Yamaha S03 Data papier

Data papier
M.D.G., Pro Audio & Digital Musical Instrument Division, Yamaha Corporation
© 2001 Yamaha Corporation
V654610 101MWCP3.3-01A0
Printed in Japan
This document is printed on chlorine free (ECF) paper with soy ink.
Table of Contents
S03 Normal Voice List 2
XG Normal Voice List 4
Drum Voice List 8
Wave List 10
Original Kit List 10
Multi List 11
Control List 11
Effect Type List 12
Effect Parameter List 13
Effect Data Assign Table 16
MIDI Data Format 18
MIDI Data Table 23
MIDI Implementation Chart 28
Table of Contents
S03 Normal Voice List 2
XG Normal Voice List 4
Drum Voice List 8
Wave List 10
Original Kit List 10
Multi List 11
Control List 11
Effect Type List 12
Effect Parameter List 13
Effect Data Assign Table 16
MIDI Data Format 18
MIDI Data Table 23
MIDI Implementation Chart 28
S03 Normal Voice List
Bank Select MSB=63, LSB=0
No. Category Voice Name Variation Type
Element Switch
1 Pf StPiano1 2Band EQ on on on on
2 Pf StPiano2 2Band EQ on on on on
3 Pf WarmStPf Early Ref1 on on
4 Pf Dark Pf 3Band EQ on
5 Pf Mono Pf 3Band EQ on
6 Pf Dance Pf 2Band EQ on on
7 Pf Pf+Road Celeste1 on on on
8 Pf Pf+DxEp Chorus1 on on on
9 Pf StPf+Str 2Band EQ on on on on
10 Pf StPf+Pad 2Band EQ on on on on
11 Pf Honky Pf 3Band EQ on on
12 Pf Montuno Gate Reverb on on on
13 Pf Brite Pf 3Band EQ on
14 Pf CP80 3Band EQ on
15 Pf FlangeCP Flanger1 on
16 Pf CP80+DX Celeste1 on on
17 Pf NtrlRoad 3Band EQ on on on
18 Pf SoftRoad 3Band EQ on
19 Pf Mid Road 3Band EQ on on on
20 Pf CrstRoad 2Band EQ on on
21 Pf StereoEP 2Band EQ on on
22 Pf Pan EP Auto Pan on on on
23 Pf PhaserEP Phaser1 on on on
24 Pf Wurli 2Band EQ on
25 Pf AmpWurli Amp Simulator on
26 Pf AtkWurli Celeste4 on on
27 Pf Fulltine 3Band EQ on on
28 Pf TX816 Chorus1 on on on on
29 Pf ToneBars 3Band EQ on on
30 Pf Urban DX 3Band EQ on
31 Pf Dream EP Auto Pan on on
32 Pf DXEP+Pad 2Band EQ on on on
33 Pf Dx+Road 3Band EQ on on on on
34 Pf CP30 Phaser2 on on
35 Pf Wah EP Auto Wah on on on
36 Pf GranHrps Early Ref1 on on
37 Pf PhazClav Phaser2 on
38 Pf Wah Clav Auto Wah on
39 Cp CrystBel Symphonic on on
40 Cp PetitBel Chorus2 on on on
41 Cp ST Bell Delay L.C.R on on on
42 Cp MeloVibe Tremolo on
43 Cp EurpTubl Echo on
44 Cp Kalimba Early Ref2 on on
45 Or Rock Rotary Speaker on on on
46 Or Full 4 Rotary Speaker on on on on
47 Or Feet Rotary Speaker on on on on
48 Or FastOrgn Rotary Speaker on on on on
49 Or Drive 2Band EQ on on
50 Or Warm Celeste1 on on on
51 Or Swish 2Band EQ on on
52 Or Ballad Celeste1 on on on
53 Or Gospel Rotary Speaker on on on on
54 Or Soul Phaser2 on on
55 Or TopBotom Celeste4 on on on
56 Or Slow Rotary Speaker on on on on
57 Or Cool ! Room2 on
58 Or 4 Bars Rotary Speaker on on on on
59 Or 4Bar+Prc Rotary Speaker on on on on
60 Or RockPerc Celeste4 on on on on
61 Or JazzPerc No Effect on on on
62 Or Dist OverDrive on on on on
63 Or BassWalk Rotary Speaker on on on
64 Or Falf Amp Simulator on
65 Or FuzFalf Amp Simulator on
66 Or VxOrgan 2Band EQ on
67 Or Dance 2Band EQ on on on
68 Or Pipes 2Band EQ on on on on
69 Or Church 2Band EQ on on
70 Or Cathedrl Hall1 on on on
71 Gt Nylon 3Band EQ on
72 Gt Steel 3Band EQ on
73 Gt 12 Strng 2Band EQ on on
74 Gt AttackAG Early Ref1 on on
75 Gt Clean Echo on on
76 Gt Dist Amp Simulator on on on
77 Gt AltPower OverDrive on on on on
78 Gt DistSolo Amp Simulator on
79 Gt Pwr Dist Amp Simulator on on
80 Gt Cry-Wow Auto Wah on on
81 Ba VelFingr 2Band EQ on on
82 Ba Amped RW Amp Simulator on on
83 Ba FuzzPick Amp Simulator on
84 Ba VelSlap 2Band EQ on on
85 Ba SoftSlap OverDrive on on
86 Ba HardSlap Distortion on on
87 Ba MeloFrls Flanger1 on on
88 Co PadFrtls Chorus3 on on on
89 Co G&B Unsn Flanger1 on on on on
90 Co Frls&ClG Celeste1 on on
91 St Rich St 2Band EQ on on on
92 St Stereo 1 2Band EQ on on
93 St Stereo 2 2Band EQ on on
94 St Presto 2Band EQ on on
95 St Overture 2Band EQ on on
96 St Small 2Band EQ on on on
97 St Quartet Early Ref2 on on on on
98 St CelloSol Early Ref2 on
99 St Solo Bow 2Band EQ on on on
100 St Pizz Oct 2Band EQ on on
101 St OrchHarp 3Band EQ on
102 St Symphony 2Band EQ on on on on
103 St Filharmo 2Band EQ on on on on
104 St Tape Str 2Band EQ on
105 Pd Oooo 2Band EQ on on
106 Pd OooAah Chorus4 on on on
107 Pd OohLR Flanger3 on on
108 Pd OooWarm Flanger3 on on
109 Pd Mixed No Effect on on
110 Pd 5thVoice Chorus4 on on
111 Pd SwellChr Phaser1 on on on on
112 Pd CmpChoir 2Band EQ on
113 Pd Itopia Chorus4 on
114 Pd Padpia Chorus4 on
115 Br BriteSec 2Band EQ on on
116 Br Warm Sec 2Band EQ on on
117 Br Big Sect 2Band EQ on on on on
118 Br SmallSec Gate Reverb on on on on
119 Br 7th 11th Gate Reverb on on on on
120 Br FrenchHr Room2 on on on
121 Br Real&Syn 2Band EQ on on on on
122 Br Solo Tp Early Ref1 on
123 Br SoloMute Reverse Gate on
124 Rp MeloSop Delay L.R on
125 Rp Alto 3Band EQ on
126 Rp SoftTnr OverDrive on
127 Rp NtrHarmo Delay L.R on
128 Rp AndesPan Delay L.R on on
No. Category Voice Name Variation Type
Element Switch
Bank Select MSB=63, LSB=8
No. Category Voice Name Variation Type
Element Switch
1 St Synth St 2Band EQ on on
2 St Pro-Ana Phaser2 on on
3 St AnaStrg1 2Band EQ on on
4 St AnaStrg2 2Band EQ on on on
5 St SynCh&St Flanger3 on on on
6 St Rich Oct 2Band EQ on on on on
7 St SynSymph Gate Reverb on on on on
8 St Solings Symphonic on on
9 Pd Over Pad Chorus4 on on
10 Pd Soft Syn 2Band EQ on on
11 Pd Pulse Phaser1 on on
12 Pd JunePad 2Band EQ on
13 Pd SoftSaw Chorus1 on on
14 Pd CSBrssPd Delay L.R on on
15 Pd Warmer Chorus2 on on
16 Pd Unstable Chorus4 on on
17 Pd Sine Pad Chorus4 on on
18 Pd Tri Pad Delay L.R on on
19 Pd Silent Phaser2 on on on on
20 Pd 4D-Space Phaser2 on on
21 Pd Sunbeams Chorus3 on on on
22 Pd Expand Chorus1 on on on
23 Pd SoliPhaz Phaser1 on
24 Pd Bright Celeste2 on on
25 Pd Fantasia 3Band EQ on on on on
26 Pd FingOrgn Flanger1 on on on on
27 Pd OuterSpc Chorus1 on on on
28 Pd Whisper Flanger2 on on on
29 Pd DigiAna Symphonic on on on
30 Pd ObrDrone 2Band EQ on on on
31 Pd GrandP&M 3Band EQ on
32 Pd Crystal 2Band EQ on on
33 Br CS80 Symphonic on
34 Br VntgAna1 Early Ref1 on on
35 Br VntgAna2 Gate Reverb on on
36 Br SquSaw 2Band EQ on on
37 Br WarmSyn 2Band EQ on on
38 Br Reso Syn Echo on
39 Br Dark Syn 3Band EQ on on
40 Br Over Hrn 2Band EQ on on
41 Br J Stabs 2Band EQ on on
42 Br Pure Syn Delay L.R on on on on
43 Br NewRoman Symphonic on on
44 Br Oct Syn Echo on on
45 Br Syn Tp Delay L.R on
46 Ba EleSynBs Phaser1 on on
47 Ba CS Unisn 2Band EQ on on
48 Ba DX Hard Flanger1 on on
49 Ba Mg Funk 2Band EQ on on
50 Ba J Square 2Band EQ on on
51 Ba Min Ana 2Band EQ on on
52 Ba Min Fat 2Band EQ on on
53 Ba Wound Chorus1 on on
54 Ba Smooth 3Band EQ on
55 Ba PhatRamp 3Band EQ on on
56 Ba Happy 3Band EQ on on
57 Ba Travel Phaser2 on on
58 Ba Phat50% 3Band EQ on on
59 Ba HipOct1 2Band EQ on on
60 Ba HipOct2 2Band EQ on on
61 Ba DarkHip 2Band EQ on on
62 Ba Maximum Distortion on on
63 Ba FunkVox 2Band EQ on on on
64 Ba BottomUp 2Band EQ on on
65 Ld Saw Delay L.C.R on
66 Ld DarkSync Phaser1 on
67 Ld BritSync Echo on on
68 Ld SP Sync 3Band EQ on
69 Ld Porta Ld Delay L.R on on
70 Ld Squ-Mono Delay L.R on on
71 Ld Pulse Phaser1 on
72 Ld Reminis Echo on
73 Ld Magical Echo on on on on
74 Ld BritReso Chorus4 on on
75 Ld LandMoon Flanger1 on on
76 Ld DigiVox 3Band EQ on on
77 Ld LowCut! 3Band EQ on
78 Ld Dgtalian 3Band EQ on on
79 Ld SynHarmo Delay L.R on on
80 Ld WarmSolo Delay L.R on on
81 Ld DistReso Distortion on
82 Me GranBlue Delay L.R on on on on
83 Me Spiral Flanger on on on on
84 Me Phantom Flanger3 on on on on
85 Me Emperor Chorus4 on on on on
86 Me TimeTrvl Flanger2 on on on
87 Me EastWind Celeste4 on on on
88 Me Ripple Phaser2 on on on
89 Me Maya 2Band EQ on on on
90 Me GlassChr Chorus4 on on on on
91 Me Electro Phaser1 on on
92 Me Jet Phaser2 on on
93 Me Aqua Celeste4 on on on on
94 Me TinMellw Delay L.R on on on
95 Me Ancient Cross Delay on on on
96 Me Cloudy Chorus2 on on
97 Sc SynPfCmp Delay L.R on
98 Sc SynBrCmp Early Ref1 on on
99 Sc SynVcCmp Dealy L.R on on
100 Sc SynMalet Echo on on
101 Sc SynMrmba Echo on on on
102 Sc SynCrstl Celeste1 on on
103 Sc UrbnGard Reverse Gate on on on
104 Sc SynVox Echo on on
105 Sc Oriental Echo on on
106 Sc WoodyCmp Delay L.C.R on on
107 Sc PulseSeq Delay L.R on on
108 Sc HappyVox Cross Delay on on on
109 Sc FMClkOrg 2Band EQ on on
110 Sc FM Compy Early Ref1 on on
111 Sc Pianet Flanger3 on on
112 Se Big Hit Gate Reverb on on on on
113 Se Industry Phaser2 on on on
114 Se Scream Distortion on on
115 Se Spring Flanger3 on on on
116 Se Haunted Delay L.R on on on on
117 Se SpceShip Phaser1 on on
118 Se Increase Distortion on on
119 Se a Blow Distortion on on
120 Se Fire Distortion on on
121 Dr BassPerc 2Band EQ on
122 Co PianoCmb Gate Reverb on on on on
123 Co EG Combo Early Ref1 on on on on
124 Co IndiaSet Early Ref2 on on on on
125 Co AsianSet Early Ref2 on on on on
126 Co JamicSet Early Ref2 on on
127 Co AfrcaSet Early Ref1 on on on
128 Co MdEstSet Gate Reverb on on on on
No. Category Voice Name Variation Type
Element Switch
XG Normal Voice List
Bank Select MSB=00, LSB=Bank Number
: Same as Bank 0 : No sound E : Element number
KSP Stereo Single Slow Fast Decay
Double Attack
Bright Dark Rsonant Attack
Bank 0
Bank Select LSB=00
Bank 0 E Bank 1 E Bank 3 E Bank 6 E Bank 8 E Bank 12 E Bank 14 E Bank 16 E Bank 17 E Bank 18 E Bank 19 E Bank 20 E Bank 24 E
Piano 1 Acoustic Grand Piano GrandPno 1 GrndPnoK 1 MelloGrP 1
2 Bright Acoustic Piano BritePno 1 BritPnoK 1
3 Electric Grand Piano El.Grand 2 ElGrPnoK 2
4 Honky-tonk Piano HnkyTonk 2 HnkyTnkK 2
5 Electric Piano 1 E.Piano1 2 El.Pno1K 1 MelloEP1 2
6 Electric Piano 2 E.Piano2 2 El.Pno2K 1
7 Harpsichord Harpsi. 1 Harpsi.K 1
8 Clavi Clavi. 2 Clav K 1
Chromatic 9 Celesta Celesta 1
Percussion 10 Glockenspiel Glocken 1
11 Music Box MusicBox 2
12 Vibraphone Vibes 1 Vibes K 1
13 Marimba Marimba 1 MarimbaK 1
14 Xylophone Xylophon 1
15 Tubular Bells TubulBel 1
16 Dulcimer Dulcimer 1
Organ 17 Drawbar Organ 1 DrawOrgn 1
18 Percussive Organ PercOrgn 1 70sPcOr1 2
19 Rock Organ RockOrgn 2
20 Church Organ 1 ChrchOrg 2
21 Reed Organ ReedOrgn 1
22 Accordion Acordion 2
23 Hamonica Harmnica 1
24 Tango Accordion TangoAcd 2
Guitar 25 Acoustic Guitar (nylon) 1 NylonGtr 1 NylonGt2 1
26 Acoustic Guitar (steel) SteelGtr 1 SteelGt2 1
27 Electric Guitar (jazz) Jazz Gtr 1 MelloGtr 1
28 Electric Guitar (clean) CleanGtr 1
29 Electric Guitar (muted) Mute.Gtr 1
30 Overdriven Guitar Ovrdrive 1
31 Distortion Guitar Dist.Gtr 1
32 Guitar Harmonics GtrHarmo 1
Bass 33 Acoustic Bass Aco.Bass 1
34 Electric Bass (finger) FngrBass 1 FingrDrk 2
35 Electric Bass (pick) PickBass 1
36 Fretless Bass Fretless 1
37 Slap Bass 1 SlapBas1 1
38 Slap Bass 2 SlapBas2 1
39 Synth Bass 1 SynBass1 1 SynBa1Dk 1 FastResB 1 AcidBass 1
40 Synth Bass 2 SynBass2 2
MelloSBa 1 Seq Bass 2 ClkSynBa 2 SynBa2Dk 1
Strings 41 Violin Violin 1 Slow Vln 1
42 Viola Viola 1
43 Cello Cello 1
44 Contrabass Contrabs 1
45 Tremolo Strings Trem.Str 1 SlwTrStr 1
46 Pizzicato Strings Pizz.Str 1
47 Orchestral Harp Harp 1
48 Timpani Timpani 1
Ensemble 49 String Ensemble 1 Strings1 1 S.Strngs 2 Slow Str 1 Arco Str 2
50 String Ensemble 2 Strings2 1
S.SlwStr 2 LegatoSt 2
51 Synth Strings 1 Syn.Str1 2
52 Synth Strings 2 Syn.Str2 2
53 Choir Aahs ChoirAah 1 S.Choir 2 Ch.Aahs2 2
54 Voice Oohs VoiceOoh 1
55 Synth Voice SynVoice 1
56 Orchestra Hit Orch.Hit 2
Brass 57 Trumpet Trumpet 1 Trumpet2 1 BriteTrp 2
58 Trombone Trombone 1 Trmbone2 2
59 Tuba Tuba 1 Tuba 2 1
60 Muted Trumpet Mute.Trp 1
61 French Horn Fr. Horn 2 FrHrSolo 1
62 Brass Section 1 BrasSect 1
63 Synth Brass 1 SynBrss1 2 Quack Br 2 RezSynBr 2 PolyBrss 2
64 Synth Brass 2 SynBrss2 1
Soft Brs 2
Reed 65 Soprano Sax SprnoSax 1
66 Alto Sax Alto Sax 1
67 Tenor Sax TenorSax 1
68 Baritone Sax Bari.Sax 1
69 Oboe Oboe 2
70 English Horn Eng.Horn 1
71 Bassoon Bassoon 1
72 Clarinet Clarinet 1
Pipe 73 Piccolo Piccolo 1
74 Flute Flute 1
75 Recorder Recorder 1
76 Pan Flute PanFlute 1
77 Blown Bottle Bottle 2
78 Shakuhachi Shakhchi 2
79 Whistle Whistle 1
80 Ocarina Ocarina 1
Synth Lead 81 Lead 1 (square) SquareLd 2 SquarLd2 1 LMSquare 2 Hollow 1 Shroud 2
82 Lead 2 (sawtooth) Saw Ld 2 Saw Ld 2 1 ThickSaw 2 Dyna Saw 1 Digi Saw 2 Big Lead 2 HeavySyn 2
83 Lead 3 (calliope) CaliopLd 2
84 Lead 4 (chiff) Chiff Ld 2
85 Lead 5 (charang) CharanLd 2
86 Lead 6 (voice) Voice Ld 2 SynthAah 2
87 Lead 7 (fifths) Fifth Ld 2
88 Lead 8 (bass+lead) Bass&Ld 2 Big&Low 2
Synth Pad 89 Pad 1 (new age) NewAgePd 2
90 Pad 2 (warm) Warm Pad 2 ThickPad 2 Soft Pad 2 Sine Pad 2
91 Pad 3 (polysynth) PolySyPd 2
92 Pad 4 (choir) ChoirPad 2
93 Pad 5 (bowed) BowedPad 2
94 Pad 6 (metallic) MetalPad 2
95 Pad 7 (halo) Halo Pad 2
96 Pad 8 (sweep) SweepPad 2 Shwimmer 2
Synth Effects 97 FX 1 (rain) Rain 2
98 FX 2 (soundtrack) SoundTrk 2
99 FX 3 (crystal) Crystal 2 SynDrCmp 2 Popcorn 2 TinyBell 2
100 FX 4 (atmosphere) Atmosphr 2 WarmAtms 2 HollwRls 2
101 FX 5 (brightness) Bright 2
102 FX 6 (goblins) Goblins 2
103 FX 7 (echoes) Echoes 2 Echoes 2 2 Echo Pan 2
104 FX 8 (sci-fi) Sci-Fi 2
Ethnic 105 Sitar Sitar 1
106 Banjo Banjo 1
107 Shamisen Shamisen 1
108 Koto Koto 1
109 Kalimba Kalimba 1
110 Bagpipe Bagpipe 2
111 Fiddle Fiddle 1
112 Shanai Shanai 1
Percussive 113 Tinkle Bell TnklBell 2
114 Agogo Agogo 2
115 Steel Drums SteelDrm 2
116 Woodblock Woodblok 1
117 Taiko Drum TaikoDrm 1
118 Melodic Tom 1 MelodTom 2
119 Synth Drum Syn Drum 1
120 Reverse Cymbal RevCymbl 1
Sound Effects 121 Guitar Fret Noise FretNoiz 2
122 Breath Noise BrthNoiz 2
123 Seashore Seashore 2
124 Bird Tweet Tweet 2
125 Telephone Ring Telphone 1
126 Helicopter Helicptr 1
127 Applause Applause 1
128 Gunshot Gunshot 1
: Same as Bank 0 : No sound E : Element number
Release Rezo Sweep Muted Detune 1 Detune 2 Detune 3 Octave 1 Octave 2 5th 1 5th 2 Bend Tutti
Bank 0
Bank Select LSB=00
Bank 0 E Bank 25 E Bank 27 E Bank 28 E Bank 32 E Bank 33 E Bank 34 E Bank 35 E Bank 36 E Bank 37 E Bank 38 E Bank 39 E Bank 40 E
Piano 1 Acoustic Grand Piano GrandPno 1 PianoStr 2
2 Bright Acoustic Piano BritePno 1
3 Electric Grand Piano El.Grand 2 Det.CP80 2 LayerCP1 2
4 Honky-tonk Piano HnkyTonk 2
5 Electric Piano 1 E.Piano1 2 Chor.EP1 2 HardEl.P 2
6 Electric Piano 2 E.Piano2 2
Chor.EP2 2 DX Hard 2 DXLegend 2 DX Phase 2
7 Harpsichord Harpsi. 1 Harpsi.2 2
Harpsi.3 2
8 Clavi Clavi. 2 ClaviWah 2
Chromatic 9 Celesta Celesta 1
Percussion 10 Glockenspiel Glocken 1
11 Music Box MusicBox 2
12 Vibraphone Vibes 1
13 Marimba Marimba 1
14 Xylophone Xylophon 1
15 Tubular Bells TubulBel 1
16 Dulcimer Dulcimer 1 Dulcimr2 2
Organ 17 Drawbar Organ 1 DrawOrgn 1 DetDrwOr 2 60sDrOr1 2 60sDrOr2 2 70sDrOr1 2 DrawOrg2 2 60sDrOr3 2 Even Bar 2 16+2"2/3 2
18 Percussive Organ PercOrgn 1
DetPrcOr 2 Lite Org 2 PercOrg2 2
19 Rock Organ RockOrgn 2
20 Church Organ 1 ChrchOrg 2 ChurOrg3 2 ChurOrg2 2 NotreDam 2
21 Reed Organ ReedOrgn 1
Puff Org 2
22 Accordion Acordion 2
AccordIt 2
23 Hamonica Harmnica 1 Harmo. 2 2
24 Tango Accordion TangoAcd 2
Guitar 25 Acoustic Guitar (nylon) 1 NylonGtr 1 NylonGt3 2
26 Acoustic Guitar (steel) SteelGtr 1 12StrGtr 2 Nyln&Stl 2
27 Electric Guitar (jazz) Jazz Gtr 1
Jazz Amp 2
28 Electric Guitar (clean) CleanGtr 1 ChorusGt 2
29 Electric Guitar (muted) Mute.Gtr 1 FunkGtr1 2
30 Overdriven Guitar Ovrdrive 1
31 Distortion Guitar Dist.Gtr 1 FeedbkGt 2
32 Guitar Harmonics GtrHarmo 1
Bass 33 Acoustic Bass Aco.Bass 1 JazzRthm 2
34 Electric Bass (finger) FngrBass 1
FlangeBa 2 Ba&DstEG 2
35 Electric Bass (pick) PickBass 1
MutePkBa 1
36 Fretless Bass Fretless 1 Fretles2 2 Fretles3 2 Fretles4 2
37 Slap Bass 1 SlapBas1 1 ResoSlap 1 PunchThm 2
38 Slap Bass 2 SlapBas2 1
39 Synth Bass 1 SynBass1 1 Clv Bass 2 TechnoBa 2
40 Synth Bass 2 SynBass2 2
SmthSynB 2 ModulrBa 2
Strings 41 Violin Violin 1
42 Viola Viola 1
43 Cello Cello 1
44 Contrabass Contrabs 1
45 Tremolo Strings Trem.Str 1 Susp.Str 2
46 Pizzicato Strings Pizz.Str 1
47 Orchestral Harp Harp 1 YangChin 2
48 Timpani Timpani 1
Ensemble 49 String Ensemble 1 Strings1 1 60sStrng 2 Orchestr 2
50 String Ensemble 2 Strings2 1
Warm Str 2
51 Synth Strings 1 Syn.Str1 2
Reso Str 2
52 Synth Strings 2 Syn.Str2 2
53 Choir Aahs ChoirAah 1 MelChoir 2 ChoirStr 2
54 Voice Oohs VoiceOoh 1
55 Synth Voice SynVoice 1 SyVoice2 2
56 Orchestra Hit Orch.Hit 2
OrchHit2 2
Brass 57 Trumpet Trumpet 1 Warm Trp 2
58 Trombone Trombone 1
59 Tuba Tuba 1
60 Muted Trumpet Mute.Trp 1
61 French Horn Fr. Horn 2 FrHorn 2 1 HornOrch 2
62 Brass Section 1 BrasSect 1 Tp&TbSec 2 BrssSec2 2
63 Synth Brass 1 SynBrss1 2
SynBrss3 2 JumpBrss 2
64 Synth Brass 2 SynBrss2 1 SynBrss4 2
Reed 65 Soprano Sax SprnoSax 1
66 Alto Sax Alto Sax 1 Sax Sect 2
67 Tenor Sax TenorSax 1
BrthTnSx 2
68 Baritone Sax Bari.Sax 1
69 Oboe Oboe 2
70 English Horn Eng.Horn 1
71 Bassoon Bassoon 1
72 Clarinet Clarinet 1
Pipe 73 Piccolo Piccolo 1
74 Flute Flute 1
75 Recorder Recorder 1
76 Pan Flute PanFlute 1
77 Blown Bottle Bottle 2
78 Shakuhachi Shakhchi 2
79 Whistle Whistle 1
80 Ocarina Ocarina 1
Synth Lead 81 Lead 1 (square) SquareLd 2
82 Lead 2 (sawtooth) Saw Ld 2 WaspySyn 2 PulseSaw 2
83 Lead 3 (calliope) CaliopLd 2
84 Lead 4 (chiff) Chiff Ld 2
85 Lead 5 (charang) CharanLd 2
86 Lead 6 (voice) Voice Ld 2
87 Lead 7 (fifths) Fifth Ld 2 Big Five 2
88 Lead 8 (bass+lead) Bass&Ld 2
Synth Pad 89 Pad 1 (new age) NewAgePd 2
90 Pad 2 (warm) Warm Pad 2
91 Pad 3 (polysynth) PolySyPd 2
92 Pad 4 (choir) ChoirPad 2
93 Pad 5 (bowed) BowedPad 2
94 Pad 6 (metallic) MetalPad 2
95 Pad 7 (halo) Halo Pad 2
96 Pad 8 (sweep) SweepPad 2 Converge 2
Synth Effects 97 FX 1 (rain) Rain 2
98 FX 2 (soundtrack) SoundTrk 2 Prologue 2
99 FX 3 (crystal) Crystal 2 RndGlock 2 GlockChi 2
100 FX 4 (atmosphere) Atmosphr 2
Nylon EP 2
101 FX 5 (brightness) Bright 2
102 FX 6 (goblins) Goblins 2
103 FX 7 (echoes) Echoes 2
104 FX 8 (sci-fi) Sci-Fi 2
Ethnic 105 Sitar Sitar 1 DetSitar 2 Sitar 2 2
106 Banjo Banjo 1 MuteBnjo 1
107 Shamisen Shamisen 1
108 Koto Koto 1
109 Kalimba Kalimba 1
110 Bagpipe Bagpipe 2
111 Fiddle Fiddle 1
112 Shanai Shanai 1
Percussive 113 Tinkle Bell TnklBell 2
114 Agogo Agogo 2
115 Steel Drums SteelDrm 2
116 Woodblock Woodblok 1
117 Taiko Drum TaikoDrm 1
118 Melodic Tom 1 MelodTom 2
119 Synth Drum Syn Drum 1
120 Reverse Cymbal RevCymbl 1
Sound Effects 121 Guitar Fret Noise FretNoiz 2
122 Breath Noise BrthNoiz 2
123 Seashore Seashore 2
124 Bird Tweet Tweet 2
125 Telephone Ring Telphone 1
126 Helicopter Helicptr 1
127 Applause Applause 1
128 Gunshot Gunshot 1
: Same as Bank 0 : No sound E : Element number
Velo-Switch Velo-Xfade other wave
Bank 0
Bank Select LSB=00
Bank 0 E Bank 41 E Bank 42 E Bank 43 E Bank 45 E Bank 64 E
Bank 65
E Bank 66 E Bank 67 E Bank 68 E Bank 69 E Bank 70 E Bank 71 E
Piano 1 Acoustic Grand Piano GrandPno 1 Dream 2
2 Bright Acoustic Piano BritePno 1
3 Electric Grand Piano El.Grand 2 LayerCP2 2
4 Honky-tonk Piano HnkyTonk 2
5 Electric Piano 1 E.Piano1 2 VX El.P1 2 60sEl.P1 1
6 Electric Piano 2 E.Piano2 2 DX+Analg 2 DXKotoEP 2 VX El.P2 2
7 Harpsichord Harpsi. 1
8 Clavi Clavi. 2 PulseClv 1 PierceCl 2
Chromatic 9 Celesta Celesta 1
Percussion 10 Glockenspiel Glocken 1
11 Music Box MusicBox 2 Orgel 2
12 Vibraphone Vibes 1 HardVibe 2
13 Marimba Marimba 1 SineMrmb 2
14 Xylophone Xylophon 1
15 Tubular Bells TubulBel 1
16 Dulcimer Dulcimer 1
Organ 17 Drawbar Organ 1 DrawOrgn 1 Organ Ba 1 70sDrOr2 2 CheezOrg 2 DrawOrg3 2
18 Percussive Organ PercOrgn 1
19 Rock Organ RockOrgn 2 RotaryOr 2 SloRotar 2 FstRotar 2
20 Church Organ 1 ChrchOrg 2 OrgFlute 2 TrmOrgFl 2
21 Reed Organ ReedOrgn 1
22 Accordion Acordion 2
23 Hamonica Harmnica 1
24 Tango Accordion TangoAcd 2 TngoAcd2 2
Guitar 25 Acoustic Guitar (nylon) 1 NylonGtr 1 VelGtHrm 2
26 Acoustic Guitar (steel) SteelGtr 1 Stl&Body 2
27 Electric Guitar (jazz) Jazz Gtr 1
28 Electric Guitar (clean) CleanGtr 1
29 Electric Guitar (muted) Mute.Gtr 1 MuteStlG 2 FunkGtr2 2 Jazz Man 1
30 Overdriven Guitar Ovrdrive 1 Gt.Pinch 2
31 Distortion Guitar Dist.Gtr 1 FeedbkG2 2
32 Guitar Harmonics GtrHarmo 1 GtFeedbk 1 GtrHrmo2 1
Bass 33 Acoustic Bass Aco.Bass 1 VXUprght 2
34 Electric Bass (finger) FngrBass 1 FngrSlap 2 FngBass2 2 Mod.Bass 2
35 Electric Bass (pick) PickBass 1
36 Fretless Bass Fretless 1
37 Slap Bass 1 SlapBas1 1
38 Slap Bass 2 SlapBas2 1 VeloSlap 2
39 Synth Bass 1 SynBass1 1 Orbiter 2 Sqr.Bass 1 RubberBa 2
40 Synth Bass 2 SynBass2 2 DX Bass 2 X WireBa 2
Strings 41 Violin Violin 1
42 Viola Viola 1
43 Cello Cello 1
44 Contrabass Contrabs 1
45 Tremolo Strings Trem.Str 1
46 Pizzicato Strings Pizz.Str 1
47 Orchestral Harp Harp 1
48 Timpani Timpani 1
Ensemble 49 String Ensemble 1 Strings1 1 Orchstr2 2 TremOrch 2 Velo.Str 2
50 String Ensemble 2 Strings2 1 Kingdom 2 70s Str 1 Strings3 1
51 Synth Strings 1 Syn.Str1 2 Syn Str4 2 Syn Str5 2
52 Synth Strings 2 Syn.Str2 2
53 Choir Aahs ChoirAah 1
54 Voice Oohs VoiceOoh 1
55 Synth Voice SynVoice 1 Choral 2 AnaVoice 1
56 Orchestra Hit Orch.Hit 2 Impact 2
Brass 57 Trumpet Trumpet 1
58 Trombone Trombone 1
59 Tuba Tuba 1
60 Muted Trumpet Mute.Trp 1
61 French Horn Fr. Horn 2
62 Brass Section 1 BrasSect 1 Hi Brass 2 MelloBrs 2
63 Synth Brass 1 SynBrss1 2 AnVelBr1 2 AnaBrss1 2
64 Synth Brass 2 SynBrss2 1 ChoirBrs 2 AnVelBr2 2 AnaBrss2 2
Reed 65 Soprano Sax SprnoSax 1
66 Alto Sax Alto Sax 1 HyprAlto 2
67 Tenor Sax TenorSax 1 SoftTenr 2 TnrSax 2 1
68 Baritone Sax Bari.Sax 1
69 Oboe Oboe 2
70 English Horn Eng.Horn 1
71 Bassoon Bassoon 1
72 Clarinet Clarinet 1
Pipe 73 Piccolo Piccolo 1
74 Flute Flute 1
75 Recorder Recorder 1
76 Pan Flute PanFlute 1
77 Blown Bottle Bottle 2
78 Shakuhachi Shakhchi 2
79 Whistle Whistle 1
80 Ocarina Ocarina 1
Synth Lead 81 Lead 1 (square) SquareLd 2 Mellow 2 SoloSine 2 SineLead 1
82 Lead 2 (sawtooth) Saw Ld 2 Dr. Lead 2 VeloLead 2
83 Lead 3 (calliope) CaliopLd 2 PureLead 2
84 Lead 4 (chiff) Chiff Ld 2 Rubby 2
85 Lead 5 (charang) CharanLd 2 DistLead 2 WireLead 2
86 Lead 6 (voice) Voice Ld 2 Vox Lead 2
87 Lead 7 (fifths) Fifth Ld 2
88 Lead 8 (bass+lead) Bass&Ld 2 Fat&Prky 2 Soft Wrl 2
Synth Pad 89 Pad 1 (new age) NewAgePd 2 Fantasy 2
90 Pad 2 (warm) Warm Pad 2 Horn Pad 2 RotarStr 2
91 Pad 3 (polysynth) PolySyPd 2 PolyPd80 2 ClickPad 2 Ana. Pad 2 SquarPad 2
92 Pad 4 (choir) ChoirPad 2 Heaven 2 Itopia 2 CC Pad 2
93 Pad 5 (bowed) BowedPad 2 Glacier 2 GlassPad 2
94 Pad 6 (metallic) MetalPad 2 Tine Pad 2 Pan Pad 2
95 Pad 7 (halo) Halo Pad 2
96 Pad 8 (sweep) SweepPad 2 PolarPad 2 Celstial 2
Synth Effects 97 FX 1 (rain) Rain 2 ClaviPad 2 HrmoRain 2 AfrcnWnd 2 Carib 2
98 FX 2 (soundtrack) SoundTrk 2 Ancestrl 2
99 FX 3 (crystal) Crystal 2 ClearBel 2 ChorBell 2 SynMalet 1 SftCryst 2 LoudGlok 2 ChrstBel 2 VibeBell 2 DigiBell 2 AirBells 2 BellHarp 2
100 FX 4 (atmosphere) Atmosphr 2
NylnHarp 2 Harp Vox 2 AtmosPad 2 Planet 2
101 FX 5 (brightness) Bright 2 FantaBel 2
102 FX 6 (goblins) Goblins 2 GobSynth 2 Creeper 2 Ring Pad 2 Ritual 2 ToHeaven 2 Night 2 Glisten 2
103 FX 7 (echoes) Echoes 2
EchoBell 2 Big Pan 2 SynPiano 2 Creation 2 StarDust 2 Reso&Pan 2
104 FX 8 (sci-fi) Sci-Fi 2 Starz 2
Ethnic 105 Sitar Sitar 1
106 Banjo Banjo 1
107 Shamisen Shamisen 1
108 Koto Koto 1
109 Kalimba Kalimba 1
110 Bagpipe Bagpipe 2
111 Fiddle Fiddle 1
112 Shanai Shanai 1 Shanai 2 1
Percussive 113 Tinkle Bell TnklBell 2
114 Agogo Agogo 2
115 Steel Drums SteelDrm 2
116 Woodblock Woodblok 1
117 Taiko Drum TaikoDrm 1
118 Melodic Tom 1 MelodTom 2 Mel Tom2 1 Real Tom 2 Rock Tom 2
119 Synth Drum Syn Drum 1 Ana Tom 1 ElecPerc 2
120 Reverse Cymbal RevCymbl 1
Sound Effects 121 Guitar Fret Noise FretNoiz 2
122 Breath Noise BrthNoiz 2
123 Seashore Seashore 2
124 Bird Tweet Tweet 2
125 Telephone Ring Telphone 1
126 Helicopter Helicptr 1
127 Applause Applause 1
128 Gunshot Gunshot 1
: Same as Bank 0 : No sound E : Element numberî
Bank 0
Bank Select LSB=00
Bank 0 E Bank 72 E Bank 96 E Bank 97 E Bank 98 E Bank 99 E
Bank 100
E Bank 101 E
Piano 1 Acoustic Grand Piano GrandPno 1
2 Bright Acoustic Piano BritePno 1
3 Electric Grand Piano El.Grand 2
4 Honky-tonk Piano HnkyTonk 2
5 Electric Piano 1 E.Piano1 2
6 Electric Piano 2 E.Piano2 2
7 Harpsichord Harpsi. 1
8 Clavi Clavi. 2
Chromatic 9 Celesta Celesta 1
Percussion 10 Glockenspiel Glocken 1
11 Music Box MusicBox 2
12 Vibraphone Vibes 1
13 Marimba Marimba 1 Balimba 2 Log Drum 2
14 Xylophone Xylophon 1
15 Tubular Bells TubulBel 1 ChrchBel 2 Carillon 2
16 Dulcimer Dulcimer 1 Cimbalom 2 Santur 2
Organ 17 Drawbar Organ 1 DrawOrgn 1
18 Percussive Organ PercOrgn 1
19 Rock Organ RockOrgn 2
20 Church Organ 1 ChrchOrg 2
21 Reed Organ ReedOrgn 1
22 Accordion Acordion 2
23 Hamonica Harmnica 1
24 Tango Accordion TangoAcd 2
Guitar 25 Acoustic Guitar (nylon) 1 NylonGtr 1 Ukulele 1
26 Acoustic Guitar (steel) SteelGtr 1 Mandolin 2
27 Electric Guitar (jazz) Jazz Gtr 1
28 Electric Guitar (clean) CleanGtr 1
29 Electric Guitar (muted) Mute.Gtr 1
30 Overdriven Guitar Ovrdrive 1
31 Distortion Guitar Dist.Gtr 1
32 Guitar Harmonics GtrHarmo 1
Bass 33 Acoustic Bass Aco.Bass 1
34 Electric Bass (finger) FngrBass 1
35 Electric Bass (pick) PickBass 1
36 Fretless Bass Fretless 1 SynFretl 2 SmthFrtl 2
37 Slap Bass 1 SlapBas1 1
38 Slap Bass 2 SlapBas2 1
39 Synth Bass 1 SynBass1 1 Hammer 2
40 Synth Bass 2 SynBass2 2
Strings 41 Violin Violin 1
42 Viola Viola 1
43 Cello Cello 1
44 Contrabass Contrabs 1
45 Tremolo Strings Trem.Str 1
46 Pizzicato Strings Pizz.Str 1
47 Orchestral Harp Harp 1
48 Timpani Timpani 1
Ensemble 49 String Ensemble 1 Strings1 1
50 String Ensemble 2 Strings2 1
51 Synth Strings 1 Syn.Str1 2
52 Synth Strings 2 Syn.Str2 2
53 Choir Aahs ChoirAah 1
54 Voice Oohs VoiceOoh 1
55 Synth Voice SynVoice 1
56 Orchestra Hit Orch.Hit 2
Brass 57 Trumpet Trumpet 1
58 Trombone Trombone 1
59 Tuba Tuba 1
60 Muted Trumpet Mute.Trp 1
61 French Horn Fr. Horn 2
62 Brass Section 1 BrasSect 1
63 Synth Brass 1 SynBrss1 2
64 Synth Brass 2 SynBrss2 1
Reed 65 Soprano Sax SprnoSax 1
66 Alto Sax Alto Sax 1
67 Tenor Sax TenorSax 1
68 Baritone Sax Bari.Sax 1
69 Oboe Oboe 2
70 English Horn Eng.Horn 1
71 Bassoon Bassoon 1
72 Clarinet Clarinet 1
Pipe 73 Piccolo Piccolo 1
74 Flute Flute 1
75 Recorder Recorder 1
76 Pan Flute PanFlute 1
77 Blown Bottle Bottle 2
78 Shakuhachi Shakhchi 2
79 Whistle Whistle 1
80 Ocarina Ocarina 1
Synth Lead 81 Lead 1 (square) SquareLd 2
82 Lead 2 (sawtooth) Saw Ld 2 Seq Ana. 2
83 Lead 3 (calliope) CaliopLd 2
84 Lead 4 (chiff) Chiff Ld 2
85 Lead 5 (charang) CharanLd 2
86 Lead 6 (voice) Voice Ld 2
87 Lead 7 (fifths) Fifth Ld 2
88 Lead 8 (bass+lead) Bass&Ld 2
Synth Pad 89 Pad 1 (new age) NewAgePd 2
90 Pad 2 (warm) Warm Pad 2
91 Pad 3 (polysynth) PolySyPd 2
92 Pad 4 (choir) ChoirPad 2
93 Pad 5 (bowed) BowedPad 2
94 Pad 6 (metallic) MetalPad 2
95 Pad 7 (halo) Halo Pad 2
96 Pad 8 (sweep) SweepPad 2
Synth Effects 97 FX 1 (rain) Rain 2
98 FX 2 (soundtrack) SoundTrk 2
99 FX 3 (crystal) Crystal 2 Gamelmba 2
100 FX 4 (atmosphere) Atmosphr 2
101 FX 5 (brightness) Bright 2 Smokey 2
102 FX 6 (goblins) Goblins 2 BelChoir 2
103 FX 7 (echoes) Echoes 2
104 FX 8 (sci-fi) Sci-Fi 2
Ethnic 105 Sitar Sitar 1 Tambra 2 Tamboura 2
106 Banjo Banjo 1 Rabab 2 Gopichnt 2 Oud 2
107 Shamisen Shamisen 1
108 Koto Koto 1 Taisho-k 2 Kanoon 2
109 Kalimba Kalimba 1
110 Bagpipe Bagpipe 2
111 Fiddle Fiddle 1
112 Shanai Shanai 1 Pungi 1 Hichriki 2
Percussive 113 Tinkle Bell TnklBell 2 Bonang 2 Altair 2 Gamelan 2 S.Gamlan 2 Rama Cym 2 AsianBel 2
114 Agogo Agogo 2
115 Steel Drums SteelDrm 2 GlasPerc 2 ThaiBell 2
116 Woodblock Woodblok 1 Castanet 1
117 Taiko Drum TaikoDrm 1 Gr.Cassa 1
118 Melodic Tom 1 MelodTom 2
119 Synth Drum Syn Drum 1
120 Reverse Cymbal RevCymbl 1
Sound Effects 121 Guitar Fret Noise FretNoiz 2
122 Breath Noise BrthNoiz 2
123 Seashore Seashore 2
124 Bird Tweet Tweet 2
125 Telephone Ring Telphone 1
126 Helicopter Helicptr 1
127 Applause Applause 1
128 Gunshot Gunshot 1
Drum Voice List
Bank Slelect LSB=0
: Same as Standard Kit : No sound
Bank MSB# 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127
Program # 1 2 9 17 25 26 28 33 41 49
Note# Note Key off
(Standard Kit)
(Standard2 Kit)
Room Kit Rock Kit
(Electro Kit)
(Analog Kit)
Dance Kit Jazz Kit Brush Kit
(Symphony Kit)
13 C#-1 3 Surdo Mute
14 D-1 3 Surdo Open
15 D-1# Hi Q
16 E-1 Whip Slap
17 F-1 4 Scratch H
18 F#-1 4 Scratch L
19 G-1 Finger Snap
20 G#-1 Click Noise
21 A-1 Mtrnm Click
22 A#-1 Mtrnm Bell
23 B-1 Seq Click L
24 C0 Seq Click H
25 C#0 Brush Tap
26 D0 O Brush Swirl
27 D#0 Brush Slap
28 E0 O BrushTapSwrl ReversCymbal ReversCymbal ReversCymbal
29 F0 O Snare Roll
30 F#0 Castanet Hi Q 2 Hi Q 2 Hi Q 2
31 G0 Snare Soft Snare Soft 2 Snare Noisy SnrSnpyElctr SnareNoisy 4 Snare Techno Snare Jazz H Brush Slap 2
32 G#0 Sticks
33 A0 Kick Soft Kick 3 Kick 3 KickTechno Q Kick Soft 2
34 A#0 OpenRimShot RimShotHShrt
Rim Gate RimShotLight
35 B0 Kick Tight Kick 2 Kick Gate KickAnlgShrt KickTechno L Gran Cassa
36 C1 Kick Kick Short
Kick Gate KckGateHeavy Kick Analog KickTechno 2 Kick Jazz Kick Jazz GranCassa Mu
37 C#1 Side Stick
Stick Light SideStickAn SideStickAn Stick Light Stick Light
38 D1 Snare Snare Short Snare Snappy Snare Rock SnareNoisy 2 SnareAnalog Snare Clap Snare Jazz L Brush Slap 3 Band Snare
39 D#1 Hand Clap
40 E1 Snare Tight SnareTight H SnrTightSnpy SnrRockTight SnareNoisy 3 SnareAnalog2 Snare Dry Snare Jazz M Brush Tap 2 Band Snare 2
41 F1 Floor Tom L Tom Room 1 Tom Rock 1 TomElectro 1 Tom Analog 1 Tom Analog 1 Tom Brush 1
42 F#1 1 Hi-HatClosed HatCloseAnlg Hi-HatCls 3
43 G1 Floor Tom H Tom Room 2 Tom Rock 2 TomElectro 2 Tom Analog 2 Tom Analog 2 Tom Brush 2
44 G#1 1 Hi-Hat Pedal HatCloseAn 2 HatCloseAn 3
45 A1 Low Tom Tom Room 3 Tom Rock 3 TomElectro 3 Tom Analog 3 Tom Analog 3 Tom Brush 3
46 A#1 1 Hi-Hat Open HatOpen Anlg Hi-HatOpn 3
47 B1 Mid Tom L Tom Room 4 Tom Rock 4 TomElectro 4 Tom Analog 4 Tom Analog 4 Tom Brush 4
48 C2 Mid Tom H Tom Room 5 Tom Rock 5 TomElectro 5 Tom Analog 5 Tom Analog 5 Tom Brush 5
49 C#2 CrashCymbal1 Crash Analog Crash Analog Hand Cymbal
50 D2 High Tom
Tom Room 6 Tom Rock 6 TomElectro 6 Tom Analog 6 Tom Analog 6 Tom Brush 6
51 D#2 RideCymbal 1 HandCymShort
52 E2 Chinese Cym
53 F2 Ride Cym Cup
54 F#2 Tambourine
55 G2 SplashCymbal
56 G#2 Cowbell Cowbell Anlg Cowbell Anlg
57 A2 CrashCymbal2 HandCymbal 2
58 A#2 Vibraslap
59 B2 RideCymbal 2 HandCym2Shrt
60 C3 Bongo H
61 C#3 Bongo L
62 D3 Conga H Mute Conga Anlg H Conga Anlg H
63 D#3 Conga H Open Conga Anlg M Conga Anlg M
64 E3 Conga L Conga Anlg L Conga Anlg L
65 F3 Timbale H
66 F#3 Timbale L
67 G3 Agogo H
68 G#3 Agogo L
69 A3 Cabasa
70 A#3 Maracas Maracas 2 Maracas 2
71 B3 O SambaWhistlH
72 C4 O SambaWhistlL
73 C#4 Guiro Short
74 D4 O Guiro Long
75 D#4 Claves Claves 2 Claves 2
76 E4 Wood Block H
77 F4 Wood Block L
78 F#4 Cuica Mute Scratch H 2 Scratch H 2 Scratch H 2
79 G4 Cuica Open Scratch L 2 Scratch L 2 Scratch L 2
80 G#4 2 TriangleMute
81 A4 2 TriangleOpen
82 A#4 Shaker
83 B4 Jingle Bells
84 C5 Bell Tree
85 C#5
86 D5
87 D#5
88 E5
89 F5
90 F#5
91 G5
: Same as Standard Kit : No sound
Bank MSB# 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 126 126
Program # 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 1 2
Note# Note Key off
(New Standard Kit)
(Studio Kit)
(Electro Pop Kit)
Funk Kit R&B Kit
(Timber Kit)
(Heavy Hip Kit)
SFX Kit 1 SFX Kit 2
13 C#-1 3
14 D-1 3
15 D-1#
16 E-1
17 F-1 4
18 F#-1 4
19 G-1
20 G#-1
21 A-1
22 A#-1
23 B-1
24 C0
25 C#0
26 D0 O Noise Dark 1 Noise Dark 1 Noise Dark 2
27 D#0
28 E0 O ReversCymBal ReversCymBal ReversCymBal ReversCymBal
29 F0 O
30 F#0 Hi Q 2 Hi Q 2 Hi Q 2 Castanet 2
31 G0 Snare Studio SnareSnpyElctr Snare Techno Snare Tmbr 1 Snare Hip 1
32 G#0 Stick Dark Stick Dark Stick Dark
33 A0 Kick 3 Kick Bass Kick Bass Kick Bass
34 A#0 Rim Hard Rim Tight Snare Funk 1 OpenRimVari1 Rim Timber OpenRimVari2
35 B0 Kick Hard Kick Tight 2 Kick Stuidio1 Kick ElNoiz Kick Funk 1 KickTechno L Kick Timber KickTechno 2
36 C1 Kick Attack Kick Tight 3 Kick Studio2 Kick ElPop Kick Funk 2 Kick Noise Kick Noise Kick Hip CuttingNoiz Phone Call
37 C#1
ElSideStick SideStickR&B SideStkTmber SideStickHip CuttingNoiz Door Squeak
38 D1 Snare High Snare Tight2 Rim Studio 1 Snare ElPop Snare Funk 2 Snare R&B Snare Tmbr 2 Snare Hip 2 Door Slam
39 D#1
Clap ElPop String Slap Scratch Cut
40 E1 Snare Snap Snare Tight3 Rim Studio 2 Snare ElPop SnareRimFunk SnareClapR&B Snare Tmbr 3 Snare Hip 3
Scratch H 3
41 F1
Tom Studio 1 TomElectro 1 Tom Vari 1 Tom Vari 1 Tom Vari 1 Wind Chime
42 F#1 1
HatCloseFunk HatClose R&B HatCloseTmbr HatCloseHip Telephone 2
43 G1 Tom Studio 2 TomElectro 2 Tom Vari 2 Tom Vari 2 Tom Vari 2
44 G#1 1 HatPedal Hard HatPedalTght HatPedalFunk HatCloseAn 2 HatPedalTmbr HatPedalHip
45 A1 Tom Studio 3 TomElectro 3 Tom Vari 3 Tom Vari 3 Tom Vari 3
46 A#1 1 HatOpen Low HatOpenTight HatOpenFunk HatOpen R&B HatOpenTmbr HatOpenHip
47 B1 Tom Studio 4 TomElectro 4 Tom Vari 4 Tom Vari 4 Tom Vari 4
48 C2 Tom Studio 5 TomElectro 5 Tom Vari 5 Tom Vari 5 Tom Vari 5
49 C#2 Crash Analog Crash Analog Crash Hip 1
50 D2 Tom Studio 6 TomElectro 6 Tom Vari 6 Tom Vari 6 Tom Vari 6
51 D#2 RideCymbal 3 RideCymbal 3 Ride Hip 1
52 E2 Fl.Key Click CarEngnIgnit
53 F2
Ride Cup Vari Ride Cup Vari CarTireSqeal
54 F#2
Tambourine 2 Tambourine 3 Tambourine 2 Car Passing
55 G2
Car Crash
56 G#2
Cowbell Anlg Cowbell Anlg Cowbell Siren
57 A2
Crash Hip 2 Tr ai n
58 A#2
Jet Plane
59 B2
RideCym Vari RideCym Vari Ride Hip 2 Starship
60 C3
61 C#3
62 D3
Conga Anlg H Conga Anlg H Conga Anlg H Submarine
63 D#3
Conga Anlg M Conga Anlg M Conga Anlg M
64 E3 Conga Anlg L Conga Anlg L Conga Anlg L
65 F3
66 F#3
67 G3
68 G#3 Shower Laugh
69 A3
Cabasa 2 Cabasa 2 Cabasa 2 Thunder Scream
70 A#3
Maracas 3 Maracas 3 Maracas 3 Wind Punch
71 B3 O
Telphone 1 Stream Heartbeat
72 C4 O
Telphone 2 Bubble Footsteps
73 C#4
74 D4 O
75 D#4 Claves 2 Claves 2 Claves 2
76 E4
77 F4
78 F#4 Scratch H 2 Scratch H 2 Scratch H 2
79 G4 Scratch L 2 Scratch L 2 Scratch L 2
80 G#4 2
81 A4 2
82 A#4
83 B4 JingleBells2 JingleBells2 JingleBells2
84 C5 Dog Machine Gun
85 C#5 Horse Laser Gun
86 D5 Bird Tweet 2 Explosion
87 D#5
88 E5
89 F5
90 F#5 Gorst
91 G5 Maou
Wave List
No. Category/WaveName No. Category/WaveName No. Category/WaveName No. Category/WaveName No. Category/WaveName
1 Pf:PianoL@ 101 Or:1 1/3 201 Pd:SynVoice 301 Dr:Stick 401 Wv:Bel2Wv
2 Pf:PianoL@2 102 Or:1 202 Cp:Celesta 302 Dr:SdQ 402 Wv:Ep1
3 Pf:Hrpscd@ 103 Or:Rotar 203 Cp:Glocken 303 Dr:T8SdA 403 Wv:Ep2
4 Or:Reed@ 104 Or:Clack 204 Cp:NewAge 304 Dr:T8SdB 404 Wv:Ep3
5 Gt:Jazz@ 105 Or:RotNz 205 Cp:Vibra 305 Dr:T9Snapy 405 Wv:Ep4
6 Gt:Harm@ 106 Or:SftTmp 206 Cp:Marimba 306 Dr:SdTekk 406 Wv:Ep5
7 Gt:Harm@2 107 Or:Perc 207 Cp:Xylophon 307 Dr:TomF 407 Wv:Ep6
8 St:Vln@ 108 Or:Perc+ 208 Cp:TublrBl 308 Dr:TomL 408 Wv:VoxE3
9 St:TrStr@ 109 Or:Perc- 209 Cp:Dulcimer 309 Dr:TomM 409 Wv:VoxG2
10 St:Strngs1@ 110 Or:Cool! 210 Cp:Bowed 310 Dr:TomH 410 Wv:Org1Wv
11 St:Strngs2@ 111 Gt:Nylon1 211 Cp:Kalimba 311 Dr:TomLp 411 Wv:Org2Wv
12 St:Strngs4@ 112 Gt:Nylon2 212 Cp:XyloLoop 312 Dr:TomRmA 412 Wv:Org3Wv
13 Br:Trmbn@ 113 Gt:NylnHi 213 Cp:TnklBel1 313 Dr:TomRmB 413 Wv:Mallet
14 Br:Tuba@ 114 Gt:Nylhrm 214 Cp:TnklBel2 314 Dr:TomRmC 414 Se:CutngNz
15 Br:Fr.Horn@ 115 Gt:Steel 215 Pc:Agogo1 315 Dr:TomRmD 415 Se:StrSlap
16 Rp:Alto@ 116 Gt:MtlStl 216 Pc:Agogo2 316 Dr:TomJzL 416 Se:Fl.Kclik
17 Rp:Shkhaci@ 117 Gt:12StrGt 217 Pc:StlDrm 317 Dr:TomJzH 417 Se:Shower
18 Rp:Ocarna@ 118 Gt:Jazz 218 Pc:Wdblck 318 Dr:AnaTomA 418 Se:Thunder
19 Or:TngAcc@ 119 Gt:Clean1 219 Pc:Wdblck2 319 Dr:AnaTomB 419 Se:Wind
20 Rp:Bagpip1@ 120 Gt:Clean2 220 Pc:Taiko 320 Dr:AnaTomC 420 Se:Stream
21 Rp:Bagpip2@ 121 Gt:Mute 221 Pc:BongoL 321 Dr:AnaTomD 421 Se:Bubble
22 Cp:Glocken@ 122 Gt:OverDriv 222 Pc:BongoH 322 Dr:T8TomA 422 Se:Dog
23 Cp:NewAge@ 123 Gt:Dist1 223 Pc:CongaL 323 Dr:T8TomB 423 Se:Horse
24 Cp:Vibra 124 Gt:Dist2 224 Pc:CongaH 324 Dr:T8TomC 424 Se:Tweet
25 Cp:Xylophn@ 125 Gt:DistCl 225 Pc:CongaT 325 Dr:HHCl1 425 Se:Tweet2
26 Cp:Dulcmer@ 126 Gt:DistMt 226 Pc:Cowbel 326 Dr:HHCl2 426 Se:PhonCall
27 Pc:StlDrm@ 127 Gt:Harm 227 Pc:GuiroS 327 Dr:HHCl3 427 Se:DorSqwk
28 En:OrcHit@ 128 Gt:Sitar 228 Pc:GuiroL 328 Dr:HHCl4 428 Se:DorSlam
29 En:OrcHit@2 129 Gt:Banjo 229 Pc:Tmbls 329 Dr:T8HHCl 429 Se:Scratch
30 Pf:PianoL 130 Gt:Shamisen 230 Pc:CuicaL 330 Dr:T9HHCl 430 Se:WndChim
31 Pf:PianoR 131 Gt:Koto 231 Pc:CuicaH 331 Dr:HHPdl1 431 Se:Telphone
32 Pf:GrandL 132 Gt:Harp 232 Pc:Cabasa 332 Dr:HHPdl2 432 Se:Telphon2
33 Pf:GrandR 133 Ba:Acstic 233 Pc:ClavesL 333 Dr:HHPdl3 433 Se:CarElgnt
34 Pf:GrandMn 134 Ba:Fing 234 Pc:ClavesH 334 Dr:HHOpn1 434 Se:CarTSqel
35 Pf:HonkyL 135 Ba:Pick 235 Pc:Castnt1 335 Dr:HHOpn2 435 Se:CarPass
36 Pf:Brite 136 Ba:Frtles 236 Pc:Castnt2 336 Dr:HHOpn3 436 Se:CarCrsh
37 Pf:CP80 137 Ba:Slap1 237 Pc:Maracs 337 Dr:T8HHOpn 437 Se:Train
38 Pf:Rds1 138 Ba:Slap2 238 Pc:Maracs2 338 Dr:T9HHOpn 438 Se:Laugh
39 Pf:Rds2S 139 Ba:Slap3 239 Pc:Shaker 339 Dr:HHTip 439 Se:Scream
40 Pf:Rds2H 140 Ba:SynBa1 240 Pc:Tmborn 340 Dr:DncTip 440 Se:Punch
41 Pf:RdsRanS 141 Ba:SynBa2 241 Pc:TriOpn 341 Dr:Ride1 441 Se:Heart
42 Pf:RdsRanS+ 142 St:Vln 242 Pc:VbSlp 342 Dr:Ride2 442 Se:FootStp
43 Pf:RdsRanS- 143 St:Viola 243 Pc:JnglBl 343 Dr:Cup 443 Se:MchinGun
44 Pf:RdsRanM 144 St:Cello 244 Pc:Clap 344 Dr:Crash1 444 Se:FretNoiz
45 Pf:RdsRanM+ 145 St:Cello2 245 Pc:Whistl 345 Dr:Crash2 445 Se:BrthNoiz
46 Pf:RdsRanM- 146 St:Cntrabs 246 Pc:Bltree 346 Dr:T8Crsh 446 Se:Seashore
47 Pf:RdsRanH 147 St:TrStr 247 Pc:FngSnap 347 Dr:HndCym 447 Se:Helicptr
48 Pf:RdsRanH+ 148 St:Pizz 248 Pc:Mtrnm1 348 Dr:DncCrshA 448 Se:Aplause
49 Pf:RdsRanH- 149 St:Strings1 249 Pc:Mtrnm2 349 Dr:DncCrshB 449 Se:Gunshot
50 Pf:RdsTeaS 150 St:Strings2 250 Pc:Scrch 350 Dr:RevCym 450 Se:Noise
51 Pf:RdsTeaM 151 St:Strings3 251 Pc:WhipSlp 351 Dr:China 451 Se:Melow
52 Pf:RdsTeaH 152 St:Strings4 252 Dr:Bd1 352 Dr:T8Cwbl 452 Se:BigSyn
53 Pf:60sEp 153 St:StrL 253 Dr:Bd2 353 Dr:Timpni1 453 Se:VxAlk
54 Pf:Wurli 154 St:StrLA 254 Dr:Bd3 354 Dr:Timpni2
55 Pf:Wurli+ 155 St:StrR 255 Dr:Bd4 355 Dr:CncrtBd
56 Pf:Wurli- 156 St:StrRA 256 Dr:Bd5 356 Dr:OrchHit
57 Pf:DX1 157 St:SmlEns 257 Dr:BdSoft 357 Wv:ObStr
58 Pf:DX2 158 St:SmlEns+ 258 Dr:BdKlick 358 Wv:SyzStr
59 Pf:FulTineS 159 St:SmlEns- 259 Dr:BdPop 359 Wv:Padd
60 Pf:FulTineH 160 Br:Trmpt 260 Dr:BdHby 360 Wv:SyncLd
61 Pf:Clav 161 Br:Trmbn 261 Dr:BdToni 361 Wv:CS80Br
62 Pf:Hrpscd 162 Br:Tuba 262 Dr:BdAna 362 Wv:MgBs1
63 Pf:MltPno 163 Br:MuteTp 263 Dr:BdAna2 363 Wv:MgBs2
64 Or:Jazz1 164 Br:Fr.Horn 264 Dr:BdHiQ 364 Wv:MgBs3
65 Or:Jazz2 165 Br:BrssSect 265 Dr:BdHip 365 Wv:FMBs1
66 Or:PercOrgn 166 Br:SectnL 266 Dr:T8Bd 366 Wv:FMBs2
67 Or:Rock1 167 Br:SectnR 267 Dr:Surdo 367 Wv:FMBs3
68 Or:Rock2 168 Br:SctnL- 268 Dr:SdMx1 368 Wv:Pulse10
69 Or:Rock2+ 169 Br:SctnR- 269 Dr:SdMx2 369 Wv:P50-1
70 Or:Rock2- 170 Rp:Soprn 270 Dr:SdSoft 370 Wv:P50-2
71 Or:Church1 171 Rp:Alto 271 Dr:SdSft2 371 Wv:P50-3
72 Or:Church2 172 Rp:Tenor 272 Dr:SdRoomA 372 Wv:P50Low
73 Or:Reed 173 Rp:Baritone 273 Dr:SdRoomB 373 Wv:Square
74 Or:Puff 174 Rp:Oboe 274 Dr:SdRoomC 374 Wv:Saw
75 Or:Warm 175 Rp:EngHorn 275 Dr:SdLw 375 Wv:SawMod
76 Or:Elctrnc 176 Rp:Basoon 276 Dr:SdMl 376 Wv:MtrxSaw
77 Or:Elctrnc- 177 Rp:Clari 277 Dr:SdMx 377 Wv:Tri
78 Or:VoxOrg 178 Rp:Piccolo 278 Dr:SdOpnRm 378 Wv:Oscar
79 Or:VxOrg- 179 Rp:Flute 279 Dr:SdLight 379 Wv:Sine
80 Or:Swith 180 Rp:SprnRcrd 280 Dr:SdMidum 380 Wv:Digi01
81 Or:Swith- 181 Rp:PanFlute 281 Dr:SdRim 381 Wv:Digi02
82 Or:1+3 182 Rp:Bottle 282 Dr:SdAkstk 382 Wv:Digi03
83 Or:1+3+ 183 Rp:Shakhaci 283 Dr:SdFsnH 383 Wv:Digi04
84 Or:1+3- 184 Rp:Whistle 284 Dr:SdLdwH 384 Wv:Digi05
85 Or:2+4 185 Rp:Ocarina 285 Dr:SdSonA 385 Wv:Digi06
86 Or:2+4+ 186 Rp:Calliope 286 Dr:SdSonB 386 Wv:Digi07
87 Or:2+4- 187 Rp:Acrdn 287 Dr:SdPclH 387 Wv:Digi08
88 Or:Even 188 Rp:BlsHarp1 288 Dr:SdPcBH 388 Wv:Digi09
89 Or:Even+ 189 Rp:BlsHarp2 289 Dr:SdRim1 389 Wv:Digi10
90 Or:Even- 190 Rp:TngAcc 290 Dr:SdRim2 390 Wv:Digi11
91 Or:Odd 191 Rp:Bagpipe1 291 Dr:SdDry 391 Wv:Digi12
92 Or:Odd+ 192 Rp:Bagpipe2 292 Dr:SdRoll 392 Wv:DgVox1
93 Or:Odd- 193 Rp:Shanai 293 Dr:SdRol2 393 Wv:DgVox2
94 Or:16 194 Pd:SynStrg1 294 Dr:SdBrs 394 Wv:DgVox3
95 Or:5 1/3 195 Pd:SynStrg2 295 Dr:BrHard 395 Wv:DgVox4
96 Or:8 196 Pd:Aah 296 Dr:BrSoft 396 Wv:DgVox5
97 Or:4 197 Pd:Ooh 297 Dr:C.Rim1 397 Wv:MgRamp
98 Or:2 2/3 198 Pd:Oooo 298 Dr:C.Rim2A 398 Wv:SawSqu
99 Or:2 199 Pd:Oooo+ 299 Dr:C.Rim2B 399 Wv:SquSaw
100 Or:1 3/5 200 Pd:Oooo- 300 Dr:T8Side 400 Wv:Bel1Wv
Original Kit List
Original Kit Name
1 StndKit1 (Standard1 Kit)
2 StndKit2 (Standard2 Kit)
3 Room Kit
4 Rock Kit
5 ElctrKit (Electro Kit)
6 AnalgKit (Analog Kit)
7 Dance Kit
8 Jazz Kit
9 Brush Kit
10 SymphKit(Symphony Kit)
11 NwStndKt (New Standard Kit)
12 TightKit (Tight Kit)
13 StudioKt (Studio Kit)
14 ElPopKit (Electro Pop Kit)
15 Funk Kit
16 R&B Kit
17 TimberKt (Timber Kit)
18 HvyHipKt (Heavy Hip Kit)
19 SFX Kit 1
20 SFX Kit 2
Multi List
Bank Select MSB=63, LSB=64
Control List
The control numbers in the parentheses are the defaults.
Control Change Number List
Number Category Name
PF DigiRich
PF RosePad
OR Minister
GT Gtr+Pad
ST Str+Bell
PD SuperPad
BR FatBrass
RP PipePad
SC AtkComp
CO SynBa_Ep
CO Gt_SynLd
CO Pizz_Str
CO Pad_Dist
CO FBass_Or
CO Ep_Trpt
CO Org_Lead
-- Pops
-- Ballad
-- R&B
-- HipHop
-- ClubJazz
-- Techno
-- House
-- Fusion
-- 80sDance
-- FunkRock
-- HardRock
-- Blues
-- Big Band
-- Salsa
-- Trance
-- DrmnBass
Name No. Remarks
MODULATION WHEEL (1) Set in the Utility Mode
FOOT CONTROLLER (11) Set in the Utility Mode
FOOT SWITCH (64) Set in the Utility Mode
No. Controller or function
000 Bank select MSB (off)
001 Modulation wheel
002~004 Unused
005 Portamento time
006 Data entry MSB
007 Volume control
008~009 Unused
010 Panpot
011 Expression
012~031 Unused
032 Bank select LSB (off)
033~037 Unused
038 Data entry LSB
039~063 Unused
064 Hold 1 (Sustain)
065 Portamento switch
066 Sostenuto
067 Soft pedal
068~070 Unused
071 Harmonic Content
072 Release Time
073 Attack Time
074 Brightness
075~083 Unused
084 Portamento Control
085~090 Unused
091 Effect1 Depth (Reverb Send Level)
092 Unused
093 Effect3 Depth (Chorus Send Level)
094 Effect4 Depth (Variation Effect Send Level)
095 Unused
096 Data Increment
097 Data Decrement
102~119 Unused
120 All Sounds Off
121 Reset All Controllers
122 Unused
123 All Notes Off
124 Omni Off
125 Omni On
126 Mono
127 Poly
Effect Type List
When the effect type is set to “No Effect” while the Insertion effect is used, no sound is output. If you don't want to use the Variation effect, select “Thru” to pass the signal through
the Variation effect without applying any effect.
No. MSB LSB Effect Type Features
0 00H 00H No Effect Effect turned off.
1 01H 00H Hall 1 Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall.
2 01H 01H Hall 2
3 02H 00H Room 1 Reverb simulating the resonance of a room.
4 02H 01H Room 2
5 02H 02H Room 3
6 03H 00H Stage 1 Reverb appropriate for a solo instrument.
7 03H 01H Stage 2
8 04H 00H Plate Reverb simulating a metal plate reverb unit.
9 10H 00H White Room A unique short reverb with a bit of initial delay.
10 11H 00H Tunnel Simulation of a tunnel space expanding to left and right.
11 13H 00H Basement
A bit of initial delay followed by reverb with a unique resonance.
No. MSB LSB Effect Type Features
0 00H 00H No Effect Effect turned off.
1 41H 00H Chorus 1 Conventional chorus program that adds natural spaciousness.
2 41H 01H Chorus 2
3 41H 02H Chorus 3
4 41H 08H Chorus 4 Chorus with stereo input. The pan setting specified for the Part will also apply to the effect sound.
5 42H 00H Celeste 1 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound.
6 42H 01H Celeste 2
7 42H 02H Celeste 3
8 42H 08H Celeste 4 CELESTE with stereo input. The pan setting specified for the Part will apply to the effect sound.
9 43H 00H Flanger 1 Adds a jet-airplane effect to the sound.
10 43H 01H Flanger 2
11 43H 08H Flanger 3
No. MSB LSB Effect Type Features
0 00H 00H No Effect Effect turned off.
1 01H 00H Hall 1 Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall.
2 01H 01H Hall 2
3 02H 00H Room 1 Reverb simulating the resonance of a room.
4 02H 01H Room 2
5 02H 02H Room 3
6 03H 00H Stage 1 Reverb approproate for a solo instrument.
7 03H 01H Stage 2
8 04H 00H Plate Reverb simulating a metal plate reverb unit.
9 05H 00H Delay L,C,R A program that creates three delay sounds; L, R, and C (center).
10 06H 00H Delay L,R A program that creates two delay sounds; L and R. Two feedback delays are provided.
11 07H 00H Echo Two delays (L and R) and independent feedback delays for L and R.
12 08H 00H Cross Delay A program that crosses the feedback of two delays.
13 09H 00H EarlyRef 1 An effect that produces only the early reflection component of reverb.
14 09H 01H EarlyRef 2
15 0AH 00H Gate Reverb A simulation of gated reverb.
16 0BH 00H Reverse Gate A program that simulates gated reverb played backwords.
17 14H 00H Karaoke 1 A delay with feedback of the same type as used for karaoke reverb.
18 14H 01H Karaoke 2
19 14H 02H Karaoke 3
20 41H 00H Chorus 1 A conventional chorus program, providing natural spaciousness.
21 41H 01H Chorus 2
22 41H 02H Chorus 3
23 41H 08H Chorus 4 Chorus with stereo input.
24 42H 00H Celeste 1 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound.
25 42H 01H Celeste 2
26 42H 02H Celeste 3
27 42H 08H Celeste 4
28 43H 00H Flanger 1 Adds a jet-airplane effect to the sound.
29 43H 01H Flanger 2
30 43H 08H Flanger 3
31 44H 00H Symphonic A multi-phase version of CELESTE.
32 45H 00H Rotary Speaker A simulation of a rotary speaker. You can use an AC1 (assignable controller) etc. to controll the speed of rotation.
33 46H 00H Tremolo An effect that cyclically modulates the volume.
34 47H 00H Auto Pan A program that cyclically moves the sound image to left and right, front and back.
35 48H 00H Phaser 1 Cyclically changes the phase to add modulation to the sound.
36 48H 08H Phaser 2 Phaser with stereo input.
37 49H 00H Distortion Adds a sharp-edged distortion to the sound.
38 4AH 00H Overdrive Adds mild distortion to the sound.
39 4BH 00H Amp Simulator A simulation of a guitar amp.
40 4CH 00H 3Band EQ(Mono) A mono EQ with adjustable LOW, MID, and HIGH equalizing.
41 4DH 00H 2Band EQ(Stereo) A stereo EQ with adjustable LOW and HIGH. Ideal for drum Parts.
42 4EH 00H Auto Wah(LFO) Cyclically modulates the center frequency of a wah filter. With an AC1 etc. this can function as a pedal wah.
43 40H 00H Thru Bypass without applying an effect.
Effect Parameter List
Parameters marked with a
in the “Control” column can be controlled from an AC1 (assignable controller 1) etc. However, this is valid only for a Variation effect
(when selected for Insertion).
PLATE (reverb, variation block)
BASEMENT (reverb block)
DELAY L,C,R (variation block)
DELAY L,R (variation block)
ECHO (variation block)
CROSS DELAY (variation block)
EARLY REF1,EARLY REF2(variation block)
REVERSE GATE (variation block)
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 Reverb Time 0.3 - 30.0s 0 - 69 table#4
2 Diffusion 0 - 10 0 - 10
3 Initial Delay 0.1 - 99.3ms 0 - 63 table#5
4 HPF Cutoff Thru - 8.0kHz 0 - 52 table#3
5 LPF Cutoff 1.0k - Thru 34 - 60 table#3
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
11 Rev Delay 0.1 - 99.3ms 0 - 63 table#5
12 Density 0 - 4 0 - 4
13 Er/Rev Balance E63>R - E=R - E<R63 1 - 127
15 Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 Reverb Time 0.3 - 30.0s 0 - 69 table#4
2 Diffusion 0 - 10 0 - 10
3 Initial Delay 0.1 - 99.3ms 0 - 63 table#5
4 HPF Cutoff Thru - 8.0kHz 0 - 52 table#3
5 LPF Cutoff 1.0k - Thru 34 - 60 table#3
6 Width 0.5 - 10.2m 0 - 37 table#8
7 Heigt 0.5 - 20.2m 0 - 73 table#8
8 Depth 0.5 - 30.2m 0 - 104 table#8
9 Wall Vary 0 - 30 0 - 30
11 Rev Delay 0.1 - 99.3ms 0 - 63 table#5
12 Density 0 - 4 0 - 4
13 Er/Rev Balance E63>R - E=R - E<R63 1 - 127
15 Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 Lch Delay 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) 1 - 7150
2 Rch Delay 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) 1 - 7150
3 Cch Delay 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) 1 - 7150
4 Feedback Delay 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) 1 - 7150
5 Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127
6 Cch Level 0 - 127 0 - 127
7 High Damp 0.1 - 1.0 1 - 10
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
13 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
14 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
15 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
16 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 Lch Delay 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) 1 - 7150
2 Rch Delay 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) 1 - 7150
3 Feedback Delay 1 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) 1 - 7150
4 Feedback Delay 2 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) 1 - 7150
5 Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127
6 High Damp 0.1 - 1.0 1 - 10
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
13 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
14 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
15 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
16 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 Lch Delay1 0.1 - 355.0ms (variation block) 1 - 3550
2 Lch Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127
3 Rch Delay1 0.1 - 355.0ms (variation block) 1 - 3550
4 Rch Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127
5 High Damp 0.1 - 1.0 1 - 10
6 Lch Delay2 0.1 - 355.0ms (variation block) 1 - 3550
7 Rch Delay2 0.1 - 355.0ms (variation block) 1 - 3550
8 Delay2 Level 0 - 127 0 - 127
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
13 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
14 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
15 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
16 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 L->R Delay 0.1 - 355.0ms (variation block) 1 - 3550
2 R->L Delay 0.1 - 355.0ms (variation block) 1 - 3550
3 Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127
4 Input Select L, R, L&R 0 - 2
5 High Damp 0.1 - 1.0 1 - 10
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
13 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
14 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
15 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
16 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 Type S-H, L-H, Rdm, Rvs, Plt, Spr 0 - 5
2 Room Size 0.1 - 7.0 0 - 44 table#6
3 Diffusion 0 - 10 0 - 10
4 Initial Delay 0.1 - 99.3ms 0 - 63 table#5
5 Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127
6 HPF Cutoff Thru - 8.0kHz 0 - 52 table#3
7 LPF Cutoff 1.0k - Thru 34 - 60 table#3
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
11 Liveness 0 - 10 0 - 10
12 Density 0 - 3 0 - 3
13 High Damp 0.1 - 1.0 1 - 10
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 Type TypeA,TypeB 0 - 1
2 Room Size 0.1 - 7.0 0 - 44 table#6
3 Diffusion 0 - 10 0 - 10
4 Initial Delay 0.1 - 99.3ms 0 - 63 table#5
5 Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127
6 HPF Cutoff Thru - 8.0kHz 0 - 52 table#3
7 LPF Cutoff 1.0k - Thru 34 - 60 table#3
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
11 Liveness 0 - 10 0 - 10
12 Density 0 - 3 0 - 3
13 High Damp 0.1 - 1.0 1 - 10
KARAOKE1,2,3 (variation block)
CELESTE1,2,3,4 (chorus, variation block)
FLANGER1,2,3 (chorus, variation block)
SYMPHONIC (variation block)
ROTARY SPEAKER (variation block)
TREMOLO (variation block)
AUTO PAN (variation block)
PHASER 1 (variation block)
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 Delay Time 0.1 - 400ms 0 - 127 table#7
2 Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127
3 HPF Cutoff Thru - 8.0kHz 0 - 52 table#3
4 LPF Cutoff 1.0k - Thru 34 - 60 table#3
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 LFO Frequency 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 table#1
2 LFO Depth 0 - 127 0 - 127
3 Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127
4 Delay Offset 0.0 - 50 0 - 127 table#2
6 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
7 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
8 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
9 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
15 Input Mode mono/stereo 0 - 1
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 LFO Frequency 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 table#1
2 LFO Depth 0 - 127 0 - 127
3 Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127
4 Delay Offset 0.0 - 6.3 0 - 63 table#2
6 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
7 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
8 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
9 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
LFO Phase Difference
-180 - +180deg 4 - 124
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 LFO Frequency 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 table#1
2 LFO Depth 0 - 127 0 - 127
3 Delay Offset 0.0 - 50 0 - 127 table#2
6 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
7 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
8 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
9 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 LFO Frequency 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 table#1
2 LFO Depth 0 - 127 0 - 127
6 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
7 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
8 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
9 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 LFO Frequency 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 table#1
2 AM Depth 0 - 127 0 - 127
3 PM Depth 0 - 127 0 - 127
6 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
7 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
8 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
9 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
LFO Phase Difference
-180 - +180deg 4 - 124
15 Input Mode mono/stereo 0 - 1
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 LFO Frequency 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 table#1
2 L/R Depth 0 - 127 0 - 127
3 F/R Depth 0 - 127 0 - 127
4 PAN Direction
L<->R, L->R, L<-R, Lturn, Rturn,
0 - 5
6 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
7 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
8 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
9 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 LFO Frequency 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 table#1
2 LFO Depth 0 - 127 0 - 127
3 Phase Shift Offset 0 - 127 0 - 127
4 Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127
6 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
7 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
8 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
9 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
11 Stage 6 - 10 6 - 10
PHASER 2 (variation block)
OVERDRIVE (variation block)
AMP SIMULATOR (variation block)
3BAND EQ(MONO) (variation block)
2BAND EQ(STEREO) (variation block)
AUTO WAH (variation block)
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 LFO Frequency 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 table#1
2 LFO Depth 0 - 127 0 - 127
3 Phase Shift Offset 0 - 127 0 - 127
4 Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127
6 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
7 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
8 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
9 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
11 Stage 3 - 5 3 - 5
LFO Phase Difference
-180deg - +180deg 4 - 124
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 Drive 0 - 127 0 - 127
2 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
3 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
4 LPF Cutoff 1.0k - Thru 34 - 60 table#3
5 Output Level 0 - 127 0 - 127
7 EQ Mid Frequency 500Hz - 10.0kHz 28 - 54 table#3
8 EQ Mid Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
9 EQ Mid Width 1.0 - 12.0 10 - 120
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
11 Edge(Clip Curve) 0 - 127 0 - 127 mild - sharp
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 Drive 0 - 127 0 - 127
2 AMP Type Off,Stack,Combo,Tube 0 - 3
3 LPF Cutoff 1.0k - Thru 34 - 60 table#3
4 Output Level 0 - 127 0 - 127
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
11 Edge(Clip Curve) 0 - 127 0 - 127 mild - sharp
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
2 EQ Mid Frequency 500Hz - 10.0kHz 28 - 54 table#3
3 EQ Mid Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
4 EQ Mid Width 1.0 - 12.0 10 - 120
5 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
6 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
7 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
2 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
3 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
4 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
No. Parameter Display Value See Table Control
1 LFO Frequency 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 table#1
2 LFO Depth 0 - 127 0 - 127
Cutoff Frequency Offset
0 - 127 0 - 127
4 Resonance 1.0 - 12.0 10 - 120
6 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz - 2.0kHz 8 - 40 table#3
7 EQ Low Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
8 EQ High Frequency 500Hz - 16.0kHz 28 - 58 table#3
9 EQ High Gain -12 - +12dB 52 - 76
10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127
Effect Data Assign Table
LFO Frequency
Data Value Data Value
0 0.00 64 2.69
1 0.04 65 2.78
2 0.08 66 2.86
3 0.13 67 2.94
4 0.17 68 3.03
5 0.21 69 3.11
6 0.25 70 3.20
7 0.29 71 3.28
8 0.34 72 3.37
9 0.38 73 3.45
10 0.42 74 3.53
11 0.46 75 3.62
12 0.51 76 3.70
13 0.55 77 3.87
14 0.59 78 4.04
15 0.63 79 4.21
16 0.67 80 4.37
17 0.72 81 4.54
18 0.76 82 4.71
19 0.80 83 4.88
20 0.84 84 5.05
21 0.88 85 5.22
22 0.93 86 5.38
23 0.97 87 5.55
24 1.01 88 5.72
25 1.05 89 6.06
26 1.09 90 6.39
27 1.14 91 6.73
28 1.18 92 7.07
29 1.22 93 7.40
30 1.26 94 7.74
31 1.30 95 8.08
32 1.35 96 8.41
33 1.39 97 8.75
34 1.43 98 9.08
35 1.47 99 9.42
36 1.51 100 9.76
37 1.56 101 10.1
38 1.60 102 10.8
39 1.64 103 11.4
40 1.68 104 12.1
41 1.72 105 12.8
42 1.77 106 13.5
43 1.81 107 14.1
44 1.85 108 14.8
45 1.89 109 15.5
46 1.94 110 16.2
47 1.98 111 16.8
48 2.02 112 17.5
49 2.06 113 18.2
50 2.10 114 19.5
51 2.15 115 20.9
52 2.19 116 22.2
53 2.23 117 23.6
54 2.27 118 24.9
55 2.31 119 26.2
56 2.36 120 27.6
57 2.40 121 28.9
58 2.44 122 30.3
59 2.48 123 31.6
60 2.52 124 33.0
61 2.57 125 34.3
62 2.61 126 37.0
63 2.65 127 39.7
Modulation Delay Offset
Value Data Value
0 0.0 64 6.4
1 0.1 65 6.5
2 0.2 66 6.6
3 0.3 67 6.7
4 0.4 68 6.8
5 0.5 69 6.9
6 0.6 70 7.0
7 0.7 71 7.1
8 0.8 72 7.2
9 0.9 73 7.3
10 1.0 74 7.4
11 1.1 75 7.5
12 1.2 76 7.6
13 1.3 77 7.7
14 1.4 78 7.8
15 1.5 79 7.9
16 1.6 80 8.0
17 1.7 81 8.1
18 1.8 82 8.2
19 1.9 83 8.3
20 2.0 84 8.4
21 2.1 85 8.5
22 2.2 86 8.6
23 2.3 87 8.7
24 2.4 88 8.8
25 2.5 89 8.9
26 2.6 90 9.0
27 2.7 91 9.1
28 2.8 92 9.2
29 2.9 93 9.3
30 3.0 94 9.4
31 3.1 95 9.5
32 3.2 96 9.6
33 3.3 97 9.7
34 3.4 98 9.8
35 3.5 99 9.9
36 3.6 100 10.0
37 3.7 101 11.1
38 3.8 102 12.2
39 3.9 103 13.3
40 4.0 104 14.4
41 4.1 105 15.5
42 4.2 106 17.1
43 4.3 107 18.6
44 4.4 108 20.2
45 4.5 109 21.8
46 4.6 110 23.3
47 4.7 111 24.9
48 4.8 112 26.5
49 4.9 113 28.0
50 5.0 114 29.6
51 5.1 115 31.2
52 5.2 116 32.8
53 5.3 117 34.3
54 5.4 118 35.9
55 5.5 119 37.5
56 5.6 120 39.0
57 5.7 121 40.6
58 5.8 122 42.2
59 5.9 123 43.7
60 6.0 124 45.3
61 6.1 125 46.9
62 6.2 126 48.4
63 6.3 127 50.0
EQ Frequency
0 THRU(20)
10 63
11 70
12 80
13 90
14 100
15 110
16 125
17 140
18 160
19 180
20 200
21 225
22 250
23 280
24 315
25 355
26 400
27 450
28 500
29 560
30 630
31 700
32 800
33 900
34 1.0k
35 1.1k
36 1.2k
37 1.4k
38 1.6k
39 1.8k
40 2.0k
41 2.2k
42 2.5k
43 2.8k
44 3.2k
45 3.6k
46 4.0k
47 4.5k
48 5.0k
49 5.6k
50 6.3k
51 7.0k
52 8.0k
53 9.0k
54 10.0k
55 11.0k
56 12.0k
57 14.0k
58 16.0k
59 18.0k
60 THRU(20.0k)
Reverb time
Value Data Value
0 0.3 64 17.0
1 0.4 65 18.0
2 0.5 66 19.0
3 0.6 67 20.0
4 0.7 68 25.0
5 0.8 69 30.0
6 0.9
7 1.0
8 1.1
9 1.2
10 1.3
11 1.4
12 1.5
13 1.6
14 1.7
15 1.8
16 1.9
17 2.0
18 2.1
19 2.2
20 2.3
21 2.4
22 2.5
23 2.6
24 2.7
25 2.8
26 2.9
27 3.0
28 3.1
29 3.2
30 3.3
31 3.4
32 3.5
33 3.6
34 3.7
35 3.8
36 3.9
37 4.0
38 4.1
39 4.2
40 4.3
41 4.4
42 4.5
43 4.6
44 4.7
45 4.8
46 4.9
47 5.0
48 5.5
49 6.0
50 6.5
51 7.0
52 7.5
53 8.0
54 8.5
55 9.0
56 9.5
57 10.0
58 11.0
59 12.0
60 13.0
61 14.0
62 15.0
63 16.0
Delay Time(200.0ms)
Value Data Value
0 0.1 64 100.8
1 1.7 65 102.4
2 3.2 66 104.0
3 4.8 67 105.6
4 6.4 68 107.1
5 8.0 69 108.7
6 9.5 70 110.3
7 11.1 71 111.9
8 12.7 72 113.4
9 14.3 73 115.0
10 15.8 74 116.6
11 17.4 75 118.2
12 19.0 76 119.7
13 20.6 77 121.3
14 22.1 78 122.9
15 23.7 79 124.4
16 25.3 80 126.0
17 26.9 81 127.6
18 28.4 82 129.2
19 30.0 83 130.7
20 31.6 84 132.3
21 33.2 85 133.9
22 34.7 86 135.5
23 36.3 87 137.0
24 37.9 88 138.6
25 39.5 89 140.2
26 41.0 90 141.8
27 42.6 91 143.3
28 44.2 92 144.9
29 45.7 93 146.5
30 47.3 94 148.1
31 48.9 95 149.6
32 50.5 96 151.2
33 52.0 97 152.8
34 53.6 98 154.4
35 55.2 99 155.9
36 56.8 100 157.5
37 58.3 101 159.1
38 59.9 102 160.6
39 61.5 103 162.2
40 63.1 104 163.8
41 64.6 105 165.4
42 66.2 106 166.9
43 67.8 107 168.5
44 69.4 108 170.1
45 70.9 109 171.7
46 72.5 110 173.2
47 74.1 111 174.8
48 75.7 112 176.4
49 77.2 113 178.0
50 78.8 114 179.5
51 80.4 115 181.1
52 81.9 116 182.7
53 83.5 117 184.3
54 85.1 118 185.8
55 86.7 119 187.4
56 88.2 120 189.0
57 89.8 121 190.6
58 91.4 122 192.1
59 93.0 123 193.7
60 94.5 124 195.3
61 96.1 125 196.9
62 97.7 126 198.4
63 99.3 127 200.0
Room Size
0 0.1
1 0.3
2 0.4
3 0.6
4 0.7
5 0.9
6 1.0
7 1.2
8 1.4
9 1.5
10 1.7
11 1.8
12 2.0
13 2.1
14 2.3
15 2.5
16 2.6
17 2.8
18 2.9
19 3.1
20 3.2
21 3.4
22 3.5
23 3.7
24 3.9
25 4.0
26 4.2
27 4.3
28 4.5
29 4.6
30 4.8
31 5.0
32 5.1
33 5.3
34 5.4
35 5.6
36 5.7
37 5.9
38 6.1
39 6.2
40 6.4
41 6.5
42 6.7
43 6.8
44 7.0
Delay Time(400.0ms)
Value Data Value
0 0.1 64 201.6
1 3.2 65 204.8
2 6.4 66 207.9
3 9.5 67 211.1
4 12.7 68 214.2
5 15.8 69 217.4
6 19.0 70 220.5
7 22.1 71 223.7
8 25.3 72 226.8
9 28.4 73 230.0
10 31.6 74 233.1
11 34.7 75 236.3
12 37.9 76 239.4
13 41.0 77 242.6
14 44.2 78 245.7
15 47.3 79 248.9
16 50.5 80 252.0
17 53.6 81 255.2
18 56.8 82 258.3
19 59.9 83 261.5
20 63.1 84 264.6
21 66.2 85 267.7
22 69.4 86 270.9
23 72.5 87 274.0
24 75.7 88 277.2
25 78.8 89 280.3
26 82.0 90 283.5
27 85.1 91 286.6
28 88.3 92 289.8
29 91.4 93 292.9
30 94.6 94 296.1
31 97.7 95 299.2
32 100.9 96 302.4
33 104.0 97 305.5
34 107.2 98 308.7
35 110.3 99 311.8
36 113.5 100 315.0
37 116.6 101 318.1
38 119.8 102 321.3
39 122.9 103 324.4
40 126.1 104 327.6
41 129.2 105 330.7
42 132.4 106 333.9
43 135.5 107 337.0
44 138.6 108 340.2
45 141.8 109 343.3
46 144.9 110 346.5
47 148.1 111 349.6
48 151.2 112 352.8
49 154.4 113 355.9
50 157.5 114 359.1
51 160.7 115 362.2
52 163.8 116 365.4
53 167.0 117 368.5
54 170.1 118 371.7
55 173.3 119 374.8
56 176.4 120 378.0
57 179.6 121 381.1
58 182.7 122 384.3
59 185.9 123 387.4
60 189.0 124 390.6
61 192.2 125 393.7
62 195.3 126 396.9
63 198.5 127 400.0
Reverb Width;Depth;Height
Value Data Value
0 0.5 64 17.6
1 0.8 65 17.9
2 1.0 66 18.2
3 1.3 67 18.5
4 1.5 68 18.8
5 1.8 69 19.1
6 2.0 70 19.4
7 2.3 71 19.7
8 2.6 72 20.0
9 2.8 73 20.2
10 3.1 74 20.5
11 3.3 75 20.8
12 3.6 76 21.1
13 3.9 77 21.4
14 4.1 78 21.7
15 4.4 79 22.0
16 4.6 80 22.4
17 4.9 81 22.7
18 5.2 82 23.0
19 5.4 83 23.3
20 5.7 84 23.6
21 5.9 85 23.9
22 6.2 86 24.2
23 6.5 87 24.5
24 6.7 88 24.9
25 7.0 89 25.2
26 7.2 90 25.5
27 7.5 91 25.8
28 7.8 92 26.1
29 8.0 93 26.5
30 8.3 94 26.8
31 8.6 95 27.1
32 8.8 96 27.5
33 9.1 97 27.8
34 9.4 98 28.1
35 9.6 99 28.5
36 9.9 100 28.8
37 10.2 101 29.2
38 10.4 102 29.5
39 10.7 103 29.9
40 11.0 104 30.2
41 11.2
42 11.5
43 11.8
44 12.1
45 12.3
46 12.6
47 12.9
48 13.1
49 13.4
50 13.7
51 14.0
52 14.2
53 14.5
54 14.8
55 15.1
56 15.4
57 15.6
58 15.9
59 16.2
60 16.5
61 16.8
62 17.1
63 17.3
MIDI Data Format
1. Channel messages
1.1 Note on/note off
These messages convey keyboard performance data.
Range of note numbers received = 0 (C-2)...60 (C3)...127 (G8)
Velocity range = 1...127 (Velocity is received only for note-on)
When the Multi Part parameter "Rcv NOTE MESSAGE" = OFF, that part will not receive
these messages.
For a drum part*, key-off is not received if the DrumSetup parameter Rcv NOTE OFF =
For a drum part, key-on is not received if the DrumSetup parameter Rcv NOTE ON = OFF.
* Drum Part indicates that the Multi Part parameter PART MODE is "set to DRUM,
1.2 Control changes
These messages control volume or pan etc.
Their functions are differentiated by the control number (Ctrl#).
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv CONTROL CHANGE = OFF, that part will not receive
control changes.
1.2.1 Bank Select
This message selects the voice bank.
Control# Parameter Data Range
0 Bank Select MSB 0, 63, 64, 126, 127
(Normal voice, Native voice, SFX
voice, SFX kit, Drum kit)
32 Bank Select LSB 0...127
The Bank Select data will be processed only after a Program Change is received, and then
voice bank will change at that time.
If you wish to change the voice bank as well as the voice, you must transmit Bank Select
and Program Change messages as a set, in the order of Bank Select MSB, LSB, and
Program Change.
Not received when Receive Bank Select in Native System Parameters is set to off.
1.2.2 Modulation
This message is used primarily to control the depth of vibrato, but the depth of the following
7 types of effect can be controlled.
The effect of this message can be changed by the following parameters.
• Multi Part Parameter
• Effect1 Parameter
(Valid when Variation Effect is assigned to a part as Insertion)
Control# Parameter Data Range
1 Modulation 0...127
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv MODULATION = OFF, that part will not receive Modulation.
If the receive channel is a drum part, effects 5 and 6 will not apply.
1.2.3 Portamento Time
This message controls the degree of Portamento (refer to 1.2.9).
Control# Parameter Data Range
5 Portamento Time 0...127
When Portamento (control number 065) is ON, this regulates the speed of the pitch
A value of 0 is the shortest portamento time, and 127 is the longest portamento time.
If the receive channel is a drum part, Portamento Time is not received.
1.2.4 Data Entry
This message sets the value of the parameter which was specified by RPN MSB/LSB (see
1.2.22) and NRPN MSB/LSB (see 1.2.21).
Control# Parameter Data Range
6 Data Entry MSB 0...127
38 Data Entry LSB 0...127
1.2.5 Main Volume
This message controls the volume of each part.
This is used to adjust the volume balance between parts.
Control# Parameter Data Range
7 Main Volume 0...127
When the Multi Part parameter Rcv VOLUME = OFF, that part will not receive Main
With a value of 0 there will be no sound, and a value of 127 will be the maximum volume.
1.2.6 Panpot
This message control the panning (stereo location) of each part.
Control# Parameter Data Range
10 Pan 0...64...127
When the Multi Part parameter Rcv PAN = OFF, that part will not receive Panpot.
0 is left, 64 is center, and 127 is right.
1.2.7 Expression
This message controls expression (dynamics within a musical line) for each part.
It is used to create volume changes during a song.
Control# Parameter Data Range
11 Expression 0...127
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv EXPRESSION = OFF, that part will not receive Expression.
1.2.8 Hold1
This message controls sustain pedal on/off.
Control# Parameter Data Range
64 Hold1 0...63,64...127
When this is ON, currently-sounding notes will continue to sound even if note-off
messages are received.
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv HOLD1 = OFF, that part will not receive Hold1.
1.2.9 Portamento
This message controls portamento on/off.
Control# Parameter Data Range
65 Portamento 0...63,64...127
When this is ON, the pitch will change smoothly between notes. The time over which the
pitch changes is adjusted by Portamento Time (see 1.2.3). Also, when the Multi Part
parameter MONO/POLY MODE = MONO, the tone will also change smoothly (legato) if
Portamento = ON.
If any of the following Multi Part parameter settings apply, that part will not receive
1.2.10 Sostenuto
This message controls sostenuto pedal on/off.
Control# Parameter Data Range
66 Sostenuto 0...63,64...127
If sostenuto is turned on while a note is sounding, that note will be sustained until
sostenuto is turned OFF.
Sostenuto for the specified part is not received when Rcv SOSTENUTO of the part in Multi
Part Parameters is set to off.
1.2.11 Soft Pedal
This message controls soft pedal on/off.
Control# Parameter Data Range
67 Soft Pedal 0...63,64...127
The sound will become mellower when Soft Pedal is ON.
If any of the following Multi Part parameter settings apply, that part will not receive the Soft
1.2.12 Harmonic Content
This message adjusts the resonance of the filter that is specified for the sound.
Control# Parameter Data Range
71 Harmonic Content 0...64...127
Since this is a relative change parameter, it specifies a boost or cut relative to 64.
Higher values will produce a more distinctive sound.
For some sounds, the effective range may be less than the possible range of settings.
1.2.13 Release Time
This message adjusts the EG release time that was specified by the sound data.
Control# Parameter Data Range
72 Release Time 0...64...127
Since this is a relative change parameter, it specifies an increase or decrease relative to
Increasing this value will lengthen the release that follows a note-off.
1.2.14 Attack Time
This message adjusts the EG attack time that was specified by the sound data.
Control# Parameter Data Range
73 Attack Time 0...64...127
Since this a relative change parameter, it specifies an increase or decrease relative to 64.
Increasing this value will make the attack more gradual, and decreasing this value will
make the attack sharper.
1.2.15 Brightness
This message adjusts the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter specified by the sound
Control# Parameter Data Range
74 Brightness 0...64...127
Since this is a relative change parameter, it specifies an increase or decrease relative to
Lower values will produce a more mellow sound.
For some sounds, the effective range may be less than the possible range of settings.
1.2.16 Portamento Control
This message specifies the portamento source key number (the key number at which
portamento will begin).
Data of 0...127 specifies the portamento source key.
When Portamento Control is received, the currently-sounding pitch will change at a
Portamento Time of 0 to the key of the next-received note-on of the same channel.
Control# Parameter Data Range
84 Portamento Control 0...127
This is received even if Rcv PORTAMENTO = OFF.
1.2.17 Effect1 Depth (Reverb Send Level)
This message specifies the send level for the reverb effect.
Control# Parameter Data Range
91 Effect1 Depth 0...127
Increasing this value will produce a richer reverb. The effect of the value will depend on the
state of the reverb effect.
1.2.18 Effect3 Depth (Chorus Send Level)
This message specifies the send level for the chorus effect.
Control# Parameter Data Range
93 Effect3 Depth 0...127
Raising this value will increase the modulation or spaciousness. The effect of the value will
depend on the state of the chorus effect.
1.2.19 Effect4 Depth (Variation Effect Send Level)
This message specifies the send level for the variation effect.
Control# Parameter Data Range
94 Effect4 Depth 0...127
However, this is not received if the Variation Effect parameter Variation Connection = 0
1.2.20 Data Increment/Decrement (for RPN)
This message increases or decreases the parameter value specified for RPN (see 1.2.22),
by increments of 1.
Control# Parameter Data Range
96 RPN Increment --
97 RPN Decrement --
The data byte is ignored.
1.2.21 NRPN (Non-registered parameter number)
This message is used to specify a sound parameter (such as vibrato, filter, EG, drum setup
etc.) as an offset value.
Use NRPN MSB and NRPN LSB to specify the parameter that you wish to modify, and
then use Data Entry (see 1.2.4) to set the value for the specified parameter.
Control# Parameter Data Range
98 NRPN LSB 0...127
99 NRPN MSB 0...127
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv NRPN = OFF, that part will not receive NRPN.
The following NRPN messages can be received.
MSB 14H - 1FH (for drums) is received when Multi Part parameter PART MODE =
DRUMS1, 2.
*1 Refer to 1.2.4
*2 '--' indicates that the setting value is ignored.
*3 Adjusts the time after the note is played until vibrato begins to take effect. The effect
will begin more quickly for higher values, and more slowly for higher values.
1.2.22 RPN (Registered parameter number)
This message is used to specify part parameters such as Pitch Bend Sensitivity or Tuning
etc. as an offset value.
Use RPN MSB and RPN LSB to specify the parameter that you wish to modify, and then
use Data Entry (see 1.2.4) to set the value of the specified parameter.
Control# Parameter Data Range
100 RPN LSB 0...127
101 RPN MSB 0...127
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv RPN = OFF, that part will not receive this message.
The following RPN messages can be received.
*1 Refer to 1.2.4
*2 '--' indicates that the setting value is ignored.
1.2.23 Assignable controller
By assigning a control change number of 0...95 to a part, the specified effect can be
This device allows two control change numbers (AC1 and AC2) to be specified for each
The following parameters specify the effect of AC1 and AC2.
• Multi Part Parameter
• Effect1 Parameter
(Valid if Variation Effect is assigned to a part as Insertion)
The AC1 control change number is specified by the Multi Part parameter AC1
CONTROLLER NUMBER, and the AC2 control change number is specified by the Multi
Data Entry
MSB LSB Parameter name and value range
01H 08H mm --
Vibrato rate
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 09H mm -- Vibrato depth
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 0AH mm --
Vibrato delay
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 20H mm -- Low pass filter cutoff frequency
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 21H mm -- Low pass filter resonance
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 63H mm -- EG attack time
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 64H mm -- EG decay time
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
01H 66H mm -- EG release time
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
14H rr mm -- Drum low pass filter cutoff frequency
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
15H rr mm -- Drum low pass filter resonance
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
16H rr mm -- Drum EG attack rate
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
17H rr mm -- Drum EG decay rate
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
The effect will apply both to Decay 1 and 2.
18H rr mm -- Drum instrument pitch coarse
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
19H rr mm -- Drum instrument pitch fine
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63)
1AH rr mm -- Drum instrument level
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 7FH (0...maximum)
1CH rr mm -- Drum instrument panpot
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H, 01H-40H-7FH (RND, L63...C...R63)
1DH rr mm -- Drum instrument reverb send level
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 7FH (0...maximum)
1EH rr mm -- Drum instrument chorus send level
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 7FH (0...maximum)
1FH rr mm -- Drum instrument variation send level
rr : drum instrument note number
mm : 00H - 7FH (0...maximum)
(when Variation Connection = SYSTEM)
mm : 00H, 01H-7FH (OFF, ON)
(when Variation Connection = INSERTION)
Data Entry
MSB LSB Parameter name and value range
00H 00H mm --
Pitch bend sensitivity
mm:00-18H (0...+24 semitones)
Specify up to 2 octaves in semitone steps\
00H 01H mm ll Fine tuning
mm ll: 00H 00H -100 cents
: :
mm ll: 40H 00H 0 cents
: :
mm ll: 7FH 7FH +100 cents
[Note] mm ll: 00H 7FH (= -87.5) cents is followed by 01H
00H (= -87.4) cents.
00H 02H mm -- Coarse tuning
mm:28H - 40H - 58H (-24...0...+24 semitones)
7FH 7FH -- -- RPN Null
This sets RPN and NRPN numbers to an unset state.
Internal data is not affected.
Data Entry
MSB LSB Parameter name and value range
1.3 Channel mode messages
These messages specify the basic operation of a part.
1.3.1 All Sound Off
This message silences all currently-sounding notes on the corresponding channel.
However, the settings of channel messages such as Hold 1 and Sostenuto will be
Control# Parameter Data Range
120 All Sound Off 0
1.3.2 Reset All Controllers
This message resets the following controllers to their default values.
The following data is not changed.
Parameter values specified by program change, bank select MSB/LSB, volume, pan, effect
send levels 1, 3, 4, RPN and NRPN.
Control# Parameter Data Range
121 Reset All Controllers 0
1.3.3 All Note Off
This message turns off all notes which are currently on for the corresponding part.
However, if Hold 1 or Sostenuto are on, notes will continue to sound until these are turned
Control# Parameter Data Range
123 All Note Off 0
1.3.4 Omni Off
Perform the same processing as when All Note Off is received.
Control# Parameter Data Range
124 Omni Off 0
1.3.5 Omni On
Perform the same processing as when All Note Off is received.
Control# Parameter Data Range
125 Omni On 0
1.3.6 Mono
Perform the same processing as when All Sound Off is received, and if the value (mono
number) is in the range of 0...16, set the corresponding channel to Mode4* (m = 1).
Control# Parameter Data Range
126 Mono 0...16
*Mode4 is a state in which only channel messages on the specified channel will be
received, and notes will be sounded individually (monophonically).
1.3.7 Poly
Perform the same processing as when All Sound Off is received, and set the
corresponding channel to Mode3*.
Control# Parameter Data Range
127 Poly 0
*Mode3 is when channel messages will be received only on the specified channel, and will
be sounded polyphonically.
1.4 Program change
This message reports sound selection changes and changes the program number of the
receiving channel.
In order to include changes to the voice bank, Program Change and Bank Select
messages must be sent as a set (see 1.2.1).
When RevPROGRAM CHANGE = OFF for Multi Part Parameter, the program change for
that part is not received.
Not received when Receive Program Change in Native System Parameters is set to off.
1.5 Pitch bend
This message conveys movements of the pitch bender.
This message is generally used to modify the pitch of a part, but the depth of the following
seven effects can be controlled.
The effect of this message can be modified by the following parameters.
• Multi Part Parameter
• Effect1 Parameter
(Valid when Variation Effect is assigned to a part as Insertion)
By default, the Pitch Control effect is applied.
If the receive channel is a drum part, effects 5 and 6 will not apply.
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv PITCH BEND CHANGE = OFF, that part will not receive
pitch bend messages.
1.6 Channel aftertouch (Receive only)
This message conveys the pressure which is applied to the keyboard after playing a note
in order to create tonal changes (for an entire MIDI channel).
The pressure can be controlled for each part. This message will affect the currently-
sounding notes.
The effect of this message will be determined by the settings of the following parameters.
• EMulti Part Parameter
• Effect1 Parameter
(Valid when the Variation Effect is assigned to a part as Insertion)
By default, there will be no effect.
If the receive channel is a drum part, effects 5 and 6 will not apply.
If the Multi Part parameter Rcv CHANNEL AFTER TOUCH = OFF, that part will not receive
Channel Aftertouch.
1.7 Polyphonic aftertouch (Receive only)
This message conveys the pressure that is applied to the keyboard after playing a note (for
individual note numbers).
The pressure can be controlled independently for each note. This message will affect
currently-sounding notes.
The effect of this message is determined by the following Multi Part parameters.
By default, there will be no effect.
The effect will apply to note numbers 36...97.
In the case of either of the following Multi Part parameter settings, that part will not receive
Polyphonic Aftertouch.
2. System exclusive messages
2.1 Parameter changes
This devices uses the following parameter changes.
1) Master Volume
1) General MIDI System On
1) XG System on
2) XG System parameter change
3) Multi Effect1 parameter change
4) Multi Part parameter change
5) Drums Setup parameter change
1) Native System parameter change
2) Remote Switch parameter change
3) Normal Voice parameter change
4) Drum Voice parameter change
1) Master tuning
Controller Value
Pitch bend change ±0 (center)
Channel Aftertouch 0 (off)
Polyphonic Aftertouch 0 (off)
Modulation 0 (off)
Expression 127 (maximum)
Hold 0 (off)
Portamento 0 (off)
Sostenuto 0 (off)
Soft pedal 0 (off)
Portamento control
Reset the portamento source note number that was received.
RPN Number unset, internal data is not affected.
NRPN Number unset, internal data is not affected.
2.1.1 Universal realtime messages Master Volume
11110000 F0H = Exclusive status
01111111 7FH = Universal Real Time
01111111 7FH = ID of target device
00000100 04H = Sub-ID #1=Device Control Message
00000001 01H = Sub-ID #2=Master Volume
*0sssssss SSH = Volume LSB
0ttttttt TTH = Volume MSB
11110111 F7H = End of Exclusive
11110000 F0H = Exclusive status
01111111 7FH = Universal Real Time
0xxxnnnn XNH = n:Device Number, x=don’t care
00000100 04H = Sub-ID #1=Device Control Message
00000001 01H = Sub-ID #2=Master Volume
0sssssss SSH = Volume LSB
0ttttttt TTH = Volume MSB
11110111 F7H = End of Exclusive
When this is received, the Volume MSB will be reflected by the System parameter
*The binary expression 0sssssss is expressed in hexadecimal as SSH. The same applies
2.1.2 Universal non-realtime messages General MIDI System On
11110000 F0H = Exclusive status
01111110 7EH = Universal Non-Real Time
01111111 7FH = ID of target device
00001001 09H = Sub-ID #1=General MIDI Message
00000001 01H = Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On
11110111 F7H = End of Exclusive
11110000 F0H = Exclusive status
01111110 7EH = Universal Non-Real Time
0xxxnnnn XNH = n:Device Number, x:don’t care
00001001 09H = Sub-ID #1=General MIDI Message
00000001 01H = Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On
11110111 F7H = End of Exclusive
When this message is received, the SOUND MODULE MODE is set to XG, and all MIDI
messages defined by GM will be received.
All data except for MIDI Master Tuning will be restored to the default value.
Since approximately 50[ms] is required in order to process this message, be sure to allow
an appropriate interval before sending the next message. Identity Request
11110000 F0H = Exclusive status
01111110 7EH = Universal Non-Real Time
0mmmmmmm MMH = Device Number
00000110 06H = Sub-ID #1=General Information
00000001 01H = Sub-ID #2=Identity Request
11110111 F7H = End of Exclusive
When this message is received, this device will transmit an Identity Reply message as
described in the following section2.1.2.3. Identity Reply
11110000 F0H = Exclusive status
01111110 7EH = Universal Non-Real Time
0mmmmmmm MMH = Device Number
00000110 06H = Sub-ID #1=General Information
00000010 02H = Sub-ID #2=Identity Reply
01000011 43H = YAMAHA ID
00000000 00H = Device Family Code LSB S03 ID #1
01000001 41H = Device Family Code MSB S03 ID #2
01110111 77H = Device Number Code LSB S03 ID #3
00000100 04H = Device Number Code MSB S03 ID #4
00000000 00H
00000000 00H
00000000 00H
00000001 01H = Tone Generator Code=XG
11110111 F7H = End of Exclusive
This device will transmit this message when it receives the Identity Request message of
2.1.3 XG parameter change
This message sets XG-related parameters. Each message can set a single parameter.
The message format is as follows.
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1NH N:device Number
01001100 4CH Model ID
0ggggggg GGH Address High
0mmmmmmm MMH Address Mid
0lllllll LLH Address Low
0sssssss SSH Data
: :
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
For parameters whose Data Size is 2 or 4, the appropriate amount of data will be
transmitted as indicated by Size XG System On
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1NH N:device Number
01001100 4CH Model ID
00000000 00H Address High
00000000 00H Address Mid
01111110 7EH Address Low
00000000 00H Data
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
When On is received, the SOUND MODULE MODE will be set to XG.
Since approximately 50[ms] are required in order to execute this message, please allow an
appropriate interval before transmitting the next message. XG System parameter change
This message sets the XG SYSTEM block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-2>). Multi Effect1 parameter change
This message sets the MULTI EFFECT1 block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-4>).
The S03 responds to this message only when it is set to the Multi mode. Multi Part parameter change
This message sets the MULTI PART block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-5>).
The S03 responds to this message only when it is set to the Multi mode. Drums Setup parameter change
This message sets the DRUMS SETUP block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-6>).
The S03 responds to this message only when it is set to the Multi mode.
2.1.4 S03 native parameter change
This message sets parameters unique to the S03. Each message sets a single parameter.
Each message modifies a single parameter.
The message format is as follows.
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1NH N:device Number
01101100 6CH Model ID
0ggggggg GGH Address High
0mmmmmmm MMH Address Mid
0lllllll LLH Address Low
0sssssss SSH Data
: :
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
For parameters whose Data Size is 2 or 4, the number of data bytes indicated by Size are
transmitted. Native System parameter change
This message sets the NATIVE SYSTEM block (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-3>). Remote Switch parameter change
This message sets the REMOTE SWITCH block(refer to tables <2-1>, <2-5>). Normal Voice parameter change
This message sets the NORMAL VOICE (Edit Buffer) block (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-9>,
The S03 responds to this message only when it is set to the Voice mode. Drum Voice parameter change
This message sets the Drum VOICE (Edit Buffer) block (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-11>, <2-
The S03 responds to this message only when it is set to the Voice mode.
2.1.5 Other parameter changes Master tuning
This message simultaneously modifies the tuning of all channels.
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1NH N:device Number
00100111 27H Model ID
00110000 30H Address High
00000000 00H Address Mid
00000000 00H Address Low
0000mmmm 0MH Master Tune MSB
0000llll 0LH Master Tune LSB
0xxxxxxx XXH don’t care
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
Normally, the XG SYSTEM message MASTER TUNE should be used (refer to table <1-
2.2 Bulk dump
This device uses the following bulk dump messages.
1) XG System bulk dump
2) System Information bulk dump
3) Multi Effect1 bulk dump
4) Multi Part bulk dump
5) Drums Setup bulk dump
1) Native System bulk dump
2) Bulk Control bulk dump
3) Native Multi bulk dump
4) Normal Voice bulk dump
5) Drum Voice bulk dump
2.2.1 XG bulk dump
This message sets XG-related parameters. Unlike parameter change messages, a single
message can modify multiple parameters. The message format is as follows.
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0000nnnn 0NH N:Device Number
01001100 4CH Model ID
0sssssss SSH ByteCountMSB
0ttttttt TTH ByteCountLSB
0ggggggg GGH Address High
0mmmmmmm MMH Address Mid
0lllllll LLH Address Low
0vvvvvvv VVH Data
: :
0kkkkkkk KKH Check-sum
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
Address and Byte Count are given in tables 1-n. Byte Count is indicated by the total size of
the Data in tables 1-n.
Bulk dump and dump request messages are received when the beginning of the block is
specified as the 'Address'.
'Block' indicates the unit of the data string that is indicated in tables 1-n as 'Total size'.
Check sum is the value that produces a lower 7 bits of 0 when the Start Address, Byte
Count, Data, and the Check-sum itself are added. XG System bulk dump
This message sets the XG SYSTEM block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-2>). System Information bulk dump
This message indicates the contents of the SYSTEM INFORMATION block (refer to tables
<1-1>, <1-3>).
This message is transmitted in response to a Dump Request, but this message will be
ignored if it is received. Multi Effect1 bulk dump
This message sets the MULTI EFFECT1 block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-4>). Multi Part bulk dump
This message sets the MULTI PART block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-5>). Drums Setup bulk dump
This message sets the DRUMS SETUP block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-6>).
2.2.2 S03 native bulk dump
This message modifies parameters unique to the S03.Unlike parameter change
messages, a single message will modify multiple parameters.
The message format is as follows.
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0000nnnn 0NH N:Device Number
01101100 6CH Model ID
0sssssss SSH ByteCountMSB
0ttttttt TTH ByteCountLSB
0ggggggg GGH Address High
0mmmmmmm MMH Address Mid
0lllllll LLH Address Low
0vvvvvvv VVH Data
: :
0kkkkkkk KKH Check-sum
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
Address and Byte Count are given in tables x-n. Byte Count is indicated by the total size of
the Data in tables x-n.
Bulk dump and dump request messages are received when the beginning of the block is
specified as the 'Address'.
Block indicates the unit of the data string that is indicated in tables x-n as 'Total size'.
Check sum is the value that produces a lower 7 bits of 0 when the Start Address, Byte
Count, Data, and the Check-sum itself are added. Native System bulk dump
This message sets the NATIVE SYSTEM block (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-2>, <2-3>). Bulk Control bulk dump
Bulk Control bulk dump This message sets the parameters such as Multi Number, Memory
Bank and Voice Number when the Native Multi bulk dump, Normal Voice bulk dump or
Drum Voice Bulk dump is received (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-2>, <2-4>). Native Multi bulk dump
This message sets the NATIVE MULTI block (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-2>, <2-6>, <2-7>,
To receive this message, the Bulk Header and Bulk Footer of Bulk Control must be
received before and after reception, respectively.
The Bulk Header determines the Multi number to which the data is stored. Normal Voice bulk dump
This message sets the NORMAL VOICE block (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-2>, <2-9>, <2-
To receive this message, the Bulk Header and Bulk Footer of Bulk Control must be
received before and after reception, respectively.
The Bulk Header determines the Memory Bank/Voice number to which the data is stored. Drum Voice bulk dump
This message sets the NORMAL VOICE block (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-2>, <2-11>, <2-
To receive this message, the Bulk Header and Bulk Footer of Bulk Control must be
received before and after reception, respectively.
The Bulk Header determines the Memory Bank/Voice number to which the data is stored.
2.3 Parameter request
This message requests transmission of a parameter value.
The output is transmitted in the Parameter Change message format (refer to 2.1.x).
2.3.1 XG parameter request
This message requests transmission of XG parameter settings.
Settings are transmitted in the format of an XG parameter change (refer to 2.1.3).
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 3NH N:device Number
01001100 4CH Model ID
0ggggggg GGH Address High
0mmmmmmm MMH Address Mid
0lllllll LLH Address Low
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
2.3.2 S03 native parameter request
This message requests transmission of a parameter value unique to the S03.
The output is transmitted in the format of a S03 native parameter change (refer to 2.1.4).
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 3NH N:device Number
01101100 6CH Model ID
0ggggggg GGH Address High
0mmmmmmm MMH Address Mid
0lllllll LLH Address Low
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
2.4 Dump request
This message requests transmission of a specific block of parameter values.
The output is the same as the bulk dump format.
2.4.1 XG dump request
This message requests transmission of all parameters of the specified block of XG
The output is the same as the format of XG bulk dump (refer to 2.2.1).
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 2NH N:device Number
01001100 4CH Model ID
0ggggggg GGH Address High
0mmmmmmm MMH Address Mid
0lllllll LLH Address Low
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
Address is valid only when the beginning of the block has been specified.
2.4.2 S03 native dump request
This message requests transmission of all parameters of the specified block of S03 native
The output is in the same format as an S03 native bulk dump (refer to 2.2.2).
11110000 F0H Exclusive status
01000011 43H YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 2NH N:device Number
01101100 6CH Model ID
0ggggggg GGH Address High
0mmmmmmm MMH Address Mid
0lllllll LLH Address Low
11110111 F7H End of Exclusive
Address is valid only when the beginning of the block has been specified.
No System Exclusive Message is received when the Compare function is active.
3. Realtime messages
3.1 Active sensing
a) Transmission
Transmitted at every 270 msec.
b) Receive
Once FE has been received, failure to receive any MIDI message for an interval longer
than approximately 300 msec will cause processing to be performed as if ALL SOUND
OFF, ALL NOTE OFF, and RESET ALL CONTROLLERS messages were received, and
the unit will reset to a condition in which FE was never received.
MIDI Data Table
Bank Select
Available Bank Select/Program Change
*1 Refer to Voice List
<Table 1 - 1>
XG Parameter Base Address
The S03 responds to the message “MODEL ID = 4C” only when in the Multi mode.
<Table 1 - 2>
MIDI Parameter Change table (XG SYSTEM)
<Table 1 - 3>
MIDI Parameter Change table (SYSTEM INFORMATION)
Transmitted in response to Dump Request. Not received.
<Table 1 - 4>
MIDI Parameter Change table (EFFECT)
MSB (HEX) LSB (HEX) Program No. Type Memory Description
0 00 *1 0 - 127
Normal Voice
64 40 0 00 *1
126 7E 0 00 0 - 1
Drum Voice
127 7F 0 00 *1
63 3F 0 00 0 - 127
Normal Voice
63 3F 8 08 0 - 127 User
63 3F 40 28 0 - 1 Drum Voice User
63 3F 64 40 0 - 127 Multi User
Effective only when in the Multi mode
Parameter Description Remarks
(H) (M) (L)
00 00 00 XG System
00 00 7D Drum Setup Reset Receives parameter change only
00 00 7E XG System On Receives parameter change only
00 00 7F All Parameter Reset Receives parameter change only
INFORMATION 01 00 00 System Information Receives dump request only
EFFECT 1 02 01 00 Effect1 (Reverb, Chorus, Variation )
08 00 00 Multi Part 1
08 0F 00 Multi Part 16
30 0D 00 Drum Setup 1
31 0D 00 Drum Setup 2
Address Parameter
3n 0D 00 note number 13
3n 0E 00 note number 14
3n 5B 00 note number 91
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
00 00 00 4 00 - 0F MASTER TUNE -102.4...0...+102.3[cent] 00 04 00 00
01 00 - 0F 1st bit3-0bit15-12
02 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8
03 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4
4th bit3-0bit3-0
04 1 00 - 7F MASTER VOLUME 0...127 7F
05 1 not used
06 1 28 - 58 TRANSPOSE -24...0...+24 [semitones] 40
7D 1 N DRUM SETUP RESET N: Drum setup number (0,1) --
00=XG system ON (receive
7F 1 00 ALL PARAMETER RESET 00=ON (receive only) --
Address Size Data Parameter Description
(H) (H) (H)
01 00 00 E 20 - 7F Model Name 1 32...127(ASCII CHARACTER)
0D 20 - 7F Model Name 14 32...127 (ASCII CHARACTER)
0E 1 00 - 7F XG Level 1
0F 1 00 - 7F XG Level 2
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
02 01 00 2 00 - 7F REVERB TYPE MSB Refer to Effect Type List 01(=HALL1)
02 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 1 12(depends on reverb type)
03 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 2 0A()
04 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 3 08()
05 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 4 0D()
06 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 5 31()
07 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 6 00()
08 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 7 00()
09 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 8 00()
0A 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 9 00()
0B 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 10 00(")
0C 1 00 - 7F REVERB RETURN -dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 40
0D 1 01 - 7F REVERB PAN L63...C...R63 40
02 01 10 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 11 Refer to Effect Parameter List 00(depends on reverb type)
11 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 12 04()
12 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 13 32()
13 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 14 08()
14 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 15 40()
15 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 16 00()
02 01 20 2 00 - 7F CHORUS TYPE MSB Refer to Effect Type List 41(=CHORUS1)
22 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 1 06(depends on chorus type)
23 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 2 36()
24 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 3 4D()
25 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 4 6A()
26 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 5 00()
27 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 6 1C()
28 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 7 40()
29 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 8 2E()
2A 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 9 40()
2B 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 10 40()
2C 1 00 - 7F CHORUS RETURN -dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 40
2D 1 01 - 7F CHORUS PAN L63...C...R63(1...64...127) 40
2E 1 00 - 7F
-dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 00
02 01 30 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 11 Refer to Effect Type List 2E(depends on chorus type)
31 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 12 40()
32 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 13 0A()
33 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 14 00()
34 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 15 00()
35 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 16 00()
02 01 40 2 00 - 7F VARIATION TYPE MSB Refer to Effect Type List 05(=DELAY L, C, R)
42 2 00 - 7F
1A(depends on variation type)
00 - 7F
44 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
46 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
48 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
4A 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
4C 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
4E 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
50 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
52 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
54 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
56 1 00 - 7F VARIATION RETURN -dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 40
57 1 01 - 7F VARIATION PAN L63...C...R63(1...64...127) 40
58 1 00 - 7F
-dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 00
59 1 00 - 7F
-dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 00
5C 1 00 - 7F
-64...0...+63 40
5D 1 00 - 7F
-64...0...+63 40
5E 1 00 - 7F
-64...0...+63 40
5F 1 00 - 7F
-64...0...+63 40
60 1 00 - 7F
-64...0...+63 40
02 01 70 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 11 Refer to Effect Parameter List
00(depends on variation type)
71 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 12 3C()
72 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 13 1C()
73 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 14 40()
74 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 15 2E()
75 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 16 40()
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
<Table 1 - 5>
MIDI Parameter Change table (MULTI PART)
nn = PART NUMBER(00 - 0F)
In the case of DRUM PART, the following parameters will have no effect.
<Table 1 - 6>
MIDI Parameter Change table (DRUM SETUP)
rr = NOTE NUMBER(0D - 5B)
In the following cases, the S03 will initialize all Drum Setups.
XG SYSTEM ON received
GM SYSTEM ON received
DRUM SETUP RESET received (the designated Drum Setup only when in XG mode)
When a part to which a Drum Setup is assigned receives a program change, the assigned
Drum Setup will be initialized.
If the same Drum Setup is assigned to two or more parts, changes in Drum Setup parame-
ters (including program changes) will apply to all parts to which it is assigned.
<Table 2 - 1>
Native Parameter Base Address
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
08 nn 00 1 00 - 20 ELEMENT RESERVE 0...64 part10 = 0
other parts = 2
01 1 00 - 7F BANK SELECT MSB 0...127 part10 = 7F
other parts =0
02 1 00 - 7F BANK SELECT LSB 0...127 00
03 1 00 - 7F PROGRAM NUMBER 1...128 00
04 1
00-0F, 7F
Rcv CHANNEL A1...A16, OFF Part No.
05 1 00 - 01 MONO/POLY MODE MONO, POLY 01
06 1 00 - 02 SAME NOTE NUMBER
07 1 00 - 03 PART MODE NORMAL, DRUM, DRUMS1 Part10=2
other parts=0
08 1 28 - 58 NOTE SHIFT -24...0...+24[semitones] 40
09 2 00 - 0F DETUNE -12.8...0...+12.7[Hz] 08 00
0A 00 - 0F 1st bit3-0bit7-4
2nd bit3-0bit3-0
0B 1 00 - 7F VOLUME 0...127 64
0C 1 00 - 7F VELOCITY SENSE DEPTH 0...127 40
0D 1 00 - 7F
0...127 40
0E 1 00 - 7F PAN RND, L63...C...R63 40
0F 1 00 - 7F NOTE LIMIT LOW C-2...G8 00
10 1 00 - 7F NOTE LIMIT HIGH C-2...G8 7F
11 1 00 - 7F DRY LEVEL 0...127 7F
12 1 00 - 7F CHORUS SEND 0...127 00
13 1 00 - 7F REVERB SEND 0...127 28
14 1 00 - 7F VARIATION SEND 0...127 00
15 1 00 - 7F VIBRATO RATE -64...0...+63 40
16 1 00 - 7F VIBRATO DEPTH -64...0...+63 40(drum part ignores)
17 1 00 - 7F VIBRATO DELAY -64...0...+63 40(drum part ignores)
18 1 00 - 7F
-64...0...+63 40
19 1 00 - 7F
-64...0...+63 40
1A 1 00 - 7F EG ATTACK TIME -64...0...+63 40
1B 1 00 - 7F EG DECAY TIME -64...0...+63 40
1C 1 00 - 7F EG RELEASE TIME -64...0...+63 40
1D 1 28 - 58 MW PITCH CONTROL -24...0...+24[semitones] 40
1E 1 00 - 7F
-9600...0...+9450[cent] 40
1F 1 00 - 7F
-100...0...+100[%] 40
20 1 00 - 7F MW LFO PMOD DEPTH 0...127 0A
21 1 00 - 7F MW LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
22 1 00 - 7F MW LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
23 1 28 - 58 BEND PITCH CONTROL -24...0...+24[semitones] 42
24 1 00 - 7F
-9600...0...+9450[cent] 40
25 1 00 - 7F
-100...0...+100[%] 40
26 1 00 - 7F BEND LFO PMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
27 1 00 - 7F BEND LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
28 1 00 - 7F BEND LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
08 nn 30 1 00 - 01 Rcv PITCH BEND OFF, ON 01
31 1 00 - 01
OFF, ON 01
32 1 00 - 01 Rcv PROGRAM CHANGE OFF, ON 01
33 1 00 - 01 Rcv CONTROL CHANGE OFF, ON 01
34 1 00 - 01
OFF, ON 01
35 1 00 - 01 Rcv NOTE MESSAGE OFF, ON 01
36 1 00 - 01 Rcv RPN OFF, ON 01
37 1 00 - 01 Rcv NRPN OFF, ON XGmode=01, GMmode=00
38 1 00 - 01 Rcv MODURATION OFF, ON 01
39 1 00 - 01 Rcv VOLUME OFF, ON 01
3A 1 00 - 01 Rcv PAN OFF, ON 01
3B 1 00 - 01 Rcv EXPRESSION OFF, ON 01
3C 1 00 - 01 Rcv HOLD1 OFF, ON 01
3D 1 00 - 01 Rcv PORTAMENTO OFF, ON 01
3E 1 00 - 01 Rcv SOSTENUTO OFF, ON 01
3F 1 00 - 01 Rcv SOFT PEDAL OFF, ON 01
40 1 00 - 01 Rcv BANK SELECT OFF, ON XGmode=01, GMmode=00
41 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING C -64...0...+63[cent] 40
42 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING C# -64...0...+63[cent] 40
43 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING D -64...0...+63[cent] 40
44 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING D# -64...0...+63[cent] 40
45 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING E -64...0...+63[cent] 40
46 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING F -64...0...+63[cent] 40
47 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING F# -64...0...+63[cent] 40
48 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING G -64...0...+63[cent] 40
49 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING G# -64...0...+63[cent] 40
4A 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING A -64...0...+63[cent] 40
4B 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING A# -64...0...+63[cent] 40
4C 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING B -64...0...+63[cent] 40
4D 1 28 - 58 CAT PITCH CONTROL -24...0...+24[semitones] 40
4E 1 00 - 7F
-9600...0...+9450[cent] 40
4F 1 00 - 7F
-100...0...+100[%] 40
50 1 00 - 7F CAT LFO PMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
51 1 00 - 7F CAT LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
52 1 00 - 7F CAT LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
53 1 28 - 58 PAT PITCH CONTROL -24...0...+24[semitones] 40
54 1 00 - 7F
-9600...0...+9450[cent] 40
55 1 00 - 7F
-100...0...+100[%] 40
56 1 00 - 7F PAT LFO PMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
57 1 00 - 7F PAT LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
58 1 00 - 7F PAT LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
59 1 00 - 5F
0...95 10
5A 1 28 - 58 AC1 PITCH CONTROL -24...0...+24[semitones] 40
5B 1 00 - 7F
-9600...0...+9450[cent] 40
5C 1 00 - 7F
-100...0...+100[%] 40
5D 1 00 - 7F AC1 LFO PMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
5E 1 00 - 7F AC1 LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
5F 1 00 - 7F AC1 LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
60 1 00 - 5F
0...95 11
61 1 28 - 58 AC2 PITCH CONTROL -24...0...+24[semitones] 40
62 1 00 - 7F
-9600...0...+9450[cent] 40
63 1 00 - 7F
-100...0...+100[%] 40
64 1 00 - 7F AC2 LFO PMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
65 1 00 - 7F AC2 LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
66 1 00 - 7F AC2 LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
68 1 00 - 7F PORTAMENTO TIME 0...127 00
69 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG INITIAL LEVEL -64...0...+63 40
6A 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG ATTACK TIME -64...0...+63 40
6B 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG RELEASE LEVEL -64...0...+63 40
6C 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG RELEASE TIME -64...0...+63 40
6D 1 01 - 7F VELOCITY LIMIT LOW 1...127 01
6E 1 01 - 7F VELOCITY LIMIT HIGH 1...127 7F
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
3n rr 00 1 00 - 7F PITCH COARSE -64...0...+63 40
01 1 00 - 7F PITCH FINE -64...0...+63[cent] 40
02 1 00 - 7F LEVEL 0...127 depend on the note
03 1 00 - 7F ALTERNATE GROUP OFF, 1...127
04 1 00 - 7F PAN RND, L63...C...R63
05 1 00 - 7F REVERB SEND 0...127
06 1 00 - 7F CHORUS SEND 0...127
07 1 00 - 7F VARIATION SEND 0...127 7F
08 1 00 - 01 KEY ASSIGN SINGLE, MULTI 00
09 1 00 - 01 Rcv NOTE OFF OFF, ON depend on the note
0A 1 00 - 01 Rcv NOTE ON OFF, ON 01
0B 1 00 - 7F
-64...0...63 40
0C 1 00 - 7F
-64...0...63 40
0D 1 00 - 7F EG ATTACK RATE -64...0...63 40
0E 1 00 - 7F EG DECAY1 RATE -64...0...63 40
0F 1 00 - 7F EG DECAY2 RATE -64...0...63 40
Parameter Description Remarks
(H) (M) (L)
NATIVE SYSTEM 00 00 00 Native System
REMOTE SWITCH 0A 00 00 Remote Switch Receives parameter change only
BULK CONTROL 0E 00 00 Header Bulk dump only
0F 00 00 Footer
MULTI COMMON 30 00 00 Multi Common
MULTI EFFECT 30 01 00 Multi Effect Bulk dump only
MULTI PART 31 00 00 Multi Part 1 Bulk dump only
31 0F 00 Multi Part 16
40 00 00 Normal Voice Common
41 00 00 Normal Voice Element 1
41 03 00 Normal Voice Element 4
DRUM VOICE COMMON 46 00 00 Drum Voice Common
DRUM VOICE KEY 47 0D 00 Drum Voice Key
Address Parameter
47 0D 00 note number 13
47 0E 00 note number 14
47 5B 00 note number 91
<Table 2 - 2>
Bulk Dump Block
<Table 2 - 3>
MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE SYSTEM)
<Table 2 - 4>
MIDI Parameter Change table (BULK CONTROL)
<Table 2 - 5>
MIDI Parameter Change table (REMOTE SWITCH)
<Table 2 - 6>
MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE MULTI COMMON)
<Table 2 - 7>
MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE MULTI EFFECT)
Parameter Block Description Byte Count Top Address
Dec Hex H M L
NATIVE SYSTEM Native System 22 16 00 00 00
NATIVE MULTI Bulk Header 0 00 0E mm nn
COMMON Common 13 0B 30 00 00
EFFECT Reverb Parameter 20 14 30 01 00
Chorus Parameter 53 35 30 01 20
Variation Parameter 103 67 30 01 40
PART Multi Part1 43 2B 31 00 00
: 16 Blocks : : : :
Multi Part16 43 2B 31 0F 00
Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn
NATIVE NORMAL VOICE Bulk Header 0 00 0E mm nn
COMMON Common1 12 0C 40 00 00
Common2 33 21 40 00 10
ELEMENT Element1 106 6A 41 00 00
Element2 106 6A 41 01 00
Element3 106 6A 41 02 00
Element4 106 6A 41 03 00
ELEMENT OPTION Element Option1 52 34 42 00 00
Element Option2 52 34 42 01 00
Element Option3 52 34 42 02 00
Element Option4 52 34 42 03 00
Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn
NATIVE DRUM VOICE Bulk Header 0 00 0E mm nn
COMMON Common 10 0A 46 00 00
KEY Key C#-1 16 10 47 0D 00
: 79 Blocks : : : :
Key G5 16 10 47 5B 00
Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
00 00 00 1 00 - 60 MW Transmit Control Number 0...95(0,32=off), AT(96) 01
01 1 00 - 60 FC Transmit Control Number 0...95(0,32=off), AT(96) 10
02 1 00 - 61 FS Transmit Control Number
0...95(0,32=off), PC INC(96),
PC DEC(97)
03 1 00 - 01 Voice Mode Controller Reset Hold, Reset 01
04 1 00 - 01 Local Switch off, on 01
05 1 00 - 10 Receive Channel 1...16, omni 10
06 1 00 - 0F Transmit Channel 1...16 00
07 1 00 - 01 Receive Program Change off, on 01
08 1 00 - 01 Receive Bank Select off, on 01
09 1 00 - 01
Transmit Program Change
off, on 01
0A 1 00 - 01 Transmit Bank Select off, on 01
0B 1 3D - 43 Octave Shift -3 ...+3 40
0C 1 35 - 4B Keyboard Transpose -11... +11 40
0D 1 00 - 05 Velocity Curve
normal, soft1, soft2, easy,
wide, hard
0E 1 00 - 7F Fixed Velocity off,1...127 00
0F 1 00 - 01 Voice Effect Bypass off, on 00
10 1 00 - 5F
Voice Mode AC1 Control
0...95 00
11 1 00 - 07 Thru Port 1...8 00
12 4 00 MASTER TUNE -102.4...0...+102.3[cent] 00 04 00 00
13 00 - 07 1st bit3-0bit15-12
14 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8
15 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4
4th bit3-0bit3-0
Address Size Data Parameter Description
(H) (H) (H)
0E 00 nn 0 - Bulk Header Normal Voice PRESET (nn = 0 - 127)
08 nn 0 - Normal Voice USER (nn = 0 - 127)
0F nn 0 - Normal Voice Edit Buffer (nn = 0)
28 nn 0 - Drum Voice USER (nn = 0 - 1)
2F nn 0 - Drum Voice Edit Buffer (nn = 0)
40 nn 0 - Multi USER (nn = 0 - 31)
41 nn 0 - Multi Edit Buffer (nn=0)
7F nn 0 - Drum Voice S03 Kit (nn = 120 - 127)
0F 00 nn 0 - Bulk Footer Normal Voice PRESET (nn = 0 - 127)
08 nn 0 - Normal Voice USER (nn = 0 - 127)
0F nn 0 - Normal Voice Edit Buffer (nn = 0)
28 nn 0 - Drum Voice USER (nn = 0 - 1)
2F nn 0 - Drum Voice Edit Buffer (nn = 0)
40 nn 0 - Multi USER (nn = 0 - 31)
41 nn 0 - Multi Edit Buffer (nn=0)
7F nn 0 - Drum Voice S03 Kit (nn = 120 - 127)
Address Size Data Parameter Description
(H) (H) (H)
0A 00 00 1 01 MULTI on
01 1 01 VOICE on
02 1 01 DEMO on
03 1 01 UTILITY on
04 1 01 MIDI on
05 1 01 EDIT on
06 1 01 JOB on
07 1 01 STORE on
08 1 01 PART PLUS on
09 1 01 PART MINUS on
0A 1 01 PART PLUS + MINUS on
0B 1 01 INC/YES on
0C 1 01 DEC/NO on
0D 1 01 PAGE UP on
0E 1 01 PAGE DOWN on
0F 1 01 LEFT on
10 1 01 RIGHT on
11 1 01 OCT DOWN on
12 1 01 OCT UP on
13 1 01 OCT DOWN + UP on
14 1 01 ENTER on
15 1 01 EXIT on
17 1 01 PRESET on
18 1 01 USER on
19 1 01 GM/XG on
1A 1 01 DRUM + USER on
1B 1 01 DRUM + GM/XG on
1C 1 01 0 on
1D 1 01 1 on
1E 1 01 2 on
1F 1 01 3 on
20 1 01 4 on
21 1 01 5 on
22 1 01 6 on
23 1 01 7 on
24 1 01 8 on
25 1 01 9 on
26 1 01 MINUS on
27 1 01 MUTE on
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
30 00 00 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 1 32...127(ASCII) 49 ('I')
01 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 2 32...127(ASCII) 6E ('n')
02 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 3 32...127(ASCII) 69 ('i')
03 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 4 32...127(ASCII) 74 ('t')
04 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 5 32...127(ASCII) 20 (' ')
05 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 6 32...127(ASCII) 4D ('M')
06 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 7 32...127(ASCII) 6C ('l')
07 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 8 32...127(ASCII) 74 ('t')
08 1 00 - 10 Multi Category
0, 2...16(--, PF, OR, GT, BA,
00 ('--')
09 1 00 - 7F Multi Volume 0...127 7F
0A 1 28 - 58 Multi Transpose -24...+24 40
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
30 01 00 2 00 - 7F REVERB TYPE MSB Refer to Effect Program List 01(=HALL1)
02 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 1 12(depends on reverb type)
03 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 2 0A()
04 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 3 08()
05 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 4 0D()
06 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 5 31()
07 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 6 00()
08 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 7 00()
09 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 8 00()
0A 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 9 00()
0B 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 10 00()
0C 1 00 - 7F REVERB RETURN -dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 40
0D 1 01 - 7F REVERB PAN L63...C...R63 40
0E 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 11 Refer to Effect Parameter List 00(depends on reverb type)
0F 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 12 04()
10 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 13 32()
11 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 14 08()
12 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 15 40()
13 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 16 00()
30 01 20 2 00 - 7F CHORUS TYPE MSB Refer to Effect Program List 41(=CHORUS1)
22 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 1 06(depends on chorus type)
23 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 2 36()
24 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 3 4D()
25 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 4 6A()
<Table 2 - 8>
MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE MULTI PART)
nn = PART NUMBER(00 - 0F)
<Table 2 - 9>
MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE NORMAL
<Table 2 - 10>
MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE NORMAL
26 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 5 00()
27 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 6 1C()
28 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 7 40()
29 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 8 2E()
2A 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 9 40()
2B 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 10 40()
2C 1 00 - 7F CHORUS RETURN -dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 40
2D 1 01 - 7F CHORUS PAN L63...C...R63(1...64...127) 40
2E 1 00 - 7F
-dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 00
2F 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 11 Refer to Effect Parameter List 2E(depends on chorus type)
30 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 12 40()
31 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 13 0A()
32 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 14 00()
33 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 15 00()
34 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 16 00()
30 01 40 2 00 - 7F VARIATION TYPE MSB Refer to Effect Program List 05(=DELAY L, C, R)
42 2 00 - 7F
1A(depends on variation type)
00 - 7F
44 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
46 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
48 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
4A 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
4C 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
4E 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
50 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
52 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
54 2 00 - 7F
00 - 7F
56 1 00 - 7F VARIATION RETURN -dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 40
57 1 01 - 7F VARIATION PAN L63...C...R63(1...64...127) 40
58 1 00 - 7F
-dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 00
59 1 00 - 7F
-dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 00
5B 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PART NUMBER Part1...16(0...15) 7F
5C 1 00 - 7F
-64...0...+63 40
5D 1 40 not used 40
5E 1 40 not used 40
5F 1 00 - 7F
-64...0...+63 40
60 1 40 not used 40
61 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 11 Refer to Effect Parameter List
00(depends on variation type)
62 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 12 3C()
63 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 13 1C()
64 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 14 40()
65 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 15 2E()
66 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 16 40()
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
31 nn 00 1 00 - 7F BANK SELECT MSB 0...127 part10 = 7F
other parts=0
01 1 00 - 7F BANK SELECT LSB 0...127 00
02 1 00 - 7F PROGRAM NUMBER 1...128 00
03 1
00-0F, 7F
Rcv CHANNEL A1...A16, OFF Part No.
04 1 00 - 01 MONO/POLY MODE MONO , POLY 01
05 1 00 - 03 PART MODE
other parts=0
06 1 28 - 58 NOTE SHIFT -24...0...+24[semitones] 40
07 2 00 - 0F DETUNE -12.8...0...+12.7[Hz] 08 00
08 00 - 0F 1st bit3-0bit7-4
2nd bit3-0bit3-0
09 1 00 - 7F VOLUME 0...127 64
0A 1 00 - 7F VELOCITY SENSE DEPTH 0...127 40
0B 1 00 - 7F
0...127 40
0C 1 00 - 7F PAN RND, L63...C...R63 40
0D 1 00 - 7F NOTE LIMIT LOW C-2...G8 00
0E 1 00 - 7F NOTE LIMIT HIGH C-2...G8 7F
0F 1 00 - 7F CHORUS SEND 0...127 00
10 1 00 - 7F REVERB SEND 0...127 28
11 1 00 - 7F VARIATION SEND 0...127 00
12 1 00 - 7F VIBRATO RATE -64...0...+63 40
13 1 00 - 7F VIBRATO DEPTH -64...0...+63 40(drum part ignores)
14 1 00 - 7F VIBRATO DELAY -64...0...+63 40(drum part ignores)
15 1 00 - 7F
-64...0...+63 40
16 1 00 - 7F
-64...0...+63 40
17 1 00 - 7F EG ATTACK TIME -64...0...+63 40
18 1 00 - 7F EG DECAY TIME -64...0...+63 40
19 1 00 - 7F EG RELEASE TIME -64...0...+63 40
1A 1 00 - 7F
-9600...0...+9450[cent] 40
1B 1 00 - 7F MW LFO PMOD DEPTH 0...127 0A
1C 1 00 - 7F MW LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
1D 1 00 - 7F MW LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
1E 1 28 - 58 BEND PITCH CONTROL -24...0...+24[semitones] 42
1F 1 00 - 5F
0...95 10
20 1 00 - 7F
-9600...0...+9450[cent] 40
21 1 00 - 7F AC1 LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
22 1 00 - 7F AC1 LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00
24 1 00 - 7F PORTAMENTO TIME 0...127 00
25 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG INITIAL LEVEL -64...0...+63 40
26 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG ATTACK TIME -64...0...+63 40
27 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG RELEASE LEVEL -64...0...+63 40
28 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG RELEASE TIME -64...0...+63 40
29 1 01 - 7F VELOCITY LIMIT LOW 1...127 01
2A 1 01 - 7F VELOCITY LIMIT HIGH 1...127 7F
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
40 00 00 2 00 - 01 Total Level 01 7F(0:Min)...00 00(127:Max) 00 00
01 00 - 7F
02 1 00 - 0F Element Switch
bit0: element1... bit3: element4
(0:off, 1:on)
03 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 1 32...127(ASCII) 49 ('I')
04 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 2 32...127(ASCII) 6E ('n')
05 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 3 32...127(ASCII) 69 ('i')
06 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 4 32...127(ASCII) 74 ('t')
07 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 5 32...127(ASCII) 20 (' ')
08 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 6 32...127(ASCII) 56 ('V')
09 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 7 32...127(ASCII) 63 ('c')
0A 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 8 32...127(ASCII) 65 ('e')
0B 1 00 - 10 Voice Category
0, 2...16(--, PF, OR, GT, BA,
00 ('--')
40 00 10 2 00 - 7F Variation Type MSB Refer to Effect Program List 05(=DELAY L, C, R)
00 - 7F Variation Type LSB 00
12 2 00 - 7F Variation Param 1 MSB
1A(depends on variation type)
00 - 7F Variation Param 1 LSB 05()
14 2 00 - 7F Variation Param 2 MSB 0D()
00 - 7F Variation Param 2 LSB 03()
16 2 00 - 7F Variation Param 3 MSB 27()
00 - 7F Variation Param 3 LSB 08()
18 2 00 - 7F Variation Param 4 MSB 27()
00 - 7F Variation Param 4 LSB 08()
1a 2 00 - 7F Variation Param 5 MSB 00()
00 - 7F Variation Param 5 LSB 4A()
1c 2 00 - 7F Variation Param 10 MSB 00()
00 - 7F Variation Param 10 LSB 20()
1e 1 00 - 7F MW Variation Control -64...0...+63 40
1f 1 00 - 7F AC1 Variation Control -64...0...+63 40
20 1 00 - 7F Send Chorus To Reverb 0...127 00
21 1 00 - 01 Mono/Poly MONO, POLY 01
22 1 00 - 7F Total Volume 0...127 7F
23 1 00 - 7F Velocity Sense Depth 0...127 40
24 1 00 - 7F Velocity Sense Offset 0...127 40
25 1 00 - 7F Chorus Send 0...127 00
26 1 00 - 7F Reverb Send 0...127 28
27 1 00 - 7F MW Filter Control -64...0...+63 40
28 1 00 - 7F MW PMod Depth 0...127 0A
29 1 00 - 7F MW FMod Depth 0...127 00
2a 1 00 - 7F MW AMod Depth 0...127 00
2b 1 28 - 58 Pitch Bend Range -24...0...+24 42
2c 1 00 - 7F AC1 Filter Control -64...0...+63 40
2d 1 00 - 7F AC1 FMod Depth 0...127 00
2e 1 00 - 7F AC1 AMod Depth 0...127 00
2f 1 00 - 01 Portament Switch OFF, ON 00
30 1 00 - 7F Portamento Time 0...127 00
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
41 ee 00 2 00 - 01 Element Level 0...255 00
01 00 - 7F 7F
02 2 00 - 02 Wave Number 1...453 00
03 00 - 7F 1D
04 1 00 - 7F Pan Scale, L63...C...R63 40
05 1 00 - 01 Level Scaling Flag Brk.p, Table 00
06 1 00 - 7F Level Scaling BP1 C-2...G8 18
07 1 00 - 7F Level Scaling BP2 C-2...G8 30
08 1 00 - 7F Level Scaling BP3 C-2...G8 60
09 1 00 - 7F Level Scaling BP4 C-2...G8 6C
0A 2 00 - 01 Level Scaling Offset1 -128...+0...+127 00
0B 00 - 7F 00
0C 2 00 - 01 Level Scaling Offset2 -128...+0...+127 00
0D 00 - 7F 00
0E 2 00 - 01 Level Scaling Offset3 -128...+0...+127 00
0F 00 - 7F 00
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
ee = ELEMENT NUMBER(00 - 03)
<Table 2 - 11>
MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE DRUM
<Table 2 - 12>
MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE DRUM
rr = NOTE NUMBER(0D - 5B)
10 2 00 - 01 Level Scaling Offset4 -128...+0...+127 00
11 00 - 7F 00
12 1 00 - 7F Note Limit Low C-2...G8 00
13 1 00 - 7F Note Limit High C-2...G8 7F
14 1 01 - 7F Velocity Limit Low 1...127 01
15 1 01 - 7F Velocity Limit High 1...127 7F
16 1 01 - 7F Note Shift -63...0...+63 40
17 1 01 - 7F Detune -63...0...+63 40
18 1 00 - 05 Pitch Scaling Sensitivity
100%, 50%, 20%, 10%, 5%, 0%
19 1 00 - 7F Pitch Scaling Center C-2...G8 3C
1A 1 00 - 02 LFO Wave Saw, Tri, S&H 01
1B 1 00 - 01 LFO Phase Init OFF, ON 01
1C 1 00 - 3F LFO Speed 0...63 1F
1D 1 00 - 7F PLFO Delay 0...127 00
1E 1 00 - 7F PLFO Fade Time 0...127 00
1F 1 00 - 7F LFO Pmod Depth 0...127 00
20 1 00 - 7F LFO Fmod Depth 0...127 00
21 1 00 - 7F LFO Amod Depth 0...127 00
22 1 39 - 47 PEG Level Velocity Sensitivity -7...+0...+7 40
23 1 39 - 47 PEG Rate Velocity Sensitivity -7...+0...+7 40
24 1 39 - 47 PEG Rate Scaling Sensitivity -7...+0...+7 40
25 1 00 - 7F
PEG Rate Scaling Center
C-2...G8 3C
26 1 00 - 3F PEG Attack Rate 0...63 00
27 1 00 - 3F PEG Decay1 Rate 0...63 00
28 1 00 - 3F PEG Decay2 Rate 0...63 00
29 1 00 - 3F PEG Release Rate 0...63 00
2A 2 2D - 52 PEG Initial Level -2400...+0...+2400 40
2B 00 - 7F 00
2C 2 2D - 52 PEG Attack Level -2400...+0...+2400 40
2D 00 - 7F 00
2E 2 2D - 52 PEG Decay1 Level -2400...+0...+2400 40
2F 00 - 7F 00
30 2 2D - 52 PEG Decay2 Level -2400...+0...+2400 40
31 00 - 7F 00
32 2 2D - 52 PEG Release Level -2400...+0...+2400 40
33 00 - 7F 00
34 2 00 - 0F Filter Cutoff Frequency 0...2047 0F
35 00 - 7F 7F
36 1 00 - 3F Filter Resonance 0...63 06
37 1 00 - 01 Filter Cutoff Scaling Flag Brk.p, Table 00
38 1 00 - 7F Filter Cutoff Scaling BP1 C-2...G8 18
39 1 00 - 7F Filter utoff Scaling BP2 C-2...G8 30
3A 1 00 - 7F Filter Cutoff Scaling BP3 C-2...G8 60
3B 1 00 - 7F Filter Cutoff Scaling BP4 C-2...G8 6C
3C 2 00 - 01 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset1 -128...+0...+127 00
3D 00 - 7F 00
3E 2 00 - 01 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset2 -128...+0...+127 00
3F 00 - 7F 00
40 2 00 - 01 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset3 -128...+0...+127 00
41 00 - 7F 00
42 2 00 - 01 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset4 -128...+0...+127 00
43 00 - 7F 00
44 1 00 - 0f
Filter Cutoff Scaling
0...15 00
45 1 00 - 0f Cutoff Velocity Sensitivity 0...15 00
46 1 00 - 7F FEG Hold Rate 0...127 00
47 1 00 - 7F FEG Attack Rate 0...127 00
48 1 00 - 7F FEG Decay1 Rate 0...127 00
49 1 00 - 7F FEG Decay2 Rate 0...127 00
4A 1 00 - 7F FEG Release Rate 0...127 00
4B 2 30 - 4F FEG Initial Level -2047...+0...+2047 40
4C 00 - 7F 00
4D 2 30 - 4F FEG Attack Level -2047...+0...+2047 40
4E 00 - 7F 00
4F 2 30 - 4F FEG Decay1 Level -2047...+0...+2047 40
50 00 - 7F 00
51 2 30 - 4F FEG Decay2 Level -2047...+0...+2047 40
52 00 - 7F 00
53 2 30 - 4F FEG Release Level -2047...+0...+2047 40
54 00 - 7F 00
55 1 00 - 0F FEG Rate Scaling Sensitivity 0...15 00
56 1 00 - 0F
Filter Scaling Velocity Sensitivity
0...15 00
57 1 00 - 0F
Resonance Velocity Sensitivity
0...15 00
58 1 39 - 47
FEG Attack Rate Velocity
-7...+0...+7 40
59 1 39 - 47
FEG Other Rate Velocity
-7...+0...+7 40
5A 1 00 - 0f Keyon Delay 0...15 00
5B 1 00 - 7F AEG Attack Rate 0...127 7F
5C 1 00 - 7F AEG Decay1 Rate 0...127 00
5D 1 00 - 7F AEG Decay2 Rate 0...127 00
5E 1 - not used - -
5F 1 00 - 7F AEG Release Rate 0...127 50
60 2 00 - 01 AEG Initial Level 01 7F(0:Min)...00 00(255:Max) 00
61 00 - 7F 00
62 2 00 - 01 AEG Decay Level 01 7F(0:Min)...00 00(255:Max) 00
63 00 - 7F 00
64 2 00 - 01 AEG Sustain Level 01 7F(0:Min)...00 00(255:Max) 00
65 00 - 7F 00
66 1 00 - 0F Level Scaling Sensitivity 0...15 00
67 1 00 - 0F AEG Rate Scaling Sensitivity 0...15 00
68 1 00 - 0F AEG Level Velocity Sensitivity 0...15 00
69 1 00 - 0F
AEG Attack Rate Velocity
0...15 00
42 ee 00 4 00 - 0F Level Scaling Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0bit15-12 00
01 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8 00
02 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4 06
03 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0bit3-0 00
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
04 4 00 - 0F Scaling Pan Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0bit15-12 00
05 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8 00
06 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4 00
07 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0bit3-0 05
08 4 00 - 0F Tuning Curve Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0bit15-12 0f
09 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8 0f
0A 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4 0f
0B 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0bit3-0 0f
0C 4 00 - 0F Cutoff Scaling Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0bit15-12 0f
0D 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8 0f
0E 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4 0f
0F 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0bit3-0 0f
10 4 00 - 0F
Cutoff Velocity Curve Table
0...65535, 1st bit3-0bit15-12 00
11 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8 00
12 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4 00
13 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0bit3-0 01
14 4 00 - 0F
FEG Rate Scaling Table Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0bit15-12 00
15 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8 00
16 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4 00
17 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0bit3-0 07
18 4 00 - 0F
FEG Depth Velocity Curve
Table Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0bit15-12 00
19 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8 00
1A 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4 00
1B 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0bit3-0 01
1C 4 00 - 0F
Resonance Velocity Curve
Table Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0bit15-12 00
1D 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8 00
1E 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4 00
1F 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0bit3-0 02
20 4 00 - 0F
FEG Rate Velocity Table Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0bit15-12 00
21 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8 00
22 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4 00
23 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0bit3-0 03
24 4 00 - 0F
AEG Level Scaling Table Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0bit15-12 00
25 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8 00
26 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4 06
27 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0bit3-0 00
28 4 00 - 0F
AEG Rate Scaling Table Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0bit15-12 00
29 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8 00
2A 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4 00
2B 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0bit3-0 07
2C 4 00 - 0F
AEG Level Velocity Table Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0bit15-12 00
2D 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8 00
2E 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4 00
2F 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0bit3-0 01
30 4 00 - 0F
AEG Rate Velocity Table Number
0...65535, 1st bit3-0bit15-12 00
31 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0bit11-8 00
32 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0bit7-4 00
33 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0bit3-0 01
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
46 00 00 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 1 32...127(ASCII) 49 ('I')
01 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 2 32...127(ASCII) 6E ('n')
02 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 3 32...127(ASCII) 69 ('i')
03 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 4 32...127(ASCII) 74 ('t')
04 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 5 32...127(ASCII) 20 (' ')
05 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 6 32...127(ASCII) 4B ('K')
06 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 7 32...127(ASCII) 69 ('i')
07 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 8 32...127(ASCII) 74 ('t')
08 1 00 - 10 Voice Category
0, 2...16(--, PF, OR, GT, BA,
00 ('--')
09 1 00 - 13 Original Kit 01(StandKit) ...20(SFX Kit2) 00
Address Size Data Parameter Description Default value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
47 rr 00 1 00 - 7F Pitch Coarse -64...0...+63(semitones) 40
01 1 00 - 7F Pitch Fine -64...0...+63(cent) 40
02 1 00 - 7F Level 0...127 depend on the note
03 1 00 - 7F Alternate Group 0ff, 1..127 depend on the note
04 1 00 - 7F Pan Random, L63..C..R63 depend on the note
05 1 00 - 7F Reverb Send 0...127 depend on the note
06 1 00 - 7F Chorus Send 0...127 depend on the note
07 1 - not used - --
08 1 00 - 01 Key Assign Single, Multi 00
09 1 00 - 01 Receve Note Off OFF, ON depend on the note
0a 1 00 - 01 Receive Note On OFF, ON 01
0b 1 00 - 7F Filter Cutoff Frequency 0...127 7F
0c 1 00 - 7F Filter Resonance 0...63 10
0d 1 00 - 7F EG Attack Rate 0...127 7F
0e 1 00 - 7F EG Decay1 Rate 0...127 40
0f 1 00 - 7F EG Decay2 Rate 0...127 40
TransmittedFunction... Recognized Remarks
Number : True voice
Pitch Bend
Change : True #
System Exclusive
Common : Song Pos.
: Song Sel.
: Tune
System : Clock
Real Time : Commands
: All Sound Off
Aux :
: Local ON/OFF
Mes- : All Notes OFF
sages: Active Sense
: Reset
Note ON
Note OFF
1 - 16
1 - 16
Ø 9nH,v=1-127
˛ 9nH,v=0
Ø *3
0 - 127
*1 receive if switch is on.
*2 m is always treated as "1" regardless of its value.
*3 though the keyboard itself has no after touch,
after touch data can be transmitted from MW and FC
when after touch is assigned to the controllers.
0 - 127
Mode 1 : OMNI ON , POLY Mode 2 : OMNI ON ,MONO
1 - 16
1 - 16
Ø 9nH,v=1-127
Ø *1
Ø *1
Ø *1
Ø *1
Ø *1
Ø *1
Ø *1
Ø *1
Ø *1
Ø *1
Ø *1
Ø *1
Ø (120,126,127)
Ø (121)
Ø (123-125)
1 - 4(m=1) *2
0 - 127
0 - 127
Ø 0-24 semi *1
Ø : Yes
˛ : No
YAMAHA [ Music Synthesizer ] Date :27-DEC-2000
Model S03 MIDI Implementation Chart Version : 1.0
Bank Select
Data Entry
Sound Controller
Portamento Cntrl
Effect Depth
RPN Inc,Dec
Assignable Cntrl
Ø 0 - 127
0 - 127


DATA LIST Table of Contents S03 S03 Normal Normal Voice Voice List List XG XG Normal Normal Voice Voice List List Drum Drum Voice Voice List List Wave Wave List List Original Original Kit Kit List List Multi Multi List List Control Control List List Effect Effect Type Type List List Effect Effect Parameter Parameter List List Effect Effect Data Data Assign Assign Table Table MIDI MIDI Data Data Format Format MIDI MIDI Data Data Table Table MIDI MIDIImplementation ImplementationChart Chart 2 2 4 4 8 8 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 16 16 18 18 23 23 28 28 This document is printed on chlorine free (ECF) paper with soy ink. M.D.G., Pro Audio & Digital Musical Instrument Division, Yamaha Corporation © 2001 Yamaha Corporation V654610 101MWCP3.3-01A0 Printed in Japan DATEN-LISTE LISTE DE DONNÉES S03 Normal Voice List PRESET Bank Select MSB=63, LSB=0 No. Category Voice Name Variation Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Pf Cp Cp Cp Cp Cp Cp Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or StPiano1 StPiano2 WarmStPf Dark Pf Mono Pf Dance Pf Pf+Road Pf+DxEp StPf+Str StPf+Pad Honky Pf Montuno Brite Pf CP80 FlangeCP CP80+DX NtrlRoad SoftRoad Mid Road CrstRoad StereoEP Pan EP PhaserEP Wurli AmpWurli AtkWurli Fulltine TX816 ToneBars Urban DX Dream EP DXEP+Pad Dx+Road CP30 Wah EP GranHrps PhazClav Wah Clav CrystBel PetitBel ST Bell MeloVibe EurpTubl Kalimba Rock Full 4 Feet FastOrgn Drive Warm Swish Ballad Gospel Soul TopBotom Slow Cool ! 4 Bars 4Bar+Prc RockPerc JazzPerc Dist BassWalk Falf 2Band EQ 2Band EQ Early Ref1 3Band EQ 3Band EQ 2Band EQ Celeste1 Chorus1 2Band EQ 2Band EQ 3Band EQ Gate Reverb 3Band EQ 3Band EQ Flanger1 Celeste1 3Band EQ 3Band EQ 3Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ Auto Pan Phaser1 2Band EQ Amp Simulator Celeste4 3Band EQ Chorus1 3Band EQ 3Band EQ Auto Pan 2Band EQ 3Band EQ Phaser2 Auto Wah Early Ref1 Phaser2 Auto Wah Symphonic Chorus2 Delay L.C.R Tremolo Echo Early Ref2 Rotary Speaker Rotary Speaker Rotary Speaker Rotary Speaker 2Band EQ Celeste1 2Band EQ Celeste1 Rotary Speaker Phaser2 Celeste4 Rotary Speaker Room2 Rotary Speaker Rotary Speaker Celeste4 No Effect OverDrive Rotary Speaker Amp Simulator Element Switch 1 2 3 4 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on 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Overture Small Quartet CelloSol Solo Bow Pizz Oct OrchHarp Symphony Filharmo Tape Str Oooo OooAah OohLR OooWarm Mixed 5thVoice SwellChr CmpChoir Itopia Padpia BriteSec Warm Sec Big Sect SmallSec 7th 11th FrenchHr Real&Syn Solo Tp SoloMute MeloSop Alto SoftTnr NtrHarmo AndesPan Amp Simulator 2Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ Hall1 3Band EQ 3Band EQ 2Band EQ Early Ref1 Echo Amp Simulator OverDrive Amp Simulator Amp Simulator Auto Wah 2Band EQ Amp Simulator Amp Simulator 2Band EQ OverDrive Distortion Flanger1 Chorus3 Flanger1 Celeste1 2Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ Early Ref2 Early Ref2 2Band EQ 2Band EQ 3Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ Chorus4 Flanger3 Flanger3 No Effect Chorus4 Phaser1 2Band EQ Chorus4 Chorus4 2Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ Gate Reverb Gate Reverb Room2 2Band EQ Early Ref1 Reverse Gate Delay L.R 3Band EQ OverDrive Delay L.R Delay L.R Element Switch 1 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on 2 3 4 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on USER Bank Select MSB=63, LSB=8 No. Category Voice Name Variation Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 St St St St St St St St Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Pd Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Br Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Synth St Pro-Ana AnaStrg1 AnaStrg2 SynCh&St Rich Oct SynSymph Solings Over Pad Soft Syn Pulse JunePad SoftSaw CSBrssPd Warmer Unstable Sine Pad Tri Pad Silent 4D-Space Sunbeams Expand SoliPhaz Bright Fantasia FingOrgn OuterSpc Whisper DigiAna ObrDrone GrandP&M Crystal CS80 VntgAna1 VntgAna2 SquSaw WarmSyn Reso Syn Dark Syn Over Hrn J Stabs Pure Syn NewRoman Oct Syn Syn Tp EleSynBs CS Unisn DX Hard Mg Funk J Square Min Ana Min Fat Wound Smooth PhatRamp Happy Travel Phat50% HipOct1 HipOct2 DarkHip Maximum FunkVox BottomUp 2Band EQ Phaser2 2Band EQ 2Band EQ Flanger3 2Band EQ Gate Reverb Symphonic Chorus4 2Band EQ Phaser1 2Band EQ Chorus1 Delay L.R Chorus2 Chorus4 Chorus4 Delay L.R Phaser2 Phaser2 Chorus3 Chorus1 Phaser1 Celeste2 3Band EQ Flanger1 Chorus1 Flanger2 Symphonic 2Band EQ 3Band EQ 2Band EQ Symphonic Early Ref1 Gate Reverb 2Band EQ 2Band EQ Echo 3Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ Delay L.R Symphonic Echo Delay L.R Phaser1 2Band EQ Flanger1 2Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ Chorus1 3Band EQ 3Band EQ 3Band EQ Phaser2 3Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ 2Band EQ Distortion 2Band EQ 2Band EQ Element Switch 1 2 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on 3 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on 4 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on 3 No. Category Voice Name Variation Type 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Ld Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Sc Sc Sc Sc Sc Sc Sc Sc Sc Sc Sc Sc Sc Sc Sc Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Dr Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Saw DarkSync BritSync SP Sync Porta Ld Squ-Mono Pulse Reminis Magical BritReso LandMoon DigiVox LowCut! Dgtalian SynHarmo WarmSolo DistReso GranBlue Spiral Phantom Emperor TimeTrvl EastWind Ripple Maya GlassChr Electro Jet Aqua TinMellw Ancient Cloudy SynPfCmp SynBrCmp SynVcCmp SynMalet SynMrmba SynCrstl UrbnGard SynVox Oriental WoodyCmp PulseSeq HappyVox FMClkOrg FM Compy Pianet Big Hit Industry Scream Spring Haunted SpceShip Increase a Blow Fire BassPerc PianoCmb EG Combo IndiaSet AsianSet JamicSet AfrcaSet MdEstSet Delay L.C.R Phaser1 Echo 3Band EQ Delay L.R Delay L.R Phaser1 Echo Echo Chorus4 Flanger1 3Band EQ 3Band EQ 3Band EQ Delay L.R Delay L.R Distortion Delay L.R Flanger Flanger3 Chorus4 Flanger2 Celeste4 Phaser2 2Band EQ Chorus4 Phaser1 Phaser2 Celeste4 Delay L.R Cross Delay Chorus2 Delay L.R Early Ref1 Dealy L.R Echo Echo Celeste1 Reverse Gate Echo Echo Delay L.C.R Delay L.R Cross Delay 2Band EQ Early Ref1 Flanger3 Gate Reverb Phaser2 Distortion Flanger3 Delay L.R Phaser1 Distortion Distortion Distortion 2Band EQ Gate Reverb Early Ref1 Early Ref2 Early Ref2 Early Ref2 Early Ref1 Gate Reverb Element Switch 1 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on 2 3 4 on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on XG Normal Voice List Bank Select MSB=00, LSB=Bank Number KSP Instrument Group Piano Chromatic Percussion Organ Guitar Bass Strings Ensemble Brass Reed Pipe Synth Lead Synth Pad Synth Effects Ethnic Percussive Sound Effects Pgm# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Bank 0 Bank Select LSB=00 Acoustic Grand Piano Bright Acoustic Piano Electric Grand Piano Honky-tonk Piano Electric Piano 1 Electric Piano 2 Harpsichord Clavi Celesta Glockenspiel Music Box Vibraphone Marimba Xylophone Tubular Bells Dulcimer Drawbar Organ 1 Percussive Organ Rock Organ Church Organ 1 Reed Organ Accordion Hamonica Tango Accordion Acoustic Guitar (nylon) 1 Acoustic Guitar (steel) Electric Guitar (jazz) Electric Guitar (clean) Electric Guitar (muted) Overdriven Guitar Distortion Guitar Guitar Harmonics Acoustic Bass Electric Bass (finger) Electric Bass (pick) Fretless Bass Slap Bass 1 Slap Bass 2 Synth Bass 1 Synth Bass 2 Violin Viola Cello Contrabass Tremolo Strings Pizzicato Strings Orchestral Harp Timpani String Ensemble 1 String Ensemble 2 Synth Strings 1 Synth Strings 2 Choir Aahs Voice Oohs Synth Voice Orchestra Hit Trumpet Trombone Tuba Muted Trumpet French Horn Brass Section 1 Synth Brass 1 Synth Brass 2 Soprano Sax Alto Sax Tenor Sax Baritone Sax Oboe English Horn Bassoon Clarinet Piccolo Flute Recorder Pan Flute Blown Bottle Shakuhachi Whistle Ocarina Lead 1 (square) Lead 2 (sawtooth) Lead 3 (calliope) Lead 4 (chiff) Lead 5 (charang) Lead 6 (voice) Lead 7 (fifths) Lead 8 (bass+lead) Pad 1 (new age) Pad 2 (warm) Pad 3 (polysynth) Pad 4 (choir) Pad 5 (bowed) Pad 6 (metallic) Pad 7 (halo) Pad 8 (sweep) FX 1 (rain) FX 2 (soundtrack) FX 3 (crystal) FX 4 (atmosphere) FX 5 (brightness) FX 6 (goblins) FX 7 (echoes) FX 8 (sci-fi) Sitar Banjo Shamisen Koto Kalimba Bagpipe Fiddle Shanai Tinkle Bell Agogo Steel Drums Woodblock Taiko Drum Melodic Tom 1 Synth Drum Reverse Cymbal Guitar Fret Noise Breath Noise Seashore Bird Tweet Telephone Ring Helicopter Applause Gunshot : Same as Bank 0 Bank 0 E GrandPno BritePno El.Grand HnkyTonk E.Piano1 E.Piano2 Harpsi. Clavi. Celesta Glocken MusicBox Vibes Marimba Xylophon TubulBel Dulcimer DrawOrgn PercOrgn RockOrgn ChrchOrg ReedOrgn Acordion Harmnica TangoAcd NylonGtr SteelGtr Jazz Gtr CleanGtr Mute.Gtr Ovrdrive Dist.Gtr GtrHarmo Aco.Bass FngrBass PickBass Fretless SlapBas1 SlapBas2 SynBass1 SynBass2 Violin Viola Cello Contrabs Trem.Str Pizz.Str Harp Timpani Strings1 Strings2 Syn.Str1 Syn.Str2 ChoirAah VoiceOoh SynVoice Orch.Hit Trumpet Trombone Tuba Mute.Trp Fr. Horn BrasSect SynBrss1 SynBrss2 SprnoSax Alto Sax TenorSax Bari.Sax Oboe Eng.Horn Bassoon Clarinet Piccolo Flute Recorder PanFlute Bottle Shakhchi Whistle Ocarina SquareLd Saw Ld CaliopLd Chiff Ld CharanLd Voice Ld Fifth Ld Bass&Ld NewAgePd Warm Pad PolySyPd ChoirPad BowedPad MetalPad Halo Pad SweepPad Rain SoundTrk Crystal Atmosphr Bright Goblins Echoes Sci-Fi Sitar Banjo Shamisen Koto Kalimba Bagpipe Fiddle Shanai TnklBell Agogo SteelDrm Woodblok TaikoDrm MelodTom Syn Drum RevCymbl FretNoiz BrthNoiz Seashore Tweet Telphone Helicptr Applause Gunshot 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 : No sound Bank 1 Stereo E GrndPnoK BritPnoK ElGrPnoK HnkyTnkK El.Pno1K El.Pno2K Harpsi.K Clav K 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Vibes K MarimbaK 1 1 Bank 3 Single E Bank 6 Slow E Bank 8 Fast Decay E Bank 12 Double Attack E Bank 14 Bright E Bank 16 NylonGt2 SteelGt2 MelloSBa S.Strngs S.SlwStr 2 2 S.Choir 2 FrHrSolo 1 Seq Bass Slow Vln 1 SlwTrStr 1 Slow Str LegatoSt 1 2 Bank 17 E Bank 18 Rsonant E MelloGrP 1 MelloEP1 2 Bank 19 E Bank 20 Attack E Bank 24 E 70sPcOr1 2 1 AcidBass 1 Arco Str 2 2 PolyBrss 2 2 HeavySyn 2 SynthAah 2 1 1 2 Ch.Aahs2 2 Trumpet2 1 BriteTrp Tuba 2 1 MelloGtr 1 FingrDrk 2 SynBa1Dk ClkSynBa 1 2 SynBa2Dk FastResB 1 2 Trmbone2 2 Soft Brs 2 Hollow Dyna Saw 1 Shroud 1 Digi Saw 1 Quack Br SquarLd2 Saw Ld 2 Dark E 1 LMSquare 1 ThickSaw 2 RezSynBr 2 2 Big&Low 2 ThickPad 2 Soft Pad 2 Sine Pad 2 2 Big Lead 2 Shwimmer SynDrCmp Echoes 2 2 2 Popcorn Echo Pan E : Element number 4 2 2 TinyBell WarmAtms 2 2 HollwRls 2 2 Release Instrument Group Piano Chromatic Percussion Organ Guitar Bass Strings Ensemble Brass Reed Pipe Synth Lead Synth Pad Synth Effects Ethnic Percussive Sound Effects Pgm# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Bank 0 Bank Select LSB=00 Acoustic Grand Piano Bright Acoustic Piano Electric Grand Piano Honky-tonk Piano Electric Piano 1 Electric Piano 2 Harpsichord Clavi Celesta Glockenspiel Music Box Vibraphone Marimba Xylophone Tubular Bells Dulcimer Drawbar Organ 1 Percussive Organ Rock Organ Church Organ 1 Reed Organ Accordion Hamonica Tango Accordion Acoustic Guitar (nylon) 1 Acoustic Guitar (steel) Electric Guitar (jazz) Electric Guitar (clean) Electric Guitar (muted) Overdriven Guitar Distortion Guitar Guitar Harmonics Acoustic Bass Electric Bass (finger) Electric Bass (pick) Fretless Bass Slap Bass 1 Slap Bass 2 Synth Bass 1 Synth Bass 2 Violin Viola Cello Contrabass Tremolo Strings Pizzicato Strings Orchestral Harp Timpani String Ensemble 1 String Ensemble 2 Synth Strings 1 Synth Strings 2 Choir Aahs Voice Oohs Synth Voice Orchestra Hit Trumpet Trombone Tuba Muted Trumpet French Horn Brass Section 1 Synth Brass 1 Synth Brass 2 Soprano Sax Alto Sax Tenor Sax Baritone Sax Oboe English Horn Bassoon Clarinet Piccolo Flute Recorder Pan Flute Blown Bottle Shakuhachi Whistle Ocarina Lead 1 (square) Lead 2 (sawtooth) Lead 3 (calliope) Lead 4 (chiff) Lead 5 (charang) Lead 6 (voice) Lead 7 (fifths) Lead 8 (bass+lead) Pad 1 (new age) Pad 2 (warm) Pad 3 (polysynth) Pad 4 (choir) Pad 5 (bowed) Pad 6 (metallic) Pad 7 (halo) Pad 8 (sweep) FX 1 (rain) FX 2 (soundtrack) FX 3 (crystal) FX 4 (atmosphere) FX 5 (brightness) FX 6 (goblins) FX 7 (echoes) FX 8 (sci-fi) Sitar Banjo Shamisen Koto Kalimba Bagpipe Fiddle Shanai Tinkle Bell Agogo Steel Drums Woodblock Taiko Drum Melodic Tom 1 Synth Drum Reverse Cymbal Guitar Fret Noise Breath Noise Seashore Bird Tweet Telephone Ring Helicopter Applause Gunshot : Same as Bank 0 Bank 0 GrandPno BritePno El.Grand HnkyTonk E.Piano1 E.Piano2 Harpsi. Clavi. Celesta Glocken MusicBox Vibes Marimba Xylophon TubulBel Dulcimer DrawOrgn PercOrgn RockOrgn ChrchOrg ReedOrgn Acordion Harmnica TangoAcd NylonGtr SteelGtr Jazz Gtr CleanGtr Mute.Gtr Ovrdrive Dist.Gtr GtrHarmo Aco.Bass FngrBass PickBass Fretless SlapBas1 SlapBas2 SynBass1 SynBass2 Violin Viola Cello Contrabs Trem.Str Pizz.Str Harp Timpani Strings1 Strings2 Syn.Str1 Syn.Str2 ChoirAah VoiceOoh SynVoice Orch.Hit Trumpet Trombone Tuba Mute.Trp Fr. Horn BrasSect SynBrss1 SynBrss2 SprnoSax Alto Sax TenorSax Bari.Sax Oboe Eng.Horn Bassoon Clarinet Piccolo Flute Recorder PanFlute Bottle Shakhchi Whistle Ocarina SquareLd Saw Ld CaliopLd Chiff Ld CharanLd Voice Ld Fifth Ld Bass&Ld NewAgePd Warm Pad PolySyPd ChoirPad BowedPad MetalPad Halo Pad SweepPad Rain SoundTrk Crystal Atmosphr Bright Goblins Echoes Sci-Fi Sitar Banjo Shamisen Koto Kalimba Bagpipe Fiddle Shanai TnklBell Agogo SteelDrm Woodblok TaikoDrm MelodTom Syn Drum RevCymbl FretNoiz BrthNoiz Seashore Tweet Telphone Helicptr Applause Gunshot : No sound E Bank 25 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 Harpsi.2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 NylonGt3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 WaspySyn 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Rezo Sweep E Bank 27 Muted E Bank 28 Detune 1 E Bank 32 Detune 2 E Bank 33 Det.CP80 2 Chor.EP1 Chor.EP2 2 2 DX Hard Detune 3 E Bank 34 2 DXLegend Octave 1 E Bank 35 Bank 36 5th 1 E Bank 37 5th 2 E Bank 38 Bend E 2 2 Harpsi.3 ClaviWah Octave 2 E Bank 39 Tutti E Bank 40 E PianoStr 2 LayerCP1 2 HardEl.P DX Phase 2 2 16+2"2/3 2 2 2 DetDrwOr DetPrcOr 2 60sDrOr1 2 Lite Org ChurOrg3 2 AccordIt Harmo. 2 2 2 Jazz Amp ChorusGt 2 2 2 60sDrOr2 2 Dulcimr2 2 70sDrOr1 2 2 DrawOrg2 2 60sDrOr3 PercOrg2 2 Even Bar 2 2 ChurOrg2 2 NotreDam Puff Org 2 2 12StrGtr 2 Nyln&Stl 2 2 FlangeBa 2 MutePkBa ResoSlap 1 Fretles2 PunchThm 2 Fretles3 2 SmthSynB 2 2 Fretles4 2 JazzRthm Ba&DstEG 2 2 TechnoBa ModulrBa 2 2 2 60sStrng 2 2 Susp.Str 2 YangChin 2 Orchestr Warm Str 2 2 2 MelChoir Warm Trp SynBrss3 2 FeedbkGt 1 Clv Bass Reso Str FunkGtr1 2 2 OrchHit2 2 Tp&TbSec 2 2 Prologue 2 FrHorn 2 1 JumpBrss 2 DetSitar MuteBnjo 2 SyVoice2 2 BrssSec2 2 2 HornOrch 2 Converge ChoirStr 2 1 E : Element number 5 Big Five 2 RndGlock 2 Sitar 2 2 2 SynBrss4 2 Sax Sect BrthTnSx 2 2 PulseSaw 2 GlockChi Nylon EP 2 2 Velo-Switch Instrument Group Piano Chromatic Percussion Organ Guitar Bass Strings Ensemble Brass Reed Pipe Synth Lead Synth Pad Synth Effects Ethnic Percussive Sound Effects Pgm# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Bank 0 Bank Select LSB=00 Acoustic Grand Piano Bright Acoustic Piano Electric Grand Piano Honky-tonk Piano Electric Piano 1 Electric Piano 2 Harpsichord Clavi Celesta Glockenspiel Music Box Vibraphone Marimba Xylophone Tubular Bells Dulcimer Drawbar Organ 1 Percussive Organ Rock Organ Church Organ 1 Reed Organ Accordion Hamonica Tango Accordion Acoustic Guitar (nylon) 1 Acoustic Guitar (steel) Electric Guitar (jazz) Electric Guitar (clean) Electric Guitar (muted) Overdriven Guitar Distortion Guitar Guitar Harmonics Acoustic Bass Electric Bass (finger) Electric Bass (pick) Fretless Bass Slap Bass 1 Slap Bass 2 Synth Bass 1 Synth Bass 2 Violin Viola Cello Contrabass Tremolo Strings Pizzicato Strings Orchestral Harp Timpani String Ensemble 1 String Ensemble 2 Synth Strings 1 Synth Strings 2 Choir Aahs Voice Oohs Synth Voice Orchestra Hit Trumpet Trombone Tuba Muted Trumpet French Horn Brass Section 1 Synth Brass 1 Synth Brass 2 Soprano Sax Alto Sax Tenor Sax Baritone Sax Oboe English Horn Bassoon Clarinet Piccolo Flute Recorder Pan Flute Blown Bottle Shakuhachi Whistle Ocarina Lead 1 (square) Lead 2 (sawtooth) Lead 3 (calliope) Lead 4 (chiff) Lead 5 (charang) Lead 6 (voice) Lead 7 (fifths) Lead 8 (bass+lead) Pad 1 (new age) Pad 2 (warm) Pad 3 (polysynth) Pad 4 (choir) Pad 5 (bowed) Pad 6 (metallic) Pad 7 (halo) Pad 8 (sweep) FX 1 (rain) FX 2 (soundtrack) FX 3 (crystal) FX 4 (atmosphere) FX 5 (brightness) FX 6 (goblins) FX 7 (echoes) FX 8 (sci-fi) Sitar Banjo Shamisen Koto Kalimba Bagpipe Fiddle Shanai Tinkle Bell Agogo Steel Drums Woodblock Taiko Drum Melodic Tom 1 Synth Drum Reverse Cymbal Guitar Fret Noise Breath Noise Seashore Bird Tweet Telephone Ring Helicopter Applause Gunshot : Same as Bank 0 Bank 0 E GrandPno BritePno El.Grand HnkyTonk E.Piano1 E.Piano2 Harpsi. Clavi. Celesta Glocken MusicBox Vibes Marimba Xylophon TubulBel Dulcimer DrawOrgn PercOrgn RockOrgn ChrchOrg ReedOrgn Acordion Harmnica TangoAcd NylonGtr SteelGtr Jazz Gtr CleanGtr Mute.Gtr Ovrdrive Dist.Gtr GtrHarmo Aco.Bass FngrBass PickBass Fretless SlapBas1 SlapBas2 SynBass1 SynBass2 Violin Viola Cello Contrabs Trem.Str Pizz.Str Harp Timpani Strings1 Strings2 Syn.Str1 Syn.Str2 ChoirAah VoiceOoh SynVoice Orch.Hit Trumpet Trombone Tuba Mute.Trp Fr. Horn BrasSect SynBrss1 SynBrss2 SprnoSax Alto Sax TenorSax Bari.Sax Oboe Eng.Horn Bassoon Clarinet Piccolo Flute Recorder PanFlute Bottle Shakhchi Whistle Ocarina SquareLd Saw Ld CaliopLd Chiff Ld CharanLd Voice Ld Fifth Ld Bass&Ld NewAgePd Warm Pad PolySyPd ChoirPad BowedPad MetalPad Halo Pad SweepPad Rain SoundTrk Crystal Atmosphr Bright Goblins Echoes Sci-Fi Sitar Banjo Shamisen Koto Kalimba Bagpipe Fiddle Shanai TnklBell Agogo SteelDrm Woodblok TaikoDrm MelodTom Syn Drum RevCymbl FretNoiz BrthNoiz Seashore Tweet Telphone Helicptr Applause Gunshot 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 : No sound Bank 41 E Bank 42 E 2 Dream 2 LayerCP2 2 DX+Analg 2 DXKotoEP Bank 43 Velo-Xfade E Bank 45 VX El.P1 VX El.P2 HardVibe Stl&Body 2 MuteStlG 2 FeedbkG2 2 DX Bass 2 Orchstr2 Kingdom 2 TremOrch 2 Choral 2 Hi Brass 2 MelloBrs ChoirBrs 2 SoftTenr 2 Dr. Lead 2 FunkGtr2 Gt.Pinch 2 Jazz Man 2 1 FngrSlap VXUprght 2 FngBass2 2 2 VeloSlap 2 Velo.Str Bank 65 E Bank 66 E Bank 67 E 2 Bank 68 E Bank 69 E Bank 70 E Bank 71 E 1 PulseClv 1 PierceCl 2 Orgel 2 SineMrmb 2 Organ Ba 1 70sDrOr2 2 CheezOrg 2 DrawOrg3 RotaryOr OrgFlute 2 SloRotar 2 TrmOrgFl 2 FstRotar 2 2 TngoAcd2 2 GtFeedbk 1 GtrHrmo2 1 Mod.Bass 2 Orbiter X WireBa 2 Sqr.Bass 2 1 RubberBa 70s Str Syn Str4 1 Strings3 2 Syn Str5 1 2 AnaVoice Impact 1 2 2 AnaBrss1 2 AnaBrss2 2 2 TnrSax 2 1 Mellow 2 SoloSine 2 2 2 AnVelBr1 AnVelBr2 2 VeloLead ClaviPad 2 ChorBell E 2 2 2 Bank 64 2 60sEl.P1 2 VelGtHrm HyprAlto ClearBel other wave E 2 2 SineLead 1 2 PureLead 2 Rubby DistLead Vox Lead 2 2 WireLead 2 2 Fat&Prky Fantasy Horn Pad PolyPd80 Heaven Glacier Tine Pad 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 PolarPad 2 HrmoRain Ancestrl SynMalet NylnHarp FantaBel GobSynth EchoBell Starz 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 Shanai 2 1 Mel Tom2 Ana Tom 1 Real Tom 1 ElecPerc E : Element number 6 Soft Wrl 2 RotarStr ClickPad GlassPad Pan Pad 2 2 Ana. Pad Itopia 2 2 AfrcnWnd Celstial 2 Carib 2 2 SftCryst Harp Vox 2 LoudGlok 2 AtmosPad 2 ChrstBel 2 Planet 2 VibeBell 2 2 DigiBell 2 AirBells Creeper Big Pan 2 Ring Pad 2 SynPiano 2 Ritual 2 Creation 2 ToHeaven 2 StarDust 2 2 Reso&Pan 2 2 Rock Tom 2 2 2 SquarPad 2 CC Pad 2 2 Night 2 BellHarp 2 2 Glisten 2 Instrument Group Piano Chromatic Percussion Organ Guitar Bass Strings Ensemble Brass Reed Pipe Synth Lead Synth Pad Synth Effects Ethnic Percussive Sound Effects Pgm# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Bank 0 Bank Select LSB=00 Acoustic Grand Piano Bright Acoustic Piano Electric Grand Piano Honky-tonk Piano Electric Piano 1 Electric Piano 2 Harpsichord Clavi Celesta Glockenspiel Music Box Vibraphone Marimba Xylophone Tubular Bells Dulcimer Drawbar Organ 1 Percussive Organ Rock Organ Church Organ 1 Reed Organ Accordion Hamonica Tango Accordion Acoustic Guitar (nylon) 1 Acoustic Guitar (steel) Electric Guitar (jazz) Electric Guitar (clean) Electric Guitar (muted) Overdriven Guitar Distortion Guitar Guitar Harmonics Acoustic Bass Electric Bass (finger) Electric Bass (pick) Fretless Bass Slap Bass 1 Slap Bass 2 Synth Bass 1 Synth Bass 2 Violin Viola Cello Contrabass Tremolo Strings Pizzicato Strings Orchestral Harp Timpani String Ensemble 1 String Ensemble 2 Synth Strings 1 Synth Strings 2 Choir Aahs Voice Oohs Synth Voice Orchestra Hit Trumpet Trombone Tuba Muted Trumpet French Horn Brass Section 1 Synth Brass 1 Synth Brass 2 Soprano Sax Alto Sax Tenor Sax Baritone Sax Oboe English Horn Bassoon Clarinet Piccolo Flute Recorder Pan Flute Blown Bottle Shakuhachi Whistle Ocarina Lead 1 (square) Lead 2 (sawtooth) Lead 3 (calliope) Lead 4 (chiff) Lead 5 (charang) Lead 6 (voice) Lead 7 (fifths) Lead 8 (bass+lead) Pad 1 (new age) Pad 2 (warm) Pad 3 (polysynth) Pad 4 (choir) Pad 5 (bowed) Pad 6 (metallic) Pad 7 (halo) Pad 8 (sweep) FX 1 (rain) FX 2 (soundtrack) FX 3 (crystal) FX 4 (atmosphere) FX 5 (brightness) FX 6 (goblins) FX 7 (echoes) FX 8 (sci-fi) Sitar Banjo Shamisen Koto Kalimba Bagpipe Fiddle Shanai Tinkle Bell Agogo Steel Drums Woodblock Taiko Drum Melodic Tom 1 Synth Drum Reverse Cymbal Guitar Fret Noise Breath Noise Seashore Bird Tweet Telephone Ring Helicopter Applause Gunshot : Same as Bank 0 Bank 0 GrandPno BritePno El.Grand HnkyTonk E.Piano1 E.Piano2 Harpsi. Clavi. Celesta Glocken MusicBox Vibes Marimba Xylophon TubulBel Dulcimer DrawOrgn PercOrgn RockOrgn ChrchOrg ReedOrgn Acordion Harmnica TangoAcd NylonGtr SteelGtr Jazz Gtr CleanGtr Mute.Gtr Ovrdrive Dist.Gtr GtrHarmo Aco.Bass FngrBass PickBass Fretless SlapBas1 SlapBas2 SynBass1 SynBass2 Violin Viola Cello Contrabs Trem.Str Pizz.Str Harp Timpani Strings1 Strings2 Syn.Str1 Syn.Str2 ChoirAah VoiceOoh SynVoice Orch.Hit Trumpet Trombone Tuba Mute.Trp Fr. Horn BrasSect SynBrss1 SynBrss2 SprnoSax Alto Sax TenorSax Bari.Sax Oboe Eng.Horn Bassoon Clarinet Piccolo Flute Recorder PanFlute Bottle Shakhchi Whistle Ocarina SquareLd Saw Ld CaliopLd Chiff Ld CharanLd Voice Ld Fifth Ld Bass&Ld NewAgePd Warm Pad PolySyPd ChoirPad BowedPad MetalPad Halo Pad SweepPad Rain SoundTrk Crystal Atmosphr Bright Goblins Echoes Sci-Fi Sitar Banjo Shamisen Koto Kalimba Bagpipe Fiddle Shanai TnklBell Agogo SteelDrm Woodblok TaikoDrm MelodTom Syn Drum RevCymbl FretNoiz BrthNoiz Seashore Tweet Telphone Helicptr Applause Gunshot : No sound E Bank 72 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Gamelmba 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 E Bank 96 E Bank 97 Balimba E Bank 98 E 2 Log Drum 2 Bank 99 ChrchBel Cimbalom 2 Carillon 2 Santur Ukulele Mandolin 1 2 SynFretl 2 SmthFrtl Hammer 2 Seq Ana. 2 Smokey BelChoir 2 2 Tambra Rabab 2 Tamboura 2 Gopichnt 2 2 Oud Taisho-k 2 Kanoon 2 Pungi Bonang 1 Hichriki 2 Altair 2 2 Gamelan 2 S.Gamlan 2 ThaiBell 2 E Bank 100 E Bank 101 E 2 2 2 2 GlasPerc Castanet Gr.Cassa 2 1 1 E : Element numberî 7 2 Rama Cym 2 AsianBel 2 Drum Voice List Bank Slelect LSB=0 Bank MSB# 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 Program # 1 2 9 17 25 26 28 33 41 49 StndKit2 (Standard2 Kit) Room Kit Rock Kit ElctrKit (Electro Kit) AnalgKit (Analog Kit) Dance Kit Jazz Kit Brush Kit SymphKit (Symphony Kit) Note# Note 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 C#-1 D-1 D-1# E-1 F-1 F#-1 G-1 G#-1 A-1 A#-1 B-1 C0 C#0 D0 D#0 E0 F0 F#0 G0 G#0 A0 A#0 B0 C1 C#1 D1 D#1 E1 F1 F#1 G1 G#1 A1 A#1 B1 C2 C#2 D2 D#2 E2 F2 F#2 G2 G#2 A2 A#2 B2 C3 C#3 D3 D#3 E3 F3 F#3 G3 G#3 A3 A#3 B3 C4 C#4 D4 D#4 E4 F4 F#4 G4 G#4 A4 A#4 B4 C5 C#5 D5 D#5 E5 F5 F#5 G5 Key off Alternate assign 3 3 4 4 O O O 1 1 1 O O O : Same as Standard Kit 2 2 StndKit1 (Standard Kit) Surdo Mute Surdo Open Hi Q Whip Slap Scratch H Scratch L Finger Snap Click Noise Mtrnm Click Mtrnm Bell Seq Click L Seq Click H Brush Tap Brush Swirl Brush Slap BrushTapSwrl Snare Roll Castanet Snare Soft Sticks Kick Soft OpenRimShot Kick Tight Kick Side Stick Snare Hand Clap Snare Tight Floor Tom L Hi-HatClosed Floor Tom H Hi-Hat Pedal Low Tom Hi-Hat Open Mid Tom L Mid Tom H CrashCymbal1 High Tom RideCymbal 1 Chinese Cym Ride Cym Cup Tambourine SplashCymbal Cowbell CrashCymbal2 Vibraslap RideCymbal 2 Bongo H Bongo L Conga H Mute Conga H Open Conga L Timbale H Timbale L Agogo H Agogo L Cabasa Maracas SambaWhistlH SambaWhistlL Guiro Short Guiro Long Claves Wood Block H Wood Block L Cuica Mute Cuica Open TriangleMute TriangleOpen Shaker Jingle Bells Bell Tree Snare Soft 2 Snare Noisy ReversCymbal ReversCymbal ReversCymbal Hi Q 2 SnrSnpyElctr Hi Q 2 SnareNoisy 4 Hi Q 2 Snare Techno Kick 3 Kick 3 KickAnlgShrt Kick Analog SideStickAn SnareAnalog KickTechno Q Rim Gate KickTechno L KickTechno 2 SideStickAn Snare Clap SnareAnalog2 Tom Analog 1 HatCloseAnlg Tom Analog 2 HatCloseAn 2 Tom Analog 3 HatOpen Anlg Tom Analog 4 Tom Analog 5 Crash Analog Tom Analog 6 Snare Dry Tom Analog 1 Hi-HatCls 3 Tom Analog 2 HatCloseAn 3 Tom Analog 3 Hi-HatOpn 3 Tom Analog 4 Tom Analog 5 Crash Analog Tom Analog 6 RimShotHShrt Kick Short Stick Light Snare Short SnareTight H Kick 2 Kick Gate Kick Gate KckGateHeavy Snare Snappy Snare Rock SnareNoisy 2 SnrTightSnpy Tom Room 1 SnrRockTight Tom Rock 1 SnareNoisy 3 TomElectro 1 Tom Room 2 Tom Rock 2 TomElectro 2 Tom Room 3 Tom Rock 3 TomElectro 3 Tom Room 4 Tom Room 5 Tom Rock 4 Tom Rock 5 TomElectro 4 TomElectro 5 Tom Room 6 Tom Rock 6 TomElectro 6 Snare Jazz H 127 Brush Slap 2 Kick Soft 2 RimShotLight Kick Jazz Stick Light Snare Jazz L Kick Jazz Stick Light Brush Slap 3 Snare Jazz M Brush Tap 2 Tom Brush 1 Gran Cassa GranCassa Mu Band Snare Band Snare 2 Tom Brush 2 Tom Brush 3 Tom Brush 4 Tom Brush 5 Hand Cymbal Tom Brush 6 HandCymShort Cowbell Anlg Cowbell Anlg HandCymbal 2 HandCym2Shrt Scratch H 2 Scratch L 2 : No sound 8 Conga Anlg H Conga Anlg M Conga Anlg L Conga Anlg H Conga Anlg M Conga Anlg L Maracas 2 Maracas 2 Claves 2 Claves 2 Scratch H 2 Scratch L 2 Scratch H 2 Scratch L 2 Bank MSB# Program # Note# Note 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 C#-1 D-1 D-1# E-1 F-1 F#-1 G-1 G#-1 A-1 A#-1 B-1 C0 C#0 D0 D#0 E0 F0 F#0 G0 G#0 A0 A#0 B0 C1 C#1 D1 D#1 E1 F1 F#1 G1 G#1 A1 A#1 B1 C2 C#2 D2 D#2 E2 F2 F#2 G2 G#2 A2 A#2 B2 C3 C#3 D3 D#3 E3 F3 F#3 G3 G#3 A3 A#3 B3 C4 C#4 D4 D#4 E4 F4 F#4 G4 G#4 A4 A#4 B4 C5 C#5 D5 D#5 E5 F5 F#5 G5 Key off Alternate assign 3 3 127 127 127 127 127 127 126 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 1 2 TightKit StudioKt (Studio Kit) ElPopKit (Electro Pop Kit) R&B Kit TimberKt (Timber Kit) HvyHipKt (Heavy Hip Kit) SFX Kit 1 SFX Kit 2 NwStndKt (New Standard Kit) 127 Funk Kit 127 126 4 4 O O O Snare Studio Noise Dark 1 Noise Dark 1 ReversCymBal ReversCymBal ReversCymBal ReversCymBal Hi Q 2 SnareSnpyElctr Hi Q 2 Snare Techno Stick Dark Kick Bass OpenRimVari1 KickTechno L Kick Noise SideStickR&B Snare R&B Hi Q 2 Snare Tmbr 1 Stick Dark Kick Bass Rim Timber Kick Timber Kick Noise SideStkTmber Snare Tmbr 2 Castanet 2 Snare Hip 1 Stick Dark Kick Bass OpenRimVari2 KickTechno 2 Kick Hip SideStickHip Snare Hip 2 SnareClapR&B Tom Vari 1 HatClose R&B Tom Vari 2 HatCloseAn 2 Tom Vari 3 HatOpen R&B Tom Vari 4 Tom Vari 5 Crash Analog Tom Vari 6 RideCymbal 3 Snare Tmbr 3 Tom Vari 1 HatCloseTmbr Tom Vari 2 HatPedalTmbr Tom Vari 3 HatOpenTmbr Tom Vari 4 Tom Vari 5 Crash Analog Tom Vari 6 RideCymbal 3 Snare Hip 3 Tom Vari 1 HatCloseHip Tom Vari 2 HatPedalHip Tom Vari 3 HatOpenHip Tom Vari 4 Tom Vari 5 Crash Hip 1 Tom Vari 6 Ride Hip 1 Ride Cup Vari Tambourine 2 Ride Cup Vari Tambourine 3 Cowbell Anlg Cowbell Anlg Cowbell Crash Hip 2 RideCym Vari RideCym Vari Ride Hip 2 Conga Anlg H Conga Anlg M Conga Anlg L Conga Anlg H Conga Anlg M Conga Anlg L Conga Anlg H Conga Anlg M Conga Anlg L Cabasa 2 Maracas 3 Cabasa 2 Maracas 3 Telphone 1 Telphone 2 Cabasa 2 Maracas 3 Claves 2 Claves 2 Claves 2 Scratch H 2 Scratch L 2 Scratch H 2 Scratch L 2 Scratch H 2 Scratch L 2 JingleBells2 JingleBells2 JingleBells2 Kick 3 Rim Hard Kick Hard Kick Attack Rim Tight Kick Tight 2 Kick Tight 3 Kick Stuidio1 Kick Studio2 Snare High Snare Tight2 Rim Studio 1 Snare Snap Snare Tight3 Rim Studio 2 Tom Studio 1 Kick ElNoiz Kick ElPop ElSideStick Snare ElPop Clap ElPop Snare ElPop TomElectro 1 Tom Studio 2 TomElectro 2 1 HatPedal Hard HatPedalTght Tom Studio 3 TomElectro 3 1 HatOpen Low HatOpenTight Tom Studio 4 Tom Studio 5 TomElectro 4 TomElectro 5 Tom Studio 6 TomElectro 6 Snare Funk 1 Kick Funk 1 Kick Funk 2 Snare Funk 2 Noise Dark 2 CuttingNoiz CuttingNoiz String Slap SnareRimFunk HatCloseFunk 1 HatPedalFunk HatOpenFunk O O Phone Call Door Squeak Door Slam Scratch Cut Scratch H 3 Wind Chime Telephone 2 Fl.Key Click CarEngnIgnit CarTireSqeal Car Passing Car Crash Siren Train Jet Plane Starship Burst Coaster Submarine Shower Thunder Wind Stream Bubble Feed Laugh Scream Punch Heartbeat Footsteps Dog Horse Bird Tweet 2 Machine Gun Laser Gun Explosion FireWork Tambourine 2 O : Same as Standard Kit 2 2 Gorst Maou : No sound 9 Original Kit List Wave List No. Category/WaveName No. Category/WaveName No. Category/WaveName No. Category/WaveName No. Category/WaveName 1 Pf:PianoL@ 101 Or:1 1/3 201 Pd:SynVoice 301 Dr:Stick 401 Wv:Bel2Wv 2 Pf:PianoL@2 102 Or:1 202 Cp:Celesta 302 Dr:SdQ 402 Wv:Ep1 3 Pf:Hrpscd@ 103 Or:Rotar 203 Cp:Glocken 303 Dr:T8SdA 403 Wv:Ep2 4 Or:Reed@ 104 Or:Clack 204 Cp:NewAge 304 Dr:T8SdB 404 Wv:Ep3 5 Gt:Jazz@ 105 Or:RotNz 205 Cp:Vibra 305 Dr:T9Snapy 405 Wv:Ep4 6 Gt:Harm@ 106 Or:SftTmp 206 Cp:Marimba 306 Dr:SdTekk 406 Wv:Ep5 7 Gt:Harm@2 107 Or:Perc 207 Cp:Xylophon 307 Dr:TomF 407 Wv:Ep6 8 St:Vln@ 108 Or:Perc+ 208 Cp:TublrBl 308 Dr:TomL 408 Wv:VoxE3 9 St:TrStr@ 109 Or:Perc- 209 Cp:Dulcimer 309 Dr:TomM 409 Wv:VoxG2 10 St:Strngs1@ 110 Or:Cool! 210 Cp:Bowed 310 Dr:TomH 410 Wv:Org1Wv 11 St:Strngs2@ 111 Gt:Nylon1 211 Cp:Kalimba 311 Dr:TomLp 411 12 St:Strngs4@ 112 Gt:Nylon2 212 Cp:XyloLoop 312 Dr:TomRmA 412 Wv:Org3Wv 13 Br:Trmbn@ 113 Gt:NylnHi 213 Cp:TnklBel1 313 Dr:TomRmB 413 Wv:Mallet 14 Br:Tuba@ 114 Gt:Nylhrm 214 Cp:TnklBel2 314 Dr:TomRmC 414 Se:CutngNz 15 Br:Fr.Horn@ 115 Gt:Steel 215 Pc:Agogo1 315 Dr:TomRmD 415 Se:StrSlap 16 Rp:Alto@ 116 Gt:MtlStl 216 Pc:Agogo2 316 Dr:TomJzL 416 Se:Fl.Kclik 17 Rp:Shkhaci@ 117 Gt:12StrGt 217 Pc:StlDrm 317 Dr:TomJzH 417 Se:Shower 18 Rp:Ocarna@ 118 Gt:Jazz 218 Pc:Wdblck 318 Dr:AnaTomA 418 Se:Thunder 19 Or:TngAcc@ 119 Gt:Clean1 219 Pc:Wdblck2 319 Dr:AnaTomB 419 Se:Wind 20 Rp:Bagpip1@ 120 Gt:Clean2 220 Pc:Taiko 320 Dr:AnaTomC 420 Se:Stream 21 Rp:Bagpip2@ 121 Gt:Mute 221 Pc:BongoL 321 Dr:AnaTomD 421 Se:Bubble 22 Cp:Glocken@ 122 Gt:OverDriv 222 Pc:BongoH 322 Dr:T8TomA 422 Se:Dog 23 Cp:NewAge@ 123 Gt:Dist1 223 Pc:CongaL 323 Dr:T8TomB 423 Se:Horse 24 Cp:Vibra 124 Gt:Dist2 224 Pc:CongaH 25 Cp:Xylophn@ 125 Gt:DistCl 225 Pc:CongaT 325 Dr:HHCl1 425 Se:Tweet2 26 Cp:Dulcmer@ 126 Gt:DistMt 226 Pc:Cowbel 326 Dr:HHCl2 426 Se:PhonCall 27 Pc:StlDrm@ 127 Gt:Harm 227 Pc:GuiroS 28 En:OrcHit@ 128 Gt:Sitar 228 Pc:GuiroL 328 Dr:HHCl4 428 Se:DorSlam 29 En:OrcHit@2 129 Gt:Banjo 229 Pc:Tmbls 329 Dr:T8HHCl 429 Se:Scratch 30 Pf:PianoL 130 Gt:Shamisen 230 Pc:CuicaL 330 Dr:T9HHCl 430 Se:WndChim 31 Pf:PianoR 131 Gt:Koto 231 Pc:CuicaH 331 Dr:HHPdl1 431 Se:Telphone 32 Pf:GrandL 132 Gt:Harp 232 Pc:Cabasa 332 Dr:HHPdl2 432 Se:Telphon2 33 Pf:GrandR 133 Ba:Acstic 233 Pc:ClavesL 333 Dr:HHPdl3 433 Se:CarElgnt 34 Pf:GrandMn 134 Ba:Fing 234 Pc:ClavesH 334 Dr:HHOpn1 434 Se:CarTSqel 35 Pf:HonkyL 135 Ba:Pick 235 Pc:Castnt1 335 Dr:HHOpn2 435 Se:CarPass 36 Pf:Brite 136 Ba:Frtles 236 Pc:Castnt2 336 Dr:HHOpn3 436 Se:CarCrsh 37 Pf:CP80 137 Ba:Slap1 237 Pc:Maracs 337 Dr:T8HHOpn 437 Se:Train 38 Pf:Rds1 138 Ba:Slap2 238 Pc:Maracs2 338 Dr:T9HHOpn 438 Se:Laugh 39 Pf:Rds2S 139 Ba:Slap3 239 Pc:Shaker 339 Dr:HHTip 439 Se:Scream 40 Pf:Rds2H 140 Ba:SynBa1 240 Pc:Tmborn 340 Dr:DncTip 440 Se:Punch 41 Pf:RdsRanS 141 Ba:SynBa2 241 Pc:TriOpn 341 Dr:Ride1 441 42 Pf:RdsRanS+ 142 St:Vln 242 Pc:VbSlp 342 Dr:Ride2 442 Se:FootStp 43 Pf:RdsRanS- 143 St:Viola 243 Pc:JnglBl 343 Dr:Cup 443 Se:MchinGun 44 Pf:RdsRanM 144 St:Cello 244 Pc:Clap 344 Dr:Crash1 444 Se:FretNoiz 45 Pf:RdsRanM+ 145 St:Cello2 245 Pc:Whistl 345 Dr:Crash2 445 Se:BrthNoiz 46 Pf:RdsRanM- 146 St:Cntrabs 246 Pc:Bltree 346 Dr:T8Crsh 446 Se:Seashore 47 Pf:RdsRanH 147 St:TrStr 247 Pc:FngSnap 347 Dr:HndCym 447 Se:Helicptr 48 Pf:RdsRanH+ 148 St:Pizz 248 Pc:Mtrnm1 348 Dr:DncCrshA 448 Se:Aplause 49 Pf:RdsRanH- 149 St:Strings1 249 Pc:Mtrnm2 349 Dr:DncCrshB 449 Se:Gunshot 50 Pf:RdsTeaS 150 St:Strings2 250 Pc:Scrch 350 Dr:RevCym 450 Se:Noise 51 Pf:RdsTeaM 151 St:Strings3 52 Pf:RdsTeaH 152 St:Strings4 252 Dr:Bd1 352 Dr:T8Cwbl 452 Se:BigSyn 53 Pf:60sEp 153 St:StrL 253 Dr:Bd2 353 Dr:Timpni1 453 Se:VxAlk 54 Pf:Wurli 154 St:StrLA 254 Dr:Bd3 354 Dr:Timpni2 55 Pf:Wurli+ 155 St:StrR 255 Dr:Bd4 355 Dr:CncrtBd 56 Pf:Wurli- 156 St:StrRA 256 Dr:Bd5 356 Dr:OrchHit 57 Pf:DX1 157 St:SmlEns 257 Dr:BdSoft 357 Wv:ObStr 58 Pf:DX2 158 St:SmlEns+ 258 Dr:BdKlick 59 Pf:FulTineS 159 St:SmlEns- 259 Dr:BdPop 359 Wv:Padd 60 Pf:FulTineH 160 Br:Trmpt 260 Dr:BdHby 360 Wv:SyncLd 61 Pf:Clav 161 Br:Trmbn 261 Dr:BdToni 361 Wv:CS80Br 62 Pf:Hrpscd 162 Br:Tuba 262 Dr:BdAna 362 Wv:MgBs1 63 Pf:MltPno 163 Br:MuteTp 263 Dr:BdAna2 363 Wv:MgBs2 64 Or:Jazz1 164 Br:Fr.Horn 264 Dr:BdHiQ 364 Wv:MgBs3 65 Or:Jazz2 165 Br:BrssSect 265 Dr:BdHip 365 Wv:FMBs1 66 Or:PercOrgn 166 Br:SectnL 266 Dr:T8Bd 366 Wv:FMBs2 67 Or:Rock1 167 Br:SectnR 267 Dr:Surdo 367 68 Or:Rock2 168 Br:SctnL- 268 Dr:SdMx1 368 Wv:Pulse10 69 Or:Rock2+ 169 Br:SctnR- 269 Dr:SdMx2 369 Wv:P50-1 70 Or:Rock2- 170 Rp:Soprn 270 Dr:SdSoft 370 Wv:P50-2 71 Or:Church1 171 Rp:Alto 271 Dr:SdSft2 371 Wv:P50-3 72 Or:Church2 172 Rp:Tenor 272 Dr:SdRoomA 372 Wv:P50Low 73 Or:Reed 173 Rp:Baritone 273 Dr:SdRoomB 373 Wv:Square 74 Or:Puff 174 Rp:Oboe 274 Dr:SdRoomC 374 Wv:Saw 75 Or:Warm 175 Rp:EngHorn 275 Dr:SdLw 375 Wv:SawMod 76 Or:Elctrnc 176 Rp:Basoon 276 Dr:SdMl 376 Wv:MtrxSaw 77 Or:Elctrnc- 177 Rp:Clari 277 Dr:SdMx 377 Wv:Tri 78 Or:VoxOrg 178 Rp:Piccolo 278 Dr:SdOpnRm 378 Wv:Oscar 79 Or:VxOrg- 179 Rp:Flute 279 Dr:SdLight 379 Wv:Sine 80 Or:Swith 180 Rp:SprnRcrd 280 Dr:SdMidum 380 Wv:Digi01 81 Or:Swith- 82 Or:1+3 182 Rp:Bottle 282 Dr:SdAkstk 382 Wv:Digi03 83 Or:1+3+ 183 Rp:Shakhaci 283 Dr:SdFsnH 383 Wv:Digi04 84 Or:1+3- 184 Rp:Whistle 284 Dr:SdLdwH 384 Wv:Digi05 85 Or:2+4 185 Rp:Ocarina 285 Dr:SdSonA 385 Wv:Digi06 86 Or:2+4+ 186 Rp:Calliope 286 Dr:SdSonB 386 Wv:Digi07 87 Or:2+4- 187 Rp:Acrdn 287 Dr:SdPclH 387 Wv:Digi08 88 Or:Even 188 Rp:BlsHarp1 288 Dr:SdPcBH 388 Wv:Digi09 89 Or:Even+ 189 Rp:BlsHarp2 289 Dr:SdRim1 389 Wv:Digi10 90 Or:Even- 190 Rp:TngAcc 290 Dr:SdRim2 390 Wv:Digi11 91 Or:Odd 191 Rp:Bagpipe1 291 Dr:SdDry 391 Wv:Digi12 92 Or:Odd+ 192 Rp:Bagpipe2 292 Dr:SdRoll 392 Wv:DgVox1 93 Or:Odd- 193 Rp:Shanai 293 Dr:SdRol2 393 Wv:DgVox2 94 Or:16 194 Pd:SynStrg1 294 Dr:SdBrs 394 95 Or:5 1/3 195 Pd:SynStrg2 295 Dr:BrHard 395 Wv:DgVox4 96 Or:8 196 Pd:Aah 296 Dr:BrSoft 396 Wv:DgVox5 97 Or:4 197 Pd:Ooh 297 Dr:C.Rim1 397 Wv:MgRamp 98 Or:2 2/3 198 Pd:Oooo 298 Dr:C.Rim2A 398 Wv:SawSqu 99 Or:2 199 Pd:Oooo+ 299 Dr:C.Rim2B 399 Wv:SquSaw 100 Or:1 3/5 200 Pd:Oooo- 300 Dr:T8Side 400 Wv:Bel1Wv 181 Rp:PanFlute 251 281 Pc:WhipSlp Dr:SdRim 324 327 351 358 381 Dr:T8TomC 424 Dr:HHCl3 427 Dr:China 451 Wv:SyzStr Wv:FMBs3 Wv:Digi02 Wv:DgVox3 10 Wv:Org2Wv Se:Tweet Se:DorSqwk Se:Heart Se:Melow No. Original Kit Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 StndKit1 (Standard1 Kit) StndKit2 (Standard2 Kit) Room Kit Rock Kit ElctrKit (Electro Kit) AnalgKit (Analog Kit) Dance Kit Jazz Kit Brush Kit SymphKit(Symphony Kit) NwStndKt (New Standard Kit) TightKit (Tight Kit) StudioKt (Studio Kit) ElPopKit (Electro Pop Kit) Funk Kit R&B Kit TimberKt (Timber Kit) HvyHipKt (Heavy Hip Kit) SFX Kit 1 SFX Kit 2 Multi List Control List Controller Bank Select MSB=63, LSB=64 Number Category 1 PF Name Name PITCH BEND MODULATION WHEEL FOOT CONTROLLER FOOT SWITCH DigiRich 2 PF RosePad 3 OR Minister 4 GT Gtr+Pad 5 ST Str+Bell 6 PD SuperPad 7 BR FatBrass 8 RP PipePad 9 SC AtkComp 10 CO SynBa_Ep 11 CO Gt_SynLd 12 CO Pizz_Str 13 CO Pad_Dist 14 CO FBass_Or 15 CO Ep_Trpt 16 CO Org_Lead 17 -- Pops 18 -- Ballad 19 -- R&B 20 -- HipHop 21 -- ClubJazz 22 -- Techno 23 -- House 24 -- Fusion 25 -- 80sDance 26 -- FunkRock 27 -- HardRock 28 -- Blues 29 -- Big Band 30 -- Salsa 31 -- Trance 32 -- DrmnBass No. (1) (11) (64) Remarks Pitch Bend Set in the Utility Mode Set in the Utility Mode Set in the Utility Mode The control numbers in the parentheses are the defaults. Control Change Number List No. 000 001 002~004 005 006 007 008~009 010 011 012~031 032 033~037 038 039~063 064 065 066 067 068~070 071 072 073 074 075~083 084 085~090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 102~119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 11 Controller or function Bank select MSB (off) Modulation wheel Unused Portamento time Data entry MSB Volume control Unused Panpot Expression Unused Bank select LSB (off) Unused Data entry LSB Unused Hold 1 (Sustain) Portamento switch Sostenuto Soft pedal Unused Harmonic Content Release Time Attack Time Brightness Unused Portamento Control Unused Effect1 Depth (Reverb Send Level) Unused Effect3 Depth (Chorus Send Level) Effect4 Depth (Variation Effect Send Level) Unused Data Increment Data Decrement NRPN LSB NRPN MSB RPN LSB RPN MSB Unused All Sounds Off Reset All Controllers Unused All Notes Off Omni Off Omni On Mono Poly Effect Type List REVERB No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MSB 00H 01H 01H 02H 02H 02H 03H 03H 04H 10H 11H LSB 00H 00H 01H 00H 01H 02H 00H 01H 00H 00H 00H 11 13H 00H Effect Type No Effect Hall 1 Hall 2 Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Stage 1 Stage 2 Plate White Room Tunnel Basement Features Effect turned off. Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall. Reverb simulating the resonance of a room. Reverb appropriate for a solo instrument. Reverb simulating a metal plate reverb unit. A unique short reverb with a bit of initial delay. Simulation of a tunnel space expanding to left and right. A bit of initial delay followed by reverb with a unique resonance. CHORUS No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MSB 00H 41H 41H 41H 41H 42H 42H 42H 42H 43H 43H 43H LSB 00H 00H 01H 02H 08H 00H 01H 02H 08H 00H 01H 08H Effect Type No Effect Chorus 1 Chorus 2 Chorus 3 Chorus 4 Celeste 1 Celeste 2 Celeste 3 Celeste 4 Flanger 1 Flanger 2 Flanger 3 Features Effect turned off. Conventional chorus program that adds natural spaciousness. Chorus with stereo input. The pan setting specified for the Part will also apply to the effect sound. A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound. CELESTE with stereo input. The pan setting specified for the Part will apply to the effect sound. Adds a jet-airplane effect to the sound. VARIATION n No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 When the effect type is set to “No Effect” while the Insertion effect is used, no sound is output. If you don't want to use the Variation effect, select “Thru” to pass the signal through the Variation effect without applying any effect. MSB 00H 01H 01H 02H 02H 02H 03H 03H 04H 05H 06H 07H 08H 09H 09H 0AH 0BH 14H 14H 14H 41H 41H 41H 41H 42H 42H 42H 42H 43H 43H 43H 44H 45H 46H 47H 48H 48H 49H 4AH 4BH 4CH 4DH 4EH 40H LSB 00H 00H 01H 00H 01H 02H 00H 01H 00H 00H 00H 00H 00H 00H 01H 00H 00H 00H 01H 02H 00H 01H 02H 08H 00H 01H 02H 08H 00H 01H 08H 00H 00H 00H 00H 00H 08H 00H 00H 00H 00H 00H 00H 00H Effect Type No Effect Hall 1 Hall 2 Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Stage 1 Stage 2 Plate Delay L,C,R Delay L,R Echo Cross Delay EarlyRef 1 EarlyRef 2 Gate Reverb Reverse Gate Karaoke 1 Karaoke 2 Karaoke 3 Chorus 1 Chorus 2 Chorus 3 Chorus 4 Celeste 1 Celeste 2 Celeste 3 Celeste 4 Flanger 1 Flanger 2 Flanger 3 Symphonic Rotary Speaker Tremolo Auto Pan Phaser 1 Phaser 2 Distortion Overdrive Amp Simulator 3Band EQ(Mono) 2Band EQ(Stereo) Auto Wah(LFO) Thru Features Effect turned off. Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall. Reverb simulating the resonance of a room. Reverb approproate for a solo instrument. Reverb simulating a metal plate reverb unit. A program that creates three delay sounds; L, R, and C (center). A program that creates two delay sounds; L and R. Two feedback delays are provided. Two delays (L and R) and independent feedback delays for L and R. A program that crosses the feedback of two delays. An effect that produces only the early reflection component of reverb. A simulation of gated reverb. A program that simulates gated reverb played backwords. A delay with feedback of the same type as used for karaoke reverb. A conventional chorus program, providing natural spaciousness. Chorus with stereo input. A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound. Adds a jet-airplane effect to the sound. A multi-phase version of CELESTE. A simulation of a rotary speaker. You can use an AC1 (assignable controller) etc. to controll the speed of rotation. An effect that cyclically modulates the volume. A program that cyclically moves the sound image to left and right, front and back. Cyclically changes the phase to add modulation to the sound. Phaser with stereo input. Adds a sharp-edged distortion to the sound. Adds mild distortion to the sound. A simulation of a guitar amp. A mono EQ with adjustable LOW, MID, and HIGH equalizing. A stereo EQ with adjustable LOW and HIGH. Ideal for drum Parts. Cyclically modulates the center frequency of a wah filter. With an AC1 etc. this can function as a pedal wah. Bypass without applying an effect. 12 Effect Parameter List n Parameters marked with a ● in the “Control” column can be controlled from an AC1 (assignable controller 1) etc. However, this is valid only for a Variation effect (when selected for Insertion). ECHO (variation block) HALL1,HALL2 ROOM1,ROOM2,ROOM3 STAGE1,STAGE2 PLATE (reverb, variation block) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Parameter Reverb Time Diffusion Initial Delay HPF Cutoff LPF Cutoff Display 0.3 - 30.0s 0 - 10 0.1 - 99.3ms Thru - 8.0kHz 1.0k - Thru Value 0 - 69 0 - 10 0 - 63 0 - 52 34 - 60 See Table table#4 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127 11 12 13 14 15 16 Rev Delay Density Er/Rev Balance 0.1 - 99.3ms 0-4 E63>R - E=R - E<R63 0 - 63 table#5 0-4 1 - 127 Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Control table#5 table#3 table#3 11 12 13 14 15 16 ● Parameter Lch Delay1 Lch Feedback Level Rch Delay1 Rch Feedback Level High Damp Lch Delay2 Rch Delay2 Delay2 Level Display 0.1 - 355.0ms (variation block) -63 - +63 0.1 - 355.0ms (variation block) -63 - +63 0.1 - 1.0 0.1 - 355.0ms (variation block) 0.1 - 355.0ms (variation block) 0 - 127 Value 1 - 3550 1 - 127 1 - 3550 1 - 127 1 - 10 1 - 3550 1 - 3550 0 - 127 See Table Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 16.0kHz -12 - +12dB 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 28 - 58 table#3 52 - 76 Control ● CROSS DELAY (variation block) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WHITE ROOM TUNNEL BASEMENT (reverb block) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Parameter Reverb Time Diffusion Initial Delay HPF Cutoff LPF Cutoff Width Heigt Depth Wall Vary Display 0.3 - 30.0s 0 - 10 0.1 - 99.3ms Thru - 8.0kHz 1.0k - Thru 0.5 - 10.2m 0.5 - 20.2m 0.5 - 30.2m 0 - 30 Value 0 - 69 0 - 10 0 - 63 0 - 52 34 - 60 0 - 37 0 - 73 0 - 104 0 - 30 See Table table#4 11 12 13 14 15 16 Rev Delay Density Er/Rev Balance 0.1 - 99.3ms 0-4 E63>R - E=R - E<R63 0 - 63 table#5 0-4 1 - 127 Feedback Level -63 - +63 1 - 127 Control table#5 table#3 table#3 table#8 table#8 table#8 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 Parameter Lch Delay Rch Delay Cch Delay Feedback Delay Feedback Level Cch Level High Damp Display 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) -63 - +63 0 - 127 0.1 - 1.0 Value 1 - 7150 1 - 7150 1 - 7150 1 - 7150 1 - 127 0 - 127 1 - 10 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 See Table Control ● Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 16.0kHz -12 - +12dB 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 28 - 58 table#3 52 - 76 11 12 13 14 15 16 Parameter Lch Delay Rch Delay Feedback Delay 1 Feedback Delay 2 Feedback Level High Damp Display 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) 0.1 - 715.0ms (variation block) -63 - +63 0.1 - 1.0 Value 1 - 7150 1 - 7150 1 - 7150 1 - 7150 1 - 127 1 - 10 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 16.0kHz -12 - +12dB 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 28 - 58 table#3 52 - 76 See Table Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 16.0kHz -12 - +12dB 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 28 - 58 table#3 52 - 76 Parameter Type Room Size Diffusion Initial Delay Feedback Level HPF Cutoff LPF Cutoff Display S-H, L-H, Rdm, Rvs, Plt, Spr 0.1 - 7.0 0 - 10 0.1 - 99.3ms -63 - +63 Thru - 8.0kHz 1.0k - Thru Value 0-5 0 - 44 0 - 10 0 - 63 1 - 127 0 - 52 34 - 60 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127 0 - 10 0-3 0.1 - 1.0 0 - 10 0-3 1 - 10 11 Liveness 12 Density 13 High Damp 14 15 16 See Table Control ● See Table Control table#6 table#5 table#3 table#3 ● GATE REVERB REVERSE GATE (variation block) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DELAY L,R (variation block) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Display Value 0.1 - 355.0ms (variation block) 1 - 3550 0.1 - 355.0ms (variation block) 1 - 3550 -63 - +63 1 - 127 L, R, L&R 0-2 0.1 - 1.0 1 - 10 EARLY REF1,EARLY REF2(variation block) DELAY L,C,R (variation block) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Parameter L->R Delay R->L Delay Feedback Level Input Select High Damp Control Parameter Type Room Size Diffusion Initial Delay Feedback Level HPF Cutoff LPF Cutoff Display TypeA,TypeB 0.1 - 7.0 0 - 10 0.1 - 99.3ms -63 - +63 Thru - 8.0kHz 1.0k - Thru Value 0-1 0 - 44 0 - 10 0 - 63 1 - 127 0 - 52 34 - 60 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127 0 - 10 0-3 0.1 - 1.0 0 - 10 0-3 1 - 10 11 Liveness 12 Density 13 High Damp 14 15 16 ● 13 See Table Control table#6 table#5 table#3 table#3 ● ROTARY SPEAKER (variation block) KARAOKE1,2,3 (variation block) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Parameter Delay Time Feedback Level HPF Cutoff LPF Cutoff Dry/Wet Display 0.1 - 400ms -63 - +63 Thru - 8.0kHz 1.0k - Thru D63>W - D=W - D<W63 Value See Table 0 - 127 table#7 1 - 127 0 - 52 table#3 34 - 60 table#3 1 - 127 Control No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ● 11 12 13 14 15 16 Display 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 Value See Table 0 - 127 table#1 0 - 127 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Dry/Wet 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 16.0kHz -12 - +12dB D63>W - D=W - D<W63 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 28 - 58 table#3 52 - 76 1 - 127 Control ● 11 12 13 14 15 16 TREMOLO (variation block) CHORUS1,2,3,4 CELESTE1,2,3,4 (chorus, variation block) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Parameter LFO Frequency LFO Depth Parameter LFO Frequency LFO Depth Feedback Level Delay Offset Display 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 -63 - +63 0.0 - 50 Value See Table 0 - 127 table#1 0 - 127 1 - 127 0 - 127 table#2 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Dry/Wet 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 16.0kHz -12 - +12dB D63>W - D=W - D<W63 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 28 - 58 table#3 52 - 76 1 - 127 11 12 13 14 15 Input Mode 16 mono/stereo No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Control ● Parameter LFO Frequency AM Depth PM Depth Display 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 0 - 127 Value See Table 0 - 127 table#1 0 - 127 0 - 127 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 16.0kHz -12 - +12dB 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 28 - 58 table#3 52 - 76 11 12 13 14 LFO Phase Difference -180 - +180deg 15 Input Mode mono/stereo 16 0-1 Control ● 4 - 124 resolution=3deg. 0-1 AUTO PAN (variation block) FLANGER1,2,3 (chorus, variation block) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Parameter LFO Frequency LFO Depth Feedback Level Delay Offset Display 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 -63 - +63 0.0 - 6.3 Value See Table 0 - 127 table#1 0 - 127 1 - 127 0 - 63 table#2 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Dry/Wet 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 16.0kHz -12 - +12dB D63>W - D=W - D<W63 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 28 - 58 table#3 52 - 76 1 - 127 11 12 13 14 LFO Phase Difference -180 - +180deg 15 16 No. 1 2 3 4 Control 5 6 7 8 9 10 ● Display Value See Table 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 table#1 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 L<->R, L->R, L<-R, Lturn, Rturn, 0 - 5 L/R EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 16.0kHz -12 - +12dB Control ● 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 28 - 58 table#3 52 - 76 11 12 13 14 15 16 4 - 124 resolution=3deg. SYMPHONIC (variation block) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Parameter LFO Frequency L/R Depth F/R Depth PAN Direction PHASER 1 (variation block) Parameter LFO Frequency LFO Depth Delay Offset Display 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 0.0 - 50 Value See Table 0 - 127 table#1 0 - 127 0 - 127 table#2 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Dry/Wet 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 16.0kHz -12 - +12dB D63>W - D=W - D<W63 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 28 - 58 table#3 52 - 76 1 - 127 Control No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ● 11 12 13 14 15 16 Parameter LFO Frequency LFO Depth Phase Shift Offset Feedback Level Display 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 0 - 127 -63 - +63 Value See Table 0 - 127 table#1 0 - 127 0 - 127 1 - 127 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Dry/Wet 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 16.0kHz -12 - +12dB D63>W - D=W - D<W63 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 28 - 58 table#3 52 - 76 1 - 127 6 - 10 6 - 10 11 Stage 12 13 14 15 16 14 Control ● 2BAND EQ(STEREO) (variation block) PHASER 2 (variation block) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Parameter LFO Frequency LFO Depth Phase Shift Offset Feedback Level Display 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 0 - 127 -63 - +63 Value See Table 0 - 127 table#1 0 - 127 0 - 127 1 - 127 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Dry/Wet 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 16.0kHz -12 - +12dB D63>W - D=W - D<W63 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 28 - 58 table#3 52 - 76 1 - 127 11 Stage 3-5 12 13 LFO Phase Difference -180deg - +180deg 14 15 16 Control No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ● 3-5 Parameter 4 - 124 resolution=3deg. Display Drive EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain LPF Cutoff Output Level 0 - 127 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 1.0k - Thru 0 - 127 EQ Mid Frequency EQ Mid Gain EQ Mid Width Dry/Wet 500Hz - 10.0kHz -12 - +12dB 1.0 - 12.0 D63>W - D=W - D<W63 28 - 54 table#3 52 - 76 10 - 120 1 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 mild - sharp No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Control ● 11 12 13 14 15 16 AMP SIMULATOR (variation block) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Parameter Drive AMP Type LPF Cutoff Output Level Display 0 - 127 Off,Stack,Combo,Tube 1.0k - Thru 0 - 127 Value See Table 0 - 127 0-3 34 - 60 table#3 0 - 127 Dry/Wet D63>W - D=W - D<W63 1 - 127 0 - 127 0 - 127 mild - sharp 11 Edge(Clip Curve) 12 13 14 15 16 Control ● 3BAND EQ(MONO) (variation block) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Parameter EQ Low Gain EQ Mid Frequency EQ Mid Gain EQ Mid Width EQ High Gain EQ Low Frequency EQ High Frequency Value See Table 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 28 - 58 table#3 52 - 76 Control Control AUTO WAH (variation block) Value See Table 0 - 127 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 34 - 60 table#3 0 - 127 11 Edge(Clip Curve) 12 13 14 15 16 Display 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 16.0kHz -12 - +12dB 11 12 13 14 15 16 DISTORTION OVERDRIVE (variation block) No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Parameter EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Display -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 10.0kHz -12 - +12dB 1.0 - 12.0 -12 - +12dB 50Hz - 2.0kHz 500Hz - 16.0kHz Value See Table 52 - 76 28 - 54 table#3 52 - 76 10 - 120 52 - 76 8 - 40 table#3 28 - 58 table#3 Control 11 12 13 14 15 16 15 Parameter LFO Frequency LFO Depth Cutoff Frequency Offset Resonance Display 0.00Hz - 39.7Hz 0 - 127 0 - 127 1.0 - 12.0 Value See Table 0 - 127 table#1 0 - 127 0 - 127 10 - 120 EQ Low Frequency EQ Low Gain EQ High Frequency EQ High Gain Dry/Wet 50Hz - 2.0kHz -12 - +12dB 500Hz - 16.0kHz -12 - +12dB D63>W - D=W - D<W63 8 - 40 table#3 52 - 76 28 - 58 table#3 52 - 76 1 - 127 ● Effect Data Assign Table table#1 LFO Frequency Data 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Value 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.13 0.17 0.21 0.25 0.29 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.46 0.51 0.55 0.59 0.63 0.67 0.72 0.76 0.80 0.84 0.88 0.93 0.97 1.01 1.05 1.09 1.14 1.18 1.22 1.26 1.30 1.35 1.39 1.43 1.47 1.51 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.77 1.81 1.85 1.89 1.94 1.98 2.02 2.06 2.10 2.15 2.19 2.23 2.27 2.31 2.36 2.40 2.44 2.48 2.52 2.57 2.61 2.65 Data Value 64 2.69 65 2.78 66 2.86 67 2.94 68 3.03 69 3.11 70 3.20 71 3.28 72 3.37 73 3.45 74 3.53 75 3.62 76 3.70 77 3.87 78 4.04 79 4.21 80 4.37 81 4.54 82 4.71 83 4.88 84 5.05 85 5.22 86 5.38 87 5.55 88 5.72 89 6.06 90 6.39 91 6.73 92 7.07 93 7.40 94 7.74 95 8.08 96 8.41 97 8.75 98 9.08 99 9.42 100 9.76 101 10.1 102 10.8 103 11.4 104 12.1 105 12.8 106 13.5 107 14.1 108 14.8 109 15.5 110 16.2 111 16.8 112 17.5 113 18.2 114 19.5 115 20.9 116 22.2 117 23.6 118 24.9 119 26.2 120 27.6 121 28.9 122 30.3 123 31.6 124 33.0 125 34.3 126 37.0 127 39.7 table#2 Modulation Delay Offset Data 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Value 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Data Value 64 6.4 65 6.5 66 6.6 67 6.7 68 6.8 69 6.9 70 7.0 71 7.1 72 7.2 73 7.3 74 7.4 75 7.5 76 7.6 77 7.7 78 7.8 79 7.9 80 8.0 81 8.1 82 8.2 83 8.3 84 8.4 85 8.5 86 8.6 87 8.7 88 8.8 89 8.9 90 9.0 91 9.1 92 9.2 93 9.3 94 9.4 95 9.5 96 9.6 97 9.7 98 9.8 99 9.9 100 10.0 101 11.1 102 12.2 103 13.3 104 14.4 105 15.5 106 17.1 107 18.6 108 20.2 109 21.8 110 23.3 111 24.9 112 26.5 113 28.0 114 29.6 115 31.2 116 32.8 117 34.3 118 35.9 119 37.5 120 39.0 121 40.6 122 42.2 123 43.7 124 45.3 125 46.9 126 48.4 127 50.0 table#3 EQ Frequency Data Value 0 THRU(20) 1 22 2 25 3 28 4 32 5 36 6 40 7 45 8 50 9 56 10 63 11 70 12 80 13 90 14 100 15 110 16 125 17 140 18 160 19 180 20 200 21 225 22 250 23 280 24 315 25 355 26 400 27 450 28 500 29 560 30 630 31 700 32 800 33 900 34 1.0k 35 1.1k 36 1.2k 37 1.4k 38 1.6k 39 1.8k 40 2.0k 41 2.2k 42 2.5k 43 2.8k 44 3.2k 45 3.6k 46 4.0k 47 4.5k 48 5.0k 49 5.6k 50 6.3k 51 7.0k 52 8.0k 53 9.0k 54 10.0k 55 11.0k 56 12.0k 57 14.0k 58 16.0k 59 18.0k 60 THRU(20.0k) 16 table#4 Reverb time Data 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Value 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 table#5 Delay Time(200.0ms) Data Value 64 17.0 65 18.0 66 19.0 67 20.0 68 25.0 69 30.0 Data 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Value 0.1 1.7 3.2 4.8 6.4 8.0 9.5 11.1 12.7 14.3 15.8 17.4 19.0 20.6 22.1 23.7 25.3 26.9 28.4 30.0 31.6 33.2 34.7 36.3 37.9 39.5 41.0 42.6 44.2 45.7 47.3 48.9 50.5 52.0 53.6 55.2 56.8 58.3 59.9 61.5 63.1 64.6 66.2 67.8 69.4 70.9 72.5 74.1 75.7 77.2 78.8 80.4 81.9 83.5 85.1 86.7 88.2 89.8 91.4 93.0 94.5 96.1 97.7 99.3 Data Value 64 100.8 65 102.4 66 104.0 67 105.6 68 107.1 69 108.7 70 110.3 71 111.9 72 113.4 73 115.0 74 116.6 75 118.2 76 119.7 77 121.3 78 122.9 79 124.4 80 126.0 81 127.6 82 129.2 83 130.7 84 132.3 85 133.9 86 135.5 87 137.0 88 138.6 89 140.2 90 141.8 91 143.3 92 144.9 93 146.5 94 148.1 95 149.6 96 151.2 97 152.8 98 154.4 99 155.9 100 157.5 101 159.1 102 160.6 103 162.2 104 163.8 105 165.4 106 166.9 107 168.5 108 170.1 109 171.7 110 173.2 111 174.8 112 176.4 113 178.0 114 179.5 115 181.1 116 182.7 117 184.3 118 185.8 119 187.4 120 189.0 121 190.6 122 192.1 123 193.7 124 195.3 125 196.9 126 198.4 127 200.0 table#6 Room Size Data 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Value 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.5 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.1 5.3 5.4 5.6 5.7 5.9 6.1 6.2 6.4 6.5 6.7 6.8 7.0 table#7 Delay Time(400.0ms) Data 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Value 0.1 3.2 6.4 9.5 12.7 15.8 19.0 22.1 25.3 28.4 31.6 34.7 37.9 41.0 44.2 47.3 50.5 53.6 56.8 59.9 63.1 66.2 69.4 72.5 75.7 78.8 82.0 85.1 88.3 91.4 94.6 97.7 100.9 104.0 107.2 110.3 113.5 116.6 119.8 122.9 126.1 129.2 132.4 135.5 138.6 141.8 144.9 148.1 151.2 154.4 157.5 160.7 163.8 167.0 170.1 173.3 176.4 179.6 182.7 185.9 189.0 192.2 195.3 198.5 Data Value 64 201.6 65 204.8 66 207.9 67 211.1 68 214.2 69 217.4 70 220.5 71 223.7 72 226.8 73 230.0 74 233.1 75 236.3 76 239.4 77 242.6 78 245.7 79 248.9 80 252.0 81 255.2 82 258.3 83 261.5 84 264.6 85 267.7 86 270.9 87 274.0 88 277.2 89 280.3 90 283.5 91 286.6 92 289.8 93 292.9 94 296.1 95 299.2 96 302.4 97 305.5 98 308.7 99 311.8 100 315.0 101 318.1 102 321.3 103 324.4 104 327.6 105 330.7 106 333.9 107 337.0 108 340.2 109 343.3 110 346.5 111 349.6 112 352.8 113 355.9 114 359.1 115 362.2 116 365.4 117 368.5 118 371.7 119 374.8 120 378.0 121 381.1 122 384.3 123 387.4 124 390.6 125 393.7 126 396.9 127 400.0 table#8 Reverb Width;Depth;Height Data 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Value 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.3 2.6 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.1 4.4 4.6 4.9 5.2 5.4 5.7 5.9 6.2 6.5 6.7 7.0 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.0 8.3 8.6 8.8 9.1 9.4 9.6 9.9 10.2 10.4 10.7 11.0 11.2 11.5 11.8 12.1 12.3 12.6 12.9 13.1 13.4 13.7 14.0 14.2 14.5 14.8 15.1 15.4 15.6 15.9 16.2 16.5 16.8 17.1 17.3 Data Value 64 17.6 65 17.9 66 18.2 67 18.5 68 18.8 69 19.1 70 19.4 71 19.7 72 20.0 73 20.2 74 20.5 75 20.8 76 21.1 77 21.4 78 21.7 79 22.0 80 22.4 81 22.7 82 23.0 83 23.3 84 23.6 85 23.9 86 24.2 87 24.5 88 24.9 89 25.2 90 25.5 91 25.8 92 26.1 93 26.5 94 26.8 95 27.1 96 27.5 97 27.8 98 28.1 99 28.5 100 28.8 101 29.2 102 29.5 103 29.9 104 30.2 17 MIDI Data Format 1. Channel messages 1.1 Note on/note off 1.2.7 Expression This message controls expression (dynamics within a musical line) for each part. It is used to create volume changes during a song. Control# 11 Range of note numbers received = 0 (C-2)...60 (C3)...127 (G8) Velocity range = 1...127 (Velocity is received only for note-on) 1.2.8 Hold1 This message controls sustain pedal on/off. When the Multi Part parameter "Rcv NOTE MESSAGE" = OFF, that part will not receive these messages. For a drum part*, key-off is not received if the DrumSetup parameter Rcv NOTE OFF = OFF. For a drum part, key-on is not received if the DrumSetup parameter Rcv NOTE ON = OFF. Control# 64 Control# 65 Their functions are differentiated by the control number (Ctrl#). If the Multi Part parameter Rcv CONTROL CHANGE = OFF, that part will not receive control changes. Bank Select LSB Data Range 0, 63, 64, 126, 127 (Normal voice, Native voice, SFX voice, SFX kit, Drum kit) 0...127 Control# 66 Not received when Receive Bank Select in Native System Parameters is set to off. Control# 67 Data Range 0...127 Control# 71 Control# 72 Data Range 0...127 0...127 Control# 73 Parameter Attack Time Data Range 0...64...127 (-64...0...+63) Since this a relative change parameter, it specifies an increase or decrease relative to 64. Increasing this value will make the attack more gradual, and decreasing this value will make the attack sharper. Data Range 0...127 1.2.15 Brightness This message adjusts the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter specified by the sound data. 1.2.6 Panpot This message control the panning (stereo location) of each part. Parameter Pan Data Range 0...64...127 (-64...0...+63) 1.2.14 Attack Time This message adjusts the EG attack time that was specified by the sound data. When the Multi Part parameter Rcv VOLUME = OFF, that part will not receive Main Volume. With a value of 0 there will be no sound, and a value of 127 will be the maximum volume. Control# 10 Parameter Release Time Since this is a relative change parameter, it specifies an increase or decrease relative to 64. Increasing this value will lengthen the release that follows a note-off. 1.2.5 Main Volume This message controls the volume of each part. This is used to adjust the volume balance between parts. Parameter Main Volume Data Range 0...64...127 (-64...0...+63) 1.2.13 Release Time This message adjusts the EG release time that was specified by the sound data. 1.2.4 Data Entry This message sets the value of the parameter which was specified by RPN MSB/LSB (see 1.2.22) and NRPN MSB/LSB (see 1.2.21). Control# 7 Parameter Harmonic Content Since this is a relative change parameter, it specifies a boost or cut relative to 64. Higher values will produce a more distinctive sound. For some sounds, the effective range may be less than the possible range of settings. Data Range 0...127 When Portamento (control number 065) is ON, this regulates the speed of the pitch change. A value of 0 is the shortest portamento time, and 127 is the longest portamento time. If the receive channel is a drum part, Portamento Time is not received. Parameter Data Entry MSB Data Entry LSB Data Range 0...63,64...127 (OFF, ON) 1.2.12 Harmonic Content This message adjusts the resonance of the filter that is specified for the sound. 1.2.3 Portamento Time This message controls the degree of Portamento (refer to 1.2.9). Control# 6 38 Parameter Soft Pedal The sound will become mellower when Soft Pedal is ON. If any of the following Multi Part parameter settings apply, that part will not receive the Soft Pedal. • Rcv SOFT PEDAL=OFF • PART MODE=DRUMÅA DRUMS1ÅA2 If the Multi Part parameter Rcv MODULATION = OFF, that part will not receive Modulation. If the receive channel is a drum part, effects 5 and 6 will not apply. Parameter Portamento Time Data Range 0...63,64...127 (OFF, ON) 1.2.11 Soft Pedal This message controls soft pedal on/off. The effect of this message can be changed by the following parameters. • Multi Part Parameter 1. MW PITCH CONTROL 2. MW FILTER CONTROL 3. MW AMPLITUDE CONTROL 4. MW LFO PMOD DEPTH 5. MW LFO FMOD DEPTH 6. MW LFO AMOD DEPTH • Effect1 Parameter 7. MW VARIATION CONTROL DEPTH (Valid when Variation Effect is assigned to a part as Insertion) Control# 5 Parameter Sostenuto If sostenuto is turned on while a note is sounding, that note will be sustained until sostenuto is turned OFF. Sostenuto for the specified part is not received when Rcv SOSTENUTO of the part in Multi Part Parameters is set to off. 1.2.2 Modulation This message is used primarily to control the depth of vibrato, but the depth of the following 7 types of effect can be controlled. Parameter Modulation Data Range 0...63,64...127 (OFF, ON) 1.2.10 Sostenuto This message controls sostenuto pedal on/off. The Bank Select data will be processed only after a Program Change is received, and then voice bank will change at that time. If you wish to change the voice bank as well as the voice, you must transmit Bank Select and Program Change messages as a set, in the order of Bank Select MSB, LSB, and Program Change. Control# 1 Parameter Portamento When this is ON, the pitch will change smoothly between notes. The time over which the pitch changes is adjusted by Portamento Time (see 1.2.3). Also, when the Multi Part parameter MONO/POLY MODE = MONO, the tone will also change smoothly (legato) if Portamento = ON. If any of the following Multi Part parameter settings apply, that part will not receive Portamento. • Rcv PORTAMENTO = OFF • PART MODE=DRUM, DRUMS1, 2 1.2.1 Bank Select This message selects the voice bank. 32 Data Range 0...63,64...127 (OFF, ON) 1.2.9 Portamento This message controls portamento on/off. Control changes These messages control volume or pan etc. Parameter Bank Select MSB Parameter Hold1 When this is ON, currently-sounding notes will continue to sound even if note-off messages are received. If the Multi Part parameter Rcv HOLD1 = OFF, that part will not receive Hold1. * Drum Part indicates that the Multi Part parameter PART MODE is "set to DRUM, DRUMS1, DRUMS2." Control# 0 Data Range 0...127 If the Multi Part parameter Rcv EXPRESSION = OFF, that part will not receive Expression. These messages convey keyboard performance data. 1.2 Parameter Expression Control# 74 Data Range 0...64...127 Parameter Brightness Data Range 0...64...127 (-64...0...+63) Since this is a relative change parameter, it specifies an increase or decrease relative to 64. Lower values will produce a more mellow sound. For some sounds, the effective range may be less than the possible range of settings. When the Multi Part parameter Rcv PAN = OFF, that part will not receive Panpot. 0 is left, 64 is center, and 127 is right. 18 1.2.16 Portamento Control This message specifies the portamento source key number (the key number at which portamento will begin). Data of 0...127 specifies the portamento source key. When Portamento Control is received, the currently-sounding pitch will change at a Portamento Time of 0 to the key of the next-received note-on of the same channel. NRPN MSB LSB Data Entry*1 MSB LSB 19H rr mm -- Drum instrument pitch fine rr : drum instrument note number mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63) 1AH rr mm -- Drum instrument level rr : drum instrument note number mm : 00H - 7FH (0...maximum) This is received even if Rcv PORTAMENTO = OFF. 1CH rr mm -- 1.2.17 Effect1 Depth (Reverb Send Level) This message specifies the send level for the reverb effect. Drum instrument panpot rr : drum instrument note number mm : 00H, 01H-40H-7FH (RND, L63...C...R63) 1DH rr mm -- Drum instrument reverb send level rr : drum instrument note number mm : 00H - 7FH (0...maximum) 1EH rr mm -- Drum instrument chorus send level rr : drum instrument note number mm : 00H - 7FH (0...maximum) 1FH rr mm -- Drum instrument variation send level rr : drum instrument note number mm : 00H - 7FH (0...maximum) (when Variation Connection = SYSTEM) mm : 00H, 01H-7FH (OFF, ON) (when Variation Connection = INSERTION) Control# 84 Parameter Portamento Control Control# 91 Parameter Effect1 Depth Data Range 0...127 (C-2...G8) Data Range 0...127 Increasing this value will produce a richer reverb. The effect of the value will depend on the state of the reverb effect. 1.2.18 Effect3 Depth (Chorus Send Level) This message specifies the send level for the chorus effect. Control# 93 Parameter Effect3 Depth Data Range 0...127 Raising this value will increase the modulation or spaciousness. The effect of the value will depend on the state of the chorus effect. MSB 14H - 1FH (for drums) is received when Multi Part parameter PART MODE = DRUMS1, 2. 1.2.19 Effect4 Depth (Variation Effect Send Level) This message specifies the send level for the variation effect. Control# 94 Parameter Effect4 Depth *1 *2 *3 Data Range 0...127 However, this is not received if the Variation Effect parameter Variation Connection = 0 (Insertion). Parameter RPN Increment RPN Decrement Control# 100 101 Data Range --- Parameter RPN LSB RPN MSB The following RPN messages can be received. Parameter NRPN LSB NRPN MSB Data Range 0...127 0...127 NRPN MSB LSB Data Entry*1 MSB LSB 00H 00H mm -- *2 Pitch bend sensitivity mm:00-18H (0...+24 semitones) Specify up to 2 octaves in semitone steps\ 00H 01H mm ll Fine tuning mm ll: 00H 00H : mm ll: 40H 00H : mm ll: 7FH 7FH If the Multi Part parameter Rcv NRPN = OFF, that part will not receive NRPN. The following NRPN messages can be received. NRPN MSB LSB Data Entry*1 MSB LSB *2 Data Range 0...127 0...127 If the Multi Part parameter Rcv RPN = OFF, that part will not receive this message. The data byte is ignored. 1.2.21 NRPN (Non-registered parameter number) This message is used to specify a sound parameter (such as vibrato, filter, EG, drum setup etc.) as an offset value. Use NRPN MSB and NRPN LSB to specify the parameter that you wish to modify, and then use Data Entry (see 1.2.4) to set the value for the specified parameter. Control# 98 99 Refer to 1.2.4 '--' indicates that the setting value is ignored. Adjusts the time after the note is played until vibrato begins to take effect. The effect will begin more quickly for higher values, and more slowly for higher values. 1.2.22 RPN (Registered parameter number) This message is used to specify part parameters such as Pitch Bend Sensitivity or Tuning etc. as an offset value. Use RPN MSB and RPN LSB to specify the parameter that you wish to modify, and then use Data Entry (see 1.2.4) to set the value of the specified parameter. 1.2.20 Data Increment/Decrement (for RPN) This message increases or decreases the parameter value specified for RPN (see 1.2.22), by increments of 1. Control# 96 97 Parameter name and value range Parameter name and value range Parameter name and value range -100 cents : 0 cents : +100 cents [Note] mm ll: 00H 7FH (= -87.5) cents is followed by 01H 00H (= -87.4) cents. Vibrato rate mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63) 00H 02H mm -- -- Vibrato depth mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63) Coarse tuning mm:28H - 40H - 58H (-24...0...+24 semitones) 7FH 7FH -- -- mm -- *3 Vibrato delay mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63) RPN Null This sets RPN and NRPN numbers to an unset state. Internal data is not affected. 01H 20H mm -- Low pass filter cutoff frequency mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63) 01H 21H mm -- Low pass filter resonance mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63) 01H 63H mm -- EG attack time mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63) 01H 64H mm -- EG decay time mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63) 01H 66H mm -- EG release time mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63) 14H rr mm -- Drum low pass filter cutoff frequency rr : drum instrument note number mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63) 15H rr mm -- Drum low pass filter resonance rr : drum instrument note number mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63) 16H rr mm -- Drum EG attack rate rr : drum instrument note number mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63) 17H rr mm -- Drum EG decay rate rr : drum instrument note number mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63) The effect will apply both to Decay 1 and 2. 18H rr mm -- Drum instrument pitch coarse rr : drum instrument note number mm : 00H - 40H - 7FH (-64...0...+63) 01H 08H mm -- 01H 09H mm 01H 0AH *1 *2 Refer to 1.2.4 '--' indicates that the setting value is ignored. 1.2.23 Assignable controller By assigning a control change number of 0...95 to a part, the specified effect can be controlled. This device allows two control change numbers (AC1 and AC2) to be specified for each part. The following parameters specify the effect of AC1 and AC2. • Multi Part Parameter 1. AC1, AC2 PITCH CONTROL 2. AC1, AC2 FILTER CONTROL 3. AC1, AC2 AMPLITUDE CONTROL 4. AC1, AC2 LFO PMOD DEPTH 5. AC1, AC2 LFO FMOD DEPTH 6. AC1, AC2 LFO AMOD DEPTH • Effect1 Parameter 7. AC1, AC2 VARIATION CONTROL DEPTH (Valid if Variation Effect is assigned to a part as Insertion) The AC1 control change number is specified by the Multi Part parameter AC1 CONTROLLER NUMBER, and the AC2 control change number is specified by the Multi Part parameter AC2 CONTROLLER NUMBER. 19 1.3 Channel mode messages 1.5 These messages specify the basic operation of a part. This message is generally used to modify the pitch of a part, but the depth of the following seven effects can be controlled. The effect of this message can be modified by the following parameters. • Multi Part Parameter 1. BEND PITCH CONTROL 2. BEND FILTER CONTROL 3. BEND AMPLITUDE CONTROL 4. BEND LFO PMOD DEPTH 5. BEND LFO FMOD DEPTH 6. BEND LFO AMOD DEPTH • Effect1 Parameter 7. BEND VARIATION CONTROL DEPTH (Valid when Variation Effect is assigned to a part as Insertion) By default, the Pitch Control effect is applied. If the receive channel is a drum part, effects 5 and 6 will not apply. If the Multi Part parameter Rcv PITCH BEND CHANGE = OFF, that part will not receive pitch bend messages. 1.3.1 All Sound Off This message silences all currently-sounding notes on the corresponding channel. However, the settings of channel messages such as Hold 1 and Sostenuto will be maintained. Control# 120 Parameter All Sound Off Data Range 0 1.3.2 Reset All Controllers This message resets the following controllers to their default values. Controller Value Pitch bend change ±0 (center) Channel Aftertouch 0 (off) Polyphonic Aftertouch 0 (off) Modulation 0 (off) Expression 127 (maximum) Hold 0 (off) Portamento 0 (off) Sostenuto 0 (off) Soft pedal 0 (off) Portamento control Reset the portamento source note number that was received. RPN Number unset, internal data is not affected. NRPN Number unset, internal data is not affected. 1.6 Parameter Reset All Controllers The pressure can be controlled for each part. This message will affect the currentlysounding notes. The effect of this message will be determined by the settings of the following parameters. • EMulti Part Parameter 1. CAT PITCH CONTROL 2. CAT FILTER CONTROL 3. CAT AMPLITUDE CONTROL 4. CAT LFO PMOD DEPTH 5. CAT LFO FMOD DEPTH 6. CAT LFO AMOD DEPTH • Effect1 Parameter 7. CAT VARIATION CONTROL DEPTH (Valid when the Variation Effect is assigned to a part as Insertion) By default, there will be no effect. If the receive channel is a drum part, effects 5 and 6 will not apply. If the Multi Part parameter Rcv CHANNEL AFTER TOUCH = OFF, that part will not receive Channel Aftertouch. Data Range 0 1.3.3 All Note Off This message turns off all notes which are currently on for the corresponding part. However, if Hold 1 or Sostenuto are on, notes will continue to sound until these are turned off. Control# 123 Parameter All Note Off 1.7 Parameter Omni Off Data Range 0 The pressure can be controlled independently for each note. This message will affect currently-sounding notes. The effect of this message is determined by the following Multi Part parameters. 1. PAT PITCH CONTROL 2. PAT FILTER CONTROL 3. PAT AMPLITUDE CONTROL 4. PAT LFO PMOD DEPTH 5. PAT LFO FMOD DEPTH 6. PAT LFO AMOD DEPTH By default, there will be no effect. The effect will apply to note numbers 36...97. In the case of either of the following Multi Part parameter settings, that part will not receive Polyphonic Aftertouch. Rcv CHANNEL AFTER TOUCH = OFF PART MODE = DRUM, DRUMS1, 2 Data Range 0 1.3.5 Omni On Perform the same processing as when All Note Off is received. Control# 125 Parameter Omni On Data Range 0 1.3.6 Mono Perform the same processing as when All Sound Off is received, and if the value (mono number) is in the range of 0...16, set the corresponding channel to Mode4* (m = 1). Control# 126 Parameter Mono Polyphonic aftertouch (Receive only) This message conveys the pressure that is applied to the keyboard after playing a note (for individual note numbers). 1.3.4 Omni Off Perform the same processing as when All Note Off is received. Control# 124 Channel aftertouch (Receive only) This message conveys the pressure which is applied to the keyboard after playing a note in order to create tonal changes (for an entire MIDI channel). The following data is not changed. Parameter values specified by program change, bank select MSB/LSB, volume, pan, effect send levels 1, 3, 4, RPN and NRPN. Control# 121 Pitch bend This message conveys movements of the pitch bender. Data Range 0...16 2. *Mode4 is a state in which only channel messages on the specified channel will be received, and notes will be sounded individually (monophonically). 2.1 System exclusive messages Parameter changes This devices uses the following parameter changes. 1.3.7 Poly Perform the same processing as when All Sound Off is received, and set the corresponding channel to Mode3*. Control# 127 Parameter Poly [UNIVERSAL REALTIME MESSAGE] 1) Master Volume [UNIVERSAL NON REALTIME MESSAGE] 1) General MIDI System On Data Range 0 [XG PARAMETER CHANGE] 1) XG System on 2) XG System parameter change 3) Multi Effect1 parameter change 4) Multi Part parameter change 5) Drums Setup parameter change *Mode3 is when channel messages will be received only on the specified channel, and will be sounded polyphonically. 1.4 Program change This message reports sound selection changes and changes the program number of the receiving channel. [NATIVE PARAMETER CHANGE] 1) Native System parameter change 2) Remote Switch parameter change 3) Normal Voice parameter change 4) Drum Voice parameter change In order to include changes to the voice bank, Program Change and Bank Select messages must be sent as a set (see 1.2.1). When RevPROGRAM CHANGE = OFF for Multi Part Parameter, the program change for that part is not received. Not received when Receive Program Change in Native System Parameters is set to off. [Others] 1) Master tuning 20 2.1.1 Universal realtime messages XG System On Master Volume 11110000 01111111 01111111 00000100 00000001 * 0sssssss 0ttttttt 11110111 F0H 7FH 7FH 04H 01H SSH TTH F7H = = = = = = = = 11110000 01000011 0001nnnn 01001100 00000000 00000000 01111110 00000000 11110111 Exclusive status Universal Real Time ID of target device Sub-ID #1=Device Control Message Sub-ID #2=Master Volume Volume LSB Volume MSB End of Exclusive F0H 7FH XNH 04H 01H SSH TTH F7H = = = = = = = = Exclusive status Universal Real Time n:Device Number, x=don’t care Sub-ID #1=Device Control Message Sub-ID #2=Master Volume Volume LSB Volume MSB End of Exclusive XG System parameter change This message sets the XG SYSTEM block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-2>). Multi Effect1 parameter change This message sets the MULTI EFFECT1 block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-4>). The S03 responds to this message only when it is set to the Multi mode. When this is received, the Volume MSB will be reflected by the System parameter MASTER VOLUME. Multi Part parameter change This message sets the MULTI PART block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-5>). The S03 responds to this message only when it is set to the Multi mode. *The binary expression 0sssssss is expressed in hexadecimal as SSH. The same applies elsewhere. Drums Setup parameter change This message sets the DRUMS SETUP block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-6>). The S03 responds to this message only when it is set to the Multi mode. 2.1.2 Universal non-realtime messages General MIDI System On 11110000 01111110 01111111 00001001 00000001 11110111 F0H 7EH 7FH 09H 01H F7H = = = = = = Exclusive status Universal Non-Real Time ID of target device Sub-ID #1=General MIDI Message Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On End of Exclusive F0H 7EH XNH 09H 01H F7H = = = = = = Exclusive status Universal Non-Real Time n:Device Number, x:don’t care Sub-ID #1=General MIDI Message Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On End of Exclusive 2.1.4 S03 native parameter change This message sets parameters unique to the S03. Each message sets a single parameter. Each message modifies a single parameter. The message format is as follows. 11110000 01000011 0001nnnn 01101100 0ggggggg 0mmmmmmm 0lllllll 0sssssss : 11110111 or, 11110000 01111110 0xxxnnnn 00001001 00000001 11110111 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID N:device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low Data End of Exclusive When On is received, the SOUND MODULE MODE will be set to XG. Since approximately 50[ms] are required in order to execute this message, please allow an appropriate interval before transmitting the next message. or, 11110000 01111111 0xxxnnnn 00000100 00000001 0sssssss 0ttttttt 11110111 F0H 43H 1NH 4CH 00H 00H 7EH 00H F7H When this message is received, the SOUND MODULE MODE is set to XG, and all MIDI messages defined by GM will be received. All data except for MIDI Master Tuning will be restored to the default value. Since approximately 50[ms] is required in order to process this message, be sure to allow an appropriate interval before sending the next message. F0H 43H 1NH 6CH GGH MMH LLH SSH : F7H Exclusive status YAMAHA ID N:device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low Data End of Exclusive For parameters whose Data Size is 2 or 4, the number of data bytes indicated by Size are transmitted. Native System parameter change This message sets the NATIVE SYSTEM block (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-3>). Identity Request 11110000 01111110 0mmmmmmm 00000110 00000001 11110111 F0H 7EH MMH 06H 01H F7H = = = = = = Remote Switch parameter change This message sets the REMOTE SWITCH block(refer to tables <2-1>, <2-5>). Exclusive status Universal Non-Real Time Device Number Sub-ID #1=General Information Sub-ID #2=Identity Request End of Exclusive Normal Voice parameter change This message sets the NORMAL VOICE (Edit Buffer) block (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-9>, <2-10>). The S03 responds to this message only when it is set to the Voice mode. When this message is received, this device will transmit an Identity Reply message as described in the following section2.1.2.3. Drum Voice parameter change This message sets the Drum VOICE (Edit Buffer) block (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-11>, <212>). The S03 responds to this message only when it is set to the Voice mode. Identity Reply 11110000 01111110 0mmmmmmm 00000110 00000010 01000011 00000000 01000001 01110111 00000100 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 11110111 F0H 7EH MMH 06H 02H 43H 00H 41H 77H 04H 00H 00H 00H 01H F7H = = = = = = = = = = Exclusive status Universal Non-Real Time Device Number Sub-ID #1=General Information Sub-ID #2=Identity Reply YAMAHA ID Device Family Code LSB S03 ID Device Family Code MSB S03 ID Device Number Code LSB S03 ID Device Number Code MSB S03 ID 2.1.5 Other parameter changes Master tuning This message simultaneously modifies the tuning of all channels. #1 #2 #3 #4 11110000 01000011 0001nnnn 00100111 00110000 00000000 00000000 0000mmmm 0000llll 0xxxxxxx 11110111 = Tone Generator Code=XG = End of Exclusive This device will transmit this message when it receives the Identity Request message of F0H 43H 1NH 4CH GGH MMH LLH SSH : F7H Exclusive status YAMAHA ID N:device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low Master Tune MSB Master Tune LSB don’t care End of Exclusive Normally, the XG SYSTEM message MASTER TUNE should be used (refer to table <12>). 2.1.3 XG parameter change This message sets XG-related parameters. Each message can set a single parameter. The message format is as follows. 11110000 01000011 0001nnnn 01001100 0ggggggg 0mmmmmmm 0lllllll 0sssssss : 11110111 F0H 43H 1NH 27H 30H 00H 00H 0MH 0LH XXH F7H Exclusive status YAMAHA ID N:device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low Data End of Exclusive For parameters whose Data Size is 2 or 4, the appropriate amount of data will be transmitted as indicated by Size 21 2.2 Bulk dump Normal Voice bulk dump This message sets the NORMAL VOICE block (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-2>, <2-9>, <210>). To receive this message, the Bulk Header and Bulk Footer of Bulk Control must be received before and after reception, respectively. The Bulk Header determines the Memory Bank/Voice number to which the data is stored. This device uses the following bulk dump messages. [XG BULK DUMP] 1) XG System bulk dump 2) System Information bulk dump 3) Multi Effect1 bulk dump 4) Multi Part bulk dump 5) Drums Setup bulk dump Drum Voice bulk dump This message sets the NORMAL VOICE block (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-2>, <2-11>, <212>). To receive this message, the Bulk Header and Bulk Footer of Bulk Control must be received before and after reception, respectively. The Bulk Header determines the Memory Bank/Voice number to which the data is stored. [NATIVE BULK DUMP] 1) Native System bulk dump 2) Bulk Control bulk dump 3) Native Multi bulk dump 4) Normal Voice bulk dump 5) Drum Voice bulk dump 2.3 11110000 01000011 0000nnnn 01001100 0sssssss 0ttttttt 0ggggggg 0mmmmmmm 0lllllll 0vvvvvvv : 0kkkkkkk 11110111 F0H 43H 0NH 4CH SSH TTH GGH MMH LLH VVH : KKH F7H 2.3.1 XG parameter request This message requests transmission of XG parameter settings. Settings are transmitted in the format of an XG parameter change (refer to 2.1.3). Exclusive status YAMAHA ID N:Device Number Model ID ByteCountMSB ByteCountLSB Address High Address Mid Address Low Data 11110000 01000011 0001nnnn 01001100 0ggggggg 0mmmmmmm 0lllllll 11110111 Check-sum End of Exclusive 11110000 01000011 0001nnnn 01101100 0ggggggg 0mmmmmmm 0lllllll 11110111 XG System bulk dump This message sets the XG SYSTEM block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-2>). System Information bulk dump This message indicates the contents of the SYSTEM INFORMATION block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-3>). This message is transmitted in response to a Dump Request, but this message will be ignored if it is received. 2.4 Exclusive status YAMAHA ID N:device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low End of Exclusive F0H 43H 3NH 6CH GGH MMH LLH F7H Exclusive status YAMAHA ID N:device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low End of Exclusive Dump request This message requests transmission of a specific block of parameter values. The output is the same as the bulk dump format. Multi Effect1 bulk dump This message sets the MULTI EFFECT1 block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-4>). 2.4.1 XG dump request This message requests transmission of all parameters of the specified block of XG parameters. The output is the same as the format of XG bulk dump (refer to 2.2.1). Multi Part bulk dump This message sets the MULTI PART block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-5>). 11110000 01000011 0001nnnn 01001100 0ggggggg 0mmmmmmm 0lllllll 11110111 Drums Setup bulk dump This message sets the DRUMS SETUP block (refer to tables <1-1>, <1-6>). 2.2.2 S03 native bulk dump This message modifies parameters unique to the S03.Unlike parameter change messages, a single message will modify multiple parameters. The message format is as follows. F0H 43H 0NH 6CH SSH TTH GGH MMH LLH VVH : KKH F7H F0H 43H 3NH 4CH GGH MMH LLH F7H 2.3.2 S03 native parameter request This message requests transmission of a parameter value unique to the S03. The output is transmitted in the format of a S03 native parameter change (refer to 2.1.4). Address and Byte Count are given in tables 1-n. Byte Count is indicated by the total size of the Data in tables 1-n. Bulk dump and dump request messages are received when the beginning of the block is specified as the 'Address'. 'Block' indicates the unit of the data string that is indicated in tables 1-n as 'Total size'. Check sum is the value that produces a lower 7 bits of 0 when the Start Address, Byte Count, Data, and the Check-sum itself are added. 11110000 01000011 0000nnnn 01101100 0sssssss 0ttttttt 0ggggggg 0mmmmmmm 0lllllll 0vvvvvvv : 0kkkkkkk 11110111 Parameter request This message requests transmission of a parameter value. The output is transmitted in the Parameter Change message format (refer to 2.1.x). 2.2.1 XG bulk dump This message sets XG-related parameters. Unlike parameter change messages, a single message can modify multiple parameters. The message format is as follows. F0H 43H 2NH 4CH GGH MMH LLH F7H Exclusive status YAMAHA ID N:device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low End of Exclusive Address is valid only when the beginning of the block has been specified. Exclusive status YAMAHA ID N:Device Number Model ID ByteCountMSB ByteCountLSB Address High Address Mid Address Low Data 2.4.2 S03 native dump request This message requests transmission of all parameters of the specified block of S03 native parameters. The output is in the same format as an S03 native bulk dump (refer to 2.2.2). 11110000 01000011 0001nnnn 01101100 0ggggggg 0mmmmmmm 0lllllll 11110111 Check-sum End of Exclusive Address and Byte Count are given in tables x-n. Byte Count is indicated by the total size of the Data in tables x-n. Bulk dump and dump request messages are received when the beginning of the block is specified as the 'Address'. Block indicates the unit of the data string that is indicated in tables x-n as 'Total size'. Check sum is the value that produces a lower 7 bits of 0 when the Start Address, Byte Count, Data, and the Check-sum itself are added. F0H 43H 2NH 6CH GGH MMH LLH F7H Exclusive status YAMAHA ID N:device Number Model ID Address High Address Mid Address Low End of Exclusive Address is valid only when the beginning of the block has been specified. No System Exclusive Message is received when the Compare function is active. 3. Native System bulk dump This message sets the NATIVE SYSTEM block (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-2>, <2-3>). 3.1 Bulk Control bulk dump Bulk Control bulk dump This message sets the parameters such as Multi Number, Memory Bank and Voice Number when the Native Multi bulk dump, Normal Voice bulk dump or Drum Voice Bulk dump is received (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-2>, <2-4>). Realtime messages Active sensing a) Transmission Transmitted at every 270 msec. b) Receive Once FE has been received, failure to receive any MIDI message for an interval longer than approximately 300 msec will cause processing to be performed as if ALL SOUND OFF, ALL NOTE OFF, and RESET ALL CONTROLLERS messages were received, and the unit will reset to a condition in which FE was never received. Native Multi bulk dump This message sets the NATIVE MULTI block (refer to tables <2-1>, <2-2>, <2-6>, <2-7>, <2-8>). To receive this message, the Bulk Header and Bulk Footer of Bulk Control must be received before and after reception, respectively. The Bulk Header determines the Multi number to which the data is stored. 22 MIDI Data Table Address (H) Bank Select Size (H) Data Parameter Description (H) Default value (H) 0C 1 00 - 7F REVERB RETURN -∞dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 40 0D 1 01 - 7F REVERB PAN L63...C...R63 40 TOTAL SIZE 0E Available Bank Select/Program Change 02 MSB (HEX) 0 LSB (HEX) Program No. 00 *1 64 40 0 00 *1 126 7E 0 00 0-1 0 - 127 127 7F 0 00 *1 63 3F 0 00 0 - 127 63 3F 8 08 0 - 127 63 3F 40 28 0-1 63 3F 64 40 0 - 127 Type Memory 01 Description Normal Voice 10 Refer to Effect Parameter List 00(depends on reverb type) 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 12 “ 04(“) 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 13 “ 32(“) 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 14 “ 08(“) 14 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 15 “ 40(“) 15 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 16 “ 00(“) 00 - 7F CHORUS TYPE MSB Refer to Effect Type List 41(=CHORUS1) 00 - 7F CHORUS TYPE LSB “ 00 TOTAL SIZE 6 Preset Normal Voice 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 11 1 1 13 GM/XG Drum Voice 1 11 12 User Drum Voice User Multi User 02 Effective only when in the Multi mode 01 20 2 *1 Refer to Voice List 22 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 1 “ 06(depends on chorus type) 23 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 2 “ 36(“) 24 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 3 “ 4D(“) <Table 1 - 1> 25 XG Parameter Base Address 26 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 5 “ 00(“) 27 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 6 “ 1C(“) 28 MODEL ID = 4C Parameter XG SYSTEM Description Remarks 1 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 4 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 7 “ “ 6A(“) 40(“) 29 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 8 “ 2E(“) 2A 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 9 “ 40(“) 40(“) Address 2B 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 10 “ (H) (M) (L) 2C 1 00 - 7F CHORUS RETURN -∞dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 40 00 00 00 XG System 2D 1 01 - 7F CHORUS PAN L63...C...R63(1...64...127) 00 00 7D Drum Setup Reset Receives parameter change only 2E 1 00 - 7F SEND CHORUS TO REVERB -∞dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 00 00 00 7E XG System On Receives parameter change only 00 00 7F All Parameter Reset Receives parameter change only Receives dump request only 40 TOTAL SIZE 0F INFORMATION 01 00 00 System Information EFFECT 1 02 01 00 Effect1 (Reverb, Chorus, Variation ) 08 00 00 Multi Part 1 08 0F 00 Multi Part 16 33 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 14 “ 00(“) 30 0D 00 Drum Setup 1 34 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 15 “ 00(“) 31 0D 00 Drum Setup 2 35 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 16 “ 00(“) MULTI PART 02 01 : DRUM 30 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 11 Refer to Effect Type List 2E(depends on chorus type) 31 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 12 “ 40(“) 32 The S03 responds to the message “MODEL ID = 4C” only when in the Multi mode. Address 1 00 note number 13 0E 00 note number 14 3n 5B 00 note number 91 02 01 : 40 2 (H) (H) (H) 00 00 00 4 Description 00 - 0F MASTER TUNE -102.4...0...+102.3[cent] 01 00 - 0F 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 02 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 03 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 1 05 1 06 1 28 - 58 7D 1 N 7E 1 7F 1 00 - 7F MASTER VOLUME 0...127 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 1 MSB “ 1A(depends on variation type) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 1 LSB “ 05(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 2 MSB “ 0D(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 2 LSB 46 2 2 2 4C 2 00 04 00 00 7F 4E 2 50 2 52 2 not used 00 00 TRANSPOSE -24...0...+24 [semitones] 40 DRUM SETUP RESET N: Drum setup number (0,1) -- XG SYSTEM ON 00=XG system ON (receive only) -- 00=ON (receive only) -- ALL PARAMETER RESET 54 TOTAL SIZE 07 00 2 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 04 05(=DELAY L, C, R) “ 2 Default value (H) Refer to Effect Type List 44 4A Parameter 00 - 7F VARIATION TYPE MSB 00 - 7F VARIATION TYPE LSB 42 48 MIDI Parameter Change table (XG SYSTEM) Data 2 “ 03(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 3 MSB “ 27(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 3 LSB “ 08(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 4 MSB “ 27(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 4 LSB “ 08(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 5 MSB “ 00(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 5 LSB “ 4A(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 6 MSB “ 00(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 6 LSB “ 64(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 7 MSB “ 00(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 7 LSB “ 0A(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 8 MSB “ 00(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 8 LSB “ 00(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 9 MSB “ 00(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 9 LSB “ 00(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 10 MSB “ 00(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 10 LSB “ 20(“) 56 1 00 - 7F VARIATION RETURN -∞dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 40 57 1 01 - 7F VARIATION PAN L63...C...R63(1...64...127) 58 1 00 - 7F SEND VARIATION TO REVERB -∞dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 00 00 - 7F SEND VARIATION TO CHORUS 59 1 1 00 - 01 5B 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PART NUMBER 5C 1 00 - 7F MW VARIATION CONTROL DEPTH -64...0...+63 5D 1 00 - 7F BEND VARIATION CONTROL DEPTH -64...0...+63 40 5E 1 00 - 7F CAT VARIATION CONTROL DEPTH -64...0...+63 40 01 Size (H) 00 00 E Data Parameter Description (H) 20 - 7F Model Name 1 32...127(ASCII CHARACTER) 20 - 7F Model Name 14 1 0F -∞dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 00 INSERTION, SYSTEM 00 Part1 7F 1 32...127 (ASCII CHARACTER) 1 00 - 7F AC1 VARIATION CONTROL DEPTH -64...0...+63 40 60 1 00 - 7F AC2 VARIATION CONTROL DEPTH -64...0...+63 40 00 - 7F XG Level 1 TOTAL SIZE 00 - 7F XG Level 2 40 5F : 0D 0E VARIATION CONNECTION OFF(127) MIDI Parameter Change table (SYSTEM INFORMATION) (H) 40 5A <Table 1 - 3> Address 0A(“) Parameter 0D 3n <Table 1 - 2> Size “ TOTAL SIZE 6 3n : Address 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 13 21 TOTAL SIZE 10 Transmitted in response to Dump Request. Not received. 02 01 70 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 11 Refer to Effect Parameter List 00(depends on variation type) 71 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 12 “ 3C(“) 72 <Table 1 - 4> MIDI Parameter Change table (EFFECT) Address (H) 02 01 Size Data (H) (H) 00 2 02 1 Parameter Description Default value (H) 00 - 7F REVERB TYPE MSB Refer to Effect Type List 01(=HALL1) 00 - 7F REVERB TYPE LSB “ 00 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 1 “ 12(depends on reverb type) 03 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 2 “ 0A(“) 04 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 3 “ 08(“) 05 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 4 “ 0D(“) 06 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 5 “ 31(“) 07 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 6 “ 00(“) 08 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 7 “ 00(“) 09 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 8 “ 00(“) 0A 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 9 “ 00(“) 0B 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 10 “ 00(") 23 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 13 “ 1C(“) 73 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 14 “ 40(“) 74 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 15 “ 2E(“) 75 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 16 “ 40(“) TOTAL SIZE 6 <Table 1 - 5> 5D 1 00 - 7F AC1 LFO PMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 5E 1 00 - 7F AC1 LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 5F 1 00 - 7F AC1 LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 60 1 00 - 5F AC2 CONTROLLER NUMBER 0...95 11 61 1 28 - 58 -24...0...+24[semitones] 40 62 1 AC2 LOW PASS FILTER 00 - 7F CONTROL -9600...0...+9450[cent] 40 other parts = 2 63 1 00 - 7F AC2 AMPLITUDE CONTROL -100...0...+100[%] 40 part10 = 7F 64 1 00 - 7F AC2 LFO PMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 other parts =0 65 1 00 - 7F AC2 LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 MIDI Parameter Change table (MULTI PART) Address (H) 08 nn 00 01 Size Data (H) (H) 1 00 - 20 1 Parameter Description Default value (H) ELEMENT RESERVE 00 - 7F BANK SELECT MSB 0...64 0...127 part10 = 0 1 00 - 7F BANK SELECT LSB 0...127 00 66 1 00 - 7F AC2 LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 03 1 00 - 7F PROGRAM NUMBER 1...128 00 67 1 00 - 01 OFF, ON 00 04 1 00-0F, 7F Rcv CHANNEL A1...A16, OFF Part No. 68 1 00 - 7F PORTAMENTO TIME 05 1 00 - 01 MONO, POLY 01 69 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG INITIAL LEVEL -64...0...+63 40 SINGLE, MULTI, INST (for DRUM) 01 6A 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG ATTACK TIME -64...0...+63 40 6B 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG RELEASE LEVEL -64...0...+63 40 1 00 - 02 MONO/POLY MODE SAME NOTE NUMBER KEY ON ASSIGN 6C 6D 1 01 - 7F VELOCITY LIMIT LOW 1...127 01 6E 1 01 - 7F VELOCITY LIMIT HIGH 1...127 7F PART MODE NORMAL, DRUM, DRUMS1 28 - 58 NOTE SHIFT -24...0...+24[semitones] 09 2 -12.8...0...+12.7[Hz] 08 00 00 - 0F DETUNE 00 - 0F 0C 1 1 -64...0...+63 40 TOTAL SIZE 3F 1st bit3-0→bit7-4 nn = PART NUMBER(00 - 0F) In the case of DRUM PART, the following parameters will have no effect. • BANK SELECT LSB • MONO/POLY MODE • SCALE TUNING • PORTAMENTO 2nd bit3-0→bit3-0 0B 00 40 00 - 03 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG RELEASE TIME 0...127 other parts=0 1 08 1 PORTAMENTO SWITCH Part10=2 07 0A 00 - 7F VOLUME 0...127 64 00 - 7F VELOCITY SENSE DEPTH 0...127 40 0D 1 00 - 7F VELOCITY SENSE OFFSET 0...127 40 0E 1 00 - 7F PAN RND, L63...C...R63 40 0F 1 00 - 7F NOTE LIMIT LOW C-2...G8 00 10 1 00 - 7F NOTE LIMIT HIGH 11 1 00 - 7F DRY LEVEL 0...127 7F 12 1 00 - 7F CHORUS SEND 0...127 00 13 1 00 - 7F REVERB SEND 0...127 28 14 1 00 - 7F VARIATION SEND 0...127 00 15 1 00 - 7F VIBRATO RATE -64...0...+63 40 16 1 00 - 7F VIBRATO DEPTH -64...0...+63 40(drum part ignores) 17 1 00 - 7F VIBRATO DELAY -64...0...+63 40(drum part ignores) (H) 18 1 LOW PASS FILTER 00 - 7F CUTOFF FREQUENCY -64...0...+63 40 3n 19 1 00 - 7F -64...0...+63 40 1A 1 00 - 7F EG ATTACK TIME -64...0...+63 1B 1 00 - 7F EG DECAY TIME 1C 1 00 - 7F EG RELEASE TIME LOW PASS FILTER RESONANCE C-2...G8 7F <Table 1 - 6> MIDI Parameter Change table (DRUM SETUP) Address rr Size Data (H) (H) Parameter Description Default value (H) 00 1 00 - 7F PITCH COARSE -64...0...+63 01 1 00 - 7F PITCH FINE -64...0...+63[cent] 40 02 1 00 - 7F LEVEL 0...127 depend on the note 40 40 03 1 00 - 7F ALTERNATE GROUP OFF, 1...127 “ -64...0...+63 40 04 1 00 - 7F PAN RND, L63...C...R63 “ -64...0...+63 40 05 1 00 - 7F REVERB SEND 0...127 “ 06 1 00 - 7F CHORUS SEND 0...127 “ 1D 1 28 - 58 MW PITCH CONTROL -24...0...+24[semitones] 40 1 00 - 7F VARIATION SEND 0...127 7F 1 00 - 7F MW LOW PASS FILTER CONTROL 07 1E -9600...0...+9450[cent] 40 08 1 00 - 01 KEY ASSIGN SINGLE, MULTI 00 1F 1 00 - 7F MW AMPLITUDE CONTROL -100...0...+100[%] 40 09 1 00 - 01 Rcv NOTE OFF OFF, ON depend on the note 20 1 00 - 7F MW LFO PMOD DEPTH 0...127 0A 0A 1 00 - 01 Rcv NOTE ON OFF, ON 01 21 1 00 - 7F MW LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 0B 1 00 - 7F 40 1 00 - 7F MW LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 LOW PASS FILTER CUTOFF FREQUENCY -64...0...63 22 23 1 28 - 58 BEND PITCH CONTROL -24...0...+24[semitones] 42 0C 1 00 - 7F -64...0...63 40 24 1 00 - 7F BEND LOWPASS FILTER CONTROL LOW PASS FILTER RESONANCE -9600...0...+9450[cent] 40 0D 1 00 - 7F EG ATTACK RATE -64...0...63 40 25 1 00 - 7F BEND AMPLITUDE CONTROL -100...0...+100[%] 40 0E 1 00 - 7F EG DECAY1 RATE -64...0...63 40 26 1 00 - 7F BEND LFO PMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 0F 1 00 - 7F EG DECAY2 RATE -64...0...63 40 27 1 00 - 7F BEND LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 1 00 - 7F BEND LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 28 TOTAL SIZE nn 00 02 06 08 AC2 PITCH CONTROL n = DRUM SETUP NUMBER(0 - 1) rr = NOTE NUMBER(0D - 5B) 29 30 1 00 - 01 Rcv PITCH BEND OFF, ON 01 31 1 00 - 01 Rcv CH AFTER TOUCH(CAT) OFF, ON 01 32 1 00 - 01 Rcv PROGRAM CHANGE OFF, ON 01 33 1 00 - 01 Rcv CONTROL CHANGE OFF, ON 01 34 1 00 - 01 Rcv POLY AFTER TOUCH(PAT) OFF, ON 01 35 1 00 - 01 Rcv NOTE MESSAGE OFF, ON 01 36 1 00 - 01 Rcv RPN OFF, ON 01 37 1 00 - 01 Rcv NRPN OFF, ON XGmode=01, GMmode=00 38 1 00 - 01 Rcv MODURATION OFF, ON 01 39 1 00 - 01 Rcv VOLUME OFF, ON 01 3A 1 00 - 01 Rcv PAN OFF, ON 01 3B 1 00 - 01 Rcv EXPRESSION OFF, ON 01 3C 1 00 - 01 Rcv HOLD1 OFF, ON 01 3D 1 00 - 01 Rcv PORTAMENTO OFF, ON 01 3E 1 00 - 01 Rcv SOSTENUTO OFF, ON 01 3F 1 00 - 01 Rcv SOFT PEDAL OFF, ON 01 40 1 00 - 01 Rcv BANK SELECT OFF, ON XGmode=01, GMmode=00 41 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING C -64...0...+63[cent] 40 42 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING C# -64...0...+63[cent] 40 43 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING D -64...0...+63[cent] 40 44 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING D# -64...0...+63[cent] 40 45 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING E -64...0...+63[cent] 40 46 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING F -64...0...+63[cent] 40 47 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING F# -64...0...+63[cent] 40 48 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING G -64...0...+63[cent] 40 49 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING G# -64...0...+63[cent] 40 4A 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING A -64...0...+63[cent] 40 4B 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING A# -64...0...+63[cent] 40 4C 1 00 - 7F SCALE TUNING B -64...0...+63[cent] 40 4D 1 28 - 58 CAT PITCH CONTROL -24...0...+24[semitones] 40 4E 1 00 - 7F CAT LOW PASS FILTER CONTROL -9600...0...+9450[cent] 40 4F 1 00 - 7F CAT AMPLITUDE CONTROL -100...0...+100[%] 40 50 TOTAL SIZE 10 1 00 - 7F CAT LFO PMOD DEPTH 0...127 In the following cases, the S03 will initialize all Drum Setups. XG SYSTEM ON received GM SYSTEM ON received DRUM SETUP RESET received (the designated Drum Setup only when in XG mode) [Note] When a part to which a Drum Setup is assigned receives a program change, the assigned Drum Setup will be initialized. If the same Drum Setup is assigned to two or more parts, changes in Drum Setup parameters (including program changes) will apply to all parts to which it is assigned. <Table 2 - 1> Native Parameter Base Address MODEL ID = 6C Parameter Description Remarks Address (H) (M) (L) NATIVE SYSTEM 00 00 00 Native System REMOTE SWITCH 0A 00 00 Remote Switch Receives parameter change only BULK CONTROL 0E 00 00 Header Bulk dump only 0F 00 00 Footer 30 00 00 Multi Common MULTI COMMON MULTI EFFECT 30 01 00 Multi Effect Bulk dump only MULTI PART 31 00 00 Multi Part 1 Bulk dump only 31 0F 00 Multi Part 16 NORMAL VOICE COMMON 40 00 00 Normal Voice Common NORMAL VOICE ELEMENT 41 00 00 Normal Voice Element 1 41 03 00 Normal Voice Element 4 46 00 00 Drum Voice Common 47 0D 00 Drum Voice Key : : 00 51 1 00 - 7F CAT LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 DRUM VOICE COMMON 52 1 00 - 7F CAT LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 DRUM VOICE KEY 53 1 28 - 58 PAT PITCH CONTROL -24...0...+24[semitones] 40 PAT LOW PASS FILTER CONTROL 54 1 00 - 7F -9600...0...+9450[cent] 40 55 1 00 - 7F PAT AMPLITUDE CONTROL -100...0...+100[%] 40 47 0D 00 note number 13 56 1 00 - 7F PAT LFO PMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 47 0E 00 note number 14 57 1 00 - 7F PAT LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 58 1 00 - 7F PAT LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 47 5B 00 note number 91 59 1 00 - 5F AC1 CONTROLLER NUMBER 0...95 10 5A 1 28 - 58 -24...0...+24[semitones] 40 5B 1 AC1 LOW PASS FILTER 00 - 7F CONTROL -9600...0...+9450[cent] 40 5C 1 00 - 7F AC1 AMPLITUDE CONTROL -100...0...+100[%] 40 AC1 PITCH CONTROL Address Parameter : 24 : <Table 2 - 2> <Table 2 - 5> Bulk Dump Block MIDI Parameter Change table (REMOTE SWITCH) Parameter Block Description Byte Count Address Top Address Dec Hex H M L 22 16 00 00 00 0A NATIVE SYSTEM Native System NATIVE MULTI Bulk Header 0 00 0E mm nn 13 0B 30 00 00 EFFECT Reverb Parameter 20 14 30 01 00 Chorus Parameter 53 35 30 01 20 Variation Parameter 103 67 30 01 40 43 2B 31 00 00 16 Blocks : : : : Multi Part16 43 2B 31 0F 00 Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn COMMON Common PART Multi Part1 : NATIVE NORMAL VOICE Bulk Header COMMON Common1 Common2 0 00 0E mm nn 12 0C 40 00 00 33 21 40 00 10 ELEMENT Element1 106 6A 41 00 00 Element2 106 6A 41 01 00 Element3 106 6A 41 02 00 Element4 106 6A 41 03 00 ELEMENT OPTION Element Option1 52 34 42 00 00 Element Option2 52 34 42 01 00 Element Option3 52 34 42 02 00 Element Option4 52 34 42 03 00 Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn NATIVE DRUM VOICE 0 00 0E mm nn COMMON Common 10 0A 46 00 00 KEY Key C#-1 Bulk Header 16 10 47 0D 00 79 Blocks : : : : Key G5 16 10 47 5B 00 Bulk Footer 0 00 0F mm nn : 00 MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE SYSTEM) Size Data (H) (H) (H) 00 00 Parameter Description Default value 00 1 00 - 60 MW Transmit Control Number 0...95(0,32=off), AT(96) 01 1 00 - 60 FC Transmit Control Number 0...95(0,32=off), AT(96) 10 0...95(0,32=off), PC INC(96), PC DEC(97) 40 02 1 00 - 61 FS Transmit Control Number 03 1 00 - 01 Voice Mode Controller Reset Hold, Reset 01 04 1 00 - 01 Local Switch off, on 01 Description 00 1 01 MULTI on 01 1 01 VOICE on 02 1 01 DEMO on 03 1 01 UTILITY on 04 1 01 MIDI on 05 1 01 EDIT on 06 1 01 JOB on 07 1 01 STORE on 08 1 01 PART PLUS on 09 1 01 PART MINUS on 0A 1 01 PART PLUS + MINUS on 0B 1 01 INC/YES on 0C 1 01 DEC/NO on 0D 1 01 PAGE UP on 0E 1 01 PAGE DOWN on 0F 1 01 LEFT on 10 1 01 RIGHT on 11 1 01 OCT DOWN on 12 1 01 OCT UP on 13 1 01 OCT DOWN + UP on 14 1 01 ENTER 15 1 01 EXIT on 16 1 01 CATEGORY SEARCH on 17 1 01 PRESET on 1 01 USER on on 19 1 01 GM/XG on 1A 1 01 DRUM + USER on 1B 1 01 DRUM + GM/XG on 1C 1 01 0 on 1D 1 01 1 on 1E 1 01 2 on 1F 1 01 3 on 20 1 01 4 on 21 1 01 5 on 22 1 01 6 on 23 1 01 7 on 24 1 01 8 on 25 1 01 9 on 26 1 01 MINUS on 27 1 01 MUTE on 05 1 00 - 10 Receive Channel 1...16, omni 10 06 1 00 - 0F Transmit Channel 1...16 00 07 1 00 - 01 off, on 01 Receive Program Change MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE MULTI COMMON) Address Size Data (H) (H) (H) 30 00 Parameter Description Default value (H) 00 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 1 32...127(ASCII) 49 ('I') 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 2 32...127(ASCII) 6E ('n') 08 1 00 - 01 Receive Bank Select off, on 01 01 09 1 00 - 01 Transmit Program Change off, on 01 02 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 3 32...127(ASCII) 69 ('i') 0A 1 00 - 01 Transmit Bank Select off, on 01 03 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 4 32...127(ASCII) 74 ('t') 0B 1 3D - 43 Octave Shift -3 ...+3 40 04 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 5 32...127(ASCII) 20 (' ') 05 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 6 32...127(ASCII) 4D ('M') 06 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 7 32...127(ASCII) 6C ('l') 07 1 20 - 7F Multi Name 8 32...127(ASCII) 74 ('t') 1 00 - 10 0, 2...16(--, PF, OR, GT, BA, ST, BR, RP, LD, PD, SC, CP, DR, SE, ME, CO) 00 ('--') 09 1 00 - 7F Multi Volume 0...127 7F 0A 1 28 - 58 -24...+24 40 0C 1 35 - 4B Keyboard Transpose -11... +11 40 0D 1 00 - 05 normal, soft1, soft2, easy, wide, hard 03 0E 1 00 - 7F Fixed Velocity off,1...127 00 Velocity Curve 0F 1 00 - 01 Voice Effect Bypass off, on 00 10 1 00 - 5F Voice Mode AC1 Control Number 0...95 00 11 1 00 - 07 Thru Port 1...8 00 4 00 MASTER TUNE -102.4...0...+102.3[cent] 13 00 - 07 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 14 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 15 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 08 00 04 00 00 MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE MULTI EFFECT) Address (H) 30 01 MIDI Parameter Change table (BULK CONTROL) Address nn Multi Transpose <Table 2 - 7> <Table 2 - 4> (H) Multi Category TOTAL SIZE 0B 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 0F Parameter <Table 2 - 6> TOTAL SIZE 16 00 (H) (H) 01 12 0E Data (H) 18 <Table 2 - 3> Address Size (H) 00 02 Size Data (H) (H) 2 1 Description Default value (H) 00 - 7F REVERB TYPE MSB Refer to Effect Program List 01(=HALL1) 00 - 7F REVERB TYPE LSB “ 00 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 1 “ 12(depends on reverb type) Size Data Description 03 (H) (H) 04 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 3 “ 08(“) - Normal Voice PRESET (nn = 0 - 127) 05 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 4 “ 0D(“) 0 Parameter Bulk Header 06 1 Parameter 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 2 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 5 “ “ 0A(“) 31(“) 08 nn 0 - Normal Voice USER (nn = 0 - 127) 0F nn 0 - Normal Voice Edit Buffer (nn = 0) 07 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 6 “ 00(“) 08 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 7 “ 00(“) 28 nn 0 - Drum Voice USER (nn = 0 - 1) 2F nn 0 - Drum Voice Edit Buffer (nn = 0) 40 nn 0 - Multi USER (nn = 0 - 31) 0A 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 9 “ 00(“) 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 10 “ 00(“) 41 nn 0 - 7F nn 0 - 00 nn 0 - 08 0F nn nn 0 0 - Bulk Footer 09 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 8 “ 00(“) Multi Edit Buffer (nn=0) 0B Drum Voice S03 Kit (nn = 120 - 127) 0C Normal Voice PRESET (nn = 0 - 127) 0D 1 01 - 7F REVERB PAN L63...C...R63 40 Normal Voice USER (nn = 0 - 127) 0E 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 11 Refer to Effect Parameter List 00(depends on reverb type) Normal Voice Edit Buffer (nn = 0) 0F 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 12 “ 04(“) 10 1 1 00 - 7F REVERB RETURN 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 13 -∞dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 40 “ 32(“) 28 nn 0 - Drum Voice USER (nn = 0 - 1) 2F nn 0 - Drum Voice Edit Buffer (nn = 0) 11 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 14 “ 08(“) Multi USER (nn = 0 - 31) 12 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 15 “ 40(“) 13 1 00 - 7F REVERB PARAMETER 16 “ 00(“) 40 nn 0 - 41 nn 0 - Multi Edit Buffer (nn=0) 7F nn 0 - Drum Voice S03 Kit (nn = 120 - 127) TOTAL SIZE 14 30 25 01 20 2 22 1 00 - 7F CHORUS TYPE MSB Refer to Effect Program List 41(=CHORUS1) 00 - 7F CHORUS TYPE LSB “ 00 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 1 “ 06(depends on chorus type) 23 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 2 “ 36(“) 24 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 3 “ 4D(“) 25 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 4 “ 6A(“) 26 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 5 “ 00(“) 27 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 6 “ 1C(“) 28 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 7 “ 40(“) 29 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 8 “ 2E(“) 2A 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 9 “ 40(“) 2B 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 10 “ 40(“) Address Size (H) (H) 1F Data Parameter Description (H) Default value (H) 1 00 - 5F AC1 CONTROLLER NUMBER 0...95 20 1 AC1 LOW PASS FILTER 00 - 7F CONTROL -9600...0...+9450[cent] 10 40 21 1 00 - 7F AC1 LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 00 - 7F CHORUS RETURN -∞dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 40 22 1 00 - 7F AC1 LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 2D 1 01 - 7F CHORUS PAN L63...C...R63(1...64...127) 40 23 1 00 - 01 OFF, ON 00 2E 1 00 - 7F SEND CHORUS TO REVERB -∞dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 00 24 1 00 - 7F PORTAMENTO TIME 0...127 00 2F 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 11 Refer to Effect Parameter List 2E(depends on chorus type) 25 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG INITIAL LEVEL -64...0...+63 40 30 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 12 “ 40(“) 26 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG ATTACK TIME -64...0...+63 40 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG RELEASE LEVEL -64...0...+63 40 2C 1 PORTAMENTO SWITCH 0A(“) 27 32 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 14 “ 00(“) 28 1 00 - 7F PITCH EG RELEASE TIME -64...0...+63 40 33 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 15 “ 00(“) 29 1 01 - 7F VELOCITY LIMIT LOW 1...127 01 34 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 16 “ 00(“) 2A 1 01 - 7F VELOCITY LIMIT HIGH 1...127 7F 31 1 00 - 7F CHORUS PARAMETER 13 “ TOTAL SIZE 2B TOTAL SIZE 35 nn = PART NUMBER(00 - 0F) 30 01 40 2 42 2 00 - 7F VARIATION TYPE MSB Refer to Effect Program List 05(=DELAY L, C, R) 00 - 7F VARIATION TYPE LSB “ 00 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 1 MSB “ 1A(depends on variation type) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 1 LSB “ 05(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 2 MSB “ 0D(“) <Table 2 - 9> 44 2 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 2 LSB “ 03(“) 46 2 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 3 MSB “ 27(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 3 LSB “ 08(“) 48 2 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 4 MSB “ 27(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 4 LSB “ 08(“) (H) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 5 MSB “ 00(“) 40 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 5 LSB “ 4A(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 6 MSB “ 00(“) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 6 LSB “ 64(“) 4A 2 4C 2 4E 2 50 2 52 2 54 2 MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE NORMAL VOICE COMMON) Address 6E ('n') 05 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 3 32...127(ASCII) 69 ('i') 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 4 32...127(ASCII) 74 ('t') 20 (' ') 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 8 LSB “ 00(“) 06 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 9 MSB “ 00(“) 07 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 5 32...127(ASCII) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 9 LSB “ 00(“) 08 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 6 32...127(ASCII) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 10 MSB “ 00(“) 09 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 7 32...127(ASCII) 63 ('c') 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 10 LSB “ 20(“) 0A 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 8 32...127(ASCII) 65 ('e') 0B 1 00 - 10 0, 2...16(--, PF, OR, GT, BA, ST, BR, RP, LD, PD, SC, CP, DR, SE, ME, CO) 00 ('--') 00 - 7F SEND VARIATION TO CHORUS -∞dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 00 59 1 5A 1 00 - 01 5B 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PART NUMBER VARIATION CONNECTION 40 INSERTION, SYSTEM 00 Part1...16(0...15) MW VARIATION CONTROL 00 - 7F DEPTH 7F -64...0...+63 1 40 not used 40 5E 1 40 not used 40 AC1 VARIATION CONTROL 00 - 7F DEPTH 40 -64...0...+63 not used 40 00 40 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 12 “ 00(depends on variation type) 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 13 “ 1C(“) 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 14 “ 40(“) 65 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 15 “ 2E(“) 66 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 16 “ 40(“) Data Parameter Description (H) 00 - 7F BANK SELECT MSB 14 2 16 2 18 2 1a 2 0...127 00 - 7F Variation Type MSB Refer to Effect Program List 05(=DELAY L, C, R) 00 - 7F Variation Type LSB “ 00 00 - 7F Variation Param 1 MSB “ 1A(depends on variation type) 00 - 7F Variation Param 1 LSB “ 05(“) 00 - 7F Variation Param 2 MSB “ 0D(“) 00 - 7F Variation Param 2 LSB “ 03(“) 00 - 7F Variation Param 3 MSB “ 27(“) 00 - 7F Variation Param 3 LSB “ 08(“) 00 - 7F Variation Param 4 MSB “ 27(“) “ 08(“) 00 - 7F Variation Param 5 MSB “ 00(“) 00 - 7F Variation Param 5 LSB “ 4A(“) 1c 2 00 - 7F Variation Param 10 MSB “ 00(“) 00 - 7F Variation Param 10 LSB “ 20(“) 1e 1 00 - 7F MW Variation Control -64...0...+63 40 1f 1 00 - 7F AC1 Variation Control -64...0...+63 20 1 00 - 7F Send Chorus To Reverb 0...127 00 21 1 00 - 01 MONO, POLY 01 22 1 00 - 7F Total Volume 0...127 7F 23 1 00 - 7F Velocity Sense Depth 0...127 24 1 00 - 7F Velocity Sense Offset 0...127 40 25 1 00 - 7F Chorus Send 0...127 00 Default value 26 1 00 - 7F Reverb Send (H) 27 1 00 - 7F MW Filter Control -64...0...+63 40 part10 = 7F 28 1 00 - 7F MW PMod Depth 0...127 0A other parts=0 29 1 00 - 7F MW FMod Depth 0...127 00 MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE MULTI PART) 1 2 00 - 7F Variation Param 4 LSB <Table 2 - 8> (H) 2 12 3C(“) 63 64 Size 10 40 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 11 Refer to Effect Parameter List Voice Category 56 ('V') TOTAL SIZE 0C 40 5D 00 49 ('I') 00(“) TOTAL SIZE 67 nn 01 32...127(ASCII) “ -∞dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 00 Address bit0: element1... bit3: element4 (0:off, 1:on) 20 - 7F Voice Name 1 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 8 MSB OFF(127) 31 00 - 0F Element Switch 1 32...127(ASCII) 00 - 7F SEND VARIATION TO REVERB (H) 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 2 1 1 02 1 58 62 (H) 04 -∞dB...0dB...+6dB(0...96...127) 40 1 01 7F(0:Min)...00 00(127:Max) 00 00 0A(“) L63...C...R63(1...64...127) 61 Total Level 00 - 7F “ 00 - 7F VARIATION RETURN 1 Default value 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 7 LSB 01 - 7F VARIATION PAN 1 00 - 01 Description 00(“) 1 60 2 01 Parameter “ 1 5F (H) 00 - 7F VARIATION PARAMETER 7 MSB 56 1 00 Data (H) 03 57 5C 00 Size Mono/Poly 0...127 40 40 28 01 1 00 2a 1 00 - 7F MW AMod Depth 0...127 00 02 1 00 - 7F PROGRAM NUMBER 1...128 00 2b 1 28 - 58 Pitch Bend Range -24...0...+24 42 03 1 00-0F, 7F Rcv CHANNEL A1...A16, OFF Part No. 2c 1 00 - 7F AC1 Filter Control -64...0...+63 40 04 1 00 - 01 MONO/POLY MODE MONO , POLY 01 2d 1 00 - 7F AC1 FMod Depth 0...127 00 05 1 00 - 03 PART MODE NORMAL, DRUM, DRUMS1...2 Part10=2 2e 1 00 - 7F AC1 AMod Depth 0...127 00 other parts=0 2f 1 00 - 01 OFF, ON 00 06 1 28 - 58 NOTE SHIFT -24...0...+24[semitones] 40 30 1 00 - 7F Portamento Time 0...127 00 07 2 00 - 0F DETUNE -12.8...0...+12.7[Hz] 08 00 00 - 0F 1st bit3-0→bit7-4 08 00 - 7F BANK SELECT LSB 0...127 Portament Switch TOTAL SIZE 21 2nd bit3-0→bit3-0 09 1 00 - 7F VOLUME 0...127 64 0A 1 00 - 7F VELOCITY SENSE DEPTH 0...127 40 0B 1 00 - 7F VELOCITY SENSE OFFSET 0...127 40 0C 1 00 - 7F PAN RND, L63...C...R63 <Table 2 - 10> MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE NORMAL VOICE ELEMENT) 40 0D 1 00 - 7F NOTE LIMIT LOW C-2...G8 00 0E 1 00 - 7F NOTE LIMIT HIGH C-2...G8 7F 0F 1 00 - 7F CHORUS SEND 0...127 00 10 1 00 - 7F REVERB SEND 0...127 28 (H) 11 1 00 - 7F VARIATION SEND 0...127 00 41 12 1 00 - 7F VIBRATO RATE -64...0...+63 40 01 13 1 00 - 7F VIBRATO DEPTH -64...0...+63 40(drum part ignores) 02 14 1 00 - 7F VIBRATO DELAY 15 1 00 - 7F 00 Data (H) (H) 2 00 - 01 Parameter Description Element Level 0...255 Wave Number 1...453 (H) 00 - 7F 2 00 - 02 Default value 00 7F 00 -64...0...+63 40(drum part ignores) 03 -64...0...+63 40 04 1 00 - 7F Pan Scale, L63...C...R63 40 LOW PASS FILTER RESONANCE 05 1 00 - 01 Brk.p, Table 00 -64...0...+63 40 06 1 00 - 7F Level Scaling BP1 C-2...G8 18 -64...0...+63 40 07 1 00 - 7F Level Scaling BP2 C-2...G8 30 08 1 00 - 7F Level Scaling BP3 C-2...G8 60 09 1 00 - 7F Level Scaling BP4 C-2...G8 6C 0A 2 00 - 01 Level Scaling Offset1 -128...+0...+127 Level Scaling Offset2 -128...+0...+127 1 00 - 7F 17 1 00 - 7F EG ATTACK TIME 1 ee Size LOW PASS FILTER CUTOFF FREQUENCY 16 18 Address 00 - 7F EG DECAY TIME 19 1 00 - 7F EG RELEASE TIME 1A 1 00 - 7F 1B 1 1C -64...0...+63 40 -64...0...+63 40 -9600...0...+9450[cent] 40 0B 00 - 7F MW LFO PMOD DEPTH 0...127 0A 0C 1 00 - 7F MW LFO FMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 0D 1D 1 00 - 7F MW LFO AMOD DEPTH 0...127 00 0E 1E 1 28 - 58 -24...0...+24[semitones] 42 0F MW LOW PASS FILTER CONTROL BEND PITCH CONTROL 26 00 - 7F 1D Level Scaling Flag 00 - 7F 2 00 - 01 00 - 7F 2 00 - 01 00 - 7F 00 00 00 00 Level Scaling Offset3 -128...+0...+127 00 00 Address (H) 10 Size (H) 2 00 - 01 11 12 Data (H) Parameter Description Level Scaling Offset4 -128...+0...+127 00 - 7F 1 00 - 7F Note Limit Low C-2...G8 Default value 04 00 - 0F Scaling Pan Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00 (H) 05 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00 00 06 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00 00 07 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 05 00 08 00 - 0F Tuning Curve Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 0f 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 0f 0f 13 1 00 - 7F Note Limit High C-2...G8 7F 14 1 01 - 7F Velocity Limit Low 1...127 01 0A 15 1 01 - 7F Velocity Limit High 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 0f 16 1 01 - 7F Note Shift -63...0...+63 40 0C 00 - 0F Cutoff Scaling Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 0f 17 1 01 - 7F Detune -63...0...+63 40 0D 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 0f 18 1 00 - 05 100%, 50%, 20%, 10%, 5%, 0% 00 0E 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 0f Pitch Scaling Sensitivity 1...127 0B 7F 19 1 00 - 7F Pitch Scaling Center C-2...G8 3C 0F 1A 1 00 - 02 LFO Wave Saw, Tri, S&H 01 10 1B 1 00 - 01 LFO Phase Init OFF, ON 01 1C 1 00 - 3F LFO Speed 0...63 1F 1D 1 00 - 7F PLFO Delay 0...127 00 1E 1 00 - 7F PLFO Fade Time 0...127 00 1 00 - 7F LFO Pmod Depth 0...127 1 00 - 7F LFO Fmod Depth 0...127 00 21 1 00 - 7F LFO Amod Depth 0...127 00 22 1 39 - 47 PEG Level Velocity Sensitivity -7...+0...+7 1 39 - 47 PEG Rate Velocity Sensitivity -7...+0...+7 40 24 1 39 - 47 PEG Rate Scaling Sensitivity -7...+0...+7 40 25 1 PEG Rate Scaling Center 00 - 7F Note C-2...G8 3C 26 1 00 - 3F PEG Attack Rate 0...63 00 27 1 00 - 3F PEG Decay1 Rate 0...63 00 28 1 00 - 3F PEG Decay2 Rate 0...63 00 29 1 00 - 3F PEG Release Rate 0...63 00 2A 2 2D - 52 PEG Initial Level -2400...+0...+2400 40 2 2D - 52 PEG Attack Level 2B 00 - 7F 2D 2E 00 - 7F 2 2F 30 2D - 52 PEG Decay2 Level 2 2D - 52 PEG Release Level -2400...+0...+2400 00 - 7F 35 40 00 00 - 0F Filter Cutoff Frequency 0...2047 00 - 7F 37 1 00 - 01 38 1 00 - 7F Filter Cutoff Scaling BP1 39 1 00 - 7F Filter utoff Scaling BP2 C-2...G8 30 3A 1 00 - 7F Filter Cutoff Scaling BP3 C-2...G8 60 3B 1 00 - 7F Filter Cutoff Scaling BP4 C-2...G8 3C 2 00 - 01 -128...+0...+127 3D 3E 2 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset1 06 Brk.p, Table 00 C-2...G8 18 00 - 01 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset2 -128...+0...+127 2 00 - 01 -128...+0...+127 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset4 -128...+0...+127 00 - 7F 2 43 00 - 01 6C 00 1 00 - 0f Filter Cutoff Scaling Sensitivity 0...15 1 00 - 0f Cutoff Velocity Sensitivity 0...15 00 46 1 00 - 7F FEG Hold Rate 0...127 00 47 1 00 - 7F FEG Attack Rate 0...127 00 48 1 00 - 7F FEG Decay1 Rate 0...127 00 00 49 1 00 - 7F FEG Decay2 Rate 0...127 00 4A 1 00 - 7F FEG Release Rate 0...127 00 4B 2 30 - 4F FEG Initial Level -2047...+0...+2047 40 00 - 7F 2 4E 4F 51 52 53 30 - 4F FEG Attack Level -2047...+0...+2047 -2047...+0...+2047 00 17 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 07 18 FEG Depth Velocity Curve 00 - 0F Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00 19 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00 1A 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 01 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00 4 00 - 0F 4 00 - 0F Resonance Velocity Curve Table Number 1D 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00 1E 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 02 00 - 0F FEG Rate Velocity Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00 21 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00 22 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00 - 0F 4 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 4 30 - 4F FEG Decay2 Level 25 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00 26 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 27 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 4 00 - 0F AEG Rate Scaling Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 -2047...+0...+2047 -2047...+0...+2047 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 07 00 - 0F AEG Level Velocity Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00 2D 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 2E 4 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00 2F 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 01 4 00 - 0F AEG Rate Velocity Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00 32 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 00 33 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 01 46 00 40 40 40 40 Size Data (H) (H) Parameter Description (H) 00 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 1 32...127(ASCII) 49 ('I') 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 2 32...127(ASCII) 6E ('n') 02 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 3 32...127(ASCII) 69 ('i') 03 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 4 32...127(ASCII) 74 ('t') 04 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 5 32...127(ASCII) 20 (' ') 05 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 6 32...127(ASCII) 4B ('K') 06 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 7 32...127(ASCII) 69 ('i') 07 1 20 - 7F Voice Name 8 32...127(ASCII) 74 ('t') 00 ('--') 00 00 - 0F FEG Rate Scaling Sensitivity 0...15 00 08 1 00 - 10 Voice Category 00 - 0F Filter Scaling Velocity Sensitivity 0...15 00 09 1 00 - 13 Original Kit 01(StandKit) ...20(SFX Kit2) 57 1 00 - 0F Resonance Velocity Sensitivity TOTAL SIZE 58 1 39 - 47 00 FEG Attack Rate Velocity Sensitivity 0...15 00 -7...+0...+7 40 59 1 39 - 47 FEG Other Rate Velocity Sensitivity -7...+0...+7 40 5A 1 00 - 0f Keyon Delay 0...15 00 5B 1 00 - 7F AEG Attack Rate 0...127 7F 5C 1 00 - 7F AEG Decay1 Rate 0...127 00 5D 1 00 - 7F AEG Decay2 Rate 0...127 00 5E 1 - - 5F 1 00 - 7F AEG Release Rate 0...127 50 60 2 00 - 01 01 7F(0:Min)...00 00(255:Max) 00 66 67 00 - 01 1 Address (H) 47 Size (H) rr Data Parameter Description (H) Default value (H) 00 1 00 - 7F Pitch Coarse -64...0...+63(semitones) 40 -64...0...+63(cent) 40 AEG Decay Level 01 7F(0:Min)...00 00(255:Max) 00 01 1 00 - 7F Pitch Fine 00 02 1 00 - 7F Level 0...127 depend on the note AEG Sustain Level 01 7F(0:Min)...00 00(255:Max) 00 03 1 00 - 7F Alternate Group 0ff, 1..127 depend on the note 00 04 1 00 - 7F Pan Random, L63..C..R63 00 05 1 00 - 7F Reverb Send 0...127 depend on the note 00 06 1 00 - 7F Chorus Send 0...127 depend on the note 00 07 1 - - -- 08 1 00 - 01 Key Assign 09 1 00 - 01 Receve Note Off OFF, ON depend on the note 0a 1 00 - 01 Receive Note On OFF, ON 01 0b 1 00 - 7F Filter Cutoff Frequency 00 - 7F 1 MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE DRUM VOICE KEY) 00 00 - 7F 2 65 0A <Table 2 - 12> 00 - 7F 63 64 not used AEG Initial Level Default value 01 1 00 - 01 00 31 1 2 00 00 - 0F 00 - 0F 56 62 00 2A 55 00 - 7F 61 06 00 2B Address 00 30 - 4F FEG Release Level - 03 00 0, 2...16(--, PF, OR, GT, BA, ST, BR, RP, LD, PD, SC, CP, DR, SE, ME, CO) 54 00 00 - 0F AEG Level Scaling Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 (H) 00 00 - 7F 2 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 MIDI Parameter Change table (NATIVE DRUM VOICE COMMON) 00 30 - 4F FEG Decay1 Level 00 - 7F 2 00 - 0F <Table 2 - 11> 00 00 - 7F 2 50 00 16 ee = ELEMENT NUMBER(00 - 03) 00 45 4D 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00 44 4C 00 - 0F TOTAL SIZE 34 00 00 00 - 7F 00 15 30 00 00 Filter Cutoff Scaling Offset3 01 00 - 0F FEG Rate Scaling Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 2C 00 00 - 7F 41 42 Filter Cutoff Scaling Flag 0...63 00 - 7F 3F 40 00 - 3F Filter Resonance 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 4 29 7F 1 00 00 - 0F 28 0F 36 00 24 40 00 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 23 00 -2400...+0...+2400 00 - 7F 2 40 0f 00 - 0F 20 00 2 33 34 -2400...+0...+2400 00 - 7F 31 32 2D - 52 PEG Decay1 Level 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 12 1F 00 Cutoff Velocity Curve Table Number 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 1B 40 00 - 0F 00 - 0F 1C 00 -2400...+0...+2400 00 - 0F 4 11 14 40 23 00 - 0F 4 13 00 20 2C 00 - 0F Level Scaling Sensitivity 00 - 0F AEG Rate Scaling Sensitivity 0...15 0...15 68 1 00 - 0F AEG Level Velocity Sensitivity 0...15 69 1 00 - 0F AEG Attack Rate Velocity Sensitivity 0...15 00 TOTAL SIZE 6A ee 4 09 1F 42 4 not used Single, Multi 0...127 depend on the note 00 7F 0c 1 00 - 7F Filter Resonance 0...63 10 1 00 - 7F EG Attack Rate 0...127 7F 00 - 0F Level Scaling Table Number 0...65535, 1st bit3-0→bit15-12 00 0d 01 00 - 0F 2nd bit3-0→bit11-8 00 0e 1 00 - 7F EG Decay1 Rate 0...127 40 02 00 - 0F 3rd bit3-0→bit7-4 06 0f 1 00 - 7F EG Decay2 Rate 0...127 40 03 00 - 0F 4th bit3-0→bit3-0 00 00 4 TOTAL SIZE 10 rr = NOTE NUMBER(0D - 5B) 27 YAMAHA [ Music Synthesizer ] Model S03 MIDI Implementation Chart Function... Transmitted Recognized Basic Channel Default Changed 1 - 16 1 - 16 1 - 16 1 - 16 Mode Default Messages Altered 3 ˛ 3 1 - 4(m=1) ************** ˛ 0 - 127 ************** 0 - 127 0 - 127 Note Number : True voice Velocity Note ON Ø 9nH,v=1-127 Note OFF ˛ 9nH,v=0 Ø ˛ After Touch Key's Ch's Ø Ø ˛ Ø *3 Pitch Bend Ø Ø Control Change Ø ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø 0 - 127 ************** Ø Ø Ø : Song Pos. ˛ : Song Sel. ˛ : Tune ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ Prog Change 0,32 1,5,7,10,11 6,38 64-67 71-74 84 91,93,94 96-97 98-99 100-101 1-31,33-95 : True # System Exclusive Common Date :27-DEC-2000 Version : 1.0 Remarks Memorized Memorized *2 9nH,v=1-127 *1 *1 0-24 semi *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ : : : Mes- : sages: : ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ Ø ˛ Ø (120,126,127) Ø (121) ˛ Ø (123-125) Ø ˛ Notes: All Sound Off Reset All Cntrls Local ON/OFF All Notes OFF Active Sense Reset Data Entry Sound Controller Portamento Cntrl Effect Depth RPN Inc,Dec NRPN LSB,MSB RPN LSB,MSB Assignable Cntrl 0 - 127 0 - 127 System : Clock Real Time : Commands Aux Bank Select *1 receive if switch is on. *2 m is always treated as "1" regardless of its value. *3 though the keyboard itself has no after touch, after touch data can be transmitted from MW and FC when after touch is assigned to the controllers. Mode 1 : OMNI ON , POLY Mode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 2 : OMNI ON ,MONO Mode 4 : OMNI OFF,MONO Ø ˛ : Yes : No
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Yamaha S03 Data papier

Data papier