Take 1 adjustable foot [Part #1], place it through
the hole in the clawfoot [Part #2].
Take the clawfoot [Part #2] and place it over
over the rubber washer [Part #5] and bolt
[Part #6].
Take 1 nut [Part #3] and place it over the the washer [Part #4].
Take one washer [Part #4] and place it over the
clawfoot [Part #2] and bolt [Part #6].
Place 1 rubber washer [Part #5] and place it
over the bolt [Part #6]. Please note, the rubber
washer is optional and is NOT required to
be used. It is provided to assist with having
the clawfoot sit flush with the bathtub.
Installation of the clawfoot can occur
witwithout the need of the rubber washer if
the clawfeet are sitting flush.