Emulates the tape compression created by two open reel tape recorders (a recording deck and a
reproduction deck). You can change the sound quality by adjusting various elements, such as the
deck type, tape quality, tape speed, etc.
Parameter Range Description
REC DEC Swss70, Swss78, Swss85,
Amer70 Selects the recording deck type.
REC LVL –96.0 to +18.0 dB
Adjusts the input level of the recording deck. As you raise
the level, tape compression is generated, which narrows
the dynamic range and distorts the sound.
REC HI –6.0 to +6.0 dB Adjusts the high range gain of the recording deck.
REC BIAS –1.00 to +1.00 Adjusts the bias of the recording deck.
REPR DEC Swss70, Swss78, Swss85,
Amer70 Selects the reproduction deck type.
REPR LVL –96.0 to +18.0 dB Adjusts the output level of the reproduction deck.
REPR HI –6.0 to +6.0 dB Adjusts the high range gain of the reproduction deck.
REPR LO –6.0 to +6.0 dB Adjusts the low range gain of the reproduction deck.
When the REC LVL is moved, REPR LVL will also change,
maintaining the relative output level. You can change the
amount of distortion without changing the output level.
TP SPEED 15ips, 30ips Selects the tape speed.
TP KIND Old, New Selects the tape type.
Vintage Phaser
This is a model of phaser that provides a high degree of sound-shaping flexibility, and is not
intended as a reproduction of any specific model.
Parameter Range Description
SPEED SYNC ON, 0.100Hz to10.00
Hz The modulation speed
MANUAL 0.00 to 10.00 The center frequency of the modulation
DEPTH 0.00 to 10.00 The depth of modulation
FEEDBACK 0.00 to 10.00 The feedback amount
COLOR 0.00 to 10.00 Fine tuning of timbre
MODE 1,2 The type of circuit structure that is modeled
STAGE 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 The extent of the circuit that is modeled
FOOT OFF, ON Switches the effect on/off
1 IN/2 OUT high-quality pitch shifter.
Appendix > Premium Parameters