameter (the parameter
that determines the mono number) is 0 – 16, the Parts
corresponding to those channels are set to mono.
Poly (Control Number 127)
Performs the same operation as when an All Sound Off
message is received, and the Parts corresponding to those
channels are set to poly.
Channel Aftertouch (CAT)
This event is generated when pressure is applied to a key
after the note is played.
The data (000 – 127) represents the amount of pressure
applied to the key. The bar graph to the right is a graphic
representation of the value.
Polyphonic Aftertouch (PAT)
This event is generated when pressure is applied to a key
after the note is played. Unlike the Channel Aftertouch
event, however, individual data is provided for each key.
Note Name (C -2 – G8) specifies the key. The data (000 –
127) represents the amount of pressure applied to the key.
The bar graph to the right is a graphic representation of the
n The Polyphonic Aftertouch cannot be handled by the tone
generator block although this event can be recorded to a
Song/Pattern track.
Data value
Bar graph of
the data value
Data value
Bar graph of
the data value
Note name
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
About MIDI
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
Registered Parameter Number (RPN)
Changes parameter values for each tone generator part.
Normally three types of control change data are sent: RPN
MSB (101), RPN LSB (100), and Data Entry MSB (6). In the
MOTIF XF, Data Entry LSB (38) is added to this and the
resulting group of control change events is handled as one.
Once an RPN is specified, the following data entry
message received on the same channel is processed as
the value of that RPN. Prevent operational errors by
transmitting a Null message (7FH, 7FH) after using these
messages to perform a control operation. The MOTIF XF
tone generator block allows control of the 4 following
RPN Parameter List
Non-Registered Parameter Number (NRPN)
Changes parameter values for each tone generator Part.
There is no compatibility between different manufacturers.
Numerous parameters specific to each tone generator can
be controlled to produce tonal changes. Normally three
types of control change data are sent: NRPN MSB (99),
NRPN LSB (98), and Data Entry MSB (6). In the MOTIF XF,
this group of control change events is handled as one.
Once an NRPN is specified, the following data entry
message received on the same channel is processed as
the value of that NRPN. Prevent operational errors by
transmitting an RPN Null message (7FH, 7FH) after using
these messages to perform a control operation. For filter
cutoff frequency, resonance, and other independent
control change parameters, it is normal to use the
independent control change parameters rather than the
n This MIDI event cannot be handled by the tone generator
block, although it can be recorded to a Song/Pattern track.
System Exclusive
Changes internal tone generator settings such as Voice
and effect settings, remote switch control, tone generator
mode switching, and others via MIDI. The 2nd byte is a
manufacturer ID number, and there is no data compatibility
between manufacturers. This type of event is used to
control MOTIF XF-specific functions. The cursor can be
used to scroll through the data if the data size is greater
than 17 bytes.
RPN number
Data entry
RPN Number
Parameter Name
Data Entry (Range)
000 000 Pitch Bend Sensitivity 000 – 024 024 Specifies the amount of pitch bend produced in response to pitch
bend data in semitone increments.
000 001 Fine Tune -64 – +63 +00 Adjusts the tuning in cent increments.
000 002 Coarse Tune -24 – +24 +00 Adjusts the tuning in semitone increments.
127 127 Null Voids the RPN and NRPN settings so no tone generator settings are
changed when subsequent Data Entry messages are received.
NRPN number
Data entry
Internal Memory
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
Internal Memory
As you use the MOTIF XF, you will create many different kinds of data, including Voices, Performances, Songs, and Patterns.
This section describes how to maintain the various types of data and use the memory devices/media for storing them.
Internal Memory
Below are explanations of the basic terms related to
memory. Refer to the diagram on the next page for details
about data handled via the following memory types.
Flash ROM
ROM (Read Only Memory) is memory designed
specifically for reading out of data, and as such data
cannot be written to it. Unlike conventional ROM, Flash
ROM can be overwritten—allowing you to store your own
original data. The contents of Flash ROM are maintained
even when the power is turned off.
RAM (Random Access Memory) is memory designed
specifically for data writing and data reading operations.
The MOTIF XF is equipped with two types of RAM: DRAM
(Dynamic RAM) and SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic
RAM). The created data stored on DRAM and SDRAM is
lost when the power is turned off. Because of this, you
should always store any data residing in DRAM to the USB
storage device or the computer connected to the network
before turning off the power.
Regarding the Samples (obtained via the Sampling feature)
on SDRAM, you should copy them to the optional Flash
Memory Expansion Module (FL512M/FL1024M) as
Waveforms, allowing you to recall them quickly.
Flash Memory Expansion Module (optional
The sample obtained via the Sampling function can be
stored as a Waveform by installing the optional Flash
Memory Expansion Module FL512M/FL1024M to the
MOTIF XF. The sample on the Flash Memory Expansion
Module will be maintained even if the power is turned off
and can immediately be called up as a Waveform. This is
convenient when using a User Voice containing a
Waveform to which the Sample created via the Sampling
function has been assigned.
n The optional FL512M/FL1024M can handle only the Waveform
Edit Buffer and User Memory
The edit buffer is the memory location for edited data of
these types: Voice, Performance, Master, Song Mixing, and
Pattern Mixing. Data edited in this location will be stored to
the User Memory.
If you select another Voice, Performance, Master, Song, or
Pattern, the entire contents of the edit buffer will be
rewritten with the newly selected Voice/Performance/
Master/Song Mixing/Pattern Mixing data. Make sure to
store any important data before selecting another Voice,
Edit Buffer and Recall Buffer
If you’ve selected another Voice/Performance/Song/Pattern
without storing the one you were editing, you can recall
your original edits, since the edit buffer’s contents are
stored in backup memory.
n Keep in mind that the recall buffer is not available in the Master
Edit mode.
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Internal Memory
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
Memory Structure
This diagram details the relationship among the functions of the MOTIF XF and the internal memory and external devices
such as USB storage device and computer.
*1 Only the currently edited data can be transmitted as Bulk data. Note that the Mixing Voice cannot be transmitted as Bulk data.
*2 The Mixing settings can be stored/recalled as a template in the Song Mixing Job mode/Pattern Mixing Job mode.
*3 You can convert the MIDI sequence data recorded in the Song Record mode/Pattern Record mode to Arpeggio data. This can be executed with
the following operations: [SONG] [JOB] [F5] Track 07: Put Track to Arpeggio or [PATTERN] [JOB] [F5] Track 07: Put Track to
Internal Memory
Recall Buffer
Compare Buffer
Excluding Master and Utility
Preset Data (ROM)
• Voice
• Preset Arpeggio
• Demo
Edit Buffer
• Voice Edit
• Mixing Voice Edit
• Performance Edit
• Performance Record
• Song Record
• Song Mixing Edit
• Song Chain
• Pattern Record
• Pattern Patch
• Pattern Mixing Edit
• Pattern Chain
• Utility and Sequencer
Setup settings
• Master Edit
Audio Record/Play
User Memory
Flash ROM
• User Voice (Normal, Drum)
• User Performance
• User Arpeggio
• Song
• Song Mixing
• Pattern
• Pattern Mixing
• Phrase
• Pattern Chain
• Song Chain
• System settings
(Utility settings + Sequencer Setup
settings + Mixing Template)
• User Master
MIDI instrument or computer
Sequence software
USB storage device/
Computer drive connected to
the network
File extensions “.X3V”
File extensions “.X3E”
File extensions “.WAV” & “AIF”
File extensions “.X3G”
File extensions “.MID”
File extensions “.X3S”
File extensions “.MID”
File extensions “.X3P”
File extensions “.X3W”
File extensions “.WAV” & “.AIF”
File extensions “.X3A”
(including all data in User Memory)
Internal data communication
Data communication between this
synthesizer and an external device
Bulk Dump
Bulk Dump
Load/Save (executed in the File mode)
Copy (Sampling Job)
Flash Memory
Expansion Module
(optional FL512M/
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
Basic Operation
Use these four buttons to navigate the display, moving the
cursor around the various selectable items and parameters
in the screen. When selected, the relevant item is
highlighted (the cursor appears as a dark block with
inverse characters). You can change the value of the item
(parameter) at which the cursor is located by using the
data dial, [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO] buttons.
Rotating the data dial to the right (clockwise) increases the
value, while rotating it to the left (counter-clockwise)
decreases it. For parameters with large value ranges, you
can increase the value by 10 by simultaneously holding
down the [INC/YES] button and pressing the [DEC/NO]
To decrease by 10, do the opposite; simultaneously hold
down the [DEC/NO] button and press the [INC/YES]
Each mode described above contains various displays,
with various functions and parameters. To navigate your
way through these displays and select a desired function,
use the [F1] – [F6] buttons and the [SF1] – [SF5] buttons.
When you select a mode, the available displays or menus
appear directly above the buttons at the bottom of the
display (as shown below).
Depending on the currently selected mode, up to six
functions are available and can be called up with the [F1] –
[F6] buttons. Keep in mind that the available functions
differ depending on the selected mode.
Depending on the currently selected mode, up to five
functions (sub-functions) are available and can be called
up with the [SF1] – [SF5] buttons (the [SF6] button is used
mainly to call up the INFO and LIST displays). Keep in
mind that the available functions differ depending on the
selected mode. (Some displays may not have any sub-
functions for these buttons.)
The example display below is called up by pressing the
[F5] button then pressing the [SF1] button.
For parameters having large value ranges (such as the
start and end points of a sample), you can also enter the
value directly, using the buttons below the LCD display as
a numeric keypad. When the cursor is located on such a
parameter, the [NUM] icon appears at the lower right
corner of the LCD display. When the [SF6] NUM button is
pressed in this status, each digit (1 – 9, 0) is assigned to
the [SF1] – [SF5] and [F1] – [F5] buttons as shown below,
allowing you to input a number directly by using these
buttons. Depending on the selected parameter, a negative
value can be input. When such a parameter is selected
and you wish to input a negative value, press the [F6]
button (to which “-” is assigned) then use the [SF1] – [SF5]
and [F1] – [F5] buttons.
After completing the number input, press the [ENTER]
button to actually enter the number.
Moving the Cursor
Changing (editing) parameter values
Functions and Sub-Functions
Increasing by 1Decreasing by 1
Inputting a number directly
These functions can be selected
via the corresponding button
([F1] – [F6]).
These functions can be selected
via the corresponding button
([SF1] – [SF6]).
You can use these buttons as the numeric keypad.
Basic Operation
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
You can freely name the data you’ve created, such as
Voices, Performances, Songs, Patterns and files saved to a
USB storage device.
When the cursor is located on such a naming parameter,
the CHAR icon appears at the lower right corner of the
display. When pressing the [SF6] button in this status, the
Input Character window appears as shown below. In the
Edit area, you can move the cursor to determine the
location at which the character is to be input by using the
[F1] and [F2] buttons. In the Character List, you can move
the cursor to determine the character to be input by using
the Cursor buttons, [INC/YES] button, [DEC/NO] button
and the data dial. After selecting the character, press the
[F4] button to actually enter the selected character to the
location specified in the Edit area. To delete the character
at the cursor location, press the [F5] Delete button. To
delete all the characters, press the [F6] All Clear button.
After completing the character input, press the [ENTER]
button to actually enter the currently edited name.
Depending on the parameter, you can call up a convenient
pop-up List by pressing the [SF6] LIST button, from which
you can select the desired parameter setting or item. When
the cursor is located on such a parameter (indicated with
an upside down triangular arrow), the LIST icon appears at
the lower right corner of the display. In this condition, press
the [SF6] button to call up the List. To select the desired
item or setting, use the [INC/YES], [DEC/NO] buttons and
the data dial. After selecting, press the [ENTER] button to
fix the selection and close the List.
Several parameters let you set a key range or velocity
range for a function—for example, in setting up a keyboard
split—by specifying certain note values. You can use the
[INC/YES] and [DEC/NO] buttons or data dial to set these
parameters, or you can directly enter the values from the
keyboard by pressing the appropriate keys.
When the cursor is located on such a parameter, the KBD
icon appears at the lower right corner of the display. You
can set the note or velocity directly from the Keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] button and pressing the desired
Naming (Inputting Characters)
Calling up the List
Note (Key) and Velocity settings
This indicates that you can call up the List by pressing the
[SF6] LIST button.
The List appears. You can select one from this List.
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
n For the external connections depicted below, you will also need speakers or headphones to listen to the sound. For details, refer to the
Owner’s Manual.
Connecting External MIDI Instruments
With a standard MIDI cable (available separately), you can connect an external MIDI instrument, and control it from the
MOTIF XF. Likewise, you can use an external MIDI instrument (such as a keyboard or sequencer) to control the sounds of
the MOTIF XF. Below are several different MIDI connection examples; use the one most similar to your intended setup.
n Any one of the these interfaces can be used for MIDI data transmission/reception: the MIDI connectors, the IEEE1394 connector (available
when the optional FW16E is installed), or the USB connector. However, they cannot be used at the same time. Select which connector is used
for MIDI data transfer in the MIDI display (page 228) of the Utility mode.
This connection lets you sound an external MIDI tone generator (synthesizer, tone generator module, etc.) by playing the
MOTIF XF or playing back the Song/Pattern of the MOTIF XF. Use this connection when you wish to sound the other
instrument along with the MOTIF XF.
Make sure to match the MIDI Transmit Channel of the MOTIF XF with the MIDI Receive Channel of the external MIDI tone
generator. The MIDI Transmit Channel in the Voice mode and Performance mode can be set in the MIDI display (page 228)
of the Utility mode. The Transmit Channels of each track can be set in the Song Track display (page 142) of the Song Play
mode. The Transmit Channels of each track can be set in the Pattern Track display (page 169) of the Pattern Play mode.
Use an external keyboard or synthesizer (such as the S90 XS) to remotely select and play the Voices of the MOTIF XF.
Make sure to match the MIDI Transmit Channel of the external MIDI instrument with the MIDI Receive Channel of the MOTIF
XF. For details on setting the MIDI Transmit Channel of the external MIDI instrument, refer to the Owner’s Manual of the MIDI
instrument. The MIDI Receive Channel in the Voice mode and Performance mode can be set in the MIDI display (page 228)
of the Utility mode. The MIDI Receive Channels in the Song mode and Pattern mode can be set in the Voice display
(page 194) of the Mixing Part Edit mode.
Controlling an external tone generator or synthesizer from the MOTIF XF
Controlling from an external MIDI keyboard
External MIDI tone generator such as
External MIDI tone generator such as S90 XS
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
The playback data of an external MIDI sequencer is used to play the sounds of another MIDI instrument (connected to the
MIDI THRU connector) along with the MOTIF XF. The MIDI THRU connector simply redirects any received MIDI data (via
MIDI IN) to connected instrument.
In this case, make sure that the MOTIF XF is set to the Song mode or Pattern mode. If the instrument is set to the Voice mode
or to the Performance mode in which multi-channel MIDI messages are not recognized, the external sequence data
(containing multi-channel data) will not play back properly on the MOTIF XF. In addition, you may have to make certain MIDI
synchronization settings (see below). Likewise, make sure to set the MIDI tone generator (connected to the MIDI THRU
connector) to the multi-timbral mode. In addition, you’ll need to enable the MOTIF XF to respond to external clock, set from
the MIDI display (page 228) in the Utility mode.
Connecting to an MTR (Multi-track Recorder)
Since this synthesizer can receive the MTC (MIDI Time Code) and can transmit the MMC (MIDI Machine Control), you can
produce music by synchronizing to an MTC- or MMC-compatible multi-track recording device. You can use two types of
MTR control (illustrated below) by setting the MIDI Sync to MTC in the MIDI display (page 228) of the Utility mode.
n MTC and MMC are available only in the Song mode.
After receiving the MTC signal transmitted from the MTR by starting the MTR playback, the Song of the MOTIF XF will start at
the moment the MTC Start Offset time set in the MIDI display (page 228) of the Utility mode is received.
n MTC (MIDI Time Code) allows simultaneous synchronization of multiple audio devices via standard MIDI cables. It includes data
corresponding to hours, minutes, seconds, and frames. The MOTIF XF does not transmit MTC. An instrument such as the Yamaha AW2400
which can transmit MTC is necessary as an MTC master.
Controlling another MIDI device via MIDI THRU
Synchronizing the MOTIF XF to the MTC signal from an external MTR
MIDI tone generator
MIDI synthesizer
MIDI sequencer
AW2400, etc.
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
You can control the start/stop and fast forward/rewind of an MMC-compatible MTR from the SEQ TRANSPORT buttons on the
front panel of this synthesizer, outputting MMC messages via MIDI.
n MMC (MIDI Machine Control) allows remote control of multitrack recorders, MIDI sequencers, etc. An MMC-compatible multitrack recorder,
for example, will automatically respond to start, stop, fast forward, and fast reverse operations performed on the controlling sequencer, thus
keeping playback of the sequencer and multitrack recorder aligned.
Using USB storage devices
You can connect a USB storage device such as flash memory or a hard disk unit to the USB TO DEVICE connector on the
rear panel and save/load the files (including data created on the MOTIF XF) to and from it. When using USB storage devices,
follow the important precautions below.
Compatible USB devices
Only one USB device (a storage device, such as hard disk drive, CD-ROM drive or flash memory, or a USB-compatible
ASCII keyboard) can be connected. Other devices such as a computer mouse cannot be used. Both bus-powered
(powered by the host device) or self-powered (battery or external power supply) types can be used. The MOTIF XF does not
necessarily support all commercially available USB storage devices. Yamaha cannot guarantee operation of USB storage
devices that you purchase. Before purchasing USB storage devices, please consult your Yamaha dealer, or an authorized
Yamaha distributor (see list at end of the Owner’s Manual) for advice, or visit the following website:
n Although CD-R/W drives can be used to load data to the instrument, they cannot be used for saving data. However, you can transfer the data
to a computer and save it to a CD using the CD-R/W drive on the computer.
Formatting USB storage media
When an unformatted USB storage device is connected to the USB TO DEVICE connector or when unformatted media is
inserted to the USB device connected to the USB TO DEVICE connector, the indication “unformatted device (usb***)” is
shown in the device list on the [F3] Format window of the File mode. If this happens, execute the Format operation in the
Format display (page 240).
n The three asterisks (***) in the example indication above denote the sequential serial numbers of the connected devices which need to be
formatted. When several partitions are included in a single device, the partition number is indicated at the right of the serial number.
Controlling an MTR by using MMC transmitted from the MOTIF XF
Precautions when using the USB TO DEVICE connector
Never turn the USB device’s power on/off and never plug/unplug the USB cable when the connected USB storage device is the self-
powered type. Doing so may result in the operation of the synthesizer “freezing” or hanging up.
While the instrument is accessing data (such as in the Save, Load and Delete operations in the File mode), do NOT unplug the USB
cable, do NOT remove the media from the device, and do NOT turn the power off to either device. Doing so may corrupt the data on
either or both devices.
AW2400, etc.
USB TO DEVICE connectorUSB flash memory
USB storage device such as
hard disk drive
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
You can connect an ASCII keyboard to the instrument via its USB TO DEVICE terminal. This conveniently allows you to type
in Voice names, Song names, file names, and other alphanumeric text, to enter values for parameters that would normally
require the numeric-keypad function, and to operate the instrument using function keys and shortcut keys.
Panel buttons and ASCII keyboard equivalents
Network connection
The MOTIF XF can be connected to a LAN network via the ETHERNET cable. When the MOTIF XF is connected to the LAN
network, the File mode lets you save the file created on the MOTIF XF to the computer drive connected to the same network.
Connect the MOTIF XF to the router or hub with a LAN cable. Connect a computer to the router or hub with a LAN cable or
the wireless connection.
n Make sure to use a straight LAN cable.
n Due to EU regulations, users within Europe should use an STP (shielded twisted pair) cable to prevent electromagnetic interference.
n If your computer is not equipped with an ETHERNET connector, install a commercially available LAN adaptor to the PCI slot or PC Card slot
of your computer.
n If you have a broadband router to connect your computer to the Internet, use an unused ETHERNET connector on the router to connect the
MOTIF XF. Keep in mind however, that this does not allow you the MOTIF XF to be connected to the Internet, but only to other computers and
drives on the network.
Connecting a USB ASCII keyboard
F1 – F6 F1 – F6 STOP End
SF1 – SF6 F7 – F12 PLAY Page Down
INC/YES + EDIT Print Screen/Sys Rq
DEC/NO - JOB Scroll Lock
EXIT Escape STORE Pause/Break
RECORD Delete (none) Numeric keypad*
ASCII characters
LAN connection
USB TO DEVICE terminal
ASCII keyboard
Computer equipped with an
ETHERNET connector
Hub or router
LAN cable
LAN cable
ETEHRNET connector
*Modes supporting numeric-keypad input:
• Song/Pattern Play
• File
• Song/Pattern Edit
• Utility
• Song/Pattern Job
• Sampling
• Mixing Play
• Sequencer Setup
*Keep in mind that there are certain parameters which do not
support numeric-keypad input.
Basic Structure Basic Operation
Basic Section
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
After the LAN connection is completed, you should set the
network related parameters to make the connection active.
Once the MOTIF XF has been connected to the network,
files can be saved or loaded between the MOTIF XF and
the computer connected to the same network. Call up the
Network display (page 221) in the Utility mode.
File Sharing for accessing a computer from
Follow the instructions below so that you can access a
computer from the MOTIF XF via the LAN network.
1 Call up the Network display (page 221) of the
Utility mode.
Press the [UTILITY] button to enter the Utility mode then
press the [F1] button and the [SF3] button to call up the
Network display.
2 Set the parameters related to the network.
Here, the minimum required settings (parameters ,
and ) are explained. For details on the other
parameters, see page 221.
DHCP Client
Set this parameter to “on,” if you have the network using
the device with the DHCP server function such as a
broadband router. When this is set to on, setting
parameters are not necessary. Set this
parameter to “off,” if your network does not use a
device with the DHCP server function.
Set this parameter to “workgroup,” if your network
administrator does not specify otherwise.
Mount User Name
Input the User Name necessary for accessing the
computer on the network. This can be stored as the
parameter setting to the MOTIF XF.
Parameters and are not necessary here.
Parameters are necessary to be set if your
network does not use a device with the DHCP server
function. For details, see page 221. For instructions on
setting these parameters, consult your network
administrator or provider.
For information on the other parameters, refer to the
explanation of the Network display (page 221) in the
Utility mode.
3 Press the [ENTER] button to actually apply the
settings to the MOTIF XF.
4 Set the shared directory on your computer.
On your computer, set the folder which you want to
access from the MOTIF XF via network to the shared
folder. For details, refer to the owner’s manual of your
5 Confirm whether or not the MOTIF XF and the
computer are properly connected to the
Press the [FILE] button to enter the File mode, then
press the [F2] button to call up the Mount display
(page 239). If the MOTIF XF and the computer are
connected properly, the computer name is shown in the
HOST column. If the computer name is not shown,
press the [SF5] Char button then enter the computer
name directly in the Host ( ) column. If the MOTIF XF
and the computer are connected properly, the name
you input will be recognized.
n Confirm the computer name on the operating system of
your computer. For details, refer to the owners manual of
your computer.
n When the computer name is not shown on the display with
the Windows XP connected, execute the following
instructions to show the computer name.
1. Select [Control Panel] [Administrative Tools]
2. Double-click [Messenger] in the list then set “Startup
type” to “Automatic.”
3. Click [Apply] then click [Start].
6 In the File mode of the MOTIF XF, access the
computer via network so that the shared
directory appears on the display.
Call up the Mount display of the File mode. When
setting the HOST ( ) to a computer name containing
the desired shared directory, “Press [ENTER] to
access” appears on the display. Next, press the
[ENTER] button so that the display prompts you to enter
Network Settings
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Basic StructureBasic Operation
Basic Section
the password as illustrated below. Here, enter the User
Account of your computer to the User Name box, enter
the password of your computer to the Password box,
then press the [ENTER] button so that the access
between the MOTIF XF and the computer is
established. The shared directories of the selected
computer are listed in the Sharing Point box ( ).
n If you have set and stored the User Name at in step 2,
the User Name is shown automatically when the above
display is called up.
n Once access between the MOTIF XF and the computer
has been established, the shared directories are
automatically listed on the display simply by selecting a
computer in the Host column. If you turn the power off,
however, the operations for establishing access (entering
the User Account and Password) are necessary after
turning the power on next time.
n For details about how to confirm the User Account and
Password of your computer, refer to the owner’s manual of
your computer.
n If a password has not been set on your computer, you
need not enter the password. Access can be established
even if you enter no password.
7 Mount the desired directories.
In the Sharing Point box ( ), you can mount the shared
directory by moving the cursor to the desired directory,
then pressing the [ENTER] button. The mount indicator
appears at the left side of the mounted directory’s
By following the instructions above, you can access a
computer from the MOTIF XF via the LAN network. For
details, see page 41.
File Sharing for accessing the MOTIF XF from
a computer
Follow the instructions below so that you can access the
MOTIF XF (actually a USB storage device connected to the
MOTIF XF) from a computer via the LAN network. Call up
the Network display (page 221) in the Utility mode.
n Keep in mind that the internal Flash memory of the MOTIF XF
cannot be accessed from a computer via the LAN network.
Only the data saved to a USB storage device connected to the
MOTIF XF can be accessed from a computer via the LAN
network. If you want to share files between the MOTIF XF and
a computer, save the data stored in internal Flash memory to
an external USB storage device.
1 Call up the Network display (page 221) then set
the File Server Account ( ).
If the account has not been set, the MOTIF XF can be
accessed using the account named “nobody.”
2 Set the password.
Press the [SF5] Password button to call up the
password window. For instructions on setting, see
page 222.
3 Set the File Server parameter ( ) to “on.
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Playing the Keyboard in the Voice Play Mode
The Voice mode is used for selecting, playing, and editing a desired Voice. The Voice Play mode is the main ‘portal’ by which
you enter the Voice mode, and it is here where you select and play a Voice. Some of the Voice settings can also be edited in
this mode. To call up the Voice Play display and enter the Voice mode, simply press the [VOICE] button.
Selecting a Voice
This synthesizer has 128 Voices in each of 16 Banks:
Preset 1 – 8, User 1 – 4, GM, Preset Drum, User Drum, and
GM Drum. The Bank consists of eight Groups (A to H),
each of which contains 16 Voices. To select the desired
Voice, select the Bank, Group, then Number.
1 Press the [VOICE] button to enter the Voice
Play mode.
The [PROGRAM] lamp lights, indicating that you can
select the desired Voice by specifying the Bank/Group/
2 Select a Voice Bank.
Press one of the Bank buttons listed below to select a
Bank. Selecting a Bank calls up the Voice Select
3 Select a Group.
Press one of the [A] to [H] buttons to select a Group. If
you’ve selected a Drum Bank in the previous step,
press one of the [A] to [D] buttons to select a Group.
The name list of the 16 Voices in the selected Group will
appear on the display. Note that the GM Drum Bank
contains only one Drum Voice, indicating that you
cannot select a Group.
4 Select a Voice.
Press one of the [1] to [16] buttons to select a Voice.
In this way (Steps 2 – 4), you can call up your desired
n When selecting the Voice within the same Bank or Group,
it is not necessary to select the Bank or Group again. You
can use the [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO] buttons or data dial
to select the Voice number. This operation lets you call up
Voices in subsequent or previous Groups and Banks.
Select a Voice using the Category
Search function
The MOTIF XF features a Category Search function that
gives you quick access to the sound you want, irrespective
of their Bank locations. For instructions on using the
Category Function, refer to the Owner’s Manual.
Buttons Banks
[PRE 1] – [PRE 8] buttons Preset Banks 1 – 8
[USER 1] – [USER 4] buttons User Banks 1 – 4
[GM] button GM Bank
[GM DR] button GM Drum Bank
[PRE DR] button Preset Drum Bank
[USER DR] button User Drum Bank
[PROGRAM] lamp is turned on
Playing the Keyboard in the Voice Play Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Grouping your most-used Voices
together—Favorite Category
Category Search also has a convenient Favorite Category
that lets you bring together your most often used and
favorite Voices for easy selection. This is one more useful
way the MOTIF XF lets you quickly select the Voices you
need from the huge number available.
You can quickly register the selected Voice to a Favorite
Category by holding the [ENTER] button and the
[CATEGORY SEARCH] button in the Voice Play display.
Performing the same operation again will remove the
registration. You can conveniently use this operation to
register favorite Voices you find while playing the
If you find favorite Voices while using the Category Search
function, use the following operation.
1 Press the [VOICE] button to enter the Voice
Play mode.
2 Call up the Category Search window.
Press the [CATEGORY SEARCH] button so that its
indicator lights and the Category Search window
3 Select your favorite Voice.
Find the desired Voice by following the instructions on
the Owner’s Manual.
4 Register the Voice to the Favorite Category.
Press the [F5] button to register the Voice and turn on
the Favorite Switch. A checkmark appears in the box to
the left of the Voice name, indicating that the Voice has
been included in the Favorite Category. (Pressing the
[F5] button again turns the checkmark off, clearing the
selected Voice from the Favorite Category.) To clear all
previously registered Voices from the Favorite
Category—useful for when you want to create the
Favorite Category from scratch—press the [F6] button.
1 Call up the Favorite Select window.
From the Category Search window, press the [F4]
button to call up the Favorite Select window.
The Favorite Select window shows all Voices registered
to the Favorite Category.
2 Select a Voice.
Select the desired Voice by using the [INC/YES] and
[DEC/NO] buttons or data dial to move the cursor
upward or downward in the Voice List.
n The order of the Voices in the Favorite Category cannot be
changed. If you want to create a custom order of Voices
for quick selection during your performance, store the
Voices to one of the User banks.
Registering your favorite Voices to the
Favorite Category
Favorite mark
Selecting a Voice from the Favorite
Favorite Switch
Playing the Keyboard in the Voice Play Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Using Knobs and Control Sliders
One of the more powerful performance features of the
MOTIF XF is its extensive set of real-time controls—
especially the Knobs and Control Sliders. These let you
adjust a variety of parameters for the current Voice, such as
effect depth, attack/release characteristics, tonal color, and
others. These real-time controls can be used to change the
sound as you play or to quickly edit and customize the
Voice. Three functions can be assigned to each knob,
alternatively selected via the [SELECTED PART CONTROL]
button. Each time the button is pressed, the lamp lights
alternatively in descending order, TONE 1 TONE 2
ARP FX. For details, refer to the Owner’s Manual.
n If the [E] (Edit) Indicator appears in the top right of the display,
the current Voice can be stored (page 54) as a new User
n Holding down the [SELECTED PART CONTROL] button for a
few seconds will alternate the lit lamp from the current one to
n A red point on the Knob or Slider graphic indicates the current
value to which the Knob or Slider is set. Moving the Knob or
Slider has no effect on the sound until this point is reached.
Once you move the Knob or Slider past this point, the red
point disappears and moving the Knob or Control Slider
affects the sound.
n You can confirm the functions assigned to the eight knobs in
the Voice Play display, called up via the [F1] button. When a
display other than the Voice display is shown, you can confirm
the knob functions by pressing the [SELECTED PART
CONTROL] button, which calls up the Control Function
Red point (current value)
Knob Functions
When the TONE 1 lamp is turned on:
Moving Knobs 1 and 2 changes the Filter parameters on the EG/EQ display. Moving Knobs 3 – 6
changes the Amplitude EG parameters.
Knob 1 CUTOFF Raises or lowers the Filter Cutoff Frequency (page 51) to adjust the tone brilliance.
Knob 2 RESONANCE Raises or lowers the Resonance (page 51) to boost the level of the signal in the area of the cutoff
frequency. By emphasizing the overtones in this area, this can produce a distinctive “peaky” tone,
making the sound brighter and harder.
Knob 3 ATTACK Increases or decreases the EG Attack Time (page 51) of the current Voice. The smaller the value, the
faster the attack.
Knob 4 DECAY Increases or decreases the EG Decay Time (page 51) of the current Voice to determine how fast the
volume falls from maximum attack level to the sustain level. The smaller the value, the faster the decay.
Knob 5 SUSTAIN Increases or decreases the EG Sustain Level (page 51) at which the volume will continue while a key is
held, after the initial attack and decay. Turn the knob counter-clockwise to make the sound cut off more
sharply after the decay.
Increases or decreases the EG Release Time (page 51) of the sound to determine how fast the volume
falls from the sustain level to zero when a key is released. The lower the value, the faster the release.
Knob 7 ASSIGN 1 A variety of functions can be assigned to these Knobs. You can confirm the functions currently
assigned to these Knobs in the Voice Play display (page 48). The Controller Set display (page 61) in
the Voice Common Edit mode lets you assign the functions to these Knobs.
Knob 8 ASSIGN 2
When the TONE 2 lamp is turned on:
Moving Knobs 1 – 5 changes the EQ parameters in the EG/EQ display (page 51). Moving Knobs 6 – 8
changes the parameters in the Play Mode display (page 55) and the Effect Connect display (page 64) of
the Voice Common Edit mode.
Knob 1 EQ LOW Increases or decreases the EQ Low Gain (page 51) to change the sound.
Knob 2 EQ MID F
(EQ Middle Frequency)
Increases or decreases the EQ Middle Frequency (page 51) around which the band is adjusted via
Knob 3 (EQ MID).
Knob 3 EQ MID (EQ Middle Gain) Increases or decreases the EQ Middle Gain (page 51) to change the current Voice.
Knob 4 EQ MID Q (EQ Middle Q) Increases or decreases the EQ Middle Q (page 51) to change the width of the band over which you
can adjust the gain via Knob 3 (EQ Middle Gain). Turning Knob 4 clockwise increases the Q value to
reduce the band width. Turning Knob 4 counter-clockwise decreases the Q value to widen the band
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Playing the Keyboard in the Voice Play Mode
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
n Controlling the Knob adds the parameter value to the current one for the current Voice. Accordingly, if the parameter has been already set to
the maximum or minimum value, its value will not be changed even if you operate the Knob.
The eight Control Sliders let you adjust the volume of eight
Elements (page 9) making up the current Normal Voice.
Each of the Control Sliders 1 – 8 corresponds to each of
Elements 1 – 8. It is a good idea to check which Elements
are used for the current Normal Voice by using the
Information display (page 50) before using the Control
Sliders. Keep in mind that when a Drum Voice is selected,
a single Slider may affect the volume of all sounds/keys
When changing the value of the parameter in the Voice
Play or Edit mode, the [E] (Edit) Indicator will appear on the
top right corner of the LCD display. This gives a quick
confirmation that the current Voice has been modified but
not yet stored. To store the current edited status, follow the
instructions on page 54.
Keyboard MIDI transmit channel
You can set the MIDI transmit channel over which the
keyboard/controller performance sends MIDI data (to an
external sequencer, tone generator, or other device).
1 Press the [TRACK] button so that its lamp
2 Pressing any of the Number buttons [1] – [16]
to determine the MIDI transmit channel.
3 After setting, press the [PROGRAM] button to
return to the original status.
n This parameter is same as the Keyboard Transmit Channel
(page 228) in the MIDI display of the Utility mode. Making
a setting here automatically changes the setting of that
parameter as well.
Keyboard Octave setting
Sometimes when playing a Voice, you may wish to play in a
lower or higher pitch range. For example, you may want to
shift the pitch down lower to get extra bass notes, or shift
up to get higher notes for leads and solos. The Octave Up/
Down controls let you do this quickly and easily. Each time
you press the OCTAVE [UP] button on the panel, the overall
pitch of the Voice goes up by one octave. Likewise, each
press of the OCTAVE [DOWN] button takes the pitch down
by one octave. The range is from -3 to +3, with 0 being
Knob 5 EQ HIGH (EQ High Gain) Increases or decreases the EQ High Gain (page 51) to change the current Voice.
Knob 6 PAN Adjusts the stereo pan position of the current Voice (page 56).
Knob 7 REVERB Adjusts the Reverb Send Level (page 65).
Knob 8 CHORUS Adjusts the Chorus Send Level (page 65).
When the ARP FX lamp is turned on:
Moving Knobs changes the Arpeggio related parameters in the Voice Common Edit mode.
This operation is available when the Arpeggio function is turned on.
Knob 1 SWING Adjusts the swing feel of the Arpeggio playback (page 60). Turning it clockwise increases the swing
feel whereas turning it counter-clockwise decreases it.
Knob 2 QUANTIZE VALUE Adjusts the Quantize Value (page 59), or note resolution, to which the note data of the Arpeggio will be
aligned. Turning it clockwise increases the gate time of the note type set as the Quantize Value
whereas turning it counter-clockwise decreases it.
Knob 3 QUANTIZE STRENGTH Adjusts the Quantize Strength (page 60) by which note events of the Arpeggio are pulled toward the
nearest quantize beats. Turning the Knob clockwise pulls note events to the quantize beat.
Knob 4 GATE TIME Adjusts the Gate Time Rate (page 60) of the Arpeggio notes. Turning it clockwise lengthens the gate
times to produce legato playback whereas turning it counter-clockwise shortens them.
Knob 5 VELOCITY Adjusts the Velocity Rate (page 60) of the Arpeggio notes.
Knob 6 OCT RANGE (Octave Range) Adjusts the Octave Range (page 60) for the Arpeggio playback.
Knob 7 UNITMULTIPLY Adjusts the Unit Multiply (page 59) of the Arpeggio playback to expand/reduce the Arpeggio playback
time based on tempo.
Knob 8 TEMPO Adjusts the tempo for the Arpeggio playback.
Control Slider functions
The [E] Indicator
Edit Indicator
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Playing the Keyboard in the Voice Play Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
standard pitch. The current octave setting is shown at the
top right of the display. You can instantly restore standard
pitch (0) by simultaneously pressing both the OCTAVE [UP]
button and the OCTAVE [DOWN] button (both lamps turn
The lamp status of the OCTAVE [DOWN]/[UP] button lets
you recognize at a glance the current octave setting. When
set to one octave down or up, the corresponding lamp
lights. When set to two octaves down or up, the
corresponding lamp flashes slowly. When set to three
octaves down or up, the corresponding lamp flashes
n This parameter is same as the Octave (page 220) in the Play
display of the Utility mode. Making a setting here automatically
changes the setting of that parameter as well.
n If you wish to shift notes on the keyboard up or down in
semitones, edit the Transpose parameter (page 220) in the
Play display of the Utility mode.
Using the Arpeggio function
The Arpeggio function lets you trigger rhythm patterns, riffs
and phrases using the current Voice by simply playing
notes on the keyboard. For instructions on using the
Arpeggio, refer to the Owner’s Manual.
The Voice Play display—[F1] Play
The Voice Play display called up via the [VOICE] button
has two design types, which can be specified in the Screen
Setting display (page 220) of the Utility mode.
Type 1 of the Voice Play display
Type 2 of the Voice Play display
Voice Bank
Indicates the Bank of the current Voice.
The Voice Bank is the memory that includes data of Normal
Voices and Drum Voices. There are 16 Voice Banks as
PRE1 – 8 (Preset Bank 1 – 8)
Each of these Banks includes 128 different preset Voices.
USR1 – 4 (User Bank 1 – 4)
These Banks can be used for storing the Voices you create
and edit.
This Bank contains 128 different Voices which correspond to
the order specified by the General MIDI (GM) format.
GMDR (GM Drum Bank)
This Bank contains a single Drum Voice, in which the drum
instrument assignment corresponds to the General MIDI (GM)
PDR (Preset Drum Bank)
This Bank includes 64 different preset Drum Voices.
UDR (User Drum Bank)
This Bank can be used for storing the Drum Voices you create
and edit.
GM Voices
GM (General MIDI) is a worldwide standard for Voice
organization and MIDI functions of synthesizers and tone
generators. It was designed primarily to ensure that any
song data created with a specific GM device would
sound virtually the same on any other GM device—no
matter the manufacturer or the model. The GM Voice
bank on this synthesizer is designed to appropriately
play back GM song data. However, keep in mind that the
sound may not be exactly the same as played by the
original tone generator.
Playing the Keyboard in the Voice Play Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Voice Number (Group/Number)
Each Voice within a Bank is assigned to a Voice Number of
001 to 128.
Voice Numbers 001 to 128 are converted to the format
(shown in the parentheses) related to Banks A to H and
Numbers 1 to 16 (for each Bank). This format is related to
the Group buttons [A] – [H] and the Number buttons [1] –
[16]. The Voice Numbers and the corresponding Group/
Numbers are listed below.
Category (Main Category 1/Sub Category 1)
Indicates the Main Category 1 and Sub Category 1 of the
selected Voice. “Category” is a keyword that indicates the
instrument characteristics or the type of sound. A Preset
Voice is registered to two sets: Main Category and Sub
Category. The Category settings can be edited in the
General display (page 55) of the Voice Common Edit. For
details, refer to the explanation of the General display.
Voice Name
Indicates the name of the current Voice.
Transmit CH (MIDI Transmit Channel)
Indicates the MIDI channel over which the keyboard/
controller performance sends MIDI data (to an external
sequencer, tone generator, or other device). For
information about how to set the value, see page 47.
Indicates Keyboard Octave setting set via the OCTAVE
buttons. This parameter determines how much higher or
lower the pitch of each key is compared to normal pitch.
Control Function
Indicates the status of the Knobs and Control Sliders on the
panel. This is same as the Control Function window
(page 46).
Assign Settings
This section indicates whether or not each of the controllers
is assigned to the source of the Controller Set.
[SF1] ARP1 – [SF5] ARP5 (Arpeggio 1 – 5)
The Arpeggio types are assigned to the buttons with the
8th note icon on the display tab. You can call them up by
pressing these buttons any time during your keyboard
performance. Assigning Arpeggio types to the buttons can
be done from the Arpeggio display (page 52).
The speed at which you press this button several times will
determine the playback tempo of the Arpeggio.
n This menu is available only for the top display of the Voice
[F1] Play (Voice Play)
Pressing this button returns from the previous display to the
Voice Play display.
[F2] Porta (Portamento)
Pressing this button calls up the Portamento display
(page 50).
[F3] EG/EQ (Envelope Generator/Equalizer)
Pressing this button to call up the display that contains the
basic EG, Filter, and EQ settings (page 51).
[F4] Arpeggio
Pressing this button calls up the Arpeggio display
page 52).
[F6] Effect
Pressing this button calls up the Effect Connect display
(page 64) of the Voice Common Edit mode.
Arpeggio tempo
Indicates the tempo of Arpeggio playback.
Element on/off status
Indicates the on/off status for each Element of the current
Voice. This is available only when a Normal Voice is
Current Values
Indicates the current Pitch Bend range (PB UP and PB
DOWN), current octave setting of the keyboard (OCT) and
current transpose setting.
Current Arpeggio Type
Indicates the current Arpeggio Type selected via the [SF1]
– [SF5] buttons.
Group/Number Voice Number
A01 – 16 001 – 016
B01 – 16 017 – 032
C01 – 16 033 – 048
D01 – 16 049 – 064
E01 – 16 065 – 080
F01 – 16 081 – 096
G01 – 16 097 – 112
H01 – 16 113 – 128
Voice Bank Group
Voice Number
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Playing the Keyboard in the Voice Play Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice information—[SF6] INFO
This display indicates the information of the current Voice.
Settings cannot be changed here.
Indicates the Bank of the selected Voice program. The
values in parentheses indicates the Bank Select MSB and
LSB which can be used to select the current Voice via
Program (Voice Number)
To each Voice within a Bank, a Number of 001 to 128 is
assigned. The values in parentheses indicates Group and
Category 1 (Main Category 1/Sub Category 1)
Category 2 (Main Category 2/Sub Category 2)
Indicates the Main Category 1/Sub Category 1 and Main
Category 2/Sub Category 2 to which the current Voice is
Indicates the name of the current Voice.
Voice Type
Indicates whether the current Voice type is the Normal
Voice or Drum Voice.
Indicates whether the current Voice is set to Mono (only
one note can be played at a time) or Poly (multiple notes
can be played at a time).
Element Switch
Indicates the status (active/inactive) of the eight Elements
making up the current Voice. Elements that are active are
indicated by their corresponding numbers. An asterisk “*”
indicates the corresponding Element is muted although the
Element Switch parameter is turned on.
A hyphen “-” indicates the corresponding Element Switch
parameter is turned off.
Indicates the Portamento Switch on/off status (page 50) of
the current Voice.
Pitch Bend Range
Indicates the Upper/Lower setting of the Pitch Bend Range
(page 56) for the current Voice.
Indicates the Effect settings (for Insertion A, Insertion B,
Reverb and Chorus) of the current Voice.
n Parameters , and are not available when the Drum
Voice is selected.
Portamento settings—[F2] Porta
From this display you can select monophonic or
polyphonic playback and set the Portamento parameters.
Portamento is used to create a smooth transition in pitch
from the first note played on the keyboard to the next. The
value set here is applied to the parameters having the
same names in the Play Mode display (page 48) of the
Voice Common Edit mode.
n This display is not available when a Drum Voice is selected.
Portamento Switch
Portamento Time
Portamento Mode
Mono/Poly Mode
These are the same as in the Play Mode display (page 55)
of the Voice Common Edit.
Follow the instructions below to apply the Portamento to the
current Voice you play on the keyboard.
1 Press the [VOICE] button to enter the Voice
Play mode.
Select a Voice to which the Portamento is applied. The
Portamento is effective especially for a Voice that
sustains or continues to sound while the key is being
held down.
2 Press the [F2] button to call up the Portamento
Applying the Portamento to the Voice
Playing the Keyboard in the Voice Play Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
3 Set the Portamento Switch to on.
4 Set the Portamento Time.
For best results, set this to a relatively high value.
5 Play two different keys alternatively to confirm
the Portamento.
It is a good idea to press a certain note then press the
one octave higher or lower note for confirming how the
Portamento is applied.
Changing tonal color—[F3] EG/EQ
You can change the tonal color or timbre of the sound by
editing the EG/EQ settings for all Elements making up the
Voice. The EG settings made here will be applied to the
same parameters in the Amplitude EG display (page 80)
and Filter EG display (page 76) for all Elements as an
offset. In other words, editing the value here will add to or
subtract from the current value. Accordingly, if the
parameter has been already set to the maximum or
minimum value, its value will not be changed even if you
set the parameter to higher or lower value in this display.
Note that the EQ settings here are applied to the Voice
AEG (Amplitude EG)
Using the AEG, you can control the transition in volume
from the moment the sound starts is to the moment the
sound stops.
Attack (Attack Time)
Determines the speed of attack from the time a key is played
until the maximum initial level of the EG is reached.
Decay (Decay Time)
Determines how fast the volume falls from maximum attack
level to the sustain level.
Sustain (Sustain Level)
Determines the sustain level at which the volume will continue
while a note is held, after the initial attack and decay. The
smaller the value, the sharper the sound.
Release (Release Time)
Determines how fast the volume falls from the sustain level to
zero when a note is released.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
n When a Drum Voice is selected, the Sustain Level and
Release Time are not available. “---” appears at each of
the corresponding columns and these parameters cannot
be edited.
FEG (Filter EG)
Using the FEG, you can control the transition in tonal color
(Cutoff Frequency) from the moment the sound starts to the
moment the sound stops. Actual transition of tonal color
differs depending on the Filter type (page 74) of the Voice
Attack (Attack Time)
Determines the speed of filter variation from the time a note is
played until the maximum initial level of the Cutoff Frequency is
Decay (Decay Time)
Determines how fast the Cutoff Frequency falls from maximum
attack level to the sustain level.
Release (Release Time)
Determines how fast the Cutoff Frequency falls from the
sustain level to zero when a note is released.
Determines the range over which the cutoff frequency of the
Filter EG changes. A setting of 0 will result in no change in the
cutoff frequency. The farther from 0 the value is, the larger the
range of the cutoff frequency. For negative values, the change
of the cutoff frequency is reversed.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
This unit modifies the tonal color of the sound by cutting the
output of a specific frequency portion of the sound. Actual
tonal color differs depending on the Filter type (page 74) of
the Voice Element. The Low Pass Filter cuts the signals
above the Cutoff Frequency while the High Pass Filter cuts
the signals below the Cutoff Frequency.
Determines the Cutoff Frequency for the Filter, when the Low
Pass Filter is selected, for example, the larger the value the
brighter the decay.
Reso (Resonance)
Determines the emphasis given to the Cutoff Frequency.
Higher values result in a more pronounced effect.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
This is a parametric EQ featuring three bands (High, Mid
and Low). You can attenuate or boost the level of each
frequency band (High, Mid, Low) to change the Voice
sound. For the Mid band, you can also set the Q (Band
Determines the frequency for each frequency band. Set the
value to the frequency around which you wish to attenuate or
Low: 50.1Hz – 2.00kHz
Mid: 139.7Hz – 10.1kHz
High: 503.8Hz – 14.0kHz
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Playing the Keyboard in the Voice Play Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Determines the level gain for the Frequency (set above), or the
amount the selected frequency band is attenuated or boosted.
The higher the value, the greater the Gain. The lower the value,
the lesser the Gain.
Settings: -12.00 dB – +0.00 dB – +12.00 dB
Q (Bandwidth)
Determines the Q (bandwidth) for the Mid band. The higher
the value, the smaller the bandwidth. The lower the value, the
wider the bandwidth.
Settings: 0.7 – 10.3
n The Q setting is available only for the Mid band, which is a
Peaking type EQ. Peaking (referring to the “peak” shape)
lets you attenuate/boost a specific frequency and allows
you to control how wide or narrow the bandwidth is. On
the other hand, the EQ shape of the High and Low band is
the Shelving type which lets you attenuate/boost the
signal at frequencies above or below the specified
Frequency setting.
EQ graph
Indicates the EQ settings as a graph. The vertical axis
indicates the gain, and the horizontal axis indicates the
Arpeggio settings—[F4] Arpeggio
This display determines the basic settings of the Arpeggio.
Keep in mind that the parameters of Bank ( ) – Type ( )
have five settings which can be edited in each of the [SF1]
ARP1 through [SF5] ARP5 displays. The value set here is
applied to the parameters having the same names in the
Arpeggio Main display (page 58) of the Voice Common
Edit mode.
Velocity Limit
[SF1] ARP1 – [SF5] ARP5 (Arpeggio 1 – 5)
Sub Category
These are the same as in the Arpeggio Main display
(page 58) of the Voice Common Edit.
Arpeggio Type Name
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Editing a Normal Voice
“Editing” refers to the process of creating a Voice by changing the parameters that make up the Voice. This can be done in
Voice Edit, a sub mode within the Voice mode. To enter the Voice Edit mode, press the [VOICE] button to first call up the
Voice mode, then press the [EDIT] button.
Common Edit and Element Edit
A Normal Voice, which contains pitched musical
instrument-type sounds that can be played over the range
of the keyboard, can consist of up to eight Elements. There
are two types of Normal Voice Edit displays: those for
Common Edit to edit the settings common to all Elements,
and those for Element Edit to edit individual Elements.
Editing Normal Voices
Press the [VOICE] button to enter the Voice
Play mode.
Select a Normal Voice to be edited.
2 Press the [EDIT] button to enter the Voice Edit
3 Call up the desired Edit display, Common Edit
or Element Edit.
To call up the Common Edit display, press the
[COMMON EDIT] button. To call up the Element Edit
display, press one of the Number buttons [1] – [8] to
select the Element to be edited.
4 Call up the desired display.
To find the desired display, note the tab menu items
corresponding to the [F1] – [F6] buttons and [SF1] –
[SF5] buttons at the bottom of the display.
n By pressing the [SF6] button, you can use various
functions such as the Information display, Character input
(page 37), Number button function (page 36), and List
display/selection (page 37). The function called up via the
[SF6] button differs depending on the selected parameter
where the cursor is located.
5 Move the cursor to the desired parameter.
6 Edit the value by using the [INC/YES], [DEC/
NO] buttons and the data dial.
7 Repeat steps 3 – 6 as desired.
8 Enter the desired name for the edited Voice.
Use the Name display (page 55) of the Voice Common
Edit mode.
9 Store the edited Voice.
Press the [STORE] button to call up the Store window
(page 54) then store the edited Voice.
The edited Voice will be lost when selecting the different
Voice or turning the power off. Make sure to store the Voice
data to the internal memory by pressing the [STORE] button
before selecting a different Voice or turning the power off.
Because User Memory to which the Voice is stored is Flash
Memory, the edited and stored Voice will not be erased even
if the power is turned off. You need not worry about losing
your stored data. The Voice Store operation, however, will
overwrite the Voice data already stored to the destination
Voice number. For this reason, important data should always
be backed up to a separate USB storage device or to a
computer connected via network to the MOTIF XF
(page 241).
Normal Voice Edit
Common Edit
Lets you edit the
parameters common to
all Elements of the
selected Voice.
Element Edit 1– 8
Lets you edit the
parameters of the
individual Elements that
make up a Voice.
Indicates this display is in the Element Edit mode.
Selecting an Element
Indicates this display is in the Common Edit mode.
Tab menus corresponding
to the [F1] – [F6] buttons
Tab menus corresponding to
the [SF1] – [SF6] buttons
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Convenient functions for editing
In the Voice Edit mode, you can always use the number
buttons [1] – [8] to select an Element. The [1] – [8] buttons
indicate the Element being edited. To switch each Element
on/off, turn the [MUTE] button on, and then use number
buttons [9] – [16].
If you want to turn on only the Element you’re editing, press
the [SOLO] button to turn it on, and then press a number
button [1] – [8] or [9] – [16]. For example, if you want to turn
on only Element 1 and edit it, press the [1] or [9] button to
make the [1] indicator light and the [9] indicator flash.
The [E] (Edit) indicator will appear in the Voice Edit mode
as well as in the Voice Play mode. For details, see page 47.
The Compare function lets you switch between the just-
edited Voice and its original, unedited condition, allowing
you to hear how your edits affect the sound.
1 Press the [EDIT] button to call up the Compare
In the Voice Edit mode (with the [EDIT] lamp lit), press
the [EDIT] button so that its lamp flashes. The [E]
indicator at the top right of the screen will change to the
[C] indicator and the Voice settings prior to editing will
temporarily be reinstated for comparison purposes.
When the [E] indicator is shown in the Voice Play mode,
press the [EDIT] button to enter the Voice Edit mode
then press the [EDIT] button again to call up the
Compare mode.
2 Press the [EDIT] button again to return to the
original status.
When the [C] indicator is shown at the right top of the
display, press the [EDIT] button (the lamp lights
continuously, and the [C] indicator changes back to the
[E] indicator).
Compare the edited sound with the unedited sound as
desired by repeating steps 1 and 2.
n While Compare is active, you cannot make edits to the Voice.
1 Press the [STORE] button to call up the Voice
Store window.
2 Set the destination for storing the Voice.
Select the destination User Bank (USR 1 – 4 for the
Normal Voice, UDR for the Drum Voice) and the Voice
number to be stored by using the data dial, [INC/YES]
and [DEC/NO] buttons. You can also use the [USER 1]
– [USER 4], [USER DR], Group [A] – [H], and Number
[1] – [16] buttons to specify the destination.
3 Press the [ENTER] button. (The display
prompts you for confirmation.)
To cancel the Store operation, press the [DEC/NO]
4 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the
Store operation.
After the Voice has been stored, a “Completed”
message appears and operation returns to the Voice
Play display. In this condition, the just stored Voice is
selected as shown in the display, letting you instantly
play the just edited Voice.
When you execute the Store operation, the settings for the
destination memory will be overwritten. Important data should
always be backed up to a separate USB storage device. For
detailed instructions on saving, see page 241.
n Keep in mind that the destination of “Store” is internal
memory (Flash ROM) whereas the destination of “Save” is
external memory such as a USB storage device.
Switching an Element on/off
Soloing the Element to be edited
The [E] Indicator
Compare function
Use number buttons [1] – [8] to select the Element you want to edit
Use number buttons [9] – [16] to turn each Element on/off
Use number buttons [1] – [8] / [9] – [16] to turn on only the Element
you want to edit
Storing the created Voice
Compare indicator (sound prior to editing)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Editing a Normal Voice
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Common Edit parameters
[VOICE] Normal Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON EDIT]
Common Edit lets you edit the parameters common to all Elements of the selected Normal Voice.
About the asterisk (*) marks
For users who are new to Voice editing and may be confused by the large amount of parameters, the most basic and easy-to-understand
parameters are conveniently marked with asterisks. If you are just starting out with Voice editing, try these parameters first.
General settings for the selected
Voice—[F1] General
Enters the desired name for the Voice. The Voice name can
contain up to 20 characters.
You can call up the character list by pressing the [SF6]
CHAR button, then select the desired one from the list. For
detailed instructions on naming, refer to “Basic Operation”
on page 37.
Main Category 1
Sub Category 1
Main Category 2
Sub Category 2
Determines the two Main Categories and their Sub
Categories to which the Voice belongs respectively.
“Category” can be used as a keyword representing the
characteristic of the Voice. The appropriate setting makes it
easy to find the desired Voice from a variety of Voices.
There are 16 Main Categories which indicate types of
instruments. There are up to five Sub Categories for each
Main Category, indicating more detailed types of
Settings: See the following list.
n You can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST button then
select the desired one from the list. For details, see page 37.
From this display, you can make various settings such as
Mono or Poly, Pitch, Portamento, and Micro Tuning.
Determines the output level of the Voice. Set this parameter
to adjust the balance between the current Voice and other
Settings: 0 – 127
Naming the edited Voice—[SF1] Name
Main Category Sub Category
Acoustic Piano Pn Acoustic Layer Modern Vintage Arpeggio
Keyboard Kb
FM Piano Clavi Synth Arpeggio
Organ Or Tone Wheel Combo Pipe Synth Arpeggio
Guitar Gt Acoustic
Synth Arpeggio
Bass Bs Acoustic Electric Synth Arpeggio
Strings St Solo Ensemble Pizzicato Synth Arpeggio
Brass Br Solo
Orchestra Synth Arpeggio
Sax / Woodwind SW Saxophone Flute Woodwind Reed / Pipe Arpeggio
Synth Lead Ld Analog Digital Hip Hop Dance Arpeggio
Synth Pad/Choir Pd Analog Warm Bright Choir Arpeggio
Synth Comp Sc Analog Digital Fade Hook Arpeggio
Bell Synth Bell
Drum /
Dr Drums Percussion Synth Arpeggio
Sound Effect Se Moving Ambient Nature Sci-Fi Arpeggio
Musical Effect Me Moving Ambient Sweep Hit Arpeggio
Ethnic Et Bowed Plucked Struck Blown Arpeggio
Play Mode Settings such as Micro Tuning
and Mono/Poly—[SF2] Play Mode
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Determines the stereo pan position of the Voice. You can
also adjust this parameter using the PAN knob on the front
Settings: L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
n Note that this Voice Pan parameter may have little or no
audible effect if the Pan for a specific element is set to the left
position and the Pan for another element is set to the right
Note Shift*
Determines the transpose setting for the amount (in
semitones) by which the pitch is raised or lowered.
Settings: -24 – +0 – 24
PB Range Upper (Pitch Bend Range Upper)*
PB Range Lower (Pitch Bend Range Lower)*
Determines the maximum Pitch Bend range in semitones.
Setting the Upper parameter to +12 would result in a
maximum pitch rise of one octave when the Pitch Bend
wheel is moved upwards. On the other hand, the Lower
setting of -12 would result in the pitch being lowered up to
a maximum of one octave (12 semitones) when the Pitch
Bend wheel is moved downwards.
Settings: -48 semi – +0 semi – +24 semi
Bank (Micro Tuning Bank)
Determines the Micro Tuning Bank.
Settings: PRE, USR
PRE (Preset)
Contains the 13 preset Micro Tuning types.
USR (User)
Contains your original Micro Tuning types created in the Micro Tuning
display (page 225) of the Utility mode.
Tuning Number
Determines the Micro Tuning number. The Preset Bank
provides 13 types including the most common “equal
Preset Bank: 1 – 13 (See the Micro Tuning list below.)
User Bank: 1 – 8
Tuning Root
Sets the base note for each scale. For some scales this
setting may not be necessary.
Settings: C – B
Micro Tuning List
Selects monophonic or polyphonic.
Settings: mono, poly
When set to “mono,” the selected Voice is played back monophonically
(only a single note is played back simultaneously). For many
instrument sounds (such as bass and synth lead), this allows a more
natural and smooth sounding legato performance than when this
parameter is set to “poly.”
When set to “poly,” the selected Voice is played back polyphonically
(multiple notes can be played back simultaneously or a chord is played
What is Micro Tuning?
This function lets you change the keyboard scale from
normal tuning (equal temperament) to one of a variety of
special scales. You can determine the scale type for
each voice by simply selecting a Tuning number. You can
also use original Micro Tuning types that you’ve created
in the Micro Tuning display (page 225) of the Utility
The “compromise tuning used for
most of the last 200 years of Western
music, and found on most electronic
keyboards. Each half step is exactly
1/12 of an octave, and music can be
played in any key with equal ease.
However, none of the intervals are
perfectly in tune.
C – B
This tuning is designed so that most
of the intervals (especially the major
third and perfect fifth) in the major
scale are pure. This means that other
intervals will be correspondingly out
of tune. You need to specify the key
(C – B) you will be playing in.
C – B
The same as Pure Major, but
designed for the minor scale.
C – B
Andreas Werckmeister, a
contemporary of Bach, designed this
tuning so that keyboard instruments
could be played in any key. Each key
has a unique character.
C – B
Johann Philipp Kirnberger, an 18th
century composer, created this
tempered scale to allow
performances in any key.
C – B
Francescatonio Vallotti and Thomas
Young (both mid-1700s) devised this
adjustment to the Pythagorean
tuning, in which the first six fifths are
lowered by the same amount.
1/4 Shift
This is the normal equal tempered
scale shifted up 50 cents.
1/4 tone
Twenty-four equally spaced notes per
octave. (Play twenty-four notes to
move one octave.)
1/8 tone
Forty-eight equally spaced notes per
octave. (Play forty-eight notes to
move one octave.)
Usually observed in Indian music
(white keys only).
11 Arabic 1
C – B
Usually observed in Arabic music.
12 Arabic 2
13 Arabic 3
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Key Assign Mode
When this is set to “single,” double playback of the same
note is prevented. This is useful when two or more
instances of the same note are received nearly
simultaneously, or without a corresponding note off
message. To allow playback of each instance of the same
note, set this to “multi.”
Settings: single, multi
When this is set to “single” and double playback of the same note are
transmitted to the internal tone generator, the first note will be stopped
then the next note will be sounded.
When this is set to “multi” and double playback of the same note are
transmitted to the internal tone generator, all the notes are sounded
Portamento Switch*
Determines whether Portamento is applied to the current
Voice or not.
Settings: on, off
Portamento Time*
Determines the pitch transition time when Portamento is
applied. The effect of the parameter differs depending on
the settings of the Portamento Time Mode ( ). Higher
values result in a longer pitch change time.
Settings: 0 – 127
Portamento Mode
Determines how Portamento is applied to your keyboard
Settings: fingered, fulltime
Portamento is only applied when you play legato (playing the next note
before releasing the previous one).
Portamento is applied to all notes.
Portamento Time Mode
Determines how the pitch changes in time.
Settings: rate1, time1, rate2, time2
Pitch changes at the specified rate.
Pitch changes in the specified time.
Pitch changes at the specified rate within an octave.
Pitch changes in the specified time within an octave.
Portamento Legato Slope
When the Mono/Poly is set to “mono,” legato playing may
produce an unnatural attack depending on the waveform
assigned to the selected Voice. To solve such a problem,
you can use this parameter to adjust the attack of the
Voice. Normally, this should be set to a low value for
waveforms with short attack times, and should be set to a
high value for waveforms with long attack times.
Settings: 0 – 7
From this display, you can set the control functions for the
Knobs, and the up/down range for the Pitch Bend wheel.
Knob Control Assign
Determines which lamp among the TONE 1, TONE 2, and
ARP FX is turned on when selecting a Voice. This setting
can be stored for each Voice.
Settings: tone1, tone2, ARP FX
Assign 1 Value
Assign 2 Value
Indicates the level of the Knobs printed “ASSIGN 1” and
“ASSIGN 2” at the time at which the Voice is selected with
the TONE 1 lamp turned on. The functions assigned to the
Knobs are indicated at right of the values respectively.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
n The functions assigned to the ASSIGN 1/2 Knobs can be set in
the Controller Set display (page 61).
A. Function 1 Mode
(Assignable Function 1 Mode)
A. Function 2 Mode
(Assignable Function 2 Mode)
Determines whether the ASSIGNABLE FUNCTION [1] and
[2] buttons functions as a latch type or momentary type.
When set to “latch,” pressing the button alternates the lamp
status between on and off. When set to “momentary,”
pressing/holding the button turns the lamp on and
releasing the button turns the lamp off.
Settings: momentary, latch
Ribbon Mode (Ribbon Controller mode)
Determines how the Ribbon Controller responds when
released. When set to reset, releasing your finger from the
Ribbon Controller automatically returns the value to the
center. When set to hold, releasing your finger from the
Ribbon Controller maintains the value at the last point of
Settings: hold, reset
Other settings—[SF3] Other
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Arpeggio settings—[F2] ARP Main
(Arpeggio Main)
This display determines the basic settings of the Arpeggio.
Keep in mind that parameters Bank ( ) through Gate Time
Rate Offset ( ) have five settings which can be edited in
each of the [SF1] ARP1 through [SF5] ARP5 displays.
For details about Arpeggio, see page 15.
n Depending on the selected parameter, the KBD icon appears
on the tab corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this condition,
you can enter the note number or velocity by pressing the
appropriate note on the keyboard while holding the [SF6] KBD
button. For details, see page 37.
Determines whether Arpeggio is on or off. When calling up
a Voice for which the Common Switch is set to on, the
[ARPEGGIO ON/OFF] button on the panel will be turned on
Settings: on, off
When this is set to “on,” the Arpeggio cycles automatically,
even if you release your fingers from the keys.
Settings: sync-off (see below), off, on
When set to “sync-off,” the Arpeggio playback continues to run silently,
even when you release the keys. Pressing any key turns the Arpeggio
playback on again, and the Arpeggio is heard from the point in the
cycle where playback is resumed.
Change Timing*
Determines the actual timing at which the Arpeggio type is
switched when you select another type during Arpeggio
playback. When set to “realtime,” the Arpeggio type is
switched immediately. When set to “measure,” the
Arpeggio type is switched at the top of the next measure.
Settings: realtime, measure
Velocity Limit
Determines the lowest and highest velocity which can
trigger the Arpeggio playback. This lets you set the velocity
range with which you press the note to trigger the Arpeggio
playback. You can also create separate low and high
trigger ranges for the Arpeggio playback, with a velocity
“hole” in the middle, by specifying the maximum value first.
For example, setting a Velocity Limit of 93 – 34 lets you play
the Arpeggio from two separate velocity ranges: soft (1 –
34) and hard (93 – 127). Notes played at middle velocities
between 35 and 92 do not play the Arpeggio.
Settings: 001 – 127
Note Limit
Determines the lowest and highest notes in the Arpeggio’s
note range. Notes played in this range trigger the
Arpeggio. For example, setting a Note Limit of “C5 – C4”
lets you trigger the Arpeggio by playing notes in the two
ranges of C -2 to C4 and C5 to G8; notes played between
C4 and C5 have no effect on the Arpeggio.
Settings: C -2 – G8
n Please keep in mind that no sound is produced when the Key
Mode is set to “sort” or “thru” and notes are played outside the
Note Limit setting here.
Determines the Arpeggio Tempo. This parameter can be
changed via the Knob directly.
Settings: 5 – 300
n If you are using this instrument with an external sequencer,
MIDI computer, or other MIDI device, and you want to
synchronize it to that device, set the MIDI sync ( ) parameter
in the MIDI display (page 228) of the Utility mode to “MIDI” or
“auto.” In this case, the Tempo parameter here indicates
“MIDI” or “auto” and cannot be changed.
Key Mode
Determines how the Arpeggio plays back when playing the
Settings: sort, thru, direct, sort+direct, thru+direct
When you play specific notes (for example, the notes of a chord), the
same sequence plays, no matter what order you play the notes.
When you play specific notes (for example, the notes of a chord), the
resulting sequence differs depending on the order of the notes.
Note events of the Arpeggio sequence do not play; only the notes you
play on the keyboard are heard. When the Arpeggio plays back, the
events such as Pan and Brightness are applied to the sound of your
keyboard performance. Use this setting when the Arpeggio types
includes non-note data or when the Category type “Ctrl” is selected.
The Arpeggio is played back according to the “sort” setting here, and
the note pressed is also sounded.
The Arpeggio is played back according to the “thru” setting here, and
the note pressed is also sounded.
n Some Arpeggio types belonging to the “Cntr” Category may
not have note events (page 18). When such an Arpeggio type
is selected and the Key Mode is set to “sort” or “thru,” no
sound is produced even if you press a note on the keyboard.
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Velocity Mode
Adjusts the velocity of the Arpeggio notes.
Settings: original, thru
The Arpeggio plays back at the preset velocities included in the
Arpeggio sequence data.
The Arpeggio plays back according to the velocity of your playing. For
example, if you play the notes strongly, the playback volume of the
Arpeggio increases.
Output Octave Shift
Specifies the maximum Arpeggio range in octaves.
Settings: -10 – +10
[SF1] ARP1 – [SF5] ARP5 (Arpeggio 1 – 5)
The six parameters Bank ( ) through Gate Time Rate
Offset ( ) at the lower half part of the display, can be
edited in each of the [SF1] ARP1 through [SF5] ARP5
displays. You can set the parameters in the lower half of the
display for each of the five Arpeggio settings by pressing
one of the [SF1] – [SF5] buttons. The 8th note icon shown
in the tab menu indicates that any Arpeggio Type (other
than “off”) is selected in the display corresponding to the
Sub Function button.
Settings: [SF1] – [SF5] (Sub Function) buttons
Determines the Arpeggio Bank containing the desired
Arpeggio type. Select “PRE” if you wish to select a preset
Arpeggio Type. Select “USER” if you wish to select an
Arpeggio Type you originally created and stored.
Settings: PRE, USR
n For detailed instructions on creating your original Arpeggio
type, see page 20.
Sub Category
You can select the Category and its Sub Category
including your desired Arpeggio Type. This parameter is
available when “PRE” is selected as the Bank.
Settings: Refer to the Arpeggio Category List on page 15.
n You can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST button then
select the desired one from the list. For details, see page 37.
Determines the desired Arpeggio Type number from the
specified Category. The name of the selected Arpeggio
Type is shown at right of the specified number on the
display. Refer to the Arpeggio Type List in Data List.
n For details about how to use the Arpeggio Type List, see
page 16.
Velocity Rate
Determines the offset value by which the Arpeggio notes
will be shifted from their original velocities. If the resultant
velocity value is less than zero it will be set to 1, and if the
resultant velocity is greater than 128 it will be set to 127.
This parameter can be changed via the Knob directly.
Settings: -100% – +0% – +100%
Gate Time Rate
Determines the Gate Time (length) of the Arpeggio notes.
The Gate Time cannot be decreased beyond its normal
minimum of 1; any values outside that range will
automatically be limited to the minimum. This parameter
can be changed via the Knob directly.
Settings: -100% – +0% – +100%
Arpeggio settings—[F3] ARP Other
(Arpeggio Other)
By changing the timing and velocity of the notes, you can
change the rhythmic “feel” of the Arpeggio playback.
Unit Multiply
Adjusts the Arpeggio playback time based on tempo. By
using this parameter, you can create a different Arpeggio
type from the original one. For example, if you set a value of
200%, the playback time will be doubled (tempo is halved).
On the other hand, if you set a value of 50%, the playback
time will be halved and the tempo doubled. Normal
playback time is 100%. This parameter can be changed
via the Knob directly.
Settings: 50%, 66%, 75%, 100%, 133%, 150%, 200%
Quantize Value*
Determines to what beats the note data in the Song will be
aligned, or determines to what beats in the Song the swing
is applied.
This parameter can be changed via the Knob directly.
Settings: 2 60 (32nd note), 63 80 (16th note triplet), 6 120 (16th
note), 83 160 (8th note triplet), 8 240 (8th note), 43 320
(1/4 note triplet), 4 480 (1/4 note)
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Quantize Strength
Sets the “strength” by which note events are pulled toward
the nearest quantize beats. A setting of 100% produces
exact timing set via the Quantize Value parameter above. A
setting of 0% results in no quantization. A setting of 50%
results in the note events being pulled halfway between 0%
and 100%.
This parameter can be changed via the Knob directly.
Settings: 0% – 100%
Delays notes on even-numbered beats (backbeats) to
produce a swing feel. Settings above 1 delay the Arpeggio
notes, whereas settings below 1 advance them. A setting
of 0 produces exact timing set via the Quantize Value,
resulting in no swing. Judicious use of this setting lets you
create swing rhythms and triplet feels, such as shuffle and
This parameter can be changed via the Knob directly.
Settings: -120 – +120
Velocity Rate
Determines how much the velocity of the Arpeggio
playback is offset from the original value. For example, a
setting of 100% means the original velocities are used.
Settings below 100% will reduce the velocities of the
Arpeggio notes, whereas settings above 100% will
increase the velocities. If the resultant velocity value is less
than zero it will be set to 1, and if the resultant velocity is
greater than 128 it will be set to 127.
Settings: 0 – 200%
Gate Time Rate
Determines how much the Gate Time (length) of the
Arpeggio notes is offset from the original value. A setting of
100% means the original gate times are used. Settings
below 100% will shorten the gate times of the Arpeggio
notes, whereas settings above 100% will lengthen them.
The Gate Time cannot be decreased beyond its normal
minimum of 1; any values outside that range will
automatically be limited to the minimum.
Settings: 0 – 200%
Octave Range
Specifies the maximum Arpeggio range in octaves.
Positive value settings increase the octave range of the
Arpeggio playback upward, whereas negative value
settings increase it downward. This parameter can be
changed via the Knob directly.
Settings: -3 – +0 – +3
When this is set to “on,” the Arpeggio cycles while notes
are held. When this is set to “off,” the Arpeggio plays only
once even if notes are held.
Settings: off, on
Trigger Mode
When this is set to “gate,” pressing the note starts
Arpeggio playback and releasing the note stops it. When
this is set to “toggle,” pressing the note starts/stops
Arpeggio playback and releasing the note does not affect
Arpeggio playback. Normally, this parameter should be set
to “gate.”
Settings: gate, toggle
n The Trigger Mode “toggle” setting overcomes the Hold “on”
setting in the Arpeggio Main display (page 58). In other words,
even when the Hold parameter is set to “on,” pressing the note
start/stops Arpeggio playback when the Trigger Mode is set to
Accent Vel Threshold
(Accent Velocity Threshold)
Some Arpeggio types include special sequence data
called “Accent Phrase,” which will be played back only
when the velocities higher than a specified value are
received. This parameter determines the minimum velocity
that will trigger the Accent Phrase.
Settings: off, 1 – 127
Accent Start Quantize
Determines the start timing of the Accent Phrase when the
Velocity specified in Accent Vel Threshold above is
received. When set to off, the Accent Phrase starts as soon
as the Velocity is received. When set to on, the Accent
Phrase starts on the beat specified for each Arpeggio type
after the Velocity is received.
Settings: off, on
Random SFX
Some Arpeggio types feature the Random SFX function
which will trigger the special sound such as fret noise of the
guitar when the note is released. This parameter
determines whether the Random SFX is active or not.
Settings: off, on
Random SFX Velocity Offset
Determines the offset value by which the Random SFX
notes will be shifted from their original velocities. If the
resultant velocity value is less than zero it will be set to 1,
and if the resultant velocity is greater than 128 it will be set
to 127.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Random SFX Key On Control
When this is set to “on,” the Random SFX special sound is
played with the preprogrammed velocity. When this is set
to “off,” the Random SFX special sound is played with the
velocity generated when the note is pressed.
Settings: off, on
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Controller settings—[F4] Ctrl Set
(Controller Set)
The controllers such as knobs on the front panel can be
used to change and adjust a variety of parameters for each
Voice—in real time, and simultaneously. For example,
keyboard aftertouch can be used to control vibrato and the
Modulation Wheel could be used to control tonal
The function settings for all the controllers are referred to as
a “Controller Set,” and up to six Controller Sets can be
created for each Voice. The controller is referred to as
Source, and the controlled function is referred to as
Destination. From this display, you can determine the
Controller Sets.
n Depending on the selected parameter, the LIST icon is shown
at the tab menu corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this
condition, you can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST
button, then select the desired item from the list. For details,
see page 37.
Determines which panel controller is to be assigned and
used for the selected Set. You can also assign multiple
functions to a controller. You can set this parameter by
operating the desired controller while holding the [SF5]
Controller button.
Indicates the built-in Pitch Bend wheel.
Indicates the built-in Modulation wheel.
AfterTch (Aftertouch)
Indicates the event generated when pressure is applied to a key after
the note is played.
FootCtrl1 (Foot Controller2)
FootCtrl2 (Foot Controller2)
Indicates the Foot Controller connected to each of the FOOT
CONTROLLER 1 and 2 jacks on the rear panel.
FootSw (Footswitch)
Indicates the Footswitch connected to the FOOT SWITCH
ASSIGNABLE jack on the rear panel.
Indicates the built-in Ribbon Controller.
Indicates the external controller which sends the control change
number assigned to the Breath Controller in the Utility mode
(page 230) to the MOTIF XF via MIDI.
Indicates the Knobs printed “ASSIGN 1” and “ASSIGN 2” with the
TONE 1 lamp turned on.
A. Func 1
A. Func 2
Indicates the built-in ASSIGNABLE FUNCTION [1] and [2] buttons.
n You can determine the degree to which the Pitch Bend wheel
affects the Destination parameter (below) by setting the Pitch
Bend Range Upper ( ) and Pitch Bend Range Lower ( ) in
the Play Mode display (page 55).
Determines the parameter that is controlled by the Source
controller (above). You can select a parameter for each
controller from the 67 parameters, such as volume, pitch
and LFO depth.
Settings: Refer to the Control List in the separate Data List.
n Regarding “Insertion Effect A Parameter 1 – 16,” “Insertion
Effect B Parameter 1 – 16” and “Insertion Effect L Parameter 1
– 32” described in the Control List, the actual parameter
names of the selected Effect type are shown on the display. If
one of these names is shown, no function is assigned to that
Setting examples of the Destination
Concerning *1 – *4, the following settings are necessary in addition to
the above setting.
Determines the degree to which the Source controller
affects the Destination parameter. For negative values, the
controller operation is reversed; maximum controller
settings produce minimum parameter changes.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Element Switch*
Determines whether or not the selected controller affects
each individual element. This parameter is disabled when
the Destination ( ) described above is set to a parameter
unrelated to the Voice Elements.
To control the volume: Volume
To apply vibrato to the Voice:
Common LFO Depth 1 – 3
(C-LFO dpth1 – 3) *1
To change the pitch:
Element Pitch
(coarse tune) *2
To control the brightness of the
Element Filter Frequency
(cutoff) *2
To change the speed of the
Rotary Speaker:
Insertion A/B Parameter 1 (insA-
prm1/insB-prm1) *3
To apply a wah pedal to the
Insertion A/B Parameter 1 (insA-
prm1/insB-prm1) *4
[F4] Com LFO [SF1] Wave Play Mode = loop
[F4] Com LFO [SF2] Set Control Dest = P mod
*2 [F3] Ctrl Set Element Switch = on
[F6] Effect Insertion A/B Type = Rotary Speaker
[F6] Effect Element Out = insA/insB
[F6] Effect Insertion A/B Type = Wah effect
[F6] Effect Element Out = insA/insB
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Graph (Indication only)
The horizontal axis indicates the value generated via the
Source of the selected Set, whereas the vertical axis
indicates the degree to which the Destination parameter is
Modulating the Voice—[F5] Com
LFO (Common LFO)
Determines how the vibrato, tremolo and wah effect are
produced by using the LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator).
From the following displays, you can set the basic LFO
parameters common to all elements of the Voice.
This display contains a variety of LFO parameters,
including LFO wave type, speed and effects such as LFO
delay or fade in/out.
n Depending on the selected parameter, the LIST icon is shown
at the tab menu corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this
condition, you can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST
button, then select the desired item from the list. For details,
see page 37.
Selects the Wave and determines how the LFO waveform
vibrates. The illustration of the selected wave is shown on
the display.
Settings: triangle, triangle+, saw up, saw down, squ1/4, squ1/3,
square, squ2/3, squ3/4, trapezoid, S/H1, S/H2, user
You can create your original LFO wave by selecting this. The LFO wave
can be created in the Common LFO User display (page 62).
Play Mode
Determines whether the LFO cycles repeatedly (loop) or
only once (one shot).
Settings: loop, one shot
Determines the speed of the LFO Wave. The higher the
value, the faster the speed.
Settings: 0 – 63
Determines the starting phase point for the LFO Wave
when it is reset.
Settings: 0°, 90°, 120°, 180°, 240°, 270°
Tempo Sync
Determines whether or not the LFO speed is synchronized
to the tempo of the Arpeggio or sequencer (Song or
Settings: off (not synchronized), on (synchronized)
n When this parameter is set to “on” and the MIDI sync
parameter in the MIDI display of the Utility mode (page 228) is
set to “MIDI,” the LFO speed is synchronized with the external
Tempo Speed
This parameter is available only when Tempo Sync above
has been set to “on.” It allows you to make detailed note
value settings that determine how the LFO pulses in sync
with the Arpeggio or sequencer.
Settings: 16th, 8th/3 (eighth-note triplets), 16th. (dotted sixteenth
note), 8th (eighth note), 4th/3 (quarter-note triplets), 8th.
(dotted 8th note), 4th (quarter notes), 2nd/3 (half-note
triplets), 4th. (dotted quarter notes), 2nd (half notes), whole/
3 (whole-note triplets), 2nd. (dotted half note), 4thx4
(quarter-note quadruplets; four quarter notes to the beat),
4thx5 (quarter-note quintuplets; five quarter notes to the
beat), 4thx6 (quarter-note sextuplets; six quarter notes to the
beat), 4thx7 (quarter-note septuplets; seven quarter notes to
the beat), 4thx8 (quarter-note octuplets; eight quarter notes
to the beat), 4thx16 (sixteen quarter notes to the beat),
4thx32 (32 quarter notes to the beat), 4thx64 (64 quarter
notes to the beat)
n The note type setting above is synchronized with the tempo of
the Arpeggio/Song/Pattern playback.
Key On Reset
Determines whether or not the LFO is reset each time a
note is pressed. The following three settings are available.
Settings: off, each-on, 1st-on
The LFO cycles freely with no key synchronization. Pressing a key
starts the LFO wave at whatever phase the LFO happens to be at that
LFO Wave settings—[SF1] Wave
(Common LFO Wave)
180° 270°
Key On
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
The LFO resets with each note you play and starts a waveform at the
phase specified by the Phase parameter (above).
n When the Wave is set to “S/H1” or “S/H2,” the Play Mode is set
to “one shot,” and the Key On Reset is set to “each-on,” the
initial phase differs each time the note is pressed. With this
setting, realistic tonal variations can be produced when hitting
the drum repeatedly.
The LFO resets with each note you play and starts a waveform at the
phase specified by the Phase parameter (above). If you play a second
note while the first is being held, the LFO continues cycling according
to the same phase as triggered by the first note. In other words, the
LFO only resets if the first note is released before the second is played.
n The starting phase is determined by the Phase parameter ( )
although the starting phase is shown as 0 in the illustration.
Random Speed
Determines the degree to which the LFO speed changes at
random. A setting of “0” results in the original speed.
Higher values result in a larger degree of speed change.
This parameter cannot be set when the Tempo Sync ( ) is
set to on.
Settings: 0 – 127
Determines the delay time between the moment you press
note on the keyboard and the moment the LFO comes into
effect. A higher value results in a longer delay time.
Settings: 0 – 127
Fade In Time
Determines the amount of time for the LFO effect to fade in
after the Delay time has elapsed. A higher value results in a
slower fade-in. When set to “0,” the LFO effect will not fade
in and reach the maximum level immediately after the
Delay time has elapsed.
Settings: 0 – 127
Hold (Hold Time)
Determines the length of time for which the LFO is held at
its maximum level. A higher value results in a longer Hold
time. A setting of 127 produces no fade out.
Settings: 0 – 126, hold
Fade Out Time
Determines the amount of time for the LFO effect to fade
out (after the Hold time has elapsed). A higher value results
in a slower fade-out.
Settings: 0 – 127
From this display you can select the destination parameter
for the LFO (which aspect of the sound the LFO controls),
the Elements to be affected by the LFO, and the LFO
Depth. Three Destinations can be assigned, and you can
choose from several parameters per Destination.
Control Dest (Control Destination)*
Determines the parameters which are to be controlled
(modulated) by the LFO Wave.
Settings: insA1 – insA16, insB1 – insB16, insL1 – insL32, A mod, P
mod, F mod, reso, pan, LFOspd
insA1 – insA16, insB1 – insB16, insL1 – insL32 (Effect parameters)
Each parameter of the selected Effect type is modulated cyclically.
When one of those parameters is selected, the corresponding
parameter name of the selected Effect type is shown at the lower
section of the display.
A mod (Amplitude Modulation Depth)
A tremolo effect produced by cyclically modulating the volume.
P mod (Pitch Modulation Depth)
A vibrato effect produced by cyclically modulating the pitch.
F mod (Filter Modulation Depth)
A wah effect produced by cyclically modulating the tonal brightness.
reso (Resonance)
A special wah effect produced by cyclically modulating the resonance.
An effect produced by cyclically modulating the stereo pan position.
LFOspd (Element LFO Speed)
When this is selected, the Common LFO speed cyclically modulates
the Element LFO speed.
Control Depth*
Determines the LFO Wave Depth.
Settings: 0 – 127
Element Switch 1 – 8*
Determines whether or not each Element is to be affected
by the LFO.
Settings: B (active), A (inactive)
Depth Offset 1 – 8
Determines the offset values of the Control Depth
parameter (above) for the respective Elements. If the
resultant Control Depth value is less than zero it will be set
Key On
(first note)
Key On
(second note)
Key On
(first note)
Key On
(second note)
LFO Effect Settings—[SF2] Set
(Common LFO Set)
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
to 0, and if the resultant Control Depth value is greater than
127 it will be set to 127.
Settings: 0 – 127
LFO Phase Offset
Determines the offset values of the Phase parameter in the
[SF1] Wave display for the respective Elements.
Settings: 0°, 90°, 120°, 180°, 240°, 270°
From this display you can create your own original LFO
wave. You can create a custom LFO wave consisting of up
to sixteen steps. The created LFO wave becomes available
when the Wave parameter in the Common LFO Wave
display is set to “user.”
You can select a pre-programmed template for the LFO
Settings: all -64, all 0, all +63, saw up, saw down, even step, odd step
all -64
Values of all the steps are set to -64.
all 0
Values of all the steps are set to 0.
all +63
Values of all the steps are set to +63.
saw up
Creates a saw shaped upward wave.
saw down
Creates a saw shaped downward wave.
even step
Values of all odd steps are set to +63, and values of all even steps are
set to -64.
odd step
Values of all even steps are set to +63, and values of all odd steps are
set to -64.
n You can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST button then
select the desired one from the list. For details, see page 37.
n You can use the [SF5] Random button to call up the base
wave at random. Each time you press the [SF5] Random
button, a different LFO wave appears on the display randomly.
Determines the slope or ramp characteristics of the LFO
Settings: off, up, down, up&down
Creates no slope.
Creates an upward slope.
Creates a downward slope.
Creates an upward then downward slope.
Determines the amount of steps for creating the wave.
Settings: 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16
Level 1 – 16
Determines the level for each step.
Settings: -64 – +63
Effect settings—[F6] Effect
Determines the Effect connection and values of other
parameters for the selected Voice. For details about the
structure in the Voice mode, see page 23.
This display gives you at-a-glance, overall view of the
effect routing and comprehensive control over the effects.
n Depending on the selected parameter, the LIST icon is shown
at the tab menu corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this
condition, you can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST
button, then select the desired item from the list. For details,
see page 37.
Making your own LFO—[SF3] User
(Common LFO User)
180° 270°
Effect Connection Settings—[SF1]
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Element Out 1 – 8*
Determines which Insertion Effect (A or B) is used to
process each individual Element. The “thru” setting lets you
bypass the Insertion Effects for the specified element.
When INSERTION CONNECT ( ) is set to “ins L,” the
signal from each Element is output to the Insertion L
regardless of the setting here.
Settings: thru (through), ins A (Insertion A), ins B (Insertion B)
INSERTION CONNECT (Insertion Connection)
From this display you can set the effect routing for Insertion
Effects A and B. The setting changes are shown on the
diagram in the display, giving you a clear picture of how the
signal is routed. For details, see page 23.
Settings: parallel, ins A F B, ins B F A, ins L
Signals processed with the Insertion Effect A and B block will be sent
to Master Effect, Master EQ, Reverb and Chorus block.
ins A F B
Signals processed with the Insertion Effect A will be sent to the
Insertion Effect B and signals processed with the Insertion Effect B is
sent to Master Effect, Master EQ, Reverb and Chorus block.
ins B F A
Signals processed with the Insertion Effect B will be sent to the
Insertion Effect A and signals processed with the Insertion Effect A is
sent to Master Effect, Master EQ, Reverb and Chorus block.
ins L
The Insertion Effects A and B are unified, then used as the Vocoder.
Signals processed with the Vocoder block will be sent to Master Effect,
Master EQ, Reverb and Chorus block.
n When “ins L” is selected, “ins L” is shown in the tab menu of
the [SF2] button and the tab menu of the [SF3] button
n For detailed instructions on using the Vocoder, see page 66.
n When “ins L” is selected, the audio signal will be output from
this instrument in mono.
Insertion A (Insertion A Category/Type)*
Insertion B (Insertion B Category/Type)*
Determines the Effect type for Insertion A and B. From the
Category column, you can select one of the Effect
Categories, each of which contains similar Effect types.
From the Type column, you can select one of the Effect
Types listed in the selected Category.
Settings: Details about the Effect categories and types are described
on page 24.
Chorus (Chorus Category/Type)*
Selects a Chorus Effect type after selecting a category.
From the Category column, you can select one of the Effect
Categories, each of which contains similar Effect types.
From the Type column, you can select one of the Effect
types listed in the selected Category.
Settings: Details about the Effect categories and types are described
on page 24.
Reverb (Reverb Type)*
Determines the Reverb Effect type. It is not necessary to
select a Category because there is only one category in
Settings: Details about the Effect types are described on page 24.
Chorus Send*
Adjusts the chorus send level. The higher the value the
deeper the Chorus.
Settings: 0 – 127
Reverb Send*
Adjusts the reverb send level. The higher the value the
deeper the reverb.
Settings: 0 – 127
Determines the Send level of the signal sent from the
Chorus Effect to the Reverb Effect. The higher the value,
the deeper the Reverb that is applied to the Chorus-
processed signal.
Settings: 0 – 127
Reverb Return
Determines the Return level of the Reverb Effect.
Settings: 0 – 127
Chorus Return
Determines the Return level of the Chorus Effect.
Settings: 0 – 127
Reverb Pan
Determines the pan position of the Reverb effect sound.
Settings: L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
Chorus Pan
Determines the pan position of the Chorus effect sound.
Settings: L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
A to B B to A
parallel ins L
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
From these displays, you can set the Effect related
parameters when the INSERTION CONNECT parameter is
set to “parallel” or “ins A FB” or “ins B F A.”
n Depending on the selected parameter, the LIST icon is shown
at the tab menu corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this
condition, you can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST
button, then select the desired item from the list. For details,
see page 37.
From the Category column, you can select one of the Effect
Categories each of which contains similar Effect types.
From the Type column, you can select one of the Effect
Types listed in the selected Category.
Settings: Details about the Effect categories and types are described
on page 24.
n The Category ( ) is not shown in the Reverb display.
You can set various parameters in order to change how the
sound is affected by the selected Effect type. This
parameter lets you call up the preprogrammed settings of
these effect parameters.
Effect Parameters
The number of parameters and values available differs
depending on the currently selected effect type. Refer to
page 27 for details about the Effect parameters. Refer to
the separate Data List for information on the parameters for
each Effect type.
From this display, you can set the Vocoder related parameters. This display called up via the [SF2] button is available only
when the INSERTION CONNECT parameter is set to “ins L” in the Connect display (page 64). Vocoder is a distinctive, “robot
voice” effect which extracts the characteristic of the microphone sound and adds it to the sound via your keyboard
performance. To create this Vocoder effect, you play the keyboard and sing or speak into the microphone at the same time.
To use the Vocoder effect, connect a microphone to the A/D INPUT connector on the rear panel, then follow the instructions
on page 68.
*1 The noise generated in the Vocoder unit is used.
*2 The cutoff frequency of the BPF1’ may not be same as the one of the BPF1. This depends on the settings of the Formant Shift and Formant Offset.
Effect Parameter settings—[SF2] Ins A,
[SF3] Ins B, [SF4] Reverb, [SF5] Chorus
Effect Parameter Settings—[SF2] Ins L (Insertion Large)
Band 10
Band 9
Band 2
Band 1
Microphone Input
Noise Input (*1)
Inst Input
(Keyboard Performance)
Extracting the tonal
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Determines whether or not the Vocoder is applied to the
current Voice. When set to “Thru,” the Vocoder is not
applied to the Voice.
Settings: Thru, Vocoder
Vocoder Attack
Determines the attack time of the Vocoder sound. The
higher the value, the slower the attack.
Settings: 1ms – 200ms
Vocoder Release
Determines the release time of the Vocoder sound. The
higher the value, the slower the decay.
Settings: 10ms – 3000ms
Mic Gate Threshold
Determines the threshold level of the noise gate for the
microphone sound. If noise interferes with the Vocoder
effect, set this parameter to a relatively high value to
prevent noise from producing inadvertent, unexpected
Settings: -72dB – -30dB
Gate Switch
Determines whether or not the microphone sound will be
output from the HPF while you release the notes. Normally,
set this to “on.”
Settings: off, on
off: The microphone sound always will be output. (You can always hear
the microphone sound.)
on: The microphone sound will be output only while pressing the note.
HPF Freq (High Pass Filter Frequency)
Determines the HPF cutoff frequency for the microphone
input sound. Setting this to a low value results in a
minimally processed input sound—in other words, close to
the original. Setting this to higher values emphasizes the
higher frequency consonant and sibilant sounds (which
make words easier to understand).
Settings: thru, 500Hz – 16.0kHz
HPF Output Level
Determines the level of the microphone sound output from
the HPF (High Pass Filter).
Settings: 0 – 127
Formant Shift
Determines the amount (in BPF) by which the cutoff
frequency value of the BPFs (for the Inst Input) is shifted.
This parameter can be used to adjust the pitch of the
Vocoder sound.
Settings: -2, -1, +0, +1, +2
Formant Offset
Adjusts the cutoff frequencies of all BPFs (for the Inst Input)
finely. This parameter can be used to adjust the pitch of the
Vocoder sound finely.
Settings: -63 – +0 – +63
Mic Level
Determines the microphone sound level, which is to be
input to the Vocoder.
Settings: 0 – 127
Inst Input Level
Determines the level of the keyboard performance sound,
which is to be input to the Vocoder.
Settings: 0 – 127
Noise Input Level
Determines the noise level which is input to the Vocoder.
This can be used to emphasize sibilant and plosive
sounds, and make the speech-like characteristics more
Settings: 0 – 127
Output Level
Determines the output level of the Vocoder.
Settings: 0 – 127
Dry/Wet Balance
Determines the balance between the dry sound to which
the effect is not applied and the wet sound to which the
effect is applied. The higher the W setting, the deeper the
Settings: D63>W – D=W – D<W63
BPF1 – 10 Gain (Band Pass Filter 1 – 10 Gain)
Determines each output gain of the BPF 1 – 10 for the Inst
Input (keyboard performance sound). The BPF1
corresponds to the lowest Formant while the BPF 10
corresponds to the highest Formant.
Settings: -18dB – +18dB
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Vocoder structure
The human voice consists of sounds generated from the
vocal cords, and filtered by the throat, nose and mouth.
These resonant sections have specific frequency
characteristics and they function effectively as a filter,
creating many formants (harmonic content). The Vocoder
effect extracts the filter characteristics of the voice from the
microphone input and recreates the vocal formants by the
use of multiple band pass filters. The machine-like ‘robot’
voice is created by passing the pitched sounds of musical
instruments (such as a synthesizer sound) through the
Using the Vocoder effect
After connecting a microphone to the A/D INPUT connector
on the rear panel, follow the instructions below to use the
Vocoder effect.
1 Set the Vocoder related parameters.
In the Voice Play mode, press the [UTILITY] button to
enter the Utility mode, press the [F4] button, then press
the [SF1] button to call up the Output display
(page 226). Set the Output Select to “ins L.”
n When using the Vocoder in the Performance mode, set the
Output Select parameter to “ins L” in the Output display
(page 226) of the Performance Edit mode. When using the
Vocoder in the Song/Pattern mode, set the Output Select
parameter to “ins L” in the Audio In display (page 193) of
the Mixing Edit mode.
2 Set the Input Gain of the A/D INPUT connector
to microphone.
In the Utility mode, press the [F2] button to call up the
Input/Output display (page 223), then set the Mic/Line
parameter to “mic.”
3 In the Voice Play mode, select the desired
Voice to which the Vocoder is applied.
4 Select the Vocoder as the Insertion Effect
In the Voice Play mode, press the [EDIT] button then
[COMMON EDIT] button to enter the Voice Common
Edit. Press the [SF1] button to call up the Connect
display (page 64), set the INSERTION CONNECT
parameter to “ins L,” then set the Insertion L parameter
to “Vocoder.”
n When the INSERTION CONNECT is set to “ins L,” the
audio signal will be output from this instrument in mono.
5 Set the Vocoder related parameters if
Input your voice to the microphone while pressing the
note(s) to generate the machine-like Vocoder sound.
Press the [SF2] button to call up the Insertion L display,
then set the related parameters while listening to the
Vocoder sound.
6 Press the [STORE] button to call up the Store
window (page 54) then store the edited Voice.
Mic Input
Extracting the
characteristic of the
input voice
Creating the
Robot Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Editing a Normal Voice
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Element Edit parameters
[VOICE] Normal Voice selection [EDIT] [1] – [8]
If you wish to edit the sounds that make up a Voice and the basic parameters that determine the sound, such as Oscillator,
Pitch, Filter, Amplitude, and EG (Envelope Generator), call up the Element Edit display.
About the asterisk (*) marks
For users who are new to Voice editing and may be confused by the large amount of parameters, the most basic and easy-to-understand
parameters are conveniently marked with asterisks in this section. If you are just starting out with Voice editing, try these parameters first.
Selected Element display/
Four-Element display
In the Element Edit mode, you can use two types of display.
One type of display lets you edit parameters for the
currently selected Element and the other type of display
lets you view parameters for four Elements. You can switch
between these two types by pressing the [SF5] button.
When the display for four Elements is shown, you can
switch between the displays for Elements 1 – 4 and 5 – 8
by using the left and right cursor buttons.
Setting the Waveform and Note range
of the Element—[F1] Oscillator
n Depending on the selected parameter, the LIST icon is shown
at the tab menu corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this
condition, you can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST
button, then select the desired item from the list. For details,
see page 37.
Element Switch*
Determines whether the currently selected Element is on or
off. When this is set to off, the currently edited Element will
not sound.
Settings: off (inactive), on (active)
XA Control (Expanded Articulation Control)
Expanded Articulation (XA) is a special feature of the
MOTIF XF that provides greater performance flexibility and
realism (see box on next page). This parameter determines
how the XA feature of the Element works. Try setting this
parameter referring to the four types of the XA Mode
described below. You can realize the desired sound
depending on your performance articulation by assigning
the same Element Group to the Elements having the same
type of the XA mode.
Settings: normal, legato, key off sound, wave cycle, wave random, all
AF off, AF 1 on, AF 2 on
When this is selected, the Element will sound normally each time you
press the note.
When this is selected and the Mono mode is selected, an alternate
Element (different from the one used when XA mode is set to “normal”)
will be played when you play the keyboard in legato fashion (playing
the next note of a single-note line or melody before releasing the
previous note).
The display indicating the settings of
the current Element
The display indicating the settings of
four Elements
This icon indicates that you can call up
the display for another four Elements.
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
key off sound
When this is selected, the Element will sound each time you release the
wave cycle
When this is selected for multiple Elements, each Element sounds
alternately according to its numerical order each time you play a note.
(In other words, playing the first note will sound Element 1, the second
note Element 2, and so on.)
wave random
When this is selected for multiple Elements, each Element will sound
randomly each time you press the note.
all AF off
When this is selected, the Element will sound when both of the
ASSIGNABLE FUNCTION buttons are turned off.
AF 1 on
When this is selected, the Element will sound when the ASSIGNABLE
FUNCTION [1] button is turned on.
AF 2 on
When this is selected, the Element will sound when the ASSIGNABLE
FUNCTION [2] button is turned on.
Element Group
Determines the group of the XA mode so that the Elements
of the same group are called up in order or randomly.
Assign the same group number to the Elements having the
same type of XA mode.
The setting here is not available when the XA mode
parameters of all Elements are set to “normal.”
Settings: 1 – 8
Wave Bank (Waveform Bank)
Determines the Waveform Bank assigned to the Element.
You can select the Bank from PRE, USR, FL1 and FL2.
PRE (Preset Bank) includes the preset Waveforms while
USR (User Bank), FL1 (Bank stored at slot 1 of the optional
Flash Memory Expansion Module) and FL2 (Bank stored at
slot 2 of the optional Flash Memory Expansion Module)
include the User Waveforms created based on the samples
recorded in the Sampling mode. FL1 and FL2 are available
only when the optional Flash Memory Expansion Module
FL512M/FL1024M has been installed.
Settings: PRE, USR, FL1, FL2
n For details about Waveform, refer to the explanation of the
Sampling mode on page 119.
Wave Main Category (Waveform Main Category)*
Wave Sub Category (Waveform Sub Category)*
It is easier to find desired Waveforms ( ) by setting these
parameters before selecting a Waveform number. Preset
Waveforms are categorized into Main and Sub. The
number of Sub Categories differs depending on each Main
Wave Number (Waveform Number)*
Determines the Waveform assigned to the Element by
selecting the Waveform Category and Number. For a
complete list of Waveforms in the Preset Bank, refer to the
Waveform List in the separate Data List.
Key On Delay
Determines the time (delay) between the moment you
press a note on the keyboard and the point at which the
sound is actually played. The higher the value, the longer
the delay time.
Settings: 0 – 127
Delay Tempo Sync
Determines whether or not the Key On Delay above is
synchronized to the tempo of the Arpeggio or sequencer
(Song or Pattern).
Settings: off (not synchronized), on (synchronized)
Delay Tempo
Determines the timing of the Key On Delay when the Delay
Tempo Sync is set to on.
Settings: 16th, 8th/3 (eighth-note triplets), 16th. (dotted sixteenth
note), 8th (eighth note), 4th/3 (quarter-note triplets), 8th.
(dotted 8th note), 4th (quarter notes), 2nd/3 (half-note
triplets), 4th. (dotted quarter notes), 2nd (half notes), whole/
3 (whole-note triplets), 2nd. (dotted half note), 4thx4
(quarter-note quadruplets; four quarter notes to the beat),
Expanded Articulation (XA) features
Expanded Articulation (XA) is a newly designed,
sophisticated tone generation system that allows you to more
effectively recreate realistic sound and natural performance
techniques—such as legato and staccato—often used on
acoustic instruments but up to now unavailable or difficult to
realize on electronic keyboards. It also provides other unique
modes for random and alternate sound changes as you play.
Realistic legato performance
Specify an Element or Elements to be sounded when playing
Set the XA control parameter for the desired Elements to
Authentic note release sound
Specify an Element or Elements to be sounded upon
releasing a note. For example, this could be used to recreate
the characteristic pluck sound on a harpsichord when a note
is released.
Set the XA control parameter for the desired Elements to
“key off sound.”
Different sounds for each note played
Specify different Elements to be sounded in order or
Set the XA control parameter for the desired Elements to
“wave cycle” or “wave random.”
Switching among different sounds to recreate the
natural performance on an acoustic instrument
Specify which Elements will be sounded according to the on/
off status of the ASSIGNABLE FUNCTION buttons. For
example, this could be used on an acoustic guitar Voice to
switch between playing normally and playing high
Set the XA control parameter for the desired Elements to
“all AF off,” “AF 1 on,” or “AF 2 on.”
New sounds and new styles of playing
The highly versatile functions above can be applied
effectively not only to acoustic sounds but also to synthesizer
and electronic Voices as well. The XA feature opens up
enormous potential for realizing authentic sounds,
performing expressively and coming up with creative new
styles of playing.
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
4thx5 (quarter-note quintuplets; five quarter notes to the
beat), 4thx6 (quarter-note sextuplets; six quarter notes to the
beat), 4thx7 (quarter-note septuplets; seven quarter notes to
the beat), 4thx8 (quarter-note octuplets; eight quarter notes
to the beat)
Vel Cross Fade (Velocity Cross Fade)
This determines how gradually the sound of an Element
decreases in volume in proportion to the distance of
velocity changes outside the Velocity Limit setting ( ). A
setting of 0 produces no sound outside the Velocity Limit.
The higher the value, the more gradual the level
decreases. The practical application of this parameter is to
create natural-sounding velocity cross fades, in which
different Elements (Waveforms) change gradually
depending on how strongly or softly you play.
Settings: 0 – 127
Velocity Limit
Determines the minimum and maximum values of the
velocity range within which each Element will respond.
Each Element will only sound for notes played within its
specified velocity range. For example, this lets you have
one Element sound when you play softly and have a
different one sound when you play strongly. If you specify
the maximum value first and the minimum value second, for
example “93 to 34,” then the velocity range covered will be
“1 to 34” and “93 to 127.”
Settings: 1 – 127
Note Limit
Determines the lowest and highest notes of the keyboard
range for each Element. The selected Element will sound
only when you play notes within this range. If you specify
the highest note first and the lowest note second, for
example “C5 to C4,” then the note range covered will be “C
-2 to C4” and “C5 to G8.”
Settings: C -2 – G8
n You can also set the Key directly from the keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] INFO button and pressing the desired
key. For details, see page 37.
Ins Effect Output (Insertion Effect Output)
Determines which Insertion Effect (A or B) is used to
process each individual element. The “thru” setting lets you
bypass the Insertion Effects for the specific key. This
parameter is the same as Element Out 1 – 8 on the
Connect display (page 64) in Voice Common Edit. Making
a setting here automatically changes the setting of that
parameter as well. When INSERTION CONNECT is set to
“Ins L,” the signal from each Element is output to the
Insertion L regardless of the setting here.
Settings: thru (through), ins A (Insertion A), ins B (Insertion B)
Pitch Settings—[F2] Pitch
Coarse (Coarse Tuning)
Determines the pitch of each Element in semitones.
Settings: -48 semi – +0 semi – +48 semi
Fine (Fine Tuning)
Determines the pitch of each Element in cents.
Settings: -64 cents – +0 cents – +63 cents
Pitch Velocity Sens (Pitch Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the pitch of the Element responds to
velocity. Positive settings will cause the pitch to rise the
harder you play the keyboard and negative settings will
cause it to fall. A setting of 0 results in no change in pitch.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Fine Scaling Sens (Fine Scaling Sensitivity)
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically,
their position or octave range) affect the pitch in fine tuning
(set above) of the selected Element, assuming C3 as the
basic pitch. A positive setting will cause the pitch of lower
notes to change lower and that of higher notes to change
higher. Negative values will have the opposite effect.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
This lets you randomly vary the pitch of the Element for
each note you play. The higher the value, the greater the
pitch variation. A value of “0” results in no pitch change.
Settings: 0 – 127
Tuning and Pitch Scaling—[SF1] Tune
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Pitch Key Follow
Determines the sensitivity of the Key Follow effect (the pitch
interval of adjacent notes), assuming the pitch of the
Center Key ( ) as standard. At +100% (the normal
setting), adjacent notes are pitched one semitone (100
cents) apart. At 0%, all notes are the same pitch specified
as the Center Key. For negative values, the settings are
Settings: -200% – +0% – +200%
n This parameter is useful for creating alternate tunings, or for
use with sounds that do not need to be spaced in semitones,
such as pitched drum sounds in a Normal Voice.
Center Key
Determines the central note or pitch for the Pitch Key
Follow. The note number set here is the same pitch as
normal regardless of the Pitch Key Follow setting.
Settings: C -2 – G8
n You can also set the note directly from the Keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] button and pressing the desired key.
See “Basic Operation” on page 37.
Pitch Key Follow and Center Key
From this display you can set the Pitch EG parameters.
Using the PEG, you can control the transition in pitch from
the moment the sound starts to the moment it stops.
The Time parameters let you set the time between the
adjoining points of the level parameters below. A higher
value results in a longer time until reaching the next level.
Settings: 0 – 127
Hold Time
Determines the time between the moment you press a note
on the keyboard and the moment the envelope starts to
Attack Time
Determines the speed of attack from the initial pitch (Hold
Level) to the normal pitch of the Voice after the hold time
has elapsed.
Decay 1 Time
Determines how fast the envelope falls from the normal
pitch (Attack Level) of the Voice to the pitch specified as
the Decay 1 Level.
Decay 2 Time
Determines how fast the envelope falls from the pitch
specified as the Decay 1 Level to the pitch specified as the
Decay 2 Level.
Release Time
Determines how fast the envelope falls from the pitch
specified as the Decay 2 Level to the pitch specified as the
Release Level when the note is released.
The Level parameters let you set the amount of the pitch
deviation based on the standard pitch specified at the
Coarse Tuning and Fine Tuning in the Tune display
(page 71) at each envelope point.
Settings: -128 – +0 – +127
Hold Level
Determines the initial pitch at the moment the note is
Pitch EG Settings—[SF2] PEG (Pitch EG)
When Pitch Key Follow is set to 100
Amount of
pitch change
Center Key Higher rangeLower range
Hold Level
Attack Level
Decay 1
Decay 2
Decay 1
Decay 2
Pressing the key (Key on) Releasing the key (Key off)
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Attack Level
Determines the normal pitch of the pressed note.
Decay 1 Level
Determines the level which the pitch of sound reaches from
the Attack Level after the Decay 1 time elapses.
Decay 2 Level
Determines the sustain-level pitch which will be maintained
while a note is held.
Release Level
Determines the final pitch reached after the note is
EG Depth
Determines the range over which the pitch envelope
changes. A setting of 0 will cause the pitch not to change.
The farther from 0 the value is, the larger the pitch range.
For negative values, the pitch change is reversed.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
EG Depth Vel Sens
(EG Depth Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the pitch range of the Element responds to
velocity. When this is set to a positive value, high velocities
cause the pitch range to expand and low velocities cause it
to contract, as shown below. When this is set to a negative
value, high velocities cause the pitch range to contract and
low velocities cause it to expand. When this is set to 0, the
pitch envelope does not change no matter what the
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
EG Depth Vel Curve (EG Depth Velocity Curve)
The five curves determine how the pitch range will be
generated according to the velocity (strength) with which
you play notes on the keyboard. The horizontal axis of the
graph is the velocity, and the vertical axis is the pitch
Settings: Curve 0 – 4
EG Time Velocity Sens
(EG Time Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the PEG transition time (speed) responds
to velocity, or the strength with which the note is pressed.
When this is set to a positive value, high velocities result in
a fast PEG transition speed while low velocities result in a
slow speed, as shown below. When this is set to a negative
value, high velocities result in a slow PEG transition speed
while low velocities result in a fast speed. When this is set
to 0, the PEG transition speed does not change no matter
what the velocity.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
EG Time Segment
Determines the part of the Pitch EG which the EG Time
Velocity Sensitivity ( ) affects.
Settings: attack, atk+dcy, decay, atk+rls, all
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Attack Time and Hold Time.
atk+dcy (attack+decay)
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Attack Time, Decay1 Time,
and Hold Time.
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Decay 1/2 Time.
atk+rls (attack+release)
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Attack Time, Release Time,
and Hold Time.
This EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects all the Pitch EG Time
EG Time Key Follow
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically,
their position or octave range) affect the pitch EG times of
the selected Element. When this is set to a positive value,
high notes result in a high pitch EG transition speed while
low notes result in a slow speed. When this is set to a
negative value, high notes result in a slow pitch EG
transition speed while low notes result in a high speed.
When this is set to 0, the pitch EG transition speed does
not change no matter what the pressed note.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Large range
High Velocity
Small range
Low Velocity
Pitch Change
Fast pitch transition
High Velocity
Slow pitch transition
Low Velocity
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Center Key
Determines the central note or pitch for the EG Time Key
Follow ( ). When the Center Key note is played, the PEG
behaves according to its actual settings.
Settings: C -2 – G8
EG Time Key Follow and Center Key
n You can also set the note directly from the Keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] button and pressing the desired key.
See “Basic Operation” on page 37.
Adjust the brightness using the
Filter—[F3] Filter
From this display you can select a Filter Type for the current
Element. The tonal characteristics of the Voice and Filter
functions differ depending on which Filter type is selected
Determines the Filter Type for the current Element.
Settings: LPF24D, LPF24A, LPF18, LPF18s, LPF12, LPF6, HPF24D,
HPF12, BPF12D, BPFw, BPF6, BEF12, BEF6, Dual LPF, Dual
HPF, Dual BPF, Dual BEF, LPF12+BPF6, thru
About Filter Types
LPF (Low Pass Filter)
This is a Filter type that only passes signals below the Cutoff
Frequency. The sound can be brightened by raising the cutoff
frequency of the filter. On the other hand, the sound can be
darkened by lowering the cutoff frequency of the filter. You can
produce a distinctive “peaky” sound by raising the Resonance
to boost the signal level in the area of the Cutoff Frequency.
This filter type is most popular and useful for producing classic
synthesizer sounds.
A dynamic 24 dB/oct low-pass filter with a characteristic digital sound.
Compared to the LPF24A type (below), this filter can produce a more
pronounced resonance effect.
A digital dynamic low-pass filter with characteristics similar to a 4-pole
analog synthesizer filter.
3-pole 18 dB/oct low-pass filter.
3-pole 18 dB/oct low-pass filter. This filter has a smoother cutoff slope
than the LPF18 type.
HPF (High Pass Filter)
This is a Filter type that only passes signals above the Cutoff
Frequency. You can then use the Resonance to add further
character to the sound.
A dynamic 24 dB/oct high-pass filter with a characteristic digital sound.
This filter can produce a pronounced resonance effect.
12 dB/oct dynamic high-pass filter.
BPF (Band Pass Filter)
This Filter type is a combination of a LPF and HPF. When this
Filter Type is selected, you can set the Cutoff Frequency
around which the audio signal is passed.
The combination of a -12 dB/oct HPF and LPF with a characteristic
digital sound.
Selecting a Filter Type—[SF1] Type
Positive value
Negative value
Higher range
Lower range
Slower speed
Center key
These frequencies are
“passed” by the filter.
Resonance ( )
Cutoff Frequency ( )
Cutoff range
These frequencies are
“passed” by the filter.
Resonance ( )
Cutoff Frequency ( )
Cutoff range
Resonance ( )
Cutoff range Cutoff range
Range passed
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
The combination of a -6 dB/oct HPF and LPF.
A 12 dB/oct BPF that combines HPF and LPF filters to allow wider
bandwidth settings.
BEF (Band Elimination Filter)
When this Filter Type is selected, you can set the Cutoff
Frequency around which the audio signal is muted or
eliminated. The Band Elimination Filter has an opposite
effect on the sound compared to the Band Pass Filter.
Dual Type Filter
This type is a combination of two same filter types. You can
edit the distance between the two Cutoff Frequencies.
Dual LPF
Two 12 dB/oct low-pass filters connected in parallel.
Dual HPF
Two -12 dB/oct high-pass filters connected in parallel.
Dual BPF
Two -6 dB/oct band-pass filters connected in parallel.
Dual BEF
Two -6 dB/oct band-elimination filters connected in parallel.
Combination Type Filter
This type is a combination of two different filter types. You can
edit the distance between the two Cutoff Frequencies.
A combination of a -12 dB/oct low-pass filter and high-pass filter. When
this Filter Type is selected, HPF Cutoff ( ) and HPF Key Follow
Sensitivity ( ) can be set. Only the LPF graph is shown on the display.
A combination of a -6 dB/oct low-pass filter and high-pass filter. When
this Filter Type is selected, HPF Cutoff ( ) and HPF Key Follow
Sensitivity ( ) can be set. Only the LPF graph is shown on the display.
A combination of a low-pass filter and band-pass filter. You can edit the
distance between the two Cutoff Frequencies.
Determines the Cutoff Frequency for the Filter, or the
central frequency around which the Filter is applied. The
tonal characteristics of the Voice and function of the Cutoff
Frequency differ depending on which Filter type is
selected. Set this parameter while confirming the Filter
graph shown on the display.
Settings: 0 – 255
Cutoff Velocity Sens
(Cutoff Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the Cutoff Frequency ( ) responds to
velocity, or the strength with which you play notes. For
positive settings, the more strongly you play the keyboard,
the higher the cutoff frequency becomes. A setting of 0 will
cause the Cutoff Frequency not to change no matter what
velocity. Negative settings will cause the Cutoff Frequency
to rise the more softly you play the keyboard.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Resonance ( )
Cutoff range Cutoff range
Range passed
Width ( )
Cutoff range
Cutoff range
Range passed
Range passed Cutoff range
Cutoff Frequency
Range passed
Distance ( )
Cutoff Frequency ( ) Cutoff Frequency
Only the lower cutoff frequency is set
directly on the display.
Cutoff rangeRange passed
Distance ( )
Cutoff Frequency ( ) Cutoff Frequency
Only the lower cutoff frequency is set
directly on the display.
Cutoff range
Range passed
Distance ( )
Cutoff Frequency ( ) Cutoff Frequency
Only the lower cutoff frequency is set
directly on the display.
Cutoff rangeRange passed
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Resonance*/ Width
This parameter’s function varies according to the selected
Filter Type. If the selected filter is an LPF, HPF, BPF
(excluding the BPFw), or BEF, this parameter is used to set
the Resonance. For the BPFw, it is used to adjust the
frequency bandwidth
Resonance is used to set the amount of Resonance
(harmonic emphasis) applied to the signal at the cutoff
frequency. This can be used in combination with the cutoff
frequency parameter to add further character to the sound.
The Width parameter is used to adjust the width of the band
of signal frequencies passed by the filter with the BPFw.
When the Filter Type is set to “LPF6” or “thru,” this
parameter is not available.
Settings: 0 – 127
Resonance Velocity Sens
(Resonance Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines the degree to which resonance responds to
velocity, or the strength with which you play notes. For
positive values, the higher the velocity, the greater the
resonance. A setting of 0 results in no change of the
Resonance value. For negative values, the lower the
velocity, the greater the resonance.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Determines the Gain of the signal sent to the filter. The
lower the value, the lower the Gain. The tonal
characteristics generated by the filter differ depending on
the value set here.
Settings: 0 – 255
Cutoff Key Follow
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically,
their position or octave range) affect the Cutoff Frequency
(set above) of the selected Element, assuming C3 as the
basic pitch. A positive setting will lower the Cutoff
frequency for lower notes and raise it for higher notes. A
negative setting will have the opposite effect.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Center Key (Indication only)
This indicates that the central note for Cutoff Key Follow
( ) above is C3. Keep in mind that this is for display
purposes only; the value cannot be changed.
Cutoff Key Follow and Center Key
Determines the distance between the two Cutoff
frequencies, for the Dual Filter types (which feature two
identical filters combined in parallel), and the LPF12 +
BPF6 type. When any of other filter types is selected, this
parameter is not available.
Settings: -128 – +0 – +127
HPF Cutoff (High Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency)
Determines the central frequency for the Key Follow
parameter (below) of the HPF. When a filter type “LPF12” or
“LPF6” is selected, this parameter is available.
Settings: 0 – 255
HPF Key Follow (High Pass Filter Key Follow)
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically,
their position or octave range) affect the Cutoff Frequency
(set above) of the HPF. A positive setting will lower the
Cutoff frequency for lower notes and raise it for higher
notes. A negative setting will have the opposite effect.
When a filter type “LPF12” or “LPF6” is selected, this
parameter is available.
Settings: -200% – 0% – +200%
Center Key
This indicates that the central note for High Pass Filter Key
Follow ( ) above is C3. Keep in mind that this is for display
purposes only; the value cannot be changed.
From this display you can set the Filter EG parameters.
Using the FEG, you can control the change in tone from the
moment the sound starts to the moment it stops.
When Cutoff Key Follow is set to 100
Amount of cutoff
frequency change
Center Key = C3
Higher rangeLower range
Filter EG Settings—[SF2] FEG (Filter EG)
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
The Time parameters let you set the time between the
adjoining points of the level parameters below. A higher
value results in a longer time until reaching the next level.
Settings: 0 – 127
Hold Time
Determines the time between the moment you press a note
on the keyboard and the moment the envelope starts to rise.
Attack Time
Determines the speed of attack from the initial cutoff
frequency (Hold Level) to the maximum level of the Voice
after the hold time has elapsed.
Decay 1 Time
Determines how fast the envelope falls from the maximum
cutoff frequency (Attack Level) to the cutoff frequency
specified as the Decay 1 Level.
Decay 2 Time
Determines how fast the envelope falls from the cutoff
frequency specified as the Decay 1 Level to the cutoff
frequency specified as the Decay 2 Level.
Release Time
Determines how fast the envelope falls from the cutoff
frequency specified as the Decay 2 Level to the cutoff
frequency specified as the Release Level when the note is
The Level parameters let you set the amount of the filter
change at each point based on the cutoff frequency
specified in the Filter Type display (page 74).
Settings: -128 – +0 – +127
Hold Level
Determines the initial cutoff frequency at the moment the
note is pressed.
Attack Level
Determines the maximum cutoff frequency which the
envelope reaches after a note is pressed.
Decay 1 Level
Determines the level which the cutoff frequency reaches
from the Attack Level after the Decay1 time elapses.
Decay 2 Level
Determines the cutoff frequency which will be maintained
while a note is held.
Release Level
Determines the final cutoff frequency reached after the
note is released.
EG Depth
Determines the range over which the cutoff frequency
envelope changes. A setting of 0 will cause the cutoff
frequency not to change. The farther from 0 the value is,
the larger the range of the cutoff frequency. For negative
values, the change of the cutoff frequency is reversed.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
EG Depth Vel Sens
(EG Depth Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the range of the cutoff frequency
responds to velocity. When this is set to a positive value,
high velocities cause the Filter EG range to expand and
low velocities cause it to contract, as shown below. When
this is set to a negative value, high velocities cause the
Filter EG range to contract and low velocities cause it to
expand. When this is set to 0, the Filter EG range does not
change no matter what the velocity.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
EG Depth Vel Sens Curve
(EG Depth Velocity Sensitivity Curve)
The five curves determine how the FEG transition range
changes according to the velocity (strength) with which
you play notes on the keyboard. The selected curve is
indicated by the graphic on the display. The horizontal axis
of the graph is the velocity, and the vertical axis is the
Cutoff Frequency range. For example, the illustration below
indicates that the middle range of velocities (around 64)
causes the FEG transition range not to change and the
higher/lower range of velocities causes it to change more
Settings: Curve 0 – 4
Cutoff Frequency
Hold Level
Attack Level
Decay 1
Decay 2
Decay 1
Decay 2
Pressing the key (Key on) Releasing the key (Key off)
Large range
High Velocity
Small range
Low Velocity
FEG transition
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
EG Time Velocity Sens
(EG Time Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the FEG transition time (speed) responds
to velocity, or the strength with which the note is pressed.
When this is set to a positive value, high velocities result in
a fast FEG transition speed while low velocities result in a
slow speed, as shown below. When this is set to a negative
value, high velocities result in a slow FEG transition speed
while low velocities result in a fast speed. When this is set
to 0, the pitch transition speed does not change no matter
what the velocity.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
EG Time Velocity Sens Segment
(EG Time Velocity Sensitivity Segment)
Determines the part of the Filter EG which the EG Time
Velocity Sensitivity ( ) affects.
Settings: attack, atk+dcy, decay, atk+rls, all
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Attack Time and Hold Time.
atk+dcy (attack+decay)
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Attack Time, Decay1 Time,
and Hold Time.
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Decay 1/2 Time.
atk+rls (attack+release)
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Attack Time, Release Time,
and Hold Time.
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects all the Filter EG Time
EG Time Key Follow
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically,
their position or octave range) affect the Filter EG times of
the selected Element. When this is set to a positive value,
high notes result in a fast Filter EG transition speed while
low notes result in a slow speed. When this is set to a
negative value, high velocities result in a slow Filter EG
transition speed while low notes result in a fast speed.
When this is set to 0, the Filter EG transition speed does not
change no matter what note is pressed.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Center Key
Determines the central note or pitch for the EG Time Key
Follow ( ). When the Center Key note is played, the FEG
behaves according to its actual settings.
Settings: C -2 – G8
EG Time Key Follow and Center Key
n You can also set the note directly from the Keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] button and pressing the desired key.
See “Basic Operation” on page 37.
Filter Scaling controls the filter cutoff frequency according
to the positions of the notes on the keyboard. You can
divide the entire keyboard by four break points, and assign
different offset values of Cutoff Frequency to them
Break Point 1 – 4
Determines the four Break Points by specifying the note
numbers respectively.
Settings: C -2 – G8
n You can also set the Break Point directly from the keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] INFO button and pressing the desired
key. See “Basic Operation” on page 37.
n Break Point 1 to Break Point 4 will be automatically be
arranged in ascending order across the keyboard.
Offset 1 – 4
Determines the offset value to the Cutoff Frequency at each
Break Point.
Settings: -128 – +0 – +127
n Regardless of the size of these Offsets, the minimum and
maximum Cutoff limits (values of 0 and 127, respectively)
cannot be exceeded.
n Any note played below the Break Point 1 note results in the
Break Point 1 Level setting. Likewise, any note played above
the Break Point 4 note results in the Break Point 4 Level
Fast speed
Playing hard
(High velocity)
Slow speed
Playing softly
(Low velocity)
Filter Scaling settings—[SF3] Scale
Positive value
Negative value
Higher range
Lower range
Slower speed
Center key
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Setting example of Filter Scaling
The best way to understand Filter Scaling is by example. For
the settings shown in the example display below, the basic
Cutoff frequency value is 64, and the various Offset values at
the selected Break point settings change that basic value
accordingly. The specific changes to the Cutoff frequency are
shown in the diagram below. The Cutoff frequency changes in
a linear fashion between successive Break Points as shown.
Output Level settings—[F4] Amplitude
Determines the output level of the Element.
Settings: 0 – 127
Level Velocity Sens (Level Velocity
Determines how the output level of the Element responds
to velocity. Positive settings will cause the output level to
rise the harder you play the keyboard. A setting of 0 will
cause the output level not to change. Negative settings will
cause the output level to rise the more softly you play the
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Level Velocity Sens Offset
(Level Velocity Sensitivity Offset)
Raises or lowers the level specified at the Level Velocity
Sensitivity ( ). A setting of 64 results in the original values
of the Level Velocity Sensitivity ( ) being used. Settings
above 64 will raise the level specified at the Level Velocity
Sensitivity ( ). Settings below 64 will reduce the level.
Settings: 0 – 127
Level Velocity Sens Curve
(Level Velocity Sensitivity Curve)*
The five curves determine how the actual velocity will be
generated according to the velocity (strength) with which
you play notes on the keyboard. The selected curve is
indicated by the graphic on the display.
Settings: Curve 0 – 4
Level Key Follow
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically,
their position or octave range) affect the amplitude level
(set above) of the selected Element, assuming C3 as the
basic pitch. A positive setting will lower the output level for
lower notes and raise it for higher notes. A negative setting
will have the opposite effect.
Settings: -200% – +0% – +200%
Center Key (Indication only)
This indicates that the central note for Level Key Follow ( )
above is C3. Keep in mind that this is for display purposes
only; the value cannot be changed.
Level Key Follow and Center Key
Adjusts the stereo pan position of the sound.
Settings: L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
Break Point C 1D2C3 A4
Offset -4 +10 +17 +4
Level and Pan settings—[SF1] Level/Pan
Point 1
C 1
Point 2
D 2
Point 3
Point 4
Playing strength (velocity)
When Level Key Follow is set to 100
Amount of
AEG level change
Center Key = C3
Higher rangeLower range
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Alternate Pan
Determines the amount by which the sound is panned
alternately left and right for each note you press, assuming
the pan position set above as center. Higher values
increase the width of the Pan range.
Settings: L64 – C – R63
Random Pan
Determines the amount by which the sound of the selected
Element is panned randomly left and right for each note
you press. The Pan setting (above) is used as the Center
Pan position.
Settings: 0 – 127
Scaling Pan
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically,
their position or octave range) affect the Pan position (set
above), left and right, of the selected Element. At note C3,
the main Pan setting (above) is used for the basic Pan
position. A positive setting will move the pan position
leftward for lower notes and move it rightward for higher
notes. A negative setting will have the opposite effect.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
From this display you can set the Amplitude EG
parameters. Using the AEG, you can control the transition
in volume from the moment the sound starts to the moment
the sound stops.
The Time parameters let you set the time between the
adjoining points of the level parameters below. A higher
value results in a longer time until reaching the next level.
Settings: 0 – 127
Attack Time
Determines how quickly the sound reaches its maximum
level after the key is pressed.
Decay 1 Time
Determines how fast the envelope falls from the Attack
Level to the Decay 1 Level.
Decay 2 Time
Determines how fast the envelope falls from the Decay 1
Level to the Decay 2 Level (sustain level).
Release Time
Determines how quickly the sound decays to silence after
the key is released.
The Level parameters let you set the amount of the
transition at each point based on the level specified in the
Level/Pan display (page 79).
Settings: 0 – 127
Initial Level
Determines the initial level at the moment the note is
Attack Level
Determines the maximum level which the envelope
reaches after a note is pressed.
Decay 1 Level
Determines the level which the envelope reaches from the
Attack Level after the Decay 1 time elapses.
Decay 2 Level
Determines the level which will be maintained while a note
is held.
Half Damper Switch
When the Half Damper Switch is set to on, you can
produce a “half-pedal” effect just as on a real acoustic
piano by using the optional FC3 Foot Controller connected
to the FOOT SWITCH SUSTAIN jack on the rear panel.
Settings: on, off
n When you wish to recreate a half-damper effect using the
optional FC3, set the Sustain Pedal parameter to “FC3 (half
on)” in the Play Display (page 219) of the Utility mode. Note
that this setting is not necessary when controlling the half-
damper by sending the Control Change messages from an
external MIDI device to the instrument.
Amplitude EG Settings—[SF2] AEG
(Amplitude EG)
Level (Volume)
Pressing the key (Key on) Releasing the key (Key off)
Attack Level
Decay 1
Decay 2
Decay 1
Decay 2
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Half Damper Time
Determines how quickly the sound decays to silence after
the key is released while holding down the Foot Controller
FC3 with the Half Damper Switch parameter ( ) turned on.
After releasing the key, you can control the decay time of
the sound via the Foot Controller position, with the Half
Damper Time of the AEG being the maximum decay value
and the Release Time of the AEG being the minimum
decay value.
When you release the pedal, the decay time after the key is
released is equivalent to the AEG Release Time.
You can create a piano-like effect by setting the Release
Time to a small value and setting the Half Damper Time to
a large value.
The setting here is available only when the Half Damper
Switch parameter ( ) is set to on and you use the optional
FC3 connected to the rear panel.
Settings: 0 – 127
EG Time Velocity Sens
(EG Time Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the AEG transition time (speed) responds
to velocity, or the strength with which the note is pressed.
When this is set to a positive value, high velocities result in
a fast AEG transition speed while low velocities result in a
slow speed, as shown below. When this is set to a negative
value, high velocities result in a slow AEG transition speed
while low velocities result in a fast speed. When this is set
to 0, the amplitude transition speed does not change no
matter what the velocity.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
EG Time Velocity Sens Segment
(EG Time Velocity Sensitivity Segment)
Determines the part of the Amplitude EG which the EG
Time Velocity Sensitivity ( ) affects.
Settings: attack, atk+dcy, decay, atk+rls, all
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Attack Time.
atk+dcy (attack+decay)
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Attack Time and Decay1
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Decay Time.
atk+rls (attack+release)
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects the Attack Time and Release
The EG Time Velocity Sensitivity affects all the Amplitude EG Time
EG Time Key Follow
Determines the degree to which the notes (specifically,
their position or octave range) affect the Amplitude EG
times of the selected Element. When this is set to a positive
value, high notes result in a fast Amplitude EG transition
speed while low notes result in a slow speed. When this is
set to a negative value, high velocities result in a slow
Amplitude EG transition speed while low notes result in a
fast speed. When this is set to 0, the Amplitude EG
transition speed does not change no matter what the
pressed note.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Center Key
Determines the central note for the EG Time Key Follow
( ). When the Center Key note is played, the AEG
behaves according to its actual settings.
Settings: C -2 – G8
n You can also set the Key directly from the keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired
key. For details, see page 37.
EG Time Key Follow and Center Key
Release Adj. (EG Time Key Follow Sensitivity
Release Adjustment)
Determines the sensitivity of the EG Time Key Follow
Sensitivity to EG Release. Setting this parameter to “+63”
will set the EG Time Key Follow Sensitivity to the value of
Decay 1 or Decay 2. The lower the value, the lower the
sensitivity. Setting this parameter to “-64” will produce no
effect in the EG Time Key Follow Sensitivity.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Amplitude Scaling controls the amplitude output level
according to the positions of the notes on the keyboard.
You can divide the entire keyboard by four break points,
and assign different offset values of amplitude to them
Faster speed
High Velocity
Slower speed
Low Velocity
Amplitude Scaling settings—[SF3] Scale
Positive value
Negative value
Higher range
Lower range
Slower speed
Center key
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Break Point 1 – 4
Determines the four Break Points by specifying the note
numbers respectively.
Settings: C -2 – G8
n You can also set the Break Point directly from the Keyboard,
by holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the
desired key. See “Basic Operation” on page 37.
n Break Point 1 to Break Point 4 will be automatically be
arranged in ascending order across the keyboard.
Offset 1 – 4
Determines the offset value to the level at each Break Point.
Settings: -128 – +0 – +127
Setting example of Amplitude Scaling
The best way to understand Amplitude Scaling is by example.
For the settings shown in the example display below, the basic
Amplitude (volume) value for the selected Element is 80, and
the various Offset values at the selected Break point settings
change that basic value accordingly. The specific changes to
the Amplitude are shown in the diagram below. The Amplitude
changes in a linear fashion between successive Break Points
as shown.
Modulating the Voice—[F5] Elm
LFO (Element LFO)
This display gives you a comprehensive set of controls
over the LFO for each individual Element. The LFO can be
used to create vibrato, wah, tremolo and other special
effects, by applying it to the pitch, filter and amplitude
Selects the Wave and determines how the LFO waveform
modulates the sound.
Settings: saw, triangle, square
Key On Reset
Determines whether or not the LFO is reset each time a
note is played.
Settings: off, on
The LFO cycles freely with no key synchronization. Pressing a key
starts the LFO wave at whatever phase the LFO happens to be at that
The LFO resets with each note you play and starts a wave at the phase
specified by the Phase parameter (above).
Determines the delay time between the moment you press
note on the keyboard and the moment the LFO comes into
effect. A higher value results in a longer delay time.
Settings: 0 – 127
Fade In Time
Determines the amount of time for the LFO effect to fade in
after the Delay time has elapsed. A higher value results in a
slower fade-in. When set to “0,” the LFO effect will not fade
in and reach the maximum level immediately after the
Delay time has elapsed.
Settings: 0 – 127
Determines the speed of the LFO Wave. The higher the
value, the faster the LFO speed.
Settings: 0 – 63
P Mod (Pitch Modulation Depth)
Determines the amount (depth) by which the LFO wave
varies (modulates) the pitch of the sound. The higher the
setting, the greater the depth of control.
Settings: 0 – 127
F Mod (Filter Modulation Depth)
Determines the amount (depth) by which the LFO wave
varies (modulates) the Filter Cutoff frequency. The higher
the setting, the greater the depth of control.
Settings: 0 – 127
A Mod (Amplitude Modulation Depth)
Determines the amount (depth) by which the LFO wave
varies (modulates) the amplitude or volume of the sound.
The higher the setting, the greater the depth of control.
Settings: 0 – 127
Break Point C1C2C3C4
Offset -4 +10 +17 +4
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3
Point 4
Editing a Normal Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Equalizer (EQ) Settings—[F6] EQ
From this display, you can set the EQ parameters for each
Determines the EQ Type. The number of parameters and
values available differs depending on the selected EQ
2 Band, PEQ
See below.
Boost 6, Boost 12, Boost 18
Boosts the entire band of the selected Element by +6dB, +12dB, and
+18dB respectively.
If you select this, the equalizers are bypassed and the entire signal is
This is a “shelving” equalizer, which combines separate
high and low frequency bands.
Low Frequency
Determines the standard frequency of the lower EQ band.
Settings: 50.1 Hz – 2.00 kHz
High Frequency
Determines the standard frequency of the higher EQ band.
Settings: 503.8 Hz – 10.1 kHz
Low Gain
Determines the amount by which signals below the Low
Frequency ( ) will be boosted/attenuated.
Settings: -12.00 dB – +0.00 dB – +12.00 dB
High Gain
Determines the amount by which signals above the High
Frequency ( ) will be boosted/attenuated.
Settings: -12.00 dB – +0.00 dB – +12.00 dB
The Parametric EQ for the single band is used to attenuate
or boost signal levels (gain) around the Frequency. This
type features 32 different “Q” settings, which determine the
frequency band width of the equalizer.
Low Frequency
Determines the center frequency.
Settings: 139.7 Hz – 12.9 kHz
Low Gain
Determines the amount by which signals below the Low
Frequency ( ) will be boosted/attenuated.
Settings: -12.00 dB – +0.00 dB – +12.00 dB
Determines the Q (bandwidth) for the band. The lower the
setting, the greater the bandwidth. The higher the setting,
the smaller the bandwidth.
Settings: 0.7 – 10.3
When the EQ Type is set to “2 Band”
EQ Type
When the EQ Type is set to “PEQ”
EQ Type
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Editing a Drum Voice
“Editing” refers to the process of creating a Voice by changing the parameters that make up the Voice. This can be done in
Voice Edit, a sub mode within the Voice mode. In this section, we’ll show you how to edit a Drum Voice. To enter the Drum
Voice Edit mode, press the [VOICE] button to enter the Voice mode, select a Drum Voice, then press the [EDIT] button.
Common Edit and Key Edit
Each Drum Voice can consist of up to 73 Drum Keys,
assigned to notes spread across the keyboard (C0 to C6).
There are two types of Drum Voice Edit displays: those for
Common Edit to edit the settings common to all keys, and
those for Key Edit to edit individual keys.
Editing Drum Voices
Press the [VOICE] button to enter the Voice
Play mode.
Select a Drum Voice to be edited.
2 Press the [EDIT] button to enter the Voice Edit
3 Call up the desired Edit display, Common Edit
or Key Edit.
To call up the Common Edit display, press the
[COMMON EDIT] button. To call up the Key Edit
display, press the Number button [1]. In the Drum Key
Edit mode, press the Key to which your desired drum
instrument sound is assigned.
4 Call up the desired display.
To find the desired display, note the tab menu items
corresponding to the [F1] – [F6] buttons and [SF1] –
[SF5] buttons. Each tab menu of the [F1] – [F6] buttons
contains sub menus which correspond to the [SF1] –
[SF5] buttons at the bottom of the display.
n By pressing the [SF6] button, you can use various
functions such as the Information display, Character input
(page 37), Number button function (page 36), and List
display/selection (page 37). The function called up via the
[SF6] button differs depending on the selected parameter
where the cursor is located.
5 Move the cursor to the desired parameter.
6 Edit the value by using the [INC/YES], [DEC/
NO] buttons and the data dial.
7 Repeat steps 3 – 6 as desired.
8 Enter the desired name for the edited Voice.
Use the Name display (page 55) of the Voice Common
Edit mode.
9 Store the edited Voice.
Press the [STORE] button to call up the Store window
(page 54) then store the edited Voice.
Drum Voice Edit
Common Edit
Lets you edit the
parameters common to
all Keys of the selected
Drum Voice.
Key Edit C0 – C6
Lets you edit the
parameters of the
individual 73 keys that
make up a Drum Voice.
Common Edit display
Key Edit display
Selecting a Drum Key
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Editing a Drum Voice
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
The edited Voice will be lost when selecting the different
Voice or turning the power off. Make sure to store the Voice
data to the internal memory by pressing the [STORE] button
before selecting a different Voice or turning the power off.
Because User Memory to which the Voice is stored is Flash
Memory, the edited and stored Voice will not be erased even
if the power is turned off. You need not worry about losing
your stored data. The Voice Store operation, however, will
overwrite the Voice data already stored to the destination
Voice number. For this reason, important data should always
be backed up to a separate USB storage device or to a
computer connected via network to the MOTIF XF
(page 241).
n Other convenient functions are also available in the Drum
Voice Edit mode. For details, see page 54.
Common Edit parameters
[VOICE] Drum Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON EDIT]
The Common Edit lets you edit the parameters common to all Drum Keys of the selected Drum Voice.
General Settings for the selected
Voice—[F1] General
n The Common Edit parameters of the Drum Voice are basically
the same as those of the Normal Voice. However, some
parameters having the same name as those of the Normal
Voice are not available for the Drum Voice.
This is the same as in Normal Voice Common Edit. See
page 55.
This is the same as in Normal Voice Common Edit. See
page 55.
This is the same as in Normal Voice Common Edit. See
page 57.
Arpeggio settings—[F2] ARP Main
(Arpeggio Main)
This is the same as in Normal Voice Common Edit. See
page 58.
Arpeggio settings—[F3] ARP Other
(Arpeggio Other)
By changing the timing and velocity of the notes, you can
change the rhythmic “feel” of the Arpeggio playback.
This is the same as in Normal Voice Common Edit
(page 59) except for the Fixed SD/BD parameter.
Fixed SD/BD
This parameter is available only for Drum Voices. When this
parameter is set to on, C1 will be used as the note of the
Snare Drum and D1 will be used as the note of the Bass
Drum in Arpeggio playback.
Although most Drum Kits assign the Snare Drum sound to
C1 and the Bass Drum to D1, certain Drum Kits assign
these sounds also to other notes additionally and certain
Arpeggio Types are created by using those notes (different
from C1 and D1). Accordingly, you may hear improper
sounds depending on the selected Arpeggio Type and
Drum Kit. Setting this parameter to on may solve such
If you feel that the Snare and Bass Drum sound is improper
when the Arpeggio Type is changed via the [SF1] – [SF5]
buttons, it is a good idea to set this parameter to on.
Settings: on, off
Naming the edited Voice—[SF1] Name
Play Mode Settings such as Micro Tuning
and Mono/Poly—[SF2] Play Mode
Other settings—[SF3] Other
Editing a Drum Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Controller settings—[F4] Ctrl Set
(Controller Set)
This is the same as in Normal Voice Common Edit. See
page 61. Please note that the Element Switch parameter is
not available in Drum Voice Common edit.
Effect settings—[F6] Effect
This display gives you comprehensive control over the
effects. The functions on this display are basically same as
in Normal Voice Common Edit (page 64). The different
point is that the Insertion Effect Out parameter is set not for
each Element but for each Drum Key. In addition to that,
three more parameters ( ) are available.
Out (Insertion Effect Out)
Determines which Insertion Effect (A or B) is used to
process each individual Drum Key. Parameters can be set
for each Drum Key. When INSERTION CONNECT ( ) is set
to “ins L,” the signal from each Drum Key is output to the
Insertion L regardless of the setting here.
Settings: thru (through), Ins A (Insertion A), Ins B (Insertion B)
Parameters are same as the ones on the Connect
display (page 64) in the Normal Voice Edit mode.
Determines the Drum Key to be edited. The Insertion Effect
Out ( ), Key Reverb Send ( ) and Key Chorus Send ( )
can be set for each Drum Key.
Settings: C0 – C6
REV SEND (Key Reverb Send)
Determines the level of the Drum key sound (the bypassed
signal) that is sent to Reverb effect. The setting here is
available only when the Insertion Effect Out parameter ( )
is set to “thru.”
Settings: 0 – 127
n When the Insertion Effect Out parameter ( ) is set to “Ins A” or
“Ins B,” you can determine the level of the Drum Key sound
(output from Insertion Effect A or B) that is sent to the Reverb
effect by setting the value of the Insertion Reverb Send
parameter indicated only in this case.
CHO SEND (Key Chorus Send)
Determines the level of the Drum key sound (the bypassed
signal) that is sent to Chorus effect. The setting here is
available only when the Insertion Effect Out parameter ( )
is set to “thru.”
Settings: 0 – 127
n When the Insertion Effect Out parameter ( ) is set to “Ins A” or
“Ins B,” you can determine the level of the Drum Key sound
(output from Insertion Effect A or B) that is sent to the Chorus
effect by setting the value of the Insertion Chorus Send
parameter indicated only in this case.
This is the same as in Normal Voice Common Edit. See
page 66.
Effect Connection Settings—[SF1]
Effect Parameter settings—[SF2] Ins A
– [SF5] Chorus
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Editing a Drum Voice
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Key Edit parameters
[VOICE] Drum Voice selection [EDIT] Key selection
If you wish to edit the sounds that make up a Voice and the basic parameters that determine the sound, such as Oscillator,
Pitch, Filter, Amplitude, and EG (Envelope Generator), call up the Key Edit display.
About the asterisk (*) marks
For users who are new to Voice editing and may be confused by the large amount of parameters, the most basic and easy-to-understand
parameters are conveniently marked with asterisks in this section. If you are just starting out with Voice editing, try these parameters first.
Setting the wave and note range of
the Key—[F1] Oscillator
This display lets you set the Waveform and Note range of
the selected Key.
n Depending on the selected parameter, the LIST icon is shown
at the tab menu corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this
condition, you can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST
button, then select the desired item from the list. For details,
see page 37.
Determines the Drum Key to be edited. You can select the
desired percussion instrument by pressing the note.
Settings: C0 – C6
Element Switch*
Determines whether the currently selected Key is used or
not. When this is set to off, the currently edited Key will not
Settings: off (inactive), on (active)
Wave Bank (Waveform Bank)*
Determines the Waveform Bank assigned to the Drum Key.
You can select the Bank from PRE, USR, FL1 and FL2.
PRE (Preset Bank) includes the preset Waveforms while
USR (User Bank), FL1 (Bank stored at slot 1 of the optional
Flash Memory Expansion Module) and FL2 (Bank stored at
slot 2 of the optional Flash Memory Expansion Module
include the User Waveforms created based on the samples
recorded in the Sampling mode. FL1 and FL2 are available
only when the optional Flash Memory Expansion Module
FL512M/FL1024M has been installed.
Settings: PRE, USR, FL1, FL2
n For details about Waveform, refer to the explanation of the
Sampling Mode on page 119.
Wave Main Category (Waveform Main Category)*
Wave Sub Category (Waveform Sub Category)*
It is easier to find desired Waveforms ( ) by setting these
parameters before selecting a Waveform number. Preset
Waveforms are categorized into Main and Sub. The
number of Sub Categories differs depending on each Main
Wave Number (Waveform Number)*
Determines the Waveform assigned to the Drum Key by
selecting the Waveform Category and Number. For a
complete list of Waveforms in the Preset Bank, refer to the
Waveform List in the separate Data List.
Assign Mode*
When this is set to “single,” double playback of the same
note is prevented. This is useful when two or more
instances of the same note are received nearly
simultaneously, or without a corresponding note off
message. To allow playback of each instance of the same
note, set this to “multi.” In general, you should probably set
this to “multi”—especially for tambourine and cymbal
sounds that you would want to ring out to their full decay,
when playing them multiple times in succession. Please
keep in mind that the “multi” setting consumes the overall
polyphony and it may cause sounds to be cut off.
Settings: single, multi
When this is set to “single” and double playback of the same note are
transmitted to the internal tone generator, the first note will be stopped
then the next note will be sounded.
When this is set to “multi” and double playback of the same note are
transmitted to the internal tone generator, all the notes are sounded
Receive Note Off
Determines whether or not the selected Drum Key
responds to MIDI Note Off messages. This should be set to
on when the selected Drum Key has a sustained, non-
decaying sound (such as a snare roll), so that you can stop
the sound by releasing the note.
Settings: off, on
Editing a Drum Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Alternate Group*
Determines the Alternate Group to which the key is
assigned. In a real drum kit, some drum sounds cannot
physically be played simultaneously, such as open and
closed hi-hats. You can prevent keys from playing back
simultaneously by assigning them to the same Alternate
Group. Up to 127 Alternate Groups can be defined. You
can also select “off” here if you wish to allow the
simultaneous playback of sounds.
Settings: off, 1 – 127
Ins Effect Output (Insertion Effect Output)
Determines which Insertion Effect (A or B) is used to
process each individual Drum Key. This parameter is same
as the Ins Effect Output in the Connect display (page 64) in
Voice Common Edit. Making a setting here automatically
changes the setting of that parameter as well.
When INSERTION CONNECT is set to “ins L” in the
Connect display, Insertion L is used to process each
individual Drum Key, even if “ins A” or “ins B” is selected.
Settings: thru (through), ins A (Insertion Effect A), ins B (Insertion
Effect B)
Reverb Send*
Determines the level of the Drum Key sound (the bypassed
signal) that is sent to Reverb effect. This is available only
when Insertion Effect Output (above) is set to “thru.” The
setting made here will be applied to the same parameters
in the Connect display (page 64) of the Voice Common
Settings: 0 – 127
Chorus Send*
Determines the level of the Drum Key sound (the bypassed
signal) that is sent to Chorus effect. This is available only
when Insertion Effect Output (above) is set to “thru.” The
setting made here will be applied to the same parameters
in the Connect display (page 64) of the Voice Common
Settings: 0 – 127
Output Select
Determines the specific output(s) for the individual Drum
key signal. You can assign each individual Drum Key
sound to be output from a specific hardware output jack on
the rear panel. This parameter is useful when you wish to
apply a connected external effect to a specific drum
instrument. The setting here is available only when the
Insertion Effect Output parameter ( ) is set to “thru.”
Settings: See the table below.
n The FW settings (FW1 –14) are available only when the
optional FW16E is installed.
Coarse (Pitch Coarse Tuning)*
Determines the pitch of each Drum Key in semitones.
Settings: -48 semi – +0 semi – +48 semi
Fine (Pitch Fine Tuning)*
Determines the pitch of each Drum Key in cent.
Settings: -64 cent – +0 cent – +63 cent
Pitch Velocity Sens (Pitch Velocity Sensitivity)
Determines how the pitch of the Drum Key responds to
velocity. Positive settings will cause the pitch to rise the
harder you play the keyboard. A setting of 0 will cause the
pitch not to change. Negative settings will cause the pitch
to rise the more softly you play the keyboard.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
[SF5] PageHold
Normally in the Drum Voice Edit mode, pressing a note on
the keyboard alternates the key (instrument) being edited
automatically. When the [SF5] PageHold button is turned
on, the key (instrument) being edited is maintained even if
you press any other note on the keyboard. This allows you
to edit a certain key while adjusting the level balance
between the key being edited and the other keys.
LCD Output jacks Stereo/Mono
L&R OUTPUT L and R Stereo
FW1&2 FW OUTPUT 1 and 2 Stereo (1: L, 2: R)
FW3&4 FW OUTPUT 3 and 4 Stereo (3: L, 4: R)
FW5&6 FW OUTPUT 5 and 6 Stereo (5: L, 6: R)
FW7&8 FW OUTPUT 7 and 8 Stereo (7: L, 8: R)
FW9&10 FW OUTPUT 9 and 10 Stereo (9: L, 10: R)
FW11&12 FW OUTPUT 11 and 12 Stereo (11: L, 12: R)
FW13&14 FW OUTPUT 13 and 14 Stereo (13: L, 14: R)
:: :
FW14 FW OUTPUT 14 Mono
LCD Output jacks Stereo/Mono
Editing a Drum Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Adjust the brightness using the
Filter—[F3] Filter
Each Drum Key has its own independent low pass filter
and high pass filter. You can adjust the tonal characteristics
of each drum sound by setting the Cutoff Frequency and
Raises or lowers the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter
to adjust the tone brilliance. The sound can be brightened
by raising the cutoff frequency, and darkened or muffled by
lowering it.
Settings: 0 – 255
Cutoff Velocity Sens
(Cutoff Velocity Sensitivity)*
Determines how the Cutoff Frequency responds to velocity,
or the strength with which you play notes. Positive settings
will cause the Cutoff Frequency to rise the harder you play
the keyboard. A setting of 0 will cause the Cutoff
Frequency not to change depending on velocity. Negative
settings will cause the Cutoff Frequency to rise the more
softly you play the keyboard.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Determines the emphasis given to the Cutoff Frequency to
add further character to the sound. Higher values result in
a more pronounced effect.
Settings: 0 – 127
HPF Cutoff (High Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency)*
Determines the Cutoff Frequency of the High Pass Filter.
Settings: 0 – 255
Amplitude settings—[F4] Amplitude
From the following displays, you can set various
parameters for the selected Drum Key, such as Volume,
Pan, and Amplitude EG.
Determines the output level of the Drum Key.
Settings: 0 – 127
Velocity Sens (Velocity Sensitivity)*
Determines how the output level of the Drum Key responds
to velocity. Positive settings will cause the output level to
rise the harder you play the keyboard. A setting of 0 will
cause the output level not to change. Negative settings will
cause the output level to rise the more softly you play the
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Adjusts the stereo pan position of the sound.
Settings: L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
Alternate Pan
Determines the amount by which the sound is panned
alternately left and right for each note you press, assuming
the pan position set above as center. Higher values
increase the width of the Pan range.
Settings: L64 – C – R63
Random Pan
Determines the amount by which the sound of the selected
Drum Key is panned randomly left and right for each note
you press. The Pan setting (above) is used as the Center
Pan position.
Settings: 0 – 127
Editing a Drum Voice
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Amplitude EG
Using the AEG, you can control the transition in volume
from the moment the sound starts to the moment it stops.
The Time parameters let you set the time between the
adjoining points of the level parameters below. A higher
value results in a longer time until reaching the next level.
Settings: 0 – 127 (0 – 126, hold for Decay 2 Time)
Attack Time
Determines how long it takes for the sound to reach full
volume (Attack Level) when a note is pressed.
Decay 1 Time
Determines how long it takes for the sound to fall from the
Attack Level to the Decay1 Level after the note is pressed.
Decay 2 Time
Determines how quickly the sound decays from the
Decay1 Level to silence after the note is released.
The Level parameter lets you set the AEG level.
Settings: 0 – 127
Decay 1 Level
Determines the level which the AEG level reaches from the
Attack Level after the Decay1 time elapses.
Equalizer (EQ) Settings—[F6] EQ
From this display, you can set the EQ parameters for each
Drum Key.
This is the same as in Normal Voice Common Edit. See
page 83.
Level (Volume)
Pressing the key (Key on) Releasing the key (Key off)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Voice Job—Convenient Functions
The Voice Job mode features some convenient data organization and initialization tools, for use when creating Voices and
archiving them.
Voice Job—Basic Operation
In the Voice mode, press the [JOB] button to
enter the Voice Job mode.
2 Press one of the [F1] to [F4] buttons to call up
the desired Job display.
3 Move the cursor to the desired parameter, then
set the value.
Set the parameters for executing the Job.
4 Press the [ENTER] button. (The display
prompts you for confirmation.)
To cancel the Job, press the [DEC/NO] button.
5 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the Job.
After the Job has been completed, a “Completed”
message appears and operation returns to the original
6 Press the [VOICE] button to return to the Voice
Play mode.
Even if you execute the Job, selecting a different Voice or
turning the power off without storing will erase the Voice data.
Make sure to store the Voice data to internal memory by
pressing the [STORE] button before selecting a different Voice
or turning the power off.
Initializing the Voice—[F1] Init
This function lets you reset (initialize) all Voice parameters
to their default settings. You can also selectively initialize
certain parameters, such as Common settings, settings for
each Element/Drum Key, and so on.
This function is very useful when creating a completely new
Voice from scratch.
The parameters available for initializing will vary depending
on the type of Voice currently selected (Normal/Drum).
All Parameters
If you place a checkmark here, all the parameters of the
selected Voice will be initialized.)
Common Parameters
If you place a checkmark here, all the Common Edit
parameters of the selected Voice will be initialized.
Element Parameters 1 – 8
If you place a checkmark here, all the Element Edit
parameters of the selected Element will be initialized.
Initialize the settings of the waveforms
assigned to the selected Elements.
If you place a checkmark here, all the Waveform settings of
the selected Element will be initialized.
When a Normal Voice is selected:
Voice Job—Convenient Functions
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Key Parameters
If you place a checkmark here, all the Key Edit parameters
of the selected Key will be initialized.
Drum Key
Determines the Drum Key to be initialized.
Settings: C0 – C6
Initialize the settings of the waveform assigned
to the selected Key.
If you place a checkmark here, all the Waveform settings of
the selected Drum Key will be initialized.
Edit Recall—[F2] Recall
If you are editing a Voice but you have not stored it before
switching to another Voice, the edits you have made will be
cleared. If this happens, you can use the Recall function to
restore the Voice with your latest edits intact.
Copying another Voice Element to
the current one—[F3] Copy
From this window you can copy Common and Element/
Drum Key parameter settings from any Voice to the Voice
you are editing. This is useful if you are creating a Voice
and wish to use some parameter settings from another
Voice. When Current Voice ( ) is set to on, you can copy
the parameter settings from an Element to a different
Element of the same Voice.
Voice as source
Determines the Bank and the Voice number to be copied.
The available parameters will vary depending on the type
of Voice currently selected (Normal/Drum). This parameter
cannot be set when the Current Voice ( ) is turned on.
Current Voice
When this is set to on, the currently selected Voice (the one
you are editing now) is selected as source. Accordingly,
you can copy the parameter settings from an Element to
the different Element of the same Voice.
Data type of the source Voice
Determines the source data type including the Element
number or Drum Key. The available parameters will vary
depending on the type of Voice currently selected (Normal/
Settings: common, element 1 – 8 (Normal Voice), key C9 – C6 (Drum
Data type of the destination Voice
Determines the destination data type including the Element
number or Drum Key. The available parameters will vary
depending on the type of Voice currently selected (Normal/
When the data type of the source Voice (above) is set to
“common,” this parameter will be fixed to “common.”
Settings: common, element 1 – 8 (Normal Voice), key C9 – C6 (Drum
Transmitting the Voice data via MIDI
(Bulk Dump)—[F4] Bulk (Bulk Dump)
This function lets you send your edited parameter settings
for the currently selected Voice to a computer or another
MIDI device for data archiving. To execute the Bulk Dump
operation, press the [ENTER] button.
n In order to execute Bulk Dump, you will need to set the correct
MIDI Device Number. For details, see page 228.
n The Bulk Dump data includes only the MIDI messages and
does not include the Waveforms.
When a Drum Voice is selected:
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Playing in the Performance Mode
The Performance mode is used for selecting, playing, and editing the desired Performance. Performances can be made up
of a maximum of four Parts (Voices), selected from the internal tone generator Parts 1 – 4. The Performance Play mode is the
main ‘portal’ by which you enter the Performance mode, and it is here where you select and play a Performance. Some of the
Performance settings can also be edited in this mode. To call up the Performance Play display and enter the Performance
mode, simply press the [PERFORM] button.
Selecting a Performance
The MOTIF XF contains 128 Performances in each of the
User Banks 1 – 4.
Selecting a Performance is done in basically the same way
as selecting a Voice (see page 44). As in the Voice Play
mode, you can use the Category Search and Favorite
Category (page 45) functions in the Performance Play
mode. Note that the Category function in the Performance
mode does not allow you to use the Bank/Group/Number
Switching a Part on/off
The Performance Play mode lets you turn the four Parts of
the current Performance on or off as desired. You can
enable this by pressing the [PERFORM] button to enter the
Performance Play mode.
You can turn individual Parts on/off by using the Mute
1 Press the [PERFORMANCE CONTROL] button.
The PERFORMANCE CONTROL lamp lights, indicating
that each Part can be turned on/off.
2 Press any of the Number buttons [9] – [12].
The lamp of the pressed button will be turned off and
the corresponding Part will be muted.
Press the same button again to turn the lamp on and
disengage the mute function for that Part.
You can turn multiple Parts on/off by pressing their
n Parts can also be muted by using the [MUTE] and [PART
SELECT] buttons. Press the [MUTE] button (the lamp
lights), then use the appropriate Number buttons [1] – [4]
to mute and unmute the desired Part.
The Solo function is the opposite of Mute, and lets you
instantly solo a specific Part and mute all others.
1 Press the [SOLO] button.
The SOLO lamp lights, indicating that Solo is enabled.
2 Press any of the Number buttons [1] – [4].
The lamp of the pressed button will flash and only the
corresponding Part will be sounded.
Press any other Number button to change the solo Part.
n To exit from the Mute and Solo conditions, press the
Using the Arpeggio Function
The Arpeggio function lets you trigger rhythm patterns, riffs
and phrases using the current Voice by simply playing
notes on the keyboard. In the Performance mode, each of
four Arpeggio types is assigned to each of four Parts. This
means four Arpeggio types can be played back
simultaneously. Try selecting different Performances and
check out the various Arpeggio types.
n For details about Arpeggio, see page 15.
Since the preset Performances already have their own
Arpeggio types pre-assigned, you can play the Arpeggio
by selecting the desired Performance, turning on the
[ARPEGGIO ON/OFF] button, then pressing any note.
Instructions on using Arpeggio are basically the same as in
the Voice mode.
Turning specific Parts on/off (Mute
Soloing a specific Part
Using the Arpeggio Function in the
Performance mode
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Playing in the Performance Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
You can turn Arpeggio playback on or off for each Part of
the Performance as described below.
1 Press the [PERFORMANCE CONTROL] button.
The [PERFORMANCE CONTROL] lamp lights,
indicating that Arpeggio playback for each Part can be
turned on/off.
2 Pressing each of the [5] – [8] buttons toggles
the Arpeggio playback on and off for each Part.
If any of the [5] – [8] lamps is turned off, the Arpeggio
playback of the corresponding Part is muted.
You can turn the Arpeggio Hold parameter (page 112) on
or off for each Part of the Performance as described below.
When the Arpeggio Hold parameter is set to “on,” the
Arpeggio playback continues even if the note is released.
1 Press the [PERFORMANCE CONTROL] button.
The [PERFORMANCE CONTROL] lamp lights,
indicating that Arpeggio Hold for each Part can be
turned on/off.
2 Pressing each of the [13] – [16] buttons toggles
the Arpeggio Hold parameter on and off for
each Part.
If any of the [13] – [16] lamps is turned on, the Arpeggio
Hold parameter of the corresponding Part is turned on.
n When the Arpeggio Hold parameter is set to “sync-off” in
the Arpeggio Main display (page 112), pressing each of
the [13] – [16] buttons switches the Arpeggio Hold setting
between on and sync-off.
Using Knobs
One of the more powerful performance features of the
MOTIF XF is its extensive set of real-time controls—
especially the Knobs and Control Sliders. These let you
adjust a variety of parameters for the current Performance,
such as effect depth, attack/release characteristics, tonal
color, and others. These real-time controls can be used to
change the sound as you play or to quickly edit and
customize the Performance. One of six functions can be
assigned to each knob, alternatively selected via the
CONTROL] button.
1 Select the function setting to be assigned to
the Knobs.
Press the [SELECTED PART CONTROL] button or
[MULTI PART CONTROL] button several times to select
the function setting to be assigned to the Knobs. Each
time either button is pressed, the lamp lights
alternatively in descending order, TONE 1 TONE 2
or REVERB CHORUS PAN (when pressing [MULTI
PART CONTROL]). The functions assigned to the
Knobs are changed according to the lamp status.
n To check which functions are currently assigned to the
Knobs, call up the Control Function window by pressing
CONTROL] button.
n Holding down the [SELECTED PART CONTROL] button
for a few seconds will alternate the lit lamp from the
current one to TONE 1. Likewise, holding down the [MULTI
PART CONTROL] button for a few seconds will alternate
the lit lamp from the current one to REVERB.
n A red point on the Knob or Slider graphic indicates the
current value to which the Knob or Slider is set. Moving
the Knob or Slider has no effect on the sound until this
point is reached. Once you move the Knob or Slider past
this point, the red point disappears and moving the Knob
or Control Slider affects the sound.
Turning Arpeggio playback on/off for
each Part
Turning the Arpeggio Hold parameter
on/off for each Part
Red point (indicating the current value)
Playing in the Performance Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
2 Change the tonal color.
Moving the Knobs changes various aspects of the
Voice’s sound in real time—while you play.
When one of the TONE 1, TONE 2 or ARP FX lamps are
lit, the eight Knobs are used to control the
corresponding functions as printed on the panel (the
same as in the Voice mode). For details, see page 46.
When one of the REVERB, CHORUS or PAN lamps are
lit, the following functions are assigned to the four
leftmost Knobs.
n If the [E] (Edit) indicator appears at the top right of the
display when you adjust the Knobs, the current
Performance can be stored (page 101) as a new User
Using Sliders
The far left four sliders adjust the volume for each of four
Parts. Each of the Control Sliders 1 – 4 corresponds to the
same numbered Part. The status of the sliders is shown on
the display.
The Performance Play display—[F1]
You can call up the Performance Play display by pressing
the [PERFORM] button.
Type 1 of the Performance Play display
Performance Bank
Performance Number (Group/Number)
Indicates the Bank and Number of the selected
Performance. A Bank is a memory location that includes
data of 128 different Performances. Four Banks (User 1 –
4) are provided. Each Performance within a Bank is
assigned to a Performance Number of 001 to 128.
Performance Numbers 001 to 128 are converted to the
format (shown in parentheses) of Banks A to H and
Numbers 1 to 16 (for the Bank). This format corresponds to
the Group buttons [A] – [H] and the Number buttons [1] –
[16]. The Performance Numbers and the corresponding
Group/Numbers are listed below.
Active lamp Functions of the left four knobs
REVERB Adjusts the reverb depth for Parts 1 – 4
CHORUS Adjusts the chorus depth for Parts 1 – 4
PAN Adjusts the pan position for Parts 1 – 4
Changing a Part to be controlled
You can change a Part to be controlled by Knob
operations via the following instructions.
lamp on by pressing the [SELECTED PART
CONTROL] button to call up the Control
Function window.
2 Select the desired Part by pressing the [1]
– [4] buttons and [COMMON EDIT] button.
By pressing the [COMMON EDIT] button, Knob
operations except for “ASSIGN 1” and “ASSIGN 2”
will be applied to all four Parts. By pressing the
one of the [1] – [4] buttons, Knob operations will
be applied only to the selected Part.
n If the Control Function window cannot be called up
(from some display) and you wish to change a Part,
press the [PERFORMANCE CONTROL] button (the
lamp lights), then press one of the [1] – [4] and
[COMMON EDIT] buttons.
Group/Number Performance Number
A01 – 16 001 – 016
B01 – 16 017 – 032
C01 – 16 033 – 048
D01 – 16 049 – 064
E01 – 16 065 – 080
F01 – 16 081 – 096
G01 – 16 097 – 112
H01 – 16 113 – 128
Type 2 of the Performance Play display
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Playing in the Performance Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Category (Main Category <Sub Category>)
Indicates the Category of the selected Performance.
“Category,” consisting of Main Category and Sub
Category, is a keyword that indicates the instrument
characteristics or the type of sound. Each Performance
can be registered to a Main Category and its Sub
Category. The Category settings can be edited in the
General display (page 102) of the Performance Common
Edit mode.
Performance name
Indicates the name of the current Performance.
Transmit Ch (MIDI Transmit Channel)
Indicates the Keyboard MIDI transmit channel. For
information about how to set the value, see page 47.
Indicates Keyboard Octave setting set via the OCTAVE
buttons. This parameter determines how much higher or
lower the pitch of each key is compared to normal pitch.
Control Function
Indicates the status of the Knobs and Control Sliders on the
panel. This is same as the Control Function window
(page 94).
Voice name
Indicates the names of the Voices assigned to Parts 1 – 4.
[SF1] ARP1 – [SF5] ARP5 (Arpeggio 1 – 5)
The Arpeggio types are assigned to the buttons with the
8th note icon on the display tab. You can call them up by
pressing these buttons any time during your keyboard
performance. Assigning Arpeggio types to the buttons can
be done from the Arpeggio display (page 98).
The speed at which you press this button several times will
determine the playback tempo of the Arpeggio.
[F1] Play
Pressing this button returns from the previous display to the
Performance Play display.
[F2] Voice
Pressing this button calls up the display (page 97) that lets
you select a Voice for each Part and specify the note range
it can be played from.
[F3] EG (Envelope Generator)
Pressing this button calls up the display (page 97) that
contains the basic EG settings.
[F4] Arpeggio
Pressing this button calls up the display (page 98) that lets
you set the Arpeggio related parameters.
[F6] Effect
Pressing this button calls up the Effect setup display
(page 107) of the Performance Common Edit.
Arpeggio tempo
Indicates the tempo of the current Arpeggio playback
Indicates the volume value for each Part.
Note Range / Note Limit
Indicates the note range or note limit within which you can
play the Voice assigned to each Part.
When changing the value of the parameter in the
Performance Play or Edit mode, the [E] (Edit Indicator) will
appear on the top right corner of the LCD display. This
gives a quick confirmation that the current Performance
has been modified but not yet stored. To store the current
edited status, follow the instructions on page 101.
Performance information—[SF6]
INFO (Information)
This window, which can be called up from the [F2] Voice –
[F4] Arpeggio display, indicates the information of the
current Performance. Settings cannot be changed here.
Indicates the Bank of the selected Performance program.
The values in parentheses indicates the Bank Select MSB
and LSB which can be used to select the current Voice via
The [E] Indicator
Edit Indicator
Playing in the Performance Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Program (Performance number)
To each Performance within a Bank, a Number of 001 to
128 is assigned. The values in parentheses indicates
Group and Number.
Indicates the Category of the selected Performance.
Indicates the name of the current Performance.
Part 1 4
Indicates the Bank, Number, Main Category 1/2, and name
of the Voice which is assigned to each Part.
Indicates Reverb and Chorus settings of the selected
Parameters for the Voice assigned
to each Part—[F2] Voice
This display lets you specify the Voice and its note range of
each Part. The setting made here will be applied to the
same parameters in the Voice display (page 109) of Part
PART (Part Switch)
Determines whether the Part is used (on) or not used (off).
Voice Bank
Voice Number
Voice Name
Determines the Voice Bank and Number for each Part. The
two category names of the selected Voice are shown at the
Voice name column.
Determines the lowest and highest notes in the Part’s note
range. You can also create a lower and an upper range for
the Voice, with a note range “hole” in the middle, by
specifying the highest note first. For example, setting a
Note Limit of “C5 – C4” lets you play the Voice from two
separate ranges: C -2 to C4 and C5 to G8. Notes played
between C4 and C5 do not play the selected Voice.
Settings: C -2 – G8
n You can also set the Key directly from the keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired
key. For details, see page 37.
Changing the tonal characteristics—
[F3] EG (Envelope Generator)
This display lets you set the EG (Envelope Generator) and
Filter. The settings made here will be applied to the same
parameters in the EG display (page 115) of Part Edit as
AEG (Amplitude EG)
Determines the transition in volume from the moment a key
is pressed to the moment at which it is released. The AEG
consists of four parameters: Attack time, Decay time,
Sustain level, and Release time. For details, see page 51.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
FEG (Filter EG)
Determines the transition in tonal brilliance from the
moment a key is pressed to the moment at which it is
released. The FEG consists of four parameters: Attack
time, Decay time, Release time, and Depth. For details, see
page 51.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
You can produce a relatively bright or darker sound by
reducing or enhancing the harmonics. There are two
parameters: Cutoff (Cutoff Frequency) and Reso
(Resonance). For details, see page 51.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Playing in the Performance Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Arpeggio settings—[F4] Arpeggio
This display determines the basic settings of the Arpeggio.
There are two types of parameters: Common parameters
(Common Switch, Tempo and Sync Quantize Value
indicated at the top of the display) and Part parameters
(others). As for the Part parameters, five different Arpeggio
types can be assigned to each of the four Parts, and are
selectable with the [SF1] – [SF5] buttons. Press the
appropriate [SF1] – [SF5] button to call up the desired
Arpeggio/Part combination. Arpeggio related settings on
the display are automatically assigned to the
corresponding [SF1] – [SF5] buttons. The settings made
here will be applied to the same parameters in the General
Other display (page 104) of Common Edit, the Arpeggio
Main display (page 112) and the Arpeggio Other display
(page 114) of Part Edit.
Common Switch
Determines whether Arpeggio is on or off. When calling up
the Performance for which this parameter is set to on, the
[ARPEGGIO ON/OFF] button on the panel will be turned on
Settings: on, off
Determines the Arpeggio Tempo. For details, refer to the
Arpeggio Main display (page 112) of Part Edit.
Sync Quantize Value
Determines the actual timing at which the next Arpeggio
playback starts when you trigger it while the Arpeggio of a
certain Part is played back. When set to “off,” the next
Arpeggio starts as soon as you trigger it. Note that the
number shown at right of each value indicates the
resolution in clocks.
Settings: off, 2 60 (32nd note), 63 80 (16th note triplet), 6 120
(16th note), 83 160 (8th note triplet), 8 240 (8th note),
43 320 (1/4 note triplet), 4 480 (1/4 note)
SW (Switch)
Determines whether Arpeggio is on or off for each Part.
n When the [PERFORMANCE CONTROL] button is pressed so
that its lamp is turned on, the Number buttons [5] – [8] can be
used to turn the Arpeggio playback of Parts 1 – 4 on or off.
This is the same as in the Arpeggio Main display
(page 112) of Part Edit.
Voice Bank/Voice Number/Voice Name
(Indication only)
Indicates the Bank, Number, and name of the Voice which
is assigned to each Part. You can set them on the [F2]
Voice display. Setting the Voice with ARP to “on” in the
Arpeggio Main display of the Performance Part Edit mode
automatically selects the Voice matching the currently
selected Arpeggio Type.
These are the same as in the Arpeggio Main display
(page 112) of Part Edit.
Recording your keyboard performance
in the Performance mode
[PERFORM] [I] (Record)
You can record your keyboard performance in the
Performance mode to a Song or Pattern. Knob operations
(with the exception of some parameters described on
page 14), controller operations and Arpeggio playback as
well as your keyboard playing in the Performance mode
can be recorded to the specified track as MIDI events.
Performance recording overwrites all tracks of the destination
Song or Pattern Section. Please check whether or not the
destination Song or Pattern Section contains data before
recording. You can check whether or not each track contains data
at the track status line on the display. Select a Song or Pattern
Section containing no data as the destination or save all the Song/
Pattern data to the external USB memory storage device before
For details, refer to the Owner’s Manual.
Performance Recording procedure
Playing in the Performance Mode
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Sequencer Mode
Determines to which destination (Song or Pattern) your
Performance playing will be recorded.
Settings: pattern, song
Pattern number (Song number)
Determines the Pattern or Song number as the destination
for recording. The name of the selected Pattern or Song is
indicated at the right of the number.
Determines the Section as the destination for recording
when the Sequencer Mode is set to “pattern.” Keep in mind
that the data recorded to the selected destination Section
will be overwritten and erased as soon as recording starts.
Section Length
Specifies the length of the Section when the Sequencer
Mode is set to “pattern.”
Settings: 001 – 256
Time Signature (Meter)
Determines the time signature.
Settings: 1/16 – 16/16, 1/8 – 16/8, 1/4 – 8/4
Determines the tempo for recording. While recording, the
Arpeggio is played back at the tempo set here.
Settings: 5.0 – 300.0
n When MIDI Sync (page 228) is set to “MIDI” or “auto,” “MIDI”
or “auto” is displayed here and Tempo cannot be set.
n When the Sequencer Mode ( ) is set to “pattern,” the Tempo
setting here will be recorded to the Pattern. Even if the
destination Pattern contains already recorded data, the Tempo
value will be replaced by the newly recorded one. When the
Sequencer Mode ( ) is set to “song,” the Tempo setting here
will be recorded to the Tempo track of the destination Song, if
the Tempo track contains no data.
Key On Start Switch
When set to on, recording starts immediately when you
press any note on the keyboard.
Settings: on, off
Copy Performance Parameters
Determines whether or not the Performance parameter
settings are copied to the Mixing of the destination Song or
Settings: on, off
Measure (Indication only)
Indicates the current location of the recording via Measure
and Beat.
Track Status (Indication only)
Indicates whether each track of the selected Song or
Pattern section contains sequence data or not.
[SF1] ARP1 – [SF5] ARP5 (Arpeggio 1 – 5)
The Arpeggio types are assigned to the Sub Function
buttons with the 8th note icon on the display tab. You can
call them up by pressing these buttons any time while
recording. The Arpeggio Type can be set in the Arpeggio
display (page 98).
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Editing a Performance
The Performance Edit mode lets you create your own original Performances—containing up to four different Parts (Voices)—
by editing the various parameters. To enter the Performance Edit mode, press the [PERFORM] button to enter the
Performance mode, then press the [EDIT] button.
Common Edit and Part Edit
Each performance can contain a maximum of four Parts,
There are two types of Performance Edit displays: those for
Common Edit to edit the settings common to all four Parts,
and those for editing individual Parts.
Performance Edit Procedure
Press the [PERFORM] button to enter the
Performance Play mode, then select a
Performance to be edited.
2 Press the [EDIT] button to enter the
Performance Edit mode.
3 Call up the desired Edit display, Common Edit
or Part Edit.
To call up the Common Edit display, press the
[COMMON EDIT] button. To call up the Part Edit
display, press any of the Number buttons [1] – [4]. In
the Part Edit mode, you can select the desired Part by
using the Number buttons [1] – [4].
4 Call up the desired display.
To find the desired display, note the tab menu items
corresponding to the [F1] – [F6] buttons and [SF1] –
[SF5] buttons. Each tab menu of the [F1] – [F6] buttons
contains sub menus which correspond to the [SF1] –
[SF5] buttons at the bottom of the display.
5 Move the cursor to the desired parameter.
6 Edit the value by using the [INC/YES], [DEC/
NO] buttons and the data dial.
7 Repeat steps 3 – 6 as desired.
8 Enter the desired name for the edited
Use the Name display (page 102) of the Performance
Common Edit mode.
9 Store the edited Performance.
Press the [STORE] button to call up the Store window
(page 101) then store the edited Performance.
The edited Performance will be lost when selecting the
different Performance or turning the power off. Make sure to
store the Performance data to the internal memory by
pressing the [STORE] button before selecting a different
Performance or turning the power off.
Because User Memory to which the Performance is stored is
Flash Memory, the edited and stored Performance will not be
erased even if the power is turned off. You need not worry
about losing your stored data. The Performance Store
operation, however, will overwrite the Performance data
already stored to the destination Performance number. For
this reason, important data should always be backed up to a
separate USB storage device or to a computer connected via
network to the MOTIF XF (page 241).
Common Edit
Lets you edit the
parameters common to
all Parts of the selected
Performance Edit
Part Edit 1 – 4
Lets you edit the
parameters of the
individual Parts that
make up a Performance.
Indicates this display is in the Common Edit mode.
Indicates this display is in the Part Edit mode.
Select a Part.
Tab menus corresponding to
the [F1] – [F6] buttons
Tab menus corresponding to
the [SF1] – [SF6] buttons
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Convenient functions for editing
This is the same as in the Performance Play mode
(page 93).
This is the same in the Performance Play mode (page 93).
This is the same as in the Performance Play mode. See
page 96.
The Compare function lets you switch between the just-
edited Performance and its original, unedited condition,
allowing you to hear how your edits affect the sound.
1 In the Performance Edit mode, press the [EDIT]
button to call up the Compare mode.
In the Performance Edit mode (with the [EDIT] lamp lit),
press the [EDIT] button so that its lamp flashes. The [E]
indicator at the top right of the screen will change to the
[C] indicator and the Performance settings prior to
editing will temporarily be reinstated for comparison
purposes. When the [E] indicator is shown in the
Performance Play mode, press the [EDIT] button to
enter the Performance Edit mode then press the [EDIT]
button again to call up the Compare mode.
2 Press the [EDIT] button again to return to the
original status.
When the [C] indicator is shown at the right top of the
display, press the [EDIT] button (the lamp lights
continuously, and the [C] indicator changes back to the
[E] indicator).
Compare the edited sound with the unedited sound as
desired by repeating steps 1 and 2.
1 Press the [STORE] button to call up the
Performance Store window.
2 Set the destination for storing the
Select a Performance Bank and Number as destination
by using the data dial, [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO]
You can also use the [USER 1] – [USER 4], Group [A] –
[H], and Number [1] – [16] buttons to specify the
3 Press the [ENTER] button. (The display
prompts you for confirmation.)
To cancel the Store operation, press the [DEC/NO]
4 To execute the Store operation, press the [INC/
YES] button.
After the Performance has been stored, a “Completed”
message appears and operation returns to the
Performance Play display.
When you execute the Store operation, the settings for the
destination memory will be overwritten. Important data should
always be saved to a USB storage device connected to the
USB TO DEVICE terminal or to a computer connected to the
same network as the MOTIF XF. For detailed instructions on
saving, see page 241.
Turning specific Parts on/off (Mute
Soloing a specific Part
The [E] Indicator
Compare function
Compare indicator (sound prior to editing)
Storing the created Performance
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Common Edit parameters
[PERFORM] Performance selection [EDIT] [COMMON EDIT]
Common Edit lets you edit the parameters common to all Parts of the selected Performance. This covers all parameters of
the Common Edit.
About the asterisk (*) marks
For users who are new to editing and may be confused by the large amount of parameters, the most basic and easy-to-understand
parameters are conveniently marked with asterisks in this section. If you are just starting out with editing a Performance, try these
parameters first.
General Settings for the selected
Performance—[F1] General
Enter the desired name for the currently edited
Performance. The Performance name can contain up to 10
characters. You can call up the Character List by pressing
the [SF6] CHAR button and enter the name. For detailed
instructions on naming, refer to “Basic Operation” on
page 37.
Main Category*
Sub Category*
Determines the Main Category and Sub Category of the
Performance. “Category” can be used as a keyword
representing the characteristic of the Performance. The
appropriate setting makes it easy to find the desired
Performance from a variety of Performances. The Main
Category indicates the types of instruments and is divided
into Sub Categories.
Settings: See the following list.
Performance Category
n You can call up the list and select the desired item by pressing
the [SF6] LIST button. For details, see page 37.
Naming the edited Performance—[SF1]
Main Sub
Rock Rock / Pop Top40 Top40
Clsic Classic Rock
Hard Hard Rock
Cntry Country
Blues Blues
Folk Folk
Balad Ballad
Film Film
--- No Assignment
R&B R&B / Hip Hop HipHp Hip Hop
Modrn Modern R&B
Clsic Classic R&B
Funk Funk
--- No Assignment
Elect Electronic Tekno Techno
Trnce Trance
House Dance Pop / House
D&B Breakbeats / D&B
Chill Chillout / Ambient
--- No Assignment
Jazz Jazz Swing Swing
Modrn Modern Jazz
Smoth Smooth Jazz
JzFnk Jazz Funk
Club Club Jazz
--- No Assignment
World World Latin Latin
Regae Reggae / Dancehall
Ethno Ethnic / World
--- No Assignment
SpLyr Splits & Layers Piano Piano
Organ Organ
Synth Synth
Symph Symphonic
Strng Strings
SpLyr Splits & Layers WWind Woodwind
Brass Brass
Guitr Guitar
Bass Bass
Cperc Chromatic Percussion
Pad Pad
--- No Assignment
FX FX Seq Sequence
Hard Hard
Soft Soft
S.EFX Sound Effect
--- No Assignment
--- No Assignment --- No Assignment
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Portamento Common*
Determines whether or not Portamento is applied to the
current Performance. When this is set to on, Portamento is
applied to the Part for which the Part Switch parameter is
set to on.
Portamento Part 1 – 4*
Determines whether Portamento is applied to each Part or
Portamento Time Offset*
Determines the pitch transition time when Portamento is
applied. You can adjust Portamento time for the Voice
assigned to each Part as offset. Higher values result in a
longer pitch change time.
Settings: -64 – +63
From this display, you can edit the value on the [F5] EQ
display (page 116) as offset to change the tonal
This is a three-band (Low, Mid, High) parametric EQ. The
High band and Low band are the shelving type. The Middle
band is the peaking type.
Determines the center frequency. Frequencies around
each of three points are attenuated/boosted by the Gain
setting below. Higher values produce a higher frequency.
Settings: -64 – +63
Low Frequency
Determines the center frequency of the lower EQ band.
Mid Frequency
Determines the center frequency of the middle EQ band.
High Frequency
Determines the center frequency of the higher EQ band.
Determines the level gain for each frequency (set above),
or the amount the selected frequency band is attenuated or
Settings: -64 – +63
Low Gain
Determines the amount by which signals below the Low
Frequency ( ) will be boosted/attenuated.
Mid Gain
Determines the amount at which signals at the Mid
Frequency ( ) will be boosted/attenuated.
High Gain
Determines the amount by which signals above the High
Frequency ( ) will be boosted/attenuated.
Q (Bandwidth)
Determines the frequency bandwidth for each frequency
band. The larger the setting, the greater the bandwidth.
The lower the setting, the smaller the bandwidth.
Settings: -64 – +63
Portamento settings—[SF2] Porta
EQ settings for each Part—[SF3] Part EQ
Low Middle High
3 bands
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
From this display, you can set the control functions for the
Knobs, and the up/down range for the Pitch Bend wheel.
Knob Control Assign
Determines which lamp among the TONE 1, TONE 2, ARP
FX, REVERB, CHORUS and PAN is turned on when
selecting a Performance. This setting can be stored for
each Performance.
Settings: tone1, tone2, ARP FX, reverb, chorus, pan
A. Function 1 Mode
(Assignable Function 1 Mode)
A. Function 2 Mode
(Assignable Function 2 Mode)
Determines whether the ASSIGNABLE FUNCTION [1] and
[2] buttons functions as a latch type or momentary type.
When set to “latch,” pressing the button alternates the lamp
status between on and off. When set to “momentary,”
pressing/holding the button turns the lamp on and
releasing the button turns the lamp off.
Settings: momentary, latch
Ribbon Mode (Ribbon Controller mode)
Determines the behavior of the Ribbon Controller. When set
to reset, releasing your finger from the Ribbon Controller
automatically returns the value to the center. When set to
hold, releasing your finger from the Ribbon Controller
maintains the value at the last point of contact.
Settings: hold, reset
ARP Common Switch
Determines whether Arpeggio is on or off. This parameter
is the same as the Common Switch parameter in the
Arpeggio display (page 98) of the Performance Play mode.
ARP Sync Quantize Value
This parameter is the same as the Sync Quantize Value
parameter in the Arpeggio display (page 98) of the
Performance Play mode.
Output Level and Master Effect
settings—[F2] Level/MEF
Determines the output level of the entire Performance. You
can adjust the overall volume, keeping the balance
between all Parts.
Settings: 0 – 127
Determines the stereo pan position of the Performance.
You can also adjust this parameter using the PAN knob on
the front panel.
Settings: L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
n Note that this Performance Pan parameter may have little or no
audible effect if the Pan for a specific Part is set to the left
position and the Pan for another Part is set to the right position.
Reverb Send*
Adjusts the reverb send level. The higher the value the
deeper the reverb. You can also adjust this parameter
using the knob on the front panel.
Settings: 0 – 127
Chorus Send*
Adjusts the chorus send level. The higher the value the
deeper the chorus. You can also adjust this parameter
using the knob on the front panel.
Settings: 0 – 127
n When Reverb Send/Chorus Send is set to “0” in the
Performance Part Edit mode, the setting here is not available.
n Depending on the selected parameter, the LIST icon is shown
at the tab menu corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this
condition, you can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST
Other settings—[SF4] Other
Output Level settings—[SF1] Level
Master Effect settings—[SF2] MasterFX
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
button, then select the desired item from the list. For details
see page 37.
Determines whether Master Effect is applied or not to the
selected Performance. You can turn it on or off by pressing
the [MASTER EFFECT] button on the front panel.
Settings: on, off
Selects an Effect Type. Details about the Effect types are
described on page 24.
Settings: See the Effect Type list in the separate Data List.
You can set various parameters in order to change how the
sound is affected by the selected Effect type. This
parameter lets you call up the pre-programmed settings of
these effect parameters.
Effect Parameters
The number of parameters and values available differs
depending on the currently selected effect type. Refer to
page 27 for details about the Effect parameters. Refer to
the separate Data List for information on the parameters for
each Effect type.
From this display you can apply five-band equalization to
all Parts of the selected Performance.
Enables you to select one of two equalizer shapes:
shelving or peaking. This parameter is available for Low
and High.
Settings: shelv, peak
shelv (Shelving type)
This type of EQ shape lets you attenuate/boost the signal at
frequencies above or below the specified Frequency setting.
peak (Peaking type)
This type of EQ shape lets you attenuate/boost the signal at the
specified Frequency setting.
Determines the center frequency. Frequencies around this
point are attenuated/boosted by the Gain setting below.
When the Shape is set to “shelv”: 32Hz – 2.0kHz
When the Shape is set to “peak”: 63Hz – 2.0kHz
Lo-Mid, Mid, Hi-Mid
100 Hz – 10.0 kHz
500 Hz – 16.0 kHz
Determines the level gain for the Frequency (set above), or
the amount the selected frequency band is attenuated or
Settings: -12dB – +0dB – +12dB
Q (Bandwidth)
This varies the signal level at the Frequency setting to
create various frequency curve characteristics. The higher
the setting the smaller the Q (Bandwidth). The lower the
setting, the greater the Q (Bandwidth).
Settings: 0.1 – 12.0
n When the Shape parameters ( ) of the Low and High are set
to “shelv,” the Q parameters ( ) of the Low and High are not
Master EQ settings—[SF3] MasterEQ
Low HighHi-MidMidLo-Mid
Q (frequency bandwidth)
5 bands
EQ Low
EQ High
Frequency Frequency
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Audio In settings—[F4] Audio In
You can set parameters related to audio input from the A/D
INPUT connector and the IEEE1394 connector.
n The FW settings (FW1 –14) are available only when the
optional FW16E is installed.
Determines the output level of the Audio Input Part.
Settings: 0 – 127
Determines the stereo pan position of the Audio Input Part.
Settings: L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
Determines the signal configuration for the Audio Input Part,
or how the signal or signals are routed (stereo or mono).
Settings: L mono, R mono, L+R mono, stereo
L mono
Only the L channel of the audio input is used.
R mono
Only the R channel of the audio input is used.
L+R mono
The L and R channels of the audio input are mixed and processed in
Both the L and R channels of the audio input are used.
Output Select
Determines the output jack assignment for the Audio Input
Settings: See the table below.
n You can call up the list and select the desired item by pressing
the [SF6] LIST button. For details, see page 37.
Reverb Send
Determines the Send level of the Audio Input Part signal
sent to the Reverb effect. The higher the value, the deeper
the reverb.
Settings: 0 – 127
Chorus Send
Determines the Send level of the Audio Input Part signal
sent to the Chorus effect. The higher the value, the deeper
the Chorus.
Settings: 0 – 127
Dry Level
Determines the level of the Audio Input Part which has not
been processed with the System Effects (Reverb, Chorus).
The higher the value, the shallower the Reverb and Chorus.
Settings: 0 – 127
From this display, you can set the Insertion Effect Types
applied to the Audio Input signal in the Performance mode.
The System Effect can be set in the Effect display
(page 107). Keep in mind that the Insertion Effect cannot
be applied to the audio input signal via the IEEE1394
INSERTION CONNECT (Insertion Connection)
From this display you can set the effect routing for Insertion
effects A and B. The setting changes are shown on the
diagram in the display, giving you a clear picture of how the
signal is routed.
Settings: Ins A F B, Ins B F A
Output Settings—[SF1] Output
LCD Output jacks Stereo/Mono
L&R OUTPUT L and R Stereo
FW1&2 FW OUTPUT 1 and 2 Stereo (1: L, 2: R)
FW3&4 FW OUTPUT 3 and 4 Stereo (3: L, 4: R)
FW5&6 FW OUTPUT 5 and 6 Stereo (5: L, 6: R)
FW7&8 FW OUTPUT 7 and 8 Stereo (7: L, 8: R)
FW9&10 FW OUTPUT 9 and 10 Stereo (9: L, 10: R)
FW11&12 FW OUTPUT 11 and 12 Stereo (11: L, 12: R)
FW13&14 FW OUTPUT 13 and 14 Stereo (13: L, 14: R)
:: :
FW14 FW OUTPUT 14 Mono
ins L
(A/D input only)
Internal Vocoder Module Mono
Insertion Effect Connection of A/D Input
—[SF2] Connect
LCD Output jacks Stereo/Mono
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Ins A F B (A to B)
Signals processed with the Insertion Effect A will be sent to the
Insertion Effect B and signals processed with the Insertion Effect B is
sent to Reverb and Chorus.
Ins B F A (B to A)
Signals processed with the Insertion Effect B will be sent to the
Insertion Effect A and signals processed with the Insertion Effect B is
sent to Reverb and Chorus.
Insertion A (Insertion A Category/Type)*
Insertion B (Insertion B Category/Type)*
Determines the Effect type for Insertion A and B. From the
Category column, you can select one of the Effect
Categories, each of which contains similar Effect types.
From the Type column, you can select one of the Effect
Types listed in the selected Category.
Settings: Details about the Effect categories and types are described
on page 24.
n You can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST button then
select the desired one from the list. For details, see page 37.
n Depending on the selected parameter, the LIST icon is shown
at the tab menu corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this
condition, you can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST
button, then select the desired item from the list. For details
see page 37.
From the Category column, you can select one of the Effect
Categories each of which contains similar Effect types.
From the Type column, you can select one of the Effect
Types listed in the selected Category.
Settings: Details about the Effect categories and types are described
on page 24.
You can set various parameters in order to change how the
sound is affected by the selected Effect type. This
parameter lets you call up the pre-programmed settings of
these effect parameters.
Effect Parameters
The number of parameters and values available differs
depending on the currently selected effect type. Refer to
page 27 for details about the Effect parameters. Refer to
the separate Data List for information on the parameters for
each Effect type.
Effect settings—[F5] Effect
From the following displays, you can set the Effect
connection and values of other parameters. For details
about the structure in the Performance mode, see page 23.
This display gives you at-a-glance, overall view of the
effect routing and comprehensive control over the effects.
n Depending on the selected parameter, the LIST icon is shown
at the tab menu corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this
condition, you can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST
button, then select the desired item from the list. For details
see page 37.
Chorus (Chorus Category/Type)
Selects a Chorus Effect type after selecting a category.
From the Category column, you can select one of the Effect
categories, each of which contains similar Effect types.
From the Type column, you can select one of the Effect
types listed in the selected category.
Settings: Details about the Effect categories and types are described
on page 24.
Reverb (Reverb Type)
Determines the Reverb Effect type. It is not necessary to
select a Category because there is only one category in
Settings: Details about the Effect types are described on page 24.
Determines the Send level of the signal sent from the
Chorus Effect to the Reverb Effect. The higher the value,
the deeper the Reverb that is applied to the Chorus-
processed signal.
Settings: 0 – 127
Effect Parameter settings—[SF3] Ins A,
[SF4] Ins B
Effect Connection settings—[SF1] Connect
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Chorus Return
Determines the Return level of the Chorus Effect.
Settings: 0 – 127
Chorus Pan
Determines the pan position of the Chorus effect sound.
Settings: L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
Reverb Return
Determines the Return level of the Reverb Effect.
Settings: 0 – 127
Reverb Pan
Determines the pan position of the Reverb effect sound.
Settings: L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
In this display, you can select which Parts (from
Performance Parts 1 – 4 and the A/D Input Part) will be
assigned to the eight Insertion Effects.
Part 1 – 4, A/D
Determines the Parts available for the Insertion Effect.
When this switch is set to on, the Insertion Effect of the
Voice assigned to the Part is enabled. Make sure that this
parameter is set to on for any Parts/Voices to which you
need to apply Insertion Effects. The MOTIF XF features
eight Insertion effect systems, letting you set this
parameter to on for all five Parts.
n For the A/D Input Part, the Insertion Effect type/parameter can
be set from the Insertion A/B display in the Audio In parameter
of the Performance Common Edit mode. For Parts 1 – 4, the
Insertion Effect type/parameter settings cannot be set in the
Performance Edit mode because their settings are included in
the Voice assigned to each Part. If you wish to edit the
Insertion Effect settings for each Part, enter the Voice Edit
mode, then edit the Effect settings for the appropriate Voice.
n Depending on the selected parameter, the LIST icon is shown
at the tab menu corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this
condition, you can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST
button, then select the desired item from the list. For details
see page 37.
From the Type column, you can select one of the Effect
Types listed in the selected Category.
Settings: Details about the Effect types are described on page 24.
You can set various parameters in order to change how the
sound is affected by the selected Effect type. This
parameter lets you call up the pre-programmed settings of
these effect parameters.
Effect Parameters
The number of parameters and values available differs
depending on the currently selected effect type. Refer to
page 27 for details about the Effect parameters. Refer to
the separate Data List for information on the parameters for
each Effect type.
Setting the parts available for the
Insertion Effect—[SF2] InsSwitch
Reverb and Chorus Settings—[SF3]
Reverb, [SF4] Chorus
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Editing a Performance
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Part Edit parameters
[PERFORM] Performance selection [EDIT] Part selection
In the Performance Part Edit mode, you can edit the parameters of the individual Parts such as Voice, Arpeggio, EG and EQ
About the asterisk (*) marks
For users who are new to editing and may be confused by the large amount of parameters, the most basic and easy-to-understand
parameters are conveniently marked with asterisks in this section. If you are just starting out with editing Performance Parts, try these
parameters first.
In the Performance Part Edit mode, you can use two types
of display. One type of display lets you edit parameters for
the currently selected Part and the other type of display
lets you view parameters for four Parts. You can switch
between these two types by pressing the [SF5] button.
Note that the display for four Parts is not available for the
[F2] ARP Main and the [F3] ARP Other displays.
After pressing the [PERFORMANCE CONTROL] or
[TRACK] button so that its lamp lights, press one of the [1]
– [4] buttons to select a Part to be edited.
n For details about useful functions such as Mute/Solo and Jobs,
see pages 101 and 117.
Setting the Wave and Note range of
the Part—[F1] Voice
Part Switch*
Determines whether the currently edited Part is on or off.
When this is set to off, the currently edited Element will not
Settings: off (inactive), on (active)
Determines the Voice assigned to the current Part by
specifying the Voice Bank and Number.
n You can call up the list and select the desired item by pressing
the [SF6] LIST button. For details, see page 37.
Param. with Voice (Parameter with Voice)
Determines whether or not the following parameter settings
of the selected Voice are copied from the Voice to the
current Part when you change a Voice for the current Part
Arpeggio settings
Filter Cutoff Frequency
Filter Resonance
Amplitude EG
•Filter EG
Pitch Bend Range (Upper/Lower)
•Note Shift
n Regardless of the Parameter with Voice setting ( ), the
settings of Mono/Poly ( ), Portamento Part Switch ( ),
Portamento Time ( ) and Portamento Mode ( ) are not
Selected Part display/Four-Part display
Selecting a Part to be edited
The display for the currently selected Part
The display for all four Parts of the current Performance
Selecting a Part
Voice Settings for each Part—[SF1] Voice
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
copied when a Drum Voice is selected. However, these
parameters are copied when a Normal Voice is selected.
Settings: off (not copied), on (copied)
Determines the volume for each Part. Use this parameter to
adjust the balance between the current Part and other
Settings: 0 – 127
Determines the stereo pan position for the Part.
Settings: L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
n Note that this Part Pan parameter may have little or no audible
effect if the Pan for a specific Element is set to the left position
and the Pan for another Element is set to the right position.
Voice Element Pan
Determines whether the individual pan settings for each
Voice (made in the Voice Element Edit mode) are applied
or not. When this is set to “off,” the basic pan position for
the selected Part is set to center.
Settings: on, off
Note Shift*
Adjusts the pitch of the Part in semitones.
Settings: -24 – +0 – +24
Adjusts the tuning of the Part in cent increments.
Settings: -12.8 Hz – +0 Hz – +12.7 Hz
Determines the playback method of the Voice for each
Part—monophonic (single note only) or polyphonic
(multiple notes).
Settings: mono, poly
When set to “mono,” the selected Performance is played back
monophonically (only a single note is played back simultaneously). For
many instrument sounds (such as bass and synth lead), this allows a
more natural and smooth sounding legato performance than when this
parameter is set to “poly.”
When set to “poly,” the selected Performance is played back
polyphonically (multiple notes can be played back simultaneously or a
chord is played back).
Portamento Part Sw*
Determines whether Portamento is applied to the current
Performance or not.
Settings: off, on
Portamento Time*
Determines the pitch transition time. Higher values mean
longer transition times.
Settings: 0 – 127
Portamento Mode
Determines how Portamento is applied to your keyboard
Settings: fingered, fulltime
Portamento is only applied when you play legato (playing the next note
before releasing the previous one).
Portamento is applied to all notes.
Velocity Limit
Determines the minimum and maximum values of the
velocity range within which each Part will respond. Each
Part will only sound for notes played within its specified
velocity range. If you specify the maximum value first and
the minimum value second, for example “93 to 34,” there
will be a velocity “hole” and the velocity range covered will
be “1 to 34” and “93 to 127.”
Settings: 1 – 127
n You can also set the velocity from the keyboard by holding
down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing any key with the
desired velocity (strength). For details, see page 37.
Note Limit
Set the lowest and highest notes of the keyboard range for
each Part. Each Part will only sound for notes played within
its specified range. You can also create a lower and an
upper range for the Element, with a note range “hole” in the
middle, by specifying the highest note first. For example,
setting a Note Limit of “C5 – C4” lets you play the Element
from two separate ranges: C -2 to C4 and C5 to G8. Notes
played between C4 and C5 do not play the selected
Settings: C -2 – G8
n You can also set the Key directly from the keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired
key. For details, see page 37.
ARP Play Only
Determines whether or not the current Part only plays the
MIDI note events created via Arpeggio playback. When set
to on, the current Part plays only those MIDI note events
generated via Arpeggio playback.
Settings: off, on
From this display, you can set the Reverb/Chorus depth
and the Output jack assignment for each Part.
Output settings—[SF2] Output
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Reverb Send
Determines the Send level of each Part signal sent to the
Reverb effect. The higher the value, the deeper the Reverb.
Settings: 0 – 127
Chorus Send
Determines the Send level of each Part signal sent to the
Chorus effect. The higher the value, the deeper the Chorus.
Settings: 0 – 127
Dry Level
Determines the level of each Part which has not been
processed with the System Effects (Reverb, Chorus). The
higher the value, the shallower the Reverb and Chorus.
Settings: 0 – 127
Output Select
Determines the specific output(s) for the individual Part.
You can assign each individual Part’s Voice to be output
from a specific hardware output jack on the rear panel.
Settings: See the table below.
* About “drum” setting, see below.
When “drum” is selected and the Normal Voice is assigned to the
edited Part, the sound will be output via the OUTPUT L and R jacks in
When “drum” is selected and the Drum Voice is assigned to the edited
Part, the sound will be output via the jacks set in the Drum Key Edit
display as the Output Select parameter.
n The FW settings (FW1 – 14) are available only when the
optional FW16E is installed.
n You can call up the list and select one by pressing the [SF6]
LIST button. For details, see page 37.
Ins Effect Sw (Insertion Effect Switch)
Determines whether or not the current Part is available for
the Insertion Effect. When this parameter is set to on, the
Insertion Effect of the Voice assigned to the Part is
enabled. You can set the Insertion Effect Switch parameter
for all Parts (including the A/D Input part) from the Insertion
Effect Switch display (page 108) in the Performance
Common Edit mode.
Assign 1 Value
Assign 2 Value
Determines the value of Knob 7 (ASSIGN 1) and Knob 8
(ASSIGN 2) when the current Voice is selected and the
TONE 1 lamp is turned on. The functions assigned to these
Knobs are shown at the right of the setting values.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
n The functions of Knob ASSIGN 1 and ASSIGN 2 can be set
from the Controller Set display (page 61).
PB Range Upper (Pitch Bend Range Upper)
PB Range Lower (Pitch Bend Range Lower)
Determines the maximum Pitch Bend range in semitones.
Setting the Upper parameter to +12 would result in a
maximum pitch rise of one octave when the Pitch Bend
wheel is moved upwards. A Lower setting of -12 would
result in the pitch being lowered up to a maximum of one
octave (12 semitones) when the Pitch Bend wheel is
moved downwards.
Settings: -48 – +0 – +24
Vel Sens Depth (Velocity Sensitivity Depth)
Determines the degree to which the resulting volume of the
tone generator responds to your playing strength. The
higher the value, the more the volume changes in response
to your playing strength (as shown below). When this is set
to 0, the volume remains the same no matter how strongly
or softly you play. This would be useful, for example, for
authentic playing of an Organ Voice.
Settings: 0 – 127
LCD Output jacks Stereo/Mono
L&R OUTPUT L and R Stereo
FW1&2 FW OUTPUT 1 and 2 Stereo (1: L, 2: R)
FW3&4 FW OUTPUT 3 and 4 Stereo (3: L, 4: R)
FW5&6 FW OUTPUT 5 and 6 Stereo (5: L, 6: R)
FW7&8 FW OUTPUT 7 and 8 Stereo (7: L, 8: R)
FW9&10 FW OUTPUT 9 and 10 Stereo (9: L, 10: R)
FW11&12 FW OUTPUT 11 and 12 Stereo (11: L, 12: R)
FW13&14 FW OUTPUT 13 and 14 Stereo (13: L, 14: R)
:: :
FW14 FW OUTPUT 14 Mono
drum See below* See below*
Other Settings—[SF3] Other
When Offset (below) is set to 64:
Actual resulting velocity
(affecting the tone
Velocity with which you play a note
Depth = 127
Depth = 64
Depth = 32
Depth = 0
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Velocity Sens Depth Offset
(Velocity Sensitivity Depth Offset)
Determines the amount by which played velocities are
adjusted for the actual resulting velocity effect.
This lets you raise or lower all velocities by the same
amount—allowing you to automatically compensate for
playing too strongly or too softly. If the result is 1 or less, the
value is set to 1. If the result is higher than 127, the value is
set to 127.
Settings: 0 – 127
Arpeggio Settings—[F2] ARP Main
(Arpeggio Main)
This display determines the basic settings of the Arpeggio.
The settings of parameters ( or more) shown at the
bottom of the display can be registered to the [SF1] – [SF5]
n The Four-Part display cannot be called up from this display.
n The KBD icon is shown on the tab corresponding to the [SF6]
button depending on the selected parameter. In this condition,
you can enter the note number or velocity by pressing the
appropriate note on the keyboard while holding the [SF6] KBD
button. For details, see page 37.
Determines whether Arpeggio for each Part is on or off.
Settings: off, on
When this is set to “on,” the Arpeggio cycles automatically,
even if you release your fingers from the keys, and it
continues to cycle until the next key is pressed.
Settings: sync-off (see below), off, on
When set to “sync-off,” the Arpeggio playback continues to run silently,
even when you release the keys. Pressing any key turns the Arpeggio
playback on again.
n For details about how to use the Arpeggio Type List in the Data
List, see page 16.
Change Timing*
Determines the actual timing at which the Arpeggio type is
switched when you select another type during Arpeggio
playback. When set to “realtime,” the Arpeggio type is
switched immediately. When set to “measure,” the
Arpeggio type is switched at the top of the next measure.
Settings: realtime, measure
Velocity Limit
Determines the lowest and highest velocity which can
trigger the Arpeggio playback. This lets you set the velocity
range with which you press the note to trigger the Arpeggio
playback. You can also create separate low and high
trigger ranges for the Arpeggio playback, with a velocity
“hole” in the middle, by specifying the maximum value first.
For example, setting a Velocity Limit of 93 – 34 lets you play
the Arpeggio from two separate velocity ranges: soft (1 –
34) and hard (93 – 127). Notes played at middle velocities
between 35 and 92 do not play the Arpeggio.
Settings: 1 – 127
n Please keep in mind that no sound is produced when the Key
Mode is set to “sort” or “thru” and notes are played outside the
Note Limit setting here.
Note Limit
Determines the lowest and highest notes in the Arpeggio’s
note range. Notes played in this range trigger the
Arpeggio. For example, setting a Note Limit of “C5 – C4”
lets you trigger the Arpeggio by playing notes in the two
ranges of C -2 to C4 and C5 to G8; notes played between
C4 and C5 have no effect on the Arpeggio.
Settings: C -2 – G8
n Please keep in mind that no sound is produced when the Key
Mode is set to “sort” or “thru” and notes are played outside the
Note Limit setting here.
Voice with ARP
To each type of the Arpeggio, the appropriate Voice is
registered. This parameter determines whether or not the
appropriate Voice registered to each Arpeggio type is
assigned to the edited Part. When set to “on,” the
appropriate Voice is assigned to the edited Part in place of
the currently assigned Voice. When set to “off,” the
appropriate Voice is not assigned to the edited Part. The
When Depth (above)
= 64 and Offset =32
When Depth (above)
= 64 and Offset =64
When Depth (above)
= 64 and Offset =96
the tone
the tone
the tone
Velocity with which you play a note Velocity with which you play a note
Velocity with which you play a note
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
currently assigned Voice is maintained. The name of the
Voice registered to the Arpeggio Type is shown at the right
Settings: off (not copied), on (copied)
n A User Voice may be registered to a certain Arpeggio Type via
the Voice with ARP function. With the factory settings, each of
the combinations of an Arpeggio Type and its companion User
Voice is designed to be the most suitable match and produce
the appropriate sound/phrase. However, when revising the
sound of the User Voice by editing the parameters or storing a
different Voice to the corresponding User Voice number, this
combination may become improper or produce an
unexpected sound. If such a situation occurs, select the most
appropriate Voice for the current Arpeggio Type on the [F1]
Voice display.
Determines the Arpeggio Tempo.
Settings: 5.0 – 300.0
n If you are using this instrument with an external sequencer,
MIDI computer, or other MIDI device, and you want to
synchronize it with that device, set the MIDI sync ( )
parameter in the MIDI display (page 228) of the Utility mode to
“MIDI” or “auto.” In this case, the Tempo parameter here
indicates “MIDI” or “auto” and cannot be changed.
Key Mode
Determines how the Arpeggio plays back when playing the
Settings: sort, thru, direct, sort+direct, thru+direct
When you play specific notes (for example, the notes of a chord), the
same sequence plays, no matter what order you play the notes.
When you play specific notes (for example, the notes of a chord), the
resulting sequence differs depending on the order of the notes.
Note events of the Arpeggio sequence do not play; only the notes you
play on the keyboard are heard. When the Arpeggio plays back, the
events such as Pan and Brightness are applied to the sound of your
keyboard performance. Use this setting when the Arpeggio types
includes non-note data or when the Category type “Ctrl” is selected.
The Arpeggio is played back according to the “sort” setting here, and
the note pressed is also sounded.
The Arpeggio is played back according to the “thru” setting here, and
the note pressed is also sounded.
n Some Arpeggio types belonging to the “Cntr” Category may
not have note events (page 18). When such an Arpeggio type
is selected and the Key Mode is set to “sort” or “thru,” no
sound is produced even if you press a note on the keyboard.
Velocity Mode
Adjusts the velocity of the Arpeggio notes.
Settings: original, thru
The Arpeggio plays back at the preset velocities included in the
Arpeggio sequence data.
The Arpeggio plays back according to the velocity of your playing. For
example, if you play the notes strongly, the playback volume of the
Arpeggio increases.
Output Octave Shift
Specifies the maximum Arpeggio range in octaves.
Settings: -10 – +10
[SF1] ARP1 – [SF5] ARP5 (Arpeggio 1 – 5)
The six parameters Bank ( ) through Gate Time Rate ( )
at the lower half Part of the display, can be edited in each
of the [SF1] ARP1 through [SF5] ARP5 displays. You can
set the parameters in the lower half of the display for each
of the five Arpeggio settings by pressing one of the [SF1] –
[SF5] buttons. The 8th note icon shown in the tab menu
indicates any Arpeggio Type (other than “off”) is selected in
the display corresponding to the Sub Function button.
Settings: [SF1] – [SF5] (Sub Function) buttons
Determines the Arpeggio Bank containing the desired
Arpeggio type. Select “PRE” if you wish to select a preset
Arpeggio Type. Select “USR” if you wish to select an
Arpeggio Type you originally created and stored.
Settings: PRE, USR
n For detailed instructions on creating your original Arpeggio
type, see page 20.
Sub Category*
Determines the Arpeggio Category and Sub Category
including the desired Arpeggio type. These parameters are
available when “PRE” is selected as the Bank.
Settings: Refer to the Arpeggio Category List on page 15.
n You can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST button then
select the desired item from the list.
n For details about how to use the Arpeggio Type List in the Data
List, see page 16.
Determines the desired Arpeggio Type number from the
specified Category. The name of the selected Arpeggio
Type is shown at right of the specified number on the
display. Refer to the Arpeggio Type List in Data List.
Velocity Rate
Determines the offset value by which the Arpeggio notes
will be shifted from their original velocities. If the resultant
velocity value is less than zero it will be set to 1, and if the
resultant velocity is greater than 128 it will be set to 127.
This parameter can be changed via the Knob directly.
Settings: -100% – +0% – +100%
Gate Time Rate
Determines the Gate Time (length) of the Arpeggio notes.
The Gate Time cannot be decreased beyond its normal
minimum of 1; any values outside that range will
automatically be limited to the minimum.
This parameter can be changed via the Knob directly.
Settings: -100% – +0% – +100%
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Arpeggio settings—[F3] ARP Other
(Arpeggio Other)
By changing the timing and velocity of the notes, you can
change the rhythmic “feel” of the Arpeggio playback.
The Four-Part display cannot be called up from this display.
Unit Multiply
Adjusts the Arpeggio playback time based on tempo. By
using this parameter, you can create a different Arpeggio
type from the original one. For example, if you set a value of
200%, the playback time will be doubled (tempo is halved).
On the other hand, if you set a value of 50%, the playback
time will be halved and the tempo doubled. Normal
playback time is 100%. This parameter can be changed
via the Knob directly.
Settings: 50%, 66%, 75%, 100%, 133%, 150%, 200%
Quantize Value*
Determines to what beats the note data in the Arpeggio
sequence data will be aligned, or determines to what beats
in the Arpeggio sequence data the swing is applied. This
parameter can be changed via the Knob directly. The
number shown at right of each value indicates the length
assumes that the quarter-note resolution is 480.
Settings: 2 60 (32nd note), 63 80 (16th note triplet), 6 120 (16th
note), 83 160 (8th note triplet), 8 240 (8th note), 43 320
(1/4 note triplet), 4 480 (1/4 note)
Quantize Strength
Sets the “strength” by which note events are pulled toward
the nearest quantize beats. A setting of 100% produces
exact timing set via the Quantize Value parameter above. A
setting of 0% results in no quantization. A setting of 50%
results in the note events being pulled halfway between 0%
and 100%. This parameter can be changed via the Knob
Settings: 0% – 100%
Delays notes on even-numbered beats (backbeats) to
produce a swing feel. Settings above 1 delay the Arpeggio
notes, whereas settings below 1 advance them. A setting
of 0 produces exact timing set via the Quantize Value,
resulting in no swing. Judicious use of this setting lets you
create swing rhythms and triplet feels, such as shuffle and
bounce. This parameter can be changed via the Knob
Settings: -120 – +120
Velocity Rate
Determines how much the velocity of the Arpeggio
playback is offset from the original value. For example, a
setting of 100% means the original values are used.
Settings below 100% will reduce the velocities of the
Arpeggio notes, whereas settings above 100% will
increase the velocities. If the resultant velocity value is less
than zero it will be set to 1, and if the resultant velocity is
greater than 128 it will be set to 127. This parameter can be
changed via the Knob directly.
Settings: 0% – 200%
Gate Time Rate
Determines how much the Gate Time (length) of the
Arpeggio notes is offset from the original value. For
example, a setting of 100% means the original values are
used. Settings below 100% will reduce the velocities of the
Arpeggio notes, whereas settings above 100% will
increase the velocities. The Gate Time cannot be
decreased beyond its normal minimum of 1; any values
outside that range will automatically be limited to the
minimum. This parameter can be changed via the Knob
Settings: 0% – 200%
Octave Range
Specifies the maximum Arpeggio range in octaves.
Positive value settings increase the octave range of the
Arpeggio playback upward, whereas negative value
settings increase it downward.
This parameter can be changed via the Knob directly.
Settings: -3 – +0 – +3
When this is set to “on,” the Arpeggio cycles while notes
are held. When this is set to “off,” the Arpeggio plays only
once even if notes are held.
Settings: off, on
Trigger Mode
When this is set to “gate,” pressing the note starts
Arpeggio playback and releasing the note stops it. When
this is set to “toggle,” pressing the note starts/stops
Arpeggio playback and releasing the note does not affect
Arpeggio playback. Normally, this parameter should be set
to “gate.”
Settings: gate, toggle
n The Trigger Mode “toggle” setting overcomes the Hold “on”
setting in the Arpeggio Main display (page 112). In other
words, even when the Hold parameter is set to “on,” pressing
the note start/stops Arpeggio playback when the Trigger Mode
is set to “toggle.”
Accent Vel Threshold
(Accent Velocity Threshold)
Some preset Arpeggio types include the special sequence
data called “Accent Phrase,” which will be played back
only when the velocities higher than a specified value are
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
received. This parameter determined the minimum velocity
that will trigger the Accent Phrase.
Settings: off, 1 – 127
Accent Start Quantize
Determines the start timing of the Accent Phrase when the
Velocity specified in Accent Vel Threshold above is
received. When set to off, the Accent Phrase starts as soon
as the Velocity is received. When set to on, the Accent
Phrase starts on the beat specified for each Arpeggio type
after the Velocity is received.
Settings: off, on
Random SFX
Some Arpeggio types feature the Random SFX function
which will trigger the special sound such as fret noise of the
guitar when the note is released. This parameter
determines whether the Random SFX is active or not.
Settings: off, on
Random SFX Velocity Offset
Determines the offset value by which the Random SFX
notes will be shifted from their original velocities. If the
resultant velocity value is less than zero it will be set to 1,
and if the resultant velocity is greater than 128 it will be set
to 127.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Random SFX Key On Control
When this is set to “on,” the Random SFX special sound is
played with the pre-programmed velocity. When this is set
to “off,” the Random SFX special sound is played with the
velocity generated when the note is pressed.
Settings: off, on
Fixed SD/BD
This parameter is available only when a Drum Voice is
assigned to the current Part. When this parameter is set to
on, C1 will be used as the note of the Snare Drum and D1
will be used as the note of the Bass Drum in Arpeggio
Although most Drum Kits assign the Snare Drum sound to
C1 and the Bass Drum to D1, certain Drum Kits assign
these sounds also to other notes additionally and certain
Arpeggio Types are created by using those notes (different
from C1 and D1). Accordingly, you may hear improper
sounds depending on the selected Arpeggio Type and
Drum Kit. Setting this parameter to on may solve such a
If you feel that the Snare and Bass Drum sound is improper
when the Arpeggio Type is changed via the [SF1] – [SF5]
buttons, it is a good idea to set this parameter to on.
Settings: on, off
MIDI Out Switch (MIDI Output Switch)
When this is set to on, Arpeggio playback data is output
from the MIDI terminal.
Settings: off (not output), on (output)
MIDI Out Channel (MIDI Output Channel)
Determines the MIDI transmit channel for Arpeggio
playback data. When this is set to “kbd,” Arpeggio
playback data is output via the MIDI transmit channel
(page 96) set in the Performance Play mode.
Settings: 1 – 16, kbd (Keyboard Channel)
EG Settings—[F4] EG
You can control the sound transition from the moment a key
is pressed to the moment at which it is released. You can
also adjust the tone brilliance by setting the Cutoff
Frequency and Resonance.
AEG (Amplitude EG)
Determines the AEG (Amplitude Envelope Generator)
parameters for each Part. The following parameters can be
used to control the change in volume from the moment a
note is pressed on the keyboard to the moment the sound
stops. The setting made here will be applied to the AEG
parameters (page 80) of each Voice as offset.
Attack (Attack Time)
Determines the speed of attack from the time a key is played
until the maximum initial level of the EG is reached.
Decay (Decay Time)
Determines how fast the volume falls from maximum attack
level to the sustain level.
Sustain (Sustain Level)
Determines the sustain level at which the volume will continue
while a note is held, after the initial attack and decay.
Release (Release Time)
Determines how quickly the sound decays to silence after the
key is released.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
n When a Drum Voice is selected, Sustain Level and
Release Time are not available.
FEG (Filter EG)
Determines the FEG (Filter Envelope Generator)
parameters for each Part. Using the FEG, you can control
the transition in tonal color (Cutoff Frequency) from the
moment the sound starts to the moment it stops. The
setting made here will be applied to the FEG parameters
(page 76) of each Voice as offset.
Attack (Attack Time)
Determines the speed of filter variation from the time a note is
played until the maximum initial level of the Cutoff Frequency is
Editing a Performance
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Decay (Decay Time)
Determines how fast the Cutoff Frequency falls from maximum
attack level to the sustain level.
Release (Release Time)
Determines how fast the Cutoff Frequency falls from the
sustain level to zero when a note is released.
Determines the range over which the cutoff frequency of the
Filter EG changes. A setting of 0 will cause the cutoff
frequency not to change. The farther from 0 the value is, the
larger the range of the cutoff frequency. For negative values,
the change of the cutoff frequency is reversed.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
n When a Drum Voice is selected, not all of the parameters
are available. Unavailable parameters are blank and
cannot be edited.
Determines the Cutoff Frequency and Resonance for the
Filter to change the Performance sound. The setting made
here will be added to the same parameters (page 74) of
each Voice as offset.
Determines the cutoff frequency for the Filter. The frequency
set here is the center frequency at which the signals are
affected when they pass through each filter.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
This parameter’s function varies according to the selected
Filter Type. If the selected filter is an LPF, HPF, BPF (excluding
the BPFw), or BEF, this parameter is used to set the
Resonance. If the selected filter is a BPFw, this parameter is
used to adjust the frequency bandwidth.
Resonance is used to set the amount of Resonance (harmonic
emphasis) applied to the signal at the cutoff frequency. This
can be used in combination with the cutoff frequency
parameter to add further character to the sound.
The Width parameter is used to adjust the width of the band of
signal frequencies passed by the filter with the BPFw.
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Equalizer (EQ) Settings—[F5] EQ
From this display you can apply 3-band parametric EQ to
each individual Part, for fine adjustment of the sound. The
EQ shapes for Low and High are fixed as shelving types.
Determines the center frequency. Frequencies around this
point are attenuated/boosted by the Gain setting below.
Higher values produce higher frequencies.
50.1 Hz – 2.0 kHz
139.7 Hz – 10.1 kHz
503.8 Hz – 14.0 kHz
Determines the level gain for the Frequency (set above), or
the amount the selected frequency band is attenuated or
Settings: -12 dB – +0 dB – +12 dB
Q (Bandwidth)
This varies the signal level at the Frequency setting to
create various frequency curve characteristics. The higher
the setting the smaller the Q (Bandwidth). The lower the
setting, the greater the Q (Bandwidth).
Settings: 0.7 – 10.3
MIDI Receive settings—[F6]
RcvSwitch (Receive Switch)
From this display you can set how each individual Part
responds to various MIDI data, such as Control Change
and Program Change messages. When the relevant
parameter is set to “on,” the corresponding Part responds
to the appropriate MIDI data. Each of the Controller names
in this display indicates the MIDI data generated by using
the corresponding Controller.
n For Parts to which the Drum Voice is assigned, Sustain is not
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Performance Job—Convenient Functions
The Performance Job mode features some convenient data organization and initialization tools, for use when creating
Performances and archiving them. Press the [JOB] button in the Performance mode to enter the Performance Job mode.
Performance Job—Basic Operation
In the Performance mode, press the [JOB]
button to enter Performance Job Mode.
2 Select the desired Job menu by pressing the
appropriate button, [F1] – [F4].
3 Move the cursor to the desired parameter, then
set the value.
4 Press the [ENTER] button. (The display
prompts you for confirmation.)
To cancel the Job, press the [DEC/NO] button.
5 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the Job.
After the Job has been completed, a “Completed”
message appears and operation returns to the original
6 Press the [PERFORM] button to return to the
Performance Play mode.
Even if you execute the Job, selecting a different Performance
or turning the power off without storing will erase the
Performance data. Make sure to store the Performance data to
internal memory by pressing the [STORE] button before
selecting a different Performance or turning the power off.
Initializing the Performance—[F1]
Init (Initialize)
This function lets you reset (initialize) all Performance
parameters to their default settings. It also allows you to
selectively initialize certain parameters, such as Common
settings, settings for each Part, and so on.
All Parameters
All settings for the selected Performance are initialized.
When this is set to on, the cursor cannot be moved.
Common Parameters
Common parameter settings for the selected Performance
are initialized.
n The Insertion Effect Switch is a Part parameter. Therefore,
checkmark the box of Part 1 – 4 described below if you wish to
initialize the Insertion Effect Switch parameter settings.
Part Parameters
Part 1 4
Parameter settings for Parts which are turned on are initialized.
A/D (A/D Input)
This is the Part input from the external audio equipment
connected to the A/D INPUT jack. When this is checkmarked,
parameter settings for the A/D Input Part (page 106) of
Common Edit are initialized.
This is the Part input from the external equipment connected to
the IEEE1394 jack via the IEEE1394 cable. When this is
checkmarked, parameter settings for the FW Part (page 106)
of the Common Edit are initialized.
Edit Recall—[F2] Recall
If you are editing a Performance but you have not stored it
before switching to another Performance, the edits you
have made will be cleared. If this happens, you can use the
Recall function to restore the Performance with your latest
edits intact.
Performance Job—Convenient Functions
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Performance Copy function—[F3]
This convenient operation lets you copy Common Edit and
Part Edit settings of a certain Performance to the currently
edited Performance. This is useful if you are creating a
Performance and wish to use some parameter settings of
another Performance.
Determines the Bank and the Performance number to be
copied. This parameter cannot be set when the Current
Performance (below) is turned on.
Current Performance
When this is set to on, the currently selected Performance
(the one you are editing now) is selected as source.
Accordingly, you can copy the parameter settings from a
Part to a different Part of the same Performance.
Data type of the source
Determines the source data type including the Part
number. According to the setting here, the Data type of the
destination below will be automatically set to the
appropriate item.
Settings: Common, Part 1 – 4, A/D, FW
n The Insertion Effect Switch is a Part parameter. Therefore, the
Insertion Effect Switch parameter settings of the selected part
are copied only when selecting one of the Parts 1 – 4.
Data type of the destination
Determines the destination data type including the Part
number. When the data type of the source Voice (above) is
set to “common,” this parameter will be fixed to “common.”
Settings: Common, Part 1 – 4, A/D, FW
This convenient operation lets you copy Effect and Master
EQ settings of a certain Voice assigned to a certain
Performance to the currently edited Performance. This
would come in handy when a certain Performance has
settings that you want to use in your Performance program.
Determines the Bank and the Performance number to be
copied. This parameter cannot be set when the Current
Performance (below) is turned on.
Current Performance
When this is set to on, the currently selected Performance
(the one you are editing now) is selected as source.
Source Part
Determines the Part of the source Performance. The name
of the Voice assigned to the selected Part is shown.
Effect Unit Settings
Determines which Effect units are copied. You can select
Effect units to be copied from Reverb, Chorus, Master EQ
and Master Effect.
n Even when each of the Reverb and Chorus is set to “on,”
executing the Job does not copy the Send Level from the
Voice to the Performance. If you want to apply the same depth
of the Reverb and Chorus as in the Voice mode to the copied
Voice, set the Reverb Send ( ) and Chorus Send ( ) in the
Voice Output display of the Performance Part Edit mode to the
same value manually as in the Voice Edit mode.
Transmitting the Performance data
via MIDI—[F4] Bulk (Bulk Dump)
This function lets you send your edited parameter settings
for the currently selected Performance to a computer or
another MIDI device for data archiving. To execute the Bulk
Dump operation, press the [ENTER] button.
n In order to execute Bulk Dump, you’ll need to set the correct
MIDI Device Number. For details, see page 228.
n The Bulk Dump data includes only the MIDI messages and
does not include the Waveforms.
Copying parameter settings from
another Performance—[SF1] Part
Copying the Voice Effect settings—
[SF2] Voice
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
The MOTIF XF has a powerful Sampling function that lets you record audio signals—such as vocals from a microphone or
electric guitar—and integrate the resulting Samples with the Voices and Performances of the instrument. When you enter the
Sampling mode from the Voice mode or Performance mode, you can create your own original Samples, edit them, assign
them to a Waveform, and then assign the original Waveform to a User Voice or Performance.
This section covers the Sampling functions when entering the Sampling mode by pressing the [INTEGRATED SAMPLING]
button in the Voice mode or the Performance mode.
n You can also enter the Sampling mode by pressing the [INTEGRATED SAMPLING] button in the Song mode or the Pattern mode. Keep in
mind that the Sampling functions differ depending on from which mode the Sampling mode is called up, the Voice/Performance mode or the
Song/Pattern mode. See page 201 for instructions on using the Sampling function in the Song mode/Pattern mode.
The recorded (edited) Sample data will be lost when turning the power off. Before turning off the power, you should always copy the Sample
data to the optional Flash Memory Expansion Module (page 34), or save the Sample data to a USB storage device or a computer connected
to the same network as the MOTIF XF (page 41).
The Sampling mode structure
In this section, you’ll learn about the structure and organization of Samples, Key Banks and Waveforms, as well as their
relationship to Voices and Performances.
A Sample is digital audio data, made by directly recording
a signal, such as that of vocals or electric guitar, to the
MOTIF XF. Throughout this manual, the words “Sample”
and “Wave” are sometimes used interchangeably;
however, you should be careful to distinguish between
“Wave” (raw audio data) and “Waveform” (collected audio
data used to make up a Voice).
Samples can be obtained into the instrument via the
following methods: Recording audio signal in the Sampling
mode, loading a WAV file or AIFF file from the USB storage
device connected to the MOTIF XF in the File mode, and
loading a WAV file or AIFF file from the hard disk connected
to the network to which the MOTIF XF is connected.
Because the obtained Sample data will be lost by turning
the power off, Samples residing in the MOTIF XF internal
memory should be saved as digital data (in WAV or AIFF
format) to a USB storage device or to a computer
connected via network to the MOTIF XF.
Sample, Key Bank and Waveform
Samples are assigned and stored to Waveforms on the
MOTIF XF. Before you can actually record a Sample or load
a Sample from a USB storage device, you’ll need to specify
a Waveform number as a destination. This Waveform then
serves as the “container” for the Sample.
Each of the Waveforms can contain multiple Samples. To
assign these Samples to a different space or container, you
can set the key range and velocity range for each Sample.
With this setting, the different Sample is played back
depending on the pressed note and its velocity. The note
range and velocity range to which each of the Samples is
assigned is called the Key Bank.
Flash Memory Expansion Module (sold separately)
The sample obtained via the Sampling function can be stored as a Waveform by installing the optional Flash Memory Expansion
Module FL512M/FL1024M to the MOTIF XF. The sample on the Flash Memory Expansion Module will be maintained even if the power
is turned off and can be called up as the Waveform immediately. This is very convenient when using a User Voice containing the
Waveform to which the Sample created via the Sampling function has been assigned.
D 2 A 2 G 2
Sample 1
(Key Bank)
Sample 2
(Key Bank)
Sample 4
(Key Bank)
Sample 3
(Key Bank)
Sample 5
(Key Bank)
Key Number
(Note Number)
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Voices and Waveform
You can play the Waveform by assigning it to a Voice then
playing the keyboard with that Voice. You can assign the
Waveform to an Element of the Voice in the Voice Element
Edit mode (page 69). The Voice Edit mode lets you assign
the Waveform you’ve created with the Sampling function to
the edited Element, just as you would any of the preset
Waveforms included on the instrument.
n Keep in mind that you can assign the User Voices created in
the Sampling mode entered from the Voice/Performance mode
to Mixing parts of the Song/Pattern. You can also assign the
Waveforms created in the Sampling mode entered from the
Song/Pattern mode to Elements of the Voice in the Voice Edit
Sampling Main display
The Sampling Main display, the entrance of the Sampling mode, is called up when pressing the [INTEGRATED SAMPLING]
button from the current mode.
Pressing the [INTEGRATED SAMPLING] button in the Voice mode or Performance mode calls up the Sampling mode
dedicated to creation of Samples (Waveforms) assigned to the Voice/Performance. Press the [EXIT] button to return to the
original mode, Voice or Performance.
Selecting a Waveform and Key Bank—
The Sampling Main display lets you select the Waveform
and its Key Bank then hear the sound of the Sample
assigned to the selected Key Bank. The Waveform can be
selected at and the Key Bank of the selected Waveform
can be selected at .
Determines the Waveform number. The name of the selected
Waveform is displayed.
Settings: 001 – 128
Key (Key Range) (Indication only)
Indicates the Range of the Key Bank.
Velocity (Velocity Range) (Indication only)
Indicates the velocity range of the currently selected Key
Sample Size (Indication only)
Indicates the size of the Sample assigned to the selected Key
Frequency (Indication only)
Indicates the sampling frequency of the Sample assigned to
the selected Key Bank.
n The rate at which digital readings are taken is referred to as
the sampling frequency. Higher sampling frequencies result in
higher quality sound. 44.1kHz is the standard value as the
Sampling Frequency.
Stereo/Mono (Indication only)
Indicates whether the Sample assigned to the selected Key
Bank is stereo or mono.
Recordable Time (Indication only)
Indicates the available sampling time using the available
memory. The time indicated here is calculated assuming a
mono signal with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz. The graph
illustration indicates the already used memory amount as a
blue line.
[SF1] Audition
You can hear the Sample assigned to the selected Key Bank
by holding this button. This lets you check how the Sample will
actually sound when played back.
[SF6] KBD (Keyboard)
You can also select the Key Bank belonging to the selected
Waveform directly from the keyboard, by holding down the
[SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired key.
[F6] Rec (Record)
Pressing this button to call up the Sampling Record Setup
display. This display is used for setting up the instrument for
Sampling. For details, see page 122.
Duplication symbol (Indication only)
This symbol appears when the key range and velocity range
overlaps the ones of the other Key Bank. For information on
how the samples assigned to the overlapped Key Banks are
played back, see page 129.
Key Bank number (Indication only)
Indicates the Key Bank number of the selected Waveform.
Key Bank List
This indicates the list of the Key Banks included in the
selected Waveform. You can select the desired Key Bank via
the data dial, cursor up/down buttons, [INC/YES] and [DEC/
NO] buttons.
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Sampling Record
The Sampling Record function lets you record sounds—such as vocals from a connected microphone, the signal from an
electric guitar, or audio from an external CD or MP3 player—directly to the MOTIF XF, and store them to the instrument as
Samples. The Samples obtained via the Sampling function can be played back from the keyboard by assigning them first to
a Waveform, then a Voice.
Sampling Procedure
In this section, you’ll learn how to create a Voice or
Performance by using the Sampling function.
1 Connect a microphone or other audio
equipment to the MOTIF XF.
For information about how to do this, refer to the
Owner’s Manual.
If you want to use the sound of the MOTIF XF as a
recording source (with the Resampling function), this
step is unnecessary.
2 Enter the Voice mode or Performance mode.
When entering the Performance mode, select a
Performance to which the Sample will be assigned.
3 Press the [INTEGRATED SAMPLING] button to
enter the Sampling mode. (The indicator
The Sampling Main display appears.
4 Press the [F6] Rec button to call up the Record
Setup display (page 122).
Set the following parameters in the Setup display. The
numbers in parentheses below refer to the parameters
in the Sample Record display on the next page.
The Input Source ( ) determines the connector from
which the audio source (microphone, audio equipment,
etc.) is input.
The Waveform ( ) determines the Waveform number.
The Voice ( ) determines the Voice Bank and Number.
The Part ( ) determines the Performance part to which
the Voice is assigned when entering the Sampling mode
from the Performance mode.
Set other parameters as necessary.
5 Press the [F6] Standby button to call up the
Record Standby display (page 124).
Set the following parameters on the Standby display.
Numbers in the parentheses are equivalent to the
numbers pointing parameters on the Standby display.
Set the Trigger Mode ( ) to determine the method by
which Sampling will be triggered. Normally, set this to
If you set the Trigger Mode ( ) to “level,” you will also
need to set the Trigger Level ( ). Set this parameter so
that the red triangle of the level meter (indicating the
Trigger Level) is slightly below the level at which the
sound is input.
6 Adjust the input sound level for optimum level.
Try to set the input level as high as possible without
clipping for the best sound quality. Follow the
instructions below to adjust the input level.
When the Input Source is set to A/D Input, adjust the
input signal level by using the GAIN knob on the rear
panel. If you cannot adjust the input level appropriately,
change the Mic/Line setting (page 223) in the Utility
When the Input Source is set to Resample, adjust the
input signal level by setting the Record Gain.
When the Input Source is set to FW, the input level
cannot be adjusted.
7 Turn the Confirm function on or off by pressing
the [SF1] button.
The Confirm tab turns green when set to on, and turns
gray when set to off. When Confirm is turned on, you
can easily listen back to your just-recorded Sample and
conveniently re-record it if you are not satisfied with the
8 Press the [F5] Start button to start the
Sampling operation.
When the Trigger Mode ( ) is set to “manual,” pressing
the button immediately starts Sampling (a RECORDING
indication appears in the display).
When the Trigger Mode ( ) is set to “level,” pressing
the button enables Sampling but does not start it (a
WAITING indication appears in the display).
9 Play the sound to be sampled.
When the Trigger Mode ( ) is set to “level” and an
audio signal exceeding the specified Trigger Level ( )
is input to the instrument, the RECORDING indication
replaces the WAITING indication and Sampling starts.
During Sampling, a graphic representation of the
recorded audio appears in the display.
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
10 Press the [F6] Stop button to stop Sampling.
If you set Confirm to on in step 7 above, the Sampling
Finished display (page 125) appears. Press the [SF1]
Audition button to hear the sampled sound. If you are
satisfied with the results, press the [ENTER] button to
store the sampled sound as a “Sample” and return to
the Setup display. If you are not satisfied with the
results and you wish to try again, press the [EXIT]
button to return to the Standby display and try
Sampling from step 5 again.
If you set Confirm to off in step 7 above, the sampled
sound will be stored as a “Sample” automatically.
n When you set Record Next ( ) to “on” in step 4 above,
the instrument returns to the STANDBY display after the
Sample data is fixed. In this case, you can leave the
Sampling Record mode by pressing the [EXIT] button.
11 Save the Waveform.
If the optional Flash Memory Expansion Module
(FL512M/FL1024M) is installed to the MOTIF XF, use
the Copy Job (page 130) to save the Waveform. If not,
save the Waveform to a USB storage device
(page 40) or a computer connected to the same
network as the MOTIF XF.
The recorded (edited) Sample data will be lost when turning
the power off. Before turning off the power, you should
always copy the Sample data to the optional Flash Memory
Expansion Module (page 34), or save the Sample data to a
USB storage device (page 40) or a computer connected to the
same network as the MOTIF XF.
Sampling Setup—[F6] Rec
From this display you can set up various parameters for
Sampling. Press the [F6] button from the Sampling Main
display to call up this display. Press the [EXIT] button to go
back to the Sampling Main display.
Recording Type
Determines the Sampling type. Keep in mind that this
parameter is fixed to “sample” when entering the Sampling
mode from the Voice/Performance mode.
Input Source
Determines the input connector via which the signal to be
sampled will be received.
Settings: A/D Input, resample, FW
A/D Input
Analog audio from the A/D INPUT jacks is recognized as the recording
Audio signal from the OUTPUT jacks of the MOTIF XF is received and
recognized as the recording source.
Audio signal from the IEEE1394 connector (available when the optional
FW16E has been installed) is recognized as the recording source. The
audio signal here is transmitted from the computer via FW Ports 3 and
Determines whether the audio signal is recorded as mono
Sample or stereo Sample.
Settings: monoL, monoR, monoL+R, stereo
The L-channel signal will be recorded as a mono Sample.
The R-channel signal will be recorded as a mono Sample.
The L-channel and R-channel signals will be mixed and recorded as a
mono Sample.
A stereo Sample will be recorded.
Record Next
When set to on, the next key is set as destination of
Sampling automatically after the Sampling operation is
finished (including assignment of the Sample to a Key
Bank), and the Standby display appears. This parameter is
useful when you wish to record multiple Samples in
When you wish to obtain Samples successively from a
special CD containing various materials in each track, for
example, you can set this parameter to on and set the
Trigger Mode to “level”—and conveniently have the
instrument record consecutive Samples automatically. To
leave the Sampling Record mode, press the [EXIT] button.
Settings: on, off
n When both of the [SF1] Confirm and the Record Next are
turned on before the Sampling starts, the FINISHED display
appears as soon as the Sampling is finished. From the
FINISHED display, fix the Sample data by pressing the
[ENTER] button so that the instrument returns to the STANDBY
n This parameter is useful when you wish to assign individual
Samples to the keys one by one to create a Drum Voice by
using the special CD containing sound of each drum
instrument as source.
n Keep in mind that the Record Next parameter may be fixed to
“off” and cannot be changed. This occurs when you enter the
Sampling mode from the Voice mode/Performance mode, set
the Voice to something other than “off,” and set the Source
(above) to “resample.”
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Specifies the sampling frequency. When the Input Source
( ) is set to “FW,” this parameter is fixed to “44.1kHz.”
Normally, this parameter should be set to “44.1kHz,” the
highest setting. If you wish to obtain a lo-fi sound, select a
value other than 44.1 kHz. At settings other than 44.1 kHz,
the sound monitored during recording may be different
from the recorded sound, depending on the source signal.
Settings: 44.1k (44.1 kHz), 22.0kLo (22.05 kHz Lo-Fi), 11.0kLo
(11.025 kHz Lo-Fi), 5.5kLo (5.5125 kHz Lo-Fi)
Determines the Waveform number as destination.
Settings: 001 – 128
The Sampling operation overwrites any data previously existing at
the destination Waveform number. Important data should always
be saved to a USB storage device connected to the USB TO
DEVICE terminal or to a computer connected to the same network
as the MOTIF XF (page 241).
Determines the note number of the Key Bank as
destination. The value set here can be changed in the
Sampling Edit mode (page 126).
Settings: C -2 – G8
n You can also set the Key directly from the keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired
key. For details, see page 37.
This parameter is not available when entering the Sampling
mode from the Voice/Performance mode.
Determines the Performance Part to which the Voice ( )
created by Sampling is assigned. When set to off, the
obtained Sample is not assigned to the Performance part.
This parameter is available when entering the Sampling
mode from the Performance mode. When the Voice ( ) is
set to off, this parameter cannot be set even if entering the
Sampling mode from the Performance mode.
Settings: off, 1 – 4
Determines the voice to which the Waveform ( ) created
via the Sampling is assigned by specifying the Voice Bank
and Number. Setting the Voice Bank to any of USR 1 – 4
assigns the Waveform ( ) to the Element 1 of the new
Normal Voice created via Sampling. Setting the Voice Bank
to UDR assigns the Waveform ( ) to the Drum Key ( ) of
the specified Drum Voice. When this is set to “off,” only a
Waveform ( ) is created; the Sample is not stored as a
User Voice.
Voice Bank: Off, USR 1 – 4 (User 1 – 4), UDR (User Drum)
Voice Number: 001 – 128
When the Voice Bank is set to any of USR 1 – 4, the Sampling
operation overwrites any data already existing in the destination
Voice number. Important data should always be saved to a USB
storage device connected to the USB TO DEVICE terminal or to a
computer connected to the same network as the MOTIF XF
(page 241).
Drum Key
Determines the Key to which the Waveform ( ) is assigned
when the Voice Bank ( ) is set to “UDR.”
Settings: C0 – C6
Recordable Time (Indication only)
Indicates the available Sampling time using the available
memory. The time indicated here is calculated assuming a
mono signal with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz. The
amount of memory space currently being used is shown in
the display as a blue line.
[SF6] INFO (Information)
Indicates the amount of Sampling memory used.
Used/Total (Indication only)
Indicates the amount of memory being used and the total
amount available.
Recordable Size (Indication only)
Indicates the amount of free memory.
Recordable Time (Indication only)
Indicates the available Sampling time using the available
memory. The time indicated here is calculated assuming
that the sampling frequency is 44.1 kHz with mono.
[F6] Standby
Pressing this button calls up the Sampling Record Standby
display. This display is used for executing Sampling. For
details, see page 124.
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Sampling Record—[F6] Standby
This display is used for executing Sampling. Press the [F6]
button from the Setup display to call up this display. Press
the [EXIT] button to go back to the Setup display.
Waveform (Indication only)
Indicates the number and name of the selected Waveform.
Key (Key Range) (Indication only)
Indicates the key range of the currently selected Key Bank.
Velocity (Velocity Range) (Indication only)
Indicates the velocity range of the currently selected Key
Record Monitor
Determines the output level of the monitor for the input
signal while Sampling. The time indicated here is
calculated assuming a mono signal with a sampling
frequency of 44.1 kHz. This monitor signal is output from
the PHONES jack or the OUTPUT R and L/MONO jacks.
Settings: 0 – 127
Record Gain
This parameter is available only when the Input Source
(page 122) is set to “resample” (recording the sound of the
MOTIF XF itself). This determines the recording gain when
resampling. The higher the value, the greater the volume of
the resampled sound. Before executing the Sampling
operation, you can set the appropriate gain by checking
the volume via the Level Meter ( ) while playing the
Settings: -12dB, -6dB, +0dB, +6dB, +12dB
Indicates the Keybank (page 123) set in the Sampling
Record Setup display. The Key Bank can be changed both
here and in Sampling Edit (page 126) after the Sampling
Settings: C -2 – G8
n You can also set the Key directly from the keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired
key. For details, see page 37.
Trigger Level
When the Trigger Mode ( ) is set to “level,” you’ll also
need to set the Trigger Level. Sampling will begin as soon
as an input signal exceeding the specified trigger level is
received. The level set here will be indicated as a red
triangle in the level meter. For best results, set this as low
as possible to capture the entire signal, but not so low as to
record unwanted noise.
Settings: 000 – 127
Trigger Mode
Determines the method by which Sampling will be triggered.
Settings: level, manual
Sampling starts as soon as an input signal exceeding the specified
Trigger Level ( ) is received.
Sampling starts soon after you press the [F6] REC button. This setting
lets you start Sampling at your desired timing regardless of the input
level from audio source.
Recordable Time (Indication only)
Indicates the available Sampling time using the available
memory. The time indicated here is calculated assuming a
mono signal with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz. The
amount of memory space currently being used is shown in
the display as a blue line.
Level Meter
This graph indicates the input level of the input source. Try
to get the input level as high as possible without clipping
for the best sound quality.
n Follow the instructions below to adjust the input level.
When the Input Source is set to A/D Input, adjust the input
signal level by using the GAIN knob on the rear panel. If you
cannot adjust the input level appropriately, change the Mic/
Line setting (page 223) in the Utility mode.
When the Input Source is set to Resample, adjust the input
signal level by setting the Record Gain ( ).
When the Input Source is set to FW, the input level cannot
be adjusted.
[SF1] Confirm
This determines whether you can confirm the recorded
Sample (on) or not (off) after Sampling is finished. This is
useful for conveniently recording again if you are not
satisfied with the Sampling results. When this is turned off,
the recorded sample is fixed as data as soon as the
Sampling is finished then the instrument returns to the
Setup display (page 122). Please note that the instrument
returns to the STANDBY display after the Sampling is
finished when Record Next is turned on in the Setup
[F5] Start
Press this button to start Sampling.
When the Trigger mode is set to “level,” pressing the [F5]
Start button calls up the WAITING indication on the display.
Actual Sampling does not start. When audio signal
exceeding the specified Trigger Level ( ) is input to the
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
instrument, the RECORDING indication replaces the
WAITING indication and Sampling starts.
When the Trigger Mode ( ) is set to “manual,” pressing
this button starts Sampling immediately.
During Sampling, a graphic representation of the recorded
audio appears in the display.
[F6] Stop
Press this button to stop Sampling. When Sampling is
complete, the FINISHED display appears.
When the [SF1] Confirm is turned on before Sampling
starts, the FINISHED display below appears as soon as
Sampling is finished. From this display, you can hear and
confirm the Sample by pressing the [SF1] Audition button.
If you are satisfied with the sound, press the [ENTER]
button to fix the Sampling result as Sample data. If you are
not satisfied with the Sampling result, press the [EXIT]
button then try again.
When [SF1] Confirm is turned off before Sampling starts,
the Sampling operation will automatically fix the Sample
data and return to the Setup display (page 122).
[SF1] Audition
You can hear the recorded Sample by holding this button.
This lets you check whether the Sampling has been
executed appropriately or not.
n When [SF1] Confirm (page 124) is turned off before the
Sampling starts, the Sampling operation will automatically fix
the Sample data and return to the Setup display (page 122).
Please note that the instrument returns to the STANDBY
display after Sampling is finished when Record Next is turned
on in the Setup display.
Sampling RECORDING display
Sampling FINISHED display (when
Confirm is set to on)
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Sampling Edit
The Sampling Edit mode gives you comprehensive, detailed controls for editing the recorded Sample and changing the
Sample settings. Press the [EDIT] button from the Sampling Main display to call up the Sampling Edit display. Press the
[EXIT] button to go back to the Sampling Main display.
Sampling Edit procedure
Press the [INTEGRATED SAMPLING] button to
enter the Sampling mode. (The indicator
The Sampling Main display (page 120) appears.
2 Select a Waveform and Key Bank.
Select a Waveform and Key Bank to which the Sample
to be edited is assigned.
3 Press the [EDIT] button to enter the Sampling
Edit mode.
4 Press the [F1] Trim or [F2] Param (Parameter)
Set the desired parameter in each display.
5 Press the [SF1] Audition button to hear the
Repeat steps 4 and 5 as desired.
6 Press the [EXIT] button to go back to the
Sampling Main display.
A convenient Extract function lets you delete unneeded
portions of the Sample prior to the start point and after
the end point, allowing you to save memory for additional
1 Press the [F1] Trim button to call up the Trim
2 Press the [ENTER] button. (The display
prompts you for confirmation.)
If you wish to cancel the operation, press the [DEC/
NO] button.
3 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute Extract.
n The data deleted via the Extract operation cannot be
recovered. Before executing the Extract, you may want
to back up this Sample by using the Copy Job
(page 130).
Tips for editing the Samples
How to play the Sample (Play Mode settings)
There are two methods for playing back the Sample: One
shot and Loop. Loop lets you play the specified range of
the Sample repeatedly in a loop. One Shot, on the other
hand, lets you play the entire Sample only once.
You’ll need to determine which type (Loop or One Shot) is
used by setting the Play Mode parameter in the
Parameter display (page 128).
Fine-tuning playback of One Shot Samples
You can determine the playback range of the Sample by
setting the Start Point ( ) and End Point ( ) in the Trim
display (page 127). These parameters effectively let you
mute unnecessary or unwanted audio from the beginning
and end of your Sample. To cut sound at the end of
playback, decrease the End Point value, moving it
leftward on the wave display. Similarly, to cut sound at the
beginning of playback, increase the Start Point value,
moving it rightward on the wave display. In general, you’ll
want to set the Start Point so that the beginning of the
Sample plays back immediately when triggered. Use the
[SF1] Audition button to check playback of the Sample,
that it sounds smooth and natural. After setting and
confirming the Start/End Points, trim them permanently
from the Sample by using the Extract operation
(page 135).
Fine-tuning playback of Loop Samples
Setting the Start and End Points in a Loop Sample is
generally more crucial and painstaking than with One
Shot Samples. The Start and End Points must be set
accurately to ensure that the Loop plays back smoothly
and continuously without stutters or glitches. You’ll also
need to make sure (with rhythmic loops) that the Loop is
in perfect rhythm and no beats are lost.
1 Set the Play Mode to “loop.
Press the [F2] Param button to call up the Parameter
display (page 128) then set the Play Mode ( ) to
2 Set the Start Point to the 1st beat of the 1st
Press the [F1] Trim button to call up the Trim display
(page 127) then set the Start Point ( ).
3 Set the Loop Point to the value same as the
Start Point.
Press the [SF2] button so that the LP=ST is shown.
4 While holding the [SF1] Audition button, adjust
the End Point so that looped playback of the
Sample is smooth and matches the beat timing.
5 Execute the Extract operation (page 135).
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Sample Playback settings—[F1] Trim
This display lets you set the playback range and loop
range of the Sample.
n The NUM icon is shown on the tab corresponding to the [SF6]
button depending on the selected parameter. In this condition,
you can use the [F1] – [F6] buttons and the [SF1] – [SF5]
buttons as numeric key pads by pressing the [SF6] button. For
details, see page 36.
Waveform (Indication only)
Indicates the number and name of the selected Waveform.
Key (Key Range) (Indication only)
Indicates the key range of the currently selected Key Bank.
Velocity (Velocity Range) (Indication only)
Indicates the velocity range of the currently selected Key
Track (Indication only)
Indicates the track of the current Song/Pattern. This is
available only when entering the Sampling mode from the
Song/Pattern mode.
Measure (Indication only)
Indicates the measure number of the selected Song/
Pattern. This is available only when entering the Sampling
mode from the Song/Pattern mode.
Start Point
Determines the Start point for Sample playback. The part at
the left side of this point will not be played back. When
pressing the [SF2] button, the value of the Loop Point ( )
is copied to the Start Point.
Settings: 0000000 – End point
Loop Point
Determines the Loop point at which the loop playback starts.
When the Play mode is set to “loop,” the Sample is played
back between this Loop point and the End point (
Settings: 0000000 – End point
End Point
Determines the End point for Sample playback. The part at
the right side of this point will not be played back. The End
Point will be automatically determined so that the length
between the Start Point and the End Point matches the
settings of the Tempo (
), Meter ( ), and Measure ( ).
Settings: 0000000 – (depending on the Sample’s length)
Determines the output level of the selected Sample.
Settings: -95.25 dB – +0.00 dB
Determines the stereo pan position of the sound.
Settings: L64 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
Coarse Tune
Determines the coarse tuning for the pitch of the Sample in
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
Fine Tune
Determines the fine tuning for the pitch of the Sample in
Settings: -64 – +0 – +63
How to set the tempo of the Sample
If you do not know the tempo of the Sample containing
the rhythm pattern, follow the instructions below.
1 While holding the [SF1] Audition button, adjust
the Start Point and End Point so that looped
playback of the Sample is smooth and matches
the beat timing.
Make sure to also use the Extract operation to delete
unnecessary parts from the Sample.
2 Set the time signature and measure.
Press the [F1] Trim button to call up the Trim display
(below) then set the time signature ( ) and measure
( ).
3 Increase or decrease the Tempo ( ) as
necessary so that the End Point ( ) becomes
equivalent to the end point applied to the
original Sample.
Set the Tempo ( ) to a large value then decrease it
gradually so that the End Point ( ) increases
gradually. Once you reach a certain value, the End
Point no longer increases, even when you decrease
the Tempo. The resulting value is the End Point
applied to the original Sample. The final Tempo value
is the most appropriate tempo for Sample playback.
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Determines the Tempo of Sample playback. Setting the
Tempo changes the End Point ( ) so that the length
between the Start Point and the End Point matches the
settings of the Meter and Measure.
Settings: 5.0 – 300.0
Determines the meter (time signature) of Sample playback.
Setting the Meter changes the End Point ( ) so that the
length between the Start Point and the End Point matches
the settings of the Tempo and Measure.
Settings: 1/16 – 16/16, 1/8 – 16/8, 1/4 – 8/4
Determines the Sample length for playback based on
measure and beat values, an intuitive and musically useful
way to set Sample playback. Setting the Measure changes
the End Point ( ) so that the length between the Start Point
and the End Point matches the settings of the Tempo and
Measure: 000 – 032
Beat: 00 – 15 (Varies depending on the Meter setting.)
n The Measure setting here indicates the length between the
Start Point and End Point of the sample. When you wish to play
two measures beginning from the Start Point of the sample, set
the Measure parameter to “002:00.”
Play Mode
Determines how the Sample is played back.
Settings: loop, one shot, reverse
Sample playback begins from the Start point, continues to the Loop
point, then repeats indefinitely between the Loop point and End point.
This setting is useful for short rhythmic passages, riffs and beats that
you want to play back repeatedly and continuously.
one shot
The Sample plays back one time from Start point to End point. This
setting can be used for solos, sound effects and vocal passages that
are used once without looping.
The Sample plays back one time in reverse from End point to Start
point. This is useful for creating reversed cymbal sounds and other
special effects.
Key Range
Indicates the key range of the Key Bank to which the
selected Sample is assigned. By assigning different
Samples from a single Waveform to separate key ranges,
you can create a Voice that produces different sounds
depending on what keys you play.
Settings: C -2 – G8
Velocity Range
Indicates the velocity range of the Key Bank to which the
selected Sample is assigned. By assigning different
Samples from a single Waveform to separate velocity
ranges, you can create a Voice that produces different
sounds depending on how strongly you play the keyboard.
Settings: 1 – 127
[SF1] Audition
You can hear the selected Sample by holding this button.
This lets you check whether the Sample has been edited
appropriately or not.
When the menu indication here is “LP=ST,” the Start (Start
Point) and the Loop (Loop Start Point) will share the same
address, meaning that both of them will be changed
simultaneously, even if just one of them is changed.
Pressing the [SF2] button in this condition changes the
menu from “LP=ST” to “LP≠ST.” When the menu indication
here is “LP≠ST,” the Start (Start Point) and the Loop (Loop
Start Point) can be changed independently. When pressing
the [SF2] button in this condition, the address value of the
Start will be copied to the one of the Loop, with the result
that both of them share the same address value. The menu
indication also changes from “LP≠ST” to “LP=ST.”
[SF3] Display
Pressing the [SF3] button adjusts the zoom level so that the
entire wave, including the Start Point and End Point, is
shown on the display.
[SF4] Zoom Out
[SF5] Zoom In
Press the [SF4] and [SF5] buttons to zoom in and out of the
wave display.
[F1] Trim
Pressing this button returns from the previous display to the
Trim display.
[F2] Param (Parameter)
Pressing this button calls up the display that lets you set
the Sample-related parameters and Key Bank range.
Sample Parameter settings—[F2]
This display lets you set Sample-related parameters such
as Key Range and Velocity Range.
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Parameters are same as the ones on the Trim display (page 127).
n The KBD icon is shown on the tab corresponding to the [SF6] button depending on the selected parameter. In this condition, you can enter
the note number or velocity by pressing the appropriate note on the keyboard while holding the [SF6] KBD button. For details, see page 37.
Recordable Time (Indication only)
Indicates the available Sampling time using the available memory. The time indicated here is calculated assuming a mono
signal with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz. The amount of memory space currently being used is shown in the display as
a blue line.
Sampling Job
The Sampling Job mode lets you process and modify Samples you have recorded. 19 Sampling Jobs are available.
When different Key Banks overlap:
When playing back a certain key with a certain velocity belonging to different Key Banks (in other words, different samples are
assigned to this key and velocity), not all relevant samples may be played back and priority will be given to the two audio
channels starting from the sample(s) assigned to the Key Bank having a smaller number. When a stereo sample is assigned to
the Key Bank of the smallest number, for example, only that sample will be played back. When a mono sample is assigned to
the Key Bank of the smallest number and a different sample is assigned to the Key Bank of the second smallest number, for
2nd example, only those two samples will be played back. When a mono sample is assigned to the Key Bank of the smallest
number and a stereo sample is assigned to the Key Bank of the second smallest number, for 3rd example, only the mono
sample will be played back. This rule applies to all modes of the instrument.
Function Description
[F1] Keybank Jobs related to Samples assigned to the specified Key Bank
01: Copy This Job copies a specified Key Bank to another Waveform. Also the Sample assigned to the Key
Bank is copied.
02: Delete This Job deletes the specified Key Bank and its Sample.
03: Move This Job moves a specified Key Bank to another Waveform. Also the Sample assigned to the Key
Bank is moved.
04: Normalize This Job maximizes (normalizes) the overall level of the specified Sample.
05: Time-Stretch This Job lets you change the tempo of the Sample without changing the pitch.
06: Convert Pitch This Job lets you change the pitch of the Sample without changing the tempo.
07: Fade In/Out This Job lets you create a fade-in and fade-out for the Sample.
08: Half Sampling Frequency This Job lets you halve the sampling frequency of the specified Sample.
09: Stereo to Mono This Job lets you convert a stereo Sample to a mono Sample.
10: Loop-Remix This Job lets you automatically cut the Sample into separate “slices” and randomly rearrange the
slices for special effects and unusual rhythmic variations.
11: Slice This Job lets you divide the Sample into separate slices following the specified settings.
When entering this Job from the Song/Pattern mode, note data for playing the slices in sequence
is also created. Note data playback sounds just like the original Sample being played back.
[F2] Waveform Waveform Jobs
01: Copy This Job lets you copy the data of one Waveform to another. The Key Banks and Samples
included in the Waveform are also copied by this Job.
02: Delete This Job lets you delete a specific Waveform from memory. The Key Banks and Samples included
in the Waveform are also deleted.
03: Extract This Job lets you delete all unnecessary Sample data (located ahead of the Start Point and
located after the End Point).
04: Transpose This Job lets you transpose the Key Bank setting of a specified Waveform in semitones.
05: Rename This Job lets you edit the name of the specified Waveform.
[F3] Other Other Jobs
01: Optimize Memory This Job optimizes the memory (DRAM) for Sampling.
02: Delete All This Job deletes all the Waveforms.
03: Copy to Flash Memory This Job copies the Sample data on SDRAM to the optional Flash Memory Expansion Module
(FL512M/FL1024M) as a Waveform.
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Sample Job procedure
Press the [JOB] button in the Sampling mode
to enter the Sampling Job mode.
2 Call up the desired Job group.
Select the Job group by pressing one of the [F1]
Keybank, [F2] Waveform, and [F3] Other buttons.
3 Call up the desired Job display.
Move the cursor to the desired Job by using the data
dial, [INC/DEC] and [DEC/NO] buttons or Cursor up/
down button, then press the [ENTER] button. The
desired Job display appears. Press the [EXIT] button to
go back to the Job menu display.
4 Set the value of the desired parameters.
Move the cursor to the desired parameter, then set the
value by using the data dial, [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO]
When “Apply” appears on the menu corresponding to
the [SF4] button, go to step 5. When “Apply” does not
appear, go to step 7.
Press the [SF4] Apply button to execute the Job.
At this time, the Sample has been modified temporarily
and not fixed as data.
6 Confirm the result of the Job operation.
Press the [SF1] Audition button to hear the modified
Sample. If you are satisfied with the result, go on to the
step 7. If you are not satisfied with the results and want
to try again, press the [SF4] Apply button again to abort
the Job operation and return the Sample to the original
status. In this case, attempt the operation again from
step 4.
7 Press the [ENTER] button to fix the Job result
as Sample data.
You cannot return the modified Sample to the original after
fixing the Job result. Important data should always be saved to
a USB storage device connected to the USB TO DEVICE
terminal or to a computer connected to the same network as
the MOTIF XF (page 241).
8 Press the [EXIT] button twice to go back to the
Sampling Main display.
n If there is no data in the specified Waveform and Key
Bank, “No Data” will appear on the display and the job
cannot be executed.
n Some Jobs cannot be executed if there is not enough
memory space. The amount of the available memory
space can be confirmed at the bottom of the Sampling
Job display or in the Information display (page 123).
Even if the Job operation has been completed, the data will be
lost when turning the power off. Make sure to save the
Waveform data to a USB storage device or to a computer
connected to the same network as the MOTIF XF in the File
mode (page 241) after the Job operation.
[F1] Keybank
This display contains Jobs for editing Samples. The
Sample to be edited can be specified via the Waveform
number and Key Bank.
The Key Bank Jobs provide the basic operations using the
[SF1] button and the [SF5] button.
[SF1] Audition
You can hear the Sample assigned to the selected
Keybank by holding this button. This lets you check how
the Sample will actually sound when played back.
[SF5] Keybank
Pressing this button calls up the Key Bank list, from which
you can select the desired Key Bank.
[SF6] KBD (Keyboard)
This menu appears only when the cursor is located at the
Waveform. You can also select the Key Bank belonging to
the selected Waveform directly from the keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the
desired key.
[SF6] INFO (Information)
When “INFO” is shown at the tab menu corresponding to
the [SF6] button, press [SF6] to call up the Information
window indicating the memory status for Sampling. For
details, see page 123.
This Job copies the data of a Sample contained in a
specified Key Bank to another Key Bank. Also the Sample
assigned to the Key Bank is copied. This is useful if you are
creating a Waveform and wish to use the Sample data from
another Waveform.
Basic Operations in the Key Bank Jobs
01: Copy
Available memory space
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Source Key Bank
Destination Key Bank
The source Key Bank is set by using the [SF5] Keybank
button or [SF6] KBD button to select the key in the
waveform after selecting the Waveform number (001 –
128). The source Key Bank is set by moving the cursor to
the Key value and using the Data dial or [SF6] KBD button
to select the desired key after selecting the Waveform
number (001 – 128). The Velocity range values of the
destination Key Bank are automatically set to the same as
those of the source Key Bank.
n You can hear the sample assigned to the source Key Bank by
pressing the [SF1] Audition button.
This Job deletes the specified Key Bank and its Sample.
By deleting unnecessary Samples, you can increase the
available memory space.
Key Bank to be deleted
Determines the Key Bank to be deleted by setting the
Waveform number (001 – 128). The Key range and Velocity
range of the Key Bank to which the selected Waveform is
assigned are automatically shown below the Waveform
This Job moves a specified Key Bank to another
Waveform. Also the Sample assigned to the Key Bank is
Source Key Bank
Destination Key Bank
Determines the Key Banks of source and destination
respectively by setting the Waveform number (001 – 128).
Setting the source Waveform number calls up one of the
Key Banks (the Key range and Velocity range) which can
be changed by pressing the [SF5] Keybank button and
[SF6] KBD button. The Key range and Velocity range of the
destination Key Bank are automatically set to the same
values as those of the source Key Bank.
n You can hear the sample assigned to the source Key Bank by
pressing the [SF1] Audition button.
This Job maximizes (normalizes) the overall level of the
specified Sample. This is useful for bringing up the volume
of a Sample that was inadvertently recorded at a low level.
Key Bank
Determines the Key Bank to which the desired Sample is
assigned by specifying the Waveform number (001 – 128).
The Key range and Velocity range of the Key Bank to which
the selected Waveform is assigned are automatically
shown below the Waveform number.
Determines the post-normalization Sample level. A setting
of 100% maximizes the level so that the highest peak level
in the Sample is just below clipping (maximum digital
signal level). Settings higher than 100% will raise the
Sample level above the maximum, producing deliberate
clipping. Normally, set this to 100% or less.
Settings: 1% – 800%
02: Delete
03: Move
04: Normalize
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
The Job execution is divided into two stages: temporary data
conversion via the [SF4] Apply button and actual data entry via the
[ENTER] button. The Job result will be lost if you call up a different
display without finalizing the data via the [ENTER] button.
This Job lets you change the length of the Sample without
changing the pitch. By using this Job, you can synchronize
Sample playback with Song/Pattern playback, since
changing the Sample length also changes the tempo of
Sample playback
Key Bank
Determines the Key Bank to which the desired Sample is
assigned by specifying the Waveform number (001 – 128).
The Key range and Velocity range of the Key Bank to which
the selected Waveform is assigned are automatically
shown below the Waveform number.
Determines the length of the post-process Sample as a
ratio of the length of the original Sample (100%). The tempo
change can be calculated as follows.
Ratio value = (original tempo/modified tempo) x 100.
Settings: 25% – 400%
Determines the quality of the resulting Sample by
specifying which aspect of the original is to be
emphasized: sound quality or rhythmic feel.
Settings: sound4 – sound1, normal, rhythm1 – rhythm 2
sound4 – sound1
These settings place emphasis on sound quality, with the “sound4”
setting producing the highest sound quality.
Produces an optimum balance of sound quality and rhythmic feel.
rhythm1 – rhythm2
These settings place emphasis on rhythmic feel, with the “rhythm2”
setting producing the most accurate rhythmic feel.
The Job execution is divided into two stages: temporary data
conversion via the [SF4] Apply button and actual data entry via the
[ENTER] button. The Job result will be lost if you call up a different
display without finalizing the data via the [ENTER] button.
This Job lets you change the pitch of the Sample without
changing the tempo.
Key Bank
Determines the Key Bank to which the desired Sample is
assigned by specifying the Waveform number (001 – 128).
The Key range and Velocity range of the Key Bank to which
the selected Waveform is assigned are automatically
shown below the Waveform number.
Determines the amount and direction of pitch shift in
semitone increments.
Settings: -12 – +0 – +12
Determines the amount and direction of pitch shift in cent
increments (1 cent = 1/100th of a semitone). 1 cent is
equivalent to 1/100th of a semitone.
Settings: -50 – +0 – +50
The Job execution is divided into two stages: temporary data
conversion via the [SF4] Apply button and actual data entry via the
[ENTER] button. The Job result will be lost if you call up a different
display without finalizing the data via the [ENTER] button.
This Job lets you create a fade-in and fade-out for the
05: Time-Stretch
06: Convert Pitch
07: Fade In/Out
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Key Bank
Determines the Key Bank to which the desired Sample is
assigned by specifying the Waveform number (001 – 128).
The Key range and Velocity range of the Key Bank to which
the selected Waveform is assigned are automatically
shown below the Waveform number.
Fade Type
Determines the type of level fade: fade-in or fade-out.
Settings: fade in, fade out
Determines the length of the fade-in or fade-out. When a
fade-in is selected, this parameter specifies the length of
the fade starting at the specified Start point. When a fade-
out is selected, this parameter specifies the length of the
fade starting at the beginning of the fade and ending at the
specified End point.
A Length setting of 4410 is roughly equivalent to 0.1
seconds when the Frequency is set to 44.1 kHz in the
Setup display (page 122) of the Sampling mode.
Settings: 0000000 – End point
The Job execution is divided into two stages: temporary data
conversion via the [SF4] Apply button and actual data entry via the
[ENTER] button. The Job result will be lost if you call up a different
display without finalizing the data via the [ENTER] button.
This Job lets you halve the sampling frequency of the
specified Sample. This can be used to convert hi-fi
Samples to a lo-fi sound, and reduce the Sample size by
half to conserve memory.
Key Bank
Determines the Key Bank to which the desired Sample is
assigned by specifying the Waveform number (001 – 128).
The Key range and Velocity range of the Key Bank to which
the selected Waveform is assigned are automatically
shown below the Waveform number.
The Job execution is divided into two stages: temporary data
conversion via the [SF4] Apply button and actual data entry via the
[ENTER] button. The Job result will be lost if you call up a different
display without finalizing the data via the [ENTER] button.
This Job lets you convert a stereo Sample to a mono
Key Bank
Determines the Key Bank to which the desired Sample is
assigned by specifying the Waveform number (001 – 128).
The Key range and Velocity range of the Key Bank to which
the selected Waveform is assigned are automatically
shown below the Waveform number.
Determines which channel, or both channels, of the stereo
Sample will be converted to a mono Sample.
Settings: L+R F mono, L F mono, R F mono
L+R F mono
The left and right channels of a stereo Sample are mixed and
converted to a mono Sample.
L F mono
The left channel of a stereo Sample is converted to a mono Sample.
R F mono
The right channel of a stereo Sample is converted to a mono Sample.
The Job execution is divided into two stages: temporary data
conversion via the [SF4] Apply button and actual data entry via the
[ENTER] button. The Job result will be lost if you call up a different
display without finalizing the data via the [ENTER] button.
This Job lets you automatically cut the Sample into
separate “slices” and randomly rearrange the slices for
special effects and unusual rhythmic variations.
08: Half Sampling Frequency
Start point
End point
09: Stereo to Mono
10: Loop-Remix
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Key Bank
Determines the Key Bank to which the desired Sample is
assigned by specifying the Waveform number (001 – 128).
The Key range and Velocity range of the Key Bank to which
the selected Waveform is assigned are automatically
shown below the Waveform number.
Determines the degree to which the looped portion of the
Sample will be sliced.
Settings: 1 – 4
Determines how the original Sample is varied by this Job.
Settings: normal1 – 2, reverse1 – 2
normal1 – 2
These settings slice and rearrange the Sample data, without
performing any other audio changes.
reverse1 – 2
In addition to slicing and rearranging, these settings reverse the
playback of some of the slices.
The Job execution is divided into two stages: temporary data
conversion via the [SF4] Apply button and actual data entry via the
[ENTER] button. The Job result will be lost if you call up a different
display without finalizing the data via the [ENTER] button.
This Job lets you divide the Sample into separate “slices,”
the number of which is determined by the note length (with
Measure, Meter, and Sub Divide). Sliced Samples are
assigned to each of keys in ascending order from the Key
Bank specified at the Lowest Key ( ) parameter. When
entering this Job from the Song/Pattern mode, note data for
playing the slices in sequence is also created. Playing
back the note data and the slices in order results in the
same sound as the original “un-sliced” Sample.
Key Bank
Determines the Key Bank to which the desired Sample is
assigned by specifying the Waveform number (001 – 128).
The Key range and Velocity range of the Key Bank to which
the selected Waveform is assigned are automatically
shown below the Waveform number.
Lowest Key
Specifies the lowest key number from which the sliced
Samples are assigned in order.
Settings: C -2 – G8
n In the Record Slice display of the Sampling Record mode
(page 208), this parameter is fixed to “C1” for the MOTIF XF6,
“E0” for the MOTIF XF7, and “A -1” for the MOTIF XF8, and
cannot be set.
Type (Slice Type)
Sub Divide
With the exception of the Lowest Key parameter, all
parameters and settings are the same as in the Record
Slice display of the Sampling Record mode (page 208)
which appears after Sampling is completed with the Type
set to “slice+seq.”
The Job execution is divided into two stages: temporary data
conversion via the [SF4] Apply button and actual data entry via the
[ENTER] button. The Job result will be lost if you call up a different
display without finalizing the data via the [ENTER] button.
[F2] Waveform Jobs
This display contains Jobs for editing Waveforms.
This Job lets you copy the data of one Waveform to
another. The Key Banks and Samples included in the
Waveform are also copied by this Job.
11: Slice
01: Copy
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Waveform as source
Waveform as destination
Determines the copy source and destination Waveform
This operation overwrites any data previously existing at the
destination Waveform number.
This Job lets you delete a specific Waveform from memory.
The Key Banks and Samples included in the Waveform are
also deleted.
Determines the Waveform number to be deleted.
This Job lets you delete all unnecessary parts of the
Sample (located ahead of the Start Point and located after
the End Point).
Determines the Waveform number to be extracted.
This Job lets you transpose the Key Bank setting of a
specified Waveform in semitones or in octaves.
Determines the Waveform number to which this Job is
Determines the amount in octaves by which the Key Bank is
transposed. When you want to transpose by less than one
octave, set this to “0” and use the Note parameter below.
Settings: -3 – +0 – +3
Determines the amount in semitones by which the Key Bank is
transposed. When you want to transpose by exact octaves,
set this to “0” and use the Octave parameter above.
Settings: -11 – +0 – +11
This Job lets you assign a name to the selected Waveform.
Determines the Waveform number to which this Job is
Determines the Waveform name which can contain up to
10 characters. For detailed instructions on naming, refer to
“Basic Operation” on page 37.
[F3] Other Jobs
This Job optimizes the memory (SDRAM) for Sampling.
Optimization consolidates areas of used and unused
(available) memory to create the largest possible area of
contiguous available memory. In some cases, the amount
of remaining memory will be increased when you execute
the Optimize Memory Job.
This Job deletes all the user Waveforms. The Key Banks
and Samples included in the Waveform are also deleted.
This Job copies the Sample data on SDRAM to the optional
Flash Memory Expansion Module (FL512M/FL1024M) as
02: Delete
03: Extract
04: Transpose
Start point End point
Start point End point
05: Rename
01: Optimize Memory
02: Delete All
03: Copy to Flash Memory
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Song Playback
The Song mode lets you record, edit and play your own original Songs. The Song Play mode is the main ‘portal’ by which you
enter the Song mode, and it is here where you select and play a Song. Some of the Song settings—such as the rhythmic
feel—can also be edited in this mode. To call up the Song Play display and enter the Song mode, simply press the [SONG]
n From the Track View display in the Song Play mode, you can select the Voice of the Mixing Part corresponding to the current Track by
pressing the [CATEGORY SEARCH] button.
Song Playback Procedure
Press the [SONG] button to enter the Song Play
This operation calls up the Track View display in the
Song Play mode.
2 Select a Song.
Move the cursor to the Song number, then select the
desired Song by using the data dial, [INC/YES] and
[DEC/NO] buttons. The name of the selected Song is
n If you press the [PROGRAM] button so that its lamp lights,
you can select the desired Song by using the Group [A] –
[D] buttons and the Number [1] – [6] buttons. Song
numbers and the corresponding buttons are as follows.
3 Press the [F] (Play) button to start the selected
When playback of the selected Song is finished, the
Song automatically stops.
Press the [J] (Stop) button to stop playback of the
Song. Press the [F] (Play) again to resume playback
from that point.
Playback types
To start playback of the Song from midway through the
Song, set the desired location by using the controls below,
then press the [F] (Play) button. These operations can be
also executed during playback.
When the Song is not played back properly:
Keep in mind that starting a Song from somewhere in the
middle may cause playback problems, such as the wrong
sound, incorrect pitch or unexpected volume changes.
This may occur because the MIDI events recorded at the
start the Song have not been recognized by the tone
generator section, since playback has started at a different
point in the Song, with different MIDI events. To prevent this
from happening, set the Song Event Chase parameter ( )
to “PC+PB+Ctrl” or “all” in the Other display (page 233) of
Sequencer Setup (called up via the [SEQ SETUP] button).
With this setting, the Song will be played back properly
even when starting playback from the middle of the Song.
Assigning specific measure numbers to
Locations 1 and 2
To assign specific measure numbers to locations 1 and 2,
select the desired measure number then press the [G]/
[H] (Rewind/Forward) button while holding the [STORE]
button. The setting here will be shown at the top of the
From this display, you can change the Song playback
position by following the operations below.
Button Combinations Song number
[A]+[1] – [16] 01 – 16
[B]+[1] – [16] 17 – 32
[C]+[1] – [16] 33 – 48
[D]+[1] – [16] 49 – 64
Song number Song name
Playback from the middle of the Song
Forward Press the [H] (Forward) button.
Fast forward Hold the [H] (Forward) button.
Rewind Press the [G] (Rewind) button.
Fast Rewind Hold the [G] (Rewind) button.
Move to the top of the Song Press the [P] button.
Move to location 1 While holding the [P] button, press
the [G] (Rewind) button.
Move to location 2 While holding the [P] button, press
the [H] (Forward) button.
Location 1 Location 2
Song Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Fast Forward/Rewind
1 Move the cursor to Measure.
2 Move forward or backward through the
measures by using the [INC/YES], [DEC/NO]
buttons and the data dial.
Moving to a desired location in the Song
1 Move the cursor to Measure.
2 Press the [SF6] NUM button so that the [SF1] –
[SF5] and [F1] – [F6] buttons function as
number buttons.
3 Enter the destination measure by using the
[SF1] – [SF5] and [F1] – [F5] buttons.
The measure number you input will appear at the top of
the display.
4 Press the [ENTER] button to actually move the
Song playback position to the destination set
To mute a track
1 Press the [MUTE] button so that its indicator
2 Press any of the Number buttons [1] to [16]
corresponding to the track you want to mute.
When pressing any of the Number buttons [1] – [16],
the lamp of the pressed button will be turned off and the
corresponding track will be muted. Pressing the same
Number button again enables output of the playback
To solo a track
1 Press the [SOLO] button so that its indicator
2 Press any of the Number buttons [1] to [16]
corresponding to the track you want to solo.
When pressing any of the Number buttons [1] – [16],
the lamp of the pressed button will flash and only the
corresponding track will be sounded. Pressing the
different Number button changes the soloed track.
1 Move the cursor to Tempo.
2 Edit the Tempo value by using the [INC/YES],
[DEC/NO] buttons and the data dial.
You can assign five different “snapshots” of important
Song-related parameters such as transpose, tempo, track
mute status, and the basic Song Mixing setup to the [SF1]
– [SF5] buttons as Song Scenes. One of the convenient
advantages of Song Scene is that it lets you instantly and
automatically execute parameter settings that normally
require many button presses or controller operations. Use it
during Song recording or playback to make instantaneous
setting changes.
Song Scene parameters
Track mute/solo
The [SF1] – [SF5] and [F1] – [F6] buttons function as number buttons.
Shows the measure number to be entered.
123456 87
Change the tempo
Assigning various settings related to
Song playback (Song Scene)
Tempo Song
Track View display
(page 139)
Play Effect settings for 16 tracks Play FX display
(page 141)
Volume settings for 16 Mixing Parts Mixing
Part 1-16 display
(page 190)
Pan settings for 16 Mixing Parts
Reverb Send settings for 16 Mixing Parts
Chorus Send settings for 16 Mixing Parts
Cutoff Frequency settings for 16 Mixing
EG display
(page 194)
Resonance settings for 16 Mixing Parts
AEG Attack settings for 16 Mixing Parts
AEG Release settings for 16 Mixing Parts
Te mpo
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Song Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Registering the Song Scene
After making the desired settings for the Scene,
simultaneously hold down the [STORE] button and press
one of the [SF1] to [SF5] buttons. The 8th note icon is
shown in the tab corresponding to the Sub Function button
to which the Song Scene is registered. Press the [STORE]
button to store the Song data including the Song Scene
The Song Scene settings registered to the [SF1] – [SF5] buttons
will be lost if you change the Song or turn the power off without
executing the Store operation.
Recalling the Song Scene
You can recall the Song Scene by press one of the [SF1] to
[SF5] buttons.
Song Chain Playback allows you to put together a play list
of preset Songs, in any desired order, and have them
automatically play back in sequence. You can set the order
of Song playback then start the Chain Playback from the
Song Chain display.
n For instructions on programming the Song Chain, refer to the
description about the Song Chain display (page 143).
1 From the Track Vies display, press the [F4]
button to call up the Song Chain display
(page 143).
2 Press the [F] (Play) button to start the Song
Chain playback.
The Songs are played back according to the order of
the Chain.
When an empty Song is assigned to the Chain number,
one measure of silence is counted, followed by
playback of the next Song.
When a “skip” is assigned to the Chain number, the
assigned Song will be ignored or skipped then next
Song will start.
When a “stop” is assigned to the Chain number,
playback will be stopped at that Song. Press the [F]
(Play) button to restart playback from the next Chain
If an “end” is assigned to the Chain number, playback
will stop at the end of the Song.
3 If you wish to stop playback in the middle of a
Song Chain, press the [J] (Stop) button.
n The Song Chain can only be played back in the Song Chain
display, and not from any other display.
Knobs and Sliders
By using the knobs on the front panel, you can adjust
various parameters such as pan, effect, cutoff frequency
and resonance for each part (track) of the Song. By using
the sliders, you can change the volume of each Part (track)
and adjust the relative balance among the Parts (tracks).
Press the [MULTI PART CONTROL] button to call up the
Control Function window.
Switching the Parts to be edited: 1 – 8 and 9 – 16
When the Control Function window is shown after pressing
the [MULTI PART CONTROL] button, each knob/slider
controls each Part and you can change the target parts to
be controlled between Parts 1 – 8 and 9 – 16. When the
target Parts are 9 – 16 (the display is for Parts 9 – 16),
pressing any of the [1] – [8] buttons changes the target
Parts from 9 – 16 to 1 – 8. When the target Parts are 1 – 8
(the display is for Parts 1 – 8), pressing any of the [9] – [16]
buttons changes the target Parts from 1 – 8 to 9 – 16.
Knob Functions
Pressing the [MULTI PART CONTROL] button turns on the
lamps in the descending order: REVERB CHORUS
PAN. When the REVERB lamp is turned on, the knobs let
you adjust the Reverb Send for each part. When the
CHORUS lamp is turned on, the knobs let you adjust the
Chorus Send for each part. When the PAN lamp is turned
on, the knobs let you adjust the Pan for each part.
n Holding down the [MULTI PART CONTROL] button for a few
seconds will alternate the lit lamp from the current one to
Song Chain Playback
Chain number Song number
Song name
Adjusting the Pan and Effect
parameters for each Part
Song Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Press the [SELECTED PART CONTROL] button to call up
the Control Function window.
Selecting a target Part
The functions assigned to the knobs are applied only to the
currently selected Part. To change the Part, call up the
Control Function window, then press one of the [1] – [16]
Knob Functions
As listed below, various functions are assigned to Knobs 1
– 8 depending on which lamp is turned on—the TONE 1,
TONE 2, and ARP FX lamps which can be switched via the
n For details about each function, see page 46.
The Sliders lets you adjust the volume for each Part.
Switching the Parts to be edited: 1 – 8 and 9 – 16
When the current part is any of 1 – 8, the eight sliders
adjust the volume for Parts 1 – 8. When the current Part is
any of 9 – 16, the eight sliders adjust the volume for Parts 9
– 16. The Part can be selected by turning the [TRACK] on
and pressing the desired Number button.
Mixing Setup for each track
To edit the Mixing parameters such as Voice, volume and
pan for each track, press the [MIXING] button to enter the
Mixing mode (page 188) then edit them for the Mixing Part
corresponding to the desired track. Note that track 1 does
not always correspond to the Mixing Part 1. As illustrated
below, each track of the Song sequence data and each
Mixing Part of the tone generator block are connected
when the transmit channel (TxCH) equals the receive
channel (RcvCH). In other words, the sequence data of
each track plays the corresponding Parts (those having the
same MIDI channel assignment) in the tone generator
block. The Transmit Channels of each track can be set in
the Song Track display (page 142) of the Song Play mode
while the Receive Channels of each Part can be set in the
Voice display (page 194) of the Mixing mode.
Track View display—[F1] TrackView
This display always appears first when the Song mode is
Song number, Song name
Determines the Song to be played back.
Song number: 01 – 64
Song name: See the Note below.
n You can edit the Song name by moving the cursor to the
corresponding location and pressing the [SF6] CHAR button.
For details, see page 37.
Adjusting the Cutoff Frequency and
Resonance for each Part
Knob 1 Knob 2 Knob 3 Knob 4
TONE 1 Cutoff Reso Attack Decay
TONE 2 LowGain MidFreq MidGain MidQ
ARP FX Swing Qt Val Qt Str GateT
Knob 5 Knob 6 Knob 7 Knob 8
TONE 1 Sustain Release Assign1 Assign2
TONE 2 HighGain Pan Reverb Chorus
ARP FX Velocity Octave UnitMlt Tempo
Adjusting the volume of each Part
Song Mixing
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Tra c k 16
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 16
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Song Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Location (Indication only)
Indicates the measure number assigned to Location 1 and
2. For detailed instructions on setting the Location, see
page 136.
Meas (Measure)
Determines the location at which playback starts. This also
indicates the current location of playback. For detailed
instructions on setting the measure, see page 136.
Measure: 001 – 999
Beat, Clock: Indication only
Trans (Transpose)
Adjusts the tuning in semitone increments.
Settings: -36 – +36
Time signature (Meter)
Determines the meter (time signature) of the Song. The
setting here is applied to the specified Measure ( ) and
subsequent measures. This allows you to enter different
time signatures in the middle of a song. When setting the
Measure ( ) at which playback starts to a time signature
other than that at the song beginning, for example, the time
signature before the Measure ( ) is maintained even if you
change the time signature here.
Settings: 1/16 – 16/16, 1/8 – 16/8, 1/4 – 8/4
Determines the Song playback tempo.
Settings: 5.0 – 300.0
n If you are using this instrument with an external sequencer, a
computer, or other MIDI device, and you want to make the
Song tempo controlled by the external device(s), set the MIDI
sync ( ) parameter in the MIDI display (page 228) of the
Utility mode to “MIDI.” In that case, the Tempo parameter here
indicates “MIDI” and cannot be changed.
Track number (Indication only)
Indicates the track number.
Data status (Indication only)
Indicates whether the data is recorded or not to each of
Blank: Indicates the track is empty.
M: Indicates the MIDI sequence data has been recorded. This
is handled as a MIDI track.
W: Indicates the sample data has been recorded in addition
to MIDI sequence data. This is handled as an Audio track.
n For Mixing Parts that correspond to Audio tracks, a
Sample Voice is assigned. For Mixing Parts that
correspond to MIDI tracks, a Voice other than a Sample
Voice is assigned. For more information about Audio
tracks and MIDI tracks, see page 14.
Mute/Solo (Indication only)
Indicates the Mute/Solo status for each track. For detailed
instructions on setting Mute/Solo, see page 137.
Blank: Neither Mute nor Solo are assigned to this track.
m: Indicates muted track.
s: Indicates soloed track.
Voice Name
Indicates the Voice name of the Mixing Part corresponding
to each track.
Loop (Indication only)
Determines whether or not Loop playback is set for each
track. The track for which Loop is turned on plays
repeatedly following the setup of the Track Loop display
(page 143).
Settings: Blank (Loop off), L (Loop on)
Song Position Line
Indicates the current location of the Song playback set at
Measure above.
Measure number (Indication only)
Indicates the measure number. By pressing the [F5] Zoom
Out or [F6] Zoom In button, you can zoom in or zoom out
over the interval between the adjacent measures.
Sequence data bar
Indicates whether data has been recorded or not to each of
tracks. You can check the range over which the data is
recorded for each track. For MIDI tracks, you can view all
the timings at which MIDI events have been recorded.
[SF1] Scene1 – [SF5] Scene5
You can assign the settings of the Song-related parameters
(Song Scene) and the Arpeggio-related parameters to
these buttons. You can also recall the settings by pressing
these buttons. For detailed instructions on registering
Scenes, see page 137. For detailed instructions on setting
the Arpeggio-related parameters, see page 147.
n The Arpeggio is not available during Song playback. Pressing
the [SF1] Scene 1 – [SF5] Scene 5 buttons during playback
changes only the Song Scene.
n After registering the Song Scene, the 8th note icon will appear
on the tab corresponding to the pressed button. You can
confirm whether the Arpeggio Type is assigned to that button
in the Arpeggio display (page 147) of Song Record.
The speed at which you press this button several times will
determine the playback tempo of the Arpeggio/Song.
[F1] TrackView
Calls up the Track View display.
Measure ClockBeat
You can check the data status.
Song Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
[F2] Play FX (Play Effect)
Calls up the Play Effect display (below). By changing the
timing and velocity of the notes, you can change the
rhythmic “feel” of the Song playback.
[F3] Track
Calls up the Song Track Output Channel display
(page 142).
[F4] Chain
Calls up the Song Chain display (page 143). This display
lets you play back multiple Songs sequentially.
[F5] Zoom Out
[F6] Zoom In
Changes the zoom level of Measure number ( ) of the
Track View display. Press the [F5] Zoom Out button to
reduce the Zoom level so that a wider range can be
displayed. Press the [F6] Zoom In button to raise the Zoom
level so that a magnified view can be displayed.
Changing the rhythmic “feel” of the
Song—[F2] Play FX (Play Effect)
By changing the timing and velocity of the notes, you can
change the rhythmic “feel” of Song playback. The Play
Effect settings made here are only temporary and don’t
change the actual data in the Song. The Play Effect
settings can be applied actually to the Song data by using
the Normalize Play Effect Job.
Track number (Indication only)
Indicates the track number.
This lets you align the timing of the note events according
to the specified note type. Here, set the two parameters for
each track: Value and Str (Strength).
Quantize Value
Determines to what beats the note data in the Arpeggio
sequence data will be aligned, or determines to what beats in
the Arpeggio sequence data the swing is applied.
Settings: off, 32nd note, 16th note triplet, 16th note, 8th note
triplet, 8th note, 1/4 note triplet, 1/4 note
Quantize Str (Quantize Strength)
Sets the “strength” by which note events are pulled toward the
nearest quantize beats. A setting of 100% produces exact
timing set via the Quantize Value parameter above. A setting
of 0% results in no quantization. A setting of 50% result that the
note events are pulled to the half point between the 0% and
Settings: 0% – 100%
When quarter-note quantization is applied to the original data:
Adjusts the timing, velocity, and gate time (the length of
time a note sounds) of the even-numbered back-beat notes
to enhance the swing feel. This parameter delays notes on
even-numbered beats (backbeats) to produce a swing
feel. For example, if the meter is 4/4 and the quantize value
is quarter notes, the 2nd and 4th beats of the measure will
be delayed. When a triplet value is specified, the last note
of each triplet is affected by the Swing parameter.
When the quarter-note swing is applied to the original data:
Here, edit the Swing settings for each track by specifying
the Swing Vel (Swing Velocity), Swing Gate, and Swing
Rate. When the Quantize value is set to “off,” all the Swing
parameters are not available.
Swing Vel (Swing Velocity)
Adjusts the velocity of the corresponding notes to accentuate
the swing rhythmic feel. Settings below 100% reduce the
velocities of notes on even-numbered beats (backbeats), and
settings above 100% increase the velocities proportionately. If
the result is 0 or less, the value is set to 1. If the result is higher
than 127, the value is set to 127.
Settings: 0% – 100% – 200%
Swing Gate (Swing Gate Time)
Adjusts the gate time of the corresponding notes to
accentuate the swing rhythmic feel. Settings below 100% will
shorten the gate times of notes on even-numbered beats
(backbeats), whereas settings above 100% will lengthen them.
If an adjusted gate time value is less than 1, the value is
rounded off to 1.
Settings: 0% – 100% – 200%
1st beat
Original timing
Quantize strength
= 100%
Quantize strength
= 50%
2nd beat 3rd beat
The notes will be moved fully to the
specified Quantize value.
The notes will be moved to the halfway between the
original value and the specified Quantize value.
1st beat
Original timing
Swing Rate = 66%
Swing Rate = 75%
2nd beat 3rd beat
The notes at the 2nd beat will be moved
to triplet timing.
The notes at the 2nd beat will be moved
to 8th note timing.
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Song Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Swing Rate
Delays notes on even-numbered beats (backbeats) to
produce a swing feel. Settings above 50% will delay notes to
produce a more pronounced swing feel.
Note Shift*
Raises or lowers the pitch of all notes in the selected track
in semitones.
Settings: -99 – +0 – +99
Clock Shift
Shifts the timing of all notes in the selected track forward or
backward in clock increments.
Settings: -120 – +0 – +120
Gate Time Rate
Raises or lowers the gate time of all notes in the selected
track. If an adjusted gate time value is less than 1, the
value is rounded off to 1.
Settings: 0% – 100% – 200%
Raises or lowers the velocity of all notes in the selected
track. If the result is 0 or less, the value is set to 1. If the
result is higher than 127, the value is set to 127.
Velocity Rate
Alters the velocity of notes by the specified percentage.
Settings: 0% – 100% – 200%
Velocity Offset
Increases or decreases the velocity of notes by the specified
offset value.
Settings: -99 – +0 – +99
[SF6] INFO (Information)
You can view the amount of free and used sequencer
memory. The sequencer memory covers all Songs and
Patterns recorded in the respective modes. When the used
memory amount reaches the maximum capacity, no further
Songs or Patterns can be stored. If this occurs, use the
Clear Song Job (page 165) or Clear Pattern Job
(page 187) to delete any unnecessary Songs or Patterns.
You can go back to the previous display by pressing the
[SF6] button or the [EXIT] button.
Output Channels and Loop settings
for each track—[F3] Track
This display lets you set the Output Channel and set the
Loop Playback related parameters for each track.
This display lets you set the MIDI Transmit Channel for
each track.
Voice (Indication only)
Indicates the Voice name of the Mixing Part corresponding
to each track.
n In the Part 1 – 16 display (page 190) of the Mixing mode, you
can change the Voice of the Mixing Part corresponding to the
TxCh (Transmit Channel)
Determines the MIDI transmit channel of the sequence
data for each track. Tracks set to “off” will not sound. In the
Song mode, the MIDI data created by playing the
keyboard/knobs/wheels is sent to the tone generator block
or the external MIDI devices via the MIDI output channel of
the currently selected track.
Settings: 1 – 16, off
Int (Internal Switch)
Determines whether musical performance data of each
track is sent to the internal tone generator block or not.
When set to “off,” the performance data will not be sent to
the internal tone generator block.
Ext (External Switch)
Determines whether performance data of each track is
sent to the external MIDI device or not. When set to “off,”
the performance data will not be sent to the external MIDI
Quantize Value Settings
When the Quantize Value is set to off 0 – 0
When the Quantize Value is set to 32nd note 0 – 30
When the Quantize Value is set to 16th note triplet 0 – 40
When the Quantize Value is set to 16th note 0 – 60
When the Quantize Value is set to 8th note triplet 0 – 80
When the Quantize Value is set to 8th note 0 – 120
When the Quantize Value is set to 1/4 note triplet 0 – 160
When the Quantize Value is set to 1/4 note 0 – 240
Track Channel Settings—[SF1] Out
(Output Channel)
Song Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
These allow you to set specific tracks for Loop Playback
and determine what range of measures will be used for the
Voice (Indication only)
Indicates the Voice name of the Mixing Part corresponding
to each track.
n In the Part 1 – 16 display (page 190) of the Mixing mode, you
can change the Voice of the Mixing Part corresponding to the
Determines whether or not the Loop Playback is active for
each track. The track of which the Loop is turned on plays
from Start ( ) to End ( ) repeatedly.
Settings: Blank (Loop off), L (Loop on)
Start (Start Point)
End (End Point)
Determines the range of the looped playback. The track of
which the Loop is turned on plays from the Start Point to the
End Point repeatedly.
Settings: Measure : Beat
Song Chain Playback—[F4] Chain
(Song Chain)
Song Chain Playback allows you to put together a play list
of preset Songs, in any desired order, and have them
automatically play back in sequence. From this display,
you can program the order of the Song playback.
Chain Number (Indication only)
Indicates the order of the Song playback. Numbers 1 – 100
are provided and you can view these numbers by scrolling
the display. The Song Chain will be played back in order
from the Song assigned to 001.
Song number
Song name (Indication only)
Determines the Song number to be played back in the
chain. The Song name is shown when you specify the Song
number. If an empty Song is assigned to a certain Chain
number, that number will be skipped after a one-measure
count. In addition to Song numbers, “skip,” “end,” and
“stop” commands can be assigned to the Song Chain
Settings: skip, end, stop, 01 – 64
Skips (ignores) the selected chain number and continues playback
from the next chain number.
Indicates the end mark of the Song Chain data.
Stops Song Chain playback at that chain number. You can restart the
song chain playback from the next chain number by pressing the [F]
(Play) button.
Follow the instructions below to program the Song Chain.
Keep in mind that the Song Chain program will be stored
automatically; it is not necessary to execute the Store
1 From the Track View display, press the [F4]
button to call up the Song Chain display.
2 Program the desired order of the Songs.
Move the cursor to “001” by using the cursor buttons
and select the desired Song by using the Data Dial, or
the [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO] buttons. In the same
manner, assign other Songs to locations 002, 003, 004,
and so on.
3 Use “skip” if you want to delete the Song
already assigned to the Chain number.
Move the cursor to the Song number to be deleted,
then assign the “skip” command to that location by
using the data dial, or the [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO]
buttons. The assigned Chain number will be ignored
during playback.
4 Assign “end” to the Chain number at which
you wish to stop the Song Chain playback.
When playback reaches a Chain number to which the
“end” command has been assigned, playback will stop.
If you want to stop playback at a certain Chain number
and restart from the next Chain number, assign the
“stop” command to that Chain number.
n The Song Chain will be stored as part of system data.
n For details about Song Chain playback, see page 138.
Loop Playback Settings—[SF2] Loop
Programming the Song Chain
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Song Recording
In the Song Record mode, you can use the sequencer to record your keyboard performance, track by track, to a selected
Song. Press the [I] (Record) button from the Song Play mode to enter the Song Record mode.
n Recording the audio data for a Song can be executed in the Sampling Record mode (page 203).
Realtime Recording
This method lets you record the performance data as it is
played, allowing you to capture all the nuances of an actual
keyboard performance. Recording can be carried out while
monitoring playback of other already-recorded tracks. You
can also transmit sequence data from an external MIDI
instrument to the MOTIF XF and simultaneously record up
to 16 tracks (page 148).
The Realtime recording consists of three methods:
Replace, Overdub, and Punch.
Song Recording procedure
Here in outline form is the process of recording a Song.
1 Press the [SONG] button to enter the Song Play
mode, then select a Song to be recorded
(page 136).
Select an empty Song if you wish to create a new Song
from scratch. If an empty Song is not found, delete any
unnecessary Song(s) by using the Clear Song Job
(page 165).
2 Press the [I] (Record) button to call up the
Record Setup display (page 145).
Prepare for recording by setting the time signature,
tempo, track to be recorded, Voice, and recording
method. If you wish to record using an Arpeggio, set
the necessary parameters from the Arpeggio display
(page 147).
3 Record your keyboard performance.
For details, see page 147.
4 Edit the recorded Song using the Song Job
(page 153) and Song Edit (page 150).
5 Press the [STORE] button to store the recorded
Song to internal User Memory.
The recorded Song will be lost when selecting a different Song,
calling up a different mode, or turning the power off. Make sure
to store the Song data to internal memory by pressing the
[STORE] button before selecting a different Song, calling up a
different mode, or turning the power off.
6 Save the created Song data to a USB storage
device or to a connected computer as desired
(page 241).
Song Store—[STORE]
This section covers how to store the Songs you have
recorded and edited. By executing the Store operation, the
Song data you have created will be maintained even if the
power has been turned off. Pressing the [STORE] button
calls up the Song Store window.
The following data will be stored by the Song Store
Sequence data
MIDI data generated and recorded by your keyboard
performance including the controller operations.
Tone Generator data
Mixing settings (Common Edit parameters and Part Edit
n The Mixing Voices can be edited in the Mixing Voice Store
window (page 199).
To use Song Store:
1 Call up the Song Store window.
Pressing the [STORE] button calls up the Song Store
2 Select a destination Song number.
The name of the selected Song number is shown.
This operation overwrites any data already existing in the
destination Song.
3 Press the [ENTER] button. (The display
prompts you for confirmation.)
Press the [DEC/NO] button to cancel the Store
operation. Song Store is canceled, and operation
returns to the previous display.
4 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the
Store operation.
After the Song has been stored, a “Completed”
message appears and operation returns to the Song
Play display.
n If there is not enough memory space for the Song/Pattern,
an alert message appears, and you will not able to store
any additional Songs/Patterns. If this happens, delete
unnecessary Patterns/Songs by using the Song/Pattern
Job, then try the Store operation again.
Song Recording
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Preparing the Song Recording—
[F1] Setup
From this display you can set up various parameters for
recording a Song.
Song name (Indication only)
Indicates the name of the currently selected Song. The
Song can be selected in the Song Play display (page 136).
Meas (Measure)
Determines the location at which playback starts. This also
indicates the current location of the recording.
Measure: 001 – 999
Beat, Clock: Indication only
Time signature (Meter)
Determines the meter (time signature) of the Song.
Settings: 1/16 – 16/16, 1/8 – 16/8, 1/4 – 8/4
Sets the tempo for recording in real time.
Settings: 5.0 – 300.0
n The tempo value set here will be the tempo of the Song after
n If you are using this instrument with an external sequencer, a
computer, or other MIDI device, and you want to have the
Song recording tempo controlled by the external device(s), set
the MIDI sync ( ) parameter in the MIDI display (page 228) of
the Utility mode to “MIDI.” In that case, the Tempo parameter
here indicates “MIDI” and cannot be changed.
Track number (Indication only)
Indicates the track number.
Track type (Indication only)
Indicates the track type: MIDI track or Audio track. For
Mixing Parts that correspond to Audio tracks, a Sample
Voice is assigned. For Mixing Parts that correspond to MIDI
tracks, a Voice other than a Sample Voice is assigned. For
Mixing Parts that correspond to empty tracks, no Voice is
Settings: M (MIDI Track), W (Audio track), blank (no Voice is
Mute/Solo (Indication only)
Indicates the Mute/Solo status for each track. For detailed
instructions on setting Mute/Solo, see page 137.
Blank: Neither Mute nor Solo are assigned to this track.
m: Indicates muted track.
s: Indicates soloed track.
Voice name (Indication only)
Indicates the Voice name of the Mixing part corresponding
to each track.
REC TR (Record Track)
Determines the track to be recorded. Move the cursor to
the desired track or press any of the Number buttons [1] –
[16] with the TRACK lamp turned on so that the red circle is
shown in the corresponding column of the REC TR. To set
all tracks to the Record Track, press the [F6] button (red
circles are shown in all columns of REC TR).
Settings: Scene Track, Tempo Track, 1 – 16, All Track
Scene Track
Records track mute on/off events and Song Scene changing timing
Tempo Track
Records tempo change information during playback.
1 – 16
Records your actual musical performance. Your keyboard
performance will be recorded to the track selected here.
All Track
Simultaneous recording to all 16 sequence tracks. Multi-channel data
from an external MIDI device can be recorded at once.
Record Type
Determines a Recording method.
Settings: replace, overdub, punch
You can use this method when you want to overwrite an already
recorded track with new data in real time. The original data will be
You can use this method when you want to add more data to a track
that already contains data. Previously recorded data will be
You can use this method when you want to overwrite data to a
specified range of a track that already contains data. You can overwrite
the already recorded data from the starting point to the ending point
(measure/beat) that was specified before recording.
n When the Record Track ( ) is set to “Tempo Track” or “Scene
Track,” “overdub” cannot be selected here.
Measure ClockBeat
Song Recording
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Punch In
Punch Out
When punch (Punch In/Out) is selected as the Record Type
explained above, the recording start position (Punch In
position) and finish position (Punch Out position) are
specified here.
Settings: 001 : 01 – 999 : 16
Record Part (Indication only)
Indicates the Mixing Part corresponding to the Record
Settings: 01 – 16
Quantize (Record Quantize)
This convenient feature lets you automatically quantize the
notes in real time, as you record. Quantize aligns the timing
of note events to the nearest beat. This parameter
determines whether real-time Quantize is on or not, and the
resolution to which the notes will be aligned. The number
shown at right of each value indicates the length assumes
that the quarter-note resolution is 480.
Settings: off, 2 60 (32nd note), 63 80 (16th note triplet), 6 120
(16th note), 83 160 (8th note triplet), 8 240 (8th note),
43 320 (1/4 note triplet), 4 480 (1/4 note)
Determines the Voice for the recording track by specifying
the Voice Bank and Voice number. The setting here is
applied to the Voice setting for the Record Part ( ). The
name of the selected Voice is indicated in the next line.
Voice Bank
PRE 1 – 8, USR 1 – 4, GM, PDR (Preset Drum Voice), UDR (User Drum
Voice), GMDR (GM Drum Voice), SMPL (Sample Voice)*, MIXV (Mixing
* The SMPL (Sample Voice) can be created by recording audio signal
to a track in the Sampling mode. Here, you can select only a Sample
Voice which is currently stored to the currently selected Song. For
details, see page 201.
** The MIXV (Mixing Voice) is edited and stored in the Mixing mode.
Here, you can select only a Mixing Voice which is currently stored to
the currently selected Song. For details, see page 189.
Voice number: 001 – 128
n You can call up the list and select the desired one by pressing
the [SF6] LIST button. For details, see page 37.
Determines the volume for the recording track. The setting
here is applied to the Volume setting for the Record Part
( ).
Settings: 0 – 127
Determines the stereo pan position of the sound. The
setting here is applied to the Pan setting for the Record
Part ( ).
Settings: L63 – C – R63
Ins Effect Sw (Insertion Effect Switch)
Determines whether the Insertion Effect assigned to the
Voice is used or not. The setting here is applied to the
Insertion Effect Switch setting for the Record Part ( ).
Settings: off, on
n The MOTIF XF features eight Insertion Effects, letting you set
this parameter to on for up to eight Parts. If eight Parts are
already turned on, the parameter cannot be turned on for
additional Parts. In this case, another Part must be turned off.
To do this, set the Insertion Effect Switch parameter for another
Part to “off” in the Part 1 – 16 display (page 190) of the Mixing
[SF1] Scene1 – [SF5] Scene5
Pressing these buttons while recording changes the Song
Scene and Arpeggio settings simultaneously. For details,
see page 139.
[F1] Setup
Pressing this button returns from the previous display to the
Record Setup display.
[F2] Arpeggio
Calls up the Record Arpeggio display. From this display
you can set various Arpeggio-related parameters for the
Song recording.
[F5] Click
Switches the metronome on/off. Pressing the [F5] button
toggles the Click function on and off.
n From the Click display (page 231) of the SEQ SETUP, you can
make various settings for the metronome click, such as the
note resolution, volume, and lead-in count for recording.
[F6] All Track
Pressing this button sets all 16 tracks to the Record Track.
For details, see page 145.
[F3] Copy Loc (Copy Location)
This is available only when the Record Type is set to
Pressing this button will copy the measure number at
Location 1 (page 140) to the Punch In position and copy
the measure number at Location 2 (page 140) to Punch
Song Recording
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Arpeggio Settings—[F2] Arpeggio
From this display you can set various Arpeggio-related
parameters for the Song recording.
Parameters are same as the ones in the Arpeggio
Main display (page 58) in the Voice Common Edit mode.
Voice with ARP (Voice with Arpeggio)
Each Arpeggio type is assigned a specific Voice best
suited to the type. When an Arpeggio type has been
assigned to a recorded track, this parameter determines
whether or not the Voice assigned to the Arpeggio type will
also be used for the recorded track. When set to “on,” the
appropriate Voice is assigned to the recorded track in
place of the currently assigned Voice. When set to “off,” the
appropriate Voice is not assigned to the recorded track.
The currently assigned Voice is maintained. The name of
the Voice registered to the Arpeggio Type is shown at the
right side.
Settings: off (not copied), on (copied)
n A User Voice may be registered to a certain Arpeggio Type via
the Voice with ARP function. With the factory settings, each of
the combinations of an Arpeggio Type and its companion User
Voice is designed to be the most suitable match and produce
the appropriate sound/phrase. However, when revising the
sound of the User Voice by editing the parameters or storing a
different Voice to the corresponding User Voice number, this
combination may become improper or produce an
unexpected sound. If such a situation occurs, select the most
appropriate Voice for the current Arpeggio Type on the [F1]
Voice display.
The Arpeggio type set in the Arpeggio display of the Song
Record can be called up together with the Song Scene via
the [SF1] Scene 1 – [SF5] Scene 5 buttons in the Setup
display (page 145) and the Track View display (page 139).
The 8th note icon at right of Scene1 – 5 in the tab indicates
that the Song Scene is registered to the corresponding
button. If the Arpeggio Type is set to “off” in the Arpeggio
display of the Song Record, pressing the corresponding
Sub Function button in the Setup display/Track View
display will not change the Arpeggio type even if the 8th
note icon is shown.
Realtime Recording Procedure
This section explains how to record your performance
using the Realtime Recording features. Please keep in
mind that the procedure differs depending on the Record
Type and Record Track set from the Record Setup display.
[SONG] [I] (Record) Record track selection
Type=replace [F] (Play)
By using this method, any previous data in the recorded
track will be erased (overwritten) and replaced by the new
data. The first recording is lost, and the new one takes its
place. This is handy when you need to re-record the same
Part several times.
n If you accidentally overwrite important data when using
Replace Recording, cancel the recording by using the Undo/
Redo Job (page 154).
This section covers how to record your keyboard
performance data to tracks 1 – 16 with Replace Recording.
1 Press the [SONG] button to call up the Song
Play display (page 136), then select a Song to
be recorded.
Select an empty Song if you wish to create a new Song
from scratch.
2 Press the [I] (Record) button to call up the
Record Setup display (page 145). From this
display, set the Record track to one of 1 – 16
then set the Recording type to “replace.
If necessary, set various parameters such as tempo,
time signature, measure, quantize, and voice.
3 Press the [F5] Click button to turn the Click on
when you wish to use the metronome.
In the Click display (page 231) called up via the [SEQ
SETUP] button, you can make various settings for the
metronome click, such as the note resolution, volume,
and lead-in count for recording.
4 Press the [F] (Play) button so that its indicator
flashes, then start recording after the count-in.
Play the keyboard and/or controller to record.
5 Press the [J] (Stop) button to stop recording
and return to the Song Play display.
Calling up the Arpeggio Type by using
the [SF1] Scene 1 – [SF5] Scene 5 buttons
Replace Recording
Recording Procedure for individual tracks 1
– 16
Song Recording
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
The sequence data transmitted from an external MIDI
instrument can be recorded simultaneously up to 16 tracks.
1 Connect an external MIDI sequencer or a
computer to the MOTIF XF then switch on the
power to the MOTIF XF.
2 Set the MIDI related parameters in the Utility
Press the [UTILITY] button, [F5] Control button, then
[SF2] MIDI button to call up the MIDI Control display
(page 228). From this display, set MIDI sync to “MIDI,”
then set the Sequencer Control to “in” or “in/out.”
3 Press the [SEQ SETUP] button to call up the
[F1] Click display (page 231), then set the
Recording Count parameter to “off.
4 Press the [SONG] button to call up the Song
Play display (page 136), then select a Song to
be recorded.
Select an empty Song if you wish to create a new Song
from scratch.
5 Press the [I] (Record) button to call up the
Record Setup display (page 145). From this
display, set the Record track to “All Track” then
set the Recording type to “replace. Set the
Time Signature to the same one as the original
Song to be recorded, then set Quantize to “off.
6 Start playback of the external MIDI sequencer
or computer application software.
Recording begins automatically as soon as playback
7 Stop playback of the external MIDI sequencer
or computer application software.
Recording stops automatically and operation returns to
the Song Play display.
Here’s how to record the Tempo data to the Tempo track in
real time.
1 Press the [SONG] button to call up the Song
Play display (page 136), then select a Song to
be recorded.
2 Press the [I] (Record) button to call up the
Record Setup display (page 145). From this
display, set the Record track to “Tempo Track”
then set the Recording type to “replace.
If necessary, set various parameters such as tempo,
time signature, measure, quantize.
3 Press the [F5] Click button to turn the Click on
when you wish to use the metronome.
In the Click display (page 231) called up via the [SEQ
SETUP] button, you can make various settings for the
metronome click, such as the note resolution, volume,
and lead-in count for recording.
4 Press the [F] (Play) button so that its indicator
flashes, then start recording after the count-in.
Enter the tempo at the desired timing during playback
by using the [DEC/NO]/[INC/YES] buttons and the Data
5 Press the [J] (Stop) button to stop recording
and return to the Song Play display.
n You can edit the tempo from the Song Edit display for the
Tempo track (page 150).
Here’s how to record the Track Mute on/off events and
Scene changing timing events to the Scene track in real
1 Press the [SONG] button to call up the Song
Play display (page 136), then select a Song to
be recorded.
2 Press the [I] (Record) button to call up the
Record Setup display (page 145). From this
display, set the Record track to “Scene Track”
then set the Recording type to “replace.
If necessary, set various parameters such as tempo,
time signature, measure, quantize.
3 Press the [F5] Click button to turn the Click on
when you wish to use the metronome.
In the Click display (page 231) called up via the [SEQ
SETUP] button, you can make various settings for the
metronome click, such as the note resolution, volume,
and lead-in count for recording.
4 Press the [MUTE] button (the lamp lights).
5 Press the [F] (Play) button so that its indicator
flashes, then start recording after the count-in.
Press one of the [1] – [16] buttons or the [F1] Scene 1 –
[F5] Scene 5 buttons at the desired timing.
Recording Procedure for multiple tracks
(“All Track” setting)
Recording Procedure for the Tempo Track
Recording Procedure for the Scene Track
Song Recording
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
6 Press the [J] (Stop) button to stop recording
and return to the Song Play display.
n You can edit the Track on/off and the Scene change
events from the Song Edit display for the Tempo track
(page 150).
To temporarily disengage the record mode and enter the
Rehearsal mode, simply press the [I] (Record) button
during realtime recording. The [I] (Record) indicator
flashes and playback will continue uninterrupted but no
data will be recorded. This convenient Rehearsal mode
feature lets you easily and temporarily disable recording in
order to practice a Part or try out various ideas (while
listening to the other tracks) without actually recording. To
return to the record mode press the [I] (Record) button
again so that the [I] (Record) indicator lights continuously.
[SONG] [I] (Record) Record track selection
Type=overdub [F] (Play)
This method allows material to be added to existing
material on a track. The first recording is kept, and the new
one is added. This makes it easy to create Parts by
recording them a little at a time.
The Overdub Recording procedure is almost same as the
Replace except that the Record type is set to “overdub.”
n When the Record Track ( ) is set to “Tempo Track” or “Scene
Track,” “overdub” cannot be selected here.
[SONG] [I] (Record) Record track selection
Type=punch [F] (Play)
Realtime recording can also be done between specified
start (punch-in) and end (punch-out) points. This allows
you to record a specified section of a previously-recorded
track without having to re-record the entire track. Start
recording with this method and playback begins. Actual
recording will begin automatically when the punch-in point
is reached and recording will be disengaged when the
punch-out point is reached.
Punch In/Out setup
1 Press the [I] (Record) button to call up the
Record Setup display (page 145).
2 Set the Recording type to “punch.
3 Move the cursor to the punch in and punch
out, then set their points respectively by
entering measure and beat.
Except for setting the punch in and punch out, perform the
same procedure as the Replace Recording procedure.
Rehearsal before recording
Overdub Recording
Re-recording a specific section of an
already-recorded Song (Punch In/Out)
Recording start Punch In Punch Out
Recording stop
Playback only Playback only
Replace Recording
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Editing MIDI Events (Song Edit)
The Song Edit mode lets you edit the already recorded Songs or insert the new data to the Songs. It can be used to correct
mistakes as well as add dynamics or effects such as vibrato to refine and finish the Song. Press the [EDIT] button from the
Song Play mode to go to the Song Edit mode.
n The Song Edit mode gives you comprehensive, detailed controls for editing the MIDI events of individual Song tracks. MIDI events are
messages (such as note on/off, note number, program change number, etc.) that make up the data of a recorded track.
The Song Edit mode consists of the Event List display and
the Insert Event window. The Event List display lets you
correct or delete already inserted MIDI events and the
Insert Event window lets you insert new events to the Song.
Press the [EDIT] button from the Song Play mode to go to
the Event List display. Press the [F5] button to call up the
Insert Event window.
Event List display
The Event List display lets you correct or delete existing
Insert Event window
The Insert Event window lets you insert new events to the
Pressing the [F5] button on the Event List display calls up
the Insert Event window. To return back to the Event List
display, press the [EXIT] button.
Editing the recorded data
This section shows how to correct or delete previously
recorded events.
1 Press the [EDIT] button from the Song Play
display to call up the Event List display
(page 151).
2 Select the track to be edited.
Pressing the [F4] Track Sel button switches the
Recording track among Tracks 1 – 16, the Scene track
and the Tempo track. When “1 – 16 tracks” is selected,
you can select the track to be edited by pressing any of
the Number buttons [1] – [16].
3 Move the cursor to the event or parameter to be
Use the [L]/[M] (Cursor Up/Down) button to move the
cursor to the desired timing. Press the [G] (Rewind)/
[H] (Fast Forward) button to move the cursor by
single measures. Use the [<]/[>] (Cursor Left/Right)
button to move the cursor to the parameter to be
n For details about each event and parameter, see page 30.
n The Event List window may have an overwhelming
number of events, and it may be difficult to find a specific
desired event. To help narrow down your search, use the
View Filter function. This conveniently lets you specify
which classes of events will be displayed and which will
not, making it much easier and faster to find desired
events. For information about the View Filter display, see
page 152.
4 Change the parameter settings or location of
the event.
Edit the value by using the [INC/YES], [DEC/NO]
buttons and the data dial. The edited event will flash on
the display.
Change the event location by editing the MEAS
(measure), BEAT, and CLOCK. Press the [F6] button to
delete the event at the cursor location.
n When “NUM” is indicated in the tab corresponding to the
[SF6] button, you can use the [F1] – [F6] buttons and the
[SF1] – [SF5] buttons as numeric key pads by pressing
the [SF6] NUM button.
n The note and velocity can be edited also by pressing the
desired note on the keyboard, even though the [KBD] icon
is not shown.
Event List display and Insert Event
Event List display
Insert Event window
Editing MIDI Events (Song Edit)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
5 After you’ve finished editing a parameter, press
the [ENTER] button to confirm and enter the
edit (the event will stop flashing).
If the cursor is moved to a new event while the current
event is still flashing, editing of the current event is
6 Press [EXIT] to go back to the Song Play mode.
Inserting the New Event
This section shows how to insert new events to the current
1 From the Event List display, press the [F5]
Insert button to call up the Insert Event
2 Specify the event type to be inserted, the
insertion point (measure, beat, and clock), and
parameter value of the event.
For details about each event and parameter, see
page 30.
3 Press the [F6] Set button to insert the specified
event at the specified location.
The Insert Event window remains open, allowing you to
continue inserting new events. Press the [ENTER]
button to actually insert the event and close the Insert
Event window.
4 Press the [EXIT] button to go back to the Event
List display.
Event List display
In the Event List display, MIDI events (including mainly
values such as note number, velocity, and control change
value) are listed and can be edited.
n Depending on the selected parameter, the NUM icon is shown
at the tab menu corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this
condition, you can use the [SF1] – [SF5] and [F1] – [F5]
buttons as number buttons by pressing the [SF6] NUM button.
For details, see page 36.
TR (Track) (Indication only)
Indicates the selected track. You can change the track to
be edited by using the [F4] Track Sel button and the
Number [1] – [16] buttons.
Settings: Track 01 – 16, Scene, Tempo
Measure (Indication only)
Indicates the selected measure. You can change the
measure by using the [G] (Rewind) and the [H]
(Forward) buttons.
Measure: 001 – 999
Indicates the location of the corresponding event.
Changing any of these values changes the location of the
event accordingly.
Measure: 001 – 999
Beat: 1 – 16 (depends on meter)
Clock: 000 – 479 (depends on meter)
Event and Parameters
Indicates the type of each event. For details about each
event and parameter, see page 30.
When TR is set to 01 – 16:
PB (Pitch Bend)
PC (Program Change)
CC (Control Change)
CAT (Channel Aftertouch)
PAT (Polyphonic Aftertouch)
EXC (System Exclusive)
CMM (Channel Mode Messages)
Event type
Insertion point Parameter
Editing MIDI Events (Song Edit)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
When TR is set to “scn” (Scene):
Scene Memory
Track Mute
When TR is set to “tmp” (Tempo):
Temp o Cha nge
[F3] ViewFilter
Calls up the View Filter setting display (below).
[F4] Track Sel (Track Select)
You can switch between the display for tracks 1 – 16, the
Scene track, and the Tempo track by pressing this button.
When any one of tracks 1 – 16 is selected, you can select a
different track number by pressing the appropriate Number
button [1] – [16].
[F5] Insert
Calls up the Insert Event window (page 151).
[F6] Delete
Deletes the currently selected event. This button is not
available when the cursor is located at the top or bottom of
the Song data.
This menu appears when the cursor is located on MEAS
(measure), BEAT, CLOCK, GATE (gate time) or VEL
(velocity). When the [SF6] NUM button is pressed in this
status, each digit (1 – 9, 0) is assigned to the [SF1] – [SF5]
and [F1] – [F5] buttons, allowing you to input a number
directly by using these buttons. For details, see page 36.
Changing the MIDI event view—[F3]
View Filter
MIDI song data generally has a large amount of recorded
events, and the Event List window may be overcrowded
with them. Since it may be difficult to find a specific event,
you can use the View Filter function to help narrow down
your search. This conveniently lets you specify which
classes of events will be displayed and which will not,
making it much easier and faster to find desired events.
From the Event List display, call up the View Filter display
by pressing the [F3] View Filter button.
Event types
Only the event which the checkbox is marked will be
shown on the Event List display.
Settings: Note, Pitch Bend, Program Change, Control Change*,
Channel After Touch, Poly After Touch, RPN, NRPN, System
Exclusive, Channel Mode Message
* You can specify the Control Number (0 – 119, all).
[F5] Clear All
Pressing this button removes the checkmarks of all events.
If you wish to indicate specific events, it is a good idea to
press the [F5] button to first remove the checkmarks of all
events, then enter the checkmarks of your desired events.
[F6] Set All
Pressing this button enters the checkmarks for all events,
letting you view all recorded events.
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Song Job
The Song Job mode contains a comprehensive set of editing tools and data transform functions you can use to change the
sound of the Song. It also includes a variety of convenient operations, such as copying or erasing data. 30 Jobs are
Function Description
[F1] Undo/Redo Undo job cancels the changes made by the most recent operation, restoring the data to its previous state.
Redo job cancel Undo and restores the changes.
[F2] Note Note data Jobs
01: Quantize Quantization is the process of adjusting the timing of note events by moving them closer to the nearest
exact beat. You can use this feature, for example, to improve the timing of a performance recorded in real
02: Modify Velocity This Job alters the velocity values of the specified range of notes, letting you selectively boost or cut the
volume of those notes.
03: Modify Gate Time This Job alters the gate times of the specified range of notes.
04: Crescendo This Job lets you create a crescendo or decrescendo over the specified range of notes. (Crescendo is a
gradual increase in volume, and decrescendo is a gradual decrease.)
05: Transpose This Job changes the pitch of the notes in semitones.
06: Glide This Job replaces all notes following the first note in the specified range with pitch bend data, producing
smooth glides from note to note.
07: Create Roll This Job creates a series of repeated notes (like a drum roll) in the specified range with the specified
continuous changes in clock step and velocity. This is ideal for creating fast staccato rolls and special
stuttering effects.
08: Sort Chord This job sorts chord events (simultaneous note events) by order of pitch.
09: Separate Chord This Job slightly separates notes in chords within the specified range, inserting a specified number of
clocks between each note. Use this Job after the Chord Sort Job above, to create guitar-like upstroke or
downstroke effects.
[F3] Event Event Jobs
01: Shift Clock This Job shifts all data events in the specified range forward or backward by the specified number of
02: Copy Event This Job copies all data from a specified source range to a specified destination location.
03: Erase Event This Job clears all specified events from the specified range, effectively producing a segment of silence.
04: Extract Event This Job moves all instances of specified event data from a specified range of a track to the same range in
a different track.
05: Create Continuous Data This Job creates continuous pitch bend or control change data over the specified range.
06: Thin Out This Job thins out the specified type of continuous data in the specified range—allowing you to free up
memory space for other data or further recording.
07: Modify Control Data This Job lets you change the values of specified data such as Pitch Bend and Control Change in the
specified range.
08: Beat Stretch This Job performs time-expansion or compression over the selected range.
[F4] Measure Measure Jobs
01: Create Measure This Job creates empty measures at the specified location in all tracks.
02: Delete Measure This Job deletes the specified measures.
[F5] Track Track Jobs
01: Copy Track This Job copies all data of the selected type from a specified source track to a specified destination track.
02: Exchange Track This Job exchanges or “swaps” the specified type of data between two specified tracks in the current
03: Mix Track This job mixes all data from two selected tracks.
04: Clear Track This Job deletes all data of the selected type from the selected track.
05: Normalize Play Effect This job rewrites the data in the selected track so that it incorporates the current Play FX/Groove/MIDI Delay
06: Divide Drum Track This Job separates the note events in a drum performance assigned to a specified track, and places the
notes corresponding to different drum instruments in separate tracks (tracks 1 through 8).
07: Put Track to Arpeggio This Job copies data in the specified measures of a track for creating Arpeggio data.
08: Copy Phrase This Job copies the Phrase (created in the Pattern mode) to a specified track of the current Song.
[F6] Song Song Jobs
01: Copy Song This Job copies all data from a selected source Song to a selected destination Song.
02: Split Song to Pattern This Job allows you to copy a Part of the current Song to a specific Pattern.
03: Clear Song This job deletes all data from the selected Song or all Songs. It can also be used to delete all 64 Songs at
the same time.
Song Job
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Song Job Procedure
Press the [JOB] button to enter the Song Job
2 Select the desired Job menu by pressing one
of the [F1] – [F6] buttons.
3 Move the cursor to the desired Job by using
the data dial, cursor buttons, [INC/DEC] and
[DEC/NO] buttons, then press the [ENTER]
button to call up the Job display.
4 Move the cursor to the desired parameter, then
set the value by using the data dial, [INC/YES]
and [DEC/NO] buttons.
5 After setting, press the [ENTER] button to
execute the Job.
“Completed” will appear when the Job is done.
In some Jobs, the operation overwrites any data previously
existing in the destination memory. Important data should
always be saved to a USB storage device connected to the
USB TO DEVICE terminal or to a computer connected to the
same network as the MOTIF XF (page 241).
6 Press the [EXIT] button twice to go back to the
Song Play display.
n If there is no data in the specified range, “No Data” will appear
on the display and the Job cannot be executed. If you make a
mistake or want to compare the sound of the data before and
after executing a Job, press the [F1] button to use the Undo/
Redo function.
Even if a Job operation has been completed, selecting a different
Song or turning the power off without storing will erase the Song
data. Make sure to store the Song data to internal memory by
pressing the [STORE] button before selecting a different Song or
turning the power off.
n In some Jobs, you need specify the range (start point and end
point as illustrated below) to which the Job is applied. Keep in
mind that the end point itself is not included in the range. The
actual range to which the Job is applied is from the start point
to the point that is one clock less than the end point. This rule
applies to cases in which you specify only the Measure;
however, the example illustration below shows specifying the
Measure, Beat and Clock.
n Some of the Jobs which enable you to copy the Sample Voice
from the source to the destination execute the actual copy
operation only when the Bank Select and Program Change
events which specify the Sample Voice are recorded in the
source Track.
[F1] Undo/Redo
The Undo Job cancels the changes you made in your most
recent recording session, editing session, or Job, restoring
the data to its previous state. This allows you to recover
from accidental data loss. Redo is available only after
using Undo, and lets you restore the changes you made
before undoing them.
Indicates the operation to be affected by Undo or Redo.
Indicates the Undo/Redo target. When the changes you
made in your most recent operation cannot be a target
of the Undo/Redo, “Impossible” is shown here.
Undo/Redo does not work with Mixing operations.
Even if you have stored Song data, you can recall the data which
was lost via the most recent operation by executing Undo. Make
sure to execute the Undo/Redo operation before changing the
song number or leaving the Song mode. This is because the
Undo/Redo cannot be executed after changing the song number
or leaving the Song mode.
[F2] Note Jobs
Quantization is the process of adjusting the timing of note
events by moving them closer to the nearest exact beat.
You can use this feature, for example, to improve the timing
of a performance recorded in real time.
Track and range
Determines the track (01 – 16, all) and range (Measure :
Beat : Clock) to which the Quantize is applied.
Start point
End point
01: Quantize
Song Job
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Quantize (Resolution)
Determines the note timing to which the note data will be
aligned. The number shown at right of each value indicates
the length assumes that the quarter-note resolution is 480.
n You can call up the list and select the desired one by pressing
the [SF6] LIST button. For details, see page 37.
Sets the “strength” by which note events are pulled toward the
nearest quantize beats. A setting of 0% results in no change,
whereas a setting of 100% moves note events exactly to the
quantize beats. A setting of 50% results in the note events
being pulled halfway between 0% and 100%.
Settings: 000% – 100%
Swing Rate
Delays notes on even-numbered beats (backbeats) to
produce a swing feel. Judicious use of this setting lets you
create swing rhythms and triplet feels, such as shuffle and
The functions and settings of this parameter differ
depending on the Quantize resolution setting.
Settings: Depends on the Quantize ( ) setting. Refer to the settings
of the Swing parameter in the Play FX display (page 141).
If the Quantize value is 1/4 note, 8th note, 16th note,
32nd note:
For example, if the meter is 4/4 and the quantize value is
quarter notes, the 2nd and 4th beats of the measure will be
delayed. A setting of 100% is equivalent to twice the length of
the specified Quantize value. A setting of 50% produces exact
timing and therefore no swing feel. Settings above 51% delays
the note timing to increase the amount of swing. A setting of
66% moves the notes to a triplet delay, with 75% being
equivalent to a dotted-note delay.
If the Quantize value is 1/4 note triplet, 8th note triplet,
16th note triplet:
When a triplet quantize value is used, the last note of each
triplet is delayed. A setting of 100% is equivalent to twice the
length of the specified Quantize value. A setting of 66%
produces exact timing and therefore no swing feel. Settings
above 67% delays the note timing to increase the amount of
swing. A setting of 75% moves the notes to a dotted-note
delay, with 83% being equivalent to a sextuplet delay.
If the Quantize value is 8th note + 8th note triplet, 16th
note + 16th note triplet:
Even-numbered beats will be delayed. A setting of 100% is
equivalent to twice the length of a 8th note or 16th note. A
setting of 50% produces exact timing and therefore no swing
feel. Settings above 51% delays the note timing to increase the
amount of swing. with 66% being equivalent to a triplet delay.
n The Swing Rate is applied to notes which are located on
even-numbered beats (backbeats) by setting the Strength
to 100%. If the Strength is set to less than 100%, the
Swing Rate may delay notes not on even-numbered beats
and produce an unexpected rhythm. To prevent this, you
should set Strength to 100% when using the Swing Rate.
Gate Time
Determines the gate time (the length of time a note sounds)
of the even-numbered backbeat notes to enhance the
swing feel. When a triplet quantize value is used, the gate
time of the last note of each triplet is adjusted. When the
quantize value is 8th note + 8th note triplet or 16th note +
16th note triplet, the gate time of the even-numbered 8th
note or 16th note beats will be adjusted.
Settings below 100% will shorten the gate times of notes on
even-numbered beats (backbeats), whereas settings
above 100% will lengthen them. If an adjusted gate time
value is less than 1, the value is rounded off to 1.
Settings: 000% – 200%
This Job alters the velocity values of the specified range of
notes, letting you selectively boost or cut the volume of
those notes. Velocity changes are calculated as follows:
Adjusted velocity = (original velocity x Rate) + Offset
If the result is 0 or less, the value is set to 1. If the result is
higher than 127, the value is set to 127.
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
Set All
Sets the velocities of all target notes to the same fixed
value (1 to 127). When set to “off” the Set All parameter has
no effect. When set to a value other than “off,” the Rate and
Offset parameters below are unavailable and cannot be
Settings: off, 001 – 127
Determines the percentage by which the target notes will
be shifted from their original velocities. Settings below
100% reduce the velocities, and settings above 100%
increase the velocities proportionately. A setting of 100
produces no change. When the Set All parameter (above)
is set to other than “off,” this parameter cannot be set.
Settings: 000% – 200%
2 60 1/32 note
63 80 1/16 note triplets
6 120 1/16 note
83 160 1/8 note triplets
8 240 1/8 note
43 320 1/4 note triplets
4 480 1/4 note
6+63 200 1/16 note and 1/16 note triplets
8+83 400 1/8 note and 1/8 note triplets
02: Modify Velocity
Song Job
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Determines the offset value by which the target notes will
be shifted from their original velocities. Settings below 0
reduce the velocities, and settings above 0 increase the
velocities. A setting of 0 produces no change. When the
Set All parameter (above) is set to other than “off,” this
parameter cannot be set.
Settings: -127 – +127
This Job alters the gate times of the specified range of
notes. Gate time changes are calculated as follows:
Adjusted gate time = (original gate time x Rate) + Offset.
If the result is 0 or less, the value is rounded off to 1.
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
Set All
Sets the gate times of all target notes to the same fixed
value. When set to “off” the Set All parameter has no effect.
When set to a value other than “off,” the Rate and Offset
parameters below are unavailable and cannot be set.
Settings: off, 0001 – 9999
Determines the percentage by which the gate time of the
target notes will be changed. Settings below 100% shorten
the notes, and settings above 100% lengthen the notes
proportionately. A setting of 100 produces no change.
When the Set All parameter (above) is set to other than
“off,” this parameter cannot be set.
Settings: 000% – 200%
Adds a fixed value to the Rate-adjusted gate time values.
Settings below 0 shorten the gate time, and settings above
0 lengthen the gate time. A setting of 0 produces no
change. When the Set All parameter (above) is set to other
than “off,” this parameter cannot be set.
Settings: -9999 – +9999
This Job lets you create a crescendo or decrescendo over
the specified range of notes. Crescendo is a gradual
increase in volume, and decrescendo is a gradual
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
Velocity Range
Determines the intensity of the crescendo or decrescendo.
The velocity values of the notes in the specified range are
gradually increased or decreased starting at the first note
in the range. The velocity of the last note in the range
becomes the original velocity of the note plus the Velocity
Range value. If the resultant velocity is outside the 1 – 127
range, it is set to 1 or 127 accordingly. Settings greater
than 0 produce a crescendo, and settings less than 0
produce a decrescendo. A setting of 0 produces no effect.
Settings: -127 – +127
n Executing this Job changes velocities of the note on events in
the specified range to produce the crescendo/decrescendo.
Note that this Job cannot apply the crescendo/decrescendo to
long sustained note having a long gate time. If you wish to do
this, use the “Create Continuous Data” Job with the Event Type
set to “Control Change 11."
Changes the pitch of the notes in semitones.
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
03: Modify Gate Time
04: Crescendo
05: Transpose
Song Job
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Determines the range of notes for which Transpose is
applied. You can also set the Note directly from the
Keyboard, by holding down the [SF6] button and pressing
the desired key.
Settings: C -2 – G8
Sets the transpose value. A setting of +12 transposes up
one octave, while a setting of -12 transposes down an
octave. A setting of 0 produces no change.
Settings: -127 – +127
This Job replaces all notes following the first note in the
specified range with pitch bend data, producing smooth
glides from note to note.
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
Glide Time
Determines the time of the glide. Higher values produce a
longer and smooth glide between notes.
Settings: 000 – 100
PB (Pitch Bend) Range
The Pitch Bend Range value indicates the maximum range
of pitch controlled via the Pitch Bend event in semitones.
This parameter determines the Pitch Bend range for the
Voice assigned to the Mixing Part corresponding to the
selected track. Executing the Job replaces the note events
with the Pitch Bend events by following the Pitch Bend
range specified here.
Settings: 01 – 24
n If the interval between adjoining notes is greater than the Pitch
Bend range set here in the specified range, the corresponding
notes will not be converted by executing this Job. If such a
situation occurs, set the PB Range ( ) to the value more than
the interval. If there is a one octave interval, for example, in the
specified range, set the PB Range to a value of 12 or higher.
n Please note that the Song may not play back properly if you
set the PB Range ( ) to the value different from the one set via
the Voice Edit mode. In order that the Song plays back
properly, insert the MIDI event below to the corresponding
track in the Song Edit display (page 151).
RPN [000-000] xxx
(Enter the Pitch Bend value to xxx.)
This Job creates a series of repeated notes (like a drum
roll) in the specified range with the specified continuous
changes in clock step and velocity. This is ideal for
creating fast staccato rolls and special stuttering effects.
This Job also allows you to program crescendo or
decrescendo volume changes in the Roll data.
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
Start Step
End Step
Determines the size of the step (i.e., the number of clocks)
between each note in the roll. The smaller the value, the
finer the roll. Both the starting and ending clock values can
be specified, making it easy to create rolls in which the
step size varies during the roll.
Settings: 015 – 999
n If you want to create a roll that goes from 64th – 32nd notes,
set the Start and End step values to around 30 – 60,
Determines the specific note (or instrument in Drum
Voices) for the roll effect. You can also set the note directly
from the Keyboard, by holding down the [SF6] button and
pressing the desired key.
Settings: C -2 – G8
Start Velocity
End Velocity
Determines the velocity of the notes in the roll. Both the
starting and ending velocity values can be specified,
making it easy to create rolls in which the velocity
increases or decreases. This lets you create rolls that
gradually increase or decrease in volume (crescendo/
Settings: 001 – 127
06: Glide
07: Create Roll
Song Job
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
This job sorts chord events (simultaneous note events) by
order of pitch. The sort affects the order of the notes in the
Event List display (page 151), but does not change the
timing of the notes. When used to pre-process chords
before using the Separate Chord Job (below), Chord Sort
can be used to simulate the “stroke” or strumming sound of
guitars and similar instruments.
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
Determines how the chord note data is sorted.
Settings: up, down, up&down, down&up
The notes are sorted in ascending order. After executing this Job with
this setting, execute the Separate Chord Job to create a guitar-like
upstroke strum.
The notes are sorted in descending order. After executing this Job with
this setting, execute the Separate Chord Job to create a guitar-like
downstroke strum.
Sorts chord notes on downbeats in ascending order and chord notes
on up beats in descending order, based on the Grid setting, below.
After executing this Job with this setting, execute the Separate Chord
Job to create a guitar-like upstroke and downstroke strum.
Sorts chord notes on downbeats in descending order and chord notes
on up beats in ascending order. After executing this Job with this
setting, execute the Separate Chord Job to create a guitar-like
upstroke and downstroke strum.
Determines the type of note that serves as the basis for the
Chord Sort Job.
Settings: 32nd note, 16th note triplet, 16th note, 8th note triplet, 8th
note, 1/4 note triplet, 1/4 note
n You can call up the list and select the desired item by pressing
the [SF6] LIST button. For details, see page 37.
This Job slightly separates notes in chords within the
specified range, inserting a specified number of clocks
between each note. Use this Job after the Chord Sort Job
above, to create guitar-like upstroke or downstroke effects.
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
Determines the number of clock cycles inserted between
adjacent chord notes. Depending on the setting here, the
note event may overstep the next note or the range (set
above). If such a situation occurs, the overstepping note
events are moved to the point (clock) before the next note
or within the range when executing the Job.
Settings: 000 – 999
[F3] Event Jobs
This Job shifts all data events in the specified range
forward or backward by the specified number of clocks.
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, tempo, scene, all) and
range (Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is
Determines the amount by which the data will be delayed
or advanced in measures, beats, and clocks.
Settings: 001:1:000 – 999:4:479 (when the Meter is 4/4)
n The available values of the beat and clock differ depending on
the meter.
08: Sort Chord
09: Separate Chord
01: Shift Clock
Song Job
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Determines the direction in which the data will be shifted.
Advance moves the data toward the beginning of the
sequence, while Delay shifts the data toward the end of the
Settings: Advance, Delay
This Job copies all data from a specified source range to a
specified destination location.
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, tempo, scene, all) and
range (Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is
Number of Times
Determines the number of times the data is copied.
Settings: x 01 – x 99
Track and location
Determines the destination track (01 – 16, tempo, scene,
all) and range (Measure : Beat : Clock) of the destination.
When Copy Event is executed, any data already existing at the
Destination location will be overwritten.
This Job clears all specified events from the specified
range, effectively producing a segment of silence.
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, tempo, scene, all) and
range (Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
Event Type
Determines the event type to be erased. All events are
cleared when “all” is selected. Individual Control numbers
can be specified when erasing CC & Ch.Mode events.
When Track is set to one of 01 – 16:
Note, Program Change, Pitch Bend, CC & Ch.Mode (Control Change
and Channel Mode Message)*, Ch After Touch (Channel Aftertouch),
Poly After Touch (Polyphonic Aftertouch), System Exclusive, all
* You can specify the Control Number (000 – 127, all).
When Track is set to “tempo”:
Tempo Change
When Track is set to “scene”:
Scene Memory, Track Mute
n You can call up the list and select the desired item by pressing
the [SF6] LIST button. For details, see page 37.
This Job moves all instances of specified event data from a
specified range of a track to the same range in a different
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16) and range (Measure :
Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
Event Type
Determines the event type to be extracted. Specific Note
Numbers and Control Numbers (of the Control Change and
Channel Mode message) can also be specified as
Settings: Note*, Program Change, Pitch Bend, CC & Ch.Mode
(Control Change and Channel Mode Message)*, Ch After
Touch (Channel Aftertouch), Poly After Touch (Polyphonic
Aftertouch), System Exclusive
* You can specify the Note Number (C -2 – G8, all) and
Control Number (000 – 127, all) respectively.
n When the Event Type is set to “Note,” you can also set the Key
directly from the keyboard by holding down the [SF6] KBD
button and pressing the desired key.
Determines the destination track (01 – 16).
The original data in the source range specified above will be
02: Copy Event
03: Erase Event
04: Extract Event
Song Job
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
This Job creates continuous pitch bend or control change
data over the specified range.
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, tempo, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
Event Type
Determines the event type to be created.
When the Track is set to one of 01 – 16 and all:
Pitch Bend, Control Change*, Ch. After Touch (Channel Aftertouch),
System Exclusive
*You can also specify the Control Number (0 – 119)
When the Track is set to “tempo”:
Temp o Cha nge
n You can produce accelerando/ritardando by applying this Job
to the Tempo track. This is useful, for example, in slowing
down the tempo in the Ending section of a Song.
n When “System Exclusive” is selected, the continuous data of
the Master Volume is created.
n You can call up the list and select the desired one by pressing
the [SF6] LIST button. For details, see page 37.
Data Range
Determines the lower and upper limits for the data range to
be created.
Settings: 0 – 127 (-8192 – +8191 when the Event Type is set to “Pitch
Bend” and 5.0 – 300.0 when the Event Type is set to “Tempo
Determines the number of clocks to be inserted between
each created event.
Settings: 001 – 999
Determines the curve of the continuous data. Refer to the
graph below for approximate curve shapes.
Settings: -16 – +16
Number of Times
Determines the number of times the data creation is to be
repeated. For example, if data is created in the range
M001:1:000 – M003:1:000 and this parameter is set to 03,
the same data will be created at M003:1:000 – M005:1:000
and M005:1:000 – M007:1:000. This Job lets you insert
continuous volume (expression) or filter cutoff variations to
create tremolo or wah effects.
Settings: x 01 – x 99
This Job thins out or selectively removes the specified type
of continuous data in the specified range—allowing you to
free up memory space for other data or further recording.
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, tempo, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
Event Type
Determines the event type to be thinned. The Thin Out Job
will not work on continuous data that has a clock interval of
greater than 60 clocks per event.
When the Track is set to one of 01 – 16 and all:
Pitch Bend, CC & Ch. Mode (Control Change and Channel Mode
Message)*, Ch. After Touch (Channel Aftertouch), Poly After Touch
(Polyphonic Aftertouch)
*You can also specify the Control Number (0 – 127, all)
When the Track is set to “tempo”:
Temp o Cha nge
05: Create Continuous Data
Start point
End point
The distance specified by Clock
Curve = +16 Curve = 0 (linear)
Curve = -16
06: Thin Out
Song Job
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
This Job lets you change the values of specified data such
as Pitch Bend and Control Change in the specified range.
Data changes are calculated as follows:
Modified value = (original value x Rate) + Offset.
Any result lower than the minimum is set to the minimum;
any result higher than the maximum is set to the maximum.
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, tempo, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
Event Type
Determines the event type to be modified.
When the Track is set to one of 01 – 16 and all:
Pitch Bend, CC & Ch. Mode (Control Change and Channel Mode
Message)*, Ch. After Touch (Channel Aftertouch), Poly After Touch
(Polyphonic Aftertouch)
*You can also specify the Control Number (0 – 127, all)
When the Track is set to “tempo”:
Tempo Change
Set All
Sets all target events to the same fixed value. When set to
“off” the Set All parameter has no effect. When set to a
value other than “off,” the Rate and Offset parameters are
unavailable and cannot be set.
Settings: off, 000 – 127 (off, -8192 - +8191 when the Event Type is set
to “Pitch Bend” and off, 5.0 – 300.0 when the Event Type is
set to “Tempo Change.”)
Determines the percentage by which the target events will
be shifted from their original values. When the Set All
parameter (above) is set to other than “off,” this parameter
cannot be set.
Settings: 000% – 200%
Adds a fixed value to the Rate-adjusted event values.
When the Set All parameter (above) is set to other than
“off,” this parameter cannot be set.
Settings: -127 – +127 (-8192 – +8191 for pitch bend)
This Job performs time-expansion or compression over the
selected range.
Track and range
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, tempo, all) and range
(Measure : Beat : Clock) over which the Job is applied.
Determines the amount of time expansion or compression
as a percentage. Settings higher than 100% produce
expansion, and settings below 100% produce
compression. A setting of 100 produces no change.
Settings: 025% – 400%
n Only the end point of the range will be shifted forward or
backward by executing the Beat Stretch Job. The data outside
the specified range will be maintained. When expanding the
data, the converted data may overlap the data outside the
range. When compressing the data, an interval of silence will
be created between the end of the compressed data and the
start of the next data outside the range.
[F4] Measure Jobs
This Job creates empty measures at the specified location
in all tracks. When empty measures are inserted, measure
and meter data following the insert point are moved
forward accordingly. If the insert point is set after the last
measure containing data, only the meter data at that point
is set without actually inserting any measures.
07: Modify Control Data 08: Beat Stretch
01: Create Measure
Song Job
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Insertion point
Determines the insert point (measure number) at which the
newly created blank measures will be inserted.
Settings: 001 – 999
Number of measures to be inserted
Determines the number of empty measures to be created
and inserted.
Settings: 01 – 99
Meter of measures to be inserted
Determines the meter or time signature of the measures to
be created. You may find it convenient to use this
parameter when you need to create a Song that
incorporates meter changes.
Settings: 1/16 – 16/16, 1/8 – 16/8, 1/4 – 8/4
This Job deletes the specified measures. Measure and
meter data following the deleted measures are moved
backward accordingly.
Delete range
Specifies the range of measures to be deleted.
Settings: 001 – 999
[F5] Track Jobs
This Job copies all data of the selected type from a
specified source track to a specified destination track.
Source Song and Track
Determines the copy source Song and track (01 – 16).
When the Current box is checked, the current Song is
selected as Source.
Data Type to be copied
Determines the type(s) of data to be copied.
Settings: Sequencer Event (all events in the track), Play Effect, Mix
Part Parameter (all Mixing Part parameters), Sample Voice
n When there is no memory available in the destination Song for
Sample Voice data, an alert message will appear on the
display and the Sample Voice data will not be copied even
though the check box of the Sample is marked. If this occurs,
use the Delete Job (page 200) in the Mixing Voice Job to
delete any unused Sample Voices, then try again.
Destination Song and Track
Determines the destination Song and track (01 – 16). When
the Current box is checked, the current Song is selected as
The copy operation overwrites any data previously existing on
the destination track.
Undo/Redo cannot be used to undo/redo a Sample Voice copy
02: Delete Measure
001~004 005 ~ 012 013 ~ 024
001~004 005 ~ 016
Source data
8 measures inserted at measure 5
The inserted 8 measures
001~004 005 ~ 012 013 ~ 024
001~004 005 ~ 016
Source data
Measures M005 – M013 deleted
01: Copy Track
Song Job
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
This Job exchanges or “swaps” the specified type of data
between two specified tracks in the current Song.
Determines the tracks (01 – 16) to which the Job is applied.
Data Type
Determines the type(s) of data to be exchanged. Select the
desired type by checkmarking the appropriate box.
Settings: Sequencer Event (all events in the track), Play Effect, Mix
Part Parameters
This job mixes all data from two selected tracks ( and
), and places the result in track . Keep in mind that
applying this Job to tracks with Sample Voices does not
mix the Sample Voices. The Sample Voice itself will not be
This Job deletes all data of the selected type from the
selected track.
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, tempo, scene, all) to
which the Job is applied.
Data type to be cleared
Determines the type(s) of data to be cleared. Select the
desired type by checkmarking the appropriate box.
Settings: Sequencer Event (all events in the track), Play Effect, Mix
Part Parameter (all Mixing Part parameters), Sample Voice
Undo/Redo cannot be used to undo/redo a Clear operation for
tracks that contain sample data.
n The Waveform on SDRAM cannot be deleted via this Job even
if the Sample Voice box is checked. If you want to actually
delete the Waveform, use the Delete Job (page 135) in the
Sampling Job mode.
This job rewrites the data in the selected track so that it
incorporates the current Play Effect settings.
Determines the Song track (01 – 16, all) to which the Job is
This Job separates the note events in a drum performance
assigned to a specified track, and places the notes
corresponding to different drum instruments in separate
tracks (tracks 1 through 8). The division table below is
designed assuming the GM Drum Voice is used. If you
want to apply this Job to the sequence data using a Drum
Voice other than a GM Voice, you should confirm the
arrangement of the drum/percussion instruments for each
Drum Voice by using the separate Data List.
02: Exchange Track
03: Mix Track
04: Clear Track
05: Normalize Play Effect
06: Divide Drum Track
Song Job
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Determines the Song track (01 – 16) to which the Job is
* The drum instruments of the different note numbers will be assigned
to each of tracks, meaning that the Bass Drum of Track 1 is different
from the Bass Drum of Track 2, for example.
Executing the Divide Drum Track overwrites any data previously
existing on the destination tracks 1 – 8. Important data should
always be saved to a USB storage device connected to the USB TO
DEVICE terminal or to a computer connected to the same network
as the MOTIF XF (page 241).
This Job copies data in the specified measures of a track
for creating Arpeggio data. Up to 16 unique note numbers
can be recorded to the Arpeggio track. If more than 16
different note numbers have been recorded to the MIDI
sequence data, the Convert operation reduces the notes in
excess of the limit. Because of this, be careful to record
only up to 16 different notes when you create an Arpeggio,
especially when using all four tracks.
Determines the range of measures to be copied to the
Arpeggio data.
Settings: 001 – 999
ARP Category (Arpeggio Category)
Determines the Category setting (Main Category and Sub
Category) for the created Arpeggio data. The Main
Categories are listed on page 15.
n You can call up the list and select the desired one by pressing
the [SF6] LIST button. For details, see page 37.
ARP No. (Arpeggio number/name)
Determines the User Arpeggio number (001 – 256) and
name as destination. The Arpeggio name can contain up to
20 characters. You can call up the Character List display
by pressing the [SF6] CHAR button and enter the name.
For detailed instructions in naming, refer to “Basic
Operation” on page 37.
Any previous Arpeggio data in this number will be overwritten.
Original Notes Root
Determines the root note when the Convert Type of any
track is set to “org notes.”
Settings: C -2 – G8
n You can also set the Key directly from the keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired
key. For details, see page 37.
Determines the track of the source Song for each Arpeggio
Convert Type
Determines how the MIDI sequence data (of Song tracks)
will be converted to Arpeggio data from the three ways
below. This parameter can be set for each track.
Settings: normal, fixed, org notes
The Arpeggio is played back using only the played note and its octave
Playing any note(s) will trigger the same MIDI sequence data.
org notes (original notes)
Basically same as “fixed” with the exception that the Arpeggio
playback notes differ according to the played chord.
This Job copies the Phrase (created in the Pattern mode)
to a specified track of the current Song.
Source Pattern, Phrase
Determines the source Pattern and Phrase number.
Copy Sample Voice
When this box is checkmarked, Sample Voices assigned to
the source phrase (actually the corresponding Mixing Part)
are copied to the destination track, and are assigned to the
corresponding Mixing Part of the current Song. This
Track 1 Bass Drum
Track 2 Click, Bass Drum, Snare Drum, etc.
Track 3 Snare Drum
Track 4 Brush SD, Side Stick, Hand Clap, etc.
Track 5 Hi Hat
Track 6 Ride Cymbal
Track 7 Tom, Crash/Splash/Chinese Cymbal
Track 8 Percussion, etc.
07: Put Track to Arpeggio
08: Copy Phrase
Song Job
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
parameter has no effect when no Sample Voice is used by
the selected phrase.
Track, Measure
Determines the destination Track (01 – 16) and Measure
number (001 – 999) at which the copied Phrase starts.
This Job overwrites any data already existing in the destination
track with the exception of the Mixing setup.
[F6] Song Jobs
This Job copies all data from a selected source Song to a
selected destination Song.
Source Song
Destination Song
This Job overwrites any data already existing in the destination
This Job allows you to copy a Part of the current Song to a
specific Pattern,
Determines the range of measures to be copied to a
Settings: 001 – 999
Copy Sample Voice
When this box is checkmarked, Sample Voices used by the
source Song are copied to the destination Pattern as
Sample Voices, and are assigned to the Mixing Part
corresponding to the destination track. This checkbox has
no effect if no Sample Voices are assigned to the tracks in
the source Song.
Pattern, Section
Determines the destination Pattern and Section (A – P).
This Job overwrites any data including the Mixing setup already
existing in the destination Pattern and section.
This job deletes all data (including the Sample Voices and
Mixing Voices) from the selected Song or all Songs. It can
also be used to delete all 64 Songs at the same time.
Determines the Song number to be erased.
n The Waveform on SDRAM cannot be deleted via this Job even
if the Sample Voice is used in the specified Song. If you want
to actually delete the Waveform assigned to the Sample Voice
used in the specified Song, use the Delete Job (page 135) in
the Sampling Job mode.
01: Copy Song
02: Split Song to Pattern
03: Clear Song
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Pattern Playback
The Pattern mode lets you play, record, edit and play your own original rhythm patterns. The Pattern Play mode is the main
‘portal’ by which you enter the Pattern mode, and it is here where you select and play a Pattern. You can also create your
own Patterns by assembling Phrases—short rhythmic passages and ‘building blocks’—and create Pattern Chains in which
Patterns can be combined together in custom order. To enter the Pattern Play mode, simply press the [PATTERN] button.
n The word “Pattern” refers to a short rhythmic passage of several measures which is looped and played back indefinitely. A Pattern includes
16 variations called “Sections.” You can use Sections by changing them during playback. A Pattern consists of 16 tracks and can be created
by assigning a Phrase to each track from the Patch display (page 170). For details about the Patterns, Sections and Phrases, see page 13.
n From the Play display in the Pattern Play mode, you can select the Voice of the Mixing Part corresponding to the current Track by pressing
the [CATEGORY SEARCH] button.
Pattern Playback Procedure
Press the [PATTERN] button to call up the
Pattern Play display (page 168).
2 Select a Pattern.
Move the cursor to the Pattern number, then select the
desired Pattern by using the data dial, [INC/YES] and
[DEC/NO] button. The name of the selected Pattern is
displayed. If you press the [PROGRAM] button so that
its lamp lights, you can select the desired Pattern by
using the Group [A] – [D] buttons and the Number [1]
[16] buttons. Pattern numbers and the corresponding
buttons are as follows.
3 Select a Section (A – P) of the selected Pattern.
Move the cursor to the Section, then select the desired
Section by using the data dial, [INC/YES] and [DEC/
NO] button. If you press the [TRACK] button so that its
lamp lights, you can select the desired Section by using
the SECTION [A] – [H] buttons for Sections A – H,
[USER 1] – [USER DR] buttons and [ETHNIC] button for
Sections I – P.
4 Press the [F] (Play) button to start playback of
the Pattern.
Pattern playback continues repeatedly until you press
the [J] (Stop) button. Press the [J] (Stop) button to
stop playback of the Pattern. Press the [F] (Play)
button again to resume playback from that point.
Playback types
When the Keyboard Start function is set to on, Pattern
playback begins as soon as you press a key on the
keyboard. Move the cursor to the Keyboard Start icon then
press the [INC/YES] button to enable Keyboard Start.
In this status, press any key to start Pattern playback.
Button Combinations Pattern Number
[A]+[1] – [16] 01 – 16
[B]+[1] – [16] 17 – 32
[C]+[1] – [16] 33 – 48
[D]+[1] – [16] 49 – 64
Section Pattern number, Pattern name
Starting playback by pressing a note
Keyboard Start
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Pattern Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
To start playback of the Pattern from midway through the
Pattern, set the desired location by using the controls
below, then press the [F] (Play) button. These operations
can also be executed during playback.
Fast Forward/Rewind
This operation is the same as in the Song Play mode. See
page 137.
Jumping to a specific location in the Pattern
This operation is the same as in the Song Play mode. See
page 137.
To change Sections during playback, press the [TRACK]
button (the lamp lights), then use the SECTION [A] – [H]
buttons, [USER1] – [USER DR] buttons and [ETHNIC]
button. When selecting a different Section during Pattern
playback, “NEXT” and the next Section name appear in the
Section column at the top of the display. After the current
Section reaches the specified timing, the next Section
starts. If you record rhythm patterns such as intro, melody
A, fill-in, main theme, and ending to each of Sections, you
can play an entire Song by selecting the appropriate
Sections during playback.
This operation is the same as in the Song Play mode. See
page 137.
This operation is the same as in the Song Play mode. See
page 137.
From the Pattern Play display, you can assign five different
“snapshots” of important Pattern-related parameters such
as transpose, tempo, track mute/solo status, and the basic
Mixing setup to the [SF1] – [SF5] buttons as Pattern
Scenes. One of the convenient advantages of Pattern
Scene is that it lets you instantly and automatically execute
parameter settings that normally require many button
presses or controller operations. Use it during Pattern
recording or playback to make instantaneous setting
changes. Pattern Scene parameters are same as the ones
of Song Scene. See page 137.
Registering the Pattern Scene
After making the desired settings for the Scene,
simultaneously hold down the [STORE] button and press
one of the [SF1] to [SF5] buttons. The 8th note icon is shown
in the tab corresponding to the Sub Function button to which
the Pattern Scene is registered. Press the [STORE] button to
store the Pattern data including the Pattern Scene setting.
The Pattern Scene settings registered to the [SF1] – [SF5] buttons
will be lost if you change the Pattern or turn the power off without
executing the Store operation.
Recalling the Pattern Scene
You can recall the Pattern Scene by press one of the [SF1]
to [SF5] buttons.
The Pattern Chain function lets you program Sections in
your own custom order, and have them change
automatically during playback to create a seamless
sequence of backing parts and accompaniment for your
live performance or recorded Song. The Chain Play display
(page 171) is the ‘portal’ for entering the Pattern Chain
function and lets you play back the programmed Pattern
Chain. Press the [F5] Chain button from the Pattern Play
mode to go to the Pattern Chain Play display.
Pattern Chains can be created from the Chain Record
display (page 172) and the Insert function (page 174) on
the Chain Edit display. Pattern Chains can be edited in the
Chain Edit display (page 173).
Playback from the middle of the Pattern
Forward Press the [H] (Forward) button.
Fast forward Hold the [H] (Forward) button.
Rewind Press the [G] (Rewind) button.
Fast Rewind Hold the [G] (Rewind) button.
Move to the top of the Pattern Press the [P] button.
Changing the Section during playback
Track mute/solo
Change the tempo
Current Section or Next Section is indicated here.
Assigning various settings related to
Pattern playback (Pattern Scene)
Pattern Chain Playback
Pattern Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Mixing Setup for each track
In the Pattern mode as well as in the Song mode, you can
set the Mixing parameters such as Voice, volume and pan
for each part (track). The structure and parameters are the
same as in the Song mode. See page 139.
Knobs and Control Sliders
By using the knobs and sliders on the front panel, you can
adjust various parameters such as pan, effect, cutoff
frequency and resonance for each Part (track) of the
Pattern. For more information, see page 138.
Pattern Playback—[F1] Play
This display always appears first when the Pattern mode is
engaged. You can play the Pattern by specifying a Section
after selecting a Pattern.
n Depending on the selected parameter, the NUM icon is shown
at the tab menu corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this
condition, you can use the [SF1] – [SF5] and [F1] – [F5]
buttons as number buttons by pressing the [SF6] NUM button.
For details, see page 36.
Pattern number, Pattern name
Determines the Pattern by specifying the number (01 – 64).
The name of the selected Pattern is shown. You can
change the Pattern name by moving the cursor here and
pressing the [SF6] CHAR button.
n For detailed instructions on naming, refer to “Basic Operation”
on page 37.
Selects a Section of the selected Pattern. A Pattern can
include up to 16 variations called Sections, which can be
changed in real time during playback. The Section can be
selected via the [A] – [H] buttons (printed “SECTION A –
H”) and the [USER1] – [ETHNIC] buttons (printed
“SECTION I – P”). For details, see page 167.
Settings: A – P
Determines the location at which playback starts. This also
indicates the current location of playback. The Measure
can be set via the SEQ TRANSPORT buttons. For details,
see page 136.
Measure: 001 – 256 (Available range of measure differs depending on
the length below.)
Beat: Indication only
Determines the Pattern Length.
Settings: 001 – 256
Trans (Transpose)
Time signature (Meter)
These are the same as in the Song Play mode. See
page 168.
Keyboard Start
When Keyboard Start is set to on, Pattern playback begins
as soon as you press a key on of the keyboard.
Settings: (on), (off)
Track number (Indication only)
Indicates the track number.
Track type (Indication only)
Indicates the track type: MIDI track or Audio track. For
Mixing Parts that correspond to Audio tracks, a Sample
Voice is assigned. For Mixing Parts that correspond to MIDI
tracks, a Voice other than a Sample Voice is assigned. For
Mixing Parts that correspond to empty tracks, no Voice is
assigned. For more about MIDI Tracks and Audio Tracks,
see page 14.
Settings: M (MIDI Track), W (Audio Track)
Mute/Solo (Indication only)
Indicates the Mute/Solo status for each track. For detailed
instructions on setting Mute/Solo, see page 137.
Blank: Neither Mute nor Solo are not assigned to this track.
m: Indicates muted track.
s: Indicates soloed track.
Voice (Voice Name)
Indicates the Voice name of the Mixing Part corresponding
to each track.
Data indicator
Indicates whether the data is recorded or not to each track
of Sections A – P. The data indicator is shown at the column
of which the Section/Track contains recorded data.
Measure LengthBeat
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Pattern Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
[SF1] Scene1 – [SF5] Scene5
You can assign the settings of the Pattern-related
parameters (Pattern Scene) and Arpeggio-related
parameters to these buttons. You can also recall these
settings by pressing these buttons. For detailed
instructions on registering Scenes, see page 137. For
detailed instructions on setting the Arpeggio-related
parameters, see page 147.
n The Arpeggio is not available during Pattern playback.
Pressing the [SF1] Scene 1 – [SF5] Scene 5 buttons during
playback changes only the Pattern Scene.
n After registering the Pattern Scene, the 8th note icon will
appear on the tab corresponding to the pressed button. You
can confirm whether or not the Arpeggio Type is assigned to
that button in the Arpeggio display (page 147) of the Pattern
The speed at which you press this button several times will
determine the playback tempo of the Arpeggio/Pattern.
[F1] Play
Calls up the Play display.
[F2] Play FX (Play Effect)
Calls up the Play Effect display.
[F3] Track
Calls up the Track display.
[F4] Patch
Calls up the Patch display (page 170).
[F5] Chain (Pattern Chain)
Calls up the Pattern Chain display (page 171).
[F6] Remix
Calls up the Remix display (page 175). This menu is shown
only when the cursor is located on the track containing
Changing the rhythmic “feel” of the
Pattern—[F2] Play FX (Play Effect)
By changing the timing and velocity of the notes, you can
change the rhythmic “feel” of Pattern playback. The Play
Effect settings made here are only temporary and don’t
change the actual data in the Pattern. The Play Effect
settings can be applied actually to the Pattern data by
using the Normalize Play Effect Job.
The operation is same as in the Song Play mode. See
page 141.
Track Settings—[F3] Track
This display lets you set the MIDI Transmit Channel for
each track.
Regarding parameters with no number, refer to the Play
display (page 168).
Pattern name (Indication only)
Indicates the name of the current Pattern.
Voice (Voice name) (Indication only)
TxCh (Transmit Channel)
Int (Internal Switch)
Ext (External Switch)
These are the same as in the Song Play mode. See
page 142.
[SF6] INFO (Information)
You can view the amount of free and used sequencer
memory. The sequencer memory covers the all Songs and
Patterns recorded in the respective modes. When the used
memory amount reaches the maximum capacity, no further
Songs or Patterns can be stored. If this occurs, use the
Song Job or Pattern Job to delete any unnecessary Songs
or Patterns. You can go back to the previous display by
pressing the [SF6] button or the [EXIT] button.
Pattern Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Pattern Creating—[F4] Patch
This display lets you assign a Phrase to each track to
create a Pattern. 16 Sections named A – P can be created
for each Pattern. You can assign a User Phrase created
with the current Pattern selected. If you wish to use User
phrases recorded to tracks of other Patterns, use the
Phrase Data Copy function, selected with the [SF5] button.
Regarding parameters with no number, refer to the Play
display (page 168).
No. (Phrase Number)
Determines the Phrase number to be assigned to a track.
You can select one of the 256 User Phrases stored to the
selected Pattern. Please note that the User Phrases have
no data by default. When set to “---,” the track becomes
Settings: --- (off), 001 – 256
n The MOTIF XF features no Preset Phrase data.
Phrase Name
Indicates the name of the selected Phrase. You can
change the Phrase name by moving the cursor here and
pressing the [SF6] CHAR button.
n For detailed instructions on naming, refer to “Basic Operation”
on page 37.
[SF4] Clear
Pressing this button clears the Phrase assignment to the
currently selected track and leaves the track empty. Move
the cursor to the Phrase (track) to be cleared then press
the [SF4] button.
[SF5] Copy
Pressing this button copies a Phrase in another Pattern to
the selected one then assign it to the specified track. This
is useful if you are creating a Pattern and wish to use the
Phrase data from another Pattern.
Source phrase
Determines the Pattern number and the Phrase number
(001 – 256) to be copied.
Copy Sample Voice
When this box is checkmarked, Sample Voices assigned to
the source phrase are copied to the destination phrase as
Sample Voices, and are assigned to the corresponding
tracks in the selected Pattern.
Current Pattern Phrase and Track
Determines the number (001 – 256) of the destination
Phrase and track (1 – 16) to which the Phrase is assigned.
Any previous data in the copy destination will be overwritten.
Important data should always be saved to a USB storage device
connected to the USB TO DEVICE terminal or to a computer
connected to the same network as the MOTIF XF (page 241).
Undo/Redo cannot be used to undo/redo a Sample Voice copy
Length (Indication only)
Indicates the length of each Phrase assigned to each
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Pattern Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Select a Pattern from the Play display (page 168).
2 Press the [F4] button to call up the Patch
3 Select a Section (A – P).
Move the cursor to the Section, then select the desired
Section by using the data dial, [INC/YES] and [DEC/
NO] button.
4 Set the meter (time signature), tempo, and
length of the Pattern.
Move the cursor to the desired parameter (such as
length, time signature or tempo), then set the value by
using the data dial, [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO] button.
5 Assign the desired Phrase to each track.
Move the cursor to a track then set a Phrase number by
using the data dial, [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO] buttons.
Phrase assignment can be executed also during
Pattern playback.
To confirm whether the Phrase is assigned properly or
not, solo the track to which the Phrase is assigned by
following the procedure below. Press the [SOLO] button
so that its indicator lights and press any of the Number
[1] – [16] buttons to select a track to which you
assigned the Phrase.
There are three methods that can be used to create a
Recording the new phrase using the Pattern Record
function (page 177)
Copying the Phrase from another Pattern by using the
[SF5] button.
Converting a Part of the Song data to a Phrase by
using the Get Phrase from Song Job (page 184).
6 Repeat steps 3 through 5 above to finalize an
entire Pattern.
Create Sections used for the intro, melody A, melody B,
main theme and ending of the entire Song.
n It is a good idea to use the Copy Pattern Job (page 186) if
you wish to create a Section that is based on or sounds
similar to an already existing Section.
7 Press the [STORE] button to store the Pattern.
For detailed instructions on storing a Pattern, see
page 177.
Pattern Chain—[F5] Chain (Pattern
Pattern Chain allows you to string several different Sections
together to make a one complete Song. For example,
create a Section A for the intro, a Section B for the verse, a
Section C for the chorus, and a Section D for the ending—
and you have the basic blocks to build an original Song.
The created Pattern Chain data can be converted to MIDI
sequence data and stored to a Song. To call up the Pattern
Chain display, press the [F5] Chain button from the Pattern
Play mode.
A Pattern Chain can be created for each Pattern, letting
you call up a different, dedicated Pattern Chain each time
you select a Pattern.
The following events can be recorded to the Pattern Chain.
Playback order of Sections
Pattern track on/off—Solo and Mute
Tempo change
Time signature change
There are two methods to create a Pattern Chain:
Recording playback of a Pattern in the Pattern Record
display in real time, and programming the playback order
of Sections one by one in the Pattern Chain Edit display.
The Pattern Chain data recorded in real time can be edited
in the Pattern Chain Edit display.
The Pattern Chain display lets you play the Pattern Chain
data you’ve created. Press the [F5] Chain button from the
Pattern Play mode to go to the Pattern Chain Play display.
The operation in the Pattern Chain display is basically
same as in the Pattern Play display with the exception that
the Pattern number cannot be selected. For details on
parameters which are not explained here, refer to the
Pattern Play display (page 168).
n Depending on the selected parameter, the NUM icon is shown
at the tab menu corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this
condition, you can use the [SF1] – [SF5] and [F1] – [F5]
buttons as number buttons by pressing the [SF6] NUM button.
For details, see page 36.
Creating a Pattern
Pattern Chain Playback—[F5] Chain
Pattern Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Indicates the currently played Section. “NEXT” will be
shown here when playback is waiting for the timing of the
Section change.
Trans (Transpose)
Adjusts the pitch of the Pattern Chain playback in semitone
Settings: -36 – +0 – +36
Time signature
Indicates the time signature currently assigned to the
Pattern. During playback, the current time signature is
shown here.
Indicates the measure number of the currently playing
Pattern Chain. You can start playback from the middle of
the Pattern Chain by specifying the measure here then
pressing the [F] (Play) button.
Settings: 001 – 999
Indicates the tempo currently assigned to the Pattern.
During playback, the current tempo is shown here.
Settings: 5.0 – 300.0
Keyboard Start
When Keyboard Start is set to on, Pattern Chain playback
begins as soon as you press a key on of the keyboard.
Settings: on, off
To start Pattern Chain playback, call up the Pattern Chain
display, then press the [F] (Play) button. When the end of
the Pattern Chain data is reached, playback automatically
stops. You can also press the [J] (Stop) button during
playback to stop playback of the Pattern Chain. Press the
[F] (Play) again to resume playback from that point.
Depending on the particular Chain data, the Pattern plays
back with automatic changes of the Section, track mute
and tempo—all of which are indicated on the display in real
n You can confirm the Pattern Chain data by calling up the
Pattern Chain Edit display.
From the Pattern Chain Record display, you can record
playback of the Pattern—along with any realtime changes
you make. Press the [I] (Record) button from the Pattern
Chain Play display to call up the Pattern Chain Record
display. Press the [EXIT] button to go back to the Chain
Play display.
Events such as Section change, Track mute on/off and
Tempo change can be recorded as Pattern Chain data.
The Record Type is fixed to “replace” and cannot be
changed. Accordingly, recording the events overwrites
data in the already recorded range. You can also use the
Insert function (page 174) on the Chain Edit display to
create the Pattern Chain data.
For details on parameters indicated with numbers above,
refer to the Chain display (page 171). For details on all
other parameters, refer to the Pattern Play display
(page 168).
1 Select a Pattern in the Chain Play display.
This step is necessary because each Pattern has its
own dedicated Pattern Chain data.
2 Press the [I] (Record) button.
The [I] (Record) indicator lights and the Chain Record
display appears.
Set up the parameters for the start of recording.
Set the basic parameters for recording (e.g., Section,
Recording Track mute setting, Time Signature, Tempo
and so on). After setting, move the cursor to the Tempo.
4 Set the measure at which recording starts.
Normally, press the [P] (Top) button to set the top as
recording start measure.
Pattern Chain Playback Procedure
Pattern Chain Recording in Realtime—
[I] Chain Record
Pattern Chain Recording Procedure
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Pattern Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
5 Press the [F] (Play) button to start recording.
To change Sections in realtime and record them, press
the [TRACK] button (the lamp lights), then use the [A] –
[H] buttons, [USER 1] – [USER DR] buttons and
[ETHNIC] button. To make Track Mute on/off settings,
press the [MUTE] button (the lamp lights), then press
the appropriate Number [1] – [16] buttons. The tempo
can be changed by pressing the [DEC/NO]/[INC/YES]
button, turning the data dial, or using the [SF1] – [SF5]
and [F1] – [F5] buttons as numeric keys after pressing
the [SF6] NUM button.
6 Press the [J] (Stop) button to stop recording.
Press the [STORE] button to store the recorded
Chain data on the internal User Memory.
n For more information on storing a Pattern, see page 177.
This mode gives you comprehensive, detailed controls for
editing the events of the recorded Pattern Chain. Events
such as Section change, Track mute on/off, Tempo change
and Meter can be recorded as Pattern Chain data. Press
the [EDIT] button from the Chain Play display to call up the
Chain Edit display. Press the [EXIT] button to go back to
the Chain Play display.
MEAS (Measure)
Indicates the location of the corresponding event.
Changing any of these values changes the location of the
event accordingly.
MEAS (Measure): 001 – 256
BEAT: 01 – 16 (The available range may change depending on the
CLOCK: 000 – 479 (The available range may change depending on
the Meter.)
Event Type
Setting Values
The following events are available in the Pattern Chain mode.
[SF1] View Filter
This display lets you select the event types that appear on
the Chain Edit display. This is particularly useful when
many types of events are mixed together, but you only want
to display the events you intend to edit.
Time Signature
Track Mute
Tempo Change
Only events with checked boxes will appear in the Chain
Edit display. If the box is set to off, the corresponding event
will disappear in the Chain Edit display.
[SF2] Copy
The function of this display lets you copy events from a
specified range to another range.
Source Range
Destination Location (Top Measure)
Determines the source range and the top measure of the
Settings: 001 – 256
Number of Times
Determines the number of times the data is copied.
Settings: 01 – 99
Editing a Pattern Chain—[EDIT] Chain Edit
Section Change timing of Sections A – P and
End event of the data.
TrackMute The “m” indicates the corresponding
track is muted.
Tempo 005.0 – 300.0
TimeSig (Time Signature) 1/16 – 16/16, 1/8 – 16/8, 1/4 – 8/4
Pattern Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
[SF3] Song (Convert to Song)
Converts the current Pattern chain to MIDI sequence data
and copies the data to a specified Song. This function is
useful for quickly creating backing and accompaniment
parts for Song data.
Destination Song
Determines the destination Song by specifying the number
(01 – 64). The name of the selected Song is displayed.
Destination Location (Top Measure)
Determines the beginning measure number of the
Settings: 001 – 999
Without Program Change
When this box is checkmarked, the settings of the Mixing
and Tempo are copied to the destination Song ( ). The
Tempo value is copied to the top measure ( ) of the
destination Song. When the checkmark is removed, the
Voice settings in each Phrase are also copied to the top
measure ( ) of the destination Song as Program Change
This Job operation overwrites any data previously existing in the
destination Song and the Undo/Redo (page 182) Job cannot be
used after executing this Job. Important data should always be
saved to a USB storage device connected to the USB TO DEVICE
terminal or to a computer connected to the same network as the
MOTIF XF (page 241).
[SF4] Insert
From this display, you can insert a new event to the Pattern
Chain. After setting the following parameters, press the
[F6] Set button or [ENTER] button to actually insert the
Event Type
Determines the event type to be inserted.
Settings: Time Signature, Section, end, Tempo Change, Track Mute
Indicates the end position of the Pattern Chain.
Inserting location
Specifies the location at which the new event will be
MEAS (Measure): 001 – 999
BEAT: 01 – 16 (depends on the meter)
CLOCK: 000 – 479 (depends on the meter)
Value of the selected event type
Enters the value of the event to be inserted. The values
available differ depending on the selected Event Type ( ).
Time Signature: 1/16 – 16/16, 1/8 – 16/8, 1/4 – 8/4
Section: A – P, end (end of the data)
Tempo Change: 005.0 – 300.0
Tra ck Mu te: m (mute on), blank (mute off)
[SF5] Delete
Deletes the currently selected event. This button is not
available when the cursor is located at the Time Signature
event, Tempo Change or top/bottom of the data.
1 Select a Pattern on the Chain Play display.
This step is necessary because each Pattern has its
own dedicated Pattern Chain data.
2 Press the [EDIT] button to call up the Chain
Edit display.
3 Edit the already-recorded events.
Move the cursor to each of parameters, then set the
value by using the data dial, [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO]
buttons. To make it easier to find desired parameters,
use the View Filter display called up via the [SF1]
button. You can use the Copy function called up via the
[SF2] button to copy the events from a specified range
to another range.
If you wish to delete the event, move the cursor to the
event to be deleted then press the [SF5] button.
If you wish to insert a new event, press the [SF4] button
to call up the Insert display. From this display, you can
input the events one by one.
4 Convert the created Pattern Chain data to a
By using the Convert To Song display called up via the
[SF3] button, you can convert the created Pattern Chain
data to MIDI sequence data and copy the converted
data to a specified Song. This function is useful for
quickly creating backing and accompaniment parts for
Song data.
Pattern Chain Edit Procedure
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Pattern Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
5 Store the created Pattern Chain data to internal
User Memory.
From the Store window called up via the [STORE]
button, you can store the current Pattern including the
created Pattern Chain data to internal memory. After
storing the Pattern data, the Pattern Chain included in
the Pattern is maintained even if the power is turned off.
1 From the Chain Edit display, press the [SF4]
Insert button to call up the Insert window.
2 Specify the event type to be inserted, the
insertion point (measure, beat, and clock), and
parameter value of the event.
3 Press the [F6] Set button to insert the specified
event at the specified location.
You can continue inserting new events since the Insert
Event window remains open. Press the [ENTER] button
to actually insert the event and close the Insert window.
4 Press the [EXIT] button to go back to the Chain
Play display.
Dividing the Pattern data to create a
new Pattern—[F6] Remix
The Remix function divides the MIDI data in a selected
track into several pieces of a specified note length, and
randomly rearranges a portion of the data, letting you
easily create completely new and unique rhythm
variations—all from a single Pattern.
n When Remix is used on a track containing a sliced sample
voice, the various segments of the sample are rearranged with
varied timing. The sample voices can be created by executing
the Sampling with the Sampling Type set to “slice+seq” or
executing the Sample Slice Job.
n The Remix display is available only when the cursor is located
on the track containing data.
Determines how a single measure is divided. The dividing
point and the amount differ depending on the Type setting
here. The diagram of the selected Type will be shown. See
below ( ).
Settings: 1 – 16
Determines how the segments divided by Type ( ) will be
rearranged. The division and rearrangement rules differ
depending on the Variation setting.
Settings: normal 01 – 16, reverse 01 – 16, break 01 – 16, pitch 01 –
16, roll 01 – 16, fill 01 – 48
normal 01 – 16
The divided data is only rearranged. 16 variations are provided.
reverse 01 – 16
In addition to rearrangement of the divided data, some portions of the
data may be played in reverse. 16 variations are provided.
break 01 – 16
In addition to rearrangement of the divided data, some portions of the
data may be deleted to create breaks. 16 variations are provided.
pitch 01 – 16
In addition to rearrangement of the divided data, some portions of the
data may be pitch-shifted. 16 variations are provided.
roll 01 – 16
In addition to rearrangement of the divided data, some portions of the
data may be played with a roll effect. 16 variations are provided.
fill 01 – 48
In addition to rearrangement of the divided data, some portions of the
data may be played with fill-in. 48 variations are provided.
Entering New Events
Pattern Playback
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Determines the measure interval with which the Remix
operation is executed. In other words, this parameter
determines the measures to which Remix is applied. When
this parameter is set to “1,” Remix is applied to all
measures. When set to “2,” Remix is applied to the data of
the 2nd measure, 4th measure, 6th measure, and so on.
When set to “3,” Remix is applied to the data of the 3rd
measure, 6th measure, 9th measure, and so on.
The measures to which Remix is applied are shown on the
display. See below ( ).
Settings: 1 – 8
Type diagram
Indicates the division point and the amount of division
determined by Type ( ). The diagram below indicates the
division points in 16th note resolution. When Type is set to
“1,” for example, the data is divided at the upbeat before
beat 4. When Type is set to “2,” the data is divided at three
points: the upbeat before beat 2, the downbeat of beat 3,
and the upbeat before beat 4.
Interval diagram
Indicates the measures to which the Remix is applied.
These measures are located at the same interval
determined by the Interval ( ) parameter. The example
below results when setting the Interval ( ) to “2.”
[SF4] Cancel
Pressing this button cancels the most recent Remix which
has not been fixed yet. This button is not available after the
result of Remix is fixed or before Remix is executed.
[SF5] Apply
Pressing this button executes Remix. If you are not satisfied
with the result after Remix is executed, press the [SF4]
button and try Remix again. If you are satisfied with the
result, press the [ENTER] button to fix the remixed data.
1 Set the Type ( ), Variation ( ) and Interval
( ).
2 Press the [SF5] button to execute Remix.
3 Confirm the result of the Remix operation.
If you are not satisfied with the result of the Remix,
press the [SF4] button then try again.
4 Press the [ENTER] button to fix the Remix
5 Press the [STORE] button to store the Pattern
to internal User Memory.
Ty pe = 1
Ty pe = 2
1st beat 2nd beat 3rd beat 4th beat
Remix Procedure
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Pattern Recording
In the Pattern Record mode, you can record your keyboard performance to create a Phrase as a basic material of the Pattern
data. The created Phrase is assigned to the specified track automatically. Press the [I] (Record) button from the Pattern
Play mode to enter the Pattern Record mode.
n Recording of audio data can be done in the Sampling Record mode (page 201).
Realtime Recording
This method lets you record the performance data as it is
played, allowing you to capture all the nuances of an actual
keyboard performance. Recording can be done while
monitoring playback of other already-recorded tracks.
You can select one of two methods for Realtime recording:
Replace and Overdub.
Pattern Recording procedure
Here in outline form is the process of recording a Pattern.
1 Select a Pattern, then select a Section to be
Press the [PATTERN] button to go to the Pattern Play
display (page 168), and select a Pattern, then a Section
to be recorded. Select an empty Pattern if you wish to
create a new Pattern from scratch. If an empty Pattern
is not available, delete an unnecessary Pattern by
using the Clear Pattern Job (page 187).
2 Press the [I] (Record) button to call up the
Record Setup display (page 178).
3 Set recording-related parameters in the Record
Setup display.
Select the track to be recorded and the Recording
method to prepare for Pattern Recording.
When selecting a track to which no Phrase has been
assigned, your keyboard performance will be recorded
to an empty Phrase which will be assigned to the
recording track. When selecting a track that already
has an assigned Phrase, that Phrase will be replaced
by your recorded performance. If you wish to record
using an Arpeggio, set the necessary parameters from
the Arpeggio display (page 178).
4 Record your keyboard performance in real time
to create a Phrase.
Press the [F] (Play) button to start recording. Press the
[J] (Stop) button to stop recording.
5 Edit the recorded Phrase using the Pattern Job
(page 181) and Pattern Edit (page 179).
6 Store the Pattern (including the recorded
Phrase) to internal User Memory.
Press the [STORE] button to call up the Pattern Store
window then store the created Pattern.
This ensures that the created Pattern will be retained
even if the power is turned off.
The recorded Pattern will be lost when selecting a different
Pattern, calling up a different mode, or turning the power off.
Make sure to store the Pattern data to internal memory by
pressing the [STORE] button before selecting a different
Pattern, calling up a different mode, or turning the power off.
7 Save the created Pattern data to a USB storage
device or to a connected computer as desired
(page 241).
Storing a Pattern—[STORE] (Pattern
This section covers how to store the Pattern you have
recorded and edited. By executing the Store operation, the
Pattern data you have created will be retained even if the
power has been turned off. Pressing the [STORE] button
calls up the Pattern Store window.
The following data will be stored by Pattern Store.
Sequence data
Currently selected Pattern (Section A – P), Pattern Chain,
Phrase 001 – 256
Tone Generator data
Mixing settings (Common Edit parameters and Part Edit
n The Mixing Voices can be edited in the Mixing Voice Store
window (page 199).
The Pattern Store operation is the same as that of Voice
Store (page 54) and Song Store (page 144).
This operation overwrites any data already existing in the
destination Pattern. Select a Pattern number containing no data or
unnecessary data.
n If there is not enough memory space for the Song/Pattern, an
alert message appears, and you will not able to store any
additional Songs/Patterns. If this happens, delete
unnecessary Patterns/Songs by using the Song/Pattern Job,
then try the Store operation again.
Pattern Recording
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Preparing the Pattern Recording—
[F1] Setup
Pattern name (Indication only)
Indicates the name of the current Pattern. The Pattern can
be selected in the Pattern Play display (page 168).
Determines the measure from which recording starts. This
also indicates the current location of recording.
Measure: 001 – 256
Beat: Indication only
Determines the Pattern Length. This also represents the
length of the Phrase created via Recording procedure.
Settings: 001 – 256
Section (Indication only)
Indicates the Section to be recorded. The Section can be
set from the Pattern Play display (page 168).
Time signature (Meter)
Specifies the meter (time signature) for the Pattern.
Settings: 1/16 – 16/16, 1/8 – 16/8, 1/4 – 8/4
This is the same as in the Song Record mode. See
page 145.
Keyboard Start
When Keyboard Start is set to on, Pattern recording begins
as soon as you press a key on of the keyboard.
Settings: (on), (off)
Track number (Indication only)
Track type (Indication only)
Mute/Solo (Indication only)
Voice Name (Indication only)
These are the same as in the Song Record mode. See
page 145.
REC TR (Record Track)
Determines the track to be recorded. Move the cursor to
the desired track or press any of the Number buttons [1] –
[16] with the TRACK lamp turned on so that the red circle is
shown in the corresponding column of the REC TR.
Settings: 1 – 16
Record Type
Determines the Recording method.
Settings: replace, overdub
You can use this method when you want to overwrite an already
recorded track with new data in real time. The original data will be
You can use this method when you want to add more data to a track
that already contains data. Previously recorded data will be
Loop (Loop Recording)
Determines whether the Recording is looped or not when
executing Realtime recording. When set to on, the phrase
will play repeatedly during real-time recording. This can be
handy when recording drum Parts with the Recording type
set to “overdub,” allowing you to add different instruments
on each pass. When set to off, recording stops after one
pass through the phrase.
Record Part
Quantize (Record Quantize)
Ins Effect Sw (Insertion Effect Switch)
These are the same as in the Song Record mode. See
page 146.
[SF1] Scene1 – [SF5] Scene5
You can change the settings of the Pattern-related
parameters (Pattern Scene) and Arpeggio-related
parameters by pressing these buttons. For details, refer to
the description of the same buttons in the Pattern Play
mode on page 169.
[F1] Setup
Pressing this button returns from the previous display to the
Record Setup display.
[F2] Arpeggio (Record Arpeggio)
The operation is same as the one in the Record Arpeggio
display (page 147) in the Song mode.
Measure LengthBeat
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Editing MIDI Events (Pattern Edit)
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
[F4] Erase
This menu appears as soon as Recording starts. During
Pattern recording, pressing the key while holding the [F4]
button erases all the note events of the pressed key. This is
useful in loop recording since it allows you to quickly delete
wrong notes played for a specific key.
[F5] Click
This is the same as in the Song Record mode. See
page 146.
Realtime Recording Procedure
This section explains how to record your performance
using the Realtime Recording features. Please keep in
mind that the procedure differs depending on the Record
Type and Record Track set from the Record Setup display.
The operation is same as the one in the Song Record
display (page 147).
Editing MIDI Events (Pattern Edit)
The Pattern Edit mode lets you edit the already recorded Phrases or insert the new data to the Phrases. It can be used to
correct mistakes as well as add dynamics or effects such as vibrato to refine and finish the Phrase.
Press the [EDIT] button from the Pattern Play mode to go to the Pattern Edit mode.
n The Pattern Edit mode gives you comprehensive, detailed controls for editing the MIDI events of individual Pattern tracks. MIDI events are
messages (such as note on/off, note number, program change number, etc.) that make up the data of a recorded phrase.
n Like the Song Edit mode, Pattern Edit consists of the Event List display and the Insert Event window. The Event List display lets you correct
or delete already inserted MIDI events and the Insert Event window lets you insert new events to the Pattern. By using the Insert Event
window, you can input the events one by one. The Event List display will always appear when the Pattern Edit mode is first called up.
Editing the recorded data
Here in outline form is the process of correcting or deleting
already recorded events.
1 Select a track to be edited in the Pattern Play
If you wish to edit a certain phrase, press the [F4]
button to call up the Patch display (page 170), then
select the desired Phrase.
2 Press the [EDIT] button to enter the Pattern Edit
The Event List display (page 180) of the Pattern
n You can select the desired track with the Number buttons
[1] – [16] by pressing the [TRACK] button (the lamp lights)
after entering the Pattern Edit mode.
3 Move the cursor to the event or parameter to be
Use the [L]/[M] (Cursor Up/Down) button to move the
cursor to the desired timing. Press the [G] (Rewind)/
[H] (Fast Forward) button to move the cursor by
single measures. Use the [<]/[>] (Cursor Left/Right)
button to move the cursor to the parameter to be
n For details about each event and parameter, see page 30.
n Use the View Filter function (page 180) to help you quickly
find desired events.
4 Change the parameter settings or location of
the event.
Edit the value by using the [INC/YES], [DEC/NO]
buttons and the data dial. The edited event will flash on
the display.
Change the event location by editing the MEAS
(measure), BEAT, and CLOCK.
Press the [F6] button to delete the event at the cursor
5 After you’ve finished editing a parameter, press
the [ENTER] button to confirm and enter the
edit (the event will stop flashing).
If the cursor is moved to a new event while the current
event is still flashing, editing of the current event is
6 Press the [EXIT] button to go back to the
Pattern Play display.
7 Press the [STORE] button to call up the Pattern
Store window (page 177), then store the
created Pattern.
Editing MIDI Events (Pattern Edit)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Inserting the New Event
This section shows how to insert new events to the current
1 From the Event List display, press the [F5]
Insert button to call up the Insert Event
2 Specify the event type to be inserted, the
insertion point (measure, beat, and clock), and
parameter value of the event.
When the cursor is located on the Event Type, you can
call up the list of event types to be input by pressing the
[SF6] LIST button and select one from the list. For
details about each event and parameter, see page 30.
3 Press the [F6] Set button to insert the specified
event at the specified location.
The Insert Event window remains open, allowing you to
continue inserting new events. Press the [ENTER]
button to actually insert the event and close the Insert
Event window.
4 Press the [EXIT] button to go back to the Event
List display.
Event List display
In the Event List display, MIDI events (including mainly
values such as note number, velocity, and control change
value) are listed and can be edited. Here you can edit or
delete previously recorded events.
This is the same as the Event List display in the Song Edit
mode. For details, see page 151.
Changing the MIDI event view—[F2]
This is the same as the View Filter in the Song Edit mode.
For details, see page 152.
Event type
Insertion point Parameter
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Pattern Jobs
The Pattern Job mode contains a comprehensive set of editing tools and data transform functions you can use to change the
sound of the Pattern or Phrase. It also includes a variety of convenient operations, such as copying or erasing data.
36 Pattern Jobs are available.
Function Description
[F1] Undo/Redo Undo Job cancels the changes made by the most recent operation, restoring the data to its previous state.
Redo Job cancel Undo and restores the changes.
[F2] Note Note data Jobs
01: Quantize These are the same as in the Song Job mode. See page 153.
02: Modify Velocity
03: Modify Gate Time
04: Crescendo
05: Transpose
06: Glide
07: Create Roll
08: Sort Chord
09: Separate Chord
[F3] Event Event Jobs
01: Shift Clock These are the same as in the Song Job mode. See page 153.
02: Copy Event
03: Erase Event
04: Extract Event
05: Create Continuous Data
06: Thin Out
07: Modify Control Data
08: Beat Stretch
[F4] Phrase Phrase Jobs
01: Copy Phrase This Job copies a selected Phrase to the designated destination Phrase.
02: Exchange Phrase This Job exchanges the contents of two specified Phrases.
03: Mix Phrase This Job mixes all data from two selected user Phrases.
04: Append Phrase This Job appends one Phrase to the end of another to create one longer Phrase.
05: Split Phrase This Job splits a selected Phrase into two separate Phrases.
06: Get Phrase from Song This Job copies a segment of sequence-track data from a Song into the designated destination Phrase.
07: Put Phrase to Song This Job copies a selected user Phrase into a specified area of a selected Song.
08: Clear Phrase This Job deletes all data from the selected Phrase.
[F5] Track Track Jobs
01: Copy Track This Job copies all data of the selected type from a specified source track to a specified destination track.
02: Exchange Track This Job exchanges or “swaps” the specified type of data between two specified tracks in the current
03: Mix Track This Job mixes all data from two selected tracks.
04: Clear Track This Job deletes all data of the selected type from the selected track.
05: Normalize Play Effect This Job rewrites the data in the selected track so that it incorporates the current Play FX/Groove/MIDI
Delay settings.
06: Divide Drum Track This Job separates the note events in a drum performance assigned to a specified track, and places the
notes corresponding to different drum instruments in separate tracks (tracks 1 through 8).
07: Put Track to Arpeggio This Job copies data in the specified measures of a track for creating Arpeggio data.
[F6] Pattern Pattern Jobs
01: Copy Pattern This Job copies all data from a selected source Pattern to a selected destination Pattern.
02: Append Pattern This Job appends one Pattern to the end of another to create one longer Pattern.
03: Split Pattern This Job splits a selected Pattern into two separate Patterns.
04: Clear Pattern This Job deletes all data from the selected Pattern, or from all Patterns.
Pattern Jobs
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Pattern Job Procedure
From the Pattern Play display, press the [JOB]
button to enter the Pattern Job mode.
2 Select the desired Job menu by pressing one
of the [F1] – [F6] buttons.
3 Move the cursor to the desired Job by using
the data dial, [INC/DEC] and [DEC/NO] buttons,
then press the [ENTER] button to call up the
Job display.
4 Move the cursor to the desired parameter, then
set the value by using the data dial, [INC/YES]
and [DEC/NO] buttons.
5 After setting, press the [ENTER] button to
execute the Job.
“Completed” will appear when the Job is done.
In some Jobs, the operation overwrites any data previously
existing in the destination memory. Important data should
always be saved to a USB storage device connected to the
USB TO DEVICE terminal or to a computer connected to the
same network as the MOTIF XF (page 241).
6 Press the [EXIT] button twice to go back to the
Pattern Play display.
n If there is no data in the specified range, “No Data” will
appear on the display and the Job cannot be executed.
n If you make a mistake or want to compare the sound of the
data before and after executing a Job, press the [F1]
button to use the Undo/Redo function.
Even if a Job operation has been completed, selecting a
different Pattern or turning the power off without storing will
erase the Pattern data. Make sure to store the Pattern data to
internal memory by pressing the [STORE] button before
selecting a different Pattern or turning the power off.
n Some of the Jobs which enable you to copy the Sample
Voice from the source to the destination execute the actual
copy operation only when the Bank Select and Program
Change events which specify the Sample Voice are
recorded in the source Track.
[F1] Undo/Redo
This is the same as in the Song Job mode. See page 154.
[F2] Note Jobs
The Note Jobs in the Pattern mode are basically same as in
the Song Job mode. However, unlike in the Song Job
mode, Pattern Note Jobs are applied to the Phrases (001 –
256) and a selected range in the Phrase (measure : beat :
[F3] Event Jobs
The Event Jobs in the Pattern mode are basically same as
in the Song Job mode. However, unlike in the Song Job
mode, Pattern Event Jobs are applied to the Phrases (001
– 256) and a selected range in the Phrase (measure : beat :
n In “03: Erase Event Job,” “Tempo Change,” “Scene Memory,”
or “Track Mute” cannot be selected as Event Types, unlike in
the Song Erase Event Job.
n In “05: Create Continuous Data Job” and “07: Modify Control
Data Job,” “Tempo Change” cannot be selected as Event
Types, unlike in the Song Job mode.
[F4] Phrase Jobs
This Job copies a selected Phrase to the designated
destination Phrase. Also the Sample Voices used in the
selected Phrase can be copied. This is useful if you are
creating a Pattern and wish to use the Phrase data from
another Pattern.
01: Copy Phrase
Pattern Jobs
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Source Phrase
Destination Phrase
Determines the Pattern number (01 – 64) and Phrase
number (001 – 256) of the source and destination
Copy Sample Voice
When this box is checkmarked, Sample Voices assigned to
the source Phrase are copied to the destination Phrase as
Sample Voices, and are assigned to the corresponding
tracks in the selected Pattern. Make sure to set this
parameter to on when coping the Phrase using the Sample
Voice. When there is no memory available in the destination
Pattern for Sample Voice data, an alert message will
appear on the display and the Sample Voice data will not
be copied. If this occurs, use Sample Job 02: Delete to
delete any unused samples, then try again.
Any previous data in the copy destination will be overwritten.
Undo/Redo cannot be used to undo/redo a Sample Voice copy
This Job exchanges or “swaps” the contents of two
specified Phrases. This is useful if you wish to exchange
two Phrases each of which is assigned to a different
Phrase to be exchanged
Phrase to be exchanged
Determines the Pattern number (01 – 64) and Phrase
number (001 – 256) to be exchanged respectively.
n If this Job is applied to Phrases which use Sample Voices, the
Sample Voices will not be exchanged.
This Job mixes all data from two selected user Phrases—
and —and places the result in Phrase . This is useful if
you wish to create a new Phrase by mixing two Phrases
played, for example, by different drum instruments.
Original Phrase
Original Phrase and Destination Phrase
Determines the Pattern numbers (01 – 64) and Phrase
numbers (001 – 256) to be mixed respectively. Executing
the Job mixes all data from two selected user Phrases—
and —and places the result in Phrase .
n Keep in mind that applying this Job to Phrases with Sample
Voices does not mix the Sample Voices.
This Job appends one Phrase ( ) to the end of another
( ) to create one longer Phrase.
Original Phrase
Original Phrase and Destination Phrase
Determines the Pattern numbers (01 – 64) and Phrase
numbers (001 – 256) to be appended respectively.
Executing the Job appends one Phrase ( ) to the end of
the Phrase ( ).
n If this Job is applied to Phrases which use Sample Voices, the
Sample Voices of the source Phrase ( ) will not be appended.
n If the Pattern length becomes greater than 256 measures as a
result of the this Job, an error message will be displayed and
the Job will be aborted.
02: Exchange Phrase
03: Mix Phrase
04: Append Phrase
Pattern Jobs
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
This Job splits a selected Phrase ( ) into two separate
Phrases ( and ). Phrase is divided at the Split Point
( ).
Original Phrase
Determines the original Phrase to be split by selecting the
Pattern number (01 – 64) and Phrase number (001 – 256).
Executing the Job leaves the part before the Split Point ( )
of the original Phrase.
Destination Phrase
Determines the split destination Phrase by selecting the
Pattern number (off, 01 – 64) and Phrase number (off, 001 –
256). Executing the Job copies the part after the Split Point
to this split destination Phrase. When either the Pattern or
the Phrase is set to “off,” the part after the Split Point of the
original Phrase will be deleted.
This Job overwrites any data already existing in the split
destination Phrase ( ).
Split Point Measure
Determines the measure (002 – 256) at which the Phrase
will be split.
This Job copies a segment of sequence-track data from a
Song into the designated destination Phrase. This Job is
useful when you’ve found a drum or bass pattern in a Song
and want to use it in the Pattern.
Source Song, Track and Measures
Determines the source Song number (01 – 64), Track
number (01 – 16) and measure range (001 – 999) of the
Song. If the specified measure range is more than 257, an
alert message will appear on the display and the Job will
be aborted. If this occurs, set the Measure again so that
this range is within 256 measures.
Destination Phrase
Determines the destination Phrase by selecting the Phrase
number (001 – 256). The destination Phrase can be
specified among the Phrases of the current Pattern.
Any previous data in the copy destination will be overwritten.
Copy Sample Voice
When the Copy Sample box is checkmarked, Sample
Voices used in the source data are copied to the
destination Phrase as Sample Voices, and are assigned to
the destination Pattern track. Make sure to set this
parameter to on when copying a track using a Sample
Voice. When there is no memory available in the destination
Pattern (current Pattern) for Sample Voice data, an alert
message will appear on the display and the Sample Voice
data will not be copied. If this occurs, use Sample Job 02:
Delete to delete any unused samples, then try again.
Undo/Redo cannot be used to undo/redo a Sample Voice copy
This Job copies a selected user Phrase into a specified
area of a selected Song.
Source Phrase
Determines the Phrase number (001 – 256) to be copied.
Destination Song, Track and Measure
Determines the destination Song number (01 – 64), Track
number (01 – 16) and measure range (001 – 999).
The copy operation overwrites any data previously existing on the
destination track and measure range.
Copy Sample Voice
When the Copy Sample box is checkmarked, Sample
Voices used by the source Phrase are copied to the
destination Song as Sample Voices, and are assigned to
the destination Song track. Make sure to set this parameter
to on when coping a Phrase using a Sample Voice. When
there is no memory available in the destination Song for
Sample Voice data, an alert message will appear on the
05: Split Phrase
06: Get Phrase from Song
07: Put Phrase to Song
Pattern Jobs
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
display and the Sample Voice data will not be copied. If
this occurs, use Sample Job 02: Delete to delete any
unused samples, then try again.
Undo/Redo cannot be used to undo/redo a Sample Voice copy
This Job deletes all data from the selected Phrase.
Determines the Phrase number (001 – 256) to be cleared.
Clear Sample Voice
When the checkbox is checked, the Sample Voice used in
the Phrase specified above will also be cleared.
Undo/Redo (page 154) cannot be used to undo/redo a Delete
sample operation.
[F5] Track Jobs
This Job copies all data of the selected type from a
specified source track to a specified destination track. This
is useful if you are creating a Pattern and wish to use the
track data from another Pattern.
Source Track
Destination Track
Determines the Pattern number (01 – 64), Section (A – P)
and Track (01 – 16) of source and destination respectively.
Any previous data in the copy destination will be overwritten.
Data Type to be copied
Determines the type(s) of data to be copied.
Settings: Sequencer Event (all events in the track), Play Effect, Mix
Part Parameter (all Mixing Part parameters), Sample Voice
n When there is no memory available in the destination Pattern
for Sample Voice data, an alert message will appear on the
display and the Sample Voice data will not be copied even
though the check box of the Sample Voice is marked. If this
occurs, use Sample Job 02: Delete to delete any unused
samples, then try again.
Undo/Redo (page 154) cannot be used to undo/redo a Delete
sample operation.
This is the same as in the Song Job mode. See page 163.
This is the same as in the Song Job mode. See page 163.
This Job deletes all data of the selected type from the
selected track.
Determines the track to be cleared by specifying the
Section (A – P, all) and Track (01 – 16, all).
Data type to be cleared
Determines the type(s) of data to be cleared. Select the
desired type by checkmarking the appropriate box.
Settings: Sequencer Event (all events in the track), Play Effect, Mix
Part Parameter (all Mixing Part parameters), Sample Voice
Undo/Redo cannot be used to undo/redo a Clear operation for
tracks that contain sample data.
n The Waveform on SDRAM cannot be deleted via this Job even
if the Sample Voice box is checked. If you want to actually
delete the Waveform assigned to the Sample Voice used in the
specified Song, use the Delete Job (page 131) in the
Sampling Job mode.
08: Clear Phrase
01: Copy Track
02: Exchange Track
03: Mix Track
04: Clear Track
Pattern Jobs
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
This is the same as in the Song Job mode. See page 163.
This is the same as in the Song Job mode. See page 163.
This Job copies data in the specified measures of a track
for creating Arpeggio data. Up to 16 unique note numbers
can be recorded to the Arpeggio track. If more than 16
different note numbers have been recorded to the MIDI
sequence data, the Convert operation reduces the notes in
excess of the limit. Because of this, be careful to record
only up to 16 different notes when you create an Arpeggio,
especially when using all four tracks.
Determines the range which will be converted to the
arpeggio data by specifying the Section (A – P) and
Measure (001 – 256).
Other parameters are the same as in the Song Job mode.
See page 164.
[F6] Pattern Jobs
This Job copies all data from a selected source Pattern to a
selected destination Pattern.
Source Pattern
Destination Pattern
Determines the source and destination Pattern by selecting
the Pattern number (01 – 64) and Section (A – P, all). If you
set the source Section to “all,” the destination Section is
also set to “all” automatically, with the result that all source
Pattern data is copied to the destination.
Copy Pattern Chain
When this box is checkmarked, Pattern Chain data as well
as Pattern data will be copied.
This Job appends one Pattern ( ) to the end of another
( ) to create one longer Pattern. Actually, the Phrases
making up the source Pattern ( ) will be appended to the
end of the Phrases making up the destination Pattern ( ).
This Job is useful if you wish to connect different Patterns
Original Pattern
Original Pattern and Destination Pattern
Determines the two Patterns to be connected by selecting
the Pattern numbers (01 – 64) and Sections (A – P)
respectively. Executing the Job appends one Pattern ( )
to the end of the other Pattern ( ). The result of this Job
will be overwritten to the destination Pattern ( ).
05: Normalize Play Effect
06: Divide Drum Track
07: Put Track to Arpeggio
01: Copy Pattern
02: Append Pattern
Pattern Jobs
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Keep Original Phrase
When this box is checkmarked, the original destination
Pattern data is retained in memory, along with the new
appended Pattern data. When the Keep Original Phrase
checkbox is checked, this Job requires twice the number
of empty user Phrases as the number of tracks containing
data in which to store the appended Phrase data. If the
required space is not available, an alert message will
appear and the Job will be aborted. If this occurs use the
Clear Phrase Job to delete unused Phrases then try again.
If the box is not checkmarked, the original destination
Pattern is erased and replaced with the newly created
n If this Job is applied to Patterns which use Sample Voices, the
Sample Voices of the source Phrase ( ) will not be appended.
n If the Pattern length becomes greater than 256 measures as a
result of this Job, an error message will be displayed and the
Job will be aborted.
This Job splits a selected Pattern ( ) into two separate
Patterns ( and ). The Pattern is divided at the Split
Point ( ). Actually, the Phrases making up the source
Pattern ( ) will be divided and the divided Phrases after
the Split Point will be assigned to the tracks of the
destination Pattern.
Original Pattern
Determines the original Pattern to be split by selecting the
Pattern number (01 – 64) and Section (A – P). Executing
the Job leaves the part before the Split Point in the original
Destination Pattern
Determines the split destination Pattern by selecting the
Pattern number (01 – 64) and Section (off, A – P).
Executing the Job moves the part after the Split Point to this
split destination Pattern. When either of the Pattern number
or Section is set to “off,” the part after the Split Point ( ) of
the original pattern ( ) will be deleted.
This Job overwrites any data already existing in the split
destination Pattern ( ).
Splitpoint Measure
Specifies the measure at which the Pattern will be split.
Settings: 002 – 256
Keep Original Phrase
When this box is checkmarked, the Phrase of the original
Pattern is retained in memory and the results of the Split
Job are written to empty Phrases. When the Keep Original
Phrase checkbox is checked, this Job requires twice the
number of empty user Phrases as the number of tracks
containing data in which to store the appended Phrase
data. If the required space is not available, an alert
message will appear and the Job will be aborted. If this
occurs, use the Clear Phrase Job to delete unused Phrases
and try again.
When this box is not checkmarked, the Phrases making up
the original Pattern are erased and replaced with the newly
created Phrases.
Copy Sample Voice
When this box is checkmarked, Sample Voices (if included
in the original Pattern) are copied to the destination Pattern.
This Job clears specified Pattern. You can also clear only
the specified Section of the selected Pattern.
Pattern (Pattern and Section) to be cleared
Determines the Pattern to be cleared. When the Pattern is
set to “all,” all the Pattern data will be cleared. When the
Section is set to “all,” all data from the selected Pattern will
be cleared.
Clear Pattern Chain
When the checkbox is checked, the Pattern Chain data will
also be cleared. When the checkbox is not checked, the
Pattern Chain data will not be cleared.
n The Waveform on SDRAM cannot be deleted via this Job even
if the Sample Voice is used in the specified Section. If you
want to actually delete the Waveform assigned to the Sample
Voice used in the specified Section, use the Delete Job
(page 135) in the Sampling Job mode.
03: Split Pattern
04: Clear Pattern
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings
for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
The setting of the tone generator block for Song/Pattern playback is referred to as Mixing. The Mixing mode lets you change
the Voice and effect settings for each Part.
To enter the Mixing mode, press the [MIXING] button in the Song mode or Pattern mode.
n The Mixing mode cannot be called up from the Voice mode, Performance mode, or Master mode.
The Mixing mode structure
This section explains in detail about the Mixing mode and what you can do in the Mixing mode.
About Mixing
In the Song/Pattern mode, the internal tone generator block
functions as the multi-timbral tone generator in order to
receive and handle MIDI sequence data consisting of
multiple channels. The settings for the multi-timbral tone
generator are collectively referred to as a “Mixing.” A
Mixing program is provided for each Song or Pattern.
Selecting a different Song/Pattern calls up the different
Mixing program.
Common Edit and Part Edit
The Mixing Edit mode consists of two sub modes: Common
Edit and Part Edit. Common Edit lets you edit the global
settings common to all Parts, such as the Master Effect, the
Master EQ, and the Controller settings. Part Edit lets you
adjust various parameters for each of 16 Parts according to
the corresponding Song/Pattern track.
Effect and EQ structure in the
Mixing mode
In the Mixing mode, two EQ blocks and three Effect blocks
are available.
The two EQ blocks in the Mixing mode are Part EQ and
Master EQ. Part EQ is applied to each of the Mixing Parts
and can be set in the EQ display (page 195) of Part Edit. In
addition, the Part EQ parameters can be adjusted at the
same time for all parts in the Part EQ display (page 192) of
Common Edit. On the other hand, Master EQ is applied to
the overall sound (all the Mixing Parts) and can be set in
the Master EQ display (page 193) of Common Edit.
The Effect blocks in the Mixing mode are Reverb, Chorus,
and Master Effect. Reverb and Chorus are applied to the
overall sound and the related parameters can be set in the
Reverb/Chorus display (page 193) of Common Edit. The
depth (send level) of the Reverb/Chorus can be set for
each Part in the Connect display (page 193) of Part Edit.
On the other hand, Master Effect is applied to the overall
sound (all the Mixing Parts) and can be set in the Master
Effect display (page 193) of Common Edit.
Mixing Edit
Common Edit
Part Edit
Part 1
Part 1 – 16
Mixing Edit
Part 1
Part EQ
Insertion Effect
Part 1 – Part 16
A/D Input Part
Insertion Effect Switch
Insertion Effect Settings
Part Edit Common Edit
Part EQ Offset
Reverb Effect
Chorus Effect
Master Effect
Master EQ
Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Insertion Effect in the Mixing mode
In addition to the three Effect blocks above, special
Insertion Effects are available in the Mixing mode. Keep in
mind that Insertion Effects cannot be applied to all 16 parts
simultaneously. The MOTIF XF features eight Insertion
Effects, allowing you to independently process up to eight
Parts from among the 1 – 16 parts and the A/D Input part.
You can specify the parts to which the Insertion Effect is
applied by setting the Insertion Effect Switch parameter in
the 1 – 16 display (page 190) and the Audio Part display
(page 191) of the Mixing Play mode.
The most common use for Insertion Effects is in applying
compression or dynamics processing to an individual Part,
or applying a special effect that is only to be used on one
Part, such as distortion or rotary speaker.
Mixing Voices
Up to 16 Normal Voices can be stored for each Song/
Pattern Mixing. This type of Voice is called a Mixing Voice.
Normally, the Voice stored in the Voice mode is assigned to
each Mixing Part. In this method, the sound of the Song/
Pattern you created may be changed unexpectedly if you
edit or delete the Voice used for the Song/Pattern Mixing.
Mixing Voices are provided to prevent these accidental
sound changes. To use this feature, call up a Voice from
User Banks 1 – 4, store the selected Voice to the Mixing
Voice Bank, assign it to the desired Part, then edit the
Mixing as needed. In addition, make sure to store the Voice
as a Mixing Voice after editing the Voice in the Mixing
Up to 16 Mixing Voices are provided for each Mixing
program, or in other words, for each Song/Pattern.
Selecting a different Song/Pattern calls up a different
Mixing belonging to the new selected Song/Pattern.
If you wish to use a Mixing Voice of a certain Song/Pattern
for another Song/Pattern, execute the copy operation
(page 200) in the Mixing Voice Job mode.
Note that up to 256 Mixing Voices can be stored for all
Songs and Patterns. Accordingly, the Mixing Voice memory
will become full and additional Voices cannot be stored if
you’ve stored 16 different Voices for 16 different Songs.
If such a situation occurs, use the Delete Job (page 200) to
delete any unnecessary Mixing Voices in the Mixing Voice
Job mode.
n You can confirm the amount of currently unused (available)
memory via the Mixing Voice Information window (page 199).
Mixing Setup Procedure
In the Song or Pattern mode, select a Song or
Pattern to be edited.
2 Press the [MIXING] button to enter the Mixing
The Part 1 – 16 display (page 190) of the Mixing Play
3 Select a Voice and set other parameters such
as volume and pan for each Part from the Part
1 – 16 display or the Audio Part display.
4 Set the parameters common to all Parts or
those exclusive for each Part.
If you wish to edit parameters common to all parts such
as Master Effect, Master EQ and Controller settings,
press the [EDIT] button from the Mixing Play display,
then press the [COMMON EDIT] button to enter the
Common Edit display (page 192).
If you wish to edit more detailed Mixing Part
parameters, enter the Part Edit mode (page 194) by
pressing the [EDIT] button, then press the desired one
of the Number buttons [1] – [16]. If you wish to edit
parameters for the Audio Part, press the [EDIT] button
from the Mixing Play mode and press the [COMMON
EDIT] button then [F4] button to call up the Audio In
display (page 193).
The Insertion Effect parameters can be set in the
following displays.
Part 1 – 16:
The Insertion Effect parameters for each of the Parts 1 –
16 can be set by editing the Voice assigned to each Part
in the Connect display and Insertion A/B display of
Mixing Voice Edit (page 198). The edited voice can be
stored (page 199) as a Mixing Voice or User Voice.
A/D Input Part:
The Insertion Effect parameters for the A/D Input Part can
be set in the Insertion A/B display (page 193) of Common
Part 1 – 16
Select Store
Mixing Voice
1 – 16
Voice memory
Preset Bank PRE 1 – 8
User Bank USR 1 – 4
Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
5 Edit the Voice assigned to the Part as desired.
If you wish to edit a Voice assigned to each Part, press
the [F6] button in the Mixing Play display to call up the
Mixing Voice Edit display (page 198).
The Mixing Voice Common Edit mode (page 200) can
be called up by pressing the [COMMON EDIT] button.
The Mixing Voice Element Edit mode (page 200) can be
called up by pressing one of the Number buttons [1] –
6 Store the edited voice as a Mixing Voice as
In the Mixing Voice Edit mode, press the [STORE]
button to call up the Mixing Voice Store window
(page 199).
7 Store the edited Mixing program to the Song/
In the Song Play mode, press the [STORE] button to
call up the Song Store window or Pattern Store window.
For detailed instructions on storing, see page 144.
8 Press the [SONG] or [PATTERN] button to exit
from the Mixing mode to the previous mode.
Mixing Play mode
The Mixing Play display will appear when pressing the [MIXING] button in the Song mode or Pattern mode. Here you can
edit the Mixing parameters which are important for creating a Song/Pattern.
Part Settings on the Mixer display—
[F1] Part1 – 16
Here you can edit the main parameters for each Mixing
Part. The basic parameters for creating a Song are
gathered on this display from the Voice display (page 194)
and the Output display (page 194) in the Mixing Part Edit
mode. The settings made here are automatically applied to
the corresponding parameters in the displays in the Mixing
Part Edit mode, and vice versa.
Part (Indication only)
Indicates the Part numbers. When the [TRACK] lamp is
turned on, the Part can be selected via the Number buttons
[1] – [16].
Mute/Solo/Edit (Indication only)
Indicates the status of each Part. When the [MUTE] lamp is
turned on, the Mute on/off status for each Part can be
switched via the Number buttons [1] – [16]. When the
[SOLO] lamp is turned on, the Solo Part can be selected
via the Number buttons [1] – [16].
Settings: m (Mute), s (Solo), E (Edit Indicator)
Edit Indicator
Indicates that the Mixing Voice for the Part is modified but not stored
Category (Indication only)
Indicates the two main categories of the current Voice.
When the [CATEGORY SEARCH] lamp is turned on, you
can select the desired Voice by using the Category Search
function. The name of the selected Voice is shown at the
top right of the display.
These determine the selected Voice. Press the
[PROGRAM] button (the lamp lights), then the desired
Voice by using the [PRE 1] – [USER DR] buttons, [A] – [H]
buttons and the [1] – [16] buttons. The name of the
selected Voice is shown at the right top of the display.
Number: 1 – 128
Bank: PR1 – 8 (Preset 1 – 8), US1 – 4 (User 1 – 4), GM, GD (GM Drum),
PD (Preset Drum), UD (User Drum), SP (Sample Voice), MV (Mixing
Rev Send (Reverb Send)
Adjusts the Reverb send level for each Part. The higher the
value, more pronounced the Reverb effect.
Settings: 0 – 127
Cho Send (Chorus Send)
Adjusts the Chorus send level for each Part. The higher the
value, more pronounced the Chorus effect.
Settings: 0 – 127
Determines the position in the stereo field for each Part.
Settings: L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Ins FX Sw (Insertion Effect Switch)
Determines the Parts available for the Insertion Effect.
When this switch is set to on, the Insertion Effect of the
Voice assigned to the Part enabled. Make sure that this
parameter is set to on for any Parts/Voices to which you
need to apply Insertion Effects.
The MOTIF XF features eight Insertion effect systems,
letting you set this parameter to on for up to eight Parts. If
eight Parts are already turned on, the parameter cannot be
turned on for additional Parts. In this case, the switch for
another Part must be turned off before you can turn the
switch for the desired Part on. Please note that the Insertion
Effects are available simultaneously for up to eight Parts
including the A/D Input Part.
Settings: B (on), A (off)
Determines the output level of the Part.
Settings: 0 – 127
[F1] Part 1 – 16
Calls up this display from the Audio Mixer display.
[F2] Audio (Audio Part)
Calls up the Audio Part display for setting the Audio Input.
[F5] Effect
Calls up the Effect display (page 193) in the Common Edit
[F6] Vce Edit (Mixing Voice Edit)
Enters the Mixing Voice Edit mode, letting you edit the
Voice assigned to the current Part. If the Drum Voice or
Sample Voice is assigned to the current Part, this button
does not appear and the Mixing Voice is not available.
Audio Input settings—[F2] Audio
From this display you can set parameters related to audio
input from the [A/D INPUT] connector and the IEEE1394
connector (available when the optional FW16E is installed).
The basic parameters for creating a Song are gathered on
this display from the Audio In display (page 193) in the
Mixing Common Edit mode. The settings made here will be
applied to the same parameters on the displays in the
Mixing Common Edit mode, and vice versa.
Part (Indication only)
Indicates the Part numbers.
AD (A/D Input Part)
Lets you set parameters related to audio input from the A/D
INPUT connector.
FW (FireWire)
Lets you set parameters related to audio input from the
IEEE1394 connector (available when the optional FW16E is
installed). The audio signal here is transmitted from the
computer via FW Ports 3 and 4.
The settings made here are automatically applied to the
corresponding parameters in the Part 1 – 16 display
(page 190).
Rev Send (Reverb Send)
Cho Send (Chorus Send)
Ins FX Sw (Insertion Effect Switch)*
* Available for the A/D Input Part only
Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Mixing Edit
The Mixing Edit mode lets you control typical mixer settings such as volume balance, pan position and effects, allowing you
to fine tune the Song/Pattern data. Mixing Edit consists of Part Edit and Common Edit.
Useful functions for editing Mixing
You can turn individual Parts on/off by using the Mute
1 Press the [MUTE] button.
The [MUTE] lamp lights, indicating that each Part can
be turned on/off.
2 Press any of the Number buttons [1] – [16].
The lamp of the pressed button will be turned off and
the corresponding Part will be muted.
Press the same button again to turn the lamp on and
disengage the mute function for that Part. You can turn
multiple Parts on/off by pressing their buttons.
The Solo function is the opposite of Mute, and lets you
instantly solo a specific Part and mute all others.
1 Press the [SOLO] button.
The [SOLO] lamp lights, indicating that the specific Part
can be soloed.
2 Press any of the Number buttons [1] – [16].
The lamp of the pressed button will be turned on and
only the corresponding Part will be sounded.
Press any other number button to change the solo Part.
n To exit from the Mute and Solo conditions, press the
When changing the value of the parameter in the Mixing
Play or Edit mode, the [E] (Edit Indicator) will appear on the
top right corner of the LCD display. This gives a quick
confirmation that the current Mixing has been modified but
not yet stored. To store the current edited status, follow the
instructions on page 54.
The Compare function lets you switch between the just-
edited Mixing and its original, unedited condition, allowing
you to hear how your edits affect the sound. For
instructions on using Compare, refer to the same function
in the Voice mode on page 54.
Storing the created Mixing
The created mixing setup can be stored as part of the data
of a Song or Pattern. For instructions on storing a Song/
Pattern, see pages 144 and 177.
Common Edit parameters
The Common Edit mode lets you edit the parameters
common to all Mixing Parts.
Determines the function for the Knobs and ASSIGNABLE
FUNCTION buttons for each Song/Pattern.
The function is the same as the one in the Other display
(page 104) in the Performance Common Edit mode.
Turning specific Parts on/off (Mute
Soloing a specific Part
The [E] Indicator
Compare function
Controller settings—[F1] General
Edit Indicator
Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
[SF2] MasterFX (Master Effect)
This display lets you set the type and parameters of the
Master Effect.
The function is the same as the one in the Master Effect
display (page 104) in the Performance Common Edit
[SF3] MasterEQ
From this display you can apply five-band equalization to
all Parts of the selected Mixing.
The function is the same as the one in the Master EQ
display (page 105) in the Performance Common Edit
You can set parameters related to audio input from the A/D
INPUT connector and the IEEE1394 connector.
The FW settings are available only when the optional
FW16E is installed.
[SF1] Output
From this display you can set the Send level of the Audio
Input Part signal sent to the Reverb/Chorus effect and the
output jack assignment for the Audio Input Part.
The function of this display is the same as the one in the
Output display (page 106) in the Performance Common
Edit mode.
[SF2] Connect
Determines the effect routing for Insertion Effects A and B.
The setting changes are shown on the diagram in the
display, giving you a clear picture of how the signal is
The function of this display is the same as the one in the
Insertion Effect Connection display (page 106) in the
Performance Common Edit mode.
[SF3] Ins A (Insertion Effect A)
[SF4] Ins B (Insertion Effect B)
From this display, you can also set the type and its
parameters of the Insertion Effect.
The function of this display is the same as the one in the
Insertion Effect A/Insertion Effect B display (page 107) in
the Performance Common Edit mode.
From the following displays, you can set the Effect
connection and values of other parameters. For details
about the Effect structure in the Mixing mode, see page 24.
[SF1] Connect
From this display, you can set the Return level of the
Reverb/Chorus effect, Effect Pan, and Chorus to Send
The function of this display is the same as the one in the
Connection display (page 107) in the Performance
Common Edit mode.
[SF2] Ins Switch (Insertion Effect Switch)
In this display, you can select which Parts (from Mixing
Parts 1 – 16 and the Audio Input Part) will be assigned to
the eight Insertion Effects.
Part 1 16, A/D
Determines the Parts available for the Insertion Effect.
When this switch is set to on, the Insertion Effect of the
Voice assigned to the Part is enabled. Make sure that this
parameter is set to on for any Parts/Voices to which you
need to apply Insertion Effects.
The MOTIF XF features eight Insertion effect systems,
letting you set this parameter to on for up to eight Parts. If
eight Parts are already turned on, the parameter cannot be
turned on for additional Parts. In this case, the switch for
another Part must be turned off before you can turn the
switch for the desired Part on.
n For the Audio Input Part, the Insertion Effect type/parameter
can be set on the Insertion A/B display (page 193) in the
Mixing Common Edit mode. For Parts 1 – 16, the Insertion
Effect type/parameter settings cannot be set in the Mixing Edit
mode because their settings are included in the Voice
assigned to each Part. If you wish to edit the Insertion Effect
settings for each Part, enter the Mixing Voice Edit mode, then
edit the Effect settings for the Voice.
[SF3] Reverb
[SF4] Chorus
From the Type column on these displays, you can select
the Reverb/Chorus type. From the Preset column, you can
select one of the templates that call up the pre-
programmed settings of various parameters of the selected
Master Effect and Master EQ settings—
[F2] MasterFX (Master Effect)
Audio Input Part Settings—[F4] Audio In
Effect Settings—[F5] Effect
Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Reverb/Chorus type. From these displays, you can also set
each parameter of the selected Effect type individually and
The function of these displays is the same as those of the
Reverb display and Chorus display (page 108) in the
Performance Common Edit mode.
Part Edit parameters
[1] – [16] Part selection
In the Part Edit mode, you can edit the parameters of the
individual Parts such as Voice, Arpeggio, EG and EQ
Selected Part display/Four-Part display
Just as with the Performance Part Edit mode, you can use
two types of display in the Mixing Part Edit mode. One type
of display lets you edit parameters for the currently
selected Part and the other type of display lets you view
parameters for four Parts. You can switch between these
two types by pressing the [SF5] button. Note that the
display for four Parts is not available for the [F2] ARP Main
and the [F3] ARP Other displays.
Selecting a Part to be edited
Press one of the [1] – [16] buttons to select a Part to be
n For details about useful functions such as Mute and Solo, see
page 192.
[SF1] Voice
This display lets you specify the MIDI receive channel for
the current Part as well as the Voice. The other parameters
except for Receive Channel ( ) are the same as those in
the Voice display (page 109) in the Performance Part Edit
Receive Channel
Determines the MIDI receive channel for the selected Part.
Since MIDI data may be coming from many channels at
once, you should set this to match the particular channel
over which the desired controlling data is being sent
Settings: 01 – 16, off
[SF2] Output
From this display, you can set the Reverb/Chorus depth
and the Output jack assignment for each Part. The function
of this display is the same as the one in the Output display
(page 110) in the Performance Part Edit mode.
[SF3] Other
From this display, you can set parameters related to pitch
bend and velocity. The function of this display is the same
as the one in the Other display (page 111) in the
Performance Part Edit mode.
This display determines the basic settings of the Arpeggio.
The settings of parameters shown at the bottom of the
display can be registered to the [SF1] – [SF5] buttons.
The function is the same as the one in the Arpeggio Main
display (page 112) in the Performance Part Edit mode.
By changing the timing and velocity of the notes, you can
change the rhythmic “feel” of the Arpeggio playback.
The function of this display is the same as the one in the
Arpeggio Other display (page 114) in the Performance Part
Edit mode.
These settings let you control the sound transition from the
moment a key is pressed to the moment at which it is
released. You can also adjust the tone brilliance by setting
the Cutoff Frequency and Resonance.
The function of this display is the same as the one in the EG
display page 115) in the Performance Part Edit mode.
Part Basic Settings—[F1] Voice
Arpeggio Basic Settings—[F2] ARP
Main (Arpeggio Main)
Changing rhythmic feel of the Arpeggio—
[F3] ARP Other (Arpeggio Other)
EG Settings—[F4] EG (Envelope
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
You can apply 3-band parametric EQ to each Part to adjust
the sound.
The function is the same as the one in the EQ display
(page 116) in the Performance Part Edit mode.
From this display you can set how each individual Part
responds to various MIDI data, such as Control Change
and Program Change messages. When the relevant
parameter is set to “on,” the corresponding Part responds
to the appropriate MIDI data.
The function is the same as the one in the Receive Switch
display (page 116) in the Performance Part Edit mode. In
addition to the parameters which can be set in the
Performance Part Edit mode, the Program Change and
Bank Select can be set in this display of the Mixing mode.
Mixing Job—Convenient functions
The Mixing Job mode features some convenient data organization and initialization tools, for use when creating
Performances and archiving them. To enter the Mixing Job mode, press the [JOB] button in the Mixing mode. Press the
[EXIT] button to return to the Mixing Play mode.
1 In the Mixing mode or Mixing Edit mode, press
the [JOB] button to enter the Mixing Job mode.
2 Call up the desired Mixing Job menu by
pressing the appropriate button ([F1] – [F6]).
3 Set the parameters for executing the Job.
4 Press the [ENTER] button. (The display
prompts you for confirmation.)
To cancel the Job, press the [DEC/NO] button.
5 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the Job.
After the Job has been completed, a “Completed”
message appears and operation returns to the original
6 Press the [MIXING] button to return to the
Mixing Play mode.
Even if you execute the Job, selecting a different Song/Pattern
or turning the power off without storing will erase the Mixing
data. Make sure to store the Song/Pattern data (including the
Mixing) to internal memory by pressing the [STORE] button
before selecting a different Song/Pattern or turning the power
This function lets you reset (initialize) all Mixing parameters
to their default settings. It also allows you to selectively
initialize certain parameters, such as Common settings,
settings for each Part, and so on.
All Parameters
All settings for the selected Mixing are initialized. When this
is set to on, the Common parameters ( ) and Part
parameters ( ) cannot be set.
Common Parameters
Common parameter settings for the selected Mixing are
n The Insertion Effect Switch is a Part parameter. Therefore,
checkmark the desired boxes of Parts 1 – 16 (described
below) if you wish to initialize the Insertion Effect Switch
parameter settings.
Equalizer (EQ) Settings—[F5] EQ
MIDI Receive Settings—[F6] RcvSwitch
(Receive Switch)
Mixing Job Procedure Initializing the Mixing—[F1] Init
Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Part Parameters
Part 1 – 16
Mixing Part Edit settings (page 194) for Parts which are turned
on are initialized.
A/D (A/D Input)
This Part is input from the external audio equipment
connected to the A/D INPUT jack. Parameter settings for the A/
D input Part (page 193) of Common Edit are initialized.
This Part is input from the external audio equipment
connected to the IEEE1394 jack. When this is checkmarked,
parameter settings for the FW Part (page 193) of Common Edit
are initialized.
n The FW setting is available only when the optional FW16E
is installed.
Initialize selected Parts to GM
When this box is checked, executing the Job resets the
selected Parts to standard GM tone generator settings.
When the checkbox of All Parameters ( ) is marked, all
parameters will be reset to the GM settings. When the
checkbox of All Parameters ( ) is not marked, checked
parameters (from Common, Part 1 – 16, AD and FW) will be
reset to the GM settings.
If you are editing a Song/Pattern Mixing program and
select a different Song/Pattern without storing the one
you’re editing, all the edits you’ve made will be erased. If
this happens, you can use Recall function to restore the
Mixing with your latest edits intact.
Copying parameter settings from another
Mixing (Copy Part)—[SF1] Part
This convenient operation lets you copy Common Edit and
Part Edit settings of a certain Mixing to the currently edited
Mixing. This is useful if you are creating a Mixing and wish
to use some parameter settings from another Mixing.
Source setup
In the Song mode: Song number
In the Pattern mode: Pattern number
Determines the source Mixing by selecting the Song
number (Pattern number while in the Pattern mode). The
name of the selected Song or Pattern is indicated at right.
To select the current Mixing as source, enter the
checkmark in the Current Mix checkbox.
Data type
Determines the source data type.
Settings: Common, Part 1 – 16, A/D, FW
n The Insertion Effect Switch is a Part parameter. Therefore, the
Insertion Effect Switch parameter settings are copied only
when selecting one of the Parts 1 – 16.
Destination setup
Currently edited Part
Determines the destination Part of the currently edited Mixing.
Settings: Common, Part 1 – 16, A/D, FW
Copying the Voice Common Edit settings to
the Mixing (Copy Voice)—[SF2] Voice
This Job lets you copy the Common Edit effect settings of
the Voice assigned to the specified Part to the current
Mixing. This would come in handy when a certain Voice
has effect settings that you want to use in your Mixing
In the Song mode: Song number
In the Pattern mode: Pattern number, Section
Determines the Bank and the Mixing program number to
be copied. The name of the selected Song or Pattern is
indicated at right. If you wish to select the current Mixing as
source, enter the checkmark in the Current Mix check box.
Part number
Selects the Part (01 – 16) to which the source Voice is
assigned. The name of the selected Song or Pattern is
indicated at right.
Data type
Determines the source data type. By checking the
appropriate box, the corresponding data settings are
copied from the source Voice to the destination Mixing. The
other parameter settings are not copied from the Voice to
the current Mixing.
[F2] Recall
Copying parameter settings from another
Mixing, Voice and Performance—[F3] Copy
Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Copying the Performance Edit settings to the
Mixing Edit (Copy Performance)—[SF3] Perf
This Job lets you copy the settings of the Performance Edit
to the current Mixing. This would come in handy when a
certain Performance has settings that you want to use in
your Mixing program.
Bank, Performance number
Determines the Bank and the Performance number to be
copied. The name of the selected Performance is shown at
Data type
Determines whether or not the settings of the listed
parameters are copied. By checking the box of the
Insertion Effect Switch, the Insertion Effect Switch settings
are copied from Performance Parts 1 – 4 to the Mixing
Parts set as Destination Parts ( ). If the boxes of the other
parameters are checkmarked, the settings of the checked
parameters are copied from the Performance Common
mode to the Mixing Common mode. All other parameter
settings in the Common Edit and Part Edit modes will be
copied from the Performance to the current Mixing.
Destination Parts
Determines the four parts of the current Mixing as
Settings: 1 – 4, 5 – 8, 9 – 12, 13 – 16
n Regarding the MIDI Receive Channels of the Mixing Parts as
destinations, channel 1 will be assigned to Parts 1 - 4, channel
5 will be assigned to Parts 5 - 8, channel 9 will be assigned to
Parts 9 - 12 and channel 13 will be assigned to Parts 13 - 16.
This function lets you send specified parameter settings for
the currently edited Mixing to a computer or another MIDI
device for data archiving. To execute the Bulk Dump, press
the [ENTER] button.
n The Bulk Dump data includes only the MIDI messages and
does not include the Waveforms.
n In order to execute Bulk Dump, you’ll need to set the correct
MIDI Device Number. For details, see page 228.
Storing/Recalling the Mixing to/from the
Template—[SF1] Mix
This Job lets you store your edited Mixing program to User
memory as a Mixing Template and recall it. 32 Mixing
Templates can be stored. 32 Mixing Templates can be
used both in the Song mode and the Pattern mode.
Determines the Mixing Template to be stored or recalled.
Pressing the [SF5] button to store the current Mixing while
pressing the [SF4] button to recall the Mixing Template
stored to User Memory.
Settings: 01 – 32
Mixing Template name
Enters the name of the Mixing Template. For detailed
instructions on naming, see page 37.
Copying the Performance Edit settings to a
Mixing (Template Performance)—[SF2] Perf
This Job lets you copy the settings of the Performance Edit
settings to the current Mixing. This would come in handy
when a certain Performance has settings that you want to
use in your Mixing program.
Bank, Performance number
Determines the Bank (USR 1 – 4) and the Performance
number (001 – 128) to be copied. The name of the selected
Performance is indicated at right.
Destination Parts
Determines the four parts of the current MIxing as
Settings: 1 – 4, 5 – 8, 9 – 12, 13 – 16
Transmitting the Mixing Settings to an
external MIDI device (Bulk Dump)—[F4] Bulk
Mixing Template—[F5] Template
Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
n Regarding the MIDI Receive Channels of the Mixing Parts as
destinations, channels 1 – 4 will be assigned to Parts 1 – 4
respectively, channels 5 – 8 will be assigned to Parts 5 – 8
respectively, channels 9 – 12 will be assigned to Parts 9 – 12
respectively, and channels 13 – 16 will be assigned to Parts 13
– 16 respectively.
Unlike the Copy Performance Job, a different MIDI Receive
channel will be assigned to each of the Parts, allowing for
greater flexibility when using the created settings with a multi-
timbral tone generator.
Note that the Receive Channel of the destination MIxing Part
will be set to off if the Receive Channel of the source
Performance Part is set to off.
Mixing Voice Edit
Mixing Voices are Normal Voices that have been specially edited for and saved to specific Song/Pattern Mixings. Up to 16
Mixing Voices can be stored to each Song/Pattern Mixing. In this mode, you can edit the Voices assigned to Mixing Parts 1 –
16 respectively and store them as Mixing Voices. Mixing Voice Jobs are also available, providing convenient tools for
organizing your created Mixing Voices.
Press the [F6] Vce Edit button to enter the Mixing Voice Edit mode.
n For more information about Mixing Voices, see page 189.
Editing Mixing Voices
Press the [MIXING] button in the Song mode or
Pattern mode to call up the Mixing Play display
(page 190) in the Mixing mode.
2 Move the cursor to the Part to which the
desired Voice is assigned.
The name of the selected Voice is shown at right top of
the display. You can also select the Voice here. To do
this, press the [PROGRAM] button (the lamp lights),
then select the desired Voice by using the Bank buttons
[PRE 1] – [GM], Group buttons [A] – [H] and the
Number buttons [1] – [16].
3 Press the [F6] Vce Edit button to enter the
Mixing Voice Edit mode.
4 Call up the Common Edit display or Element
Edit display (for a Normal Voice)/Key Edit
display (for a Drum Voice) .
To call up the Common Edit display, press the
[COMMON EDIT] button. To edit more global
parameters related to the overall Voice and how it’s
processed, such as Arpeggio, Controller, and Effects,
call up the Common Edit display.
To call up the Element Edit display (for a Normal Voice),
press one of the Number buttons [1] – [8] to select the
Element to be edited. To call up the Drum Key Edit
display (for a Drum Voice), press the [1] button and the
key to be edited. If you wish to edit the sounds that
make up a Voice and the basic parameters that
determine the sound, such as Oscillator, Pitch, Filter,
Amplitude, and EG (Envelope Generator), call up the
Element Edit or Drum Key Edit display.
5 Call up the Edit display including the
parameters you wish to edit by pressing the
[F1] – [F6] buttons and [SF1] – [SF5] buttons.
Both Common Edit and Element Edit (or Drum Key Edit)
consist of several displays. To find a desired display,
note the tab menu corresponding to the [F1] – [F5]
buttons and [SF1] – [SF5] buttons.
6 Move the cursor to the desired parameter.
7 Edit the value by using the [INC/YES], [DEC/
NO] buttons and the data dial.
8 Edit the Mixing Voice by repeating steps 4 – 7
as desired.
9 Enter a name for the Mixing Voice from the
Name display (page 55) of the Common Edit.
For detailed instructions on naming, see page 37.
10 If you wish to store the edited Voice, press the
[STORE] button to call up the Store window
(page 192).
For detailed instructions on storing, see page 144.
11 Press the [EXIT] or [MIXING] button to return
to the Mixing Play mode.
Voice Category Voice name
Voice Number
Voice Bank
[F6] button
Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Useful functions in the Mixing
Voice Edit mode
This is the same as in the Voice Element Edit mode
(page 54).
This is the same as in the Voice Element Edit mode
(page 54).
This is the same as in the Voice Element Edit mode
(page 54).
This is the same as in the Voice Element Edit mode
(page 54).
This window indicates the information of the current Mixing
Voice. You can call up this display by pressing the [SF6]
INFO button in the Mixing Voice Edit mode. Keep in mind
that the Information window can be called up only when the
[SF6] tab menu indicates “INFO.”
Press any of the panel buttons to return to the original
Storing the created Mixing Voice
[MIXING] [F6] Vce Edit [STORE]
1 When the [E] indicator is shown on the display
in the Mixing Voice Edit mode, press the
[STORE] button.
The Mixing Voice Store window appears.
2 Specify the destination for storing the Mixing
Voice .
Select a Mixing Voice (MIXV) number as destination by
using the data dial, [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO] buttons.
You can store the Voice edited in the Mixing Voice Edit
mode also as a User Voice by setting the Voice Bank to
“USR1” – “USR4” or “USER DR.”
3 Press the [ENTER] button.
The display prompts you for confirmation. To cancel the
Store operation, press the [DEC/NO] button.
4 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the
Store operation.
After the Mixing Voice has been stored, a “Completed”
message appears and operation returns to the original
When you execute the Store operation, the settings for the
destination memory will be overwritten. Important data should
always be backed up to a separate USB storage device or to a
computer connected via network to the MOTIF XF. For detailed
instructions on saving, see page 241.
Mixing Voice Job
[MIXING] [F6] Vce Edit [JOB]
The Mixing Voice Job mode provides convenient tools for
organizing your created Mixing Voices.
1 Press the [JOB] button in the Mixing Voice Edit
mode to enter the Mixing Voice Job mode.
2 Call up the desired Mixing Voice Job by
pressing the appropriate button ([F2] – [F4]).
Switching an Element on/off
Soloing an Element to be edited
The [E] Indicator
Compare function
Mixing Voice Information—[SF6] INFO
Mixing Voice Job Procedure
Multi-timbral Tone Generator Settings for Song/Pattern Playback (Mixing mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
3 Set the parameters for executing the Job.
Move the cursor to the desired parameter, then set the
4 Press the [ENTER] button. (The display
prompts you for confirmation.)
To cancel the Job, press the [DEC/NO] button.
5 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the Job.
After the Job has been completed, a “Completed”
message appears and operation returns to the original
Even if a Job operation has been completed, selecting a
different Voice or turning the power off without storing will
erase the Voice data. Make sure to store the Voice data to
internal memory by pressing the [STORE] button before
selecting a different Voice or turning the power off.
6 Press the [EXIT] button to return to the Mixing
Voice Edit mode.
If you are editing a Mixing Voice but have not stored it
before switching to another Mixing Voice, the edits you
have made will be cleared. If this happens, you can use the
Recall function to restore the Mixing Voice with your latest
edits intact.
This Job lets you copy the Mixing Voice stored to a
specified Song/Pattern to another Song/Pattern.
Source Mixing Voice
Determines the source Mixing Voice by selecting Song or
Pattern (
01 – 64) then specifying the number (01 – 16, all).
The main category 1/main category 2 and name of the
selected Mixing Voice is indicated in the lower line.
Destination Mixing Voice
Determines the destination Mixing Voice. Same as above.
This Job deletes an unnecessary Mixing Voice. Note that
up to 256 Mixing Voices can be stored for all Songs and
Patterns. Accordingly, the Mixing Voice memory will
become full and additional Voices cannot be stored if
you’ve stored 16 different Voices for 16 different Songs. If
this occurs, use this Job to delete any unused Mixing
Mixing Voice to be deleted
Determines the Mixing Voice to be erased.
Song/Pattern: song, pattern
Song/Pattern number: 01 – 64
Mixing Voice number: 01 – 16, all
Common Edit parameters
This is the same as in the Normal Voice Common Edit
mode. See page 55. However, some parameters having
the same name as those in the Voice Common Edit mode
are not available in the Mixing Voice Edit mode.
Element Edit parameters
[MIXING] [F6] Vce Edit Element selection
from [1] – [8]
This is the same as in the Normal Voice Element Edit mode.
See page 69.
Recalling the unedited sound—[F2]
Copying another Mixing Voice Element
to the current one—[F3] Copy
Deleting a Mixing Voice—[F3] Delete
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Audio Recording to Song/Pattern (Sampling mode)
In addition to its use in the Voice and Performance modes, the Sampling mode can also be entered from the Song and
Pattern modes. This lets you record audio (such as vocals, electric guitar, or audio from an external device), and use it
directly on a Song/Pattern track as a Sample Voice. This section covers the Sampling functions when entering the Sampling
mode by pressing the [INTEGRATED SAMPLING] button in the Song mode or the Pattern mode.
n You can also enter the Sampling mode by pressing the [INTEGRATED SAMPLING] button in the Voice mode or the Performance mode. Keep
in mind that the Sampling functions differ depending on from which mode the Sampling mode is called up, the Voice/Performance mode or
the Song/Pattern mode. See page 119 for instructions on using the Sampling function in the Voice mode/Performance mode.
The recorded (edited) Sample data will be lost when turning the power off. Before turning off the power, you should always copy the Sample
data to the optional Flash Memory Expansion Module (page 34), or save the Sample data to a USB storage device or a computer connected
to the same network as the MOTIF XF (page 41).
The Sampling mode structure
In this section, you’ll learn about the structure and organization of Samples when recording audio to a Song/Pattern, as well
as the relationship between Samples, Sample Voices, and Mixings.
n For details about Samples, Waveforms, and Key Banks, see page 119.
Audio Recording to Song/Pattern
Because Songs and Patterns on the MOTIF XF handle only
MIDI data, audio signal cannot be recorded directly to a
track even by executing the Sampling operation.
Audio data you’ve recorded to a track via the Sampling
operation will be stored as a Sample Voice to a Song/
Pattern. The stored Sample Voice will automatically be
assigned to the Mixing Part corresponding to the recorded
track. In addition, the MIDI data for triggering the Sample
Voice will be recorded to the track. During playback, the
MIDI data of the track will trigger the Sample Voice.
Consequently, the resulting track effectively functions as an
Audio track.
Flash Memory Expansion Module (sold separately)
The sample obtained via the Sampling function can be stored as a Waveform by installing the optional Flash Memory Expansion
Module FL512M/FL1024M to the MOTIF XF. The sample on the Flash Memory Expansion Module will be maintained even if the power
is turned off and can be called up as a Waveform immediately. This is very convenient when using a User Voice containing the
Waveform to which the Sample created via the Sampling function has been assigned.
Sequence data
(Song, Pattern)
Sequencer block
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 16
Tone Generator block
MIDI data
Audio data
Sample Voice
Sample Voice
Audio data
MIDI data for triggering the Sample Voice
Audio data is recorded to a Sample Voice which is to be assigned to a
Song/Pattern, and note on/off events for triggering the recorded audio
signal are recorded to Track 3.
Part 1: Voice 1
Part 2: Voice 2
Part 3: Sample Voice
Part 16: Voice 16
Audio Recording to Song/Pattern (Sampling mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
About Slice
The Slice function is an important operation of Sampling in
the Song/Pattern modes, since it allows you to easily divide
the audio into smaller parts which can then be triggered
and controlled in many musically useful ways.
Slice actually performs two operations on a Sample
First, Slice creates a Sample Voice by dividing the original
Sample into smaller Samples of a specific note value (such
as 8th notes or 16th notes) depending on the rhythm, then
assigns the Samples to Key Banks. The created Sample
Voice is automatically assigned to the Mixing part
corresponding to the recorded Track.
Second, the Slice function creates sequence data
consisting of note events to which the sliced Samples are
assigned in order. The note events in the created sequence
data are arranged according to the Key Bank assignment
chromatically, with each gate time of the note events
matching the original Sample’s rhythm (e.g., 8th notes or
16th notes).
The end result is that you can hear the same sound from
both of the original Sample and the sliced Sample. If this
were the only result, Slice wouldn’t be of much use.
However, once a Sample is ‘sliced’ in this way, it can be
changed and played back in many convenient and
creative ways.
Firstly, you can change the tempo of the Sample in real
time. While the MOTIF XF features a Time Stretch Job for
changing the tempo of the Sample, this Job cannot be
used in real time during your keyboard performance
because it takes some time to convert the Sample data. On
the other hand, by using sliced Samples, you can change
the speed of Sample playback by changing the tempo
value of the Song/Pattern in real time.
The second benefit is that you can quickly and easily
create variations of the original Sample by changing the
playback of the sliced Samples.
For example, you could change the velocities and timing
points of the note events to which the sliced Samples are
assigned. This lets you create accents in the playback or
change the rhythm of the Sample to a swing feel, for
example. Furthermore, you can change the actual order of
the Sample slices (as note events), making it exceptionally
easy to come up with new and unusual sound variations.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
1, 3, 1, 4, 5, 8, 3, 6
Sliced, assigned Samples
Example 1
Example 2
You can produce melodic or rhythmic variations simply by
changing the sequence of the note events.
Phrase order to be played
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Audio Recording to Song/Pattern (Sampling mode)
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Sampling Main display
The Sampling Main display, the entrance of the Sampling mode, is called up when entering the Sampling mode from the
current mode. Pressing the [INTEGRATED SAMPLING] button in the Song mode or Pattern mode calls up the Sampling
mode dedicated to creation of Sample Voices assigned to a Song/Pattern track. Press the [EXIT] button to return to the
original mode, Song or Pattern.
n This section covers the Sampling mode called up from the Song/Pattern mode. See page 120 for instructions on using the Sampling function
in the Voice mode/Performance mode.
Selecting a Waveform and Key Bank—
The Sampling Main display lets you select the Waveform
and its Key Bank and hear the sound of the Sample
assigned to the selected Key Bank.
The parameters and the [SF1], [SF6], and [F6]
buttons are same as in the Sampling mode called up from
the Voice mode/Performance mode. See page 120.
Track (Indication only)
Indicates the track number of the currently selected Song/
Measure (Indication only)
Indicates the measure number of the currently selected
n Keep in mind that you can assign the User Voices created in
the Sampling mode entered from the Voice/Performance mode
to Mixing parts of the Song/Pattern. You can also assign the
Waveforms created in the Sampling mode entered from the
Song/Pattern mode to Elements of the Voice in the Voice Edit
Sampling Record
The Sampling Record function lets you record sounds—such as vocals from a connected microphone, the signal from an
electric guitar, or audio from an external CD or MP3 player—and store the audio as a Sample Voice, which is used in the
tracks of a Song/Pattern. Refer to the Owner’s Manual for instructions on using the Sampling function in the Song mode/
Pattern mode.
n This section covers the Sampling mode called up from the Song/Pattern mode. See page 121 for instructions on using the Sampling function
in the Voice mode/Performance mode.
Sampling Setup—[F6] Rec
From this display you can set up various parameters for
Sampling. Press the [F6] button from the Sampling main
display to call up this display. Press the [EXIT] button to go
back to the Sampling Main display.
After setting up, press the [F6] Standby button to call up
the Record Standby display (page 205).
Audio Recording to Song/Pattern (Sampling mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Recording Type
Determines the recording method. The Sampling
procedure and created Sample data differ depending on
the setting here.
Settings: slice+seq, sample, sample+note
The recorded Sample is automatically divided into “slices” to be stored
as a Sample Voice then these slices are assigned to successive notes
on the keyboard. These notes are then automatically arranged in MIDI
sequence data (to the specified track) for playback. For example, if a
1-measure drum pattern is sampled and a 8th note size is specified,
the recorded measure will be sliced into (approximately) eight Samples
which will be assigned to the eight consecutive notes on the keyboard.
The recorded audio signal is just stored as a Sample Voice. This setting
produces no MIDI sequence data resulting that the recorded Sample is
not played back even when playing back the Song/Pattern.
In addition to sample data, the appropriate note data for playing the
sample is created and recorded to the specified Track ( ).
Input Source
Determines the input connector via which the signal to be
sampled will be received. Refer to the description of the
same-named parameter on page 122.
Determines whether new Samples will be recorded as
stereo or mono Samples. Refer to the description of the
same-named parameter on page 122.
Record Next
This is available when the Recording Type in the Setup
display is set to “sample.” Refer to the description of the
same-named parameter on page 122.
Specifies the sampling frequency. Refer to the description
of the same-named parameter on page 123.
Determines the Waveform number as destination.
Settings: 001 – 128
This operation overwrites any data previously existing at the
destination Waveform number. Important data should always be
saved to a USB storage device connected to the USB TO DEVICE
terminal or to a computer connected to the same network as the
MOTIF XF (page 241).
Determines the note number of the Key Bank as
destination. The value set here can be changed in the
Sampling Edit mode (page 210). Keep in mind that this
parameter cannot be set when the Recording Type is set to
Settings: C -2 – G8
n When the Recording Type is set to “slice+seq,” sliced
Samples will be assigned to the notes in order chromatically,
starting with C1 (MOTIF XF6), E0 (MOTIF XF7) and A -1
(MOTIF XF8) respectively.
n You can also set the Key directly from the keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired
key. For details, see page 37.
Determines the track number to which the recorded
Sample is assigned. After recording is finished, the created
Sample Voice is to be assigned to the Mixing part
corresponding to the Track specified here. When the
Recording Type is set to “slice+seq” or “sample+note,” the
note data for playing back the Sample Voice will be created
in the Track specified here.
Settings: 01 – 16
This parameter is not available when entering the Sampling
mode from the Song mode/Pattern mode.
This parameter is not available when entering the Sampling
mode from the Song mode/Pattern mode.
Drum Key
This parameter is not available when entering the Sampling
mode from the Song mode/Pattern mode.
Recordable Time (Indication only)
Indicates the available Sampling time using the available
memory. The time indicated here is calculated assuming a
mono signal with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz. The
amount of memory space currently being used is shown in
the display as a blue line.
[F6] Standby
Pressing this button to call up the Sampling Standby
This display is used for executing the Sampling. For
details, see page 205.
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Audio Recording to Song/Pattern (Sampling mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Sampling Standby and Start—[F6]
This display is used for starting Sampling. Press the [F6]
button from the Setup display to call up this display. Press
the [EXIT] button to go back to the Setup display.
After setting the parameters as necessary, press the [F5]
Start button to start the Sampling procedure. Note that the
actual Sampling start timing differs depending on the
Trigger Mode setting.
When the Trigger Mode ( ) is set to “level”:
Even if you press the [F5] Start button, the WAITING
indication just appears on the display and actual Sampling
does not start. When audio signal exceeding the specified
Trigger Level ( ) is input, the RECORDING indication
replaces the WAITING indication and Sampling starts.
When the Trigger Mode ( ) is set to “meas”:
Even if you press the [F5] Start button, the WAITING
indication just appears on the display and actual Sampling
does not start. Set the Measure ( ) at which the Song/
Pattern playback starts, input a measure number larger
than the Measure value ( ) to the Punch In/Out parameter
( ), then press the [F] (Play) button to start playback.
After starting playback, actual sampling will begin at the
specified Punch In measure, and end at the specified
Punch Out measure.
When the Trigger Mode ( ) is set to “manual”:
Actual Sampling (Recording) starts when you press the
[F5] Start button.
Waveform (Indication only)
Indicates the number and name of the selected Waveform.
Key Range (Indication only)
Indicates the key range of the currently selected Key Bank.
Velocity (Velocity Range) (Indication only)
Indicates the velocity range of the currently selected Key
Track (Indication only)
Indicates the track number to which the recorded Sample
is assigned.
Indicates the measure number of the currently selected
Song/Pattern. You can change the measure number by
using the [G]/[H] (Reverse/Fast Forward) buttons.
When entering the Sampling mode from the Song mode: 001 – 999
When entering the Sampling mode from the Pattern mode: 001 – 256
Record Monitor
Determines the output level of the monitor for the input
signal. This monitor signal is output from the PHONES jack
or the OUTPUT R and L/MONO jacks.
Settings: 0 – 127
Record Gain
This parameter is available only when the Input Source
(page 204) is set to “resample.” Determines the recording
gain when resampling. The higher the value, the greater
the volume of the resampled sound. Before executing the
Sampling (Recording) operation, you can set the
appropriate gain by checking the volume via the Level
Meter ( ) while playing the keyboard.
Settings: -12dB, -6dB, +0dB, +6dB, +12dB
Indicates the Key Bank (page 204) set in the Sampling
Record Setup display. The Key Bank can be changed both
here and in Sampling Edit (page 210) after the Recording
is finished.
Settings: C -2 – G8
n You can also set the Key directly from the keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] KBD button and pressing the desired
key. For details, see page 37.
Trigger Level
When the Trigger Mode ( ) is set to “level,” you’ll also
need to set the Trigger Level. Sampling (Recording) will
begin as soon as an input signal exceeding the specified
trigger level is received. The level set here will be indicated
as a red triangle in the level meter. For best results, set this
as low as possible to capture the entire signal, but not so
low as to record unwanted noise.
Settings: 000 – 127
Trigger Mode
Determines the method by which Sampling will be triggered.
Settings: level, meas, manual
Sampling starts as soon as an input signal exceeding the specified
trigger level ( ) is received.
meas (measure)
This should be set together with the Punch In/Out measure ( ). After
the [F6] Start button is pressed, actual sampling will begin at the
specified Punch In measure, and end at the specified Punch Out
measure. Sampling will also stop when the Song/Pattern is stopped by
pressing the [J] (Stop) button. This method lets you recording the
audio signal while monitoring the sound of other Tracks.
Audio Recording to Song/Pattern (Sampling mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Sampling starts soon after you press the [F6] REC button. This setting
lets you start Sampling at the desired timing regardless of the input
level from audio source.
Punch In/Out
This parameter is available only when the Trigger Mode
( ) is set to “meas.” The Punch In value determines the
measure number at which sampling starts automatically
while the Punch Out value determines the measure number
at which sampling stops automatically.
Settings: 001 – 999 (Song mode), 001 – 256 (Pattern mode)
Level Meter
Recordable Time (Indication only)
Refer to the description of the same-named parameter on
page 123.
[SF1] Confirm
This is available when Recording Type in the Setup display
(page 204) is set to “sample” or “sample+note.”
[F5] Start
Press this button to start Sampling.
During Sampling, a graphic representation of the recorded
audio appears in the display.
[F6] Stop
Press this button to stop Sampling (Recording).
In each of the following cases, the “FINISHED” display
appears after Sampling is finished.
When Recording Type (page 204) is set to “sample” or
“sample+note” and [SF1] Confirm is turned on
When Recording Type (page 204) to “slice+seq”
From the FINISHED display, you can listen to the just-
recorded Sample by pressing the [SF1] button. See below
for details.
When [F2] Confirm is turned on before the Sampling starts,
the FINISHED display below appears as soon as the
Sampling is finished. From this display, you can hear and
confirm the Sample by pressing the [SF1] Audition button.
If you are satisfied with the sound, press the [ENTER]
button to fix the Sampling result as Sample data. If you are
not satisfied with the Sampling result, press the [EXIT]
button then try again.
When [F2] Confirm is turned off before Sampling starts, the
Sampling operation will automatically fix the Sample data
and return to the Setup display (page 203).
[SF1] Audition
You can hear the recorded Sample by holding this button.
This lets you hear precisely how the Sample is played back.
n When Recording Type (page 204) is set to “sample” or
“sample+note” and [SF1] Confirm is turned off, stopping
Recording will automatically fix the just-recorded Sample data
and the instrument will return to the Setup display (page 203).
Please note that the instrument returns to the STANDBY
display as soon as Sampling is finished if Record Next is
turned on in the Setup display before the Sampling operation.
n When Recording Type (page 204) is set to “slice+seq,”
stopping Recording calls up the Record Trim display
(page 207).
Sampling RECORDING display
Sampling FINISHED display
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Audio Recording to Song/Pattern (Sampling mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Trimming the Sample—Record Trim
When Recording Type (page 204) is set to “slice+seq,”
stopping Recording (and subsequently fixing the sampled
data when Confirm is turned on) calls up this display. From
this display, you can delete unwanted portions of the
Sample, located ahead of the Start point and located after
the End point). Press the [EXIT] button to go back to the
Setup display.
The procedure in the Record Trim display is as follows.
1 Set the Start Point to the point at which the
actual sound of the recorded Sample starts.
You can use the [SF1] Audition button to listen to the
Sample and [SF4] Zoom Out/[SF5] Zoom In button to
view the wave of the Sample.
n By pressing the [SF6] NUM button, you can use the [SF1]
– [SF5] and [F1] – [F6] buttons as number buttons.
Pressing the [EXIT] button return their buttons to the
original status. For details, see page 36.
2 Set the Tempo ( ), Meter ( ), and Measure
( ) for Sample playback.
The End Point ( ) will be automatically changed so that
the length between the Start Point and the End Point
matches the settings here.
3 Set the Loop Point ( ) as necessary.
When the menu indication of the [SF2] button is
“LP=ST,” the Start (Start Point) and the Loop (Loop Start
Point) will share the same address, meaning that both
of them will be changed simultaneously, even if just one
of them is changed. Pressing the [SF2] button in this
condition changes the menu from “LP=ST” to “LP≠ST.”
When the menu indication here is “LP≠ST,” the Start
(Start Point) and the Loop (Loop Start Point) can be
changed independently. When pressing the [SF2]
button in this condition, the address value of the Start
will be copied to the one of the Loop, with the result that
both of them share the same address value. The menu
indication of the [SF2] button also changes from
“LP≠ST” to “LP=ST.”
4 Press the [ENTER] button. (The display
prompts you for confirmation.)
If you wish to cancel the operation, press the [DEC/NO]
5 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the
Extract operation to delete unwanted portions
of the Sample.
6 Press the [F6] Slice button to call up the Slice
The data deleted via the Extract operation cannot be
recovered. If you have accidentally deleted a necessary portion
of the Sample, press the [EXIT] button to return to the Setup
display, then execute the Sampling operation again.
Parameters are the same as the ones in the
Standby display (page 205).
Start Point
Determines the Start point for Sample playback. The part at
the left side of this point will not be played back.
Settings: 0000000 – End point
Loop Point
Determines the Loop point at which the loop playback starts.
When the Play mode is set to “loop,” the Sample is played
back between this Loop point and the End point (
Settings: 0000000 – End point
End Point
Determines the End point for Sample playback. The part at
the right side of this point will not be played back. The End
Point will be automatically determined so that the length
between the Start Point and the End Point matches the
settings of the Tempo (
), Meter ( ), and Measure ( ).
Settings: 0000000 – (depending on the Sample’s length)
Determines the Tempo of Sample playback. Setting the
Tempo changes the End Point ( ) so that the length
between the Start Point and the End Point matches the
settings of the Meter and Measure.
Settings: 5.0 – 300.0
Determines the meter (time signature) of Sample playback.
Setting the Meter changes the End Point ( ) so that the
length between the Start Point and the End Point matches
the settings of the Tempo and Measure.
Settings: 1/16 – 16/16, 1/8 – 16/8, 1/4 – 8/4
Audio Recording to Song/Pattern (Sampling mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Determines the amount of measures for Sample playback.
Setting the Measure changes the End Point ( ) so that the
length between the Start Point and the End Point matches
the settings of the Tempo and Meter.
Measure: 000 – 032
Beat: 00 – 15 (Varies depending on the Meter setting.)
Recordable Time (Indication only)
Indicates the available Sampling time using the available
memory. The time indicated here is calculated assuming a
mono signal with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz. The
amount of memory space currently being used is shown in
the display as a blue line.
[SF1] Audition
You can hear the selected Sample by holding this button.
This lets you hear precisely how the Sample is played
When the menu indication here is “LP=ST,” the Start (Start
Point) and the Loop (Loop Start Point) will share the same
address, meaning that both of them will be changed
simultaneously, even if just one of them is changed.
Pressing the [SF2] button in this condition changes the
menu from “LP=ST” to “LP≠ST.” When the menu indication
here is “LP≠ST,” the Start (Start Point) and the Loop (Loop
Start Point) can be changed independently. When pressing
the [SF2] button in this condition, the address value of the
Start will be copied to the one of the Loop, with the result
that both of them share the same address value. The menu
indication also changes from “LP≠ST” to “LP=ST.”
[SF3] Display
Pressing the [SF3] button adjusts the zoom level so that the
entire wave, including the Start Point and End Point, is
shown on the display.
[SF4] Zoom Out
[SF5] Zoom In
Press these buttons to zoom in and out of the wave
indication of the Sample in the display.
[F6] Slice
Pressing this button calls up the Record Slice display.
Slicing the Sample—Record Slice
When the Recording Type (page 204) is set to “slice+seq,”
you can call up this display by pressing the [F6] Slice
button in the Record Slice display. From this display, you
can divide the recorded Sample into several slices
according to the rhythm of the original Sample. By
executing the Slice operation, the recorded Sample is first
divided into “slices” to be stored as a Sample Voice, then
these slices are assigned to successive notes on the
keyboard. These notes are then automatically arranged in
MIDI sequence data (to the specified track) for playback.
The procedure on the Record Slice display is as follows.
1 Select a Slice Type ( ).
2 Set the amount of Measures ( ) for Sample
3 Set the Meter ( ), Sub Divide ( ), and
Sensitivity ( ).
4 Press the [SF4] Apply button to execute Slice.
The tab menu “Apply” is changed to “Cancel.” At this
time, the Sample has been modified temporarily and is
not fixed as data.
5 Confirm the result of the Slice operation.
Press the [SF1] Audition button to hear the modified
Sample. If you are satisfied with the result, go on to step
6. If you are not satisfied with the results and want to try
again, press the [SF4] Cancel button to abort the Slice
operation and return the Sample to the original status.
The tab menu “Cancel” returns to “Apply.” In this case,
attempt the operation again from step 1.
6 Press the [ENTER] button to fix the Slice result
as Sample data.
The instrument returns to the Setup display.
7 Press the [EXIT] button a number of times to
go back to the Song mode or Pattern mode.
Listen to the recorded track having the sliced Sample.
8 Before turning the power off, store the Song or
Pattern data to internal memory.
9 Save the Waveform.
If the optional Flash Memory Expansion Module is
installed to the MOTIF XF, use the Copy Job (page 130)
to save the Waveform. If not, save the Waveform to a
USB storage device or a computer connected to the
same network as the MOTIF XF (page 41).
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Audio Recording to Song/Pattern (Sampling mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Parameters are the same as the ones in the
Standby display (page 205).
Select the type that best suits the original phrase. Specifies
how the Sample is sliced, and to some extent determines
the resulting sound quality.
Settings: beat1 – 3, phrase1 – 4, quick
beat1 – 3
This slice type is suited for percussive phrases such as drums or bass
with a fast attack and short decay. Three variations are provided.
phrase1 – 4
Ideal for phrases containing cymbals or other instruments with a long
decay. Four variations are provided.
Regardless of the phrase content, the Sample is divided at the
specified note sub-divisions. The number of slices per measure is
calculated by multiplying the top number of the Meter (time signature)
parameter by the bottom number of the Sub Divide parameter.
n For helpful hints on getting the Slice Type parameter to work
for different Samples, see “Tips for using the Slice Types
n You can call up the list and select the desired item by pressing
the [SF6] LIST button. For details, see page 37.
Determines the amount of measures for Sample playback.
When the Slice operation is executed, sequence data
corresponding to the specified number of measures is
The sequence data is created from the beginning of the
current measure at which Sampling is started.
Settings: 1 – 8
Specifies the meter (time signature) of the Sample. The
setting here is the basic slice unit.
Settings: 1/16 – 16/16, 1/8 – 16/8, 1/4 – 8/4
Sub Divide
The Meter parameter sets the basic slice unit, and Sub
Divide specifies even finer resolution for phrases
containing regions with shorter notes. For a one-measure
phrase including quarter notes and eighth notes, for
example, the Meter should be set to 4/4 and Sub Divide to
1/2. This parameter has no effect when the Slice Type
parameter is set to beat 1 – 2.
When Meter is set to 1 – 8/4: quarter note (1/1), 8th note (1/2), 4th
note triplet (1/3), 16th note (1/4), 8th note triplet (1/6), 32nd note 1/8),
16th note triplet (1/12)
When Meter is set to 1 – 16/8: 8th note (1/1), 16th note (1/2), 8th note
triplet (1/3), 32nd note (1/4), 16th note triplet (1/6)
When Meter is set to 1 – 16/16: 16th note (1/1), 32nd note (1/2), 16th
note triplet (1/3)
n The maximum slice resolution for stereo Samples is 64 slices,
and for mono Samples 128 slices.
Sens (Sensitivity)
Further adjusts the sub-divisions specified by the Sub
Divide parameter. Higher values result in higher resolution,
allowing even finer notes and smaller sounds to be
detected and sliced. Use the Audition function (press
[SF1]) to hear the results, and if you’re not satisfied with
them, change the setting and try again.
This parameter has no effect when the “quick” slice type is
Settings: 1 – 5
Determines the Tempo with which the sliced Samples are
to be played back via the [SF1] Audition button. The value
set here is applied to the tempo of Song/Pattern playback.
Settings: 005 – 300
Recordable Time (Indication only)
Indicates the available Sampling time using the available
memory. The time indicated here is calculated assuming a
mono signal with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz. The
amount of memory space currently being used is shown in
the display as a blue line.
[SF4] Apply
When this tab menu indicates “Apply,” Sampling
(Recording) has already finished and the Slice operation
has not been executed yet. In such a situation, pressing
this button executes the Slice and changes the tab menu
from “Apply” to “Cancel.”
When this tab menu indicates “Cancel,” both the Sampling
(Recording) and the Slice operations have been executed.
In this status, pressing this button returns to the before-
slice status with the “Apply” indication.
[F6] Trim
Pressing this button calls up the Record Trim display
(page 207), allowing you to delete unwanted portions of
the Sample.
Audio Recording to Song/Pattern (Sampling mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Slicing percussive phrases having short decays
First, try slicing using “beat1.” If the result has a weak
attack or the release portions of the phrase seem to
overlap, try again using “beat2.” Try adjusting the envelope
sensitivity for finer control.
If after using “beat1” the attack portions overlap or the
overall rhythmic feel is degraded, try again using “beat3.”
Make final adjustments with the Envelope Sensitivity
Slicing phrases having long decays
First, try slicing using “phrase1.” If the result has a weak
attack or the release portions of the phrase seem to
overlap, try again using “phrase2.” Make final adjustments
with the Envelope Sensitivity parameter.
If after using “phrase1” the points between the slices
sounds rough and the overall feel is choppy, try again
using “phrase3” or “phrase4” and set Sub Divide to a finer
resolution. Make final adjustments with the Envelope
Sensitivity parameter. The “phrase3” setting is generally
best for sustained strings or brass type sounds with no
vibrato—in other words, the pitch remains constant. It can
also produce echo-like effects when applied to percussive
phrases with short decay.
If after using “phrase1” the points between the slices
sounds rough and the overall feel is choppy, try again
using “phrase4” and set Sub Divide to a finer resolution.
Make final adjustments with the Envelope Sensitivity
parameter. The “phrase4” setting is generally best for
sustained strings or brass type sounds with vibrato, as well
as vocal phrases.
Individual wave data slices created through Slice
operations require approximately 1.5 times the original
memory because a tail section is automatically added and
fade-in and fade-out sections are automatically created at
the beginning and end of the wave data. This helps to
maintain maximum sound quality when the tempo is
increased, and results in smoother connections between
slices (no tail section is created when the “quick” slice type
is selected).
A memory work area is required for the processing
calculations carried out for each Slice operation, as well as
sufficient memory to hold the completed waveforms. When
the sampling frequency is 44.1 kHz, the approximate
amount of memory (expressed in kilobytes) required for
each Slice type is listed below.
For mono Samples N = 5.5, and for stereo Samples N = 8.
Also, the number of slices is doubled for stereo Samples.
Sampling Edit
The Sampling Edit mode gives you comprehensive, detailed controls for editing the recorded Sample and changing the
Sample settings. Press the [EDIT] button from the Sampling Main display to call up the Sampling Edit display. Press the
[EXIT] button to go back to the Sampling Main display.
Same as in the Sampling mode called up from the Voice mode/Performance mode. For information about Sampling Edit, see
page 126.
Sampling Job
The Sampling Job mode lets you process and modify Samples you have recorded. 19 Sampling Jobs are available.
Same as in the Sampling mode called up from the Voice mode/Performance mode. For information about the Sampling
Jobs, see page 129.
Tips for using the Slice Types Wave Memory Required for Slice
beat 1 Original wave size X N + (0.3 X number of slices)
beat 2 Original wave size X N + (0.2 X number of slices)
beat 3 Original wave size X N + (0.3 X number of slices)
phrase 1 Original wave size X N + (5.8 X number of slices)
phrase 2 Original wave size X N + (1.4 X number of slices)
phrase 3 Original wave size X N + (0.4 X number of slices)
phrase 4 Original wave size X N + (1.4 X number of slices)
quick Original wave size X N + (0.7 X number of slices)
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Using as a Master Keyboard (Master mode)
This synthesizer is loaded with such a wealth of different features, functions and operations, you may find it difficult to locate
and call up the particular feature you need. This is where the Master function comes in handy. You can use it to memorize the
operations you use most often in each mode, and call them up instantly anytime you need them with a single button press.
The MOTIF XF has space for a total of 128 of your own User Master settings.
Press the [MASTER] button to enter the Master Play mode.
Master Play mode
To enter the Master Play mode and call up the Master Play display, press the [MASTER] button from the current mode.
Selecting a Master Program
The MOTIF XF features 128 specially programmed
Masters, stored to internal User Memory (Flash ROM). The
Bank consists of eight Groups (A to H), each of which
contains 16 Master programs. To call up the desired Master
program, select the appropriate Group and Number.
Playing the Keyboard in the Master
Play mode—[MASTER]
In the Master Play mode, you can select a Master program
and play the keyboard according to the settings of the
selected Master program. Changing the Master number
lets you call up one of the modes and various settings such
as tone generator settings (multi-timbral or single) and
MIDI settings.
Type 1 of the Master Play display
Type 2 of the Master Play display
Master Number (Group/Number)
Indicates the selected Master number.
n Master numbers 001 to 128 are converted to the format
(shown in the parentheses) related to Banks A to H and
Program Numbers 1 to 16 (for the Bank). This format is related
to the Group buttons [A] – [H] and the Number buttons [1] –
[16]. The Master numbers and the corresponding Group/
Numbers are listed below.
Master name (Indication only)
Indicates the name of the current Master.
Mode (Indication only)
Indicates the mode memorized to the current Master. One
the modes (Voice, Performance, Pattern or Song) is
indicated here.
Group/Number Program Number
A01 – 16 001 – 016
B01 – 16 017 – 032
C01 – 16 033 – 048
D01 – 16 049 – 064
E01 – 16 065 – 080
F01 – 16 081 – 096
G01 – 16 097 – 112
H01 – 16 113 – 128
Using as a Master Keyboard (Master mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Program number (Indication only)
Determines the Program number (Voice number,
Performance number, Song number, or Pattern number)
that is called up when the Master is selected. The program
type differs depending on the memorized mode.
Indicates the Keyboard Octave setting set via the OCTAVE
buttons. This parameter determines how much higher or
lower the pitch of each key is compared to normal pitch.
Knobs 1 – 8
Indicates the parameters to which respective Knobs 1 – 8
are assigned and their current values. Pressing the
[SELECTED PART CONTROL] button repeatedly switches
among the parameter sets (indicated by the lamps). For
information about the parameters, see below.
Control Sliders 1 – 8
Indicates the levels of respective Control Sliders 1 – 8. The
target to be adjusted by the Control Sliders differs
depending on the mode memorized to the current Master.
Zone name
Indicates the name for each Zone.
Note Limit / Range
Indicates the note range for each Zone with the note name
and the horizontal graphic.
[SF1] ARP1 – [SF5] ARP5 (Arpeggio 1 – 5)
When the memorized mode is Voice or Performance, a
different Arpeggio type is assigned to each of the [SF1]
ARP1 – [SF5] ARP5 buttons according to the Voice or
Performance number. The Arpeggio types are assigned to
the buttons with the 8th note icon on the display tab. You
can call them up by pressing these buttons any time during
your keyboard performance.
[SF1] Scene1 – [SF5] Scene5
When the memorized mode is Song or Pattern, a different
Scene setting is assigned to each of the [SF1] – [SF5]
buttons according to the Song or Pattern number.
The speed at which you press this button several times will
determine the playback tempo of the Arpeggio/Song/
Master Edit
The Master Edit mode lets you create your own original Master programs—containing up to eight different Zones (keyboard
areas)—by editing the various parameters. To enter the Master Edit mode, press the [EDIT] button in the Master Play mode.
Press the [EXIT] button to return to the original display.
Common Edit and Zone Edit
In the Master mode, you can divide the keyboard into (up
to) eight independent areas (called “Zones”). Different
MIDI channels and different functions of the Knobs and
Control Sliders can be assigned to each Zone. This makes
it possible to control several Parts of the multi-timbral tone
generator simultaneously by a single keyboard or to control
Voices of an external MIDI instrument over several different
channels in addition to the internal Voices of this
synthesizer itself—letting you use the MOTIF XF to
effectively do the work of several keyboards. You can set
the parameters related to the eight Zones in the Master Edit
mode and store the settings as a User Master.
There are two types of Master Edit displays: those for
editing parameters common to all eight Zones and those
for editing individual Zones.
Master Edit Procedure
Press the [MASTER] button to enter the Master
Play mode, then select a Master.
2 Press the [EDIT] button to enter the Master Edit
When the Voice mode is memorized: Voice Bank/Number
When the Performance mode is
Performance Bank/
When the Song mode is memorized: Song Number
When the Pattern mode is memorized: Pattern Number
When the Voice mode is memorized: See page 46.
When the Performance mode is
See page 94.
When the Song mode is memorized: See page 138.
When the Pattern mode is memorized: See page 168.
When the Voice mode is memorized: Volume for Elements 1 – 8
When the Performance mode is
Volume for Parts 1 – 4
When the Song mode is memorized: Volume for Parts 1 – 16
When the Pattern mode is memorized:
Using as a Master Keyboard (Master mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
3 Set the Zone Switch parameter to “on” in the
Other display as necessary.
4 Call up the Common Edit display or Zone Edit
To call up the Common Edit display, press the
[COMMON EDIT] button. You can specify the mode
and program number called up when the Master is
selected, and the Master name in the Common Edit
To call up the Zone Edit display, press one of the
Number buttons [1] – [8] to select the Zone to be
edited. Here you can set various parameters such as
the keyboard range and MIDI Transmit Channel for
each Zone in the Zone Edit mode.
5 Call up the Edit display including the
parameters you wish to edit by pressing the
[F1] – [F5] buttons and [SF1] – [SF2] buttons.
For information about the parameters, see pages 214
and 215.
6 Move the cursor to the desired parameter.
7 Edit the value by using the [INC/YES], [DEC/
NO] buttons and the data dial.
8 Repeat steps 4 – 7 as desired.
9 Enter a name for the Master in the Name
display (page 214) of Common Edit.
10 If you wish to store the edited Master, press
the [STORE] button to call up the Store
window (page 213).
For detailed instructions on storing, see page 213.
The edited Master will be lost when selecting a different
Master, calling up a different mode, or turning the power
off. Make sure to store the Master data to internal memory
by pressing the [STORE] button before selecting a different
Master, calling up a different mode, or turning the power
Because User Memory to which the Master is stored is
Flash Memory, the edited and stored Master will not be
erased even if the power is turned off. You need not worry
about losing your stored data. The Master Store operation,
however, will overwrite the Master data already stored to
the destination Master number. For this reason, important
data should always be backed up to a separate USB
storage device or to a computer connected via network to
the MOTIF XF (page 241).
When changing the value of the parameter in the Master
Edit mode, the [E] (Edit Indicator) will appear on the top
right corner of the display. This gives a quick confirmation
that the current Master has been modified but not yet
stored. To store the current edited status, follow the
instructions below.
Storing the created Master
1 Press the [STORE] button in the Master mode.
The Master Store window appears.
2 Specify the destination for storing the Master.
Select a Master number as destination by using the
data dial, [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO] button.
You can use the [USER 1] button, [A] – [H] buttons and
[1] – [16] buttons to select a Master number.
3 Press the [ENTER] button. (The display
prompts you for confirmation.)
To cancel the Store operation, press the [DEC/NO]
4 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the
Store operation.
After the Master has been stored, a “Completed”
message appears and operation returns to the Master
Play display.
When you execute the Store operation, the settings for the
destination memory will be overwritten. Important data should
always be backed up to a separate USB storage device or to a
computer connected via network to the MOTIF XF. For detailed
instructions on saving, see page 241.
Common Edit display
Zone Edit display
The [E] Indicator
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Using as a Master Keyboard (Master mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Common Edit parameters
Common Edit lets you edit the parameters common to all
Zones of the selected Master.
From this display, you can assign the name to the entire
Master program (at the top of this display) and all the
Zones (1 – 8 listed on this display) used in building up the
Master. For detailed instructions on naming, refer to “Basic
Operation” on page 37.
From this display you can set basic parameters for the
Master, including the mode that is called up with the Master
and the program number.
Determines the mode that is called up when the Master
number is selected.
Settings: voice, performance, pattern, song
Determines the Program number that is called up when the
Master is selected. The name of the selected Voice/
Performance/Song/Pattern is shown.
Settings: Differs depending on the Mode setting above.
When the Mode is set to Voice:
Voice Bank: PRE1 – 8, USR1 – 3, GM, GMDR, PDR, UDR
Voice Number: 001 (A01) – 128 (H16)
When the Mode is set to Performance:
Performance Bank: USR1 – 3
Performance Number: 001 (A01) – 128 (H16)
When the Mode is set to Pattern:
Pattern Number: 01 – 64
When the Mode is set to Song:
Song number: 01 – 64
Zone Switch
Determines whether or not the keyboard will be divided into
(up to) eight independent areas (called “Zones”). For
details about Zones, see page 212.
Settings: on, off
Knob Ctrl Assign (Knob Control Assign)
From this display you can set which row of Knob functions
will be lit and selected. When set to “zone,” selecting the
Master lights no lamp and automatically calls up the Knob/
Slider functions specifically set for each respective Zone
(page 217).
Settings: Differs depending on the Mode setting above. Note that
“zone” can be selected only when the Zone Switch ( ) is
set to “on.”
When the Mode is set to Voice:
tone 1, tone 2, ARP FX, zone
When the Mode is set to Performance, Pattern or Song:
tone 1, tone 2, ARP FX, reverb, chorus, pan, zone
[F6] Get Name
Pressing the [F6] button assigns the name of the currently
selected Voice/Performance/Song/Pattern to the Master
[SF6] INFO (Information)
Press this button to call up the information window of the
current Master.
Master Information—[SF6] INFO
This window indicates the information of the current Master.
Settings cannot be changed here.
Master Name
Indicates the name of the current Master.
Indicates the mode memorized to the current Master. One
of the modes (Voice, Performance, Pattern or Song) is
indicated here.
Naming the edited Master—[F1] Name
Other Parameter Settings—[F2] Other
Using as a Master Keyboard (Master mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Indicates the number and name of the program (Voice,
Performance, Song, or Pattern) that is called up when the
Master is selected. The program differs depending on the
memorized mode.
Zone Switch
Determines whether or not the keyboard will be divided into
(up to) eight independent areas (called “Zones”). For
details about Zones, see page 212.
Transmit Channel
Indicates the MIDI transmit channel of each Zone (when
the Zone Switch is set to on).
Zone Edit parameters
[MASTER] [EDIT] [1] – [8]
These parameters are for editing the individual Zones that
make up a Master. To call up the Zone Edit display, press
the [EDIT] button in the Master Play mode, then press any
of the Number buttons [1] – [8]. Press the [EXIT] button to
return to the Master Play display.
From this display you can set how each Zone transmits
MIDI messages when you play the keyboard.
Transmit Channel
Determines the MIDI Transmit Channel for each Zone.
Settings: 1 – 16
Int Switch (Internal Switch)
Determines whether or not MIDI data for each Zone is
transmitted to the internal tone generator.
n When the Local Control parameter is set to “off” on the MIDI
display (page 228) in the Utility mode, MIDI data for each
Zone will not be transmitted to the internal tone generator,
even if the Int Switch parameter is set to “on.”
Ext Switch (External Switch)
Determines whether or not MIDI data for each Zone is
transmitted to an external MIDI device.
From this display you can set the pitch- and keyboard-
related parameters for each Zone—allowing you to set up
Zone splits and determine the pitch range for each Zone.
Determines the amount in octaves by which the range of
the Zone is shifted up or down. You can adjust the offset up
or down over a maximum range of three octaves.
Settings: -3 – +0 (Default) – +3
Determines the amount in semitones by which the range of
the Zone is shifted up or down.
Settings: -11 – +0 (Default) – +11
Note Limit Low
Note Limit High
Determines the lowest and highest notes of the range for
each Zone.
Settings: C -2 – G8
n You can also set the note directly from the Keyboard, by
holding down the [SF6] button and pressing the desired key.
MIDI Transmit Switch for the Voice related
messages—[SF1] Program
From this display, you can determine whether or not MIDI
messages controlling Voice selection for each Zone are
transmitted to the internal/external tone generator.
When the Voice mode is
Voice Bank, Number, Category,
When the Performance mode is
Performance Bank, Number,
Category, Name
When the Song mode is
Song number, Song name
When the Pattern mode is
Pattern number, Pattern name
MIDI Transmit Channel/Switch Settings
—[F1] Transmit
Note Range Setting for each Zone—[F2]
MIDI Transmit Switch Settings—[F3] Tx
Switch (Transmit Switch)
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Using as a Master Keyboard (Master mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Int Bank Select (Internal Bank Select)
Determines whether or not to transmit Bank Select MSB/
LSB messages to the internal tone generator.
Int Prog Change (Internal Program Change)
Determines whether or not to transmit Program Change
messages to the internal tone generator.
Ext Bank Select (External Bank Select)
Determines whether or not to transmit Bank Select MSB/
LSB messages to the external tone generator via MIDI.
Ext Prog Change (External Program Change)
Determines whether or not to transmit Program Change
messages to the external tone generator via MIDI.
MIDI Transmit Switch for the Other messages
—[SF2] Control
From this display, you can determine whether or not MIDI
messages controlling non-Voice-related settings such as
Control Change, Pitch Bend and Channel Aftertouch are
transmitted to the internal/external tone generator.
When you wish to transmit a certain MIDI message from a
certain Zone to the internal/external tone generator,
checkmark the corresponding box.
Pitch Bend
MIDI messages generated by using the Pitch Bend Wheel.
Ch After Touch (Channel After Touch)
MIDI messages generated by pressing and holding a note
on the keyboard.
Modulation Wheel
MIDI messages generated by using the Modulation Wheel.
Ribbon Controller
MIDI messages generated by using the Ribbon Controller.
Foot Controller 1
Foot Controller 2
MIDI messages generated by using the optional Foot
Controller connected to the rear panel.
MIDI messages generated by using the optional
Footswitch connected to the SUSTAIN jack on the rear
Foot Switch
MIDI messages generated by using the optional
Footswitch connected to the ASSIGNABLE jack on the rear
MIDI messages generated by using the Knobs.
MIDI messages generated by using the Sliders.
A. Function 1 (Assignable Function 1)
A. Function 2 (Assignable Function 2)
MIDI messages generated by using the ASSIGNABLE
FUNCTION buttons.
Volume/Express (Expression)
MIDI Volume messages generated by using the Knobs and
MIDI Pan messages generated by using the Knobs and
From this display you can make the Voice-related settings
for each Zone which will be transmitted as MIDI messages
automatically when the Master is selected.
Bank MSB (Bank Select MSB)
Bank LSB (Bank Select LSB)
Program Change
Determines the Voice-related settings for each Zone in the
selected Master. These MIDI messages are transmitted to
an external/internal tone generator when the Master is
Bank MSB (Bank Select MSB): 000 – 127
Bank LSB (Bank Select LSB): 000 – 127
Program Change: 001 – 128
Default Settings for each Zone—[F4]
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Using as a Master Keyboard (Master mode)
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Determines the Volume settings for each Zone in the
selected Master. The MIDI messages of the Volume are
transmitted to an external/internal tone generator when the
Master is selected.
Settings: 000 – 127
Determines the Pan settings for each Zone in the selected
Master. The MIDI messages of the Pan are transmitted to
an external/internal tone generator when the Master is
Settings: L64 – C – R63
[F6] MIDI Send
When set to “on,” changing the value in this display
transmits the corresponding MIDI messages to an external/
internal tone generator.
From this display, you can determine which Control
Change numbers are transmitted to an external/internal
tone generator when you use the Knobs and Sliders for
each Zone.
n This parameter is available only when the Knob Control Assign
parameter is set to “zone” in the Other display (page 214) of
the Common Edit. In other words, this parameter is available
only when all the lamps of the [SELECTED PART CONTROL]
and [MULTI PART CONTROL] are turned off.
Control Knob No.
Determines which Control Change numbers are
transmitted when you use the Knobs for each Zone. The
function name is automatically shown below the number
you select.
Settings: 0 – 95
Control Slider No.
Determines which Control Change numbers are
transmitted when you use the Control Sliders for each
Zone. The function name is automatically shown below the
number you select.
Settings: 0 – 95
Master Job
The Master Job mode features convenient data initialization and archiving tools. To enter the Master Job mode, press the
[JOB] button in the Master mode. Press the [EXIT] button to return to the original display.
1 In the Master mode, press the [JOB] button to
enter the Master Job mode.
2 Select the Job you wish to execute by pressing
the [F1] or [F4] button.
3 Set the parameters for executing the Job.
4 Press the [ENTER] button. (The display
prompts you for confirmation.)
To cancel the Job, press the [DEC/NO] button.
5 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the Job.
After the Job has been completed, a “Completed”
message appears and operation returns to the original
6 Press the [MASTER] button to return to the
Master Play display.
This function lets you reset (initialize) all Master parameters
to their default settings. It also allows you to selectively
initialize certain parameters, such as Common settings and
Zone settings.
All Parameters
Determines whether or not all settings for the selected
Master are initialized. When set to “on,” other parameters in
this display cannot be set.
Settings: B (on), A (off)
Knob and Slider Settings—[F5] KnobSlider
Master Job Procedure Initializing the Master—[F1] Init
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Using as a Master Keyboard (Master mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Determines whether or not all Common parameter settings
for the selected Master are initialized. When set to “on,”
ZONE cannot be set.
Settings: B (on), A (off)
Determines whether or not all Zone parameter settings for
the selected Master are initialized. When set to “on,”
executing the Job initializes all the parameter settings of
Common Edit.
Settings: B (on), A (off)
Initialize Type
Determines how the Zone parameter settings for the
selected Master are initialized. Three methods of Initializing
are available.
Settings: split, zone, layer
Sets the Zone 1 and Zone 2 to on, then splits the keyboard range using
Zone 1 and Zone 2. “Upper Ch” determines the MIDI transmit channel
of the upper range of the keyboard, “Lower Ch” determines the MIDI
transmit channel of the lower range of the keyboard, and “Split Point”
determines the note (C -2 – G8) number which separates the upper
range and lower range of the keyboard.
Sets Zones 1 – 4 to on, Zones 5 – 8 to off, and the MIDI Transmit
Channels to 1 – 8 respectively.
Sets the Zone 1 and Zone 2 to on, then lets you layer two Parts. “Upper
Ch” and “Lower Ch” determine the MIDI transmit channels of the two
Zones respectively.
Upper Ch (Upper Channel)
Lower Ch (Lower Channel)
Determines the MIDI transmit channels of Zone 1 and Zone
2 respectively when the Initialize Type is set to “layer” or
Settings: 1 – 16
Split Point
Determines the Split Point that divides the keyboard into
the Zone 1 and Zone 2 when the Initialize Type is set to
“split.” By setting this parameter, the Note Limit High of
Zone 1 is automatically set to the note one semitone lower
than the Split Point set here and the Note Limit Low of Zone
2 is automatically set to the note same as the Split Point set
Settings: C -2 – G8
n The Note Limit High and Note Limit Low parameters can be
set in the Note display (page 215) of the Zone Edit.
This function lets you send all your edited parameter
settings for the currently selected Master to a computer or
another MIDI device for data archiving. Press the [ENTER]
button to execute the Bulk Dump.
n The Bulk Dump data includes only the MIDI messages and
does not include the Waveforms.
n In order to execute Bulk Dump, you will need to set the correct
MIDI Device Number. For details, see page 228.
Transmitting the Master Settings to an
external MIDI device (Bulk Dump)
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
In the Utility mode, you can set parameters that apply to the entire system of the MOTIF XF. To enter the Utility mode, press
the [UTILITY] button. Pressing the [EXIT] button returns to the original display. For system settings related to the sequencer
in Song/Pattern/Arpeggio playback, call up the Sequencer Setup display by pressing the [SEQ SETUP] button in the Song/
Pattern/Performance mode.
Basic Procedure in the Utility mode
Enter the Utility mode.
Press the [UTILITY] button to enter the Utility mode.
(The indicator lights.)
2 Call up the desired display.
Note the tab menus of the [F1] – [F6] and [SF1] – [SF5]
buttons to find the desired function, then press the
relevant button to call up the desired display.
3 Set the desired parameter.
Move the cursor to each parameter, then set the value
by using the data dial, [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO] button.
When “Press [ENTER] to set” is shown on the display, make
sure to press the [ENTER] button before going to the next step.
If you do not, the settings will not be stored, even if you press
the [STORE] button in the next step.
4 Press the [STORE] button to store the Utility
setting and Sequencer Setup to internal
All Utility settings will be lost when the power is turned off
without storing.
n The parameter settings in the Utility displays and
Sequencer Setup displays are treated and stored as a
single unit. This means that when you execute the Store
operation in the Utility mode, the settings in the Sequencer
Setup displays are also stored, and vice versa.
5 Press the [EXIT] button to exit from the Utility
mode to the original mode.
System Information—[SF6] INFO
This display indicates the MIDI IN/OUT settings and
Network settings. This display cannot be edited.
MIDI IN/OUT (Indication only)
Indicates the hardware terminal via which the MIDI data is
input or output. The related parameters can be set in the
MIDI display (page 228).
Network Information
Indicates the network settings. The related parameters can
be set in the Network display (page 221).
FL1/FL2 (indication only)
Indicates whether or not the optional Flash Memory
Expansion Module FL512M/FL1024M has been installed. In
addition, when installed, this section indicates the memory
size and information whether or not the Module has already
been formatted.
General Settings—[F1] General
Tone Generator
From this section, you can make overall settings for the
internal tone generator. The settings here only affect the
internal tone generator block. The MIDI output will not be
Determines the overall volume of the instrument.
Settings: 0 – 127
Note Shift
Determines the amount (in semitones) by which the pitch of
all notes is shifted.
Settings: -24 semi – +0 semi – +24 semi
Tone Generator and Keyboard settings
—[SF1] Play
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Determines the fine tuning of the overall sound. You can
adjust the tuning in cent increments.
Settings: -102.4 cents – +0 cents – +102.3 cents
Sustain Pedal
Determines which model of an optional Foot Controller
connected to the FOOT SWITCH SUSTAIN jack is
recognized. When you connect an optional FC3 (equipped
with the half-damper feature) for producing a “half-damper”
effect (as on a real acoustic piano), set this parameter to
“FC3 (half on)” and set the Half Damper Switch parameter
to “on” in the Amplitude EG display (page 80) of Voice
Element Edit. If you don’t need or want to disable the half-
damper feature and still use an FC3, set this parameter to
“FC3 (half off).” When you connect an optional FC4 or FC5
(which is not equipped with the half-damper feature), set
this parameter to “FC4” or “FC5.”
Settings: FC3 (half on), FC3 (half off), FC4/5
n Note that this setting is not necessary when controlling the
half-damper feature via Control Change messages from an
external MIDI device to the instrument.
From this section, you can set the keyboard-related
parameters. The settings here affect the MIDI messages
generated by playing the keyboard.
Determines the amount in octaves by which the range of
the keyboard is shifted up or down. This setting can be
changed also by pressing any of the OCTAVE buttons.
Settings: -3 – +0 – +3
Determines the amount in semitones by which the range of
the keyboard is shifted up or down.
Settings: -11 semi – +0 semi – +11 semi
n If you transpose beyond the note range limits (C -2 and G8),
notes in the adjacent octaves will be used.
Velocity Curve
The five curves determine how the actual velocity will be
generated and transmitted according to the velocity
(strength) with which you play notes on the keyboard. The
graph shown in the display indicates the velocity response
curve. (The horizontal line represents the received velocity
values (strength of your playing), while the vertical line
represents the actual velocity values transmitted to the
internal/external tone generators.)
Settings: normal, soft, hard, wide, fixed
This linear “curve” produces one-to-one correspondence between the
strength of your keyboard playing (velocity) and the actual sound change.
This curve provides increased response, especially for lower velocities.
This curve effectively lessens the overall response compared to the
“norm” curve.
This setting provides opposite response curves for lower and higher
velocities. It widens the apparent dynamic range of the controller,
producing less sound change in the softer range and more change in the
higher range.
This setting produces the same amount of sound change (set in Fixed
Velocity below), no matter what your playing strength.
Fixed Velocity
This parameter is available only when you select the “fixed”
Velocity Curve above. The velocity of the note you play is
fixed at the value set here.
Settings: 1 – 127
Effect ON/OFF Button (System)
Determines whether or not the System Effects (Reverb and
Chorus) are actually applied when the EFFECT ON/OFF
[SYSTEM] button is turned on.
From this display, you can change the design type of the
Top display in the Voice/Performance/Master mode as
When “1” is selected, the Top display of each mode will
indicate the current status of the Knob/Slider, etc.
When “2” is selected, the Top display of each mode will
indicate the on/off status of each Element/Part, status of the
panel controllers and the status of the current Arpeggio,
Settings: 1, 2
Name Position
When “Top” is selected, the number/name of the program
(Voice, Performance or Master) is shown at the top of the
When “Bottom” is selected, the number/name of the
program (Voice, Performance or Master) is shown at the
bottom of the display.
Settings: Top, Bottom
Changing the design type of the LCD
display—[SF2] Screen
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Determines the color types commonly for the three modes.
Settings: Red, Pink, Purple, Blue, Aqua, Green, Yellow, White
From this display, you can set parameters for connecting
the MOTIF XF to the network system via the ETHERNET
connector. Make sure to press the [ENTER] button after
setting in this display. If you do not, the settings will not be
stored, even if you press the [STORE] button.
Host Name
Determines the Host Name (NetBIOS name) of the MOTIF
XF. This is used when accessing the MOTIF XF from a
computer connected to the network. Set a unique Host
Name that will not conflict with any other computer. In
general, the default Host Name will suffice, so there should
be no need to change this. For detailed instructions on
naming, see page 37.
Here, you can input a short summary or memo about your
MOTIF XF. The description input here can be browsed from
the other computer connected to the network. This is useful
when several MOTIF XFs are connected to the same
network. In general, the default Description will suffice, so
there should be no need to change this. For detailed
instructions on inputting a character, see page 37.
DHCP Client
Determines whether or not the MOTIF XF is handled as the
client device of the DHCP server. When this is set to “on,”
the MOTIF XF is handled as a client device of the DHCP
server. The DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is
a standard or protocol by which IP addresses and other
low-level network configuration information can be
dynamically and automatically assigned each time your
MOTIF XF is connected to the network. If the DHCP server
covers the network, set this parameter to “on.” If you wish
to set a specific IP address or there is no DHCP server, set
this parameter to “off.”
Settings: on, off
File Server
Determines whether the File Server function of the MOTIF
XF is active or not. When this parameter is set to “on,” the
another computer on the same network can access files on
the USB storage device connected to the USB TO DEVICE
connector of the MOTIF XF.
Settings: on, off
n Make sure to set the Password ( ) of this instrument before
setting this parameter to “on.” If this is set to “on” before the
Password is set, “Password is unspecified” appears.
IP Address
Determines the IP Address, a string of numbers assigned
to each computer or your MOTIF XF connected to a
network, indicating the device’s location on the network.
When the MOTIF XF is connected to the network which the
DHCP server covers and the DHCP Client parameter
above is set to “on,” this parameter is automatically set,
and you will not need to input it manually. When the DHCP
Client ( ) is set to “off” and you do not know how to set this
parameter, consult your network administrator or Internet
Settings: 0 – 255
Subnet Mask
Indicates the Subnet Mask, a setting used to divide a
large-scale network into several smaller networks. When
the MOTIF XF is connected to the network which the DHCP
server covers and the DHCP Client parameter above is set
to “on,” this parameter is automatically set resulting that
you need not input here. When the DHCP Client ( ) is set
to “off” and you do not know how to set this parameter,
consult your network administrator or Internet provider.
Settings: 0 – 255
Determines the Gateway, a system which links different
networks or systems, and makes possible data transfer
and conversion despite differing communications
standards. When the MOTIF XF is connected to the
network which the DHCP server covers and the DHCP
Client parameter above is set to “on,” this parameter is
automatically set, and you will not need to input it manually.
Settings: 0 – 255
DNS1 (Domain Name Server1)
DNS2 (Domain Name Server2)
Determines the address for the Domain Name server. Up to
two servers (primary DNS1 and secondary DNS2) can be
set. When you do not use the Domain Name server, set
both of the DNS1 and DNS2 to “” When you use
only the DNS1, set the DNS2 to “” When the MOTIF
XF is connected to the network which the DHCP server
covers and the DHCP Client parameter above is set to
“on,” this parameter is automatically set, and you will not
need to input it manually.
Settings: 0 – 255
Network Settings—[SF3] Network
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Determines the certification type when another computer
on the network accesses the MOTIF XF. If you wish to
certificate the computer by using the Account ( ) and
password, set this parameter to “workgroup.” If you wish to
certificate the computer by using the domain controller on
the network, set this parameter to “domain.”
Settings: domain, workgroup
Enters the Domain name or Workgroup name. Input the
Domain name or Workgroup name to the same name as
that of the online device you wish to use for accessing the
MOTIF XF. For detailed instructions on inputting
characters, see page 37.
Determines the address for the WINS (Windows Internet
Name Service) server. When the PDC Name ( ) is set to
the Host name (NetBIOS name), you will set the address of
the WINS server. If you are not using the WINS server, set
this parameter to “”
Settings: 0 – 255
PDC Name (Primary Domain Controller Name)
Determines the Host name (NetBIOS name) of the Domain
Controller or IP address on the network. When the Security
( ) is set to “domain,” the certification will be executed by
using the Domain Controller set here.
File Server Account
Determines the account name (user name) used when
another computer on the network accesses the MOTIF XF.
For detailed instructions on inputting characters, see
page 37.
n The account is not set by default. When no account is set, the
MOTIF XF can be accessed by the account named “nobody.”
[SF5] Password
Pressing this button calls up the Password display that lets
you set or change the password necessary for accessing
the MOTIF XF from an online device connected to the
network. When shipped from the factory, the password is
not set. Make sure to set the password if you wish to
access the MOTIF XF from an external computer via the
LAN network.
Mount User Name
Determines the User Name necessary for accessing the
computer on the network. By storing this parameter to the
MOTIF XF, the User Name will be shown automatically on
the dialog (page 43) appearing when you log in to the
From this display, you can set the password of the MOTIF
XF. By using the password set here, external online
devices can access the File mode of the MOTIF XF.
Current Password
This column is provided for inputting the current password.
The password can be up to eight characters and no less
than five characters. For detailed instructions on inputting
characters, see page 37. “None” is shown when the
password is not set.
New Password
This column is provided for inputting the new password.
The password can be up to eight characters and no less
than five characters. For detailed instructions on inputting
characters, see page 37.
Confirm Password
This column is provided for inputting the new password
once again to confirm it. The password can be up to eight
characters and no less than five characters. For detailed
instructions on inputting characters, see page 37.
Password Setting
After inputting the Current Password, New Password and
Confirm Password (New Password), press the [ENTER]
button to set the New Password. If an error occurs, one of
the following error messages will be shown on the display.
Password is invalid.
The password you input to “Current Password” is wrong. Input
the correct password again.
Confirmed password is invalid.
The password you input to “Confirm Password” is not same as
the password you input to “New Password.”
Password is too short.
The password you input to “New Password” is too short. Input
the password again, using five or more characters.
n If you forget the current password, execute the Factory Set
Job (page 231) to reset the password setting, then input the
new password again.
Password Settings
[SF3] [SF5] Password
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
From this display, you can specify certain automatic tasks
that the MOTIF XF will perform when power is turned on.
Auto Load
Determines whether the Auto Load function is on or off.
When this is on, the instrument will automatically load the
specified files (from the USB storage device) to User
memory—whenever the power is turned on. The file to be
loaded is shown on this display. The file to be loaded can
be specified via the [SF5] Get button.
Settings: on, off
Power On Mode
This determines the default power-on mode (and memory
bank)—letting you select which condition is automatically
called up when you turn the power on.
When turning the power on next time, the Performance Play mode is
entered and the first program number (USER: 001) is selected
voice (USER1)
When turning the power on next time, the Voice Play mode is entered
and the first program number of User Voices (USR: 001) is selected
voice (PRE1)
When turning the power on next time, the Voice Play mode is entered
and the first program number of Preset Voices (PRE: 001) is selected
voice (GM)
When turning the power on next time, the Voice Play mode is entered
and the first program number of Preset GM Voices (GM: 001) is
selected automatically.
When turning the power on next time, the Master Play mode is entered
and the first program number (001) is selected automatically.
n Make sure to store the Utility settings to the internal memory by
pressing the [STORE] button before turning the power off.
Please keep in mind that the Utility settings will be lost if you
turn off the power without executing the Store operation.
[SF5] Select
Pressing this button calls up the Select Auto Load File
display. From this display you can specify the file (in the
external storage device) to be loaded automatically when
turning the power on (when Auto Load is set to on).
From this display you can specify the file (in the external
storage device) to be loaded automatically when turning
the power on (when Auto Load is set to on). Move the
cursor to the desired file then press the [ENTER] button to
determine the Auto Load File.
Parameters are the same as the ones in the File
window (page 237) of the File mode.
Audio In/Out Settings—[F2] I/O
From this display you can set Audio In/Out parameters.
When using the A/D INPUT jacks, this determines the input
source, microphone (mic) or line.
Settings: mic, line
Intended for low output equipment, such as a microphone, electric
guitar or bass.
Intended for high output equipment, such as a keyboard, synthesizer,
or CD player.
L&R Gain
Determines the output gain of the OUTPUT L/MONO and R
Settings: 0dB, +6dB
Setting the default display when
turning the power on—[SF4] Auto Load
Specifying the Auto Load File
[SF4] [SF5] Select
Upper Level
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Assign L&R Gain
Determines the output gain of the ASSIGNABLE OUTPUT L
and R jacks.
Settings: 0dB, +6dB
FW Gain
Determines the output gain of the IEEE1394 connector.
Settings: 0dB, +6dB
FW Monitor Setup
Determines the audio signal flow for monitoring the sound
when using the MOTIF XF with DAW software installed on a
computer connected to the MOTIF XF via an IEEE1394
n You will need to properly set up the DAW software in addition
to making the settings here. For details, refer to the manual of
the DAW software.
Settings: stand alone, with PC, with PC (DirectMonitor)
stand alone
This should be selected when you are using the MOTIF XF alone or are
not using the DAW software even with a computer connected to the
MOTIF XF via an IEEE1394 cable. When this is selected, the audio
signal of the MOTIF XF will be output directly via the OUTPUT L/MONO
and R jacks normally.
with PC
This should be selected when you are using the MOTIF XF as an audio
device with the DAW software. When this is selected, the audio signal
of the MOTIF XF will be output to the DAW software on a computer via
an IEEE1394 cable, merged and mixed with the DAW sound, returned
back to the MOTIF XF, then output via the OUTPUT L/MONO and R
jacks. Selecting this allows you to apply VST Effects within the DAW
software to the MOTIF XF sound.
with PC (DirectMonitor)
This should be selected when recording your keyboard performance to
the DAW software on the computer. The audio signal of the MOTIF XF
will be output directly via the OUTPUT L/MONO and R jacks with the
audio signal sent from the DAW software via an IEEE1394 cable. Keep
in mind that the Rec Monitor of the DAW software should be set to “off”
in order to prevent “double” sound from occurring.
n When “with PC” is selected, there may be a short delay
between when you play the keyboard and when you hear the
resulting sound.
n Set this parameter to “stand alone” when the MOTIF XF is not
connected to an external device via an IEEE1394 cable.
System Settings for the Voice
mode—[F3] Voice
From the following displays, you can set parameters
related to the Master Effect, Master EQ, Audio Input part,
and Micro Tuning in the Voice mode. These settings will be
applied to all Voices. The following displays are available
only when entering the Utility mode from the Voice mode.
This display lets you set Master Effect parameters in the
Voice mode. This display can be called up by pressing and
holding the [MASTER EFFECT] button on the front panel in
the Voice mode.
Determines whether the Master Effect is applied or not to
the Voice. When this is set to on, entering the Voice mode
turns the [MASTER EFFECT] lamp on.
Settings: on, off
Other parameters are same as the ones on the Master
Effect display (page 104) in the Performance Common Edit
This display lets you set Master EQ parameters in the Voice
mode, allowing you to control EQ over five independent
frequency bands. This EQ affects all Voices. This display is
available only when entering the Utility mode from the Voice
The function is same as the one on the Master EQ display
(page 105) in the Performance Common Edit mode.
Master Effect Settings—[SF1] MasterFX
(Master Effect)
Master EQ settings—[SF2] MasterEQ
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
From this display you can set parameters related to output
of the Arpeggio MIDI data in the Voice mode. The settings
here affect all Voices. This display is available only when
entering the Utility mode from the Voice mode.
ARP MIDI Out Switch
When this is set to on, Arpeggio playback data is output
from the MIDI terminal.
Settings: on, off
ARP Transmit Ch (Arpeggio Transmit Channel)
Determines the MIDI transmit channel through which
Arpeggio playback data will be sent (when the Switch
parameter above is set to on).
Settings: 1 – 16
From this display, you can create your original Micro Tuning
in the User Bank. You can copy a Micro Tuning to another
number, then create new one based on it. This display is
available only when entering the Utility mode from the Voice
Micro Tuning No.
Determines the destination to which the created Micro
Tuning setting is stored.
Settings: 1 – 8
Micro Tuning Name
Enters the desired name for the Micro Tuning. For detailed
instructions on naming, see page 37.
Tuning Offset
Lets you tune the individual notes of the keyboard in cents
to create your original Micro Tuning.
Settings: -99 – +0 – +99 cents
[SF5] Copy
From this display called up via this button, you can copy a
Micro Tuning to another number then create a new Micro
Tuning based on it.
Arpeggio Settings—[SF3] Arpeggio
Creating your original Micro Tuning—
[SF4] Tuning
Micro Tuning Copy Procedure
1 Select a Micro Tuning number as source.
2 Press the [SF5] button to call up the Copy display.
3 Select a Micro Tuning number as destination.
4 Press the [ENTER] button to execute the Copy
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Audio Input Settings in the Voice
mode—[F4] VoiceAudio
You can set parameters related to audio input signal from
the [A/D INPUT] connector and the IEEE1394 connector in
the Voice mode. This display is available only when
entering the Utility mode from the Voice mode.
n The FW settings (FW1 – 14) are available only when the
optional FW16E is installed.
From this display you can set various parameters of the
Audio Input signal in the Voice mode, such as Output
jacks, Volume, Pan, and Effect depth. This display is
available only when entering the Utility mode from the Voice
Determines the output level of the Audio Input Part.
Settings: 0 – 127
Determines the stereo pan position of the Audio Input Part.
Settings: L63 (far left) – C (center) – R63 (far right)
Determines the signal configuration for the Audio Input Part,
or how the signal or signals are routed (stereo or mono).
Settings: stereo, L mono, R mono, L+R mono
Both the L and R channels of the audio input are used.
L mono
Only the L channel of the audio input is used.
R mono
Only the R channel of the audio input is used.
L+R mono
The L and R channels of the audio input are mixed and processed in
Output Select
Determines the output jack assignment for the Audio Input
Settings: See the table below.
n You can call up the list and select the desired item by pressing
the [SF6] LIST button. For details, see page 37.
Reverb Send
Determines the Send level of the Audio Input Part signal
sent to the Reverb effect. The higher the value, the more
pronounced the Reverb.
Settings: 0 – 127
Chorus Send
Determines the Send level of the Audio Input Part signal
sent to the Chorus effect. The higher the value, the more
pronounced the Chorus.
Settings: 0 – 127
Dry Level
Determines the level of the Audio Input Part which has not
been processed with the System Effects (Reverb, Chorus).
The higher the value, the less pronounced the Reverb and
Settings: 0 – 127
n The Reverb Send ( ), Chorus Send ( ), and Dry Level ( )
parameters are not available when Output Select ( ) is set to
the value other than “L&R.”
Output Settings—[SF1] Output
LCD Output jacks Stereo/Mono
L&R OUTPUT L and R Stereo
FW1&2 FW OUTPUT 1 and 2 Stereo (1: L, 2: R)
FW3&4 FW OUTPUT 3 and 4 Stereo (3: L, 4: R)
FW5&6 FW OUTPUT 5 and 6 Stereo (5: L, 6: R)
FW7&8 FW OUTPUT 7 and 8 Stereo (7: L, 8: R)
FW9&10 FW OUTPUT 9 and 10 Stereo (9: L, 10: R)
FW11&12 FW OUTPUT 11 and 12 Stereo (11: L, 12: R)
FW13&14 FW OUTPUT 13 and 14 Stereo (13: L, 14: R)
:: :
FW14 FW OUTPUT 14 Mono
ins L
(A/D Input
Internal Vocoder module Mono
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
From this display you can set the Insertion Effect
connection of the Audio Input signal in the Voice mode.
This display is available only when entering the Utility mode
from the Voice mode.
INSERTION CONNECT (Insertion Connection)
Determines the effect routing for Insertion effects A and B.
The setting changes are shown on the diagram in the
display, giving you a clear picture of how the signal is
Settings: Ins A F B, Ins B F A
Ins A F B
Signals processed with Insertion Effect A will be sent to Insertion Effect
B and signals processed with Insertion Effect B are sent to Reverb and
Ins B F A
Signals processed with Insertion Effect B will be sent to Insertion Effect
A and signals processed with Insertion Effect A are sent to Reverb and
Insertion A (Insertion A Category/Type)*
Insertion B (Insertion B Category/Type)*
Determines the Effect type for Insertion A and B. From the
Category column, you can select one of the Effect
Categories, each of which contains similar Effect types.
From the Type column, you can select one of the Effect
Types listed in the selected Category.
Settings: Details about the Effect categories and types are described
on page 24.
n You can call up the list and select the desired item by pressing
the [SF6] LIST button. For details, see page 37.
From these displays, you can set the Insertion Effect Types
applied to the Audio Input signal in the Voice mode. These
displays are available only when entering the Utility mode
from the Voice mode.
n Depending on the selected parameter, the LIST icon is shown
at the tab menu corresponding to the [SF6] button. In this
condition, you can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST
button, then select the desired item from the list. For details,
see page 37.
From the Category column, you can select one of the Effect
Categories, each of which contains similar Effect types.
From the Type column, you can select one of the Effect
Types listed in the selected Category. Details about the
Effect categories are described on page 24.
This lets you call up pre-programmed settings for each
Effect Type, designed to be used for specific applications
and situations.
Effect Parameters
The number of parameters and values available differs
depending on the currently selected effect type. Refer to
page 27 for details about the Effect parameters. Refer to
the separate Data List for information on the parameters for
each Effect type.
Insertion Effect Connection Settings—
[SF2] Connect
Insertion Effect Type Settings—[SF3]
Ins A, [SF4] Ins B
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Remote Control and MIDI settings
—[F5] Control
From the following displays, you can set parameters
related to the Remote Control function and MIDI settings.
Lets you specify the DAW software to be controlled by the
DAW Type
Determines the DAW software to be controlled by the
Settings: Cubase, Logic, Sonar, Digital Performer
n When the [REMOTE ON/OFF] lamp is turned on, simply
selecting a DAW type calls up the Remote settings
From this display, you can set the MIDI related parameters.
Basic Receive Ch
Determines the MIDI receive channel when this synthesizer
is set to single-timbre tone generator mode (Voice/
Performance modes).
Settings: 1 – 16, omni, off
When this is selected, all channel messages are received.
n In the multi-timbral tone generator mode (Song/Pattern
modes), each Mixing Part receives MIDI data according to its
assigned MIDI receive channel. This can be set in the Voice
display (page 194) of the Mixing Part Edit mode.
Keyboard Transmit Ch
Determines the MIDI channel over which the instrument
sends MIDI data (to an external sequencer, tone generator,
or other device). This parameter is available in the single-
timbre tone generator mode (Voice/Performance modes).
Settings: 1 – 16, off
n In the Song/Pattern mode, the MIDI data created by playing
the keyboard/knobs/wheels is sent to the tone generator block
or the external MIDI devices via the MIDI output channel of the
currently selected track. The Output Channels of each track
can be set in the Output Channel display (page 142) of the
Song Play mode.
Device Number
Determines the device number used by this synthesizer in
receiving or transmitting data. This number must match the
Device Number of the external MIDI device when
transmitting/receiving bulk data, parameter changes or
other system exclusive messages.
Settings: 1 – 16, all, off
When this is selected, system exclusive messages for all MIDI device
numbers are received. When system exclusive messages such as bulk
dump are transmitted from the MOTIF XF with this setting, the MOTIF
XF is recognized as Device Number 1.
When this is selected, system exclusive messages such as bulk dump
and parameter change cannot be transmitted or received. When you
try execute transmission or reception of system exclusive messages,
an error message appears.
Determines which physical output/input terminal(s) will be
used for transmitting/receiving MIDI data.
Settings: MIDI, USB, FW (available only when the optional FW16E is
n The three terminal types above cannot be used at the same
time. Only one of them can be used to transmit/receive MIDI
Determines whether Song/Pattern/Arpeggio playback will
be synchronized to the instrument’s internal clock or an
external MIDI clock.
Settings: Internal, MIDI, auto, MTC
Synchronization to internal clock. Use this setting when this synthesizer
is to be used alone or as the master clock source for other equipment.
MIDI Synchronization to a MIDI clock received from an external MIDI
instrument via MIDI.
When MIDI clock is transmitted continuously from an external MIDI
device or computer, the internal clock of the MOTIF XF is not effective
and the MOTIF XF is synchronized with the external clock. When MIDI
clock is not transmitted from the external MIDI device or computer, the
internal clock of the MOTIF XF continues to run in sync with the latest
received tempo of the external MIDI device or computer (DAW
software). Note that the tempo cannot be changed on the MOTIF XF
when this value is selected. This setting is useful when you wish to
alternate between external clock and internal clock.
MTC (MIDI Time Code)
Synchronization to an MTC signal received via MIDI. MMC signals are
transmitted via MIDI. Use this setting when this synthesizer is to be
used as a MIDI slave, such as when synchronized to an MTC-capable
MTR. The MTC Sync function is available only in the Song mode.
DAW Settings—[SF1] Remote
MIDI Settings—[SF2] MIDI
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
n When this parameter is set to “MIDI,” make sure that the
external MIDI instrument connected to the MOTIF XF will
transmit the MIDI clock to the MOTIF XF.
n When MIDI Sync is set to “MTC,” Songs and Arpeggios cannot
play back in the Song mode but Patterns and Arpeggios can
play back in the Pattern mode.
n MTC (MIDI Time Code) allows simultaneous synchronization of
multiple audio devices via standard MIDI cables. It includes
data corresponding to hours, minutes, seconds, and frames.
The MOTIF XF does not transmit MTC.
n MMC (MIDI Machine Control) allows remote control of
multitrack recorders, MIDI sequencers, etc. An MMC-
compatible multitrack recorder, for example, will automatically
respond to start, stop, fast forward, and fast reverse operations
performed on the controlling sequencer, thus keeping
playback of the sequencer and multitrack recorder aligned.
Clock Out
Determines whether MIDI clock (F8H) messages will be
transmitted via MIDI.
Settings: on, off
Sequencer Control
Determines whether Sequencer Control signals—start
(FAH), continue (FBH), stop (FCH), and song position
pointer (F2H)—will be received and/or transmitted via the
MIDI OUT/USB terminal.
Settings: off, in, out, in/out
Not transmitted/recognized.
Recognized but not transmitted.
Transmitted but not recognized.
MTC Start Offset (MIDI Time Code Start Offset)
Determines the specific time code point from which
sequence playback starts, when MTC is received. This
feature can be used to accurately align playback of this
synthesizer with an external MTC-compatible device.
Settings: Hour: Minute: Second: Frame
Hour: 00 – 23
Minute: 00 – 59
Second: 00 – 59
Frame: 00 – 29
Bank Select
This switch enables or disables Bank Select messages,
both in transmission and reception. When this is set to “on,”
this synthesizer responds to incoming Bank Select
messages, and it also transmits appropriate Bank Select
messages (when using the panel). When this is set to “off,”
Bank Select messages cannot be transmitted/received.
Settings: off, on
Program Change
This switch enables or disables Program Change
messages, both in transmission and reception. When this is
set to “on,” this synthesizer responds to incoming Program
Change messages, and it also transmits appropriate
Program Change messages (when using the panel). When
this is set to “off,” Program Change messages cannot be
Settings: off, on
Local Control
This determines whether or not the tone generator of the
instrument responds to your keyboard playing. Normally,
this should be set to “on”—since you’ll want to hear the
sound of the MOTIF XF as you play it. Even if this is set to
“off,” the data will be transmitted via MIDI. Also, the internal
tone generator block will respond to messages received
via MIDI.
Settings: off, on
Receive Bulk
Determines whether or not Bulk Dump data can be
Settings: protect (not received), on (received)
Controller Reset
Determines the status of the controllers (Modulation Wheel,
Aftertouch, Foot Controller, Breath Controller, Knobs, etc.)
when switching between voices. When this is set to “hold,”
the controllers are kept at the current setting. When this is
set to “reset,” the controllers are reset to the default states
Settings: hold, reset
If you select “reset,” the controllers will be reset to the following states/
Bulk Dump Interval
Determines the interval time of the Bulk Dump transmission
when the Bulk Dump function is used, the Bulk Request is
received, or system exclusive messages recorded to a
sequence track are played back. The Bulk Dump function
lets you save the data in the Edit buffer (DRAM) or Flash
ROM and transmit as Bulk data (system exclusive
message) to an external MIDI instrument or sequence
software on a computer. This data can then be sent back to
the instrument, restoring all the settings you archived.
Settings: 0 – 900 ms
n When the Bulk Dump function is used or the Bulk Request is
received, the maximum value of the interval time is fixed to
30ms, meaning that the Bulk transmission is executed at an
interval time of 30ms, even if this parameter is set to a value
above 31ms. When system exclusive messages recorded to a
track of a Song or Pattern are played back, value settings
above 31ms will be available, meaning that the Bulk
transmission is executed with the interval time as set here,
regardless of the tempo setting of the Song or Pattern.
Pitch Bend Center
Modulation WHeel Minimum
Aftertouch Minimum
Foot Controller Maximum
Footswitch Off
Ribbon Controller Center
Breath Controller Maximum
Assignable Function Off
Expression Maximum
Sustain Off
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Controller Assign
You can assign MIDI Control Change Numbers to the
controllers and knobs on the front panel. For example, you
could use the ASSIGN 1 and 2 knobs to control effect
depth, while using the Foot Controller to control
modulation. These control assignments are called
“Controller Assign.”
Managing the optional Flash Memory
Expansion Module—[F6] Flash
From this display, you can manage the optional Flash
Memory Expansion Module (FL512M/FL1024M), using
operations such as Format and Optimize.
Number of the Flash Memory Expansion
Determines which module is to be managed.
When “FL1” is selected, you can manage the Module
installed to Slot 1.
When “FL2” is selected, you can manage the Module
installed to Slot 2.
n “Unmounted” is shown at right of the slot number on the
display if the FL512M/FL1024M has not been installed
properly. “Unformatted” is shown if the already-installed
FL512M/FL1024M has not been formatted yet. “Formatted” is
shown if the already-installed FL512M/FL1024M has been
Waveform list
Indicates the Waveforms stored in the Flash Memory
Expansion Module of the Slot specified at . From this list,
you can select the Waveform and hear the sound by
pressing the [SF5] Audition button.
Indicates the Voice using the Waveform selected at . You
can check whether the selected Waveform is actually used
or not in the Voice. It is a good idea to use this function
before executing the Delete operation.
[SF1] Delete one
Use this button to delete only one Waveform.
After selecting the Slot number at , select the Waveform
at , then press this button to delete the selected
[SF2] Delete all
Use this button to delete all the Waveforms listed on the
After selecting the Slot number at , press this button to
delete all the Waveforms of the selected Module.
[SF3] Format
Use this button to format the Memory Expansion Memory
Because the FL512M/1024M is not formatted at the time
this is shipped from the factory, it is necessary to execute
the Format operation.
After selecting the Slot number at to which the new
Module is installed, press this button to call up the
confirmation dialog, then press the [INC/YES] button to
execute the Format operation.
The Format operation can be applied to the Module which has
already been formatted. In this case, note that all the Waveform
data including the Samples will be erased.
[SF4] Optimize
Use this button to optimize the Memory Expansion Memory
Module. Optimization consolidates areas of used and
unused (available) memory to create the largest possible
area of contiguous available memory.
After selecting the Slot number , press this button to call
up the confirmation dialog, then press the [INC/YES] button
to execute the Optimize operation.
Never turn off the power during the Optimize operation, which may
require far more than ten seconds to finish. Doing so will erase and
clear the data on the Flash Memory Expansion Module.
[SF5] Audition
Use this button to hear the sound of the currently selected
Controller Settings—[SF3] Control
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Resetting the User Memory to the Initial
Factory Settings—[JOB] (Factory Set)
In the Utility Job mode, you can restore this synthesizer’s
User memory (page 34) to the factory default settings
(Factory Set). Please note that the setting of the Power On
Auto Factory Set on this display will be stored automatically
by executing the Factory Set.
The Factory Set operation will erase all the data you’ve created and
stored to User Memory, including the Waveform data on the
optional Flash Memory Expansion Module FL512M/FL1024M (if
installed). To prevent data loss, be sure to save all important data
to a USB storage device or to a computer connected to the same
network as the MOTIF XF (page 241) before executing the Factory
Set operation.
When this is set to on, pressing the [ENTER] button will
restore all the data of this synthesizer’s User memory (page
34) to the factory default settings (Factory Set).
When this is set to off, pressing the [ENTER] button will
restore only the following data to the factory default
settings: All the Voices (A01 – H16) of the User Bank 1
(USR1) and Voices A01 – A08 of the User Drum Bank
Settings: on, off
Power On Auto Factory Set
When this parameter is set to “on,” turning the power on will
restore the User memory to the factory default settings and
load the demo songs and demo patterns. Normally, this
should be set to “off.”
Settings: on, off
When the Power On Auto Factory Set parameter is set to “on,
turning the power off erases all the User memory data such as
Voice, Performance, Song, Pattern and Utility settings.
For instructions on executing the Factory Set Job, refer to
the Owner’s Manual.
Sequencer Settings—[SEQ SETUP]
In the Song mode, Pattern mode or Performance mode,
pressing the [SEQ SETUP] button calls up the display for
setting the overall sequencer parameters. After setting
these, press the [STORE] button to store the settings of
both the Sequencer Setup parameters and the Utility
All Sequencer Setup settings will be lost if the power is turned off
without storing.
n In the Voice mode and Master mode with the Mode parameter
(page 214) set to “Voice,” the [SEQ SETUP] button cannot be
From this display you can set the parameters related to the
click sound (metronome) that is used during recording or
playback in the Song/Pattern/Performance mode.
n Since the click sound is created with the internal tone
generator, using click playback affects the overall polyphony
of this synthesizer.
Determines whether and when the metronome click will
Settings: off, rec, rec/play, always
The click will not sound.
The click will sound during Song/Pattern/Performance recording only.
The click will sound during recording and playback.
The click will always sound in the Song/Pattern mode.
Determines on which beats the metronome click will sound.
Determines the click sound volume.
Settings: 0 – 127
Metronome Settings—[F1] Click
(16th notes),
(8th notes),
(quarter notes),
(harf notes),
(whole notes)
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Determines the click sound type. Ten types are available,
including conventional metronome and stick sounds.
Settings: 1 – 10
Recording Count
Determines the number of count-in measures provided
before recording actually starts after pressing the [F]
(Play) button in the Record standby mode.
Settings: off (Recording starts as soon as the [F] button is pressed),
1 meas – 8 meas
Sampling Count in
Determines the number of count-in measures provided
before Song/Pattern playback starts after you start the
Sampling operation. This parameter setting can be used
when the Type parameter is set to “sample+note” and the
Trigger Mode parameter is set to “meas” in the Sampling
mode called up from the Song or Pattern mode.
When “off” is selected, Song/Pattern playback starts as
soon as you start the Sampling operation.
Settings: off, 1 meas – 8 meas
From this display you can set which MIDI events will be
recognized/transmitted via MIDI. The settings made here
apply only to Song/Pattern playback data; they do not
affect the MIDI events generated by your keyboard playing
or panel operations and Arpeggio playback in the Voice
and Performance modes. The Song/Pattern playback data
will pass through the MIDI Filter before being sent to the
internal tone generator block as well as the MIDI OUT
MIDI messages transmitted from the external MIDI
instrument will pass through the MIDI Filter before being
recorded to the Song/Pattern track. They will be sent to the
internal tone generator without passing through the MIDI
MIDI events to which the Filter is applied:
Note, Program Change, Control Change, Pitch Bend,
Channel After Touch, Polyphonic After Touch, System
Exclusive, Channel Mode Message
Settings: B (not transmitted/recognized), A (transmitted/recognized)
From this display, you can instantly call up appropriate
sequencer-related panel settings by selecting convenient
preset setups, allowing you to simultaneously set a variety
of important sequencer-related parameters.
n The Track INT Switch and Track EXT Switch parameters are
not available when calling up the Quick Setup window from the
Performance mode.
Setup Number
Determines the Setup number. The parameter settings of
the selected Setup are indicated as new settings on the
right ( ).
Settings: 1 – 4
Current settings
Indicates the current settings of the related parameters.
After selecting a Setup ( ), indicated as new settings on
the right ( ), press the [ENTER] button to actually call up
the selected Setup ( ), which are then indicated as the
current settings ( ).
New settings
Indicates the parameter settings of the selected Setup
above ( ).
MIDI Filter Settings—[F2] MIDI Filter
Sequencer Block
Tone Generator Block
MIDI Filter
Using the Quick Setup function—[F3]
Quick (Quick Setup)
1 Using internal
This setup is useful when you use the
internal sequencer function (Song or
Pattern) by itself.
2 Recording internal
sequencer to
This setup is useful when you transmit
the Song or Pattern playback data to an
external computer and record it to an
application software on the computer.
3 Recording on
This setup is useful when recording
your keyboard performance to
computer software. The sequencer
block of the MOTIF XF is synchronized
with the external clock when the MIDI
clock comes from the external MIDI
device; when MIDI clock does not come
from the external MIDI device, the
sequencer block of the MOTIF XF is
synchronized with its own internal clock.
4 Recording Arpeggio
to computer
This setup is useful when you transmit
the Arpeggio playback data to an
external computer and record it to an
application software on the computer.
System Settings (Utility mode, etc.)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
From this display you can set parameters related to the
Song/Pattern mode, such as Pattern change timing.
n The settings here do not affect the Performance mode.
Determines the quantize value for Section (Pattern)
switching during playback when you change the Section.
When set to “1,” Patterns (Sections) will always switch on
the first beat of the next measure during playback after you
change the Section. When set to “1/16,” Sections can be
switched on any 16th beat during playback.
Settings: 1 (1 measure), 1/2 (Half note), 1/4 (Quarter note), 1/8 (8th
note), 1/16 (16th note)
Tempo Hold
Determines whether or not the tempo setting will switch to
the tempo value stored with each Pattern when a new
Pattern is selected during playback. When set to “on,” the
tempo will be retained when Patterns are switched. When
set to “off,” the tempo will switch to that stored with the new
Pattern when Patterns are switched. Normally, set this to
Settings: on, off
n The tempo setting data in the Pattern Chain is not affected by
this parameter.
Load Mixing
Determines whether the Mixing settings are loaded (on) or
not (off) when the Song/Pattern number is changed.
Normally, set this to “on.”
Settings: on, off
n When the Load Mixing parameter is set to “off,” song changes
via Song Chain playback do not change the Mixing setup.
Song Event Chase
Normally, if a Song or Pattern is played back from mid-point
and/or fast-forward or rewind are used, certain data types
(such as Program Change, Pitch Bend, and Control
Change) may not play back as expected. Setting this to a
specific event ensures the playback integrity of the event,
even when fast forwarding or rewinding.
Settings: off, PC (Program Change), PC+PB+Ctrl (Program Change +
Pitch Bend + Control Change)
n Keep in mind that settings other than “off” may result in slower
operation—for example, a pause before starting playback, or
slower rewind/fast-forward speed.
Other Settings for the Song/Pattern—
[F4] Other
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
File Management (File mode)
The File mode provides tools for transferring data (such as Voice, Performance, Song, Pattern and Waveform) between the
MOTIF XF and external storage devices such as USB storage device and hard disk unit connected to the USB TO DEVICE
connector. By mounting the hard disk drive of the computer connected to the MOTIF XF via the network, you can also
transfer data between the MOTIF XF and an online computer.
To enter the File mode, press the [FILE] button. The file types available differ depending on the mode selected before calling
up the File mode.
n When the MOTIF XF is connected to a network, the File mode can be used to access the drives of computers on the network. To do this,
make sure the MOTIF XF is properly connected to the network (page 41) and set the necessary parameters in the Network display
(page 221) of the Utility mode.
Terminology in the File mode
Just as with a computer, various data types such as Voice,
Performance, Song and Pattern created on the MOTIF XF
can be treated as a file and saved to an external USB
storage device or the hard disk drive of a computer
connected to the network.
Just as with a computer, you can assign the name to the file
in the File mode. The file name can contain up to 20
alphabetical characters on the display of the MOTIF XF.
Files having the same name cannot be saved in the same
The three letters following the file name (after the period)
such as “.mid” and “.wav” are referred to as a file
“extension.” The extension indicates the type of file and
cannot be changed by the panel operation of the MOTIF
XF. The File mode of the MOTIF XF supports ten different
extension types, according to the particular data. For
details, see page 235.
Refers to the memory amount of the file. The file size is
determined by the amount of data saved to the file.
Generally, the size of an audio file including the Waveforms
is much larger than the size of a MIDI file. File sizes are
indicated in conventional computer terms by B (Byte), KB
(Kilo Byte), MB (Mega Byte) and GB (Giga Byte). 1KB is
equivalent to 1024 Byte, 1MB is equivalent to 1024KB, and
1GB is equivalent to 1024MB.
Refers to a memory storage unit (such as a hard disk) to
which the file is saved. The MOTIF XF can handle and
mount various types of USB storage devices connected to
the USB TO DEVICE connector computer drives connected
via network to the MOTIF XF.
This is an organizational feature on a data storage device
(such as hard disk), allowing you to group data files
together according to type or application. Directories can
be nested in hierarchical order for organizing data. The
“directory” is equivalent to the “folder” used as a computer
term. The File mode of the MOTIF XF allows you to assign a
name to a directory like a file. Please note that the directory
name does not contain the extension.
Using the illustration below as an example, this shows you
how to change the current directory. First, open the root
directory to find directories A and B. Next, open the
directory A to find directories C and D. Finally, open the
directory C to find only the files saved in the directory C.
This allows you to call up folders nested down in the lower
levels of the folder hierarchy.
To select a different directory higher up (for example,
moving from directory C to directory B), first go to the next
highest level (directory A). Next, go up one more level (to
the root directory). Now that both A and B are available,
open directory B. In this way you can move up or down
through the folder hierarchy.
File Name
File size
Directory (Dir)
Changing the current directory (folder)
Root Directory
Directory A Directory B
Directory C Directory D
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
File Management (File mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
n To go down from the current directory in the File window
(page 237), move the cursor to the desired directory in the
Directory/File list then press the [ENTER] button. To go up from
the current directory, move the cursor to the top line in the
Directory/File list then press the [ENTER] button.
The location of the directories (folders) and files currently
indicated at the “Dir” line on the display is referred to as a
“path.” This indicates the current directory, what device it
belongs to, and in which folder(s) it is contained. “Directory
C” illustrated above is described as path “USB_HDD/A/C.”
Refers to the operation so that an external memory device
becomes active for the instrument. The USB storage
device is automatically mounted as soon as connected to
the USB TO DEVICE connector on the rear panel of the
MOTIF XF. The hard disk drive of the computer connected
to the MOTIF XF via the network can be mounted in the
Mount display (page 239).
The operation of initializing a storage device (such as a
hard disk) is referred to as “format.” The File mode of the
MOTIF XF allows you to format the USB memory storage
device connected to the USB TO DEVICE connector. The
format operation erases all data from the target memory
device and is irreversible.
“Save” means that the data created on the MOTIF XF is
saved to the external memory device as a file, while “Store”
means that the data created on the MOTIF XF is stored to
internal memory. “Load” means that the file on the external
memory device is loaded to internal memory.
File types that can be handled by
The MOTIF XF supports various file types that can be
saved and loaded. Refer to the following two lists.
File types that can be saved
* Automatically assigned to the saved file.
Ty pe
All .X3A All data in this synthesizer’s internal User
Memory (Flash ROM) is treated as a single
file, and can be saved to the USB storage
All Voice .X3V All the User Voice data in this synthesizer’s
internal User Memory (Flash ROM) is
treated as a single file, and can be saved to
the USB storage device. Also the
Waveforms obtained via the Sampling
function and assigned to any of the Voices
are saved together.
.X3G All the User Arpeggio data in this
synthesizer’s internal User Memory (Flash
ROM) is treated as a single file, and can be
saved to the USB storage device.
All Song .X3S All the User Song data in this synthesizer’s
internal User Memory (Flash ROM) is
treated as a single file, and can be saved to
the USB storage device. The Song data
includes Mixing settings, Mixing Voices
and Sample Voices.
All Pattern .X3P All the User Pattern data in this
synthesizer’s internal User Memory (Flash
ROM) is treated as a single file, and can be
saved to the USB storage device. The
Pattern data includes Mixing settings,
Mixing Voices and Sample Voices.
SMF .MID Sequence track (1 – 16) and Tempo track
data of Songs or Patterns created in the
Song/Pattern mode can be saved to the
USB storage device as Standard MIDI File
(format 0) data.
.X3W All the Waveform data created via the
Sampling function can be saved as a
single file. The Waveform data includes all
the Samples on SDRAM and the optional
Flash Memory Expansion Modules
(FL512M/FL1024M). Note that the Samples
on the FL512M/FL1024M may not be
included in a file of this type because you
can select whether or not these are to be
saved before executing the Save operation.
WAV .WAV A Sample created in the Sampling mode
can be saved to the USB storage device as
a WAV file (Windows audio format).
AIFF .AIF A Sample created in the Sampling mode
can be saved to the USB storage device as
an AIFF file (Mac audio format).
File Management (File mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
File types that can be loaded
* Assigned to the file which can be loaded.
Data Compatibility with the MOTIF XS6/MOTIF
Completely compatible.
Data Compatibility with the MOTIF ES6/MOTIF
Among the data created on the MOTIF ES6/MOTIF ES7/
MOTIF ES8, Voices, Waveforms, Sample Voices can be
loaded to the MOTIF XF6/MOTIF XF7/MOTIF XF8.
• “All” data of the MOTIF ES
Files of the “All” type (extension: W7A) saved to the USB
storage device connected to the MOTIF ES can be loaded to
the MOTIF XF. To do this, set the Type to “All” in the [F1] File
window of the MOTIF XF.
• Voices
A specified Voice in a file (extension: W7A, W7V) that is saved
to the storage device as “All” or “All Voice” type on the MOTIF
ES can be individually selected and loaded to the MOTIF XF.
Set the Type in the [F1] File display to “Voice” and execute the
Load procedure. All Voice data in a file (extension: W7A) that
has been saved to the storage device as “All” type on the
MOTIF ES can be selected and loaded to the MOTIF XF.
Likewise, a file (extension: W7V) that is saved to the USB
storage device as “All Voice” type on the MOTIF ES can be
loaded to the MOTIF XF. Set the Type in the [F1] File display to
“All Voice” and execute the Load procedure.
In addition, Voice Editor files (extension: W7E) can be loaded
to the MOTIF XF. Set the Type in the [F1] File display to “Voice
Editor” and execute the Load procedure.
n The Voices loaded to the MOTIF XF 6/7/8 may not produce the
exact same sound as those on the original MOTIF ES 6/7/8,
since the contents of the preset Waveforms and the Effect
structure are different between the two instrument series.
• Waveforms
A specified Waveform in a file (extension: W7A, W7W) that is
saved to the storage device as “All” or “All Waveform” type on
the MOTIF ES can be individually selected and loaded to the
MOTIF XF. Set the Type in the [F1] File display to “Waveform”
and execute the Load procedure.
Likewise, a file (extension: W7W) that is saved to the storage
device as “All Waveform” type on the MOTIF ES can be loaded
Ty pe
All .X3A Files of the “All” type saved to the USB
storage device can be loaded and restored
to the instrument. When the box at the left of
“without System” is checkmarked, only the
Utility mode settings will not be loaded.
all without
.X3A Files of the “all” type saved to the USB
storage device can be loaded and restored
to the instrument, with the exception of the
Utility and Sequencer Setup settings.
All Voice .X3V Files of the “All Voice” type saved to the
USB storage device can be loaded and
restored to the instrument.
A specific Voice or Voice Bank in a file that
is saved to the USB storage device as “All”
or “All Voice” type can be individually
selected and loaded to the instrument.
Please note that the file icons F of “X3A”
and “X3V” are changed to G (as virtual
folders) when this file type is selected
(page 243).
.X3A A specified Performance in a file that is
saved to the USB storage device as “All”
type can be individually selected and
loaded to the instrument. Please note that
the file icon F of “X3A” is changed to G
(as a virtual folder) when this file type is
selected (page 245).
.X3G Files of the “All Arpeggio” type saved to the
USB storage device can be loaded and
restored to the instrument.
All Song .X3S Files of the “All Song” type saved to the
USB storage device can be loaded and
restored to the instrument.
Song .X3A
A specified Song in a file that is saved to
the USB storage device as “All” or “All
Song” type can be individually selected
and loaded to the instrument. Please note
that the file icons F of “X3A” and “X3S” are
changed to G (as virtual folders) when this
file type is selected (page 246).
All Pattern .X3P Files of the “All Pattern” type saved to the
USB storage device can be loaded and
restored to the instrument.
Pattern .X3A
A specified Song in a file that is saved to
the USB storage device as “All” or “All
Pattern” type can be individually selected
and loaded to the instrument. Please note
that the file icons F of “X3A” and “X3P” are
changed to G (as virtual folders) when this
file type is selected (page 246).
.X3W Files of the “All” or “All Waveform” types
saved to the USB storage device can be
loaded and restored to the instrument.
Waveform .X3A
A specified Waveform in a file that is saved
to the USB storage device as “All” or “All
Waveform” type can be individually
selected and loaded to the instrument.
Please note that the file icons F of “X3A”
and “X3W” are changed to G (as virtual
folders) when this file type is selected
(page 244).
WAV .WAV WAV format files can be loaded to the
instrument. For details, see page 247.
AIFF .AIF AIFF format files can be loaded to the
instrument. For details, see page 247.
A specified Sample Voice in a file that is
saved to the USB storage device as “All” or
“All Song” or “All Pattern” type can be
individually selected and loaded to the
instrument. Please note that the file icons
F of “X3A,” “X3S” and “X3P” are changed
to G (as virtual folders) when this file type
is selected (page 246). This file type is
available only when entering the File mode
from the Song mode/Pattern mode.
.X3E The file (.X3E) created via the MOTIF XF
Editor software (available from the Yamaha
site) on your computer can be loaded to the
instrument. The file of this editor type
includes all User Voices and Mixing data
handled by the MOTIF XF. Note that only
User Voice data can be loaded to the
Ty pe
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
File Management (File mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
to the MOTIF XF. Set the Type in the [F1] File display to “All
Waveform” and execute the Load procedure.
• Sample Voices
A specified Sample Voice (extension: W7A, W7S, W7P) in a file
that is saved to the storage device as “All” or “All Song” or “All
Pattern” type on the MOTIF ES can be individually selected
and loaded to the MOTIF XF. Set the Type in the [F1] File
display to “Sample Voice” and execute the Load procedure.
File Management—[F1] File
The File window lets you use all file-related functions such
as device selection, selecting a path, save, load, rename
and delete.
Here, you can select the desired device from the ones
mounted (recognized) by the File mode. The device
selected here is called “Current Device.” When selecting a
device, the root directory of the selected device appears in
the Dir column. The amount of used memory and total
memory on the selected device appears at the top right of
the display.
n You can call up the list by pressing the [SF6] LIST button then
select the desired item from the list. For details, see page 37.
Dir (Directory)
Indicates the current directory with the path. The contents
(files and folders) included in the current directory are
listed in the Directory/File list box below. The current
directory can be changed in the Directory/File list box
Directory/File list
Indicates the directories and files in the current Directory.
In this box, the directories and files are listed in
alphabetical order, with the exception of the top line which
is provided for moving to the next highest directory. You
can distinguish the directory and file by the indicator at left
end of each line.
D ..... Directory (Folder)
F ...... File
The directory name is shown on the Directory line while the
file name with the extension and file size are shown on the
File line.
File Type Setting example when saving:
Data to be saved File type
All data All
User Voice All Voice
Performance All
Songs When User Voices are used in the
When no User Voices are used in
any of the Songs:
All Song
When you wish to transfer a Song to
an external MIDI sequencer or
Pattern When User Voices are used in the
When User Voices are not used in
all the Patterns:
All Pattern
When you wish to transfer a Pattern
to an external MIDI sequencer or
All waveforms All Waveform
When you wish to transfer a Sample
to a computer:
Moving between the directory levels
To go down from the current directory, move the cursor to
the desired directory in the Directory/File list then press
the [ENTER] button. To go up from the current directory,
move the cursor to the top line in the Directory/File list
then press the [ENTER] button.
The amount of used memory/total memory
To upper level
File Management (File mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Determines the data type to be saved or loaded. The
available type differs depending on the mode selected
before calling up the File mode. For details about the data
types, see pages 235 and 236. You can call up the File
Type List by pressing the [SF6] LIST button then select the
desired one from the list. For details, see page 37.
Memory location of the data type above
Determines the memory location of the data type above
such as Voice Bank/number, Performance Bank/Number,
Song number and Pattern number. The available values
differ depending on the Type setting above. For details
about the source memory to be saved, see page 241. For
details about the target memory to be loaded, see
page 242.
[SF1] Save
Pressing this button executes the Save operation. For
detailed instructions on saving, see page 241.
[SF2] Load
Pressing this button executes the Load operation. For
detailed instructions on loading, see page 242.
[SF3] Rename
Pressing this button calls up the window for entering the
new name of the selected file. The File name can contain
up to 20 characters. For detailed instructions on naming,
refer to “Basic Operation” on page 37.
[SF4] Delete
Pressing this button to call up the Delete window.
[SF5] New Dir (New Directory)
Pressing this button creates a new directory in the current
directory. The directory name can contain up to 10
characters. For detailed instructions on naming, refer to
“Basic Operation” on page 37.
[F1] File
Pressing this button calls up the File window from another
window in the File mode.
[F2] Mount
Pressing this button calls up the Mount window. For details,
see page 239.
[F3] Format
Pressing this button calls up the Format window. For
details, see page 240.
[F4] Audio
Pressing this button calls up the window for recording your
keyboard performance as an audio file or playing an
existing audio file. For instructions, refer to the Owner’s
1 Press the [FILE] button to enter the File mode.
The File window (page 237) appears.
2 Mount the memory devices to which the file is
saved or from which the file is loaded.
The USB storage device is automatically mounted as
soon as it is connected to the USB TO DEVICE
connector on the rear panel. The hard disk drive of the
computer connected to the MOTIF XF via the network
can be mounted in the Mount display (page 239).
3 Select the desired device.
Select the desired device from the ones mounted in
step 2.
4 Move the path to the desired directory.
Select the desired directory in the selected device. To
go down from the current directory, move the cursor to
the desired directory in the Directory/File list then press
the [ENTER] button. To go up from the current directory,
move the cursor to the top line in the Directory/File list
then press the [ENTER] button. The Dir line indicates
the current directory name with the path and the lower
Follow the instructions below to change the name of the
1 Select a file to be renamed by moving the cursor in
the Directory/File list.
2 Press the [SF3] button to call up the Input Character
3 Enter the new name of the selected file.
4 Press the [ENTER] button to actually change the
name of the selected file.
Follow the instructions below to delete a file.
1 Select a file to be deleted by moving the cursor in the
Directory/File list.
2 Press the [SF4] button to call up the Delete window.
3 Press the [ENTER] button to delete the selected file.
Follow the instructions below to create a new directory.
1 Press the [SF5] button to call up the Input Character
2 Enter the name of the new Directory.
3 Press the [ENTER] button to actually enter the name
of the newly created directory.
Basic Procedure in the File mode
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
File Management (File mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
box lists the directories and files belonging to the
current directory.
n If you wish to create a new directory and save the file
there, press the [SF5] New Dir button. For detailed
instructions on creating a new directory, see the left
5 Select the desired data type from the Type
column ( ).
In the Directory/File list box, only files related to the
selected file type are listed.
n Depending on the mode selected before calling up the
File mode, the available data types differ. If you cannot
find the data type which you wish to handle, for example
“voice,” press the [EXIT] button to exit from the File
window, press the [VOICE] button to enter the Voice
mode, then press the [FILE] button to call up the File
window again.
6 Select the desired file by moving the cursor in
the Directory/File list ( ).
This operation is not necessary when you execute Save
or New Directory. When you wish to execute the
Rename or Delete operation, press the [SF3] Rename
button or the [SF4] Delete button. For detailed
instructions on renaming and deleting, see page 238
and left column.
7 Select a memory location of the data type
specified in step 5 as source or destination.
When you wish to execute the Save or Load operation,
press the [SF1] Save button or the [SF2] Load button.
For detailed instructions on saving and loading, see
pages 241 and 242.
Online Device Mounting—[F2] Mount
From this display, you can mount the shared directories on
the hard disk drive of a computer connected via network to
From the computers connected to the network, this
parameter determines the host computer containing the
device is to be mounted. Here, the computer name set in
your computer is shown.
You can call up the Device List by pressing the [SF6] LIST
button then select the desired item from the list. For details,
see page 37. Here, the computer name set in your
computer is shown.
n If the desired computer name is not shown in the Host ( )
parameter, you can call up the Character List by pressing the
[SF5] CHAR button and enter the computer name manually.
For detailed instructions on naming, refer to “Basic Operation”
on page 37.
n Confirm the computer name on your computer. For details,
refer to the owner’s manual of your computer.
Sharing Point
Here, the shared directories of the host computer set
above are listed. You can also mount or unmount each of
the shared directories.
n Keep in mind that the names of the shared folders authorized
on the computer are shown here.
Mounting/Unmounting a directory
You can mount the shared directory by moving the cursor
to the desired directory then pressing the [ENTER]
button. The mount indicator appears at the left side of the
name of the mounted directory. You can unmount the
shared directory by pressing the [ENTER] button again.
The mount indicator disappears.
File Management (File mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Follow the instructions below to mount the memory drive of
the computer connected to the network.
1 Connect the MOTIF XF to the network.
Network related parameters can be set in the Network
display (page 221) in the Utility mode.
2 Press the [FILE] button to enter the File mode,
then press the [F2] button to call up the Mount
Select a host computer at the Host column ( ).
If the desired computer name is not shown in the Host
( ) parameter, you can call up the Character List by
pressing the [SF5] CHAR button and enter the
computer name manually. For detailed instructions on
naming, refer to “Basic Operation” on page 37.
If you select a computer which has not been accessed
by the MOTIF XF, “Press [ENTER] to access” appears
on the display. When pressing the [ENTER] button, the
display prompts you to enter the password as
illustrated below. Here, enter the User Account of your
computer to the User Name box, enter the password of
your computer to the Password box, then press the
[ENTER] button so that the access between the MOTIF
XF and the computer is established. The shared
directories of the selected computer are listed in the
Sharing Point box ( ).
n Once access between the MOTIF XF and the computer
has been established, the shared directories are
automatically listed in the display simply by selecting a
computer from the Host column. If the power is turned off,
the operations for establishing the access (entering the
User Account and Password) are necessary after turning
the power on next time.
n For details about how to confirm the User Account and
Password of your computer, refer to the owner’s manual of
your computer.
n When a Password is not assigned to your computer,
simply pressing the [ENTER] button without inputting any
characters establishes the access between the MOTIF XF
and your computer.
4 Mount the desired directories.
In the Sharing Point box ( ), you can mount the shared
directory by moving the cursor to the desired directory,
then pressing the [ENTER] button. The mount indicator
appears at the left side of the name of the mounted
directory. You can unmount the shared directory by
pressing the [ENTER] button again. The mount
indicator disappears. The mounted directories can be
selected in the File window (page 237).
Formatting a Device—[SF3] Format
From this display, you can format memory storage devices
such as a hard disk connected to the USB TO DEVICE
The connected and mounted devices are listed here,
letting you select the device to be formatted. A device that
requires formatting is indicated by “unknown device
(usb***).” The three asterisks (***) in the indication denote
the sequential serial numbers of the connected devices
which need to be formatted. When several partitions are
included in a single device, the partition number is
indicated at the right of the serial number.
Volume L abel
Determines the Volume Label of the selected device. The
Volume Label is the name assigned to the device. The
Volume Label can contain up to 11 characters. For detailed
instructions on naming, refer to “Basic Operation” on
page 37.
1 Connect the device to be formatted to the USB
TO DEVICE terminal.
2 Select a device to be formatted from the Device
list ( ).
3 Enter the Volume Label ( ) as desired.
4 Press the [ENTER] button. (The display
prompts you for confirmation.)
Press the [DEC/NO] button to cancel the Format.
5 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the
Format operation.
If you format the device, all the previously recorded data will be
deleted. Make sure to check beforehand whether or not the
device contains important data. When checking the contents
of the device in the [F1] File window, keep in mind that some
files (which are not listed on pages 235 and 236) are not shown
on the display of the MOTIF XF, even if the File Type is set to
Mount Procedure
Format Procedure
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
File Management (File mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Saving a file
The saving procedure differs depending on the file type to
be saved and the mode selected before calling up the File
window. This section explains the procedure relevant to
following three cases.
Saving all user data or all data of a specific type
Saving the sample of a specific Voice
Saving a Song or a Pattern Section as a Standard MIDI
1 Select a device and directory as destination by
following “Basic Procedure in the File mode”
on page 238.
n When you wish to save all 64 songs, press the [SONG]
button to enter the Song mode then press the [FILE]
button to call up the File window. When you wish to save
all 64 patterns, press the [PATTERN] button to enter the
Pattern mode then press the [FILE] button to call up the
File window.
n Follow the instructions below after selecting a Voice,
Performance, Song or Pattern to which the Sample to be
saved is assigned in each of the modes.
n You can speed up this operation by selecting a file having
a name similar to the desired one in this step, since the
operation will show the corresponding name by default on
the window for entering the file name, making it
unnecessary to input the file name from scratch.
2 Set the Type to the desired one of “all,” “all
voice,” “all arpeggio,” “all waveform,” “editor,
“all song,” and “all pattern.
n When you select the data type including the Waveform
data, select whether or not the Sample data will be saved
for each Flash Memory Expansion Module at the left
bottom of the display. For details about the Waveform data
structure on saving, refer to see page 248.
3 Press the [SF1] Save button to call up the
window for entering the file name.
4 Enter the file name, press the [ENTER] button
then the [INC/YES] button to save the data of
the specified type to the external memory
The file name can contain up to 20 characters. For
detailed instructions on naming, refer to “Basic
Operation” on page 37.
You can save the sample of a specific Voice to an external
memory device as a WAV file or an AIFF file for storage or
editing on a computer. This method is available when
entering the File mode from any mode. For details about file
types that can be saved, see page 235.
n When entering the File mode from the Performance mode/
Song mode/Pattern mode and saving/loading the sample
assigned to the Normal Voice, only the sample assigned to the
Element 1 is available.
1 Select a device and directory as destination by
following “Basic Procedure in the File mode”
on page 238.
n You can speed up this operation by selecting a file having
a name similar to the desired one in this step, since the
operation will show the corresponding name by default on
the window for entering the file name, making it
unnecessary to input the file name from scratch.
2 Set the Type to “WAV” or “AIFF.
n Keep in mind that some parameter settings, such as Start
Point, are not saved when saving the Sample of a specific
Voice as WAV or AIFF format. This means that the WAV file
or AIFF file saved in the File mode will be played back
from the top (including the section before the Start Point)
on an external device, such as a computer.
3 Select the source data.
When entering the File mode from the Voice mode,
select an Element (for a Normal Voice) and Key to
which the Sample to be saved is assigned. When
entering the File mode from the Performance/Song/
Pattern mode, select a Part and Key to which the Voice
including the Sample to be saved is assigned.
n Preset Waveforms cannot be saved to an external storage
device. If you select a Performance/Song/Pattern Part to
which the preset Voice is assigned or you select a Normal
Saving all user data or all data of a
specific type
Saving the sample of a specific Voice
File Management (File mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Voice Element or Drum Voice Key to which the preset
Waveform is assigned, an error message appears.
n The available source data differs depending on the mode
selected before entering the File mode. When entering the
File mode from the Voice mode, the available source data
differs depending on the type of the already selected
Voice: Normal Voice or Drum Voice. Make sure to select a
Voice/Performance/ Song/Pattern to which the desired
Sample is assigned before entering the File mode.
4 Press the [SF1] Save button to call up the
window for selecting a Key Bank.
5 Select a Key Bank to which the sample is
assigned by moving the cursor.
Press the [SF1] Audition button to hear the sampled
6 Press the [ENTER] button to call up the window
for entering the file name.
7 Enter the file name, press the [ENTER] button
then the [INC/YES] button to save the data to
the external memory device.
The file name can contain up to 20 characters. For
detailed instructions on naming, refer to “Basic
Operation” on page 37.
You can save a Song or a Pattern Section as a Standard
MIDI File in the File mode. The Standard MIDI File format is
common and can be used on other MIDI sequencers and
computer music software. This method is available when
entering the File mode from the Song mode/Pattern mode.
1 Select a device and directory as destination by
following “Basic Procedure in the File mode”
on page 238.
n You can speed up this operation by selecting a file having
a name similar to the desired one in this step, since the
operation will show the corresponding name by default on
the window for entering the file name, making it
unnecessary to input the file name from scratch.
2 Set the Type to “SMF.
3 Select the source data.
n The available source memory differs depending on the
mode selected before entering the File mode. When you
want to save a Song, enter the File mode from the Song
mode. When you want to save a Pattern, enter the File
mode from the Pattern mode.
4 Press the [ENTER] button to call up the window
for entering the file name.
5 Enter the file name, press the [ENTER] button
then the [INC/YES] button to save the data to
the external memory device.
The file name may contain up to 20 characters. For
detailed instructions on naming, refer to “Basic
Operation” on page 37.
Loading a file
The loading procedure differs depending on the file type to
be loaded and the mode selected before calling up the File
window. This section explains the procedure relevant to
following eight cases.
Loading all user data or all data of a specific type (all
voices, all songs, all patterns, etc.)
Loading a specific Voice or all the Voices of a specific
Bank from an “all” or “all voice” file
Loading a specific Waveform from an “all” or “all
waveform” file
Loading a specific Performance from an “all” file
Loading a specific Song or Pattern from an “all” or “all
song” or “all pattern” file
Loading a specific Sample Voice from an “all” or “all
song” or “all pattern” file
Loading a WAV file or an AIFF file
Loading a SMF file (Standard MIDI file)
Saving a Song or a Pattern Section as a
Standard MIDI File
Key Bank
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
File Management (File mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
1 Select a device and directory including the
source file by following “Basic Procedure in
the File mode” on page 238.
n When you wish to load all 64 Songs, press the [SONG]
button to enter the Song mode then press the [FILE]
button to call up the File window. When you wish to load all
64 Patterns, press the [PATTERN] button to enter the
Pattern mode then press the [FILE] button to call up the
File window.
2 Set the Type to the desired one of “all,” “all
without system,” “all voice,” “all arpeggio,” “all
waveform,” “editor,” “all song,” and “all
Only available files according to the Type are listed in
the Directory/File list box on the display.
n When you select the data type including the Waveform
data, select the destination memory (USR, FL1, FL2) for
each memory block in the Load column at the right bottom
of the display. For details about the Waveform data
structure on loading, refer to page 248.
3 Select the file to be loaded.
You can select any of the files listed in the Directory/File
list box on the display.
4 Press the [SF2] button (a prompt for
confirmation appears).
Press the [DEC/NO] button to cancel the Load
5 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the Load
The Load operation overwrites any data previously existing in
the destination internal memory. Important data should always
be saved to a USB storage device connected to the USB TO
DEVICE terminal or to a computer connected to the same
network as the MOTIF XF (page 241).
1 Select a device and directory as source by
following “Basic Procedure in the File mode”
on page 238.
2 Set the Type to “voice” or “1bank voice.
Only available files according to the Type are listed in
the Directory/File list box on the display.
n In this step, the Load menu corresponding to the [SF2]
button is not shown in the display. The Load menu
appears when selecting a Voice to be loaded in step 6.
3 Specify the destination memory location ( ) in
the User Memory.
When the Type ( ) is set to “voice,” select a Voice
Bank and number as destination. When the Type ( ) is
set to “1bank voice,” select a Voice Bank as
n When entering the File mode from the Performance/Song/
Pattern mode, set a Part to which the loaded Voice is to be
assigned as well as a Voice Bank and number.
n When loading a Drum Voice, select the User Drum Voice
Bank (UDR) as the destination memory location ( ).
When loading a Normal Voice, select one of the User
Normal Voice Banks (USR1 – 3) as the destination
memory location ( ). If the appropriate Voice Bank is not
set, pressing the [SF2] Load button calls up an error
4 Move the cursor to the file to be loaded.
You can select any of the files listed in the Directory/File
list box on the display.
5 When the Type ( ) is set to “voice,” press the
[ENTER] button so that the Voices of the
specified Bank are listed in the Directory/File
list box. When the Type ( ) is set to “1bank
voice,” press the [ENTER] button so that the
Banks are listed in the Directory/File list box.
When the Normal Voice Bank is selected in step 3, you
can change the Voice Bank as source by pressing one
of the Bank buttons (USR 1 – 4) on the front panel.
Loading all user data or all data of a
specific type
Loading a specific Voice or all the
Voices of a specific Bank from an “all”
or “all voice” file
File Management (File mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
6 Move the cursor to the desired Voice or Voice
The Load menu corresponding to the [SF2] button
7 Press the [SF2] button (a prompt for
confirmation appears).
Press the [DEC/NO] button to cancel the Load
8 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the Load
The Load operation overwrites any data previously existing in
the destination internal memory. Important data should always
be saved to a USB storage device connected to the USB TO
DEVICE terminal or to a computer connected to the same
network as the MOTIF XF (page 241).
1 Select a device and directory as the source by
following the instructions in “Basic Procedure
in the File mode” on page 238.
2 Set the Type ( ) towaveform.
Only available files according to the Type are listed in
the Directory/File list box on the display.
n In this step, the Load menu corresponding to the [SF2]
button is not shown in the display. The Load menu appears
when selecting a Waveform to be loaded in step 6.
3 Select the file to be loaded.
You can select any of the files listed in the Directory/File
list box on the display.
4 Press the [ENTER] button so that the three
memory types (USR, FL1 and FL2) are shown
on the display, then move the cursor to the
desired memory type.
5 Press the [ENTER] button so that the
Waveforms in the selected file are listed on the
6 Move the cursor to the desired Waveform.
The Load menu corresponding to the [SF2] button
7 Specify the destination memory location in the
User memory.
At , select a Part to which the Waveform is to be
assigned, when entering the File mode from the
Performance/Song/Pattern mode.
At , select an Element (for a Normal Voice) to which
the Waveform (loaded to an empty number) is to be
n Please note that Waveforms cannot be loaded to a Drum
n When entering the File mode from the Performance/Song/
Pattern mode, determine the Part to which the Voice
including the loaded Waveform is to be assigned.
Loading a specific Waveform from an
“all” or “all waveform” file
Voice List
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
File Management (File mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
8 Select the destination memory type ( ) of the
When “USR” is selected, the specified Waveform will be
loaded to SDRAM. When “FL1” or “FL2” is selected, the
specified Waveform will be loaded to either slot 1 or 2 of
the optional Flash Memory Expansion Board. When
“FL1 without image” or “FL2 without image” is selected,
only the parameter settings of the specified Waveform
will be loaded to either slot 1 or 2 of the optional Flash
Memory Expansion Board.
9 Press the [SF2] button (a prompt for
confirmation appears).
Press the [DEC/NO] button to cancel the Load
10 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the
Load operation.
The Load operation overwrites any data previously existing
in the destination internal memory. Important data should
always be saved to a USB storage device connected to the
USB TO DEVICE terminal or to a computer connected to the
same network as the MOTIF XF (page 241).
This method is available only when entering the File mode
from the Performance mode.
1 Select a device and directory as source by
following “Basic Procedure in the File mode”
on page 238.
2 Set the Type to “performance.
Only available files according to the Type are listed in
the Directory/File list box on the display.
n In this step, the Load menu corresponding to the [SF2]
button is not shown in the display. The Load menu
appears when selecting a Performance to be loaded in
step 6.
3 Specify the destination memory location in the
User memory.
Select a Performance Bank and number.
n When the Performance number is set to “all,” all the
Performances in the selected Bank will be loaded.
4 Select the file to be loaded.
You can select any of the files listed in the Directory/File
list box on the display.
5 Press the [ENTER] button so that the
Performances in the selected Bank are listed
on the display.
You can change the Performance Bank as source by
pressing the Bank buttons on the front panel.
6 Move the cursor to the desired Performance.
The Load menu corresponding to the [SF2] button
7 Press the [SF2] button (a prompt for
confirmation appears).
Press the [DEC/NO] button to cancel the Load
8 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the Load
The Load operation overwrites any data previously existing in
the destination internal memory. Important data should always
be saved to a USB storage device connected to the USB TO
DEVICE terminal or to a computer connected to the same
network as the MOTIF XF (page 241).
Loading a specific Performance from
an “all” file
File Management (File mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
This method is available only when entering the File mode
from the Song mode or Pattern mode.
1 Select a device and directory as source by
following “Basic Procedure in the File mode”
on page 238.
2 Set the Type to “song” or “pattern.
Only available files according to the Type are listed in
the Directory/File list box on the display.
n In this step, the Load menu corresponding to the [SF2]
button is not shown in the display. The Load menu
appears when selecting a Song or Pattern to be loaded in
step 6.
3 Specify the destination memory location in the
User memory.
Select a Song number or Pattern number.
4 Select the file to be loaded.
You can select any of the files listed in the Directory/File
list box on the display.
5 Press the [ENTER] button so that the Songs or
Patterns in the selected file are listed on the
6 Move the cursor to the desired Song or Pattern.
The Load menu corresponding to the [SF2] button
7 Press the [SF2] button (a prompt for
confirmation appears).
Press the [DEC/NO] button to cancel the Load
8 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the Load
The Load operation overwrites any data previously existing in
the destination internal memory. Important data should always
be saved to a USB storage device connected to the USB TO
DEVICE terminal or to a computer connected to the same
network as the MOTIF XF (page 241).
This method is available only when entering the File mode
from the Song mode or Pattern mode.
1 Select a device and directory as source by
following “Basic Procedure in the File mode”
on page 238.
2 Set the Type to “sample voice.
Only available files according to the Type are listed in
the Directory/File list box on the display.
n In this step, the Load menu corresponding to the [SF2]
button is not shown in the display. The Load menu appears
when selecting a Sample Voice to be loaded in step 7.
3 Specify the destination memory location in the
User memory.
Select a Part to which the loaded Sample Voice is to be
n The Sample Voice is loaded to an empty number assigned
to the Song or Pattern selected before entering the File
4 Select the file to be loaded.
You can select any of the files listed in the Directory/File
list box on the display.
5 Press the [ENTER] button so that the Songs or
Patterns in the selected file are listed on the
Loading a specific Song or Pattern from
an “all” or “all song” or “all pattern” file
Loading a specific Sample Voice from
an “all” or “all song” or “all pattern” file
Voice mode
Song mode
Pattern mode
Mixing mode
Master mode
Utility mode
File mode
mode 1
mode 2
File Management (File mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
6 Press the [ENTER] button so that the Sample
Voices in the selected Song or Pattern are
listed on the display.
7 Move the cursor to the desired Sample Voice.
The Load menu corresponding to the [SF2] button
8 Press the [SF2] button (a prompt for
confirmation appears).
Press the [DEC/NO] button to cancel the Load
9 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the Load
The Load operation overwrites any data previously existing in
the destination internal memory. Important data should always
be saved to a USB storage device connected to the USB TO
DEVICE terminal or to a computer connected to the same
network as the MOTIF XF (page 241).
1 Select a device and directory as source by
following “Basic Procedure in the File mode”
on page 238.
2 Set the Type to “WAV” or “AIFF.
Only available files according to the Type are listed in
the Directory/File list box on the display.
n You can hear the sound of the currently selected WAV/
AIFF file by pressing the [SF6] button ( ). This
conveniently lets you check the sound before loading the
audio file.
3 Specify the destination memory location in the
User memory.
Select an Element (for a Normal Voice) or Key (for a
Drum Voice) to which the WAV or AIFF file (loaded to an
empty Waveform number) is to be assigned.
n When entering the File mode from the Performance/Song/
Pattern mode, set a Part to which the Voice including the
loaded WAV or AIFF file is to be assigned.
4 Select the file to be loaded.
You can select any of the files listed in the Directory/File
list box on the display.
5 Press the [SF2] button (a prompt for
confirmation appears).
Press the [DEC/NO] button to cancel the Load
6 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the Load
The Load operation overwrites any data previously existing in
the destination internal memory. Important data should always
be saved to a USB storage device connected to the USB TO
DEVICE terminal or to a computer connected to the same
network as the MOTIF XF (page 241).
This method is available only when entering the File mode
from the Song mode or Pattern mode.
1 Select a device and directory as source by
following “Basic Procedure in the File mode”
on page 238.
2 Set the Type to “SMF.
Only available files according to the Type are listed in
the Directory/File list box on the display.
Loading a WAV file or an AIFF file
Loading a SMF file (Standard MIDI file)
File Management (File mode)
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
3 Specify the destination memory location in the
User memory.
Select a Song number or Pattern Number/Section to
which the Standard MIDI File is to be loaded.
n When you want to load the SMF file to a Song, enter the
File mode from the Song mode. When you want to load the
SMF file to a Pattern, enter the File mode from the Pattern
4 Select the file to be loaded.
You can select any of the files listed in the Directory/File
list box on the display.
5 Press the [SF2] button (a prompt for
confirmation appears).
Press the [DEC/NO] button to cancel the Load
6 Press the [INC/YES] button to execute the Load
The Load operation overwrites any data previously existing in
the destination internal memory. Important data should always
be saved to a USB storage device connected to the USB TO
DEVICE terminal or to a computer connected to the same
network as the MOTIF XF (page 241).
Audio Record/Playback—[F4] Audio
With the Audio Record / Play function, you can record your
performances on the MOTIF XF as WAV-format audio files
(44.1-kHz, 16-bit, stereo) on a USB storage device or a
computer connected via a network. What’s more, the
MOTIF XF can now also play WAV or AIFF audio files stored
on a connected USB storage device or computer.
For details, refer to the Owner’s Manual.
Note when saving/loading sample data
The Waveform including samples resides on the “USR”
(SDRAM – page 34), “FL1,” and “FL2” of the optional
Flash Memory Expansion Module (page 34). The
Waveforms can be saved to or loaded from the USB
storage device or the computer connected to the same
network as the MOTIF XF in the File mode for each
memory block as shown below.
Waveform data structure to be saved
Regarding the data on SDRAM, the Save operation will
save the sample data as a file regardless of the settings.
Regarding the data on the optional FL512M/FL1024M,
you can select whether or not the sample is to be saved
at the left bottom of the display (below the file type)
before executing the Save operation. When “FL1” or
“FL2” is selected, the Save operation will save the
Waveform data including the samples. When “FL1
without sample” or “FL2 without sample” is selected, the
Save operation will save the Waveform data excluding
the samples (in other words, only the parameter settings)
SDRAM (indicated as “USR”)
Waveform including Samples
Optional FL512M or FL1024M
(indicated as “FL1”)
Waveform including Samples
Optional FL512M or FL1024M
(indicated as “FL2”)
Waveform including Samples
Data from USR
Data from FL1
Data from FL2
A saved file
Waveform data structure to be loaded
For each memory block (USR, FL1 and FL2) in a file, you
can assign the destination memory block (USR, FL1 and
FL2) of the MOTIF XF before executing the Load
operation. You can also set whether or not the samples in
a file will be loaded before executing the Load operation.
These can be set at the right bottom (“Load” column) of
the display.
When “USR” is selected, the data of the corresponding
memory block in the file will be loaded to SDRAM. When
“FL1” or “FL2” is selected, the data (Waveform and
Samples) of the corresponding memory block in the file
will be loaded to the Flash Memory Expansion Module 1
or 2. When “FL1 without sample” or “FL2 without sample”
is selected, the data (Waveform excluding Samples) will
be loaded to Flash Memory Expansion Module 1 or 2.
SDRAM (indicated as “USR”)
Waveform including Samples
Optional FL512M or FL1024M
(indicated as “FL1”)
Waveform including Samples
Optional FL512M or FL1024M
(indicated as “FL2”)
Waveform including Samples
Data from USR
Data from FL1
Data from FL2
A saved file
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
.AIF .......................................................... 235, 236
.MID ......................................................... 235, 236
.WAV ........................................................235, 236
.X3A .........................................................235, 236
.X3E ................................................................. 236
.X3G ........................................................235, 236
.X3P .........................................................235, 236
.X3S .........................................................235, 236
.X3V .........................................................235, 236
.X3W ........................................................235, 236
1/4 Shift ............................................................. 56
1/4 tone ............................................................. 56
1/8 tone ............................................................. 56
1bank voice ..................................................... 236
1st-on ................................................................ 63
2 Band ............................................................... 83
A Mod ................................................................ 82
A. Function 1/2 ................................................216
A. Function 1/2 Mode ................................ 57, 104
A/D .................................................................. 193
Accent Phrase ...................................................17
Accent Start Quantize ...............................60, 115
Accent Vel Threshold ................................ 60, 114
Accuracy ......................................................... 132
AEG (Amplitude EG) ..................... 51, 80, 97, 115
Aftertouch .......................................................... 32
AIFF ................................................................. 235
All ............................................................231, 235
All Arpeggio ............................................ 235, 236
All Parameters ...........................91, 117, 195, 217
All Pattern ................................................ 235, 236
All Song ................................................... 235, 236
All Sound Off ..................................................... 32
All Track ..................................................146, 148
All Voice ..................................................235, 236
All Waveform ...........................................235, 236
all without system ............................................236
Alternate Group ................................................. 88
Alternate Pan ............................................... 80, 89
Amplitude .............................................. 10, 79, 89
Amplitude EG .................................................... 90
Append Pattern ............................................... 186
Append Phrase ............................................... 183
Apply .......................................................176, 209
Arabic 1/2/3 ....................................................... 56
ARP Category .................................................. 164
ARP Common Switch ...................................... 104
ARP FX ........................................ 47, 57, 104, 139
ARP Main .....................................58, 85, 112, 194
ARP MIDI Out Switch ......................................225
ARP No. ........................................................... 164
ARP Other ................................... 59, 85, 114, 194
ARP Play Only ................................................. 110
ARP Sync Quantize Value ...............................104
ARP Transmit Ch ............................................. 225
ARP1 – ARP5 ............. 49, 52, 59, 96, 99, 113, 212
Arpeggio .........49, 52, 96, 98, 146, 147, 178, 225
Hold on/off ................................................. 94
Performance ..............................................93
playback on/off .......................................... 94
Arpeggio Block ................................................. 15
Arpeggio Category ............................................ 15
Arpeggio playback
Pattern ........................................................ 20
Performance ..............................................19
Voice Play .................................................. 19
Arpeggio Sub Category .................................... 15
Arpeggio tempo .......................................... 49, 96
Arpeggio Type
create ........................................................ 20
Drum Voice ................................................ 18
name ......................................................... 16
non-note events ......................................... 18
Normal Voice ............................................. 18
ASSIGN 1/2 ....................................................... 46
Assign 1/2 Value ....................................... 57, 111
Assign L&R Gain ............................................ 224
Assign Mode ..................................................... 87
Assign Settings ................................................. 49
ASSIGNABLE FUNCTION [1] / [2] buttons ....... 21
ATTACK ............................................................ 46
Attack Level .......................................... 73, 77, 80
Attack Time ..................................... 72, 77, 80, 90
Audio ...................................................... 191, 238
Audio In .................................................. 106, 193
Audio In/Out .................................................... 223
Audio Input block ............................................. 12
Audio Record/Play ............................................ 35
Audio Recording ............................................. 201
Audio track ....................................................... 14
Audition ........... 120, 125, 128, 130, 206, 208, 230
Auto Load ....................................................... 223
Band Elimination Filter ...................................... 75
Band Pass Filter ................................................ 74
BANK ................................................................ 98
Bank .......... 50, 52, 56, 59, 96, 109, 113, 190, 197
Bank LSB ........................................................ 216
Bank MSB ....................................................... 216
Bank Select ..................................................... 229
Basic Receive Ch ........................................... 228
BEAT ....................................................... 151, 173
Beat ................................ 140, 145, 168, 178, 231
Beat Stretch .................................................... 161
beat1 – 3 ......................................................... 209
BEF (Band Elimination Filter) ............................ 75
BEF12 ............................................................... 75
BEF6 ................................................................. 75
Boost 12 ............................................................ 83
Boost 18 ............................................................ 83
Boost 6 .............................................................. 83
BPF (Band Pass Filter) ...................................... 74
BPF1 – 10 Gain ................................................. 67
BPF12D ............................................................. 74
BPF6 ................................................................. 75
BPFw ................................................................. 75
Break 1 – 16 .................................................... 175
Break Point 1 – 4 ......................................... 78, 82
Breath ............................................................... 61
Brightness ......................................................... 31
Bulk ........................................... 92, 118, 197, 218
Bulk Dump Interval ......................................... 229
Cancel ............................................................ 176
CAT (Channel Aftertouch) ........................ 32, 151
CATEGORY ...................................................... 98
Category 49, 52, 59, 66, 96, 97, 107, 113, 190, 227
Category 1/2 ..................................................... 50
Center Key .......................... 72, 74, 76, 78, 79, 81
Ch After Touch ................................................ 216
Chain ...................................... 141, 143, 169, 171
Chain Edit ....................................................... 173
Chain Number ................................................ 143
Chain Record .................................................. 172
Change Timing .......................................... 58, 112
Channel Aftertouch (CAT) ................................. 32
CHAR ................................................................ 37
character input .................................................. 37
CHO SEND ........................................................ 86
Cho Send ................................................ 190, 191
CHORUS ........................................................... 47
Chorus ........................... 25, 66, 86, 107, 108, 193
Chorus Category/Type .............................. 65, 107
Chorus Pan ............................................... 65, 108
Chorus Return ........................................... 65, 108
Chorus Send ............... 65, 88, 104, 106, 111, 226
CHORUS TO REVERB .............................. 65, 107
Clear ................................................................ 170
Clear All ........................................................... 152
Clear Pattern ................................................... 187
Clear Pattern Chain ......................................... 187
Clear Phrase ................................................... 185
Clear Sample Voice ........................................ 185
Clear Song ...................................................... 165
Clear Track ..............................................163, 185
Click ................................................146, 179, 231
CLOCK .................................................... 151, 173
Clock ....................................................... 158, 160
Clock Out ........................................................ 229
Clock Shift ....................................................... 142
Coarse ......................................................... 71, 88
Coarse Tune .................................................... 127
Color ................................................................ 221
Com LFO ........................................................... 62
Combination Type Filter .................................... 75
Common .......................................................... 218
Common Edit ...................... 53, 84, 100, 188, 212
Master ...................................................... 214
Mixing ...................................................... 192
Mixing Voice ............................................ 200
Performance ............................................ 102
Voice .................................................... 55, 85
Common Parameters ........................ 91, 117, 195
Common Switch ................................................ 98
Compare function .....................54, 101, 192, 199
Compressor ...................................................... 26
Confirm ....................................................124, 206
Confirm Password ........................................... 222
Connect ....................... 64, 86, 106, 107, 193, 227
external MIDI instruments .......................... 38
LAN ............................................................ 41
MTR ............................................................ 39
USB storage device ................................... 40
Control ............................................. 216, 228, 230
Control Change (CC) ........................................ 31
Control Depth .................................................... 63
Control Dest ...................................................... 63
Control Function .......................................... 49, 96
Control Knob No. ............................................ 217
Control Slider No. ............................................ 217
Control Sliders ..................................... 22, 95, 138
function ...................................................... 47
Control Sliders 1 – 8 ........................................ 212
Controller Assign ............................................. 230
Controller Block ................................................. 21
Controller Reset .............................................. 229
Controller Set .................................................... 61
Convert Pitch ................................................... 132
Convert to Song .............................................. 174
Convert Type ................................................... 164
Copy .. 92, 118, 130, 134, 170, 173, 196, 200, 225
Copy Event ...................................................... 159
Copy Loc ......................................................... 146
Copy Part ........................................................ 196
Copy Pattern ................................................... 186
Copy Pattern Chain ......................................... 186
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Copy Performance ..........................................197
Copy Performance Parameters .........................99
Copy Phrase ............................................164, 182
Copy Sample Voice .164, 165, 170, 183, 184, 187
Copy Song .......................................................165
Copy to Flash Memory ....................................135
Copy Track ..............................................162, 185
Copy Voice ......................................................196
Create Continuous Data ..................................160
Create Measure ...............................................161
Create Roll .......................................................157
Crescendo .......................................................156
Ctrl Set .........................................................61, 86
Current Arpeggio Type ......................................49
Current Password ............................................222
Current Pattern Phrase ....................................170
Current Performance .......................................118
Current settings ...............................................232
Current Values ...................................................49
Current Voice .....................................................92
Currently edited Part .......................................196
Cursor buttons ...................................................36
Curve ...............................................................160
CUTOFF .............................................................46
Cutoff ...........................................................75, 89
Cutoff Key Follow ...............................................76
Cutoff Velocity Sens ....................................75, 89
Cycle .................................................................64
Data Decrement ................................................32
Data dial ............................................................36
Data Entry LSB ..................................................31
Data Entry MSB .................................................31
Data Increment ..................................................32
Data indicator ..................................................168
Data Range .....................................................160
Data status ......................................................140
Data Type ........................................163, 196, 197
Data type of the destination ............................118
Data type of the destination Voice ....................92
Data type of the source ...................................118
Data type of the source Voice ...........................92
Data type to be cleared ...........................163, 185
Data Type to be copied ...........................162, 185
DAW Settings ..................................................228
DAW Type .......................................................228
[DEC/NO] button ...............................................36
DECAY ...............................................................46
Decay 1 Level ..................................73, 77, 80, 90
Decay 1 Time ..................................72, 77, 80, 90
Decay 2 Level ........................................73, 77, 80
Decay 2 Time ..................................72, 77, 80, 90
Delay .....................................................25, 63, 82
Delay Tempo .....................................................70
Delay Tempo Sync ............................................70
Delete ..............................131, 135, 152, 200, 238
Delete All .........................................................135
Delete all ..........................................................230
Delete Measure ...............................................162
Delete one .......................................................230
Delete range ....................................................162
Depth .................................................................61
Depth Offset 1 – 8 .............................................63
Description ......................................................221
Destination .........................................................61
Destination Key Bank ......................................131
Destination Location ................................173, 174
Destination Measure ........................................184
Destination Mixing Voice .................................200
Destination Parts .............................................197
Destination Pattern ..................................186, 187
Destination Phrase ..................................183, 184
Destination Song .............................165, 174, 184
Destination Song and Track ............................162
Destination Track .....................................184, 185
Detune ............................................................ 110
Device ............................................. 234, 237, 240
Device Number ............................................... 228
DHCP Client .................................................... 221
Dir ................................................................... 237
direct ............................................................... 113
Direction .......................................................... 159
Directory ......................................................... 237
Directory (Dir) ................................................. 234
Display .................................................... 128, 208
Distance ............................................................ 76
Distortion ........................................................... 25
Divide Drum Track .................................. 163, 186
DNS1/2 ............................................................ 221
Domain ............................................................ 222
down ............................................................... 158
down&up ......................................................... 158
DRAM ................................................................ 34
Drum Key .................................... 10, 92, 123, 204
Drum Kit .............................................................. 9
Drum Voice ......................................................... 9
Drum Voice Edit ................................................ 84
Dry Level ......................................... 106, 111, 226
Dry/Wet Balance ............................................... 67
Dual BEF ........................................................... 75
Dual BPF ........................................................... 75
Dual HPF ........................................................... 75
Dual LPF ........................................................... 75
Dual Type Filter ................................................. 75
Duplication symbol ......................................... 120
[E] Indicator .......... 47, 54, 96, 101, 192, 199, 213
each-on ............................................................. 63
Edit .................................................................. 190
Edit Buffer ......................................................... 34
Edit Recall ................................................. 92, 117
Effect ....................... 49, 64, 86, 96, 107, 191, 193
Effect Block ....................................................... 22
Effect Category ................................................. 24
Effect connection
Mixing ........................................................ 24
Performance .............................................. 23
Voice .......................................................... 23
Effect ON/OFF Button (System) ...................... 220
Effect Parameters ....... 27, 66, 105, 107, 108, 227
Effect Type ........................................................ 24
Effect Unit Settings ......................................... 118
Effects ......................................................... 50, 97
EG (Envelope Generator) ........... 96, 97, 115, 194
EG Depth .................................................... 73, 77
EG Depth Vel Curve .......................................... 73
EG Depth Vel Sens ..................................... 73, 77
EG Depth Vel Sens Curve ................................. 77
EG Time Key Follow .............................. 73, 78, 81
EG Time Segment ............................................. 73
EG Time Velocity Sens .......................... 73, 78, 81
EG Time Velocity Sens Segment ................ 78, 81
EG/EQ ......................................................... 49, 51
Element ............................................................. 10
on/off .................................................. 54, 199
solo .................................................... 54, 199
Element Edit ........................................ 53, 69, 200
Element EQ ....................................................... 22
Element Group .................................................. 70
Element on/off ................................................... 49
Element Out 1 – 8 ............................................. 65
Element Parameters 1 – 8 ................................. 91
Element Switch ............................... 50, 61, 69, 87
Element Switch 1 – 8 ......................................... 63
Elm LFO ............................................................ 82
End .................................................................. 143
end .................................................................. 143
End Point ................................................. 127, 207
End Step ......................................................... 157
End Velocity .................................................... 157
EQ ..........................................51, 83, 90, 116, 195
EQ graph ...........................................................52
EQ HIGH ............................................................47
EQ LOW .............................................................46
EQ MID ..............................................................46
EQ MID F ...........................................................46
EQ MID Q ..........................................................46
EQ Type .............................................................83
2 Band ........................................................83
PEQ ............................................................83
Equal .................................................................56
Erase ...............................................................179
Erase Event .....................................................159
ETHERNET connector .......................................41
Ethno ...............................................................102
Event and Parameters .....................................151
Event Jobs ...............................................158, 182
Event List display ............................150, 151, 180
Event Type ...............152, 159, 160, 161, 173, 174
Exchange Phrase ............................................183
Exchange Track ......................................163, 185
Expanded Articulation (XA) ...........................9, 70
Ext ............................................................142, 169
Ext Bank Select ...............................................216
Ext Prog Change .............................................216
Ext Switch (External Switch) ............................215
Extension .........................................................234
Extract .............................................................135
Extract Event ...................................................159
F Mod ................................................................82
[F1] – [F6] (Function) buttons ............................36
Factory Set ......................................................231
Fade In Time ................................................63, 82
Fade In/Out ......................................................132
Fade Out Time ...................................................63
Fade Type .......................................................133
Favorite Category ..............................................45
FEG (Filter EG) ..............................51, 76, 97, 115
File ...................................................234, 237, 238
procedure ................................................238
File list ..............................................................237
File Name ........................................................234
File Save ..........................................................241
File Server ........................................................221
File Server Account .........................................222
File Sharing ........................................................43
File size ............................................................234
File type ...........................................................235
File Type Setting ..............................................237
Filter ...................................10, 51, 74, 89, 97, 116
Filter (MIDI Filter) .............................................232
Fine ......................................................71, 88, 132
Fine Scaling Sens ..............................................71
Fine Tune .........................................................127
fingered .....................................................57, 110
Fixed SD/BD ..............................................85, 115
Fixed Velocity ..................................................220
FL1/FL2 ............................................................219
FL512M/FL1024M ..............................................34
Flanger ..............................................................25
Flash ................................................................230
Flash Memory Expansion Module .....................34
Flash ROM .........................................................34
folder ...............................................................234
Foot Controller 1/2 ...........................................216
Foot Switch ......................................................216
Formant Offset ...................................................67
Formant Shift .....................................................67
Format .....................................230, 235, 238, 240
Frequency .......................105, 116, 120, 123, 204
fulltime .......................................................57, 110
FW Gain ...........................................................224
FW Monitor Setup ............................................224
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Gain ................................................... 76, 105, 116
Gate Switch ....................................................... 67
GATE TIME ........................................................47
Gate Time ........................................................ 155
Gate Time Rate ................... 59, 60, 113, 114, 142
Gateway .......................................................... 221
General ................................ 55, 85, 102, 192, 219
Get Name ........................................................ 214
Get Phrase from Song ..................................... 184
Glide ................................................................ 157
Glide Time ....................................................... 157
GM ..................................................................... 48
GM Voice ........................................................... 48
Graph ................................................................ 62
Grid ................................................................. 158
Half Damper Switch .......................................... 80
Half Damper Time ............................................. 81
Half Sampling Frequency ................................ 133
High Frequency .........................................83, 103
High Gain .................................................. 83, 103
High Pass Filter ................................................. 74
HOLD ................................................................ 98
Hold ...............................................52, 58, 63, 112
Hold Level ................................................... 72, 77
Hold Time .................................................... 72, 77
Host ................................................................. 239
Host Name ......................................................221
HPF (High Pass Filter) ....................................... 74
HPF Cutoff ................................................... 76, 89
HPF Freq ........................................................... 67
HPF Key Follow ................................................. 76
HPF Output Level .............................................. 67
HPF12 ................................................................ 74
HPF24D ............................................................. 74
I/O .................................................................... 223
[INC/YES] button ............................................... 36
Indian ................................................................ 56
INFO .................................................................. 96
INFO (Information)
.................. 50, 123, 130, 142, 169, 199, 214, 219
Init .............................................. 91, 117, 195, 217
Initial Level ........................................................ 80
Initialize selected Parts to GM .........................196
Initialize settings of waveforms assigned to
selected Key .....................................................92
Initialize the settings of waveforms assigned to
selected Elements ............................................. 91
Initialize Type .................................................. 218
Input Source ............................................122, 204
Ins A ....................................66, 86, 107, 193, 227
Ins B ....................................66, 86, 107, 193, 227
Ins Effect Output ......................................... 71, 88
Ins Effect Sw ....................................111, 146, 178
Ins FX Sw ......................................................... 191
Ins L ...................................................................66
Ins Switch (Insertion Effect Switch) ................. 193
Insert .......................................................152, 174
Insert Event window ................ 150, 151, 174, 180
Inserting location ............................................. 174
Insertion A/B ................................ 23, 65, 107, 227
INSERTION CONNECT ..................... 65, 106, 227
Insertion Effect .......................................... 22, 189
Insertion point ..................................................162
Inst Input Level .................................................. 67
Int ............................................................142, 169
Int Bank Select ................................................216
Int Prog Change ..............................................216
Int Switch (Internal Switch) ..............................215
Internal Memory ................................................ 34
Interval ............................................................. 176
Interval diagram .............................................. 176
IP Address ...................................................... 221
Master ..................................................... 217
Mixing ...................................................... 195
Mixing Voice ............................................ 199
Pattern ..................................................... 181
Performance ............................................ 117
Sampling ................................................. 129
Song ........................................................ 153
Voice ......................................................... 91
KBD .................................................. 37, 120, 130
Keep Original Phrase ..................................... 187
Key .............................. 86, 87, 120, 124, 127, 205
Key Assign Mode ............................................. 57
Key Bank ........................ 119, 131, 132, 133, 134
Key Bank List .................................................. 120
Key Bank number ........................................... 120
Key Bank to be deleted .................................. 131
Key Edit ...................................................... 84, 87
Key Mode ................................................. 58, 113
Key On Delay .................................................... 70
Key On Reset .............................................. 62, 82
Key On Start Switch .......................................... 99
Key Parameters ................................................ 92
Key Range .............................................. 128, 205
Keybank .......................................... 123, 130, 204
Keyboard .......................................................... 21
Keyboard MIDI transmit channel ...................... 47
Keyboard Octave setting .................................. 47
Keyboard Start ................................ 168, 172, 178
Keyboard Transmit Ch .................................... 228
Kirnberger ......................................................... 56
Knob ............................................................... 216
Knob Control Assign ................................. 57, 104
Knob Ctrl Assign ............................................. 214
Knobs ................................................. 22, 94, 138
Function ..................................................... 46
Knobs 1 – 8 ..................................................... 212
KnobSlider ...................................................... 217
L&R Gain ........................................................ 223
LAN connection ................................................ 41
Length ..................................... 133, 168, 170, 178
Level ........................................... 79, 89, 104, 127
level ........................................................ 124, 205
Level 1 – 16 ...................................................... 64
Level Key Follow ............................................... 79
Level Meter ............................................. 124, 206
Level Velocity Sens ........................................... 79
Level Velocity Sens Curve ................................ 79
Level Velocity Sens Offset ................................ 79
Level/MEF ....................................................... 104
Level/Pan .......................................................... 79
LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) ....................... 11
LFO Phase Offset ............................................. 64
LIST ................................................................... 37
Load ................................................ 235, 238, 242
AIFF file ................................................... 247
all user data ............................................. 243
all voice ................................................... 243
Pattern ..................................................... 246
Performance ............................................ 245
Sample Voice .......................................... 246
SMF file .................................................... 247
Song ........................................................ 246
specific type ............................................ 243
Voice ....................................................... 243
WAV file ................................................... 247
Waveform ................................................ 244
Load File ......................................................... 242
Load Mixing .................................................... 233
Local Control ................................................... 229
Location .......................................................... 140
Lo-Fi .................................................................. 26
Loop ..................................60, 114, 140, 143, 178
loop ................................................................. 128
Loop Point ............................................... 127, 207
Loop-Remix ..................................................... 133
Low Frequency ......................................... 83, 103
Low Frequency Oscillator (OSC) ...................... 11
Low Gain ................................................... 83, 103
Low Pass Filter .................................................. 74
Lower Ch ......................................................... 218
Lowest Key ...................................................... 134
LP=ST .....................................................128, 208
LPF (Low Pass Filter) ........................................ 74
LPF12+BPF6 ..................................................... 75
LPF12+HPF12 ................................................... 75
LPF18 ................................................................ 74
LPF18s .............................................................. 74
LPF24A .............................................................. 74
LPF24D ............................................................. 74
LPF6+HPF6 ....................................................... 75
Main Category ................................................. 102
Main Category 1/2 ............................................. 55
manual .................................................... 124, 205
Master Edit ...................................................... 212
Master Effect ..................................................... 22
Master EQ ......................................................... 22
Master Job ...................................................... 217
Master Name ...........................................211, 214
Master Number ............................................... 211
Master Play ..................................................... 211
Master Store .................................................... 213
MasterEQ ........................................ 105, 193, 224
MasterFX ......................................... 104, 193, 224
Maximum Polyphony ......................................... 12
MEAS ...................................................... 151, 173
Meas ....................................................... 140, 145
meas (measure) .............................................. 205
Measure ........... 99, 127, 128, 134, 151, 165, 168,
................................ 172, 178, 203, 205, 208, 209
Measure Jobs ................................................. 161
Measure number ............................................. 140
Mega Voice ....................................................... 15
Mega Voice Arpeggio ....................................... 15
Memory ........................................................... 214
Memory location .............................................. 238
Memory Structure .............................................. 35
Meter ....................................... 128, 134, 207, 209
Meter of measures to be inserted ................... 162
Metronome Settings ........................................ 231
Mic Gate Threshold ........................................... 67
Mic Level ........................................................... 67
Mic/Line ........................................................... 223
Micro Tuning ............................................. 56, 225
Micro Tuning Copy .......................................... 225
Micro Tuning List ............................................... 56
Micro Tuning Name ......................................... 225
Micro Tuning No. ............................................. 225
Mid Frequency ................................................ 103
Mid Gain .......................................................... 103
MIDI ........................................................... 30, 228
MIDI channel .....................................................30
MIDI event ......................................................... 30
MIDI Filter ........................................................ 232
MIDI IN/OUT ............................................ 219, 228
MIDI Out Channel ........................................... 115
MIDI Out Switch .............................................. 115
MIDI Send ....................................................... 217
MIDI Settings ................................................... 228
MIDI Sync ........................................................ 228
MIDI track .......................................................... 14
Misc ................................................................... 26
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Mix ...................................................................197
Mix Phrase .......................................................183
Mix Track .................................................163, 185
Mixing ........................................................11, 188
Insertion Effect .........................................189
setup ........................................................189
structure ...................................................188
Mixing Edit .......................................................192
Mixing Job .......................................................195
Mixing Play ......................................................190
Mixing Setup ....................................................139
Mixing Store .....................................................192
Mixing Template ..............................................197
Mixing Voice ....................................................189
Mixing Voice Edit .............................................198
Mixing Voice Job .............................................199
Mixing Voice Store ...........................................199
Mixing Voice to be deleted ..............................200
MIXV (Mixing Voice) ........................................146
MMC (MIDI Machine Control) ....................40, 229
Mode ...............................................211, 214, 231
Modify Control Data .........................................161
Modify Gate Time ............................................156
Modify Velocity ................................................155
Modulation Wheel ............................................216
Modulation wheel ..............................................21
Mono/Poly ............................................50, 56, 110
Mono/Poly Mode ................................................50
Mono/Stereo ....................................106, 122, 226
Mount ...............................................235, 238, 239
Mount User Name ...........................................222
Move ................................................................131
MTC (MIDI Time Code) .............................39, 229
MTC Start Offset ..............................................229
multi .............................................................57, 87
Mute .................................140, 145, 168, 178, 190
Name ...............................50, 55, 85, 97, 102, 214
Name Position .................................................220
Naming ..............................................................37
Network ...........................................................221
Network Information ........................................219
Network Settings ...............................................42
New Dir ............................................................238
New Password .................................................222
New settings ....................................................232
No. ...................................................................170
Noise Input Level ...............................................67
Non-Registered Parameter Number (NRPN) ....33
normal 01 – 16 .................................................175
Normal Voice .......................................................9
Edit .............................................................53
Normalize ........................................................131
Normalize Play Effect ..............................163, 186
Note .....................................30, 32, 135, 157, 215
Note Jobs ................................................154, 182
Note Limit ......................58, 71, 96, 110, 112, 212
Note Limit High ................................................215
NOTE LIMIT LO-HI ............................................97
Note Limit Low .................................................215
Note Range ...............................................96, 212
Note Shift ...................................56, 110, 142, 219
NRPN (Non-Registered Parameter Number) ....32
NUM ..........................................................36, 152
Number ....................................................109, 190
number input .....................................................36
Number of measures to be inserted ................162
Number of Times .............................159, 160, 173
OCT RANGE ......................................................47
Octave .........................49, 96, 135, 212, 215, 220
Octave Range ...........................................60, 114
Offset .......................................................156, 161
Offset 1 – 4 .................................................. 78, 82
one shot .................................................... 62, 128
Optimize .......................................................... 230
Optimize Memory ............................................ 135
Original Notes Root ......................................... 164
Original Pattern ....................................... 186, 187
Original Phrase ............................................... 183
Oscillator ............................................... 10, 69, 87
Other ................... 57, 85, 104, 111, 194, 214, 233
Other Jobs ...................................................... 135
Out ............................................................ 86, 142
Output ............................. 106, 110, 193, 194, 226
Output Level ..................................................... 67
Output Octave Shift .................................. 59, 113
Output Select ............................ 88, 106, 111, 226
Overdub Recording ........................................ 149
P Mod ................................................................ 82
PageHold .......................................................... 88
PAN ................................................................... 47
Pan ....... 56, 79, 89, 104, 106, 110, 127, 146, 178,
........................................ 190, 191, 216, 217, 226
Param .............................................................. 128
Param. with Voice ........................................... 109
PART ................................................................. 97
Part .................................. 118, 123, 190, 191, 204
mute ........................................... 93, 101, 192
on/off .......................................... 93, 101, 192
select ....................................................... 109
solo ............................................ 93, 101, 192
Part 1 – 16 ....................................... 190, 191, 193
Part 1 – 4 ........................................................... 97
Part Edit .................................................. 100, 188
Mixing ...................................................... 194
Performance ............................................ 109
Part EQ ...................................................... 22, 103
Part number .................................................... 196
Part Parameters ...................................... 117, 196
Part Switch ...................................................... 109
Password ........................................................ 222
Setting ...................................................... 222
PAT (Polyphonic Aftertouch) ..................... 32, 151
Patch ....................................................... 169, 170
Path ................................................................. 235
Pattern ..................................................... 165, 236
create ....................................................... 171
defined ....................................................... 13
Pattern Chain .................................... 13, 167, 171
edit ................................................... 173, 174
Pattern Edit ..................................................... 179
Pattern Job ...................................................... 181
Pattern Jobs .................................................... 186
Pattern name ................................... 168, 169, 178
Pattern number ................................. 99, 168, 196
Pattern Play ..................................................... 166
Pattern Record ................................................ 177
Pattern Scene ................................................. 167
Pattern Store ................................................... 177
Pattern to be cleared ...................................... 187
PB Range ........................................................ 157
PB Range Lower ....................................... 56, 111
PB Range Upper ....................................... 56, 111
PDC Name ...................................................... 222
PEG (Pitch EG) ................................................. 72
PEQ ................................................................... 83
Perf .................................................................. 197
Performance ........................................... 118, 236
defined ....................................................... 11
select ......................................................... 93
Store ........................................................ 101
Performance Bank ............................................ 95
Performance Category .................................... 102
Performance Copy .......................................... 118
Performance Edit ............................................ 100
Performance Job ............................................ 117
Performance name ........................................... 96
Performance Number ................................95, 197
Performance number .......................................197
Performance Play display ..................................95
Performance Play Mode ....................................93
Performance Record ...................................14, 98
Phase .................................................................62
Phaser ...............................................................25
Phrase .......................................................13, 185
Phrase Jobs .....................................................182
Phrase Name ...................................................170
Phrase to be exchanged .................................183
Phrase1 – 4 ......................................................209
Pitch .....................................................10, 71, 132
pitch 01 – 16 ....................................................175
Pitch Bend .................................................30, 216
Pitch Bend Range .............................................50
Pitch Bend wheel ...............................................21
Pitch Key Follow ................................................72
Pitch Velocity Sens ......................................71, 88
Play ......................................49, 96, 168, 169, 219
Play Effect (Play FX) ..........................................14
Play FX .....................................................141, 169
Play Mode ......................................55, 62, 85, 128
Polyphonic Aftertouch (PAT) .............................32
Porta ....................................................49, 50, 103
Portamento ........................................................50
apply to Voice ............................................50
Portamento Common .......................................103
Portamento Legato Slope ..................................57
Portamento Mode ................................50, 57, 110
Portamento Part 1 – 4 ......................................103
Portamento Part Sw .........................................110
Portamento Switch .......................................50, 57
Portamento Time .................................50, 57, 110
Portamento Time Mode .....................................57
Portamento Time Offset ...................................103
Power On Auto Factory Set .............................231
Power On Mode ...............................................223
Preset ........................66, 105, 107, 108, 216, 227
Program ...............................................50, 97, 215
Program Change .....................................216, 229
Program Change (PC) .......................................31
Program number .............................................212
punch ..............................................................145
Punch In/Out ....................................146, 149, 206
PureMajor ..........................................................56
PureMinor ..........................................................56
Put Phrase to Song ..........................................184
Put Track to Arpeggio .............................164, 186
Q ................................................83, 103, 105, 116
Quantize ..................141, 146, 154, 155, 178, 233
QUANTIZE STRENGTH .....................................47
Quantize Strength ......................................60, 114
QUANTIZE VALUE ............................................47
Quantize Value ..........................................59, 114
Quick ...............................................................232
quick ................................................................209
Quick Setup .....................................................232
Random .............................................................71
Random Pan ................................................80, 89
Random SFX ........................................17, 60, 115
Random SFX Key On Control ....................60, 115
Random SFX Velocity Offset .....................60, 115
Random Speed .................................................63
Range ..............................................164, 165, 186
Rate .................................................155, 156, 161
Ratio ........................................................131, 132
RcvSwitch (Receive Switch) ....................116, 195
Realtime Recording .........................................144
Rec ..................................................120, 122, 203
REC TR ....................................................145, 178
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Recall ................................................ 92, 117, 200
Recall Buffer ......................................................34
Receive Bulk ................................................... 229
Receive Channel ............................................. 194
Receive Note Off ............................................... 87
Record Gain ............................................124, 205
Record Monitor ........................................ 124, 205
Record Next ............................................122, 204
Record Part .............................................146, 178
Record Slice ....................................................208
Record Trim .....................................................207
Record Type ............................................145, 178
Recordable Size ..............................................123
Recordable Time ............ 120, 123, 124, 129, 204,
........................................................ 206, 208, 209
1-16 tracks ...............................................147
All Track setting .......................................148
Audio ........................................................ 201
Pattern ......................................................177
Pattern Chain ........................................... 172
Scene Track ............................................. 148
Song .........................................................144
Tempo Track ............................................ 148
Recording Count ............................................. 232
Recording Type ....................................... 122, 204
Registered Parameter Number (RPN) ............... 33
Rehearsal ........................................................149
RELEASE ........................................................... 46
Release Adj. ......................................................81
Release Level .............................................. 73, 77
Release Time .........................................72, 77, 80
Remix ......................................................169, 175
Remote ............................................................ 228
Rename ................................................... 135, 238
replace ............................................................ 178
Replace Recording .........................................147
resample ......................................................... 122
Reset ............................................................... 231
RESONANCE .................................................... 46
Resonance ..................................................76, 89
Resonance Velocity Sens .................................. 76
REV SEND ......................................................... 86
Rev Send .................................................190, 191
REVERB ............................................................. 47
Reverb ...................................24, 66, 86, 108, 193
Reverb Pan ................................................ 65, 108
Reverb Return ........................................... 65, 108
Reverb Send ...............65, 88, 104, 106, 111, 226
Reverb Type .............................................. 65, 107
reverse ............................................................ 128
reverse 01 – 16 ................................................ 175
REV-X ................................................................ 27
Ribbon Controller ...................................... 21, 216
Ribbon Mode .............................................57, 104
RPN (Registered Parameter Number) ............... 32
Sample ............................................................ 119
Sample Size .................................................... 120
Sample Voice ..................................................236
sample+note ................................................... 204
procedure ................................................121
Sampling Block .................................................12
Sampling Count in ........................................... 232
Sampling Edit .......................................... 126, 210
Sampling FINISHED display ...................125, 206
Sampling Job .......................................... 129, 210
Sampling Main display ............................120, 203
Sampling mode ....................................... 119, 201
Sampling Record ....................................121, 203
Sampling RECORDING display .............. 125, 206
Sampling Setup display .......................... 122, 203
Save ................................................ 235, 238, 241
all user data ............................................. 241
sample of a Voice .................................... 241
SMF ......................................................... 242
specific type ............................................ 241
Scale ........................................................... 78, 81
Scaling Pan ....................................................... 80
Scene Track .............................................. 13, 148
Scene1 – Scene5 .... 140, 146, 147, 169, 178, 212
Screen ............................................................ 220
SDRAM ............................................................. 34
Section ........ 13, 99, 165, 168, 172, 173, 178, 196
Section Length .................................................. 99
Security ........................................................... 222
Select .............................................................. 223
Sens ........................................................ 134, 209
Separate Chord .............................................. 158
Sequence data bar ......................................... 140
Sequence tracks 1 – 16 .................................... 12
Sequencer Block .............................................. 12
Sequencer Control .......................................... 229
Sequencer Mode .............................................. 99
Sequencer Settings ........................................ 231
Set ..................................................................... 63
Set All ...................................... 152, 155, 156, 161
Setting Values ................................................. 173
Setup .............................................. 145, 146, 178
Setup Number ................................................ 232
[SF1] – [SF5] (Sub Function) buttons ............... 36
Shape ............................................................. 105
Sharing Point .................................................. 239
Shift Clock ....................................................... 158
single .......................................................... 57, 87
single timbre ....................................................... 9
skip ................................................................. 143
Slice ................................................ 134, 202, 208
Slice Type ....................................................... 210
slice+seq ........................................................ 204
Slider ............................................................... 216
Slope ................................................................. 64
SMF (Standard MIDI File) ............................... 235
SMPL (Sample Voice) ..................................... 146
Solo ................................. 140, 145, 168, 178, 190
Song ............................................... 165, 174, 236
defined ...................................................... 12
Song Chain ....................................... 13, 138, 143
Song Edit ........................................................ 150
Song Event Chase .......................................... 233
Song Job ........................................................ 153
Song Jobs ....................................................... 165
Song name ..................................... 139, 143, 145
Song number ............................ 99, 139, 143, 196
Song Play ........................................................ 136
Song Position Line .......................................... 140
Song Record ................................................... 144
Song Scene .................................................... 137
Song Store ...................................................... 144
Song Track ....................................................... 12
sort .................................................................. 113
Sort Chord ...................................................... 158
sort+direct ...................................................... 113
Source .............................................................. 61
Source Key Bank ............................................ 131
Source Measure ............................................. 184
Source Mixing Voice ....................................... 200
Source Part ..................................................... 118
Source Pattern ........................................ 164, 186
Source Phrase ........................ 164, 170, 183, 184
Source Range ................................................. 173
Source Song ........................................... 165, 184
Source Song and Track .................................. 162
Source Track .......................................... 184, 185
Speed ......................................................... 62, 82
Split Pattern .................................................... 187
Split Phrase ..................................................... 184
Split Point ........................................................ 218
Split Point Measure ......................................... 184
Split Song to Pattern ....................................... 165
Splitpoint Measure .......................................... 187
Standby .................................. 123, 124, 204, 205
Start ................................................. 124, 143, 206
Start Point ................................................127, 207
Start Step ........................................................ 157
Start Velocity ................................................... 157
Stereo to Mono ................................................ 133
Stereo/Mono ............................................ 120, 204
Stop ................................................................. 125
stop ................................................................. 143
Master ...................................................... 213
Mixing ...................................................... 192
Mixing Voice ............................................ 199
Pattern ...................................................... 177
Performance ............................................ 101
Song ......................................................... 144
Voice .......................................................... 54
Strength ........................................................... 155
SUB CATEGORY ............................................... 98
Sub Category .............................. 52, 59, 102, 113
Sub Category 1/2 .............................................. 55
Sub Divide ............................................... 134, 209
Subnet Mask ................................................... 221
SUSTAIN ........................................................... 46
Sustain ............................................................ 216
Sustain Pedal .................................................. 220
SW ..................................................................... 98
SWING .............................................................. 47
Swing ................................................60, 114, 141
Swing Rate ...................................................... 155
Switch .................................. 52, 58, 105, 112, 224
Sync Quantize Value ......................................... 98
System Effect .................................................... 22
System Exclusive .............................................. 33
System settings ............................................... 219
TAP ...................................... 49, 96, 140, 169, 212
Tech .................................................................. 26
Template ................................................... 64, 197
Template Mix ................................................... 197
Template Performance .................................... 197
TEMPO .............................................................. 47
Tempo ............ 52, 58, 98, 99, 113, 128, 134, 140,
................................ 145, 168, 172, 178, 207, 209
Tempo Change ............................................... 173
Tempo Hold .................................................... 233
Tempo Speed ................................................... 62
Tempo Sync ...................................................... 62
Tempo Track ............................................. 13, 148
Thin Out ........................................................... 160
thru .................................................................. 113
thru+direct ...................................................... 113
Time Signature .......................................... 99, 173
Time signature ................ 140, 145, 168, 172, 178
Time-Stretch .................................................... 132
Tone Generator block .........................................9
TR .................................................................... 151
Track ...... 123, 127, 141, 142, 159, 163, 164, 165,
................................ 169, 170, 185, 203, 204, 205
Track and location .......................................... 159
Track and range .............154, 155, 156, 157, 158,
........................................................ 159, 160, 161
Track Jobs .............................................. 162, 185
Track Mute ...................................................... 173
Track number .................. 140, 141, 145, 168, 178
Track Sel ......................................................... 152
Track Status ...................................................... 99
Track type ....................................... 145, 168, 178
TrackView ................................................ 139, 140
Trans ............................................... 140, 168, 172
Transmit .......................................................... 215
Transmit CH ...................................................... 49
Transmit Ch ....................................................... 96
Transmit Channel ............................................ 215
Transmit Switch ............................................... 215
Transpose ....................... 135, 156, 157, 215, 220
Tremolo & Rotary .............................................. 25
MOTIF XF Reference Manual
Trigger Level ...........................................124, 205
Trigger Mode .............................60, 114, 124, 205
Trim ..........................................127, 128, 207, 209
Tune ...........................................................71, 220
Tuning ..............................................................225
Tuning Number ..................................................56
Tuning Offset ...................................................225
Tuning Root .......................................................56
Tx Switch .........................................................215
TxCh ........................................................142, 169
TYPE ..................................................................98
Type .........................133, 134, 158, 175, 220, 232
Arpeggio ......................................52, 59, 113
Effect ..................................66, 107, 108, 227
EQ ..............................................................83
File ............................................................238
Filter ............................................................74
Loop-Remix ..............................................134
Master Effect ............................................105
Recording .........................................122, 204
Slice ..........................................................209
Vocoder ......................................................67
Type diagram ..................................................176
Undo/Redo ..............................................154, 182
Unit Multiply ...............................................59, 114
UNITMULTIPLY .................................................47
up ....................................................................158
up&down .........................................................158
Upper Ch .........................................................218
USB storage device ..........................................40
USB TO DEVICE connector ...............................40
Used/Total .......................................................123
User ...................................................................64
User Arpeggio ...................................................35
User Memory ...............................................34, 35
User Phrase .......................................................35
User Voice .........................................................35
Utility ................................................................219
Vallot&Yng .........................................................56
Value of the selected event type .....................174
Variation ...................................................134, 175
Vce Edit ...........................................................191
VCM (Virtual Circuitry Modeling) .......................26
VCM Auto Wah ..................................................27
VCM Compressor 376 .......................................26
VCM Equalizer 501 ............................................26
VCM Flanger ......................................................27
VCM Pedal Wah ................................................27
VCM Phaser Mono .............................................27
VCM Phaser Stereo ...........................................27
VCM Touch Wah ................................................27
Vel Cross Fade ..................................................71
Vel Sens Depth ................................................111
VELOCITY ..........................................................47
Velocity ............................120, 124, 127, 142, 205
Velocity Curve .................................................220
Velocity Limit .........................52, 58, 71, 110, 112
Velocity Mode ............................................59, 113
Velocity Offset (Random SFX) .........................115
Velocity Range ........................................128, 156
Velocity Rate ................................59, 60, 113, 114
Velocity Sens .....................................................89
Velocity Sens Depth Offset ..............................112
ViewFilter .........................................152, 173, 180
Vocoder .............................................................26
structure .....................................................68
use ..............................................................68
Vocoder Attack ..................................................67
Vocoder Release ...............................................67
Voice ...........96, 97, 109, 118, 123, 142, 143, 146,
.........................169, 178, 194, 196, 204, 224, 236
defined .........................................................9
select ..........................................................44
Store .......................................................... 54
Voice as source ................................................ 92
Voice Bank ............................................ 48, 97, 98
Voice Element Pan .......................................... 110
Voice Job .......................................................... 91
Voice Name ............ 49, 96, 97, 98, 140, 145, 178
Voice Number ....................................... 49, 97, 98
Voice Play display ............................................. 48
Voice Play mode ............................................... 44
Voice Type ........................................................ 50
Voice with ARP ........................................ 112, 147
VoiceAudio ...................................................... 226
Volume ....... 55, 96, 104, 106, 110, 146, 178, 191,
................................................ 217, 219, 226, 231
Volume Label .................................................. 240
Volume/Express .............................................. 216
Wah ................................................................... 26
WAV ........................................................ 235, 236
Wave ........................................................... 62, 82
Wave Bank .................................................. 70, 87
Wave Main Category .................................. 70, 87
Wave Memory ................................................. 210
Wave Number ............................................. 70, 87
Wave Sub Category .................................... 70, 87
........ 119, 120, 123, 124, 127, 135, 204, 205, 236
Waveform as destination ................................ 135
Waveform as source ....................................... 135
Waveform Jobs ............................................... 134
Werckmeist ....................................................... 56
Width ................................................................. 76
WINS ............................................................... 222
Without Program Change ............................... 174
XA Control ......................................................... 69
Zone ................................................................ 218
Zone Edit ................................................. 212, 215
Zone name ...................................................... 212
Zone Switch ............................................ 214, 215
Zoom In ........................................... 128, 141, 208
Zoom Out ........................................ 128, 141, 208
U.R.G., Digital Musical Instruments Division
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