Bauknecht DKE 3360 IN-1 Program Chart

Program Chart
5019 100 75187
DKEL 3760-3790 / DKR 3760-3790
DKE 3360-3361-3390 / MSK 3760-3790
Mindestabstand zur Kochfläche: 60 cm (Elektrokochplatten), 75 cm (Gas-, Öl-
oder Kohlekochplatten). Folgen Sie bei der Installation der Nummerierung
. Das Auslassrohr (13A) wird nicht mitgeliefert und muss gesondert
erworben werden Das Gerät darf erst nach erfolgter Installation an die
Stromversorgung angeschlossen werden. Der Stecker der Dunstabzugshaube
muss mit einer normgerechten und gut zugänglichen Steckdose verbunden
werden. Wenn die Dunstabzugshaube nicht mit einem Stecker versehen ist
(direkter Netzanschluss), muss ein zweipoliger, normgerechter, gut zugänglicher
Schalter eingebaut werden, dessen Kontakte einen Abstand von mindestens
3 mm aufweisen.
Überprüfen Sie die korrekte Wandbefestigung der Dunstabzugshaube (8).
Minimum height above cooker: 60 cm (electric cookers), 75 cm (gas, gas oil or
coal cookers). To install follow points
. The exhaust pipe (13A) is not
provided and should be bought separately. Do not connect the appliance to the
electrical power supply until installation is completed. The power plug of the
hood must be connected to a socket that complies with current regulations,
located in an easily accessible point. If the hood is not fitted with a plug (direct
connection to the power supply), fit a two-pole switch in compliance with
regulations, with minimum break distance between contacts of 3 mm (easily
Ensure the hood is fitted to the wall (8).
Distance minimale par rapport à la cuisinière : 60 cm (cuisinière électrique), 75 cm
(cuisinière à gaz, mazout ou charbon). Pour le montage, suivez la numérotation
. Le tuyau d'évacuation (13A) n'est pas fourni avec l'appareil et doit
être acheté à part. Ne branchez pas l'appareil tant que l'installation n'est pas
terminée. La fiche de la hotte doit être branchée dans une prise conforme aux
normes en vigueur, placée dans un endroit accessible. Si la hotte est branchée
sans fiche (branchement direct sur le réseau), appliquez un interrupteur bipolaire
conforme aux normes ayant une distance minimale de 3 mm entre les contacts
Assurez-vous d'avoir fixé la hotte à la paroi (8).
Minimumafstand tot het kooktoestel: 60 cm (elektrische kooktoestellen), 75 cm
(kooktoestellen op gas, olie of kolen). Volg voor de montage de nummering
. De afvoerleiding (13A) wordt niet geleverd en dient aangeschaft te
worden. Geef het apparaat geen stroom totdat de installatie geheel voltooid is. De
stekker van de kap moet op een goed toegankelijk stopcontact aangesloten
worden dat aan de geldende veiligheidsvoorschriften voldoet. In het geval dat de
kap geen stekker heeft (directe aansluiting op het elektriciteitsnet) dient u een
tweepolige schakelaar te gebruiken met een afstand tussen de contacten van
minstens 3 mm (toegankelijk).
Controleer of de wasemkap aan de muur (8) is bevestigd.
75187.fm5 Page 1 Friday, October 13, 2000 5:59 PM
5019 100 75187
DKEL 3760-3790 / DKR 3760-3790
DKE 3360-3361-3390 / MSK 3760-3790
Distancia mínima de los quemadores: 60 cm (quemadores eléctricos), 75 cm
(quemadores de gas, gasóleo o carbón). Para el montaje, siga la numeración
. El tubo de descarga (13A) no se suministra con la campana y se
debe comprar por separado. No se debe enchufar el aparato hasta que su
instalación no esté terminada. Si el aparato está provisto de clavija, enchúfelo en
una toma de corriente conforme a las normas vigentes que esté colocada en una
zona accesible. Si el aparato viene sin clavija porque se debe conectar
directamente a la red hay que instalar en un punto accesible un interruptor
bipolar conforme a las normas vigentes en el que la distancia entre contactos
abiertos no sea inferior a 3 mm.
Asegúrese de haber fijado la campana a la pared (8).
Distância mínima dos fogões: 60 cm (fogões eléctricos), 75 cm (fogões a gás,
óleo ou carbono). Para a montagem siga a numeração
. O tubo de
descarga (13A) não é fornecido com o aparelho pelo que deve ser adquirido. Não
ligue o aparelho à corrente eléctrica até a instalação estar concluída. A ficha
eléctrica do exaustor deve estar ligada a uma tomada em conformidade com as
normas em vigor, e colocada num sítio acessível. Se o exaustor não estiver
equipado com uma ficha (ligação directa com a rede eléctrica) aplique um
interruptor bipolar segundo as normas com uma distância dos contactos à
abertura não inferior a 3 mm (acessível).
Certifique-se de ter fixado bem o exaustor à parede (8).
Distanza minima dai fuochi: 60 cm (fuochi elettrici), 75 cm (fuochi a gas, gasolio
o carbone). Per il montaggio seguire la numerazione
. Il tubo di
scarico (13A) non è fornito e va acquistato. Non dare corrente allapparecchio
finché linstallazione non è totalmente completata. La spina elettrica della cappa
deve essere allacciata ad una presa conforme alle norme vigenti posta in zona
accessibile. Se la cappa è sprovvista di spina (collegamento diretto alla rete)
applicare un interruttore bipolare a norme con una distanza dei contatti in
apertura non inferiore a 3 mm (accessibile).
Assicurarsi di aver fissato la cappa alla parete (8).
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75187.fm5 Page 2 Friday, October 13, 2000 5:59 PM
5019 100 75187
DKEL 3760-3790 / DKR 3760-3790
DKE 3360-3361-3390 / MSK 3760-3790
75187.fm5 Page 3 Friday, October 13, 2000 5:59 PM
5019 100 75187
DKEL 3760-3790 / DKR 3760-3790
DKE 3360-3361-3390 / MSK 3760-3790
75187.fm5 Page 4 Friday, October 13, 2000 5:59 PM
5019 100 75187
DKEL 3760-3790 / DKR 3760-3790
DKE 3360-3361-3390 / MSK 3760-3790
75187.fm5 Page 5 Friday, October 13, 2000 5:59 PM
5019 100 75187
DKEL 3760-3790 / DKR 3760-3790
DKE 3360-3361-3390 / MSK 3760-3790
Control panel.
Grease filters.
Lighting unit.
Telescopic flue.
Grease filter release-replace handle.
Ladle holder (only DKR 3760-3790).
Removing and renewing or cleaning the
grease filter:
Unplug the appliance or disconnect the mains
power supply.
Remove the grease filters
(Fig. 1)
- push the handles backwards
- and then downwards.
After the grease filter has been replaced or
cleaned (depending on model), refit the parts
in reverse order, making sure the entire
extraction surface is covered.
Replacing bulbs
Unplug the appliance or disconnect the mains
power supply.
Remove the grease filters.
Remove the lighting unit from the clips that fix
it to the hood body
(Fig. 2)
Remove the burnt-out bulb.
Replace using 40W max (E14) bulbs only.
Refit the lighting unit.
Fitting or renewing the carbon filter -
Fig. 3:
Unplug the appliance or disconnect the mains
power supply.
Remove the grease filters.
If the carbon filters are already mounted (two
filters covering the motor protection grille) and
need renewing, turn the central handle
anticlockwise until the filters release.
If the filters are not already fitted, locate one
on each side to cover both motor protection
grilles, then turn the central handle of the
filters clockwise.
Replace the grease filters.
Light switch.
Speed selector switch.
Valve open/closed switch
MSK 3760-3790
DKE 3360-3390 / DKR 3760-3790
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
small amount of
steam and fumes
medium amount of
steam and fumes
of steam
DKEL 3760
DKEL 3790
MSK 3760
MSK 3790
valve closed
valve open
medium amount of
steam and fumes
small amount of
steam and fumes
large amount
of steam and
DKE 3361
75187.fm5 Page 8 Friday, October 13, 2000 5:59 PM


75187.fm5 Page 1 Friday, October 13, 2000 5:59 PM DKEL 3760-3790 / DKR 3760-3790 DKE 3360-3361-3390 / MSK 3760-3790 D INSTALLATIONSANGABEN Mindestabstand zur Kochfläche: 60 cm (Elektrokochplatten), 75 cm (Gas-, Öloder Kohlekochplatten). Folgen Sie bei der Installation der Nummerierung (1Ö2Ö3Ö.....). Das Auslassrohr (13A) wird nicht mitgeliefert und muss gesondert erworben werden Das Gerät darf erst nach erfolgter Installation an die Stromversorgung angeschlossen werden. Der Stecker der Dunstabzugshaube muss mit einer normgerechten und gut zugänglichen Steckdose verbunden werden. Wenn die Dunstabzugshaube nicht mit einem Stecker versehen ist (direkter Netzanschluss), muss ein zweipoliger, normgerechter, gut zugänglicher Schalter eingebaut werden, dessen Kontakte einen Abstand von mindestens 3 mm aufweisen. Überprüfen Sie die korrekte Wandbefestigung der Dunstabzugshaube (8). GB INSTALLATION SHEET Minimum height above cooker: 60 cm (electric cookers), 75 cm (gas, gas oil or coal cookers). To install follow points (1Ö2Ö3Ö.....). The exhaust pipe (13A) is not provided and should be bought separately. Do not connect the appliance to the electrical power supply until installation is completed. The power plug of the hood must be connected to a socket that complies with current regulations, located in an easily accessible point. If the hood is not fitted with a plug (direct connection to the power supply), fit a two-pole switch in compliance with regulations, with minimum break distance between contacts of 3 mm (easily accessible). Ensure the hood is fitted to the wall (8). F FICHE D'INSTALLATION Distance minimale par rapport à la cuisinière : 60 cm (cuisinière électrique), 75 cm (cuisinière à gaz, mazout ou charbon). Pour le montage, suivez la numérotation (1Ö2Ö3Ö.....). Le tuyau d'évacuation (13A) n'est pas fourni avec l'appareil et doit être acheté à part. Ne branchez pas l'appareil tant que l'installation n'est pas terminée. La fiche de la hotte doit être branchée dans une prise conforme aux normes en vigueur, placée dans un endroit accessible. Si la hotte est branchée sans fiche (branchement direct sur le réseau), appliquez un interrupteur bipolaire conforme aux normes ayant une distance minimale de 3 mm entre les contacts (accessible). Assurez-vous d'avoir fixé la hotte à la paroi (8). NL INSTALLATIEKAART  Minimumafstand tot het kooktoestel: 60 cm (elektrische kooktoestellen), 75 cm (kooktoestellen op gas, olie of kolen). Volg voor de montage de nummering (1Ö2Ö3Ö.....). De afvoerleiding (13A) wordt niet geleverd en dient aangeschaft te worden. Geef het apparaat geen stroom totdat de installatie geheel voltooid is. De stekker van de kap moet op een goed toegankelijk stopcontact aangesloten worden dat aan de geldende veiligheidsvoorschriften voldoet. In het geval dat de kap geen stekker heeft (directe aansluiting op het elektriciteitsnet) dient u een tweepolige schakelaar te gebruiken met een afstand tussen de contacten van minstens 3 mm (toegankelijk). Controleer of de wasemkap aan de muur (8) is bevestigd. 5019 100 75187 75187.fm5 Page 2 Friday, October 13, 2000 5:59 PM DKEL 3760-3790 / DKR 3760-3790 DKE 3360-3361-3390 / MSK 3760-3790 E FICHA DE INSTALACIÓN Distancia mínima de los quemadores: 60 cm (quemadores eléctricos), 75 cm (quemadores de gas, gasóleo o carbón). Para el montaje, siga la numeración (1Ö2Ö3Ö.....). El tubo de descarga (13A) no se suministra con la campana y se debe comprar por separado. No se debe enchufar el aparato hasta que su instalación no esté terminada. Si el aparato está provisto de clavija, enchúfelo en una toma de corriente conforme a las normas vigentes que esté colocada en una zona accesible. Si el aparato viene sin clavija porque se debe conectar directamente a la red hay que instalar en un punto accesible un interruptor bipolar conforme a las normas vigentes en el que la distancia entre contactos abiertos no sea inferior a 3 mm. Asegúrese de haber fijado la campana a la pared (8). P FICHA DE INSTALAÇÃO Distância mínima dos fogões: 60 cm (fogões eléctricos), 75 cm (fogões a gás, óleo ou carbono). Para a montagem siga a numeração (1Ö2Ö3Ö.....). O tubo de descarga (13A) não é fornecido com o aparelho pelo que deve ser adquirido. Não ligue o aparelho à corrente eléctrica até a instalação estar concluída. A ficha eléctrica do exaustor deve estar ligada a uma tomada em conformidade com as normas em vigor, e colocada num sítio acessível. Se o exaustor não estiver equipado com uma ficha (ligação directa com a rede eléctrica) aplique um interruptor bipolar segundo as normas com uma distância dos contactos à abertura não inferior a 3 mm (acessível). Certifique-se de ter fixado bem o exaustor à parede (8). I SCHEDA INSTALLAZIONE Distanza minima dai fuochi: 60 cm (fuochi elettrici), 75 cm (fuochi a gas, gasolio o carbone). Per il montaggio seguire la numerazione (1Ö2Ö3Ö.....). Il tubo di scarico (13A) non è fornito e va acquistato. Non dare corrente all’apparecchio finché l’installazione non è totalmente completata. La spina elettrica della cappa deve essere allacciata ad una presa conforme alle norme vigenti posta in zona accessibile. Se la cappa è sprovvista di spina (collegamento diretto alla rete) applicare un interruttore bipolare a norme con una distanza dei contatti in apertura non inferiore a 3 mm (accessibile). Assicurarsi di aver fissato la cappa alla parete (8). GR ù üùü+ ù ù ùþ 5019 100 75187  ü$12.Œ)12.1.Œ)2"0120"FP 02!"0120" FP 0120" .0! #Œ02!0. #0! # +.22 Œ 21.  #1202 .!1 ÖÖÖ 1&.".Œ.&" $ /0/.202.02  .Œ !! 32!..Œ!Œ0..Œ 20$&!122! 3 / 20200 02!)!0*.21#10#Œ!2  !&12"0.212.1"  02!)3"2 #.Œ !! 32!.Œ!Œ0.1#/0010Œ!.102 # 1$* 2 ". 1 *2 Œ 0210Œ! 1Œ01 10 ü  .Œ !! 32!."/0/.203" .Œ0#0."1*/0102 /2# 2 Œ 02120 ./Œ )/.)Œ2102&. 1+00$12  .02.*2& 0Œ.3+ PP 10Œ! 1Œ01 10  ú0.&020.2120!&12 #.Œ !! 32!.12 2 $    75187.fm5 Page 3 Friday, October 13, 2000 5:59 PM  DKEL 3760-3790 / DKR 3760-3790 DKE 3360-3361-3390 / MSK 3760-3790 5019 100 75187 75187.fm5 Page 4 Friday, October 13, 2000 5:59 PM 5019 100 75187  DKEL 3760-3790 / DKR 3760-3790 DKE 3360-3361-3390 / MSK 3760-3790 75187.fm5 Page 5 Friday, October 13, 2000 5:59 PM  DKEL 3760-3790 / DKR 3760-3790 DKE 3360-3361-3390 / MSK 3760-3790 5019 100 75187 75187.fm5 Page 8 Friday, October 13, 2000 5:59 PM DKEL 3760-3790 / DKR 3760-3790 DKE 3360-3361-3390 / MSK 3760-3790 PRODUCT SHEET THE CONTROL PANEL A. Light switch. B. Speed selector switch. C. Valve open/closed switch (only MSK 3760-3790). DKE 3360-3390 / DKR 3760-3790 Fig. 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DKEL 3760 DKEL 3790 Control panel. Grease filters. Lighting unit. Telescopic flue. Grease filter release-replace handle. Ladle holder (only DKR 3760-3790). small amount of steam and fumes medium amount of steam and fumes Removing and renewing or cleaning the grease filter: 1. Unplug the appliance or disconnect the mains power supply. 2. Remove the grease filters (Fig. 1): a - push the handles backwards b - and then downwards. 3. After the grease filter has been replaced or cleaned (depending on model), refit the parts in reverse order, making sure the entire extraction surface is covered. large amount of steam and fumes MSK 3760 MSK 3790 valve closed valve open medium amount of steam and fumes small amount of steam and fumes Replacing bulbs large amount of steam and fumes DKE 3361 1. Unplug the appliance or disconnect the mains power supply. 2. Remove the grease filters. 3. Remove the lighting unit from the clips that fix it to the hood body (Fig. 2). 4. Remove the burnt-out bulb. Replace using 40W max (E14) bulbs only. 5. Refit the lighting unit. Fitting or renewing the carbon filter Fig. 3: 1. Unplug the appliance or disconnect the mains power supply. 2. Remove the grease filters. 3. If the carbon filters are already mounted (two filters covering the motor protection grille) and need renewing, turn the central handle anticlockwise until the filters release. 4. If the filters are not already fitted, locate one on each side to cover both motor protection grilles, then turn the central handle of the filters clockwise. 5. Replace the grease filters. Fig. 2 5019 100 75187 D GB F NL E P I GR  Fig. 3
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Bauknecht DKE 3360 IN-1 Program Chart

Program Chart